HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-07-22, Page 2• 0D1).ERICH SL..GNAL-STAR, TjURSDAY, JULY 22,, 1971
Clinton member questioned
distribution of CFB surplus
Dr. 'Alex Addison of Clinton arranged with Cale Doucette of ' year. The principal of the school
expressed , conte,. -:displeasure at Clinton for $14,000 to renovate is Mrs. Scott.
Monday " evening's Board ' of existing windows,repair existing Reports were received .from
• Education meeting in Clinton roof -and '..repaint .the existing. :tall -three of the county's schools
for theretarded:— , .
• . materials donatedby A.V.M. The McKrlldp•think-the-W board .should}
Hugh Campbell School' at CFB sold by auction with the date 'or commend these dedicatid
' Clinton were " distributed to dispersal to be arranged with the teachers," said ,Mrs. Marion
schools in the County of Huron,- auctioneer.,;,.,.Bruce Rathwell, R. Zinn. "Their enthusiasm fairly
However, the doctor received R• 1, Brucefield. It has been .pops out from the reports 'here
little support- for his views from agreed that the school, -bells will before us." 4
other board members who be sold separately from the In other business;the board
agreed that since the supplies ` buildings, with the removal of planned a dinner for the Young
were a gift, there should be no ' the bells, to be the responsibility Voyageurs from Manitoba, ' who
dispute, of the person who purchases will visit in Huron from July 29
, Director of Education, D. them.
to August 6; learned that R. T.
John Cochrane, -said' that when Results of the maintenance McBride Ltd., Stratford, was•the
the sehool at the base was closed tenders for ,occhools in 1-Iuron successful bidder . for the
down, much of the equipment County were discussed and contract to complete the heating
was taken to the school at Camp- showed that painting contracts renovations • at South • Huron Mrs. Jean Finlayson,- an executive member of the Horticultural Society,.• was in charge of
Borden: - A • -few_ `,other supplies were costing less this Year than District High School at a cost of registration last Thursday evining at tI e• Fiower.,,f estival when 'this photo was taken. Signing in is
such as library b oils, text—•last.yesr. Reason given by 'R. $41,760; approved the fuel • oil Mrs. Valerie Vanderburgh and Joanne Buchanan. It is, estimated that about 4,800 visitors viewed
'books, maps and globes, sports McVean for the irripraved- ir1ce$ tenders of Sunoco for all schools the flower arrangements in the Cart House basement. (staff photo) '
equipment, records, filmstrips was the great amount of inT Huron Couoty_,with the , .
and sundry items were competition displayed for the exception of one which goes to - 4
distributed in Huron. ' - contracts. Sterling Fuels; turned a request
Principals in the , county Mrs. Mildred MacGregor has for. 'a ,Seaforth high school
elementary schools. received a • been engaged as a full-time student to attend Central Huron
letter advising what was available teacher for Huron Hope School bank N.,,,to � jtehe transportation
informa ion �._ siness
and 'noting that the 'materials ' at Centralia for the coming year, committee for further study,
would be given out to the Increased enrolment at the and hired two teachers, Mrs.
• area of, the count •. has one• -day per week at Brookside
Dr: Addison asked for a g g
report' on where these items had Mrs. MacGregor, who served as an itinerant Guidance teacher
teen.d H indicated that only on a part-time basis last for sic schools
schools in' most need on a school for the re arded in that Dorothy Brown for Guidance
first-come basis.
"' necessitated the .,en 'a ement of School and Mrs. Brenda Holland -,
usy; 2300,na.m.es'
so far
receive e � ... .. , _ .. ... .., ,.., � ,.. ..�; , :,:. � _., . . .. says<
r. . i.. r , 9 -.r•. ,,, , 1!1'1Cw 17io�o.�'.Yd4.�l'l� 1�.Vu"1.�.5t
h"? � w�" ; '. ,u. .. � a 6�Jra :4 w' �'`ii�l� , r" � . +? r � '�` • t . .. ..... .+. , d,.�"'-,59b �k�.. Asa � : , .. .. '�''^h�tw r �a4c�c�".
� � 'lilTif"��'i� �+�'il?i'liE�St.lt'rYv� a`E�'l�'�• � ..J�«ss. ..... _ .. _.., `r; ..;:,,:. ,. ,_� u�� �uti$�•�,,. �„,'"'�y'5y�.�' �..�''�z€?.. •"�:�.^ta�° � +5 "RNMar
not eget• a fair share of the items
for distribution. •
Cochrane -said. that all schools
the county — the public
schobls, the Roman Catholic
Schools and the .. Christian
- ., Reformed Schools — had _shared:
in the gift.
