HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-5-18, Page 5BEANS W `N f Vfiil'vir,' 2,C% 'tie aro P nt 1 covaty that aura Zhu perks NQZY,IUb psbibiy, lost Yr or sura x t roti dh,> Ttinnbut tl us n weakness of body' or mind (=sod by over work, .or the error's or er.-. ,oma., w,u:,.4'.,'esvaclm.0 eessus of youth.. 'Phis llemaly nb. sotutgly cures the most obstinate cases when all ocher e :.ibzisNl.'3 have failed ovate relieve.otelb'drus' s s at $h per xiaoka c o ois for ;p5, or sone by mad on receipt of price' by addressing TIIF, 44314$ lv TANCJ NE CO.. -Toronto, Ont. Wut' rot. panwlrlet. Sold ?u� Tor' yule he Lrxeterleye . W. li:rowrnistt, L. FI Pickard of Montreell has been eleet- ce first vice president of tine internation Y. M. C. A. now in session at Indianapolis. SCRAPED WITH A RAsI'. Sirs:—I had such a severe cough that my. throat felt as if scraped with a rasp. On taking Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup I found the first dose gave me relief, and the second bottle completely cured. Miss A A Downey, Manotic Ont. Large psrties of negroes are emigrating . for Tenessee to California. I-IOAST is the old Scotch name for a cough. The English name for the best cure for coughs is Dr. Wood's Norway. Pine Syrup. No charge is reported in the G. T. Be strike situationat Moutreal. A COMPLiCATED PLiCATDD CASE. Dear Sirs, -I was troubled with bilious- ness, headache and loss of appet;te. I could. not rest at night, and was very weak, but after using three bottles of 13 13 B my ail• petite is good and I am better than for years past. I would not uow be without B B 13, ;lid am also giving it to my children, Mrs Walter Burns, Maitland, N S. The herring catch thisyear in I{empen- feldt bay is the greatest ever know. Why don't you try Carter's Littre Liv- er Pitts? They are a positive cure for sick headache, and allthe ills produced by c is - ordered liver. Only one pill a dose. Judge Ardagh and Miss Ardagh have ar- rived home at Barrie from their sojourn at Hamilton, Bermudan MY LITTLE BOY Gentlemen,—My littleboy had a severe hacking cough and could not sleep at night I tried llagyard's Pectoral Balsam and it cured him very quickly Mrs J Rockett, Lincwood, Ont The British Imperial institute was form- ally opened by the Queen. WEAKNEss, DEBILITY, PALENEss, ANAEMIA., etc., are cured by Milburn's Beef, Iron and Wine. Gpo. E;liott of 11lasonville, near London died very suddenly Wednesday loth aged 63. FOR FROSTBITES Sirs—Forchapedhands, sore throat and frost bites 3 find nothing excels Hagyard's Yellow OiI. .I had my feet frozenthree years ago and obtained no relief, until I used Hagyard's bellow Oil, which soon healed up the•frozenpart. ChasLongmuir, Alameda N W T The international biennial conference of the YMCA. began at Indianapolis roth. inst. ten Baby was sick; we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child; she cried for Castoria, when she became anise, she clung: to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. The board of.reelew of the National Twit- ting assoeiatintr Wednesday refused an ap- plication for the,reinstatemeat of the fam- ous stallion Alcryone. Derangement of the liver with constipa- tion injures the conplexion, induce pimples, sallow skin. Remove the cause by using Carter's Littre Liver Pitts. One a dose. Try, them. A Gascoigne,a middle aged Montreal man committed suicide by swallowing a quantity of vitriol. PERFECT sATIsFACT1ON Gentlemen—I havefuond B`BB an excel- lent remedy, both as a'bLood purifier and general famity medicine I was for a Long time'troubLeti with sick headache andheart burn, and tried a bottle; which gave me such perfect satisfaction that I have since then used it as our family medicine E Bailey, North, Bay Ont. The annual meeting of.the Canadian Pa cific Railway Company was held in ttoatre al Wednesday. CHAPPED HANDS AND LIPS,crecisecl skin,sores, cuts, wounds and bruises are promptlycured by Victoria Carbolic Salve. The _rand council of the Royal Arcanum for Ontario ber,an its eight 'annual session in London last week, IT HAs BEEN PROVED It has been proved over and over again that Burdock Blood -Bitters cures dyepopsia constipation, bieionsness, headache, scrofu- La, and au disesases of the stomech, Liver and boweus Try it Every bottae its guar- anteed to benefit or cure when taken Accord "wing to direction Burglars blew open the safe in Thompson Sr Howell's store, Copetown, Tuesday night and stole about igryy. If there ever was a specific for any one colnpLaint, then t.lartei"s 1 ittLe Liver Pitts are a specific for sick headache, and every woman should know this Onry oae piLL a dose Try them . Mr. Tait's amendment to Mr. Clarke's motion regarding the representation of To- ronto was carried in the assembly Wednes- day by 49 to 29. LOW 's WORM SYRUP is, the standard of Excellence. 