HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-07-15, Page 11I4. 'SERVICES AVAILABLE D. IN MEMORIAM
All types of foundations and
floors, cement. barnyards.
Reasonable rates — free
. Dublin, Ontario.
For custom combining' of grain,
beans and corn, pulling beans
and fall plowing, call Ed Szusz,
HOW .LONG has it been since
f you really heard the faucet
dripping, the clock ticking. The
doorbell. If. your hearing Isn't all ,
that you'd like _it to be a
help you. Local Representative
K. Lutes, Rieck Pharmacy Ltd.,
- 14 The Square; Goderich, phone
524'-7241.= 25tf
and Ashfield wish to thank
friends arid neighbors for the
many acts of kindness pt the
time of their mother's death” All
were deeply' appreciated". — Mrs.
Mark Berger, Mrs. Sam Mabon,
Mrs. Clifford Waunch. — 28
BQWN: In loving memory o
dear husband, Reginald Gear Y
who passed away July.6, 1970.
I know not when life's day will
r As twilight darken falls;
But this I know I fear no night,
I'll answer when he calls.
— Sadly missed by his wife
Lucy. — 28x
Horticulturalists meet
526„7595 ,
Replace flowerbedf signs
The executive meeting of the
Auburn Horticultural Society
was held last Monday evening in
the. Auburn Town Hall.
President Mrs. Gordon Taylor
welcomed all and the minutes of
the •previous meeting were
" adopted as read.
A discussion took place re the
.. -. . s� 7s= for the- •€lowerheda�.. ,to x
- . _ g3 ,.."":� R}ie:,uo p,,.r��rrtrvet� ���-rze-�. d}sWnot4
she was unable to be the guest
speaker at the " next open
The financial statement was
given by the''treasurer,. M,rs.
Eleanor Bradnock.
Plans were made to hold a
meeting thar the end of °August
,when it is hoped Mrs. William
AUSTIN: 4 Mrs. -Wilfred Austin replace those , made. in 1950. president, will be the guest
anki--sons would like to thank the Ross Robinson was asked to do speaker. Mrs. Thomas Haggitt
people that sponsored the boys these. and Mrs. Elmer Trommer will be
in their walk, Without your kind „ in charge of the program.
support the boys Would not have • A letter of regret 'vas read ,
been able to succeed, . Thanks from Mrs. Anna Meyers, The bake table will be in the
again. • Terry, Johnpaul; C.K.N.X. Woman's Editor that charge of Turner,
Ronnie and Bobby Austin. -- 28
PATTERSON: I would like to
thank my many friends and
relatives who' remembered me
with cards, flowers, gifts and
visits while I Was a 'patient in
Alexandra Hospital. Special
thanks to Dr. J, W: - Wallace,
nurses ahi1i af.L.an first floor. —
D. J. "Pat" Patterson. — 28x '
BERGER: The family of.the late
Mrs. Emily Goldring of Goderich
Massage Therapy
July 17, to Aug. 21
118 Anglesea St.'
-Phone 524=7617. Res.
524-6281 • Office
McKNIGHT: We want to thank
our many friends arid neighbors
• _for_their kindness shown to us.
- We know we will' enjoy our gift.
Hop o- + you all some time.•
— 'Will and Mabel McKnight.
' LASSALINE' We. wish to
express our` sincere thanks and
appreciation to all our friends
and neighbors for their itiany
M LOST - Black Persian 'cat acts of kindness, messages of
. - p _ ._ 9030, sympathy, floral � tributes and
child's et. Please call 524- _ • Mass cauls received..._during_.o.ur.
28x ` -recent loss of a dear; father and
grandfather. Your kindness
LOST At Snug Harbour, one shown to us at- this time will
pair of duck boat green oars. always be remembered.. —
Phone 524-9801 at 6 p.m. — 28 • Marcel, Rosemarie Lassaline and
`family. — 28 , ••
We do all types
* Ring Sizing
* Craw Retipping
'* Watch Repair
.* Acutron Repair
AN.STETT JEWE1 LER",5,, ,TSD,,,,.,
Clinton, Seaforth and Walkerton.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schwang wish
to announce. the engagement of
their daughter, Judith Lee, to
Mr. Randy Kerr, son of Mr. and
'Mrs. .Alvin Kerr, Dungannon,
The wedding is to take place,
,,,,„stuly 31,. 1971,, ;a "Nile United
Alberta folk
in Auburn
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Anderson
of Dayti n, "Drll;io, Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Coleman of Medicine
Hat, Alberta, and Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Jardin, Stephen and
Randy of Kitchener visited last
week with Mr. and Mrs. William
Visitors at the Manse last
Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.
