HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-08-19, Page 1124th YEAR 33 14. tat rooim THURSDAY, Aupt,IST 19, 1971 o e 0 at Dungai nenii.40‘.. 4)* 41' SINGLE COPY IS' 01 .1 • • er. Voir,*tr The exciting gymkhana rodeo and horse show held Sunday at - c_;:iabt2n019Arinon Fair dioUnds;sfitirrsolfeetV041011Wirregil" Riders' Saddle Club,wasa huge success This is the start of the sack race for Junior hOrsemen. The Om the race is to rush the length ofttlalial0On :eh rich- ticks waiting at •the other, end, and hop home! Control of the horse. at this stage of the event is most important. Town must invest if harbor 15 tQ..,gr° ....... • officials to arrive at a more equitable division of use". • "The dilemma of dividing Sung. Harbor use between Ideal boaters and tourist traffic is and always has :been, ohe of our most difficult problems each Spring.' said ,Carroll "Each year we turn away many applications for seasonal.. 'dockage. This observation should be noted by potential developers Who must, at some point give serious consideration to Federal Minister of Transport Don Jamiesonhas informed Goderich Town Council that his government Will not finance any further expansion in the Goderieh harbor and waterfront area at this time. Jamieson's letter stated that after a study of the entire. problem ' byf representatives o • the transport department. it is evident that requested changes at Snug Harbor, Indian Bland . guarantee * an element •of financial stability in the Marina. operation," stated Carroll. "In comparison to other similar services on Lake Huron, our prices are certainly Competitive, in s•fact, much lower in some cases." Althouh Transport Minister Jalnieson had commented, that dockage space seemed to be taken up by local boaterSather than tourists, Carrot - said he and the . waterfront in general • wouk1 i`challenge• any member investments in could cost as much as $500,000. of -Council or any of • the DOT Pjeast tt,trnto Page 1() The Minister, said such an '. . , , expenditure • was "not P . this time from . .. , •. warranted" • at, federal funds.. • agoon cottents may e committee, Reeve Paul Carroll_ me ferti izer elds • Chairman of the harbor, f* ,' • I • on fi •-a-1.,----a.-Piris and boys-PatcH.P. aftd-. ...401),e440(t.,F=Raltr,,,',1 any special kind of barrier. As can be seen by this photo, the youngesthorseman in the field was leading the pack because of determination and some luck. said after reading the .te correspondence from the Minister that it is clear tbat According to Charles "attemptsto further develop the MacNaughton, M.P.P. for Huron • , * entire •area will rest with the municipality". "It will probably become necessary to adjust our dockage and related service revenues to' Mobile wagon corning tonight Goderich Town Council at its meeting last Thursday evening gave approval for a new business' to be established near the Square. It is to be a mobile french fry •• wagon and will, be operated by Gerry Eggleston of the Dungannon area. Eggleston appeared before council last week and outlined. his plans for the operation: He said his stand would be similar to the one owned and operated by `Pete." It will offer for sale on ly -frenchfries-and-softdrInks'-' - Garbage which collects around the stand, Eggleston claimed, will be cleared away at the end of each evenitng. •The newv, businessman purcHged his vendor's license this week and will set up shop tonight (Thursday) at the West • St, corner. Downspouts and • ,Minister. of Highways, . Transport and Communication, an additional cell may soon be added' to the Listowel Lagoortto help capacitate sewage which is now threatening to overflow the present lagoons and further p011tite the Maitland River. Answer4ing a qiieStion on the matter dUring a qusionperiod at the Progressive Conservative "Get Ready Meeting". in Goderich on Monday evening, Mr. MacNaughton said that When the cell., is added the combined effect, with the new aeration units- should be sufficient to alleviate much of the problems on Maitland.Rivr. "Not only Listowel and the Canipbell Soup ComPany are to be blamed for the. situation disconnected Residents of the Town of • Goderich who have downspouts from their roofs hooked directly into the sanitary sewers will have to disconnect them on or befoe— Ottober 15. A bylaw was passed at last weeks meeting of town council "to prohibit the 'dumping of