'Mothers recommend it. Children cry for it. Worms 'ftyfrom it, The village of North Galveston, Ind,, has been destroyed by fire, J J Jackson, his wife, two sons and a daughter were burned to deatn. t r'S''an'sS'•'`G U.R E F O R C REti, WHINE ALL ELSE FALS. Bost "Cough Syrup. Teske Good• luso to time, :,Seeley druggle's. Its, '9' a A. World's Fair Notes. On Thursday 17.682 people bought tickets for the. World's Fair, S ' The Sarnia Indian Reserve Band will attend the World's Fair. Zile World's Fair council of adminis- tration has deckled that smoking is permissible within the grounds of the exposition; but not inside of the expo. sition. Before adjourning sine die Saturday. the Board of Lady Managers of the World's Fair put itself on record as in fir, r of an open Sunday by an almost unanimous vote. Little Johnny Kennedy, : of Ottawa, was crazy to see the World's' lair, so he stole $16 from his mother and bought a ticket to New York, suppos- iug that was the way to go. Inspect- or Bell, of the Society tfor Prevention y of Cruelty wttl bring him back. Chicago, May 8.—The rule to close the Bates of the World's Fair Sunday was rigidly enforced yesterday, at least so far as the ticket purchasing' pub is tvas concerned. The fortunate hundreds who hold passes were admit- ted, however, and allowed to wander. about the grounds' at their will It was a beautiful day and thousands of workingmen, Louie with their families, went to the fair groundsunder the ap- prehension that the gates were to be open, but they were not admitted. WORLD'S TnlvxPEP.ANCE CONGRESS.—: The World's Temperance Congress to meet in Chicago in June in connection with the W'orld's Fair is expected to be. the most important temperance gather ing the, world ever saw. The formal opening of the Congress will be on Monday, June 5th, at 10 a.m, when addresses will be delivered by President Bonney, of the World's Congress Aux- iliary, Archbishop Ireland, chairman of the -World's Congress Committee on. Temperance, and others. Deaths of the Week. Ex -President Gonzales of Mexico, is dead. A death from, smallpox is reported at Rat Portage, Mr. William Berry, a pioneer of In- gersoll, died Monday, aged 87. Mr. David Flemming, G. T. R. sta- tion agent at'Trentou, died on Friday, of•consumption. Andrew Miller, farmer, Southwood died very suddenly at St. Thomas Fri- day afternoon. John Prior, an ex slave, aged 98 died in. London Friday. He was the father of nineteen children. At Rat Portage, Friday Dumas Har- ris, awed sixteen,` accidently shot him- self with fatal Jesuits. Seven workman were swept off a dam at Dixon, Ill., on Monday, and three of them were drowned. George Victor, the soverei„ u prince of Waldeck, died yesterday at Marien- bad, Bohemia, of pneumonia. The body of Abraham Moss, aged 44 was found in the river at Trenton oil Monday. He leayes a widow and six children. James Scott, of Strathroy, died at the residence of Matthew Scott, at the advaneed age of eighty years, a. few days ago. Mr. George Elliott, ex -mayor, of Guelph, died Monday at Washington, D. 0.. where he had been spending„ the winter for his health, Jdhn Fahey, bridge conductor of the G, T. R. at Niagara Falls, died at 5.45 Friday evening of pneumonia, having bean sick only three days, At St. Denis, Mo, Thursday night a mail named Daley brained his wife. with an axe and cut her throat- He then out his own throat and may die, John Z. Carlisle and Charles Luttrell. were hanged in the goal yard at Sher- man, Texas, Friday for the murder of. Billy Sherman on April 28th, 1892, at Denison. A. boy about 4 -years of age, narned Frank Cook, of Waterdown, while play Ing in. front of his parents' house, Sat urday afternoon fell into a cistern and was drowned. Mrs. Bell, 11 ving about four miles frena Dil Springs, committed suicide Friday afternoon by taking rat poison Despondency over her husband having left her was, the cause. Many friends of Mr. Tindall Sinhpsou of Berlin, formerly of St George, will regret to learn of his death, which' took place at Berlin on Wednesday, result- ing from a stroke of apoplexy.' Mr, Simpson was in his 60th year. Wm McCabe, oiu; of the oldest resi- dents of Goclerich township, died the other day from the efkots of the in-` juries he sustained some weeks ago through falling out of a road cart. De- ceased was well known throughout this section, and was an enthusiastic, Orangeman and Conservative, 'Complete a l hood ATalI;)'.HOW TO