HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-08-19, Page 9'fa 13. ' AUCTION SALE PROPERTY AUCTION TWO DAY SALE, AUGUST 21 & 28 Seven ; McKillop Township schools and contents to be sold on the premises at time 'and "e location stated below.' .Two schools subject to renioval or destruction, ,property ,nsitAxwAed by'school aboard. • • AUGUST 21' , No. 2- at 1;00 p.m. - Frame, one-rown building, full basement, ' oil furnace, large bhaded lot, ,contents 'and bell, drilled well. No. 4 at 2:30 p.m. --- ' Brick, one -room 'building, full basement, oil furnace, clock, shaded lot, contents and bell, -piano, drilled -well. No. 6 at 4:00 ' p. m. - Brick, one -room building, full basement,, oil frirnace, drilled well, no water pump, contents and bell. S'Ubject to removal or destruction„ Nordheimer piano. AUGUST 28 No. 8 at 11:00 a.m. - • Red brick, , one -room building, full basement, oil furnace, large lot, contents and bell, drilled well. No. 9 at 1:00 p.ifi:'--' 'ed brick,' one -room building, full basement, oil furnace, drilled" well, contents, 'Heintzman piano. No. 7 at 2:30 p.m. —Brick, one -room building, full basement, oil. furnace, contents, bell, Ennis piano, drilled well. No. 10' at 4:00' p.m. - Brick l one -room building, full basement; oil furnace, drilled well, contents,' two bells, Ennis iano, Subject to removal or •' �,�:= es�tio,nm,� �t�•�:�lu�e: "*F"Iiilitit0114g0,014tiiiiitikif4rEtTS duplicator, map case, books, odd chairs, and cupboards. Information on schools is correct 'unless', otherwise mentioned dad of 'sale,. ' School bells eo be sold separate.' Terms =• Cash on contents , '4 Property - 10% down, • balance in 30 days NO RESERVE ,40111111Plummiammigpiiimmempiemisim 14. SR11+CES AVAILABLE SEPTIC TANKS C!'EANEU MODERN EQUIPMENT WORK GUARANTEED "Write or Phone • Harvey bale, Clinton PRONE 482-3320 i13tf - GRAHAM ELECTRIC Complete Electrical Service Residential - Commercial - ndustrial 155 Keays Street Phone 524-8670 Goderich, Ontario. 27tf Itillimmmoomporwolowforromolhowelom 14. 'SERVICES AVAILABLE 15. NOTICE to CREDITORS 22. TO GIVE AWAY HOME remodelling, kitchens, bathrooms, recreatitan rooms, 'ceramic and floor tile, etc: �P,hone 5246921, ---32,33,34,3.5x HUNTER Safety Training , Course to be held August 25, 26, 2T at 7:00 p.m., at 138 Picton Street East; Goderich. For information, phone 524-9419, -32,33x LAMBERT'S Tree Cutting and Building -Trees' cut or trimmed, general carpentry. Sand spe_c.ialty. Eavestroughing installed. Prompr"" service, reasonable prices, Call today, 3955424, R. R. 1, Kincardine, -32,33,34x SALES AND SERVICE for all your plumbing, heating. Fink Plumbing, 262-2114. -31 & 33. HAVE your 41gs and chairs FOR' your Antenna Sales ,,and cleaned by dependable cleaners. —Service contact Alvin's T -V,462 -- Call Superior MairttenanwP� Mary Street, phone 524-908 phone , 524-8892, Goderich. =e`ow st A, r Br Ma are Sea Sto env R nyone.interested in viewing the perty and schools, contact uce Rathwell, 482-3120. ps, listings and time schedules available at Huron Expositor, forth, or Winthrop General, re, or mail a self-addressed elope to: athwell's Auction Service, Bruce Rathwell, Auctioneer, • R. R. 1, Brucefield, Ontario. . •-32,33b Estate Auction Sale of, household effects and antiques `for the late Mrs. Jessie Vodden, Londesboro, ' ,on Saturday, _August. 21, at L 4 Admiral refrigerator with across' the, top freezer; antique kitchen cupboard;. sideboard; Morris chair; 6 high -)lack pressed -back chairs; 'rocking chairs; kitchen clock; 3 antique couches; studio couch; setee with 2 matching chairs; parlour table; grarriaphone; 'beds; chests of drawers; washstand; dresser; blanket boxes; trunks; cedar chest; bureau; antique shaving set; oil lamps; apple peeler; tinware; irons; • sealers; crocks; frames; bedding; setting for eight of English dinnerware; coal and 'wood kitchen stove; quantity of wood'and.coal; garden tools; etc, etc. Also selling, subject to reserve bid, the 6 -room, ' Insul-brick house with oil furnace on a' lot approximately 75' x 150' in the Village of Londesboro. Terms on Chattels - Cash Terms,on house and property ' •10% down and balance in 30 days. CARPENTRY work, small remodelling or repair, jobs, hedge trimming, ' miscellaneous odd jobs. Reasonable rates. Phone 524-7789. - 30tf DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable Rates Mc EE'S - Godrich Phone 524-8391 • 19tf WILL babysit in my home on Mary St. starting Septemlfbr 7. Phone, 524-9919. -32,33;34 BULLDOZING UEk9.IYYFd^6'l:dt?7kx , vr.w,r.