HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-5-18, Page 1VOL. IV
TilieWicolsons Bank,,
((hartored by Parliament, 1855.)
Paid. Pi. a Capital. ... , ...... $2,000,000
Rest Fund. , 1,100,000,
Head office Montreal.
Money advanced' c, good Farmer's on their
own notes w;a. one or more endersere at 7
per cent por annum.
Exeter Branch.
Open every lawful day from IB a. m.to 3 p.
m., Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1 p. m
A generalbanking business transacted
CURRENT RATES allowed for mon-
ey on Deposit Receipts, Savings Bank at 8
per cent.
Exeter, Jan 28, '88, Sub°Manager
1xeter Atirocatei
Is published every ThursdayMorning,
at the Office,
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance.
s1.50 if not so paid,
.8.dirertioiZz�•'�.Z�•tas oss A.yoplica-
No paper discontinued until all arrearages
are paid.. Advertisements without specific
directions will be published till forbid and
charged accordingly. Liberal discount made
for transcient advertisements inserted for
long periods. Every description of JOB
PRINTING' turned. out in the finest style,
and at moderate rates. Cheques, money ord-
ers. &c, for advertising, subscriptions, etc. to
be made payable to
Sanders Dyer
Church Directory.
Fatt. Rector. Sunday Services, m a..om
and 7 p. m. Sabbath School, 3 p.. y
Communion, let Sunday of each month at
Morning Service, and in months of five Sun-
days, after Evening Service of 4th Sunday of
the month. Holy Baptism on 2nd Sunday
of each month at morning serve.
METHODIST CHURCH--James-8t, Rev. A. L.
Russell, Pastor. Sunday Serviees,10.8o a. m,
and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. m.
Marx STREET -Rev. W. McDonagh, Pas-
tor. Sunday Services, 10.30 a.m. and 6.30 p.m.
Sabbath School 2.30 p. m.
Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. in. and 6.30 p.
m. Sabbath School, 9.45 a.m
Pt'roiressional Cards.
H.KINSMAN,L.D.S, Fanson's Block
two doors north of Carling Store
MAIN STBEET.EXETER, extracts teeth
without pain. Away at 'Heusall on lst
Friday; Ailsa Craig on'2nct and 4th Tuesday
and Zurich on last Thursday of each month
. College Dental Surgeons, successor to
H. L. Billings. Office over Post Office
Exeter, Ont. A. safe anaesthetic given for
the painless extraction of teeth. Fine Gold
Filhnas as required.
Residences, same as formerly.
OFFICES, Spackman,. building, Main St.
Dr, Rollins' office• same as formerly—north
door. Dr. Amos' office, same building—south
door. May ist. 1893
J A Rollins, M. D. T. A, Amos, M. D
the College of Physicians and Surgeons
Ontario:, Physician, Surgeon and Accouch-
eur. Office, Dashwood, Ont.
X%). OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public.
Office—Over O'NeiPs Bank, Exeter, Ontario.
Money to Loan.
. of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con-
veyancer, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan.
Office—Fanson's Block, Exeter.
�BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed 'Auct
. ioneer for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the township of Usborno
Sales promptly attended to and termsreason
able. Sales arranged at Post office, Winchelsa
�J. ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Licens-
.sed Auctioneer,: for the counties of Hur-
on and Middlesex, Residence: 1 mile south
of Exeter, Ont. Salo Orders by mail or other-
wise promptly attended to at reasonably
EBOSSENBERRY, Honsall Ontario. 'Lic-
. ensed Auctioneer for the Counties of
Huron and Perth. Charges: moderato and
satisfaction guaranteed.
1:1RED. W. FARNCOMB, Provincial Land
-1.2 Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office,
Over Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont.
The Western Fire Assurance Company,
of Toronto
The Phoenix Piro Insurance Co'y.,
of London, Englandt
The Alliance Piro'A•ssur. Co'y.,
of London, Englai}d:
0frxco:-Main-street, Exeter Ont.
