The Exeter Advocate, 1893-5-18, Page 4HE , d.eJ ` brrocate, S:tNDz,Rs c$o D'Y'ER. Props, ` RURSDAY, :NAY 18t1a, 1893 'RLJ mAxr`'O.1344 80ROOL .After some` eoneic'ioiiribio delay the federal government ha Pe decided on tilua particular form or shop in which this ease shall go before,. the Supreme 'Court of Canada for adjudication. As will be seen by > tine list of questions to' questions enbmitted to the Court, great care has been taken by the Cabinettopre' sent the case fully and fairly; and. 'with this view, all the statutes and nnrrespondence as well as the records ,ofjust p Gover oceediugs are contained in .the factum submitted, Both the Mani- toba•nment and the Counsel for the inority haye been notified oft n of the federal authorities, said ted to make any suggest ion ing the case and to state wh tions they have, if any, to the ng questions submitted to Supreme e Court:— R. C. m he actio rogues s regard at objet follows 1. Is the appeal referred to in the :said memorials and petitions and as serted. thereby such an appeal as is acl missible by subsection 3 of section 93 of the B.N.A. Act, or by sub -section 2 of section 22, of the Manitoba Act (1S70), passed by the Dominion Parlia- ment? 2. Are the grounds set forth in the 'petitions and memorials such as may be the subject of appeal under the au- thority of the sub -sections above re- ferred to. 8. Does the decision of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in the cases of Barrett v. the City of Muni - peg, and Logan y The City of Winni= peg, dispose of or conclude the appliea- on for redress based on the coutention that the rights of the Roman Catholic minority, which accrued to them after the union under the statutes of the province, have been interfered with by the two statutes of 1890, complained of in the said petitions and memorials? t 4. Does sub section 3 of section 93 of the B.N.A. Act apply to Manitoba? 5. Has His Excellency the Governor- 'eneral in council power to make remedial orders which are asked for in said memorials and netitious, assuming the material Facts to be as stated there- in? 6. Did the Acts of Manitoba, relating to education, passed prior to the session of 1890, confer on the minority a "right ,or privilege with respect to education,', -within the meaning of sulesection 2 of section 12 of the Manitoba Act, or establish a "system of seperate or dis :sentient schools," within the meaning of sub -section 3, of section 93 of the B. N.A. Act, if said section 93 be found,to be applicable to Manitoba, and if so did the two Acts of 1890 complained of af- fect the right or privilege of the mi- alority in such a manner as to warrant an appeal thereunder to the Governor- General in council. A MEMORABLE EVENT. To -day is the fiftieth anniversary of the "Disruption, which led to the for - nation of the Free Church of Scotland. On the 18th day of May, 1813, owing to alleged encroachments by the State eon the spiritual rights and liberties of the established church of Scotland, 450 ;xnauisters with their representative eld- ers marched out of the building in which the General Assembly for that ye,ar met, and formed what was . called the Free Church. At the tune, it was felt to be a great blow to the establish- anent,—as many worthy divines took 13art in that secession. Theoretically they held to the principle •'that it was the duty of the Civil Magistrate to maintain and support an established religion,"—but in course of time the Free Church practically be, came voluntary in principle. In later czars, lay patronage was abolished al together; so that every congregation minor, i eercises the right of choosing its 'ewe Clergyman. "How it ever Came about iu this conutry, where all :churches are voluntary in principle. Chat the Free Church was imported bore --leading as teat step did to dis- ruption and to many heart burning disputes over questions legal and ec- clesiastical —is to the present , genera- tion a mystery. ; Happily,phowever. better light has dawned 'upon Presby- terians; terians; and now there is bat one swited.body of that particular branch ,of Christendom 'ie. Canada, In Scot fond, the Established Church has re• gained ground; and its member :ship now far exceeds that of the Free aird United Presbyterian ehurehee to. geether. Should: Mr Gladstone ueceed in getting dis establishment in Seot_ land, the lett histerin nroenunent of nay tional independence will have : been sswe