HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-08-19, Page 6d► QPER:XO}L SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1971
000aa sacs
Tuesday was the trip to the co-operation of the
Goderich Sewage • Plant. The during the Sleep Out.
nildren took their bikes at 1:30 if Friday night wasn't enough
youngsters been taking part in August
"sw1imming lessons, this past two
summers. The children are bused
',and set off to find out work for the staff, they hadb in every morning Monday to
information o n w ater - clean up the area and the Friday for the -whole month of
purification. The tour lasted for' building before 10 o'clock and .'August. Demortrations of the
an 'hour and a half with 30 help guard; for .the,; .o'clock
Cross children's skills ' etc. will' be
Exam. There were five successful ' shown on this might.
the tour guide extremely busy candidates , who passed this-
with'ggestions. , , Royal Life Saving Course; Mark
Wednesday night' '• the .Riley, .Brenda Brissette, Debra
Goderich Swim, Team , ,came Sitter, Mary Ellen McGill attd
. second with 111 points. Mitchell Pam Sh4nks. .
came first with 138 points, and LOOK WHAT WILL HAPPEN
Wingham third with 88 points. ' Monday night was the Splash
I was extremely proud of ° Party,- where the participants
Goderich, not only youngsters , came at 7 o'clock and had °
who participated but also the games, relays, ' water polo,
staff wJo . participated in ' 'scavenger hunt •and races until 9
swi=mming, organization team, o°clock. More and more
spirit. Working at 'the pool I' youngsters are participating in
sometimes get discouraged the extra activities. Next year I
:because of. lack of participation hope that the extra activities will
both. from youngsters and become an important part in the
_parents but on Wednesday night Swimming Pool's program.
both really showed .forth their This entire week has ,been
it a¢d sportsmanship. busy with preparations for the
Thursday night at six o'clock, Penny Carnival which is on
twelve_ „Br on.eIallian y .Friday ILstarts at 1 o'clock and
WiTZ their- Mill;, .goes-Wittfrue,.:thetz c�pe't ra i
At 9 o'clock the exam -was until 9 o'clock. The booths will
finished with all twelve
candidates passed. They were
Bev "Denomtine, Treasa Begemen,
Tanya' Paltrier, Karen Hicks,
-.Theresa • Doorly, . Wendy Ryan,
' Connie' Bell, Mary Jane Bissett,
-Debbie Barker, John,
Duckworth, Pat Colin and Mike
The above candidates have
had six weeks of lessons, an hour
'Monday •-t o,. OFriday. The -
Examiner,' Mrs. ',harper
commented on the excellent
conditioning of the swimmers
which is skrobably due to their
Wow *hat a Friday night!
.Sixty four kids slept at the pool ;permiss .A t d
be open 'only in the afternoon,.
not at night M because of
demonstrations etc.,' so they
must come in the afternoon if
they want to. win "'at any of -the
booths. Bingo at night ---for
adults, a Judo demonstration
and Synchronized Swimming are
only a ,few of the activities going
the Detorit Zoo is planned from
8 a.m. tb 10 p.m. The age level is
6 years old to 13 years old, they
must.. bring their own lunch and •
sending money. The 'cost of the
P,.is $3‘,Q0 per person, and the
i shee an money
over night at the Sleep Out. The must be in by Thursday. Only
on Friday night.
Moi day, August' 23, a trip to
children where given a free swim the first 88 children can go.
at eight -until nine o'clock. Then- Wednesday,, August 25 is a
the campfire, started at eine ,and Free Swim and Com Roast for
, lasted until .10.:30 at which time all the swirn team meMbers,
the 'kids had . hot dogs, hot water polo groups, synchronized
chocolate and waternIellon. swimming girls and the children
who helped at the .,,,Periny
believed'. that kids could stay up , Carnival. Also on Wednesday are
't all night and talk, until this -the Red Cross exams for juniors,
Sleep Out. Although VeiTTliffe intermediates and seniors.
sleep was had ,by all I am sure Thursday, Aegust 26 is the
eyeryone enjoyed themselves AShfield ,Township 'Water Safety
and it was proven because of the Show. Ashfield Township has
Friday night, August--27-will
be Goderich Water Safety Show.
The Red Cross Swimmers will
receive their awards and several
additional demonstrations are
planned for this night.
The 'Judith Gooderham Poi
wilt be officially closed on
Sunday, September 5. The pool
will not be open on weekends as
originally planned because most
' of the staff will be starting
university ..or college on
r1, f
Well, the turn out for
.basketball was not • exactly
=c tieltrit 'Ayt*.we; dititatte aK
fety riiierested kids. The children
from Ashfield township are very
enthusiastic in the mornings, and
always manage to fill up the
courts from 8-10.