Millard Bell of Paisley and Mr.
and Mrs. George Gregg of
Pinkerton. '
Rev°" and Mrs. A. E. Silver and
her sister, Miss Blanche Flood of
London visited last Thursday
with Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
Mr. and Mrs. George Lake of
—,Land.t-g.pent_.t.a , few days last
week with Pastor and Mrs.
„,• Fry.
Mr, and Mrs. George Naylor,
Kathy and Darlene of Toronto,
spent several days last week with
Mrs. Jessie Naylor, Glen and
Allan` .McDo-u' all of Levack
and Miss Laura Wills of Sudbury
spent the weekend with his
, parents, Mr. and Mrs. •Kenneth
McDougall'. •
Mrs. W. J. Maine, Miss Shirley
Maine and Ronald Maine of
Goderich visited . Iatt Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
Phillips. ,
Miss Judy Arthur of Montreal
spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
'Arthur, ark and Greg.
Miss Sheron Collin§, George
Collins- and- . Mrs. Eleanor
Bradnock visited • Ontario Place
in Toronto last Sunday.
Church.-- 28.
Mr.. and Mrs. Phillip MacDougall,
Goderich, wish to announce the
forthcoming marriage of their ;
PART - Collie, 11/2 year old.
Phone 524-7014. — 28
41r A. BIRTHS.
COLLINSON: At• Alexandra
Hospital, Goderich, on July 10,
1971, , to Mr. and Mrs. George
Collinson, Goderich, a daughter, Mrs. Nora Williams, London.
Krista Lee. marriage- i§ to .take place
:._.-1yIcASH: To Mr. and Mrs. Brian July 37; 1971, at 3 p. m., in.
McAsh, in South Huron Knox Presbyterian Church,
Hospital, Exeter, on July 11, Goderich. — 28x.
• 1971, a son, Scott Lee,
daughter, Janet Sandra, to
Richard Wayne Durbatch, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Wi.11iarn Emmorey,
Toronto. The wedding will take
place Saturday, August 7, 1971',
at St. John's United Church,
Agincourt, Ontario. — 28x.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Meriam,
Goderich, are pleased - to
announce the forthcoming
marriage of theie daughter,
Shirley• Rosalind,- tdMr. Edward
Francis Williams, son of Mr.
George Williams and the late
HINTON: To Mr and Mrs. John
JHinton (nee Bisset), a son,
ason John, July 8 at Sarnia
General Hospital, brother for
Todd, —°28x
MacDONALD: In 'loving'
memory of a dear husband and
father who passed away
suddenly July 15, 1970.
We little knew as we woke that
*'he sorrow the day would bring;
The call was sudden, the shock
severe, -
To part with one we loved so
But God gave as courage,
To bear the blow;
But- what it meant to lose bim;
*No one will ever know.
, — Ever remembered by wife and
family. - 28x
POPP: In loving memory of a
dear son, Larry Meredith Popp,
who passed away oneyear ago,
my 9, 1970. "
ince God called you away,
And we who loved you most of
Miss you more each day. •
There's a gift in life you cannot
That's very rare and true,
?;#'s the gift of a darling little
Like the one we had in you.
You gave us a few short years of
No one can take away; -
But nothing could be more
'pan the memories we have of
you, „ •4 1'r
To us you wore -someone special,
God must have thought so too.
1Y _missed and lovingly
_ elovin I'
gotertairflpswe k"
brothers and sisters. — 28x.
Broad loomed
Electric Heat
To One 83A% Mortgage
Phone Kincardine
1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Please Follow Smokey's ABC's
matches till cold
BE—sure to
drown all fires
crush all
Missionaries are welcomed in
non-Christian communities in
Africa and other •counties where
the love. of God is taken, was the
message that Miss Hazel
MacDonald of Goderich told the
Presbyterian Women's
Missionary Society when they
lild their July meeting last week
at ' the home of 'Mrs. Frank
Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock'was, in
charge of the program which
began 'with the call to worship.
The devotional period was in
the charge of Mrs. Frank
Raithby.. The scripture lesson.
was read by Mrs. William Clark.
Meditation theme was
"Harvest -- period of Gladness"
given by Mrs. Frank Raithby.
The roll call was answered by
each ,quoting a Bible verse
'containing the word `love'.:
The offering was received and
dedicated with prayer by Mrs.
Miss MacDonald in her
interesting message told of her
experiences in Kent', when she
was teacher -missionary last year.
