HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-07-22, Page 12• • - 117 • 41. ODRiCa SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1971 0". He -has. bats in. his attic L. .04 • ••• Local hostess at Toronto Mrs. Betty Reid,'Goderich's Hi Neighbor Welcome' Service hostess, played a leading -role in discussions at the recent Hi Neighbor conference of branch managers held at the Royal York Hotel' in Toronto this month. Mrs- 13-eitzi nOtes that for a hostess. working ..in a town with the popuiatioa4Gptderieh,ishe•••-• , dOing,,,vglaskabfir; * ' I have the largest amount of *, . 4 4 pear 'Anders': I'm a - September: French horn gdois out for an 'evening CarL sponsors for, a town with 'PToblem, I'v'e never sen in in your oldest Child: • . • , eOlumn - and I've, been reading Noveinber: Must go visit every woman thePlaP' • rl • 16,year:old girl who has a , isons and band uniform for aftminu ar -9 9 4tt*V4 pp-de,rich'A,pppulation and there - s sic es withc lar-Pela• teS"''C'' 1416's 2A) 'ho • cro,nterekgrian&ndicate you since I was ten. relatives on the •-•-Gcbast, -,latorr-' rtle*,,A t4eke,:a:te,.:.,tabW ih, the- : , ..-__ - w, I'm going steady with -a - TgailisgiVing restaurant or club, he goes from Mrs. Reid praised the focal 17 -year-old guy who is nifty. All December . i Christmas oneto the other. I jat'sit., °° merchants -for their interest. At , M.Y.4„rgOids woad Ave , their - - presents iilt crimp in 7:• " Sob* people darn ' know the present time there are 26 ±;k:..W.fPF.- front..,teeth.49---Pe where-- (They trifid- to get Ar.vadditigng -,%:"wifeh-thOY:Ate,,P.01 off At least sponsors for free gifts' to all .ci,'NtIf•Beiti,-,The prolget iS e newcomers to the town of thtiPhe 4-1.."ttok-t-Priez,k4.106; ',,,,-'--,-February l _Car falling apaiit; $4)0,'Out 40.1s.). 'ii''. ;1f, :. :',--° ,, When. 'fhe time c9rries to go - home most husbands show °up. " ,• Itiii5*.g.'We- are going to a dance Must be completely overhauled. Not , mine. He left the table to Goderith. "I have interviewed an F'-' It' '. -1--- '.."' " • . or a eillgaMe, a. movie or ' a May: Couldn't pass up 1 great buy a package of cigarets' in .average of fiye or six new -1-- -.party, ,because - Bert keeps buy on -a second-hand boat. 1956 and I haven't heard from families per month so far this •' thiking he, i;§ coming down with June: Child broke his arm o n him since. year," Mrs. Reid estimated. some terrible disease about twice a bike. Must .pay Q- for If you think this is way out The Hi Neighbor .group is t—a--week. • When this happens, •hydrotherapy and a new bike. ' let me assure you it'occurs more. Canada's only all -Canadian everything is cancelled. ' • July:. Girl needs braces on often than most people realize. welcome service . working in . • He carries a thermometer. in ° teeth and ballet lessons to lift ThouSand§ - of husbands communities from coast to his pocket and takes his own her morale, since she hates the disappear every year.. This sort' coast. temperature , every few hours. I braces. • of thing can make a wife pretty '* "It's a great thing to w.ork - never knew a kid who did this. Is, My husbandpand I are very nervous especially if she has with newcomers individually and • it normal? What do you think? upset yet neither of us knows young children, ,, to help them settle in -to the- - . -Bert's Doll. ' ___how it ,ould have been avoided Ass it happens my daughters new homes and communities," ' Dear Dolt: Bert has a bat in short of refusing the loaD, are grown and I have an income said RoY, Bennett, the director, , his attic. If he doesn't get over which, incidentally, is harcrto do from my father's estate, but the at the recent convention. Mr.-. if Bennett resides in Campbellford. 'no 9-. 1' hit Octogenarians v . . and those older The Godericli Signal -Star is pleased to extend happiest birthday greetings to the following new member of the Octogenarian Club: T. Roy Rundle, RR 2, Goderich, who will be 90 today, JOY 22; ROBERT 1.