The fact that the kids from
the country show more interest
in our'sports program than do
our local children perhaps proves
that' the town kids take a bit too
much for granted. This is` to .be
expected however. The
atmosp-here 'regarding athletic
endeavours its this town is not
'exactly A-1. I thing in the
future, because of the work of a -
.few concerned .people this
condition will change. • Let us
hope it does.
I ,would like to publicly thank
Mrs. Pat Osborn for phoning me
that she wasn't lazy (and I agree
with her 100%) and went so far
as to , offer 'suggestions
a tennis club. I, wish.there were a
few more like .her. Thank -, you
again,Mrs. Osborne.
Next ,, Week the kids will
orient their -own activities by
placing' suggestions in a
su estion box that will be
ay e at the. pool. Please offer
your suggestions .
Round and Aboqt
With -Martha,.
S u nday nite- -suddenly - :you don't kinow what you
Movie.' With sO many' cars - whien you..hatel.
' I 1' ed there Ghostly things are .happening
must be a speciai movie on and• on the screen - you see shadows
in across as tho'
sure enough it was Disney nite. trees mov g
you were driving b'St them - ah
- of any kind - just cali't think - that's it - when the next
of one 'did not enjoy. ,spooky scene starts, Squirm
"Boatnictss" and Nastaways" -•-• around - sure enough a car is
I hadn't seen either one of them. ....cOming along the. concession
I whip over -there - I'm only road. The spook scene is actually
a stone's throw away - (if.you - beautiful, but quickly gone.
' 'have a strong arm) - so you With radios blaring, I had the
make up your mind -Ned in one . notion it wou.ldnf't be hard to get
minute flat y.ou eare buying your everyone out in front of the ears
There is always two smiling . would stop and the advertising
faces at that little stop and the vfivaS- enoiigh to cool anyone's
-.you turn out the lights, So we sat - for. an hour -2-
- IVIartha?"' I had switched off my then, the horns began roaring
And ;the killdeer! Tney
scream louder and sharper than
anything ,I've ever heard and it
isn't even dawn yeti. '
Soon, I know, an. alarm is
going' to buzz and the kitchen
sounds will be sure to keep you
wide awake. Irciti follow every
move, ypu . know which
eupboard door squeaks - what
does he want in THERE? ,Soon
the bacon or pancake smell
reaches you and you are sure '
you're going to have to run AO
the bathroom. What a night!
. The‘ fog horn didn't help'
either. What a sound. like -a
boat in distress - (boats again).
You heat the hum of trucks
.on the highway and the screen
door close - you know it's
There are ten pretty tour guides at Huron /County.Pioneer
Museum this ummef. At upper left are (left to right) Margo
Bettger; Laurie Ginn and Sue Paquette -Standing across'' the
front' are (from the left) Mrs. Friedel Nanz, Barb Britnell, Anne
HOpkinson and Sue Bellinger. Standing at back right are (left to
rirght) Mary Wilkin, Jeannette Ainsley, Carole Cruickshank and
Anne Legg. (staff.photp)
Meet your rioneer M
Huron County"' Pioneer
Museum has a group of the
prettiest guides anyone could
meet and judging from --the-
erow 'around-. the
premises . all...during the tourist
season plenty of people do meet
and enjoy the girls.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan gr
staff," reports J-6anette. "I have
benefitted from this summer job
and have gained a lot, of
-experieece and knowledge in the
Jeanette attending
Alma Collage in ,St. Thomas this
fall and plans to study. home ,
economics in Unik"ersity after
Ainslie, 92 St.' George's ANNE E. LEGG, 18, attends'
Crescent; Goderich, is just Central Huron Secondary School
completing, her, first year as a • • where, she will be in Grade 12.
museum guide. She is the- daught..• of Mr. and
"I enjoy the pleasure of
meeting all sorts Of people and
-working with ,the regt of the
Letter brings
curt -comment
When correspondenee was
read from Edward D. Jones and
Associatwt the last meeting of
Goderich Town Council,
Councillor Frank Walkorn
Wondered aloud ' whether this
already had,a, full-time industrial
"Have we got an industrial
cornmissioeer?" ,asked
CoUncillor Reg Jewell. "Or is he
in -:Stratford all the time• and .
have this for.a sideline?"