A discussion period followed
and she showed sonfe items of
handeraft work from there.
Mrs. Donald Haines thanked
Miss MacDonald for her message.
A medley of hymns was
played on - the piano by Mrs.
Robert Phillips. Mrs. Raithby
gave a reading.
President, Mrs. • Wilfred,
Sanderson, took charge of the
business period. The minutes ,of
the previous meeting were
accepted - as read by the
secretary, Miss 'Minnie Wagner.
—It was decided not to hold a
meeting in August and Mrs.
Major Youngblut invited the
W.M.S: . to her home for the
September meeting. • .
Mrs. Sandersbn closed with
Lunbh°• was served by Mrs.
Raithby and Mrs. Bradnock.
Tweedie,. Columbus,
Ohio, is visiting 1lis sister.in-law
. Wry .. •iYtiJ' 7j�y M .... � ',
Tweedie, Town. k -
Mrs. Brian Hallam, Mrs. Ross
Robinson aed Mrs. Dorothy
Grange; White Elephant table,
Mrs, Thomas Lawlor, Mrs. Elmer
Trommer, Mrs. Frank Raithby-
aithbyand Mrs. Torrance Tabb.
There is to be flower
arrangements brought by Cie,.members ' and these will be
Mrs. Robeetp Phillips, Mrs.
William Straughan and Mrs: Ed
The lunch committee will be
Mrs. Thomas Haggitt, Mrs. Beth
Lansing, Mrs. William Clark and
Mrs. Albert McFarlane.
Recent visitors with Mrs. Cliff now a resident of Pinecrest
Austin were Mr. and' Mrs. Ray Manor, Lucknow, .
Austin of Toronto, -Mr. and Mrs. Sister Mary' Elizabeth is
Hilary Menard and family 'of Des spending 'this week ^with her
Moines, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. Len , mother, Mrs. Mary Lambertus.
Woodley and family. of Malton, Wendy Diane, infant daughter
Mr. and. Mrs. Jack McConnville -of Mr. and Mrs. Tony
and family of Toronto and Mr. Meltenburg, was baptized
and Mrs, Ambrose Hartman' and Sunday morning during the
family of Kitchener. celebration of the Holy Mass.
Visitors recently with Mr. and Mrs. B. Jans and her son,
Mrs. Gilbert , Frayne were Mrs. Antone, of Holland,, will be
Henry Maidment, PointEdward, visiting Mr. and Mrs.f Bill Van
Mrs. Rueben ,Frayne, Gordon Osch 'and family for the next
Tidball, Lloyd, Tidball, all of three weeks. They are mother
Forest, Mr. and Mrs. .Douglas and brother of� Mrs. Van Osch.
Frayne and Mrs M.Hayhurst of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clare`and
Mary Luanne -and Rev. Fr. Lloyd
Brantford, and Mr: and Mrs. Ryan of returned home °
Joseph O'Reilly of Detroit u.rRl tai :tvhree...�_�iJ .�� , �,
> hplanned.
The Flower Festival to begin today was prececded~by a great deal of work -and planning. Monday
evening, the convener for the event, Mrs. Don McKee (left), Benmi,ller; held a workshop at which
she demonstrated the idea of Flower Festival arranging. Seen with her is Mrs. Neil Shaw, an eager ,
student and -a-member of the Horticultural Society executive. The exhibit may be seen in. the4
basement of the Court House'.(sttff photo)
Painters' waikout aff�cts
other trades at Bruce plant
A spokesman at the .Bruce-
Nuclear Power Complex said
Tuesday that no end was in sight
for the two day old strike at the
construction site of the Bruce
heavy water plant. '
Sixteen pa -inters, rnembers of
Local ,1783 of the Brotherhood
of Painters' and Allied Trades set
up picket lines at ,the heavy'
water site' oi. Monday morning
and 1,200 other union 'workers
refused to cross the picket liA..es
in sympathy.
The strike has not disrupted
Mrs...._ John'
formerly resided
Kelly, who
'at Kintail, is
weeks touring, France, England,
Scot'land,and mostly Ireland.
.Sympathy -oۥthe community
is extended the McLean families
in the passing of Mr. Dan
McLean in Kincardine Hospital.
M. MacLean lived with Mr. and
Mrs. Ewan MacLean for several
Mr. and •Mrs. Allan McLean
and family of Collingwood spent
the weekend in the community.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wylds and
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wylds spent
Sunday, at Kincardinq with Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd: Wylds at their
The road side .park at
Lochalsh was filled to capacity
on -the weekend: _..
