HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-07-29, Page 4CODERACHSIGNAL-STAR, THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1971
Editorial commentary.
What price dependability?
Goderich Town Council tame under
' sortie criticism following t
' \~
to a new
contract forgarbage ciek"p by C
•.' and W Sanitation. Reason? The contract
had not been awarded following .
We suppose thaVto--keep things -On the
up and up,'it would have bee,,n wise for
council to call tenders on the contract but
' there • are some very valid reaoonu why
council chose to bypass this prpcedure.
First of all, when the contract waset
five years ago, there was only One other
. tender from afirm frornt9ndon.xCand VV
Sanitation is local concern, comprised of~
'a' Goderich `nati'Ve' Tom Cook and his
brother-in-law, KenyVi\uon.
8econd|y, since the i iti | 'oontroot will
be terminated August 1, it .was ,enly
natural to assume that a new contract
would be dawn up...andofforad to C and
VV Sanitation first, because, as council
members agree, 'that firm has provided ap
• excellent garbage pick-up service for -the
r.:7 Thirdly, C and W' Sanitation has
invested heavily in oquipMent to do the
garbage pick-up job in ,Goderich, We
wouldn't go so far as to :ay that council
'owes 'everlasting `loyalty to .0 land W
We . Sanitation, but e vvou|d opnour that
there, seems to be no immediate reason'
why council would ,endeavour to.
^ undermine the position of_ C and W
Sanitation at thi�thne.
As the chairman of public works Ed
Giesbrecht Put it, council could perhaps
have° ' / n the job t.,6 somebody for a few
leSs dcO|ero, but council is fully aware that
, garba^co|tection in Goderich iss-a nasty
business. C and yVSanitation has been
faithful in itsduties for The past five
years -there have' been few complaints
'about the service-endthero is no
justifiable cause for upsetting. th app|o
cart at this point.
And speaking abOut the cost of garbage
hauling,not `one member of Goderich
Town Council ha4 indicated that the new
��zh C and'VV Sanjtasion is too
The' al natt.orttradffive years ago was
. for $19,500. There was a clause in that
first contract Which provided for
additional money to be paid by oounti|'
for any new ~hnrnaa which were
constructed along the 'piokup routes in
Goderich. This has grown to an extt
ofabout $1'5OOper onnuhn. (incidentally,
a Similar clause has been written into the
new contractoo.)
When the ..clump site was moved to
Ho|n`ouviUa''C� and VV,Sanitation received
'an additional $5,000 per annum to cover
the 'extra expense of travelling the 20
miles or sOwbh the ref'ixe. At the present
time, the town is -paying C and W
Sanitation close to 826.000 per annum
forQarbaqe removal.
The new dbntracc fo/ $42'50:Qipeu
annum indicates, then, a raise of $16,500.
Butthat figure•io cut in half when it is, . .
realized that tilt new contract calls for
and W Sanitation to pick'up~thot 'extra -
refuse .^.�/,� the ~~^^, ,..^x� .^~.�_ ~,,,, E[]|T����/��
/='�'' town p""^ ",w.~" ��../ .
used to 'haul away at a� aM�ue|coot�of Dear Editor:
^ � � �
�~,.., S� nno ~
~~^~'. that .,. �' .'�-~* "More Pollution �u�', in last
hat That nano � and yv.Sannanon *eek�paper and lhope ynU will
��~~^°°^��N~^v^���^�^�^~� N. N.
` -
ERIL m.'** �°.�^�^~
teveral years then tri 187) WAS sold tn'a Wkndt,or wow., hke terkarned
Rik 0E11 L
. . ^
I\ I MU her ...not. 1,111.1•Tlied the ERIE BELJ L a ovally tug los ieet.umg .1"..P.*
distreis or saheiging erhoi may be left after a tiopri 'One of the longa1 "'um. 4.
~~~, begun, on November I I 1883 FteCeitlx wind. tt.t."'ti InIT° Ihe
lakes and ships of sail and tiower addle began .,,naling for help l'oo, A.Ys flie
whoonea J N CARTER fotindercd near Kincardine Oniarto Between in the storm
I,Rtf BEL LE arrived and on Noventber 21 , Wigan w k th! stranded CARTER
t old W.1.4111 greeleti the sturdy tug and
� Pulling
- , ..
^ ���� ��N� �
WREcK ��� N ��������
^ Al . .