rrt:aw ; and I 1 ay, bete .uii1 Y ..then be spreeentc•d the unseemly spectacle of averse! •religiotrn.hodies boldieg t'e the n.e form of government,' at,t the one confession of fai(h, g competin in a sseit.it.of.rivalryfor° the popular vote. :t maw, however, turn out itt the end Ova under a more enlightened spirit i '. mit Christianity the various sectlans of hest "anis will ewe ,I r;�teti. . n t i Mc.c. their way to corporate i inion ---and thisas a har- binger of that widerand more Catholic union which will embrace in one Church all who e' love the Lord. Jesus Christ in sincerity :and truth; PULLING. THE ,e11.LD,411ME r UP. A bill has been introduced into the Ontario Legislature, and has passed its second reading, whieh has for its ob jeer the curbing of the extravagance of municipal councils, The author of the bill is Mr Balfour, and he is prob- ably acting with the appn robatio of the Government,' Lot our municipal coun- cil read learn ` , mark, and inwardly wardly 3i_ est the following section. n "Int ee event � e t oi: the council of any municipality neglecting in any year to levy the amount required to be raised annually under this or any 'oth- er act to provide a siekiug fund' for the payment of the debenture debt of the municipality, every member of the council shall be personally liable to a penalty of $200, to be recovered in any court of competent jurisdiction by any. one who may sue therefor, and in ad- dition thereto shall be disqualified for holding any municipal office for the period of two years, but no member of the council shall be liable to the penal- ties hereby imposed who shows to the satisfaction of the court or judge that he did everything in his power to pro- cure the levying of the rate for the said sinking fund," The Legislature seems to be of the opinion that the municipal councils of the province have been too reckless in their expeuditures, and too prone to run their, constituencies headlong into debt. The bill is intended to curb that tendency by making each individual alderman liable to the severe penalties mentioned, namely, a fine of $200 and disqualifreatl rn for two years. No doubt the increasing strins•ency of the legislature is called for, and will have a salutary effect. The exports of breadstuffs from the United States last month were far be- low the re3ord of April, 1892, the de- crease being not less than 33 per cent. in value. Even this rate of decrease shows a decided changefor the better. Iu the four months ending with April the exports of this class, measured by market value, fell no less than 45 per cent. short of the figures for the corres- ponding part of last year. News of' the Week in Brief. The Ontario Coal company bas made an assignment. Drought has caused serious damage to grain crops in. Italy. The World's Woman's congress op- ened at Chicago, Monday. An agitation against Sunday funer- als is in progress in Kinston. Four new cases ot typhus fever were reported in New York Friday. The Masonic Grand Lodge of Can- ada meets in Ottawa in Juue. Two children were burned to death at Banff, N. W. T., on Sunday. Au epidemic of measles is reported among the children of Napanee. The teachers in Brant county are meeting in convention at Brantford, John H. Paton, of Detroit, is the ap- pointed U. S. Consul at Amherstburg. Conflicting reports are received re- garding cruelty to Jews in Russia, Frank Burd had his left arm sawed off in a mill at Parry Sound on Thurs- day. The Keswick brethren concluded their services in Hamilton Thursday night. Emperor William has declared his intention of opening in person the new reichstag. Considerable destitution prevails among the people on the eastern coast of Iceland. The Presbyterian synod of Toronto and Kingston concluded its sesssion at Guelph Thursday. A vote on a petition to repeal the Scott Act will be held in Bromd Co., Qse,, on June 16. Charles D. Bingham, a well known Toronto painter,tried to commit suicide in Elmira, N. Y, Monday. The Steamship, Wandraham, from Hamburg, is ashore 69 miles below Quebec, and is leaking badly. There were this year 245 names add- ed to the Stratford voters'. list 28 names were changed and 308 simnel off: David Lemon, of Windsor,or beat- ing his wife, has been given twenty- three months in the central prison. Miss Monilaw writes from Kincardine that the report that she committed sui- cide by takingstryehnine is unfounded The Scotch -Irish society of America convened in Springfield Ohio., Thurs- day morning, in its fifth annual bes-. sign, Brantford Presbyterian churches are making arrangements for the general assembly, which meets in that city on June 14th, The Nicaragua revolutionists have practically o ver•thrown the Oven men t and are in complete possession of the Nicaragua canal. Carleton county Reformers will meet in Ottawa on ;lune 13th to elect dele- gates ee1egates to the Liberal contention to be held in Ottawa our June 20th. News comes from Eng•laud that Colbeck, fornreriv assistant postmast at Ilanrilton, is dying. 