storm water into sanitary sewers within ToWn limits". It was Pointed out that in severe storms in some areas of town, sewers become overloaded resulting in baekup problems for householders. • Council believes that strict enforcement a the bylaw will Mtn/late in9st,of,thediffituity.in - , • -Omens '61'. the' " • . however," the M.P.P. explained:. "It is my understanding that there are additional upstream pothition problems as well" • Mr. MacNaughton's Please turn to Page 1(1 Chiming again! The 111g. old clock the Ouirl House. in the centre of The Square ilelliming 14(1(11' The clock hod not beeusy•Aufg the 10mrs, half/lours cold quarter hours li)r three or .101rs111011111S, aCeOrdillg 10 court house officials, and last . 11311/ repairmen set flu' clock right E7v)enses /or • the (lock are shared hi. the ((nutty of IlurOu and h Thwi 01 Goderi matter.. 11. REV. PETER G. ST. DON New minister Rev.. Peter G.' St. Don, 24, is the 1 teW minister at - •Bethel 'Pentecostal' Tabernacle arid will be the spiritual advisor for the congregation which numbers GO persons. • The, church at, the cornor of Elgin audWaterloo was Wit1101.1( pastor when Rev. Robert Clark left earlier this'summer. Mr•_St; Don was raised in New • Liskeard in- Northern Ontario: He studied theology 4,at E ste ell Pentecostal Bible College in Peterborough and after graduation -was , the assistant pastor of Calvary Pentecostal Assernbey in Toronto. He was married February 27 to Miss Linda' Shelley, formerly of Brantford. Mr. St. Don preached his first sermon at Bethel on August 1, Pillars leaning; solution needed , The pillars at, the entrance to town are "leaning" Reevy Paul Oarroll reported to Goderich Town Council. ' Councillor .Frank Walkom was appointed to look into the ,r Oaf re.rt, This,was the reception line at the President's Ball, Friday evening at the Maitljnd Country Club. Attendance Was good at the formal affairvinth' music by Johnny Downs orcheinth.FIOM,the.,iptt are, Mr BrunpiLapaine; BrunaJ2a1mMrs4pa0 'Murphy D'SW illifrsi.,0001Shtittreedlinti DdrtShdrtreed,- 0444114tititdi Valley Golf 11 1' • 41 iCt 4.1 and TWN COUNCIL BRIEFS Co u n c illor Elsa1 iaydoii corn n ed last 'Thursday evening at the regularmeet ing of Goderich Town Council that some merchants in the businessarea 'are not , keeping the sidewalks ,clean infront of their' premises. •• Council Concurred \that ,,- •business people should be reminded that it is their • responsibility to' keep • the sidewalks ii front -01' their stores and shops swept: "They nfust di their share lo keep the town clean." said Mrs. Haydon. C and Sanitation vjII be advised that it is part of their garbage pick-up contract, . with, the Town of Goderich to'collect the garbage at the tiarks, • Councillor Elsa Haydon said the garbage containers at Sunset Park were full andrunnng over, and asked that the situation be corrected. Council •1,earned that the colorful new garbage. containers on The Square are emptid• by the Parks (1-ew. • . Goderich Town Council has. concurred with a request from Huron -County Council topemit angleparking on • thireast side of North • Street immediately in front of the: ' Iluron County Pioneer -Museu tn. Councillor Stan Profit • said' the museum was proving to bea Please turn to page 10 Sh#1ey Ann Fisher, daughter of )and Mrs. Arnold Fisher, R. R. 4, Goderich, graduated from - the Kitchener -Waterloo chobl of Rttirsing on Friday, August6. Miss Fisher has accepted a position at Kitchener -Waterloo hopital, Kitchener. (photo by FOrde Studio). No settlement ft press 'lime, tne .only indication given at Monday • evening's public meeting of Huron County Board of Education that the board is still attempting to reach a salary settlement with its secondary school -•teachers came when it was announced that, the Salary, Negotiating CO'mmittee • woulct tneet Wednesday, August '18. Since the weekly newspapers go to press before the meeting is sheduled, the county school news reporter attempted, during the pressquest ion .period, to get some answers from members of the board and the administration concerning whether pot_ seebiidary schools hi Huron •Please turn to page 10 Bain• officially suspended; has the right of appeal The Executive of the New Democratic Party of Ontario at its last regular ' meeting in oronto, ; August .8, supported the action of the Huron NDP Riding Association with regard to' the