HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-07-29, Page 1010 GODERJCH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY 1ULY 29, 1971 ' r 4`:.. `". k;h:,••tiHt+ .7,:'�:}:..., �::: ^.i,:::,v,:;:•i}:vl.:::::�na'.�:;}:jt.`:}v:i >ki; .f:rrd:+✓};:�;,a. : ti.J: "� kCve'. �. ;ti:ti-44:: .... .. F Continued tnrm Page 4 “potentially hard-working hld a traffic accident? Because candidates eager and waiting for there • is a truck route? Or the chance to serve • this because- we have races, tfbats, municipality in Iocal eta government"::* Perhaps • attitudes The author has, of course,' such as expressed in the brief we every right to air his long list of havejust discussed supply part • a. Ma. W a he.•..�ra•-caaw .-..v+:nr. .,. rtiY - yaN.-u7yfi•'3�',!.Wro'�'al;'".;7}fY`o%�{ disCilres" in� ai�zy�wr�y�+o1^�i`ris-clzrri�ce, . Others have a right to -question --w^- :- Sincerely, whether it was done in good• ' Elsa Haydon faith and whether, our municipal government is indeed in such a state that seeking the Premier's intervention . would seem a suitable and useful thing to do. What brought me now to my .feet is the puzzling fact that yqur editorial uses this particular brief, of all things, as a link in arriving at doubts - `concerning council's wisdom.,"•" adding. that "We are certain these doubts. are shared by Other Goderich residents' from, time to time on various issues.'' By association one is left with the feeling that you share the view' (which I do not think, you do) that intervention by the Premier's also like to tha n s Shortreed and JOB,' WELL DONE Dear Editor., The Goderich Branch of the , . Intense interest, for great prog am arranged by the Goderich` Canadian Cancer Society would at , this time like to say thanks , Kinsmen for the octogenarians `ii `°an 1' around Goderich. The for a joB sp 'very well done, afternoon's entertainment included a varied agenda of 'musical We wproud tere the recipients . of a cheque for $2327.00 'this Retarded € 1 l d r e'nw move week. The proceeds were derived from the•bike ride for cancer. F• Broader education'ai' W - s e would like to gnua, special vote of thanks to Ginger , . Shortreed and Shirley Keller. These girls devoted a great deal of time and effort and made the .xide...the.,.sue.ce:ss it was. We would office in ° Toronto is indeedhusbands, Don place. No doubt the Premier Ken Keller who pitched in and takes a different view. helped; to Jerry Petrie and Tom This letter is my individual Thompson who served drinks at reaction, but I feel it is • the half way point; to the public reasonable to presume that who sponsored- the riders; and neither this council nor any last but by no means feast to the other council would ever claim ladies who made the great effort possession of any particular and rode the 10 miles. collective _and-a..all-solving • With*this'kind of help I hope `a�iaS:fl:o }' wan ,' �:, 1,nCU1Qrs a a,a �tja`t ystr n u wLU wsa. l +f alii'e has been beaten,:" - ,basically keeping house for the town and they are naturally aware that they do so without the benefit of a magic formula of keeping absolutely everybody happy and satisfied all the time. , Premier Davis has no such quality. either. Your editorial also failed to mention (whilst repeating the quotations - that Councillor Shewfelt and. I immediately pretested against the..xnanner which the brief uses some comments made ..by.,a number,of councillors at different times, quoting .them out of context and deliberately misinterpreting their 'intended' meaning. • Surely it makes all • the difference. to know, for ' instance,that the remark , about sitting "like a bunch of dummies” was made 'only in connection with reduced mining grants during 'the debate on increasing taxes and was never intended for a broader, application of another person's choice: Criticism is healthy and stimulating, if it is based on factual observation (in other words, taking aim before shooting). It is welcomed by everyone in, , public life, as it makes us look at issues from all kinds of viewpoints and, therefore, adds to our understanding • and experience. However, finding .faults .without doing one's homework by becoming properly informed about procedu'res, finances, overall planning, etc., makes no constructive progress, towards improving this or any other situation. Therefore, I very much agree with the one part of your editorial which suggests that residents ,seek first-hand knowledge of the working of town council. The editorial, quite' rightly, finds it strange that there is not a growing number of • ???????????????????? ? ? 2 2 2 ? 7' I'M ALW TO PL TO HELP GOOD FOL HAVE MORE COMFORT AND EASE ? •? 2? ????????????????'