HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-5-11, Page 8SCHOOL SUPPLIES, STAT1C)N Alii''; MAPPINGS, TWINES, • -• BAG'S,. SMALL WARES, FANCY, B11USHHES, SOAI?S I ALL LINES :.ill aITS cAII, GOODS.. ss as s=s gam srs Ls, os. F3MTER, ;ONTARIO. • 1., Bo • BOo]fli. BOomi ngm An rn }.tee St ck. Nearly 5,000 rolls of new Wall P. per for you to . ' select from at. the BIG BANKRUPT STORE A beautiful lot of Dado Window Bliuds and any quantity of new Carpets and Lace Curtains. All at prices very much in favor of the buyer. J. A. STEWART LOCAL JOTTINGS. A.Galt butcherwas recently fined $3 for tying the legs of three calves which he was conveying in his wagon to his slaughter house. The Sons of England have arranged to attend divine service on Sunday, May 21st, at the Trivitt Memorial. church and have invited the rector, Rev. F. H. Fat:, to officiate. After the 1st of July next, any per son found with firearms on his person and not having a certificate from a Justice of Peace permitting him to do so, will be liable to imprisonment with. out the option. of a fine. While Mr. Will. Ford, of the firm of Ford l3ros, 'butchers, was cutting a slice of meatfor a customer, on Friday last, his knife slipped and the point entered the palm of his left hand,mak- ing a very paihful sore at the time. Mr. James Ford who resides a little way out of town, is nursing a very painful thumb which he received on Tuesday last while hitebing a team of cults. It appears his thumb gotcaught in the whiffi.etree in some way and was lacerated badly. Brandon Sun -A farmer not living far from Brandon saw a receipe, adver- tised for keeping wens and cisterns from freezing. • Having sent in his o11ar bill he received the following: Take in your well or cistern at night &ha stand it in front of the stove. The Handford (Cal) Scaliest/ con- tains an article concerning an old Ex- eter boy, in which it says Z. D, Johns & Co. has received the contract for the new fire mains in mains inHand- ford.1 Ha d placing ford. These mains will be some 15,000 feet in extent and at a cost of $14,000. Fruit growers are reminded that an act of the Ontario Legisslature provides sprink no person in spraying orprink ling fruit trees, during the period with . in which such trees are in full bloom, shall use or cause to be used any mix, titre containing parrs green or any other poisonous substance injurious to bees. The latest bill introduced by Mr. Waters to amend the municipal Act, contains two clauses, The first provides for the appointing of inspectors to yet. ue sheep killed by being worried by dogs, the other provides that where the sideroads in a townshi are two miles and over apai t, and where there is a school house mfdmay on the concession between the sideroads, on petition of one fourth of the ratepayers interested, a road will have to be opened Midway between the sideroads. Alt Jas.Oobbledick has graced his premises by a new fence. The holler for the new grist mill has. itrriye(1 and on the grounds, A new coat of shingles has-been laid on Ross 4 Taylor's planning mill ., ' Robt. N, Rowe has:inoved pinto 'the dwelling recently yacated, by Thomas Prior. A row of evergreens -.planted around the church grounds adds mu<sli to' the. appearance of the reeter,7. A new front has been placed' in the building occupied by Wm. Trott,. and addmuch to the appearance. s'• A plebiscite of the Temperance clues tion will be taken in Ontario at the municipal election next January. Friday will be observed in the Exe- tor Public School, as Arbor day. We understand a little cleaning will be done and then school dismissed, Dir. Dan. Ross while engaged in the planing mills on Saturday, unfort- unately hadhis hand caught in,. the jointer and received a very painful wound, In consequence of Mr.Robt.Delve be- ing in a low state of health and unable to cut his season's supply of • wood a large number of willing and able workers turned out on Tuesday even- ing and sawed, split and piled a good showing. The concert in the • Town Hall ou Wednesday 3rd under the auspices of Epworth League of the Presbyterian Church was a success, and a goodly number turned out to favor the good cause. Thetalent was good and high- ly appreciated. Proceeds' nearly $60. While trying t� part two bull pups which where fightuig:in front of liis hos, tel, Mr. John Yawkshaw was severely bitten on his foots the dog's teeth going elean through the. shoe leather. Mr. A. J. McTavish, also received a severe bite on the knuckle of his slight hand fore finger. .A. woman not a thousand miles from Lucknow was, withqut doubt, the most flurried female in' ;seventeen counties last Sunday, when she found on com- ing out oil";church, that her bran