TTA6N IT." A Medical Work that Tells the anuses, Describeo t}ne'7Q$ecf9y, Points the Remedy. Scientifically the most valuable, artistically the most beautiful medical buck odci• ili- lishcd; 56 pages, every page bctiring a halftone illustration in dins SubCreamy' iocts tread I+7'ervous Debility, Ifupoteiucy, sterility, TieveroPmenia:V.arinrjcc1G,;', The husband, Those Intending marriage, etc. Every man who would know the Grand Truths, the Plain Facts, the Old Secrets and New Discoveries of Iviedical Science es applied to Married Life, who would atone for nast follies tnid avoid flume pitfalls, should write for this WONDli:R 111, LATVIA; 1 00K. it v 4l1 he sent tree, Mader Seal, while the edition lasts. Address the publishers, ERIE rIIEDICAL CO., Buffa'lo, N.Y. neax Miscellaneous, "Cuts': ---'1'110 best thing we know of to heal a. cut or a would is to bind up the injured part with a cloth saturated in Perry Davis'iPain Killer. Only 25,c. for the New Big Bottle. IF eau dDead is Bed. Woodstock, Ont,, Mar 16 - —Yester- day afternoon the African aiive Choir accepted an invitation from the local cricket club to play a friendly game of cricket. While practicing before the play commenced, Geo. Clarks', manag- er of the choir, was 'struck on the left ankle by a cricket ball, which - pained him so severely that he was unable to stand v,,hile taking tickets at the door to the opera house last evening Be foie the perforrnance was concluded he went to his hotel and requesting to be called at 7.30 o'clock, this morning. At exactly that hour the porter of the ho- tel not being able to arouse Clarke, o, ped the door and foiled that he had died during the night. Mr. Clarke was an Englishman and appears to be about twenty-three years of age. Death vas due to a largefibrinous clot of blood being suddenly detached from the inside of the heart, blocking one of the large arteries. An inquest will therefore be unnecessary, You CAN GET immediate relief if you will only get a bottle of Metnbray's Kidney and Liver Cure. Why sulver. with Back Ache, Indigestion, Pain be- tween the shoulders, Constipation, Sick Headache. etc, when you can got rig lief by using this valuable medicine? Procure a bottle without delay. Hay, Dr. David Mack lost a valuable six year old rare bulldaynight by death: —A 1 ttlis sun Of Mr. Jas Gould, of this Township, while playing about the stable the other day, had his upper jaw broken and his face badly bruised, Mr: W. Cudmore, of Kippen, is still do lug quite an exteusive business in pressed hay. Since hay came in last, fall he has handled two - hundred cars of this article sending about 800 tons to the. English mai ket; at present is all going, to the American market, being bought on the track by a gentleman from Albany. Mr Cudmore stilt has abort 600 tons to shin—The Zurich: Swaiip dredging rnaelhine is progress- ing rapidly, and expect to complete the contract this year. They have made great meimproveet in the way- of time and ittconveuience, by the addition of. ariotherstow which is beteg floated at the balk of the dredger, and serves as. a boa►dingand lodgiug house. This enables the Meu to put its at least three: or four hours more work per day. At, present they are working from 6•a. m. toSp.m. Officer A. 11. Braley of the Fan River Police Is highly :gratified with Hood's Sarsaparilla. He was badly run down,: had no appetite, what he did eat caused distress and he felt tired alt dee ante. A few bottles of flood's Sarsaparilla effected a marvellous change. The distress in the stomach Is entirely gone, he feels like a new man, and can eat any- thing with old-time relish. For all of which ho thanks and cordially ream - mends Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is very important thatduringthe months of March A.prii Nay the blood should be thoroughly purified and the system be given strength to withstand the debilitating effect of the changing season.For this purpose Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses peculiar merit and it Is the resat Spring Medicine. Ei The following, just roreceived, demonstrates its wonderful blood purifying powers: "C. I. Hood Sr Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Gentlemen: I have had Bele llama for a number of years, and for the past year ono of my legs, from the knee down, has been broken. out very badly. I took blood medicine for a long time with no good results, and was at one .time obliged , to walls with ernntelles. i finally con- cluded to try flood's Sarsaparilla, and before I hacl taken one bot- tle the improvement was so mailed that I continued until I had taken three bot- tles, and am