"Right about now I wish
they'd taken it all to Camp
Borden," stated Cochrane. ,
A report on the progress of
construction at Seaforth showed
that the project is moving along
on schedule. It was also noted
that a separate contract has been
Music results
for .Goderich
Auburn obituary
Mrs. - Mauisa-- Ma-:Longh-ur-,rt of
St. Thomas passed away at the•
St. Thomas Memorial Hospital
on Monday, July 12,, 1971, in
her 87th . year, following a
six-week fitness,. ,,,
Born in the Muskoka District,
Mrs, Longhurstwent to' the "St.
Thomas area in 1920 where she,
and her husband, the lateaJohn
M. Longhurst, farmed until;'
19.59. Mr. Longhurst died' in
1960. - '
Surviving are one' daughter,
Miss `Edna Longhurst, Reg. N.,
of Si. •Thomas, and four sons:.
Lester of 'RR 7, • St. 'Thomas;
Alvin of Shelburne; Clarence of
place to visit. And • unlike .the Kar'e
second half of the well known
hrase, it might even make you
want to live -An Goderich, if you
didn't already....
Large sighs -point the way to '
the centrally located building,,
which at Victoria and , Elgin
Streets is easily accessible from
Highways 21 and 8 and from the
business section of town.
Gravenhurst predeceased
Mrs. Longhurst was. a member
of the Free Methodist Church in-
London. On Wednesday, ' a
funeral service was conducted at
the L.. B. Sifton Funeral Home,
St. Thomas, by the -Rev. C. E., L:
Walls, and _-Mrs. ,Walls sang,
"Someday the Golden Cord'Will
Break".: On , Friday afternoon a
'fungral service was conducted. by
Mr. Walls at„- the Cosby-Cavill-
Funeral -Home ill' Graveniturst.
Iiiternnie►it' was made ,In the
family plot •of the Miele
Memorial Cemetery , at
. Auburn; and Ted of Deep Rive:. Auburn bride
Another ' son, Donald • of
Goderich and district music feted at shower
students have received the E a r l y Bird
Pink and white streamers,
'results of examinations with the
Western Ontario Conservatory of
They are as folio
Grade 9 ' -=- ' Honors, Diane
Henderson. ,
Grade. 8 •—• First class honors,
A me Stewart; pass', Jean
Devereaux, Ray _Harrison
(equal), Ann Coulter, Wendy
McAstocker, Brenda Finlyson,
Mark Riley ,(equal).
' Grade 7 - Pass, Heather,
Jewell;• Roberta Hays, Alice
Bradley. ti
Grade 6 — Honors, Betty Orr;
pass, Carla Elliott. •
Grade 5 — Honors, Wendy
Webb, Bob Wilson, Victoria
McDonald; pass, Judith Fisher,
Mark Jones (equal):
Grade 4 - Honors, Earl
' Grade 3 Honors, Mary Ann
Boyle; pass, Karen Currie.
Grade 2 Honors, Anne
Marie Murph
Grade 1 — Honors, Janet
Denomy, ` Cathy Rieck, Kevin
Leslie Such; pass, David Smith. Conneaut Sight.
•July. , 15, New' York News,
Toronto, Sight.
July 17, Marth Hindman,
Toronto,' Sight.
J.ubj 18, Westdale Thunder
Bay, Sight. -- — — _ _
June 18, Martha Hindman,
Toronto, Sight: °
July 17, Elmdale.
(New York News due this
week with grain — second trip to-
' ' Ann Coulter, Elizabeth Seaman;
�wpass, Anne ' Legg, Roberta Hays,
Marianne Frayne, and Alice
white bells and colorful balloons
F. .Emberlin, , Lucknow, was
the first Early Bird winner in the
Parkhill .lottery, it was
announced last week. His prize
was $1,000.
The Parkhill lottery tickets
are available in Goderich from
Lion's" Club members who
receive '20 percent of the
proceeds •fromthe sales for local
service projects.