Wheat per bushel_ ; .. $0.64 to 0,65
Barley 35 to 38
Oats, ..... ..... 30 to 32
Peas s..:,... ...+... 56 to 56
Butter .0•11 if . , .... 14 to 15
Lard . ... .. 12 to 13
Eggs • .:...• ...11..••. 10 & 10
Chicken per lb...... ,....... 6 to 6
Clover Seed............. 916 to 10,00
Timothy.. .. 2.75 to 3.00
Alsike .. 1 ....... c . .. 8.76 to 9.00
Pork., ...,.. a s 7.00 t617.20
Potatoespe er u . 50 to 55
b � 1..1 .. . 1
Hay per ton ...a ..1' i ti 1 . , 6.00 to 7.50
It i11 Iakc You Eat.
Will Tone Your Nerges ,
Will Malec You Strong,
You Feel Like
Will Make.Y �
Yourself Again
FOR CHRONIC couG '1•• 1 HT
In all Pulmonary Diseases with emaoia.
tion, as well as with spitting of blood, the
effects of this remedy are very marked.
50c. AND $i.00 PS Pt BOTT1.t3.
@.2 euro -'Om cam MC D. ae..”.
All acoounts due Messrs. McNevin & Berry,
Kippen, for the services of the famous Stal-
lion, "Joe" are payable only to the under-
signed. A'prompt settlement will oblige.
-no Oka FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned,
bas for service, on lot 21, Con. 3. Stephen,
(Providence Corners) a thoroughbred York-
shire Boar, with a registered pedigree.
TERMS: $1.00 payable at time of service,.
with priveloge of returning' if necessary.
Joni COossoN, Proprietor,
SALT WORKS CO. Please take notice
that the annual meeting of the Salt Uo.,
will be held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on
Monday, June 5th, A, D., 1893, at 2 o'clock
r. al., sharp. •
RENT:—A. rare chance to purchase
or to rent. A good hotel, cheap and, on easy
terms. The undersigned' offers for sale, that
large two story Brick Hotel, in the Village
of Exeter, County of .Elnron, Ontario; at a
sacrifice, or will rent on easy terms. .There
is a good stable on the premises and every-
thing is convenient. For further particul-
ars apply to JOHN ROSSIER, Benmillcr.Ont
lel Council of'Ste Stephen, contemplate pass-
ing a by-law. on Friday, the 5th day, of
June, at Crediton, for the purpose of closing
the original road allowance between :lots
one on the Aux Sauble Con. and lots one on
the L. R. E. Con. of Stephen, nr
as much of it as is now substituted by a
deviation road now running through a
portion of lot one, Aux Sauble concession
owned by W. Follis, and sell 'the 'same to
Joseph Brenner.
4t—s08. By order of the Council,
C. PRouTY; Clerk.
sessment Roll, for the Township of Stephen
for 1893, will be held on Friday the 26th Inst.
at Corediton, and contracts for hauling gra-
veI on the varions roads will be let on the
first Monday in June, at 2 r. nt. 3t-308,
.1.1 Court for the revision of the Assessment
Roll for the Village of Exeter, for 1893, will
be held at the Town Hall, Exeter, on Sat-
urday, the 27th day of May, 1893, at 7 o'clock
in the evening, Persons having business
at the Court of Revision. will govern them-
selves accordin ly'
Clerk for tate Village of Exeter
Exeter, i7th of May, 1893. it310.
On account of the fine weather last
week seeding has made rapid progress
and most of farmer are drawing to 'a_
close.: The second barn raising of the
season occurred at the residence of Mr.
Hugh Love on Friday last,' Sides wore
chosen by Mr. Wm Rush and Mr, John
Mollard, resulting in au easy victory
for the latter—raising on wall plates
only. -Messrs johns and James Forest,
of Hillsgreen, were visiting friends in
this vicinity last week.—Mr. Joe. Ha-
gen and sister,' of Varna are spending
a few days with their borther D Hagen
of this yicinity.
Johnson's Mills'
Farmers in thisini
v c t 'are nearly
all through with their spring work.
Mr, David Wilson recently purchased,
from Mr, Wm. Fulton, of Brewster, a
thoroughbred heifer. Dave is t`fie of
those men who believe in improving
his stock. -Ed, and Russ. are both rivals
for the one girl, but Russ, seems to
have the inside track.—A very strange
species of an animal siipposed to belong
to the orang otang or baboon family
was been crossing Mr. David Wilson's
field on Sunday eveningilast going in
the direction of Lake Huron wand was
last seen in the vicinity of the Ross
fishery.—In a recent footrace held in
this vicinity' the favorite received an
ignominious defeat,' His backers are
going tithe the' field against him,
next time.