now better than I have been in years. The llnfiauanuttiom has all left any log and itis entirely healed. I have had such benefit from Hood's Sarsaparilla that I concluded to write this voluntary State - meat" " F. J. TEMP,La, Ridgeway, Mich. HOOD'S Pit Le aeteasily, promptly and er- ciontly on the livor and bowels. Bost dinner fri1L 9 Vegetable Pills ere pre: pared to meet a legiti- mate demand for a mild, efficient and relleble family physic, They aro purely vegetable, containing no re' calomel, mercury, or mineral sub- ; INNS stance of any kind. Hood's Pills act upon the stomach, liver, and alimentary canal, and airs Liver Complaint, Constipation, Nausea, Biliousness, Ileadaclse, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Distress after Eating, Jaundice. A cold may be broken up and a fever prevented by promptly taking hood's Tills. cod s Pills Are prepared by C.I. Hood .z Co., Apothecaries; Lowell, Mass. l'rlce'23 cents per box. Sold by all druggists or sent by nail on receipt of pricre � U ()MTV 1 !HAVE YOU SEEN IT? THE BIG leOTTLE PA - I LLER Mi'! Isle ,r�'IdT�li'�kt' 3i Old Popular 25c. Price. argains! argains 1 ; Bargains!!! The Spring Season is about here and our good wives are begin- ning to think of house cleaning. Then after the "dirty work" is fin- ished, a few nice 'pict- ures will be necessary for a spring-like ap- pearance. Bear this in mind, the best stock of Bamboo Novelties, Picture Moulding and Curtain poles, Is at G LEY'S NMINFTWIE & Cy OEIT6t5 ING —Establishment. zotor P141tilig Hogs Wanted. Dressed, EDrossed Hogs bought subject to the following conditions:-2Ts per cwt ori'; 5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck; 3 lbs for either bung gut or guliett, if left in. All Bogs to be cut through from Tail to Throat. Highest Price paid for Hogs Weighing from 100 to 200 pounds, dressed. SHELL BROS & Cot PALA CEBAKRY Tho undersigned having handsome- ly fitted up hia parlor and restaurant -Will serve - ICE CREAM during the Sampler Season. Also a large supply of Confectionery, Bread, Buns, Oakes Scc. Visits Exeter every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon, A11 orders left with George Sanders promptly attend- ed to. Oysters and fruits of all kinds in their season: D, W, FOSS, Hensalll Ex1cr !iitriuit EMPORIUM. PERKINS & MARIA g PROPS We cary the most complete stock of Musical instruments in the county. PIANOS, ORGANS. VIOLINS, ALSO SEWING MACHINES, BICYLES. FARM IMPLEMENTS &o, The above instruments always on hand. Terms to it Purchasers. GIVE US A GALL, Odd -Fellows Block: Opposite J Grigg's Stationary. EVERYTHING AWAY DOWN f p'ke ,y ER ..Y AKING RO VERT N. ROWE, Proprietor of (The Old Established) FURNITURE WAREROOMS, (One Door north Molson's Bank.) ALL NEW, GOODS. LOW PRICES. STYLES TO SUITE EVERYBODY. lhaue also a complete stockof curtain poles and picture mould A Specialty The Fashionable a`�r na1ble Cutter and Fitter. As `I are the only OT7"1'F7i end IeI`.fIFIt in gown wholias visited the large cities in SIi United States this Spring,/ aro therefore the hest able'to fit Yen in'1'Aie Peeper Style. Ladies, When you have bought the material' for your Spring and Summer coat come to me and get fitter; Gentlemen, Before you buyyou: Spring Suit, come up too my shop and get poster: on THE STYLES, BEIIT KNIGHT 1 The Fashionable Cutter and Ritter. NTEtAL RLM ZTOL; A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Drug ALWAYS KEPT. Patorigocius At right and reasonable prices - Prescriptions Old Carefully ''7Prepared. Wiiiii's OntfilICA. Pwr the best in the market. C. LUTZ. PROP.. CLO INc A. .2x�. st_ EXETER - ONTARI; Has now in stook i AnrepINIntra IN THE FOLLOWING LINES: West of England Suitings and Trim• erings, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser ings. French and English Worsted Clot), All made up ;lu the Latest; Style, at best .Rates. .'. SELL B, Never was there known such low price in Furniture ' before, as you will find at A'E oi Having purchased the Ware'ooms and Factory lately occupied by W. Andrews, I wish to inform the people of Exeter and surrounding Country that, I am offering all kinds of furniture at greatly reduced rates. All Goods guaranteed to be my own hand make, of first-class dry material and put together in the strongest possible manner and of the latest design and finish. .All kinds of ordered work and repairing receives my prompt attention. LUMBER and WOOD taken in ex. - change for FURNITURE. ewhere .�. �e only laid in to��a�. you can the Yale's *atent Dominion Nick1e.Plated Wire q :aittressac�� fest theMarket. „„ e W Andrew's Old Stand 2 doors North �.'. , Town Halli Exeter.