Says town
needs property
A letter from 'the Wilfred
Mcintee Real Estate .firm
adviSing .that ,the property on
Newgate, Street Utilized by
McGee Motors as a' used ear lot
is for sale, received some
'attention at the meeting of
- GOderia Town Council last
Councillors Ed Giesbrecht
and Stan Profit felt the property
was,' "worth considering",
'perhaps as a municipal parking'
The matter was• left to the
finance committee for further
investigation.. •-
Anotherireperty, a lot 128'
x 310' on :the lakefront • was
discUssed briefly by coupcil but
no action was taken on it.
This is An-ne's seconil year
guiding at the Huron Count"'
P o neer Museum and she
describes it as "a greaf place to
work for the enjoyment
of' meetieg and conversing with
the public".
`.1.1onnd wheri taking tours
of the publit, they beca,me much
more aware of pioneer life, as it
,realIN' was," says Anne,. "and
thie, the pUbtic actually. realizes
. has been constructed here, by
Anne teaehes' music privately
, and plans to further her
education in the field of.inusic.
SUE PAQ,LIETiTE is enjoYing
her third 'summer at the museum
as ,a guide In addition to her
regvlar duties, Sue has *been
travelling with the m.useum bus.
which she helped to decorate.
. She cites meetieg a wide variety
of interesting people as the most
exciting feature, of her work. •
The daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Stan Paquette, She is 18 years
old and plansto complete Grade
13 this fall. and winter. She is
looking ahead -to -a career as a
home economist.
-17-year old daughter of Mrs.
useum staff
Hopkinsbn, Goderich, says
she is enjoying her second
summer ' at Huron County
Pioneer Museum. ,
Dog bites;
uUra mine.., .,. „--d
M. and Mrs. dames Murray,
Gibbins St., got action Thursday
,,rev ing when they appeared
bere Goderich Town Council
• and the future of one dog is not
too bright. The dog
seven-year old son had been
bitten earlier in the week by the
dog which, they. said, • was a
"vicio.us• animal."
According to the information...
even by the _eauple to council,
the dog was being walked. on the -
sidewalk by, its owner. The dog
was on a leash. The child, as
diabetic, was on his own
property at,, the time of the
The couple immediately, set
about to have the dog restrained
and perhaps destroyed. Reports
from that neighborhood are that
the dog had bitten three time
previous y. a
witnessed, the Murrays said.
On Wednesday, the Murrays
received word from the ' Huron
County `Health Unit that the dog
wouldquarantined fa 14
days. Ho ever, the animal was
later observed loose and running
freely • on its owner's property.
The Murrays then contacted
the town's animal, control
officer, Richard Eisler 'who
hesitated to pick up the dog
because he felt it was still under
the jurisdiction of the Huron
County Health Unit. The couple
71 appeared .before council "to find
countries, Margo points out. h th do hadn'tbeen put
Margo is the daughter of Mr. out wy e g
and Mrs. Harold Bettor, 131 in close quarantine."
West St. She will be entering "I don't think it is fair that
•d I meet artd talk Grade 13 at GDCI this fall. • the law protetts the dog but it
of the world," .she explains, entering Grade 13 at 'GDCI,,this Mrs: urr
"an ma y • h ' t elled fall She is ihe daughter of Mr. vicioug animal. And these people
'extensively. In cases seen as and Mrs. Gerry Ginn, • RR 2 a t. the law Thedtlog
these,. I feel rather guilty in that • Clinton.
I am the 'one that benefits from
the tour., I.. learn of many
different. foreign customs and.. ,
often the origin ,of . early
pioneer ways -in the area."
Anne speaks With -pride about .
the museum bits.- She calls it
-"It gives one great pleasure to
helk put something together and
then see' the enjoyment th'at
gives other people," says Anne.'
MARY WILKIN feels that the
highlight of her first summer's
Work at the museum has .beee
the, opportunity she ' had to
explain 'some of the,exhibits to a.
Spanish visitor "in somewhat
broken Spanish".
Mary is 17 years old and is
da hte of Mrs Betty
Wilkie, Goderich. She plans to
complete high school 'and then
"Our miniatur,e museum".
enter nursing' schodl. •
year tour guide, is a student at
the University of Guelph. She is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .
Bellinger, RR 2 Goderieh.
"I enjoy meeting tlje public,"
reaction to the exhibits."
she .may like to become a nurse
someda'y .but right now, she has
'set her sights on returning to
Harem County Pioneer Museum
next -summer for her second
season as a tour guide. .
