HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-08-19, Page 13Now a good salary Opportunity -security for you in a business careEr Goderich B°u s i n e s s C®Ileg..e Clerical, Secretarial, Medical -Secretarial Courses 524-8521 Res. 524-87i2 •A A scholar, a, musician, a clergyma,�n 1 Torn LU�rctwas I�ved by all who knew BY W.E. ELLIOTT Somewhere about this time, +► „ A bush lot in Lake Road Capt. Luard took off to help put Wesi, Colborne township, was down the Mackenzie 'Rebellion. the birthplace of "a graceful ` Dr. Dunlop, who commanded • scholar, a'skilled musician," wlt'o the Huron .volunteers, named -as was as Angl can clergyman for company commanders Capt. seven daayrs, the final week of a Tom Luard, Henry Hyndman, short life. Rev. Thomas Davies Capt. John Annand and William Luard "was buried in a plot he. Fisher Gooding. had acquired from St. Paul's Luard was assigned to .,Cathedral,.,,L don, Ont.,. shout conimand....f .. the .artilicr~y.... ,at two years before his death, in Chippewa and given the task of return- '--fo lfre.'' ervices—qr -shelling the Americans from organist. •• 4. , When Henry Hyndman, later 'sherriff Huron District, arrived w from Scotland in, 1832, he had with him an entourage of a, dozen. His son's wife" was a y • Navy island. This ;he did so eff,ectivkly, • according to' Historian- James -Scott, that he was offered 'further commands in the army and, continued in that field until he died at daughter of Rev. Thomas Prescott in 185. It seems to Morgan, a tutor in the family of indicate a rather lonely life for George III. Her sister, Louisa Louisa Georgina Sophia, but Georgina—Sophia Morgan; v ho--- -perhaps-the captain -got home on— had'come out to be governess to leave from time to time,. there the Hyndman 'children',, was being no further wars at the instead . married to Captain time. He was a justice of the Thomas W. Luard, -R.A. This gunnery officer has been the "Colborne ..eli•que,'•' for in described as "a 'tall, 1836 he petitioned the distinguished -looking man, with Legislative Assembly concerning a bearing at once military, and the ."gross • misconduct" of • fashionable." He had served in Thomas Mercer Jones, `_Canada the West.,Indies, Cpmpany commissioner. .a • Capt. Luard,` it -was--said, Langford -.on -the -lake, as "desired to get away,,. from the Luard called his 'Place, after his world." To this' end he chose a farmer, home, in Essex, England, lonely spot on the Lake Huron would,' be -'lonely enough' in °the shore west of what is ' now 18'30's when reached only by a Sheppardton. It hasbeen set trail where 'Highway 21 runs down—the—Luard "went beyond now, but it was only four and, .the Canada•Company tract into one-half miles north of • , the. Crown lands'` of Ashfield." "Lunderston," -the . Hyndman On the •.contrary, the record estate north of Dunlop.' shows that he bought.....Lot- 17, The late Laurence Nicholson, Lake Road West,'Co1borp .,:n,ow ' of Toronto,' reminisced , of for many years the farm of Earl "boyhood days in Goderich when Bogie. , This' lot had been he and other young cyclists rode purchased RI the first place by •"a . dreary. road" from Dr. William Dunlop from the Sheppardton to the lake bank. Canada Company.' "Along with . 'Walking along the beach, he Baron van Tuyll, the "Tiger" recalled, there were two gulleysz had acquired most of the lake the second or northerly, one shore land north of the "with steps of stone," only a Maitland. He sold Lot ' 17• to. trickle ' of water' flowing down John A. Stewart, 'who on the them. This,- he was told, - was 's a m e ' date Dec . 6 , where the stones for 'filling .the 1837—executed a trust ded to ' cribs of _Goderich piers came Thomas W. Luard, Louisa G.S. from, a long while ago. He . Luard,. William Dunlop, 'Henry understood that the stones were "► Hyndman and Rev. Francis hauled to Goderich on sleighs in Campbell, . minister of St. the winter. George's, Goderich ' (Why ,a, " In . ,the creek area, Mr. "trust deed"? Ato this late date, Nicholson said, was a flat piece better not start "trying- to find of land, half=way down the cliff what that was about.) and some acres in extent, on Captain Luard and the which Capt. Luard had his house Morgan girl were married Nov. 4, and outbuildings. This area, 1835. Pending the'building of a 'being somewhat• rounded, gave house on the bush lot,, they are the. place the name of . the said to'.' have occupied rented "Round Farm." A few apple accommodation at Gairbraid for trees 'remained, 'but gone wild,. a time, but no doubt they. were when Mr. Nicholson' visited_ the settled in the "lonely ' spot" place. - , when Thomas Davies Luard was In 1971 there is in .' Spring born , in March, 1837. 'much more than a trickle of „ peace; and possibly a member of. • • • • • r v*a,vytir�n •h-Ih-r � d water over' (he stone ,steps. Luard's Creek, known as such b}, many residents who do not know the origin of the name, provides in. season.