�:,,.:,. • RR 2, Goderich 524-9804 n-. SCREENED TOP SOIL LANDSCAPING EXCAVATING - GRAVEL BACKHOE WORK LYLE MONTGOMERY Clinton PHHONE 482-7644 If No Answer PHONE SCRUTON FUELS 482-7381 • 25tf •' to. M Ike Cummings, Auctioneer; 524-9064 TWI LIG Of hou appliances Wednesda p.m., at 9 Furniture of a ' thr suite; arm love seat; shelves; walnut ex stands;• tab - '9 x 12 three -pies including stand; dress stands; sew clubs (right) other useful. Dishes inclu cut glass; tw many other 1969 Pontia cylinder, as is Terms - Cash Estate of the -fs2,33 HT AUCTION SALE sehold furniture, , antiques, and car on y, August 25, at 7 9 John's 6t,, Seaforth. and antiques consist ee-pieee living room shah's; piano stool; writing desk; book, Westinghouse TV; tension tables; fern es; mirror; two rugs and '•6 x 8; couch; e bedroom suite dresser and wash er; blanket box; wash ing machines;, golf and 'cart and many ;terns. de Bridal. Wreath; part toilet sets and artircles, c Strato Chief, 6 - Night of Sale late J. C. Cochrane Auctioneer, Bruce Rathwell, • R. 1, Bruceffeld. 48a-3120. -.39• 3-2b, 14. • SERVICES AVAILAIII* DRAGLINE, backhoe and bulldozing work done; Farm , ponds, ditches, fence bottoms cleared and stone piles buried. 7 Phone Wit'rgharp, 357 -2798.a -- 31 -34114m494 - ACE",.:` 1'A1MO. fii "''TTV ....Se te Prank Wilco7c, '60 Picton. St. W., "Goderich, Ont. Phone 524-7771. vi -- 4Otf '. . •a' r�!q,1 GENE'S BIGNS.OF ALL TYPES GENE CRECES Highway 21 Not, of Grand Bend .Phone238-8242 Anytime GODERICH TAXI Tani Stand At Bluewater Service -Station 80 Victoria St. . 524-6594 24 Hour Service Bill'Swan, Prop. ALL tersons having claims against the. Estate of • ELMER BANTIMG FISHER, Retired Farmer, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of e Huron, who died on or about the 10th day .of June, 1971, are req.red to file the same with full .particulars , with the, undersigned by the lith day ,of Septerxrber, 19/1, as after that date the assets of the Estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 16th day of August, 1971. g . ; Y ..Pae T.and EGENEB. , +), hn Richard.:. ,,.._ PUPS to giros away, six weeks old.*Phone 529-7147. --33A „ A. BIRTHS EMPSON - To Mr. and Mrs. John Empson,q 61 Hamilton St., Goderich, August 4, a daughter, Dawn Marie. SHEARDOWN - To ,Mr. and Mrs. John Sheardown R. R 1 E. CARDS OF THANKS '' ,OSMON D - The family. ,pf the late Mabel C. Osrnond Ywould like. to express t ;err sincere thanks and appreeciatipn to relati'Ves, :friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness shown to thein bn their recent bereavemenl,of, a loving mother. Special thanks to Dr. Watt^et , Dr. Lambert, Rev. Royal, Stiles Funeral Horne and the nurses on first floor'�''at• 'Aleicarr"dt&-Ma rine and General Hoy ►ilii,, .r;�.9derich. - The Osmond Family, -33 •' ,' Dungannon, August 6, a son,STEFFLER - f wish to'take this , r � Oiti�r2i�,,�C?.iy���•''►n1ss�*.�F�i�C�-<,M my relatives, fr"iends and neighbours whq remembered me during my stay 'in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. Special, thanks to Dr. Jackson, „Fath'e5 Moynahan, Father Cassano, nurses and aides • on first•floor All your kindness was gs?atly appreciated. - Clem Steffler Sr 33x Barristers, etc., . 