/ ERIE BELLE' S butler was delagned and Ike:rated to ,ari, h, pounds pressure but n had
been beefed u.p to care) 100 pound,— 1*. A14.4 ;,i,,,,le ,:, to,. Ing ohs A mai-function
^ ��=m�"�������"�"�^�'=^ �^~��.='
firemrapiain an and ^~ r� ~~~° the •
and one deikhand
, �� ����ntett wer_- ~~~�-~. 1- _ ''-_-- -_
'� �° ~~���=^ ' ..
cx�,00/^S w�u�x°'~�=^�^,�~ *
by, 'dedrrating the •usting boder as a tatting
memorial to ��*.~ .^~. '°
,- ` . . _~"°�`~`,
..'.��=.`"°=� -~
__�___ -.--
1 -
Booklet �
. ^
" .
0 ��=
now available '
"Great Lakes
qf the Signal -Star that is perhaps 1;
familiar to readers is now •
' available in the form of a 50 •
page , paper ba.ck?: type booklet
and anyone inarested in the
item will soon. finclit available • /
through various bookstores and ;
other outlets in a number of /
Great Lake ports.. •
John Lamour, author of 'the
~^^ .publication
of ~ ~.~k earlier �
this week. It will be available at ^
a cosof $2,00 per '
The bopWet, which bug been �
monthsmany \ the
collection �y interesting and
informative facts regarding the ^
greatlakes and their 'biutory�
"^�r by re�^ououe: sketches. �
Anybne w��nQtomd\eo: the
full series of log pi�� will be
seriesable to through a second in the ,•
which is to be published
perhaps next year, according to
Mr. Lamour: '
-''''- '~~' ~^~
Great Lakes to
be featured in the -Signal -Star as •
%•%~%%%N•^\‘‘~‘‘N^^•~~•%%^‘%v^••••^% %•
l ves'�ouvd~ to
--�F Talk"
'per annum _`still a,fair 'piece of change' ''.7°ery important subject. '
for' the ratepayers of the 'Town of
Goderich tomake up' some rn�ht feel. '` ^ _ L d
But what price vvou]d you put on' "`"'""p"' for the
--way in which only a pm� of a
dependabi\ity7 'On ' local private "brief which went bom'unElgin
enterprise? On past performance? Avenue West remideW to the
Te grass always- |oOks greener ori
the. Hon. William Davis. Ontario'sother� side ofthe fence ~Sonne others _pmmier,` is presnted. The brief
might -believe that -the, garbage- �h*�collection .
ootio� ' mhnu|� ho pichp, \o[�,alone or,
�~ else printed in full Unc|udVngthe
businessis t a sure way of making easy nine '~^~~ `^ ~ p``^ galled .r.doUors. Thepublic works committee' as
The Grain Curriers" plus oU`ec-
vved|aaothpr members of council know additions). , '
what a thonu|eoo job it can be - and they The paragraph you have
ere grateful for the fi.
rvice provided selected b/ itself /paves an
impression that it Was indeed
regularly by Cmm vvSan-it tion.
�^�'0L�N��� �give �tli:enp a break�������
. .
Just how much does the Town ,of
Goderich owe to its Senior ciizens? That's
the 'question that ..finanCe° committee
chairman Dye Gower and his' committee '
are grappling with right noW after0e visit
last „Thursday evening of Eric Johnston ,
7iresident of the 109 'Homes Incorporated.
The 109 Homes- were first ,occupied
Apartments were._
^ ^1of the CaTladian Legion in'/Sodorioh
-�ndt�etdWnupunoU., ^
' The venture called 'fOr a $7/000 initial
investment by the Legion to get the '
$70/000 project underway, the„building
Ibt which was donated by the Town of
Goderich and a`$-:0OOoperating fund,
also donated by. the fown to -start the
project of '/ ` . ' ^
.' . Sjnne the pace became occupied, the
townparks' department under the
uhoirmanship o -f Counni|[or Jewell has
kept the grass cut in mummer'end`the
'eideWa|ks 'cleaned-rri winter. There has
also baon�t6p occasional minor reir' job'
co[np|otod•6y the tovvn'V'crevv
In' all, 'ties 13een a happy and
satisfying brrangment with^the town
which has kept expenses low at 109
Homes' and cost, ttle taXpajters verylittle
'ore'aU pensioners. Each applicant. for
residency iscarefully screened by the 109
Incorporated b accepted
;, only after it ,has beep shown the person is
managintj on'verV limited funds. The rent
is reasonable -$50 for a single
accomodatton 'and $59 for dobble-ary
includes all utilities and much' of the
equipment. Telephone is the only
a'dditiorial expense to the renter.