- a beautiful waterfall. Mr., Bogie confirms that „ 'the. stones here were quarried—blasting holds are still ble—a i°tPlye''poi nted to a fe w in his basement wall—However, diligent , search. liar. lailc;sl_ to discover any plateau Of the dimensions described by Mr. Nicholson. There is one about an acre, Mr. Bogie states, unlikely to have been the site of buildings.. There were no schools in Colborne when '11,om Luard was young, but his mother had been a governess. At the time of his, father's death he would haus been 15. --At a date not now to -"`- be determined, he was sent to King's College — not King's College of York, but according to his mernorial plaque `,,`King's College, London England." Evidently he took a course in theology and related subjects, though..no academic degree in inscribe.!.! upon 'his memorial in St. Paul's Cathedral. . Certainly he learned the pipe organ; and was organist of the cathedral for 18, months in 1862-63. Rev. O'rlo Miller, scanning the minutes of the. Cathedral board for his book, 'Gargciy'les and Gentlemen; found that Mr. Luard was to receive as payment a lot in the cemetery, funeral expenses, , anc a receipt, for back perrent. _.. - -- In October, 1863, he resigned' as -organist and it was' reported that he was• abcmt to proceed t'o'- England. He was ordained on October 28, the diocesan then ling Bishop Benjamin Cronyn. 1{e`. Thomas . Luard did not proceed to England, and he did requlre'4he cemetery/„plot. Ido clue is afforded regarding the nature of his illness. vi I n the cathedral's south transept is a lame white plaque, -hc•aring the following urscrij' trop: ... • l sv svacs rslO ry . oaf •-it:e v Dimes Luard, born at Goderich, educated at King's ' College, London, ordained at this ,Cathedral Oct. 28th, 1863, died„ un the seventh day following, aged 26 years. "A graceful scholar, a skilled,, musician Deeply loved . by all who knew him By upright conduct he in his life wrote , k The Epitaph all covet on their tombs For if we believe that Jesus rdisidose .again, then so tjem als hich sleep in Jestis will --God bring with Him. Erected by his Personal Friends. est Wawanosh Council s � ' e diaintKreEoun ~ The ' August session of West Wawanosh Towhship Council was held in the Hall one' week later than usual, on August 10, so that . all members might attend' - Council was informed of the contents of 'a 'letter received from the Department Treasury and Economics in connection with Tile Drainage. Because the Borrowing By-law for $200,000.. passed in 1966 eras not formally approved until 1970, °the Department will honour that by-law to its limit wto " Luard's Creek, at Sheppardton, bears the name of a family settled in Colborne 134 years ago and forgotten now for a century. In Spring, it presents at the lake bank a sparkling waterfall. In Auaust ' (here shown) . the stone steps are ,almost dry. Stones from this area filled the wooden piers at Goderich harbor long ago.—photo by W.E. Elliott - r1 GODERICH SIGNAL, -STAR, THUR,SDAi"", 4UG0' 49,' 190 r es ichor . - oSons I Serving The ,F0ed Peelers of -111 Onti PHONE '0248;388. GODERICH of $200,000., Due to thiapl'act by-lawo No. ` 13, 1971, was not given third reading. Ray Travis appeared before Council in regard to having a Fenceviewers' Award enforced. The . Award was made last September and the fence has not yet been erected between Lots 19 and 20 Concession 4 where the Fenceviewers indicated. The Clerk was instructed to write by registered •mail to .the negligent party.v A letter from Mrs. T.C. Anderson regarding a right -of - y into the Anderson farm on Concession 8 was read-~ to Council and the problem was ._discussed..h,�ag.�l�,�mr,�:�'i`•t��' ��,�v�.H stated ' he .would try to ascertain through law channels what might be done to resolve this dilemma for Mrs. Anderson. ,� Three tenders received by the Clerk for the Durnin Drainage Works were opened.. A motion by Councillors McDonald and Aitchison accepte&the tender of Clarence Brickman of Sebringville at $2,620.00 for open and tile portions of the, drain. ,Jos. Postill of Clinton tendered on the tile portion alone for $1,794.00 and Robert ,Nicholson Construction of Sebringville submitted a price of $1,190.00° for the'open work. _The 1971 Budget was discussed and Council decided to meet at the Hall • on Tuesday, •----- 'gust-"1t`t; to make a final decision on ,it and to pass the necessary by-law setting 1971 'rates for taxation. RED CROSS, IS ALWAYS THERE WITH YOUR HELP WE FEEL IT WOULD BE WORTH YOUR WHILE TO LOOK AT OUR YOUNG JUNIOR RANGE PRICED FROM • TO • Fur Trim Wool Coats • SumpitioUs Fur Trim Coats • U'ntrimrned Wool Coats 441,.r3.h;." c,,s �' sr? .. w, � ,'., •::n. . cti.a ,'5 s raw ? -Aw1LA - ."„,',GODER1CH .. 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We Cater Any;Time or -Place Banquet Rooms for 25 to 400 Special Attention to Weddings PHONES 524-9'371 or 9264 a., 1 ♦ * FRIGfDAI�iE * WESTINGHOUSE * GIBSON * HOOVER Sales apd Ser')ice JEWELL BROTHER'S APPLIANCES & TV LTD. The Square -'- Goderich For FASH ION RIGHT SHOES The Place. To Go Is ROSS SHOES w., DIESEL Pumps and Injectors Repaired For All Popular Makes Huron Fuel injection Equipment Bayfield Rd.; Clinton --482-797 CHISHOLM FUELS Distributors For • PRODUCTS HOME, FARM, INDUSTRY~ *. Free Bilrner Service * Furnace Financing * Gasolines & Diesel Fuels 524-7681 QR 529-7524, For 'Pleasant Surroundin;, and' Good Food ITHE GODERICH RESTAURANT STEAK HOU Fr and TA VEN Cards For All Occasions * Gifts * Books * Stationery Supplies *' Records ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE 33 East St. 'Goderich GODERICH BUILDING CENTRE 52413383 Cambria of Anglesea D