I enjoy my job, says au ,
.after only one summer as a tour this if something isn t done
guide, "I- can learn from the tonight 'and they can prosecute
--people as well as,,,,,help inform the if they' like,"- said Mr.
At 17 years of age, 'Laurie- the dog bit, everybody said wait
thinks work as a laboratory until the next time. Now it -is my
has been loose twice.",
urray. "'The other times when
'technician. might suit her fancy -c
BARB .BRITNELL is one of How many -times do I have to
have to' wait neXt tirne?
two 16 -year olds' working as a wait for that dog to bite."
guide ' at the mtiseum. Barb's 'Council agreed ,that since the
parents are' Mr. and-- Mrs. JAW. edict of the Huron Courtly
Britnell, Gpderich, and this is Health Unit had been violated
her first summer on the job. -
we have -
other various - jobs , suc,h a had no alternative but .to pick up
the animal. '
dusting; cleaning windows,
"It will be - picked up
painting, Weeding the gardens,
cleaning- show cases and adding tonight," stated. Eisler to
new, exhibits," reports Barb, "as
well as just mingling with the
crowds of tourists and answering
their questions. We also travel
with -our bus to other towns."
also 16,. is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Doug Cruickshank.
"1 think the maie reason I,
like the job at the Aseum Is the
'different people you meet," says
Carole. "I have given tours to
people from Australia, England,
United. States and from ali across
Canada. -Just to talk to someone'
Carole says she 'has 'no
definite plans as yet after she
"I meet peoplefrom different finishes high school,
walks of life and from different
, and the dog had been let loose
• "Besides -giving tours, -again, the animal•controf officer
Point Fiirms summer
the park 'and leave there
Continued froth Page'il.,
s unchaperoned. In my
fike park are to be corritnended, judgment,parents" who do this
for doing their -best to keep are just plain stupid and ought
some measure of order, but the ' to be held responsible.
' fact still remains that out of 18 "What's the answer.? I would
nights at. the Pinery we enjoyed make soine suggestions:
only three nights of uralistprbed . "*Family ,campers aed single
rest, .and this.'be.,eause it rainedit campers will haw to , be
Letter to Editor the nocturnal hellions. On five that the lawbreakers should be
different .occasions I, got ()in, of asgi' d the choice area in the
Continued from Page -4. 'bed in the middle of the night, "Dunes."
car lights as I approached the ,• and we were into "Boatnicks ., , nacterial eount and OWRC has dressed, drove down to the 0
ALL the lignts" were out. Fine ybu'll never get me out on a other day (hoping.to change the yet' all this fails to reassure me as disturbances on adjoining , be given a chance to shape up in
wicket,'",,but suddenly realized Well, I can tell you now, - I met the -nicest little lady the
. the water regularly tested and of rice to " report serious
thing! Oh' tfiese brakes - the boat when the harbour is as subject). .1 their own area or' be shipped .
lights are quickikon again - so , filled up ''`as- it has been thisi_ years, but knew she had been ,
hadn't seen her in much as it snould, as my campsites. '',. ne police dame and '
common sense tells me that if quietened downthe ruCkus bura out.
"*The OPP ranks -must be
'who thinks twice about it? You summer. That movie snowed all desperately ill Pr five or six - .
... we let things go until the' tests few minutes later it would break increased. . ' .
. ,park- and connect the speaker to 'the things that can happen when months not too -long ago. I was- and dbunts stir bad results forth from a differentcamksite. "*The lands'and forests staff
'' the ear, then 'start fociliing everyone. is rarin' to go - all at so surprised to see her as spry as .,..some day then the harm is Many of these youngsters were m,est be increased so that gangs .,
around. '....., the same time usually, and the a cricket with one 'of the nicest z already -done and everybody will obviously heavy on drugs, and
. of more than six are not allowed
'. .. things that can happen - so 'gardens you will find in be despairing at the enormclug beer was being guzzled,as if ft to camp on one site. This was
that you shudder when- you of that garden, with all she had cost and tremendous task facing was going oti-t- of style. , poorly handled this Year.
Good crowd, lots of children •,, innocently and thoughtlesslY, Goderich. I believe the thought. ,
But' Disney ig Disney! The last think of the near mis-ses you've i planned for' it, brought her back us (or mu. children in their time) "Before becoming a "* The LCBO under no
actually, for a late nite show.