new hat was adorned with tag, whereup- on was ins bed the ?legend, '"reduced -- to $2,76 " Fl uow Sentival Correspondence, in reply and rela- tive to the questions discussed at the Last meeting of the Board of Trade and business men of the village, "will be presented at the adjourned meeting to be held to -morrow evening (Friday) at 8 o'clock in the Town Hall. A full attendance should be given as they are of much importance to the village. A Goderieh lady last week disprov. ed a hoaryheaded libel ou her sex. Seeing some boys playing on the street with a mouse to one of whose legs they had tied a string, she took the little captive from its tormentors and carry ing it into a store had the string cut from it then released it, and all with the coolness of -well, a great big roan. Goderich Star. The Grand Trunk Railway is not very liberal with rates to Chicago. A. round trip ticket costs $16.25 which is very little below regular rates. We are inclined to believe that the Grand Trunk and other lines are in col- league with the directors and general managers of the World's Fair with re. gard'to this high rate and that they will in due time reduce it much lower when the rush is oyer and thingsbe- gin to put on a slackening appearance in the windy cit The Canadian Educational Endow- ment Assoeiation,a Toronto institution, has gone into liquidation, not being able to register under the Ontario In- surance Act. The business was to en- dow children from birth to 14 years of age with a fund to promote their cul- ture and education. The Government classed the Association as an insurance. company and insisted upon a deposit of $50,000 being put up as security for certificate holders, hence the associa- tion has decided to cease business. There is an impression on the minds of many that a licensed tavern -keeper may receive or refuse to receive as ;a guest any person whom he may choose This is very wrong, So long as a man conducts himself in a proper manner and pays, or tenders payment for the accommodation furnished, the tavern - keeper is obliged to receive him if he has the accommodation. As for meals the License Act is rigid. Every licen- sed tavern shall be a well appointed and sufficient eating -house, and guests arriving at that house at any time, night or day, have the right to de- mand refreshment, the refusal to sup ply whichwill subject the tavern -keep er in conviction of a fine or not more than 520 ro,' each end ( ery offence, A Backyard, Perecr ption. The following is offered as an anti- dore for some of the ailments that prs- vails in back yards:- ' Ratio........... ..1 (one) Shovel .. t Wheelbarrow:. ...1 ,, Chloride of Lime .1 „ DinxoTr $-T7se vigorously for an hour or two in'eyert ttventy-four hours until relieved: • Yours sincerely, Ors to IT WHO HAS T u , Boy Wantec A good stain boy wanted to learn printing. Apply at this office. , i<drn, for Soo,. The undersigned has several first class farms for sale on.easyterms, .S'ACiMAN, Exeter OOcents will pay for the AnvoOA-Ta fiord noiv until` Jan 1st 1894. Subscr•ibe..now EEneonraginr. matrimony. This may be news to some people: When a settlor in the ortli W&,st Ter- ritories wants to go back to Ontario to get married, the Canadian Pacific rail- way sells him'a matrimonial ticket at the usual rate, and on presenting the return cnpbn'end a marriage certifi- Cate, he is entitled to free transport for his bride. Might have been Worse ' On Saturday, night MK. 0 0. Wilson,' of town, and � e R 4, Collins, of Exe- ter, driving' in oppositeS'ilirections on main street, Made too .clpse calculations in passing and thou baggies collided. Both horses :broke away from the rigs but neither got away, Mr. Collins ;how ever, was pulled ovar;.the, .dashboard and Mrs Collins, who,,. was with him, Was also thrown out,?but neither was hurt semiously.and tli'e :only damage done to the bngg•y ^ryas the bl;eaking of the whiffletree. TlieSSha£ts.,on Mr, Wil son's buggy was broltgzt clmpletely offs but no other hitian„w is t'lbne..:;.Consid ering everything, botiikrtss.'tties •htii a very fortunate eacapd;'andd Siilionld be thankfhl that it watts tro.r;worse.