290 Chinese actors, who had been re fused admission to the lJ'riited States, left Tacoma to retwu'rr to their own land, Found -the reason for the great •op• ularity of Hood's Sar•saparilla--simply, this: Hood s Cures. Be sure to get Hood's. Eliza Sefton, Dundas street, To- ronto, tried to commit •suicide Monday by cutting her throat with a pair of scissors, A ball in honor of the Infanta Eula lia has been arranged to take place at Madison square assembly rooms, New York, on May 22nd, The Port Huron police have ve arrest- ed Hamilton Purdy eu 'suspicion of be- ing the perpetrator of the:manv incen- diary fires in Sarnia. stir, The employeos of the Edison lamp ,t o . , .I, e f< c t i Hamilton, r, J a , ui art out on 'strike � 1Ionday against the intredueti,.on of the price s,vstem. The trouble was settled and the men resumed work, Home Secretary .fl.equith has finally intimated that the. dowager duchess of Sutherland, sentcarccd to sib weeks' imprisonment for burning a court doe =era, will have, to remain in goal the full six weeks. The May returns of the United States department of agriculture on the con- dition of whiter wheat shows a reduc- tion of 2,1 points from the April aver - ago, being 75.3 against' 77,4 last mouth and 84 to May, 1892. TheTlromson n steamship h e Hurons with a general cargo from Montt;eaal has been beached near Cape Magdalen P g 140 miles "below Father Point. The ves- sel sprung a leak and was beached in order to prevent it from sinking.: Latest seeding•'' reports received in Winnipc+g` from all parts of Manitoba and the Northwest are the most favor- able. In some places the fields are re ported as beginning to show green. Last season there was but' little growth until June 1. Eleven of the thirteen distilleries at. Beoria, ill., will be shnt down the first of next month by' order of the whiskey trust officials, because of too much stock on hand. By this move 35 ,Gov- erumetrt men and 150 employes will be out of work The Presbyterian synod of Montreal and Ottawa concluded its meeting at Ottawa and the synod of Toronto anct Kingston continued in session au Guelph. Both bodies adopted emphatic resolutions upholding Sabbath observ- ance and prohibition. Clarence P. Teller, known also as Charles H. Price, the noted Cincinnatti robber, who was sent from` Detroit to Jackson prison for a seven years' term, packed himself in' a box with a: lot of scythe snaths the' other" night, was loaded on a dray and carried outside the prison walls, when lie made his es- cape. In. Saginaw, , Mich,, Charles Whit- worth, one of Sarnia's well-known boys, had his life crushed' out on Saturday morning by an elevator at the Hotel Vincent, He lost control of the car and in trying to jump out at the third floor was caught and squeezed to death He was 19 years old, and leaves' a wid- owed mother and three younger broth- ers. Peter Humbach, of Scrantou, Pa., is said to have: confessed that he set fire to the Methodist church in that place when it was burned, a little oyer a year ago. The church was'rebuilt and when nearly completed was again burned, a few days ago. Humbach has confessed that he employed anoth- er party to start the second fire, He was caretaker of the church The sterner Lahn, which arrived at New York Thursday from Bremen and Southampton, had three cases of small- pox in the steerage. It is reported that the great 'Ameri can sewing machine trust is dead. The capital of the joint coMpany was to have been $12,000,000. The Harrietsville cheese factory now employs five men, and is making an average of thirty cheese per day. Their April cheese solei for 9S. cents. It is said Prof. Robertson will be re- engaged by the Dominion Government for three years as dairy commts- sioner at a salary of $5,000 a year. The 145 stablemen employed by the Montreal Street Railway company Thursday