Up until this year, the project has been
self-supporting except for a couple of
times ,when the Leoon'oeme to the rescue
with funds for major repairs. But now
costs are' rising on all sides -a seven-year
okdbuik]ing. n�o(nfenaoce-and
�a year 1,09 Homes ohovved.Astefioit of
about $300.
year, aocordingto Johnston, the.
deficit could grow to more than twice
that amount unless something is dGne to
alleviate expenses.
ls of 109 Homes Incorporated
feel the cost of water and sewage for,
the project is one area which should be
expiored to effect savings. It has long,
been tbe argument of the otficials that'
since 109 Htpmes is an unusual kind of
apartment building' with -only one'oerson
in each .''of„ tho 12- apartments, special
arra` ntx thbu\d •be made with the
PUC for these services.
Figures show that each apartment at
109 Homes pays the ful}'yata Per month
for .water and nmwage...$6 per month per
unit times 12 units cnakms $72per month
't|rnou 12 months equals $884 per annum,
Twelve people in two private homes (not
uncohnnndn say the Officials of 109 Homes
vvou|dl pay $144 per annum for the same
oerWoea. it iunt doesn't seem fair,
especially when the tenants are on a fixed
income and living in quarters especially
,designed \uV�'coot housing for senior
"dedicated t6 :the safety of
dd|drm`-, particularly as -it cites
a u,U`sioo between a grain truck
and an automobile at the corner
of Elgin and Waterloo' on May --
31st this. year. Bnwovev, the full'
length presentation -of the 'brief
would seem to \nditate a
different. sort oyup0dt- that of
• disapproving of most la:sliects
our, town's life and• complaining�
to the Premier. aboUt eveqthing
from hork. races to pleaSure
boats. to golfing and the_
Country' Club,development
of the waterfront (beucbe?),
The brief relies. on the appeal
of a very worthy sentiment oy.
-bemA "people -oriented", b�t
horse races. boating, C and
beaches are for people and
thousands of residentas well as
visitors are . enjoying our
facUitieu brief also spoils its -
own "people -mindedness” by
mentiOning in - one of its
enclosures that 'the noise "hurts
-property values".
As. to the May 3ist aecid,ent,.
it was caused by the autoinobile
Ariver whO pleaded guilty to the
charge of failing to 'yield the
ilght of way, and was fined by
°the court off -June 24th. Hardly,
the best example against truck
driver •
Without bothering to find out
the basic facts concerning what
he says is his' most iinportant
argument ("The specific reasOn,
for this plea is the collision
noted aboVe"), the author
dashes off a rambling complaint
the emier, virtuallypleading
with him to take over the
running aybur xoWu. Because we
Please turn to Page 10
60 YEARS Apo
On Saturday last the Milted
States Senate, by a vote of 58 to
27, passed the bill providing for
reciprocity with Canada. , The
HouSe of Representatives., had
already passed the measure, and
President Taft, whose signature
is necesSary to its enactment, is
entiteiyremains for Canada, to pass uponit, and. the legtslators in Ottawaare faCe 4„to -race with theresponsibility 0S accepting orrejecting the' offer of improvedtrade relations embodied in theagreement.
. .
Asign ofthe UmeS is the
adoption of the telephone by
the Grand Trunk Railway 'for
train despatching'.
Some question having been
raised as to the standing of Mr.
Brodie, who is . promoting the
salt and power propositions
here, inquiry has been made hy
the Royal Bank of Canada and,
at the request of Mayor
Cameron, by the 'Union Bank of
Canada, and the following reply
has . been received from the
agents of these banks in London
England: "-Brodie, director of
the Salt. King Co., highly
'respectable and wealthy."
W. Chipman,E, Toronto,
applied , for the , position of,
engfneer to superintend the
construction of the new 'sewer
system. { He stated that Tor
surveys, plans and other
documents necesiary-for-placing
the. . work under contract, his
tender would .be:two percent. He
wouj,,,d undertake the
superintendence qf the work on
a monthly salary; that is, he
would furnish.an engineer with
necessary instruments for $200
per month for the actual tithe
engaged upon the work in
Goderich, this sum. to' cover
.Chipman's services as consulting
Armistice has been declared
between the' t o bands of- the
town and ements have
been made between them -Which
b~ is hoped will produce
harmony - in more -ways than
one. --'-.'-
Preparations for the building
of fifty veterans' houses in
Goderich by. Ryan Home
Builders are making . progress.