The Early Bird draws will be
held every two weeks until
,November 17. The final draw for
the grand prizes from $50,000
down will be December 1.
decorated the arch where a
decorated • chair was a pretty
The building itself, which is'a0-
small, trim cottage in a modern
chalet Style,,',was built last year
by the Goderich Building Center
and donated to. the Tourist'
Center as a service to thee.
community. The structure also ,
serves as an advertisement for
the " work and supplies of the
Building Center. A plaque and
information table stand inside
for the tourist curious about
building •or buying , a,„ similar
Manitoba guests arrive
in Goderich next week
The stage is set ifoderich
for the arrival next Thursday of
'the 21 Young Voyageurs from
IVianitoba who are coming to
. Huron county_.for one wee1 -
Paul :.end , MarNt" :.Carrilill 4,.—
Goderich are the official hdsts
for the group which will be
Goderich for. the
„duration. of ,their visit here.
The Carrolls have also
planned a full schedule of
entertainment- for • the 'guest
students and their chaperones, .
including a welcoming luncheon
July ' 39 by Goderich Town
Council. °
The Young Voyageur
program also involves some
Huron County students who
with more than 900. Ontario
secondary school students will
travel under the scheme.
They will 'go by plane, by
train and by bus to cities in New
, Brunswick, Nova • Scotia,
Q'uebee,' Manitoba,
Saskatchewan, Alberta and
British Columbia.
• Called .. the . Interprovincial
Youth Travel pro'am;
jointly fupded by the Federal
government and the government
for spot" she the4summer,, but if it is like last—
.. , - ..ye ragain she may .be opgn,
and a bene
n Such, a• high school Goderich is a ' town ° which
student 'from Goderich, who has deserves to be remembered. The
been working at the Information Toursit Information Center
Center' for • three summers. which gives out a piece of rock
Karen, naturally cheerful and salt as a souvenir, does a. good,"
efficient,njtown elping visitors: :ab' of ' helping . To 'make it'''.
to know h memorable. h
She feels that she is lucky to
have such a goodsummer fob.' In
addition . to `liking her work with
Miss Bradford, Karen appreciates
the constant contact;with people
from many areas. :
As Miss Bradford says, "This
is very ,interesting work. "And
working with Karen has made it
most enjoyable." " ,
What kind of people' come
asking for information? All
kinds, ' answer both Karen and
Miss Bradford. 0 •
There . are a great many
tourists from the United States,
mostly from Michigan and from
information on points of interest
in• and around Goderich make up
a• most of the rest of the center's
The 'Information :Center has • services. Printed matter is
not always been in its' present , supplied by the government
location. Miss Kay Bradford, through: `Dutch' Meier's, ,
who has been 'in' charge of Industrial Commissioner., for
tourist .information ` for many Goderich. Sometimes the . maps
years, remembers that the center and- pamphlets run outs ,and then
trailer Karen an Miss must
setting for the bridal shower had its 'headquarters in a d Bradford
held last Saturday at the home, eastern states such as New York. rely on their own knowledge and
of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence But the majority of travellers — experience to 'assist the visitors.
Plaetzer for their niece' Miss at • least two-thirds, estimates , "We also put up • any sort of
. Linda Swords of Smooth Rock Miss ° Bradford - are from advertising from both businesses
Falls, Ontario. The guests were Canada, primarily Ontario.
and private individuals that
welcomed.' by Mrs. Plaetzer and On the'desk iii the Center is a would be useful to tourists,"
Miss Wanda Plaetzer.. A contest , register, and tourists are asked to says Karen, indicating posters,
• ��
the' winner being Mrs. Gordon are from: Not all the visitors kinds of industries, and shops,
was held.by Sherry Plaetzer with sign their names and where they 'and calling g cards from all
Gross.. Miss Wanda ' Plaetzer sup, but, last year the register . parks, restaurants, trailer camps,
`played a piano solo' and Mr. recorded nearly 6,000 names — ' antique stores, and the museumS_
Larry Plaetzer delighted the the largest number ever reached. • ' "Sometimes people ask funny
The, guest of honour was better," 'says Miss Bradford. So . She tells the story of several
escorted to the `decorated chair far the register this year holds girls who came into the center,;
en, •°wi ing bags,, and
is with an accordian solo. "I hope this'year will be even questions!" muses Daren.
about and a beautiful corsage pinned b t 2300' names lad th sleep
by Miss Sherry Plaetzer. cooking equipment, and asked
Assisting Miss Linda was her . What kinds of questions do � where the, haunted house was in
great-aunt, Mrs. John Campbell tourists ask about the town of Goderich. They had heard.
of Lucknow. Her corsage was Goderich and the surrounding
pinned on by her great-niece area? somewhere that if anyone could
out the night in this haunted
:Ars. „Fred Ty dill of London, "Much of the information we
. �,,,,°„�,,,,,, . n
Fisher clan
in Seaforth
The Fisher Reunion was held
July 8 in Seaforth ",Lions Park.
