HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-08-19, Page 1041 IA.GODERICH S1GNAL-STAR, THURSDAY1AVO.UST39, 1..971 Lagoon !content Continued.from Page 1 indi6ation that an additional cell • would. he added was the first hint that a _major expansion program would be, undertaken in the near future to help alleviate the overloaded lagoons. Since the problem has been brought into the, lime -light by the , "Save the MaitlandAsociation" ,a .num.ber of • answerrto—the—qnestion :have ben proposed, among them the aeration units recently installed at the lagoon. In a meeting with the Ontario Wat,r Resources Commission, the Ontario Federation of 'Agriculture put forward another suggestion aimed at taking the lead off the lageraps—until JO' • permanent solution can be reached. The 0.F.A: suggests that -farmers living in the immediate area of the lagoon, rent or lease their' farmland to the O.W.R.C. for the purification of sewage from the lagoon by the process of natural 4, soil filtration. According to the. Mlettrion this kind of filtration has been researched, in the United States and has been shown to work_lf soil experts from the University of Guelph gave their approval to such a program it was suggested that it I3e.tried at Listowel. , As it stands arthe moment the O.W.R.C, has indicated that the effluent stored in the two cells of the lagoon will have to start ° being emptied in about ▪ threeweeks which would mean • 0 There is always plerity of interest in the bead work, section at the Youth Environment Workshop. Here an audience crowds around (from the left) Valerie Hutchins' Bruce Carrick and Dennis Dalton as they work awayat bead projects of, their own choosing. (staff photo) Town council Continued from Page 1 finl, tourist attraction in Goderich, and since parking vas a • Town must Invest. ", - —Continued lromPage 'Department of Transport and the waterfront area. We have 'the Departme4 of Public Works many times noted the potential the Maitland' °River encouraging examination of this part of the brief," estuan, and the river wall," "it would appear that the Carroll went on to explain . -Depart-ment has interpreted t,he that, Snug Harbor officials are harbdrblief as a one-sided series presently experimenting with ;,of demands for small boat. "sli,pwcici).tchxkage"e, continued Carroll. ively small ' he letter indicates that we are investment in equipment for intere'Sted only in cncroaching 1972, we ,can maintain the on the commercial frilities for .,existing number seasonal: small boat traffic using Federal— ' boats and increase, our capacity-- funds. This is not the case." for visitors to a limited degree," said Carroll. "After that point, • however, further 'development • must occur in the Maitland River area." The Reeve registered his disappointment at the fact that "the most .important section of our. brief and the section which could have the most, desirous impact on the local and 'regional economy" received no coniment at all from the Minister. "I refer here ,to the. need for ' ,studies to examine the changing a ' trapatterns in mm the coercial • harbour," said Carroll. —me, research required is beyond our capabilities and in my opinioli..is beyond our municipal responsibilities." "Goderich Harbor can serve the mid -Western region," insisted Reeve Carroll. "Letters spould„ be sent -to lhe Ministers of the Mayor is celebritr No loitering bylaw •'Neve \\as ,i:hrlef de,eussion The.matter, at (;oderteli Town .C6010.11 by Retv Paul • l tpossihi1it ut. he b3,14:i0rvcsetirsuLJp-mttealr*iiWWW,-', - an effort to avoid, the dumpinULCU g, ricir'to ,s.ugiort e tifffrefri0f40,6604V46444 Councillor Elsa thiydon said 4 the 0.F.A, suggests that .the county s request for angle filtration program be tried parking in that one area. . she WaS opposed tO 0 i'yS,10\‘ - out. e,,' The federation clairns the soil " A n d fo,r Councillo r , hich would res,rict pronal fittratian is the cheapest and the Haydon's information," quipped treedoins, especiall in • .cases _ . best purification it-ogram for the removal of Ohosphates which adhere to the ear it instead of leaking out. It is known fact that soil in the istowel area is 'low in phosphates anyway. If such . an 'experiment were tried the sewage would be Spre-ad under pressure on the soil. Continuous soil sampling would. . be carried out to make sure .no harm was being done to the land. The suggested filtration idea would be' a one shot thing to get the cells emptied before winter and give the aeration plan a — Chance to work, .but it was indicated it could be carried on on'a more continual basi'S if it was found necessary and that the idea worked well. •The lagoon, which is causing the problems, is owned and operated on a 70.30 basis by the town of Listowel and 'the P fi " i „ ' Miere *little, problem arises frOM people "standing around" • in a public place. • "My goodness g,racious,- v‘ as the reaction of Councillor Stan 'Profit who also wondered at the wisdom of • such a t.). law in Gorleri(h. ' .11:4 had been studied Carll who ,aid "tw. intention4o takv .1;47- -*F.'":;,;• ;rn;.4.4 but rather was acting in council's interests .10, get information on a loitering by lav, especially Since there had been some. complaints • on cernin g young people , standing on the 'street corners around The Square. Councillor Profit : thanked Reeve Carroll for hisendeavours but indicated that a loitering • bylaw would not be supported by him. .. involved," • • Coun011or Frank WalkOm, chaff man of the special committee, has been appointed to