demanded an increase of 125 cents a day in their pay. It was gran - ed. A Cairo, Ill., despatch says steam• er Ohio, burst a flue Monday tnoiniug- near Belmont, scalding 22 men, six of, whom died before reaching the hospi- tal. Mr. Allen Woods, of West Nissouri, lost a valuable horse the other day. The animal ran against a stake, which entered his bowels, acid he had to be killed. A special cable to The Globe an- nounces that Hon. Edward Blake, will spend the Whitson recess in Scotland, speaking in Aberdeen, Inverness and Dundee. At Chestnut Ridge,Lawrence county S. C.,a young negro assaulted a daugh- ter of Capt. James W Ham while on her way from school. The culprit was hanged: The United States coast cruiser Blake is ashore at the entrance of 'Lake St. Peter She was enroute to Chicago and attempted to navagate the river with out a pilot. A man named Thos. Ford, while driving a stallion a mile south of Lam- beth Tuesday, was killed by being thrown into a,di,tch,.and the horse step ping on him. The amount of Dominion currency • in- circulation` oif May 1st was $18,414,- 000, an increase of -$825,000 on March and a decrease of $700,000 compared with February. President Cleveland on Saturday made the fallowing appointments; Consuls—Edgar G. Givens, Arkansas, at Winnipeg; Francis X.Belleau, Maine, at Three Rivers. The printers employed in the govern ment printing bureau are protesting against the chanes of incompetence made my Queen's Printer Dawson in his last annual report. Mrs Welsh, of St Thomas, mother -in law of Rev. W. G Freeman. fell out of a second -storey window while walking in her sleep and received injuries. which may prove fatal. The Duke of Veragua, Christopher Columbus' lineal descendant, was at Niagara Falls Thursday and was pre- sented with a bronze shield. The duke received every attention, The new method of assessment a- dopted in Montreal, by which buildings are being valued separately from land, is expected to inerease the city's rev euue by about $200,000. Chief Wills, of Windsor, received a despatch from London on Saturday. that John'Delvin, of Windsor, had 'es- caped from, the Asylum. This is the third time John has escaped. The annual meeting of the Orange grand lodge of the British America has been postponed until the 1st day of August next, and it will then be held in the town of Sault Ste Marie. The Radicals in the Norwegian storthing.has been introduced a bill providing that the emblem of the union ofSweeden and Norway shall be elim- inated from the Norwegian flag. At a cabinet council on Saturday the seutenee of Anderson Veney, the Amhersthurg murderer, was commit- ted to imprisonment for life. Veney was to have been etecuted Thursday. It is thought the strike on the G. T. R. at Montreal is over, The Shedden company's men went back to work Thursday and to day the freight hand- lers are expected to resume at the old rates. During a ,fire in the establishment of the Royal Waterproof company, Mont- real Thursday night, John O'Rourke, a fireman, was almost instantly killed by falling cornice. The fire caused $60,- 000 damages. Mr. Fred Coppin, who has been in the Mitchell branch of the Canadian Express and post office, has been' pro meted to the audit office of the Express Company at Montreal at a considerable advance in salary; About four menthe ago while:Miss s Maggie Dixon, the 16 yeateold dac~h ter of Enghreer B. Dixon, G. T. , R.,of St Thomas, was in the gardenia couple of young Mends dressed, up in disguise A five year old daughter of Hector Patterson, lot 13 con. 9; Dawn, Town- ship, enticed her sister, ` who is two years old, to a secluded -place and per-. suaded her to lay her hand of a block,. when 'she immediately cut off the first, three fingures of her baby sister's right hand. After this had been done the severed fingers were buried in the ground. Before the children reached home the youngest had nearly bled to death. The Cleveland Police Board has is- sued an order to the effect that hence- forth the police will dispense with belts or batons. There haye been several' cases where the need of such an order has been illustrated. If a policeman is grabbed by the belt from behind he is practically helpless and at the mercy. of his assailant. The police will be armed with short clubs to be carried in the coat pocket. Sarnia customs authorities are of the opinion that a good deal of smuggling has been going on between Sarnia and