Admitted at. McGillivray,
Last week the Stanley Board of
Health laid infer RI before re Mr.
McGarea, J. P., here, charging Mr: 13o -
bier, of Exeter, with being responsible
for a nuisance that existed within the
township. Last winter he ran a fruit
evaporator at Varnt,aud,it was alleged
left'a quantity ofappla.,8there, which,
as the spring came along,' decayed and
created au offensive smell, and on this
the charge was based. A number of
witnesses were summoned, and the ease.
wasset down for trial on Saturday, but
Mr. Bobier admitted the . charge and
paid all expenses without it going to
trial—Clinton New Era.
The ;7Hienei1 Eteeereei 1. r'ratea this,
°'A funny atfairoccurred in the north'
ward, on Sunday evening. A certain
widower of the south ward was paying
his addresses to an eighteen year old
daughter of a north ward 'faintly. The
girl protested against the attentions,'
but her parents insisted on her marry-
ing the widower. The marriage was
arranged for Tuesday of thia week, it
spite of the girl's protests, and on Sun-
day evening the blooming widower
went to pay his addresses' to his resent-
ing bride: -in -prospective, when the lat-
ter left the house, and started for a
sister's in Logan. She was followed by
her father, whose orders to return she
refused to obey, and shameful• to re-
late she was knocked down and heart-
lessly ahuscd by a brutal parent,whose
natural duty it was to protect her.
The e'iri refused to return to her borne
and has since engaged in the house-
hold of a friendly neighbor."
Fatal Accident.
One of the most lamentable and fat-
al accidents that ever occurred in Exe-,
ter was that of Monday last, when. Mr.
George Armstrong, of the Themes
Road, Usborne, met with a horrible
death while driving down Main street
It appears Jr.lArmstrong bad ccme to
town for the pui'pee of hailing man-
ure from the Mctiopllitan Hotel to Mr.
Wm. Tapp's premises on Waterloo
street. After putting on :a Large a -ad
heavy load the two, Mr. Armstrong and
Mr. Tapp, proceeded down Main Street
as far as the Town Hall, when it was
discovered that one of the whiflietree
irons had worked off. Mr. Tapp at
once got off the.loa.d to piton the iron
and when lie had it about completed,
Mr. Armstrong, who was resting on a
shattered board on the front part of
the load watching the process, leaned
i. seems too heavily and a strip about
three 'aches wide severed, preeipitat
irig Mr.' Armstrong' to the ground near
the horse's heels. This startled the
an;;mals and one made a yiscious kick,
knocking him under the front wheel
and then started to run, both wheels
passing oyer his breast, crushing sev-
eral ribs into his lungs and causing
almost instantaneous death. He was
not badly disfigured, the only mark
visible being a bruise behind the ear.
The body, was at once reproved to the
Town Hail, where it was viewed by
handreds of people. It was then tak-
en to Mr. Robs. Spicer's, and from there
it was conveyed to his home in Us -
borne. He was a member of Exeter
I.01'. and was 55 years of age. He
leaves a wife, stepson and step daugh
ter to mourn his untimely end. His
remains were interred in the Exeter
cemetery on Wednesday.
Mr. Chenstiver has been ill the past
few days, but we are happy to see his
genial form on the streets again.—A.
gang of masons from Exeter bas be-
gan work here on Mr. McIsaac's house
so we hope soon to see the town adorn-
ed with another nice brick residence.-
A very pleasant event occurred at the
residence of T.•'Wurtz, Esq, Stephen,
being the marriage of his daughter
Barbara to Louis Staubus, Esq., of
Dashwood. There was a ,large wed-
ding party and the presents were num..
erous and valuable. All eujoyed them
selves till the small hours of the morn-.
Mr. Wm. Wilert, theipopular framer
and builder,has secured a large number
contracts for the season and has now a
large gang ofmen employed. From
the number of contractshe receives
every year is evidence of his workman
ship.. We take pleasure in recommend
ing• him and those who pur ose `build-
ing should consult Mr. W. before let-
ting their contracts.