33 Montreal Street, BELL -I-": To Mr.'and Mrs, Gerald Goderich, Ontario, L. Bell, R. R. 2, Goderich, Solicitors for the Estate. August,' 8, a daughter, Bonnie -33,34,35 May. 16. PUBLICNOTICE HARMAN - To Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Harman, 246. Jones St., Goderich, August 11, a son,• THE a Mark William. REGISTERED •electrologis't. To remove unwanted hair permanently. For free consultation, information, appointment - Phone 524-7695. -33,34,35,36x MOVING Local and long distance packing and storage if required. , Free ' estimates. 524-9283. 31 tf CONCRETE WORK All types of foundations and floors, cement barnyards. _tq -.-Reasonable -•-rates •-' }w{free MALONEY BROS. Dublin, Ontario. • 3 5.2253 -Phones -345-2964. Sewing Machine PROBLEMS?... Servicing All Makes New & Used Sales s Alex Reed 197 Bayfield Rd., Goderich 524-8465 'REFUSE PICKUP We also tear noun- Old buildings, etc., cut " down trees. For fast and efficient service calf -7798 Day or Night We've MOVED ,TO A NEW LOCATION R. R. 2, Goderich (4th Concession, Beside Mustang' Drive--In) Br� ECKLES • Lawn & Garden Equipment Authorized Simplicity Sales & Service *' Gamlen Tractors r a-�'�-*�5it+�w',ti't(►firil±as��;�. r=: * Snow BloW rs Power Mowers 'Service 'r8 All -Makes &'Models CALL. FRANK TUTT For all your flooring needs'. Buy your carpet anywhere. 20 years' installation experience. Free measurements. • 524-6804 Goderich. • PREPARE FOR HARVEST TIME'. , For custom' combining of grain, beans and corn, pulling beans and fall plowing, call Ed Szusz, 523-9397. SANDBLASTING JACK' HAMMER WORK BREAK UP CONCRETE BACKHOEING - SPRAY PAINTING . ARNOLD' 'STOTHERS . Phone 529-7403 for estimates SIGNS BY WEBSTER SPECIALIZING IN: * Bulletin boards * Plastic electric, *• Truck lettering*,.,Silk screening * Commercial d esigning of company traderitarks * Show cards * Window banners All Sizes 8K Types of Signs PHONE EXETER 235-0680 - ANYTIME 15. NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF EDRIE BEATRICE- PUDDICOMBE TYE CARE Y ALL personsi. having claims against the Estate of Edrie Beatrice Puddicombe Tye Carey, late of the Town of Gbderich, in the County 'of Huron, who died on or about the 15th day of June, 1970, are hereby notified to send in to the 'undersigned Personal Representative of the Law Office of J. It. Hunter wil be OPEN From 9 5 Commencing Aug. 23 passed, Flowers, hospital staff, Rev. L. Since our great sorrow fell; Royal, Branch No. 109 Canadian The shock that we 'received that. Legion, and all' who sent; sails, Sunday, • flowers, fruit baskets and visited No one can ever tell, me wHile I was a patient, in Your end was very sudden, Alexandra Marine and General ItLrnade us sok and cry; Hospital, -= John T. McGraw. But the saddest part ,of all dad,. -33, '� ,.. You never said goodbye. , 1)R. • Your smile, your kindness and HAMILTON - I wish to say 11 • your love, lank au" tb al! m, xela,ti;v s ,: :iF-Ku . ..,.a,.,. s�• mak�k!'nR^.k,f`A6.,�Yy ' Y'L .RGat� ,f AUDSON - To Mr. and Mrs: George Hudson„ Cameron St., Goderich, August 13, a son, Christopher Mark. D. IN MEMORIAM MACHAN -> The' family of the late Leonard R. Machan wish to thank the nurses and staff •.members at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital for their assistance during his sudden illness last Thursday; Many thanks to Dr. Flowers for his special care. - Glen and Rerta, -33x ORR - In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, who passed away ,one year ago„ McGRAW - I wish to express August 23. 1970. my thanks and appreciation to - One sad and lonely year has Dr. J. R. Leitch, Dr, R. W. For appointment please call 524-9541 Mrs. Bette-- Lee wishes to advise his patients that he is moving his practice to y6-0 LIGHTHOUSE STREET "-AUGUST 23rd 1.1.111110,71, 1111111011T:20111.11rOlimrami, °17. BUSINESS NOTICE $1,501 AND UP FOr 1st and 2nd Mortgages on residential properties.