The labor shortage press
sOme liffretilty and" carpenters
The trend from -the country --'-'x
to the city presents 'one utthe
Most serious. of present-day
problems. Here in ,Huron we see
gradual reduction of the .rural
The ancient frame building
on Hamilton • Street which
housed J. E. Mutch's barber
shop and -Sam Lee's laundry is
being torn doWn this week
'preparatory tO the erection of a
'fine new automobile warehouse
and service station for Reg.
4ruesday„,morning's rain ended
a '21 -day drought in Goderich,
but not before the town's water
reservoir ran dry for the second
time iuAmonth.
Park px6jeots planned by
Huron County townships are to
receive centennial grants.
' „The Town of Goderich is
scheduled to .go out of the
garbage collection 'business next
week. It will be taken Over by
who has a $19,800 contract for
the collection of garbage afid
care of the municipal dump..
The Hi. Neighbor weleome
service has started saying Hi to
service's manager -hostess, Mrs.
W. Reid of , Goderich, has
made her first'-kcallS ani'new.
arrivals butowu.,
~ �
pleasant time was spent at
Harbour Park on Thursday
afternoon, when the Women's
Association of Victoria street
United Church Met there.to hold
�uum/oe� session and to enjoy a
bountiful picnic lunch and some
- ..
�o_i_ --m- the
' across�Looking HuronCountyK�U � weekly ��e�A�S���csp��rs
C��_��e~��y|,n'said the, Up t6'now,
�. oy the'
To legalizelx-'legalize.
buUdihQ will population »y 'Grand Bend has
That's e question " pcisecr bybe^ -expanded an additional • had to�on
Brenda Bushell, 12n of F` E • 15,000 square feet. services at Dashwood, Tbedyord,
He said ubout,l�bjobs are Parkhill. and Forest, Secondary School in --`
'~--- aeated when the from six t6 20 miles away.
�unt starts Pruducton by Oct
The recently -completed
We're the 'largestminoritin z.0will be them���sixt» medical centre was designed
Ontario still -' "Legally". plant Rumours ' * * * D nV Oo6wmuo of tbp
'— .been '''--"
throughout Ontario lately about--�KrEF�l0R
^ •
' r`
the proposed nking age being _ News -Record
-_-- but as yet the Ontario error. about the former location will.. work under
a provincial
~'Provincial Government has of the T. Cooper Storein government plan which will
obvio�u}y evaded such Clinton:guarantee them •a gross annual
.legislation. The oueiiu�'is. 'One 'thing about the mcunec«mu each.
why? newspaperbusiness; when yourue plan is designed to
attract 'dunto� provincial
to areas has the dubious make a mistake you soon know
by tbedistinction of being the nn|� about it. J��` week we
province not to have granted m� reported that Mr. A. government as medically
under-serviced.•T' Cooper, whose Willis rights -to us, "the over
One of the main reasonseighteen, under twenty-one" age df England is donating
Bend hasn't been able to
group. As " member of this large $2'5 000' for a memorial to his
".".. ^
citizens. .
We don't know finance chairmhelp for this worthwhile organization Goderjch but We know council is agreed
that some solution tothe- problem at1O8
Homes rnust be found.
Eric Johnston points to the 'nohia|
fee for water and sewage charged to
similar pro's in. other municipalities in
Ontario. He believes that Codoriuhooukj
natcht such generous .aueittanno
provided |nother oonnun|tieA. '
It really depends upon just how much
Goderich feel's it owes to its senior
'citizens., In our view; free water and
sewage for 12 older people pn fixed
incomes doesn't sound like too much. ~
ESTABLISHED 'ay iliober^tD
‘The County Town. Newspaper mfHum
124th "AAR
Published otGoderich . Ontario enerymtirsdaymorninguv
Signal -Star Publishing Limited
area code 519
r '
^ .._- -.--^ .nn—n!--editor'
Nr* ARD4!). BYRSKI rivertisingwamager
-' Subscription #�te tea year -
To U.S.A.$7.50 (Muovunicm)
Secims1 class mail re#kmvatibnnumber - 0716
minority, l feel rather
discriminated against
I know 'adults will all^qpe-up"in unison against my
view: '
They believe we will not use
',roil! -rights with ,discretion, but
surely they must realize that
' they are merely insulting their
own integrity as well
They expect our age group to
accept the 'mspon^biUUeoof
jobs and under their careful
supervision to mmg'the|,
_starielards. 'Surely then, We
father and . mother, used to obtain r for -
operate a store where Smith's some was .tue lack' of
m[oroaot wau and. the . ,Both �y the doctors voiced
sale of the -was a little approVal of theirmnew quarters.