-McMILLAN,„ 163, Clueb'ec-St., Goderich, Who will celebrate his 81ST birthday, July It yop- knOW, of someone ,whoTwill, tie..elehrating an 80* 'birthday or better in the-neai.tuture and would - like to have his 'er 'her' name-meritiorried..inzothis- OlurnrV-PieaSe itelePhOn 524r833i :giving the name-, address, age and•birthday of the celebrant.. • There is absolutely no charge for this service and we art" pleased• to hear from all of you'. , "In Excellent Health" this soon . (it's called when people know .you have a uncertainty ofnotknowing hypochondria), he should- get littleThoney. Any suggestions? - I'm a -widow, not being able to He claimed Goderich was a outside help. . People for, wonderfu.l- example to other • imagine they are sick •wilep ther''VelPrOak: Rather than leiTir.".14atitirit4st-eli."3.544taYietriraintvgginASitcAlt02**ae'l!t.t.fts '„,aren't -4re. , money agree to go on a bank very fi-ustrating. face-to-face ' friendtiness. sp note,. then the- batik "'wilt be I' would like to sy aWO•rd to necessary to this computer age". . „ , Dear Ann Landers: A college ° friend and his wife moved to this bugging them, not you. Of every, heel who has walked out • city five years ago. My husband I course if they gobad on the ori his. wife. In the name of helped them get „ acquainted. payments, you are stuck, but decency, pick up a, phone , and They didn't know a soul. We put your °'chances for not getting call your wife. The. lungerysoir . ourselves out to be helpful. Now stuck are much better than if wait the ikorse. it gets. Whd- . they avoid us wheneverpossible. you make the loan outright. knows, she may even be willing • Wily? Because we were stdpid ' . *.t.* * • • to take you back. -Living In ' enough to lend them . Dear Ann Landers: Maylasay 4Limbo. $1,000 - a word to the woman who In--the-rpast-six---months when p. Dear L.L.: Here's youNetter , we have- attempted to get our -, complained because her husband .;•. .'and I'd be interested"to know if money back, these, are -the , didn't pay any . attentionto her?' o and Mrs. H. Larder ,and other $ any women out -there get -a .call. f..._ - ds f . f• - excuses- they.have given: c' She said bitterly, "Whenever we nen Or a ew days TOWN TALK • Mr. arid Mrs. Hugh Bignell and daughter Heather of Tantallon, N.g., were visiting Mr. Woman to wojman , • T10. last word I'ye had from Ginger Shortreed, treasurer for the women's bike-a-thon for cancer was that we've collected over $2,300 from the girls who rode in the big event. ..I had a brief chat the other day with one Of the gentlemen from the O'nt.rio Cancer Society and '-fire expressed his sincere gratitude to the ladies from Goderich and area -who rode in the - bike-a-thon and to all those who sponsored them. • There is little' doubt that the funds will be welcomed by the Cancer Society which is fighting° hard to find a solution to the cancer problems which plague this nation annually. Scientistaround the world are working to ' find the an.swer....and with our help, they -may come up with the solution • which could save Many patients' from further WOrry and pain. I've heard it said: .in recent weeks that some people feel that -the Canadian, government should take over the cost- of research and let the taxpayers share equally in the fight . against cancer as well' as. other disease. But surely, until the government does assume the full responsibility for- this great study into the wheres and • whyfores of .cancer, there is no real reason why we should' not • all • put Our shoulders to the wheel for this very worthwhile; cause. • . Continued from Page 2A. she had done some travelling in South Western Ontario. There - was considerable interest last weekend in the Sign -al -Star contribution to the sidewalk sale and Art_ Mart in- Gderhh. • ' In a rather- impromptu stall, we piaced. a box of pictures which had appeared in the Signal -Star between the years • 1967 and 1969. The idea was fig,. •passersby to rummage in the boXes to their hearts content . • and any pictures they wished to take home would cost 5 cents eaih. • - The. idea went over big with Most people and some found • pictures for their albums which would be inipossible,to duplicate ,today. Some of the 'children about town showed • jusT hoW, 'enierprizing they were. They through the box to find pictures of some Of the more. ' public figures in td'wn, paid the .going rate to the Signal -Star and then -re-sold' the collectors' items - to the personalities in the pictures for a slight profit The whole thing seemed to be • • great fun for everyone and it may . well become a regular feature of the Signal -Star during Art Mart 'weekend in the years • to come. **-*• Ray has-ra-t-her a ,pixie-ish look makes. him very appealing. It's because his-oeyelids 'the .righ I, con- ' • ctirry ns ea on one sine. . • Surgery. ,has.corrected the condition somewhat. but it is, , still apOarent, and perhaPs'furthercosmetit'surgery will he recommended 'later. His' .ision is not .affeeted. how-- . e.er., •„ • . . , Thi. lad,die has a variety- of other problems. none seri--• , ow,. 