- Borrow for any purpose against the equity in your home - refinancing to reduce' monthly payments or for mortgages coming due - no Credit Investigation - for confidential and competent „service, call collect (519)144-2264 HARDTMAN & STRACK Waterloo -30,32,33,34 said deceased on or before the llth day of September, 1971, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date;' the said Personal Representative' will distribute the assets of the ' :2lihto1,, Seaforth arid -Walkerton said deceased, having regard only to claims of which it shall then have notice. DATED at Goderich-, Ontario, this 13th' . day of , August, .1971. VICTORIA •& GREY'TRUST CO., 1 Ontario treet, Stratford, Ontario: (,E . tutor) . By Prest and gene,, 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. Their Solicitors herein. -33,34,35 complete; and sent me flowers, gift. and Are safe in God's loving hands'cards while I was a patient in above, Alexandra 'Marine and General Where some day all of us will Hospital. A "special thanlyou meet: to Drs. Wallace and Watters, all --Sadly missed • by Charles, nurses, orderlies, girls in green Beverley, Doreen,' Don, Barbara, on second east, physiotherapist Jack, Marilyn, Jim and tlielr and assistant and Mr. Harrison's • families. -33x jokes. - Brian Hamilton. -33 E. CARDS OF THANKS , n E MA,SKBLL ; 7 . The , many kindnesses expressed 'ln y the 1�`eautiful floral tributes, donations to the Canadian Cancer • Society, , Gideon `Bible Society and The Canadian Heart Fund, in memory of our mother, are deeply a' preciated, Special thanks for . the thoughtful arrangements made by the McCallum Funeral Home,' .Ilev- Royal, Dr. • Mills, Goderich Nursing 1Rlome and the Irish Group a. Benmiller Church,. who $o g aciously, served refreshm nts. - The lvlaskell MURRAY - 1' wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all the nursing staff and. orderlies on first floor for the excellent care, and the kitchen staff for the good meals provided, while I was a patient n the hos ital. 1VYany thanks to i , P Both . ,,tatnibes are,Pleas announce the. ' forthco -. marriage ,of Miss Lynne. B . Mrs, Sh l.. B ughter of ei a u,. f Brantford and the11011 C. Bursey, . to , Mr. e hn Alexander Temple"'Pirie.,+++ of Mr. and Mrs, John Temple -Pirie.,, ' ,911 Goderich. The weddingv�rill take place at Grace Anglican Church, Brantford, on. August 28, 1971., at 2 p.m? -'-33x Mrs. Gladys Nicholson is pleased.... -- to announce the engagetinent of4 her daughter, Diane Isabel, to Mr. _Makin.La.. , :y1314 etie�..,.., Percy do . of ' Mr. ���M?4s. 1" Y s Blundell, „ all of Goderich. marriage will take place in 8t., George's Anglican Church, Saturday, September 11, 1:97x, int 4 p.m. --33x. 1 3. AUCTION SALE Dr. Norman. C,, Jackson fof his------- professrorial services and to all rpy 'friends and neighbours for visits, flowers, cards and messages of good will during my stay in hospital. Cyril Murray. -33 UCTION SALE of REAL ESTATE, TRACTOR, FARM MACHINERY, GARAGE , AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT,., • HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, HICKS - I wish. to thank.Dr: ANTIQiIF AND MISC, ITEMS. Jackson, the nurses and staff of Oii ttie premises first floor east of Alexandra First farm south of St. Joseph Marine and General Hospital and on Highway 21. all those who sent cards and The undersigned Auctioneer flowers, wianc received instructions -to sll bye Hicks. -33x public auction on SATURDAY, AUGUST 21 HILL - The family of the later at 12Kk30 p.m. Mrs. Sarah `(Tena) • Hill express heartfelt thanks to friends and REAL ESTATE consists of two- neighbours for the many acts of storey frame dwelling covered kindness, the floral tributes, the with asphalt siding, built-in messages of comfort and cupboard and all modern coney sympathy, and donations to eniences, PLEASE NOTE: Dwel various charities in memory of „ ling to be moved from premises d . With s ecial their ear one f within 30 dale of ale; for infor- ..,,a re�.iati;ona,... tQti. the staff at �' .. i,., •_ice.' u. ',MY;' •?!,+' 'Yk• •,a:.. a ids' .G"'tJ ��,a�' ..... "72:0 ,"1`�'- '�'' �'' -and Stiles Funeral Home. -33 el, second farm south of St.' Joseph, TERMS -of Real Estate: 1010 on clay of sale, balance in 30 days if not previously sold. TRACTOR AND MACHINERY: Mc Deering W-30 standard tract-" or; .3 -farrow drag plow; forage .. witlrhood and' blower; rubber tire, wagon and rack, grain drill:. 