before our time (a ear to be '"We are very ankious to get
exact) in February of 1946 so
we didn't 'know that his stbre
used to be itt the biock now
occupied by Martin_s_.-
,Dome suggestions have
alrouds comein through our
office as to a suitable memorial
to the Coopers. They will be
should or We TroTert . .Co:, passed �_'_ ��- ~
responsibility either. I'm' quite
unu/�"'/ ^
sure Clinton Town
thut��e b�nKQran�d�q� * * * `
rights, . .. it ..
non�mvas well' as 'NOT ONE-TWO
our elders. - Go�dB��^buumm��to�
So let us join and demand an ''uuyo the Zurich [Xtb�ouNewm'
answer in this democracyoy After nearly you, ynar§ of
that we too may .w�idnQ and searching for a
proudly hold our d h� hand dpotu� Qomd Bend, now has
high, waving two 'fingers and tvvooy��em. '
proclaiming proudly in Ontario,10c William O`Connorund Dr.
"We ar�Drinkeroton!"' ~ Sean Trapp, both graduate's df
• * * *
EXPANSION ^m« �'_" -medical. ../`.~. *.
both 26 years of age,
The Bemm{, mobile home Dublin andcNUCK OR SHORTRIB .
plant is expanding again, reports new Grand Bend area medical
will set up their the
the Huron tbr:
l'i centre as son as equipment can !
Boise Cascade Home and
be\nstale3t' 'Land Ltd. of London has been , ,
entre, built on .
awarded a . $387,000 incentive land donated by the local Lions).
,grunt by the federal- regional Club, has just been completed.
N.S.economic expansion department The funds, • to ''' finance the
to establish a plant in Amherst, construction "were raised in a . ,
to build mobile homes. severalmonths drive which
The company operates two plants at Hensall, employing brmught in several large . ^
donations , and hundreds of '
p�ne/�tupund g
of them said.
one w
The Times -Advocate, Exeter,
�U about the new contract
with Canners Ltd:
'Canadian Canners Lb�i�d
presented their suggestion for a
new contract regarding their
e disposal to 'Exeter
couodD�h�*omb.Members guie the draft only
examination before
turning it oyer to The 'town
solicitor, OWRC and their
cp lt\ engineerfor opinions.
Under the new contract,Cauu uQuuueru proposed'to
remove all coarse solids and
BmP»oo of them', while, the
screened affluent would be
pumped into the town's sewage
It was indicatedas mucas
day500,000 gallons per would
be into the lagoon upeak canning periods.
The company suggested the
contract continue for -10 years,
although it could be terminated
after five years with ee"^x'
givirg one year's notice.
Council meinbers felt the
contract should
basis with either party able to
` terminate it with one year's
The old contract had no
termination date at :J� and it
has been made abundantly clear
in the pasthat memberwould
ensure that any, -new contract
Would be specfie.
Canadian Canners also
they receive a
write-off of taxes for the land
-.they use for mewu8e tromtnmout
Members, didn't think thiS
would be possible, but noted
,that deeision wag out of their
uuuun nvituouo
handlinggovernment assessing
HomeDressed Select Meat
DINNER NN8�-����4N��
| ���� `
=° �=mm ��mmNNr
about 250 which manufacture smaller ones.
vehicles.mobile homes and recreational The village's' population of
Other _ -- something over 700 is swelled to
Jerome, Que., l:,v8`hwdQe. Altaover 30,000 ., on some summer
' ��1F
and .81�. . �e���n�u ' `
4,_00yrulreglig, ? 4,h #17CORPPatiTiii4Z 174,#
Estates -La, a Nova Scotia .• "The need for m,e..dical
'Crown Corporation. ,
sertrieps close at _,hand is very
E. R. Brunwdnn, or London. e�dent='nu�� medicalnent�
-- .
We Buy Direct From The Producer
lMan — LE
All Our Meat Is
0 4,94
u. ��
l0~ 494
.E F,,
division �mthe ~`-''' ' ' ~� ' ^``~ -�'---
° ^
— Save The Cost Of
'Government Inspected
. *.
� ^