A new harness shop has been opened
here by a man from the far west.-
There will be an open meeting of the
Royal 'remplars ons Friday evening
19th ins , Admission free. A. good pro-
gram has been prepared and a large
crowd is espeeted.—T Boyle left for
Cromarty on Monday. He will be miss-
ed by the R. T's,, he being an Officer. --
The rattle of milk cans is again heard
in our midst, --Mr, P. Curtain disposed
of two fine mares recently which
weighed 3,4.00 lbs., for which he receiv-
ed $400.
(From another source,)
As I.s looking
w over r: t he columns
of :our valuable paper, I noticed there
that some one was greatly concerned
about Will 7—'s one seated bicycle,
After you going to so much trouble as
to put it in the paper, I will tell you
that when he needs a two,seeted bicy-
cle he can get one. So you deed not
be jealous beoatise you cannot afford
one of those one -seated "rigd,o
We learn with regret that Mr. Wm.
Gilbert is very ill, ---Mr. Wm. Pedden,.
who bas been very sick, is recovering..
--Owing to the wet weather seeding
has been very late, Complaints are.
made that the early sown grain is rot-
ting 1n the ground,—Mr, John McDon-
ald. had 17 sheep killed and worried by
dogs last week. As there are two
spotted hounds roarniug around day
and night, suspicion rests upon them,.
The hounds are from Parkhill and the'
owner had best keep them home, or he
may lose his hounds and have a sheep
bill to pay besides.
Gardening is the order of the day,-
The farmers are through seeding and
will spend a holiday (24th) in Exeter
or Mitchell.—Mr. Lamond's new house
is about completed. It is a yery hand
some building. -Mr R. Hoggarth is
busily engaged fencing his lot.—Mr,
T. F. Boyle, of Centralia, is now clerk-
ing for Mr. James Hislop here.—Miss
Aggie Miller is seriously ill with in-
flammation of the lungs. -Mr. M. Stew -
al t
tew-act paid Exeter a visit'last Saturday.—
Our featherbone factors- is doing a
rushing business.—StaiTa foot -ball club
intend going to Exeter the 24th. We
expect them to make a good showing
as they usually do:—Wait for a week
or so and you will get the past and
present history of Cromarty..
Itirkt on.
A Lodge of Maccabees was recently
organized here and now has 25 mem-
bers. This lodge has a good start and
promises to go ahead rapidly. -Our
busy little town is on the increase.
There has recently been added to the
business places, a new barber shop to
meet the long felt wants of the public.
With Mr. '.Dreffield, as proprietor.
The new tailor shop will soon be com-
pleted aud occupied by Mr. Brien.—
rien:Mr. Robt. Beatty, will erect in .the near
future, a magnificient dwelling in the
east end of the village. -Mr. Johnson,
has purchased three lots in town and
has graced them with a row of beauti-
ful trees and will erect a dwelling in
the near future.—Messrs Shire & Mar-
shall, have takeu possession of the store
recently vacated by J. Doupe & Co—
A great rush of business. at the post
office store:. these days.
What alight have proved a very ser
ious accident happened to Mr. H. - Bos-
senberry while helping Messrs Welch
& Scott to drive stakes from their fish
ery one day last week. It seems that
Mr. 13 lost his balance and Fell against.
the side of the scow just as the ham.
mer was coming down. He received
a very nasty blow on the arm brnsing
and cutting it severely. Had he re-
ceived the blow on the heard it would
have killed him instantly.—Wonder
what is the reason that Sam looks so
sleepy on Monday morning. Em says
its not her fault.. --Jack says he thinks
he will give up the ferry boat business
as there is no money in it.—The cook
says if S. and J. don't keep better hours
he is going to leave—Mr. Wm. Jennison
received an ugly kick from a horse
one evening last week. Several of his
teeth were loosened.
The "fishing brigade" were again
on duty, on Saturday afternoon last.