• streaks of a beautiful sunset had under the same to it. Stranger things have as the result of doing nothing or clergyman I worked with 'rough
, circumstances ought to put the
were still showing and the stars circumstances. happened. very little to ,prevent such , and tougli men oe construction beer tr s in the parks as' has
pollution -in the first -place. If We and., think I have heat „jus recently been proposed. The
and there. - , ', . picture and every would-be go on and on dumping all sorts about every cru e wo un er-age i s a g
were beginning to twinkle .here It was 'a great water sifety Anyway, she still knew me.
spooning! Here I am - an old, picture was exciting, improbable she smiles. And so I know she
tinderstands me. Obviously thereemust come a day wife, three children and I Were
' h Ilth for the much alcohol already.
"* The silent majority who
What a beautiful nite - for sailor should see it. The other "I always read your column," of 'things into the lake then in the book,tbut in 18 days my
moon maiden and my spouse is and entertaining - at least late, I hid needed a little dill - when ,we count dead fish, close , subjec e want to enljoy a quiet -vacation Id
already asleep. Oh well, he's an as, it was, riot a soul left before and if you didn't want a whole , ,
our beaches -and sbudder at a rest of our lives. The.sex morals one of Canada's fineg 1 parks
old Arian and the key word to the very end. must speak uP loud and clear
the whole thing is OLD! " bundle, where Would yoe And sight which could* continue ma t ch e d t he ,langu age.
giving us benefit and pleasure
So, I ant wide-awake instead' Everything had to be under lock now. They must register their
of sleepy. ttry_reading-bitt_aftlr.....:'it? You just go to people who instead if only we had sense , Ind key day and night. You may grievance with their local MPP.
. Utile. They Must write to Hop. Rene
garden._ becatiSe_tlia.,, love ,lt,,..._-enou 1;--to-stop-eertain--thin sin- woridet_why we stayed. We
So I watch the &liken who .
big sereen. You took around - actually sea -sick. Sea sick? Must f t li &in i t a Some OWRC statements and 'Pinery an we were • d 0 s , d him to take
had quieTtly found the swings an hour or so all I have is a g ---
and other kid things under the squeamis- h stomach and I m They just HAVE to see. things . g
grow. Seen' c, .plants develop
' the_ teeners ..in the car near me have been that boat movie - references sound --rather cynical not to give into mob pressure. concrete •action immediately.
couldn't be the co-ke and french _ art act of God - and
y plant is a rea revelation aq, not at all reassuring to me. Unfortunately many of the They .must inform ithe OPP in
the'roar of t eir radio; lights are fries or the cucutriber which Don't we learn anything.ofrom quiet, laVv-abiding families the Park of violations
. are laughing a talking above
„flashing•on and off as people get never agrees with me at any, wonderful to watch. Little Mrs.
Daer ig one of these gardeners the'sad and sorry eitnerienees in packed up and left, which of Of unacceptable behaviour.
in and -Out a their cars; some are time. . '. who use more T.L.C. than other places? I am not in course did not solve the "* My -heart 'aches when I
Writing on headlights - on - UP - . So, .1 spend' the , rest. of the agreement with the attitude that problem. . think of the many men anii
.:- off. ' ,, , night on the alert. We ''are .f e r ti lizer and really have any of us, big or small concern, 2 "Who' is ,to blame for this women of vision; some of whom ,
--After about half kln hour of fortunate that we sleep thrO' gyp something to show for , it.
Gardeners Who garden 'because ' .can with impunity continue rottee mess? It's easy to. blame I ' khow,. Re.ho persuaded the „
'Aiiis:,qtgettaffiladtvititern'apeorn. --tithottly,,,yoted.osver.teite.voite„,,,,_ _ . . ,adding by pits and pieces to the- the police- and • the parks
way ilaveke,it vare,cthe .kind -of Ontarl&pernment to establish,
people are getting restless they you. The neighborhood tom cat "'worthwhile after all and 1 ihink because we \are not at danger two groutis -who "We' to Wane: 'petSons 'Bf itaiats
Shop" is slowing down and night noises that screatn abotif people who make you feel life is
\ level at present ("i- am alright, first, those who refti,se to abide to build a Fineey; a few
dOn't %%ant to leave, the lights 'comes yowling around. How they are,WONDERFU L. jack „).
eOuld eotne on any miritite. So, cOrne he doesn't know by now Friendship isn't.ours until
by the camp rules,,and secondly, thoughtless, unaisciplined folk •
the parents who take their 14,15
ld oun sten t 'cpainedestorobyv .11.1:11V not let the
. Sincerely,
you find yOurself feeling yout • that my cartig-wris a tOm give it away. So, give - Elsa Haydon ano 16 year -o Y g n ry g •
-Away, Into th.6.tefreshmeOt booth... cat? Martha.'
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