suspension of Ea Bain. Mr. Bain has beennotified of. the Provincial Executive action by Gord Brigden,Provincial Secretary. Under the New Democratic. Party constitution, Mr. Bain has the right of appeal if he feels' there has been any injustice in this action. At an executive meeting in Goderich, Sunday night, the Huron 'NDP Riding Association completed its organization of Huron Riding for the upcoming Provincial ect ion • with intensive :campaigning to begin Monday, August 16. Candidate Paul Carroll, Reeve of Goderih, advised that the Sign shop will f11ish the first 2000 lawn signs this week and all canipaign literature has been prinCed .with the exception of the final leaflet. and his • Candidate Carrot) has titaroweirroacomPleted 4-peronal „oats on k 4249.00-0:43tErre Ztaitt'" reception has been excellent. He f^" , • supports the statement made by Pat Chefurka, North Middlesex NDP candidate, who indicated last 'week that the rural vote is switching to NOP. Carroll expressed concern about the widespread level of pc)verty noted in areas of Huron Riding and 'suggested that you had to get just one concession road away from the main arteries Co discover the true jiving conditions- in some of the rural iireas.,,,„ ••' Preliminary wok being done now rile. duct and boxes for new street lighting on the inside The Square will be laid by Goderich,PUC while the arra is 'ripped u' fdr•installation of the storm sewers. • Councillor Deb Showfelt, chairman of the Water and light committee of council said he felt this was the time to complete this preliMinary work estimated ,at: a -cost of $2,,000, even Op aok'tierne.*-.410itliletil installed this year. 4 Al 4•144t:k TeifrIire ----tvvith-thelf61-344:10440tiogr;.r..= takes strength, hdrsemanship anddetermination," The crowd- - loved every moment of thesack race and cheered lustily for each competitor in the field. (staff photos) Huron board complete again Parsons named second member from Goderich George Parsons, general, manager of, Goderich Elevator and Transit Company; has been appointed to the Huron County Board of Education 16 replace Dr., Barry Deathe of Goderich, who resigneclthis suMmer during a dispute concerning secondary teachers' salary negotiations; E. C. Hill, who was appointed to the board to replace the othei GoderiCh inemberWho resigned, Mrs. J. W. WallaCe was present at 'Monday evening's hoard meeting and was officially sworn into office. With the appointment of Mr. Parsons, the board of educatiOn in Huron is nOw backtofull strength -- iti membrs. • Chairman of the committee to, appoint .'Lew board members, John •Broadfoot, commented on the calibre of men who have made themselves available to serve on this board. "I am very happy and proud Do,nnelly, Murphy. new solicitors The law firm of Donnelly and Murphy has been appointed solicitors for the Town of Goderich. • The appointment was Made last -week's .meetingof Cotirreil and became' necessary, after the recent death Of 4.K, Hunter, the townsolicitor since 1947. to have had, a smallpart in it,", said Broadfoot, ...` - Hill was welcomed on behalf of all the board 'Members by the chairman of: the board, Robert Elliott. • ),• • In a brief staterent, Hill said he is anxious to assist 'the board in .any way he• is able „ . . "particularly viiith,,regard ` ..to education". " - • . Pupil accident insurance not being handled— When school' opens next month; parents will not be able to buy accident insurance for their children through the school': This 'fact was Made abundantly clear Monday evening at the board of, education meeting in Clinton. The accident insurance, which was available in previous years, has been • discontinued because it wasn't considered too valuable in Case of student accident. Some claims have,been settled only after considerable dispute oncerning • legal interpretation of the policy and the 6oad agreed thalp since studtriftS are •covered by OHSIP • through their farnilies, the • insurance could bedropped. Some suggestion was made -that, dental insurancewould be useful, but it was learned that this, too, was unsatisfactory at this time. Debbie Barker, 16, saw the story in last week's Goderich Signal -Star concerning the candlemaking wo hop tea enrolled for it. Debbie has done some candIemji1ing at home 14t0411114iksalit.40artackvaeaWotrteViEVIviStigorTh' visiting the YEW for the session. --staff photo