They report a large catch.—While a
couple who were in a canoe, were en-
gaged in fishing, a large "Sturgeon"
which was lying in the stern of the
canoe,missing'its balance, fell into the
river from which it was with difficul-
ty extricated.—Our leading sports,
Jack and Mac.,' are carrying on . a
combination trade,—tailoring, barber
ing, hunting and fishing. We wish.
them success.=The Rev Mr. Kerrin,
purposes delivering an address in the
town hall, on Thursday evening next,.
Subject: "Life in the Argentine Re-
public." As Mr. Kerrin' has spent soy -
oral years traveling in South America,
and as he isan eloquent speaker,`a
great and intellectual treat is in store
-Miss Tompson, accompanied by Miss
Grace Torrance, spent Saturday and
Sunday, visiting her parents near
Clinton, -Mrs. J. Dennison, is at pies
ent confined to the'home of her sister,
Mrs, Duncanson, of Clinton, with a se-
vere attack of illness.
A "Dlvn. "—We are given to under-
stand that a s, dive," or house of i11
fame, situated on one of our back
streets is the centre of attraction for a
largo number of the young men of
Clinton. These young men, once inno.
cent, have been lured into this den of
harlotry, which is becoming a public
nuisance,as well as at disgrace tea civ,
ilized community like Clinton. The
frequenters of this den are fast becom-
ing known to the inhabitants of Clin-
ton, and to retain their character
should discontinue their nocturnal vis-
its of disrepute. The authorities should
investigate the matter and see that the
filthy inmates' are brought to justice,—
the stables in connection with the
Grand Union hotel are undergoing re-
pairs and: a large addition is being
built: When completed the improve
inents will add much tie the appear,
ance as well as corlveikienee,-.-R, Nel
sen, employee of the 'Clanton Orgari
Factoay, is spending a few days with
relatives in Exeter.—Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Sanders left on Monday for Exeter,.
where they will spend:a few days with
relatives and friends, -C, H. Reynolds
is spending a few days in London this
week with bis brother, who holds a sit-
nation as a ,dry goods clerk, -The
Clinton Crean Company has stint down
for a few days this week for the put
pose of stock talr.ing and to do some re
pairirg',around the factory. -A large
sign, covering fully one-half of the side
wall of Gilroy &.Wiseman's dry goods
stoic, has just been painted and dis-
plays much taste and artistic design-
ing. The work was executed by Mr.
Chas, Bowers, --Mr. Dau Prior, of Sea -
forth, was in town ort Saturday last,
Owing to slackening of trade Mr. W
Doherty has drooped off a number of
his employees.
Mies Mary Hess, who has been stay-
ing with her uncle. Mr. C. Hess, left for
Detroit on Wednesday last week,where
she intends to stay with her .mother —
Miss Allen, of Blake, was the guest of
her sister, Mrs. Fred Hess, last week.-
Miss Edith Dyer, of Exeter, was the
guest of Miss Edith Steinbach on. Fri-
day evening last.—Mr. Fred Seigner
has moved into the house lately occu-
piedby Mrs. August Ehnes.—Mr. Chas.
Weber has also moyed into the house
lately vacated by Mr. Seigner.--Thurs
day last being Ascension was observed
by a good many of our citizens as a
holiday, especially by our young peo-
ple. In the afternoon a number of our
young gents thought it advisable to
give some of the young ladies of our
town a drive. The spot decided o11
was Bayfield, where a most enjoyable
time was spent. Green pippens, as us-
ual, were taken along, which added
greatly to the day's enjoyment. On
returning home in the evening the
young people again gave evidence of
the enjoyable time that was spent by
singing several Select' songs. After
driving around the block several times
they concluded to dispose of some of
the ladies by stopping in front of Mr.
Steinbach's residence, when all of a
sudden a voice •was heard (the first
command) "Hold on, hold on, Henry !"
The second command, which was obey-
ed promptly, was " Jnmb oil ladies,
quick!" The next move was the rig,
which was turned upside down, and
which brought the eagle to his wings
and who managed to bring the horses'
'to a standstill. ''Luckily, however, "no
one was hurt and everyone went home
apparently satisfied with the day's
sport. Jack, however, claims he saved
one life. The ladies boast of having
had abundance of pie during the day,
which was very much appreciated; al-
so the trip up the lake on the sail boat
they say was lovely. -Mr William
Smith met with a painful accident a
short time ago. While working in H.