Winners of the various sports
events and • contests were Jill
McMichael, Terrylyne . Fisher,,
Lani Fisher, Jeff Fisher, Mike
Morrison, . Bernice, Shaw, 0 Anna
Mae Fisher, Mabel McMichael,'
Glen Shaw Lois Elliott; John
Wilson, Gordon Merrill, Larry
Fisher,. Bess Rutherford and
Bernice Fisher. ,
The oldest person present was
Mrs. • Wm. Hill; the, longest
married couple; Mr. `and Mrs.,
Milton Wiltse; the newest,
married couple, Mr.. and Mrs.
Larry Fisher; the youngest baby,
Dennis Fisher.
Officers elected were
President Robert McMichael, RR -
1 ' Walton; secretary -treasurer,
Mrs. Cecil Elliott, Clinton; sports
committee, Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. Aaron
Fisher, Clinton; and lunch
c o m m. i t tee, Mrs. Lawrence
Snyder, Mit. Evelyn Treble, and
• Mrs. Stella McPhee.
of Ontario through the Ontario
Department of Education.
Minister of Education Bob
Welch has said the program gives
students an opportunity.; to .
•develop closer understanding - of.
how `other young Canadians live
an work.. R • also gives these
participating the chance to
obtain first-hand' knowledge of
the education; industrial,
political and 'cultural
achievements of other parts of
their country, he said.•
' More than 18,000 students
have travelled under the program
in the past seven years.
Preference is given to 'Grade
11 students between 15 and 18
years of age. There is no charge
to participating students who are
selected by their schools.
Cash, crop farming is without a, '�dotibt one of ;the ` most? '
importantindustries to Goderich and area, This arrangement
" at the Flower Festival last week focused attention on rural life
with only a few flowers sprinkled through a container filled
With wheat, oats and other plants visible on the rural°scene in
this part of the county. (staff photo) ,
house, it would then belong to The Boak family is pleased to
The rase corsages were made by supply concerns accommoda them. announce the wedding of their
Mrs. Robert J: =Phillips. Mrs. lion's," answers Karen mothe�cce the Doris Boak • to
BY RON GRAHAM Charles Merrill of Clinton,' aunt "We,:,can be especially useful~ "`They• said -'-'they wanted `ta"" Benjamin M. Wilcox. 3.
July 14, Helen Evans,
of the bride -elect spoke k t the if there are no accommodations know where this house was
, n. I" told
Grade 6• — honors, Mary
Ellen McGill, Janet Westbrook.
Grade 3 History - Ho ldrs,-
Daphne E. Graham.
Grade 3 Harmony — Honors,
Daphne E. Graham, Lina C.
Cochrane; pass, Mary Ellen
Grade 2 Theory — First class -
honors, Joan Coulter, Heather
Jewell; honors, Tom MCGill,
Saturdask Sunday
to' 6 pWm,
es o honour W ..
t f ho and reminisced available," she adds. "We find because they needed a place to
about her life .and congratulated them anyway!" dive! recounted Kare
and-'gave the good wishes for her Maps, guide books, and them that no ` place of that
coming marriage on behalf of at the Victoria and Elgin description existed to any
' the guests. After opening the situation for about five slimmers knowledge in this town. If
gifts Linda thanked her relatives and before that was in a garage, anybody knows otherwise they
- then on the Square, and then can -tell me about it!"
.aiicl_ ,friends and Mrs. Robert q � _ •
Phillips prayed--"For-she's a jolly stationed at the Victoria and ' Miss .Bradford opened the
good fellow". A . -
delicious _ --Hamilton Street intersection. Center ' on ,, the May 24th
smorgasbord luncheon was Miss Bradford--prefer-s _the, weekend this year. When she
served by Mrs. Plaetzer assisted present place. cos mill --depend on how much
by her daughters, Misses Sherry "I don't think they 'could' business' there is at ;thy -end -of__
and Wanda Plaetzer.
1967 Chrysler 14 ft. runabout, with 55 h.p. motor,\
.full equipped with trailer.
Highway 4 29; 3U,
1 Mile north of Bayfield 31 b
PHONE 482-7222..
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