Port Huron for a while back, and, it is understood, are uraking it warm for some of the leading merchants and bankers in town. It is said a promi- nent manager of a loan company ` was taxed $100 for goods worth about $35, and a druggist was taxed for a similar amount ` Special Custom Officer McCly is investigating A Port Huron despatch of the 13th says: -"A carload of thirty-six cattle from Iowa, that arrived here yesterday afternoon, were sent back to this side by the Canadian inspectors, after hay ung passed through the tunnel, on the ground that some of them were suffer- ing with lump jaw. They are at pres- ent in charge of Cattle Inspector Dr. Cummins, and will be held until ad-. vice is received from the State Board of Health at Washington." The four children of Mr. Humphrey Purdy, of West Nissouri, bad a narrow escape from death by poisoning a few days since. They were in the , woods gathering wild flowers, when sortie in- viting looking berries were discovered and the children partook freely of them Shortly afterwards they were reined with severe pains, and hastening home they explained that they had eaten wild berries. Dr. J. H. McWilliam was summoned, and his timely aid doubt - lees saved the liyes of the youngsters, who are now all right again. Mr. Wm. O'Mara's little girl a couple of weeks ago extlerienced a choking sensation, which was attributed to an orange seed which was thought to be wedged into the iniier lining of her throat. She found it so difficult to swallow that only liquid nourishment could be given her. The other day, however, she obtained relief by cough- ing up one of those iron J tcks which children take so mush delight to toss on the backs of their hands, and which evidently proved the obstruction whieh caused the trottble.— Wallawebury Herald. and for a joke .frightened her. She George Victor, the s veria never l-ecovered from the shock ' atof Wald e .. ti •Y, a d, prtnca and b aldcc,i, died at i1`Tarrc,nbiid,3ohc,mia at peeeent itr lying at' the point Of death Priddy, Why you take Cold and Cough. h g Generally caused by exposure to cold, wet feet, sitting in a draught, coming from hot and crowdedP laces in thin dress, or wearing damp clothes, stock- ings, or tockings,'or any other cause tending to check suddenly the perspiration. The result produces inflammation or the lining membrane of the lungs or that, and this causes phlegm or matter, which nature tries to throw off by expectora- tion. In many cases she is unable to do so without assistance, and this is Why J you use Allen's Lung Balsam. Three Size Bottles, 2 5c.,• 50c., $1.00 Crediton, The farmers around this vicinity have finished seeding and are now busy preparing For' roots. Crops ' are looking good after the warm spring shower of last week.—Our new doctor, Mr. Wickett, has arrived in town. We wish hire exery success.—Chris. Zwick er paid our town his usual weekly vis- it last week.—Mr. M. Rau spent Sun- day out of town. -Misses Wiggins and Russell were the guests of Mr, H. Lam- pert on Sunday last. -Mrs. Dan Cough lin has been very sick, but is recover- ing.—Mr. Alex. Clark, Sr., is recover• ung from his sickness and is able to be out of the house again. -Messrs. Hueston ?and'Hungerford paid us a flying visit last week.—Alf. Bedford, of Exeter, was the guest of Jos. Edwards on Sunday last.—Geo. Mantle's new brick yard is progressing favorably. -Tho ladies of the Maccabee Tent intend giving a concert on Thursday evening (to -night) A good programme is provided with the town' brass band in attendance: As this is the first effort made by the Lady Maccabees at giving a concert, t ought to be well patronized. Men's, Boy's .. and Children's Hair cut in the latest style, Ladies' Knots, Bangs and Switches made to order. E. Hm FISH, Bather, AGI8NT FOR TUE-- PARISIAN UE—PARISIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. G. Blssettls Livery. First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES- WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. • TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. BISSET"T CH 3• ISTIE First Class Rip's And HORSE8 ORDEES LEFT. AT THE HAMS SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. 'scan,¢ o Zecsoosa, viol Teloohone Connection ---THE - EN.,.,r r - o.Jl."Id. �� �.1.