'Re- was born prematurely and spent • his first three. 1,1riths in hospitn.1„ tiow at 11/4. he js in excellent health. Ray has a heart defect which does not affect his ener- , 'g.y. No restrictions' or precautions are prescribed and. no .u'rgery is preYdicted. He. has a yearly check for this and when h± contracts infection.- penicillin combats it. He aa -horn with ver). mild „webbing of. fingers and ,toes.., ,_ Ra. is small for .tliTs `age.. Anglo-Saxon in descent; He ha..blue'eyes. blonde hair. and:' fair Skin. Ray has develoPe,4 normally except in speech. Though. he e.,Lpresses. himself 'better all the time, he may need ,. remedial help in this area.,\wo hen he -gets to school. • Ray is a charming child who, will be a Ti. --warding son for a lo.ing fa,mily prepared to accept his medical histo- „:. with'understanding and without alarm. , To inquire about -adopting Ray please write to Touay s Child. Department of Social and Family -Services. ,FrA Parlia- ment Building. Toronto 182. For, general adoption in- . *.,..f9rmation..ask your Children s Aid Society. . • The big box of pictures, which had appeared -in the Signal -Star between 1V7 and 1970,- were a source of pleasure for many Sidewalk Sale customers last Weekend. The price was five cents each and some people found photographs there which could never be duplicated. Many y0.11 probably find their way 'into - keepsake albums to be cherished for years to come. (staff Auburn street repairim will cost extra money Sfre .4i repairs in Auburn will cost more than. originally 'thought by township council in West Wawanosh and at a recent meeting, members forpd, it necessary to pass a supplementary bylaw to cover increase construct ion costs. The bylaw Was passed subject to approval by the Department of Trdnsport and CoMmunitations._ Alex Chesney, Huron Coirrity weed inspector, was authorized - by council -carry- out regulations under the Weed Control Act in West Wawanosh. Residents are to be advised that . CheskOy has full jurisdiction in West WawandSh' in matters pertaining to obnoxious weeds. The township T clerk was instructed to ' Wire to the Township of East Wawanosh "regarding conditions at the East-West WawariOsh park. Approval was given to a tile drainage loan application by George Smyth. Mr. Smyth was informed he must wait for the' loan until the new act for 1971 is' irf force and the township ,has the necessary requirements fulfilled. Two _tenders for the application of pit -run gravel on • 1971 construction were opened by the road stiperintendent. The tender of Don Flunking, Clinton, ,for 31.5 cents per cubic yard for granular B •gravel on the roads was accepted. TAKE )11 PROTECT CANADA'S FORESTS WESTER. ROSCO' STEEL GRANARIES 1650 to sow! BUSHEL SIZES ERECTING JACKS SUPPLIED AT NO EXTRA CHARGE LOWRY BARN SUPPLY AMBERLEY RR 1, KINCARDINE PHONE 395,5286 d a • ,'4i'4ita,,',.K.,MlogivtA,Solto,vgq,m45444,grato,4100.” lorEe.,g;',4'461,„-ogai.:....'„Ig:,,, • • • Alexanderand Chaprnan GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Building Goderich Dial 524-9662 ,affekt. .1•0"/i • t%c'4.41-i-1,11VFL GODERICH, ONTARIO Avayable -For Large Or Small Parties CONCERTS, -; BINGOS • DANCES -• CONVENTIONS We Cater Any Time or Place Banquet Rooms for 25 to 400 Special Attention to Weddings !)HaNES.524,9371 or 9264. MUM W BELL OPTOMETRIST -- 524-7661 The Square.' * FRIGIDAIRE * WESTINGHOUSE * GIBSON * HOOVER ,• Sales and Service_ JEWELL BROTHERS APPLIANCES & TV LTD. The Squar,e Goderich, Now a good salary Opportunity -security for you in a business career Goderich Business College Clerical, Secretarial, Medical -Secretarial Courses 524.8521 Res. 524-8732 .BATHING SUITS .SPORTS WEAR .PAP4T DRESSES .DRESSES .COATS .HOT PANTS Fpr FASHION RIGHT SHOES ' Ronald L. McDonald CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 39 St. David St., 524-6253 Goderich, Ontario DIESEL Pumps and Injectors 9epaireo, For All Popular Makes Huron Fuel Injection CHISHOLM FUELS Distributors For PRODUCTS HOME, FARM, r INDUSTRY * Free Burner Service * Furnace Financing * Gasolines & Diesel' Fuels 5248;7681 529-7524 • For Pleasant Surroundirk and Good Food - THE GODERICH RESTAURANT STEAK HOUSE - and 'TAVERN Cards For Alt Occasions * Gifts • *- Books *Stationd, ery Supplies , Records ANDERSON'S, 'BOOK CENTRE 33 East St. Goderich • 0 -0 44. 4 110. 0 .0 GODERICH BUILDING - CENTRE i; . GODERICH The 'quare 01;EN, FRIDAY IVIT8 TILL 9 P.M. '41 ••• '''" • •••, • 4,•'' • , • ThitiPAtice Too Is • ROSS SHOES - , • " 117*Wt:.'• rhe Squareno Go'derich 5241383 Cambial' at Anglesea .