-Sea- forth Expositor ; i Fishing Season. The season for speckled trout in On- tario, Canada, opened May lst; picker- el, May 15th;; bass and muskallonge, Jane lbth, One person is not allowed to take more than 50 speckled or brook. trout in a single day, nor shall these fish in the aggregate weigh more than 15 pounds, nor a fish less; than five inches in length. The season in the Province of Quebec opened for speckled trout May 1st, Badly Bitten. George Johnson, in the employ of J. W. Robinson, of the South Boundary, Blanshnrd, was leading a stallion to town on Monday morning, when the animal became fractious at a passing traiu. •Johnson, who was seated in a sulky, from behind whicn he was lead ing the horse, attetriptrd to check` it and whilst so doing the animal seized him by the hand with its teeth and nearly severed the top of the thumb of his right hand and inflicted other injuries to that member. A. liaa Cut. Whilst working at a circular saw at Moore's planing mill on Monday May 1st, Richard. Skinner well known to the people of Exeter, accidently brought his right hand in contact with the saw and sustained severe lacerations of the fingers between the second and third joint?, almost severing two of them from the hand. The injuries were at tended to and although the tendrons of two of the fingers were severedit is not probable that the hand will be per- nanetly disabled. Proports* Changes. Mr. John las lor haspurehased half an here of land situated on Andrew street at.the'north end of the village, from Wm Horn, paying therefor $90. Mr. Henry' Hooper, employee at Rich. Pickard & Son's, has purchased .the residence recently vacated by Mr. L. H. Dickson, and owned by R. H. Verjty The sum pard was $800. The one hundred and thirty acre farm known as the Macdonald prop- erty, sitnated at the north end of the village, has been purchased by Messrs A. and John E. McDonell.: The consid- eration was $39 an acre, or $3,900 as a whole. Cricket Club ALeetinh. ,.. A meeting of the cricket club was, held on the 4th Inst, when the follow- ing officers were elected foe the ensu ing year. -Hon. Pres., Dr. Hyndman; Pres., Dr. Lutz; vice Pres,, N. Dyer Hurdon; See Treas., F. E. Elliott; Com mittee, Dr. .H, K. Hyndman, C. B. Mars. land and I. R. Carling. The member- ship fee was set at $1 so that there can be no pecuniary reasons for not becoming members. The club have been asked to join the Canadian Crick et Association, which has divided the Province into cricketing districts to insure more matches with neighboringhborin $ Elevens and to encourage the game in smaller towns. Baker V. Smilie.. an Saturday last a charge of wound- ing and Beverly beating' was tried be- fore Magistrate Snell. The complain- ant Wm. Baker, who was a pupil at- tending school on the Parr Line, Stan ley, accused Richard'Smilie, his teach er, of the above offence. The matter had been tried before other justices and dismissed and the school honorably ac quited. At the trial here the defend- ant pleaded that he had already been tried and acquitted] by three magis- trates and objected to being tried again before a magistrate. This plea, how. ever, has no weight with liis worship Snell, who essayed to try it a second time. After evidence being taken for four hours, the parties themselves con- cluded oncluded to terminate the force, shook' hands ar.d went home, Council Proceedings The Council met 3rd May at Town Hall, Exeter. All present, excepr Mr. Carling. Minutes of former meeting read and confirmed, Christie-McCal lum,'orders for the following sums viz, 5 I3askerviila, 3.90 for labor; S Hand. ford 3.30 do.; Geo. Thomas 11.68 'do. W Parsons, 26.30 do.: R. G. Davie 5,69 do.; R. Davie 2,06 doi W Davie 2,06 do R Luker 94e. do; L. Davin 5,56 do; 'Wm Horn $1 do.; Thos Oke. 13.80 do; Jno. Parsons 15.05 do; Thos Brock 1.87 do. Geo Hodgins 5.71 do; R. Williams 6.65 do; Al Bissett, 3.75 do; .Geo. Cud more, 1.58 do; Thos Horn 15.05 do; W. Westcott 62e. do; H Towel 1.87 do; Mr. Heyvro9d'$1 •do; Phil Rowcliffe, 1.25 do; Rd Crocker 94c, do; S, Powell 85c.- do; T hertnell' 1.56 do; Jas Oreceh $8 char- ity.tosJag Gould; do $4 Mrs Piper; do $1 Mrs Hutchinson; do $2 meals to tramps; do $85 part salay; The Bobier Produce -Co. 8.90 coal oil; Jno E Barnes. $3; rep. town clock; Cobblediek & Fol- land $3 for nails; Jones & Atkinson 7.40 spikes for culvert and Geo, < Cud more $70 part payment for digging. weir, Carried. Thos Brock to have use of park this season and to level and se,ed down the same. Spackman -Mc- Callum that the Reeve and Trees, bor- row $500 for 7 mos. for current exnen- ses -Carried. Spacktnan-Christie tenders Abe asked for suitable pumping wind'inrll.