???? Sincerely, • • 'Bob Swartman, President, Gderich Branch, " yCanadian C ociety. .POLLUTION! Dear Editor,' For more than twenty years t have „enjoyed summer visits to the lovely town of Goderich. Imagine my amazement upon seeing dirty'salt 'and old 'salt bags' being dumped directly into the harbor by' a front end loader near the Sifto Salt Company, of Tuesday, July 2d. I thought only Americans caused pollution! , Sincerely' yours; Frances F. Turner, Uniontown, Pa..,USA o p p,o rtunities for Ontario's trainable retarded children were announced last week by Minister of Education, Robert Welch. Mr, Welch said legislation -will be introduced to standardize the school ,attendance of trainable numbers and colored slides as well as a bountiful picnic _lunch. (staff photo) • closer to educational equality retarded 'children with that of other students in the school system. They will, he said, .have the ,opportunity to. attend school full time from age five. until 21,, dependent upon their capabilik,,,' ' to profit from the school experience, Under existing legislation, trainable it- aided students under 10 years of age may only attend'school for half a day and, all must leave the system at age 18, Responsibility for deciding if ',minable retarded students will attend full time will rest with admission boards that now work in co-operation with school boards on matters dealing with, Minable retarded students. • •Mr? Welch said the move ' extends to all students re Ontario's concept of equal„ educational opportunity. Mr. and Mrs.' George MacGregor of Hamilton visited relativeshere and in Lucknow last weekend. Mr. and Mrs, John Telford of Sault Ste. Marie were guests of Earl Hdwes last Friday, ' Angela 'MacDonald attended .4 Kintail Camp fora weep.. ' Mrs.., .1Vhi ds)4 .14i1cCreggr..ati^+ ..- d a w.g..h.t.e r ,: M r+s . D a y i d, MacDonald, and Mr. MacDonald, of Alberta visited "relativeshere recently. Patti O'Connor has moved to Goderich.: Miss Mabel MacDonald of ,Windsor is. visiting her sister, ' Mrs. R. West. ' Mr. and Mrs. • Christopher='' B4angh; who- spent two week's at a Kintail cottage, have left by , plane for England. Chris MacLennan of Stratford was home this weekend. W.M.S. Fourteen members and, four visitors were present at the July meeting of, the W.M.S. held at the home of Mrs. Alvin Robb. Mrs. Wylds • opened the meeting with a poem. • Roll call was answered by "A Miracle of the Bible": • Mrs. Grant - Farrish gave the Bible Study on the Ten Commandments. Mrs. Wylds displayed a Glad Tidings, poster, and ' read an article on the Helen MacDonald S�.hoa1 . in YrLdia....._Mrs._. MacMuxchy read an article 94 a , mobile clinic, and Mrs. J. West read an article on Africa. Mrs. Donald Martin presented Mrs. Ewan MacLean' with a life membership certificate in recognition of her service to the W.M.S. Mrs. closing prayer and lunch was served. Gordon-. Rabb gave the GUEST MINISTER Clarence MacU ;lei,.„_a teacher of Hindustani, conducted .services in Ashfield Presbyterian Church the last two Sundays. For August, church', will be at 9:30 a.m. and church school apt 1b:3O'a.i, PUC (Continued from Page One) would be real. yr • Goderich • 'is the fourth community. to - indicate its willingness to join the compact following similar moves by the 'other members in June of this year. They••are Exeter, Clinton, and'Zurich. • • Just when -the final,meetings will be held to formally organize the local -compact it 'not cle'ar' but Mr.' Rolston indicated the move might come in about three - weeks. "We hope that the • savings made through this arrangement can be passed on to our customers," the P.U.C.ianager noted, "through a programme of fewer increases in service rates. • SILVERWOOD'S miLK 3 QT° BAG HOMO RED & WHITE 24 oz. Loaf BONELESS, FOR THE., BARBECUE. Cou ncil (continued from page one) the speed limit in that stretch. Although it is a four -lane highway, the speed limit is 30 miles , per hour, the letter advised. Mayor klarry�Worsell reported to council that he had investigated the area in question with a member of the Goderich Town Police force and found that there was a need for speed limit •signs. The.... -signs were ordered and would be erected upon arrival, he said. T... WILL. YOU, FIND AT SERVICE ,ELECTRIC? WELL . • •• • WE HAVE AN EXCELLENT SELECTION OF * Speed Queen Dishwashers * Speed Queen Washers and dryers •* Moffat Ranges *. Moffat Refrigerators * Brand. Name Small Appliances a Light •F,xtures * Garden Tools •* Quality Hind tools * Glidden Paints and Supplies `* V=Belts * Evinrude. Outboards a° Lawn Mowers * Shelf and Heavy Hafdware SERVICE DOMINION HARDWA E. BONELESSi'L FULLY COOKED DINNER HAM ,,. 89 MAPLE LEAF HAMBURG— ' CANADA DRY cANNED . & WIENER CANNED , .HAM ROLLS PQP Pkg. of 8 CASE OF 24 1'A lb. 'Tin 1 49 r •...... _ ......................_... . . .. Prdd. of S. Africa—NAVAL ORANGES Gt, Size 89( doz. SIRLOIN TIP .•oR RUMP ROAST lb• SCHNEIDER'S — 6 oz. VAC PAC iMEATS COOKED SCHNEIDER'S FULLY CHICKM COOK b. llri!k I SCHNEIDER'S M.L BEEF y STEAKETTES `1b• SCHNEIDER'S OLD' FASHIONED to' oioAt.PVY ° AGS 2 0, co-�G gN�aSNEv s �.GMISRNrt 1NSGG°�AlE ,�- Gw N's- JOH arse n . MAUI, OVA , + r � SUNSHINE 12 oz. A �10 ORANGE JUICE ASTRA .Ws CKEYE LMON. TBOLO�GNA RINGS. ►b. 59`' l l,s :.. i , y t {, :a...•^�+/;,{r {.:i'•+j+} {�+>/t 7 1 ,'tr{ !1 �'(t„�+,�Kry F/��f44„{iy�l�stRty��/,�i.�+,�1`.�t�r�'�..Jti.�,�jjh�iti��t�l�i�+'isi?!'i•'ti�u;vfi���i{.�.1}a�.(t.�ilill;}1�,�",;.ii}}:��ijti�$irJ,/%isk1Y, HUMPTY DUMPTY-69c SIZE • POTATO C'.111;PS 9` 59` REMAIN DPATH GRANULATEDGA R S up 2485` CHARCOAL GOOD TASTE 6'Ib, gag.',AoR99 F 4 • ,'0 50, ,Ib. BAG, 5.49 - , A Suhsid.ias'y' of Service Electric (God�er�i"cli) . _ w - GO EftlCH 524.8581 ��ii^!A $fig NORTH .�._...._.........u._,�_�..,� .....,... ...M. .._-�..u... • to,, rr 31+aaii�::t aa• rr tro, 1 1 a (p, •