23wheel trailer; double disc; blacksmith equipment, hydraul- ic cylinders, air compressors, paint spray equipment, power - tools;.cement mixer with motor, rolls of tar paper, pump jack; - 1a00 watt 'generator, motor unit, numerous electric motors, drill press, shaft all& bearings assem- bly, power take -off pulley for. - ford -tractor, cut-off saw.air lines'of various lengths with fast •-cuplings;., Calcium .chloride tire pump'with motor, 2 H -P electric motors, numerous chains, various sizes, grease guns and buckets, • windows complete with frame (some new) post hole chisels, cement mixer on trailer; steel tanks ;and cables, pipe cutters; , disds and sockets, new fence gates, . etc. etc. HECTOR FORCIER Proprietor ALVIN WALPER - Auctioneer. • HOW LONG has it been since you really heard the faucet dripping, the clock ticking. The doorbell. If your hearing isn't all that ,you'd like it to be a ZENITH HEARING AID can .help you. Local Representative .` •' K. Lutes, Rieck Pharmacy Ltd., 14 The Square, Goderich, phone 524-7241. - 25tf ' BRECKO W'S Massage Therapy, CLOSED July 17 to Aug. 21 118 Anglesea St. Phone 524-7617 Res. 524-6281 Office 18. PERSONAL Do' It Yourself DIVORCE GUIDE 'As ' described in National Magazines. For further information write: ' • LEGAL PUBLICATIONS Box 5138, Station A, Toronto irars20. M CELLANEOUS We do ail tipes of JEWELLERY FeEPAIR * Watch Repair ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD., C. BRIEFS WHEELCHAIRS WALKERS The Humanitarian 'Service. C.P.gi' T. Committee of the Goderich OcicIfellbw and Rebekah Lodges haVe. equipment for loan. Contact Amos 'Osbaldeston, 524-9623 or Fred Fritzley, 524-7217.,-eow • MUGFORD - Bill and 'Ina Mugford would like to thank ali'• neighbors and friends for the lovely gifts, cards, flowers and telegrams received' on their 50th wedding anniversary. -33x . The young people from the Youth Environment Workshop had a successfUl oar wash Saturday at the Tex'ato station at the Five Points. The young people washed and Vacuumed nearly 30 cart and split the profits between thecn. (staff photo) Too smelly 9, Painter iold to stop Earl Hoy Of Cambria Road learned last ThIrsdaY evening that council for the Town of Goderich plans tb enforce RS zoning bylaw. Hoy 'appeared before council. to plead his eise coneerning a complaint about paint shop Nines Coming from a building which he rents at 29 Picton Street. 'Clerk Harold Walls had advised Hoy in a letter that his paint shop was in violation •of the zoning bylaw in that area hi h is R id tial kitt 1,0 r ttte's14 tom "It is my own hobby," algtied Hoy. "I've painted my car and a' couple of bikes. I'm not making a nickle,on it." "It is not perrr:tted in that area even if you aren% Making a nickle 'on it," advised Councillor Ed Giesbrecht. "The fumes are offensive to people and we have ' a complaint that people can't sit in their backyards because of ."When you're painting cars in qk that district, you're breaking the 1,47 es en . law„" added Harry Worsell. ' The Post 'n Shingle Boutique SUMMER END CLEARANCE SALE LADIE' SUMMER CLOTHING ITEMS 50% OFF Fall Clothing and Gifts Aiso on Sale DESIGNER FASHIONS By Toronto's MAAILYN BROOKS - Hot Pants - T -Shirts EVEBYTHING MUST GO! . SOME lit T COST1 Q Starting .Thuriday, August 19 Until Labour Day I HAVE the cars the finan'cing the facilities a real sharp pencil IF YOU HAVE _ the time -to take advantage of my low August prices. Drop out and ' see me or give me,a HERE'S AN EXAMPLE : 1971 JAVELIN SST demo, twO-door hardtop, 360, V8, three speed automatic, buckets, console, power disc brakes, power steering, radio, rear .speaker, rally side stripeo, oversize wide ovals, courtesy liaht group, plus a host of, other options. , SHARP SHOULD PENCI L $4276.1 4, BAYF 0. ROAD, HWY. 21 GOnERICH, .•GORD U Ft6E PH0118 524-8411 " Jo'HN 'OttAir