--Carried McCallum-Spack. man, tenders for tanks. -Carried The Connell . adjourned until Wednesday Loth inst., al 7.80 p. m, when tenders are to be received. M. tannins', clerk Banrut Sale 1 JJloTavish & Co.'s Old Stand. Thanks to the people of Exeter and 20 -miles a round, sales increasing every day. No trouble to do business at our pric- es. 100 Pieces. Jest received 100 pieces best `'English Prints, all the newest makes and de- signs, extra wide and fast colors, regularly sold for 12: and 14 cts. all for 9c. We have still a few of those best 124 -et, shirtings for $cts..Dress Goods sales have been immense from 3cts. per. yd. up to the fin- est and richest goods. You might drop in and see our men's braces at 10cts. Ties gets, Rubber Coats $1.50, Ladies' Circulars, worth $2. for 90cts. Our 40e. Ladies' Ties for 23cts. All Linen Tab- ling 16cts. and the extra heavy 60c. goods for 45 cents. The 40c. Linen Towls 23 cts. per pair. We have only. time to think of a few of our bar - (rains.. As little or as much as you may require of any 'line of goods, we will be pleased to see you and quote you prices. Butter, Eggs and all Farm Produce taken as Cash. G. G. JOINSTGNI McTavish's Old Stand. A New Yorkdaily paper, taking -up the idea conveyed in Flammarion's exciting novel, "Omega The last days ofthe World," has interviewed a num- ber of the leading men in all profes- sions as to what'they would do if sci- ence were te predict to morrow that the end of the ,world would arrive within the next thirty days. The ans wers are various and curious, and heighten the interest which is felt in the second part of Flammarion's great novel, which appears in the May Cos- MOPOLITAN„ It . is a question which everyone will find interesting.to ask of himself: What would you do if with in six weeks the end of the world were certain? Probably no novel which hats ever appeared in an American magazine has been more elaborately illustrated by more distinguished art ists. Laurens, Saunter, Togel, Meaulle, Rochegrosse, Geradin and Chovin all contribute to the explanation of the text. A Meyer story of another kind is that of the new English novelist, Gilbert Parker, in the same number. " American Society in Paris" is an art- icle of another kind, but one which will interest all who have had occasion to make even a short residence in the French capital. The COSMOPOLITAN sco.:es a success in producing in its May number,' almost simultaneously with the daily papers, an elaborate de- seription of Professor Gray's marvel- lous invention, the Telautograph, which reproduces the handw- iting, or the work of the artist, simultaneously, thousands of miles distant from the place where the writer or artist is sit- ting. Mr. Howells' purpose in "The Traveller from Ultruria is, month by month, becoming more evident, and is now receiving wide attention at the hands of the critics all over the world. Have this w e e k opened out the best a n d largest stock of Amer scan and. Ca- nadian Wall . Paper . Ever shown in. Town. N o w is the time to your our pay - er for .C' f r S rin"....: pac�m� &Co CA Y.nrp.�uaWaoRl Our Clothing Department is complete. Just to hand a choice lot of B E A D CLOTHINGS for e a2i .. BO'ZSI pMat ricesale to thatorder Will sell them.. S? vI.4L !t of ours, We G''A?,.amr,sm first-class style and good workm=anship. Our Tweed Department was never better. In Black Wbr- mteaa we have no equal. 1 SEEDS! SEEDS!! The Spring time is that Season of the year when everybody should take TIME by the forelock. This is just what we have done and now we are able fill all orders for seeds of any kinds and in any quanty. This is the only way to secure good, reliable seed. While you are in do not fail to see our new Large Stock of Spades, Hoes, . Rakes, Forks, . ' . . Shovels, &e, - In fact eyerything in way of Garden Tools. Cobblerck lla Entor :TWA hpuy IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Seal a Farm TF Yl1TT WANT TO Buy or Sell Town Property IF YOU WANT TO Borrow or Lend Money IF YOU WANT Collections Make Call at Ir. Jno. Spackman's Real Estate Agency. Business Transactions strictly con- fidential. Intending' purchasers will receive the best advice in selecting land or town sites. • Also agent for Allan Line and State Line Steamships: Office- Main Street, Exeter, On't. Address: -JOHN SPACKMAN, Box 44 T h e undersigned have opened out a new Stook of first-class Spring and Summer suitings,' in Canadian and Imported Tweeds Worsteds, etc.; which we sell at right prices. Tweed Pants $3. and upwards, Worsted do 4, do Tweed Suits 10. do Worsted do 16, do Spring -Over Coats $14..00 and Upwards. Call and examine before `purchasing elsewhete, We guarantee a good. fit. Creech 86 Bissett, Fresh Maple Syrup at THE PEOPLE'S GROCERY and Liquor Store e order our goods often and keep our stock ' .always fresh and clean. Parcels de- livered free in any part of Town.F r a Ono Door" South Opera Hall. =7, ROLUNS WILLIAMS Milling Co., of Exeter. Have opened an office opposite the Town Hall, and while build- ing the'.:. NEW MILL Will e co yon nstantl handa full keep ul Stock of the VERY BEST BRAMDS OF FLOUR; also all kinds of mill stuff and Feed. Partners and townspeople will find it It to their advantage to call and see us. ROLLINS & WILLIAMS. g;.