& J. Kalbfleisch's planiug mill he, by
some means, got one of his hands into
the machine, and the little finger was
taken clean off 0ouaT OF REVISION.
—The Court of Revision for the town-
ship of Hay is to be held at Zurich, on
Saturday, May 27th, commencing at
10 a.m.-STATrseoeS.—Tne assessment
roll was returned to the Clerk's office on
April 15th, and contains the names of
1,049 persons. There are 1,012 school
children between the ages of 5 and 13,
and 313 between 16 and 21 years of
age, and 772 male persons between 21
and 60. There are 24 steam boilers.
There are 5,184 acres of fall wheat;
6,894 acres of woodland; 7,290 acres of
marsh land, and 431 acres of garden or
orchard. As there has been a good
deal of property changing hands in the
villages of Hensall and Enrich and in
the rural parts, parties will do well to
notify either the clerk or the assessor
of such changes before the. Court of
Revision, it would save a lot of trouble
afterwards. Young men who have not
had their names put on the assessment
roll should apply and get them on at
once, as by so doing they will save
good deal of troublc and expense to
the township,
{ (To late for. last wools-)
Dont forget the grand. celebration
on the 24th. This promises to be the
great event of the season. Everybody
will do well to visit the city' on that
day.—Mr. Fred Hess, Sr., is happy, His,
wife presented him with a baby girl on
Tuesday last,—The teachers and child-
ron of the Public School made a getter
al cleaning up on Arbor day. They
also planted a number of choice maples
—Mr. H. L. Peine, the genial host of.
the Commercial Hotel, made extensive
improvements in his house this spring
He 15 now prepared to give better ac-
commodation to the travelling public
then ever, ---A tent of the Knights of
Maccabees has been organized in the
village:—There are quite a number of
members and the tent is in a fair way
for improving. --Mr, Fred Kibble- is
making eXtensfye iinprovetneuts in
the grounds around his residence.
In saying that Mood's Sarsaparilla
cures, its proprietors make no idle or
extravagant claim. Statement frons
thousands of reliable people of 'what
Hood's Sarsaparilla, hae done fel- them,
couchisively prove the faet--HOOD'S
Sarsaparilla Cures.
HOOD'S PILLS act especially upon
the liner, rousing .it from torpidity to
its natural duties, cure constipation
tut atsSist digestion.
NO 31(x?
U$borne Counoil.
The Connellon e ist'
C lc met the 1 of Aprils
1893, pursuant to adjournment, All
present, Minutes of previous meeting
read Anel adopted. By-law No.. 5-19U+,,
regulating the number of days.s-atRte
labor was repealed and the clerk autIli
orized to draft another•in lieu thereof'
on motion of J, Halls -.W Kydd', By-
law No 3-1893 was then introduced,
read'a thircl time and passed on Mo-
tion of J. Shier --T, Cameron. The RA -
lowing orders were granted
Brimacombe keep of A Carmiehael $6;
M, Barnwell, J. Hewitt and wife $15, dao.
for clothing $S, do for keep $13;;
Ballantyne for gravel $5,30; J Cann
for gravel, $1;80; J Swan for graven,
$5,75; S Horn, rep roads $3.50, J Polan-
rep culvert 50e. A. Duncan Les. Town,
Hall $1. Halls—Kyc1d—The council
adjourned to meet May 6th at 11 a ue..
Council met May 6th pursuant toad.
journment. All present, miilutes read
and adopted. Cameron K:ydd—That lc.
court for the Revision of the Assess
went Roll for 1893, be held at the town;
ship Hall Eli-oville ou the 27tH of May
at 10 o'cloek a. m, and that the clerk
duly advertise the same—Carried",
Shier—Kydd—That whereas several
complaints have been made to this
council in regard to parties encroach-
ing upon the road al'owances by build-
ing feaces
uilding,fe.ices thereon, resolved that part-
ies trespassing in this respect he here-
by warned that such encroachments
are hereby contrary to law and that thea
clerk be instructed to take cognizance:
of such complaints, anct notify offend-
ing parties to keep within their rights;,
otherwise the coaucll will take steps to
compl them to do so. Carried—I(ydd:
Cameron -That the Reeve, J. Shier and
J Halls he a committee to examimie
Kirkton bridge with regard to repair-
ing or rebuilding. Carried.—Shier-
Halls—That, $150 be e'peiided in each,
ward for grading and gravelling anal
a special grant of $100 expended for --
the same purpose on the swamp roan.
and a thither grant of $25 expendedi
in 'gravelling on the Thames roads.
through the north west ward. Carried
Cameron—Lydd—That J. Shire and Y.