study the proposed ,founfain in front of the Municipal Buildingto he built in memory of •former town -clerk, Sherman Blake. that another $600,000 mould he spent on an additional three stages that have „yet to be -completed. , Sage two,• is set to, begin.' this year, was delaNed when . the town"! hired a new engineering firm. It is to cost • about $300,000 and will proMde sewer service to ,the • northwest section of the town • including the sectiob krioWn as "hittle„ • England" about which the Save the 'Maitland Association has been complaining most. It is Campbell Soup Company,: , •'''•schedbled for completioo, in Goderich Reeve Paul Carroll, about one year.,,,. :who is also the New Democratic Each" additional stage is Party, candidate for • the expected to take about one year . upcoming , Ontario ieleetiRns, to complete which would levelled criticism atfthe town of provide for complete service to • Listowel last week in a prepared .the town by 1974. According to press release saying , that the Mr. Kilberg the lagoon system' is :community, was not, living up...to—up for review in 1972. its resposibilities retarding the • Following this.announcement, prevention of pollution" -irrthe —the S aVe---the M'aitland. He said that if another Association indicated they were dumping 8f .the lagoon occurred very.' pleased ' to hear of. the, the resulting' effect on the towns plans but noted they were Goderich ,area could be • very disappointed by , the' attitud' • serious and might well result in taken by the communities the closing of the beach area• elected officials towards their locally. , " — brief • submittedto •council Mr. Carroll also „pbinted out calling for action f,o dean up the . that all the pollution problems river. in the Maitland River'were not .is not .the constructive The .result of the lagoon:, but and realistic:attitude that partially rooted in poor. sewage .responsible citizens shotAld systems at the town of Listowel. expect from their elected Following the release of that rePresentatives;" they --noted statement Listowel MayorDavid following Air. Kilbm's remarks -Kilberg accused Kr. Carrot -of last week about the association, . playing politics and noted that if The brief sent to council, and - a man wanted to make political heard -at their meeting of August, gain he should do it on his own 4, said that the town must bear power and not ride someone responsibility 4for much of the else's back. pollution in the Maitland River. The mayor went ori to Mr. Kilberg criticized the 'announce at that time, however, Association and told them to.„, that to date the town has spent mind their own • back yards approximately $1,400,000 on,aa before interfering in Listqwers sewage treatment ,program and • • • . affairs. •WHAT • • ELL. WILL YOU FIND AT SERVICE ELECTRIC? • • • • WE HAVE AN EXCELLENT SELECTION OF * . Speed •Queen Dishwashers * Speed bueen Washers" and Dryers * Moffat Ranges * Moffat Refrigerators * Brand Name Small Appliances * Light Fixtures * Garden Tools.*._Quality Hand Tools * Glidden J3aints and Supplies * V -Belts * Evinrude Outboareis,*,,LaWn Mowers * Shelf and Heavy Hardware His Worship Mayor Harry Worsen has made,headlines in Ontario Traffic Sfety, -a for.„„orgaa,,z interest— .61" greater traffiC safety by the Department of, Transportation and ComMunications inelOntario. Mayor VVorsell is pictured in the recent edition with Hon. C. S. MacNaughton, Ontario' Minister of 'transportation ' and Corhmunications who 'made the preSentation, Schools open Continued from Page 1 County will open September 7. The ausWer was ,simply, "No conimen-tr-11: Dr. Alex Addison of Clinton was,1he'..only board member to suggest that the board should be lobking toward a settternent before school „ opens. Dr Addison strongly indicated he would be entirely disillusioned if the board and the teaching staff ,, did not combine. efforts to ensure that the county's five• high ' 'schools . conduct classes SeptembOr 7. 1n -the meaptime, the. salary dispute. remains unsettled. At the moment, the Huron County Board of Education has been pink -listed the teachers meaning that any 'teachers seeking enitfloyment would be to apply for work,„in Huron County., and- the 1-luion secondary school Leachers have , been , black -listed by other not be considered for teaching positionsin any Ontario secondary schObls until the " dispute is ended. •. There has been unofficial speculation that the Qutario government would be forced to settle the issue in liurOn high schools if classes ,did not ,commence shortly, after the legal school opening date September 7. 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DELMONTE 14 FACIAL KLEENEX TISSUE 200 x 2 PLY 270 F R 9' ,.i • DELSEY TOILET TISSUE • rolls 6 ( PAPER KLEENEX TOWELS tolls \ 53( PINEAPPLI LEE—CANNED-19 •• Crushed, Sliced, Tidbits , 2`, ORANGE JUICE' SUPREME —'12 oz. 39C FROZEN JOI LIQUID WHITE VINEGAR TOMATOE• S UTOPIA -19 SOCKEYE SALMON KING SIZE TIDE XK ASTRA — 1his -DELMONTE — 48,6z. Pine. or Ange. or Pine. Grape. STOKELY 14 oz. VAN CAMP 14. oz. CO LEIVIA,N 'S 1Y2 Ib. Tin CALIFORNIA 180's ORANPE$ 3 • CANADA .Na. 1 Grade Small doz. 1 COOKING 10 io BAG ONIONS 69' • CANAQA NO. 1 GRAD'E 'GIANT SIZE HEADLETTUCE •RED HAVEN 4, NO. 1 GRADE AP' d's n ia PRODUCT OF CANADA—LARGE • GREEN PEPPERS 3i29; FRESH 6 QT.. LOCAL BASKET • 41 SERVICE. 011V111011110RILOARDIMAIRE • • F ood ni st er 91 VICTORIA STREET • • GOAERICH A Subsidiary of Service • Electric.(Goderieh) Ltd. , 1tTORIA ST. NORTH GODildH OPEN NITELY TILL 10 P.M. S24-858 T' It 1 ji . 1 ' , •