-i3s SH G ABLOIt. EXETER, ONTARIO: A.astin gs it Every attention paid to Lathes' and Children wilt{ Cutting, tagtirlinn areeeeeeseeseeeseeek 11A11AlLfSS heat lS11$ Fo !OOHS AL1, 14EADACHE. away are not a vete used to cure eve27/- thilil,Til4t61141141 yhead" aches. Try them, it lstle cost but Va cont. fvrc boa,an4they arq ltar»ntes8.. The are not a CathartiR. READ AND LEARN That our Planing Mill, Stash Door & Blind Factory is fitted up with the latest improve meats, We aro prepared to do planing and ,matching, band and scrollsawrng turning moulding, grooving and all kinds of mach- ine work on shortest notice. In our LUMBD1b YAIiD you will find a large and well assorted stock of all kinds of building materials. Pirie and hemlock lum- ber dressed and not dressed, 'See: our stock of x x and x x x Pino Shingles manufucturod by the best makers in Ontario, Wo also have a large stock of A 1 Cedar Shingles which are excellent value. No.1 ,Pine Lath con- stantlyin Stock We have alai o st, .ok of ba,ru sash, which we can furnish t? sh with or " T witho at glass. e'aro iitted:up. witmach- inery sp7eotally adapted. formalng all kinds of Tanks and Cisterns,zvliioli \wean famish to our customers on short notice. Wo show something new in this line for watering oat - dein the ffolrl or barnyard, Our,oelobrated Baking Cabinet is still at- tracting much attention, wad giving entire ' satisfaction whenever used. Call and examine the above named stook, all of which will be sold at lowest prices ROSS S,. TAYLOR, 11lain Si., Exeter The Cheapest and est Place in Town To get your Boots and Shoes mended, is at GEO. MANSONS'! Just a few more pairs. of those Men's cheap Hepburn Shoes and La- dies' Dongola Kids left, LEOG MII{SOL N r txoffi c o WONDER IN ELLA ND 1 A Representative Farmer Speaks. SAll. C. C. MMAUN. Tho following remarkable facts are fully certified to as ba twdaniably"correct in every partioule r. Wr. Hann is well known in the vicinity, having 'resided here over fifty years, and is highly respected as a roan of the striateat lser ss. whose word is as good as his bond. As will be seen from his letter, four physicians had attended him. and it was only after hi, had givesi up hops of cure that he decided to try Burdock Blood Bitters on the re^*unttzeudation of a neighbor who had ba,:n curt of a similar disease by its ure. Mr. Raps writes as follows DsnlL Sine,- I *auk 1 Foxe been one of the worst sufferers vo:s have yob heard of, having been six years in i,he: hands of four of our beet doctors without permanent relief, but ooutinurlly growing ~otos, until almost beyond hope of re- covery, T triad your Bitten; and got relief in a few- days.' Every organ elf fray body Ivan deranged, the liver enlarged, hardened and, torpid, the hesxt er4d digestive organs seriously deranged a large abscess in my back, followed 1)y p s.Iyeis of the right leg, in 1.aLot ehe lower ball of my body was entirely us ?;nut-. After nrie Murdock Blood Bitters for a fow days the abscess burst, dicchnrging fully LRvo quarts of putt in two hours. I felt as if ,C' fund received a shock fro i as peek -fetal ' iikairy. My re- covery after this wee steady and the cure permeneni, seeing that fee the four years since 1 have had as a nd bac l.':h as ever had. I still take ate occasional bottle, not that it need it but because I wish to kee my system in perfect ,working order. " I can thinks of no pore remarkable case than what 1 have myself passed through, and no words eau aaprees ivy khankftilneter for such pea:f of recovery. C. C. 1'=Ltox,. Welland P.O. In this oonneetion the following letter from T. Cnminas,Beale elesuiing ciruggisl of Welland, Ont., speaks for itself: Zlto'srs. T. Dfilbw:iz ii Co., Tomato. • Gnrrrraskan •r, i g. hams , boas personally' acquainted with itir.•C, 'C. Hann. for the hist 20 years, and knee always found him a very reliable Loran. •l£ou may pleeo the utmost confidence in anything he says'. with regard to your medicine. He has on many occasions within the last four years told er1e that it wosi r31a4M1bo0.s the way the Burdock.Plood 13ittere had cared, him, and that ho now felt as able to do ti, day's work as he ever felt in his life. Although quite well he stall takes some B, 13. B. occasionallyy, as he says, to keep hien in perfeciehealth. `Yours tr uly, Traoatns Cvsiirrrio,; Welland, Ont. The oteadily increasing sale of 13, 13,a, the length of time it has boon befero. the people, and the fact that it cure to stay cured • attest the merlin merit of this rlionadroh puYt?tot f mreaielaes; ilio peoploregulatorss .favorite lilaotOalo anti see