Halls be committee to superintend the:
expenditure of the special grant ,viii
swamp road. Carried.—Halls---Shier---
arried.—Halls--Shier-And resolved that the folioed eg path,
masters be appointed for the current
year and.thata By Law be drafted
confirming the same viz -S W Ward-
in. Down, John May, Wm. Kerslall<e;,
R Coats, Wesley Weise, Win Brownlee.
Leonard Hunter, John Hunter Jr,,
H'Perkins, Wm Jacques, Geo Addrew
Joshua Johns, Sidney Snell, J Ogdere,
N W Ward.—Geo Marton, G Hawkins„
J Rowcliffe, J Frayne, Walter Oke, V
Keddy. John Dew, Andrew Moir, Asa -
Gibson, Wm Wilson, 8 Cudmore, Chas
Monteith, Thos Cann, Jas Glenn, Jas
McEwen; Wm Somerville. ---S E Ward
Francis Morley, A Penwarden J Kyle,
J Delbridge, W. Clarke, 0' Nagle, a
Brooks, C Cam'.., J Crory, W Hanna,,
W Moore, W Wiseman, W Kirk,. .no.
Copeland, Jno O'Mara; -N H Ward --
Philip Madge, A Hoclgert, H Passmor
Jno Tucker, Wm Earl, Robt Alexande--
Jas Stewart, Jos Ashton, Wm Fletcher;
R Gardiner, Thos McCurdy, Robt Prin-
gle, Silas Shier,,. Wm. Gilfillan, Jas
Hackney The following orders were:
granted viz; 112 Samweil' keep of -,J
Hewitt and wife $13,; T Veal rep :road.
$3.13 A Turnbull, underdraining $1;1 D
Coward rep rood, $1; W Slavin, rep
road $1; W Gardiner rep culvert, $3, J
Polon rep road and culvert $1.75s
Kydd—Cameron-=The Council adjourn-
ed to meet as a court of Revision ors
the 27th inst at :10 a, m, and for gerer-
al business after the Court of Revisaam
is closed. G. W. HoLMAN, Clerk
181891'F i1 .
139OWNLIDE -In J'sborne, on the 12th
inst., the wife of Wm. Brownlee,. a au
J`0NEs,-7ri McGilliyray, on the 12th
inst., the wife of M. •'Jones, of a
MoTz.—At Crediton, on the 13th inst.,,
the wife of Geo. Motz, Jr,, of a sou.
HILL. --In Crediton, on the 15t1 fast;
the wife of August Hill, of a daugh,
SHIRADI]R.-In Stephen, on:. 6th dist„
the wife of David Schrader of a son
Buurcn —In Stephen, on the 6th hist.,
the wife of Henry on
of a son.
PENITALI7;—I11 Stephen, on the 10th
inst., the wife of Wm, Penhale of, se
Rowe:—PnTtRrNs—At the residence of
the bride's parents, Exeter, on tha.
17th inst, by the Rev. A L. R isset1,
Samuel Rowe, son of Mr, Thos: Row1
London Road South, to Miss Lottie;,
y+'.oiingest daughter of Mr. Chas Pen-
A:ilrA M E.— rit.
Pn zteat IlR oo t the MeIi �,
Street Methodist Parsonage, on Weil-
nesday 17th, by the Rev. W. McD'oa
agh, Thomas Pearce, of Stratford,' tot
Miss Minnie Bi imacollibe, of Exeter,.
AIs'raoNt, (�illed) In Exeter, :
15th Inst., George Armstrong,, aged'
CAItTrillt.�lii Clinton- on the 1%t
1`r !nsfn
Ruth,Wife of Geo. Carter, a c'