Misses Susan McCharles of
Montreal and Heather' McCharles
of Brantford spent a week with
their. grandparents Mr. and Mrs.
Oliver McCharles.
The McKenzie picnic was
held on Sunday when members
of the MacKenzie clan' gathered,,
for a bountiful dinner and
enjoyable get together.
'Attending the Miss Dominion
• of Canada contest in' Hamilton
were Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Maclntosh along • with several
, from Lucknow. Charles Webster
sponsors the, contest in Lucknow
at. Lucknow Fall Fair.
These students from Huron
County, Misses Joe Anne Bates,
Elizabeth Gallaher and .Audrey
Marriott, who are taking a
course on social service ' at
Huronview this summer, assisted
the regular staff with the old
time • music and dancing on
Monday afternoon. -.
Wednesday afternoon's,
activities were held on the lawn
this week with several outdoor
games played and well over 100
residents taking'part. .
Pastor Bigelow of Bayfield,
Baptist Church, led the Family
Night, Program • held in the
au ditorium last Thursday
evening. The musical numbers
introduced ,by Mr. Bigelow
included a ladies duet by Mrs.
Chapman and Louise Talboe; an
accordion solo by Shirley Keys;
a vocal solo by Mrs. Bigelow;
and numbers by the chorus and
a sing • song led by Mrs.
Chapman. There was also a
reading by Nancy Tawcett.
.. It was decided to have a band
concert on the lawn If possible
each Thursday evening in July.
and August.
Sunday' : �iiiKincardine—
Officials of the Kincardine
wn. and Township Airport'are
confident that tie program for
,Sunday's big air show will equal
last year's and they arse looking
for an even bigge4 crowd.
The air show will be held at
the airport, two miles,,north of
Kincardine on. Highway 21, on
Sunday,from two until
four-thity in the afternoon.
A list of events includes water
bombing. demonstrations by the
Department of Land's 'and
Forests, parachute jumping
demonstrations, crop dusting
demonstrations, precision 'flying
Harvards,, aerobatic Harvards,
Canadian Air Force
demonstration,. small aircraft
aerobatics and the first showing
anywhere of a Mark 14E
Ample parking is available at
the airport with the admission
charge just $2.00 per car, A
small additional charge will be
made for viewing of the Spitfire,
news and viewsv; :
Consumers' Association of Canada �
° Consumers' Association of
Car1-ad'"i'S"Ing a series of.
"What if ... " items. Here is the
first one. We suggest you might
wish - to clip 'them for a
scrapbook. •
I f ' your property__ is
unattended for a prolonged
period there are several simple
, but important precautions that
should be taken. It is a good idea
to list periodically your valuable
property but a good place to
begin planning for an extended
stay away from home is by
compiling a detailed inventory.
Then follows this checklist.
The requirements of your
insurance contract must be met
for it to remain in effect.
Periodic checks of the property
(at least every 30 days) will be
• adequate for most fire and theft
coverage. Protection from
damage, due to failure of heating
equipment requires more
frequent checks. Check with
•yourins.urance representative,
Everybody's favorite ''Petite Gamine" Debbie Lorie Kaye
rejoins the gang and sings up a ;storm on The' Tommy Hunter
Show, seen Fridays (9 p.m.) on the CBC -TV' network. Debbie
,•,recently cortrp eted a very successrful engagement at the
" � Irl
� t
t .R
ounce baby boy called' kychard Henning.
Good preparation should
prevent property loss; If it does,_
not, it will minimize the
inconvenience. Arrange 'for
surveillance of your house by a ,
neighbor or relative; don't
expect the police to_guard it, A
"going -away” announcement in
the social pages • is an invitation
to trouble.
Stop all deliveries — mail,
papers, milk for examples.
' Notify your creditors.,.,. -and_..
cancel' debts if necessary.
Arrange for night lighting - a
neighbor ori an inexpensive 415).,,
timer is adequate.
Store highly valued • iterns,:.•.
,jewelery,, clothing, antiques and
the like in another location.
place bicycles, mowers and
tools in the garage and lock it.
. Dispose - of any perishable
Leave an itinerary pr contact
location with "a neighbor or your
employer, and notify -RCMP or
the local police department in
order to facilitate contact.. in an
Leave your property with a
Arrange with someone to
occasionally check your
property , and maintain the
"lived-in" appearance.
Pick up ' mail,~ flyers " and
In summer keep the grass
mowed and yard groomed. This
for protection, not aesthetics.
In winter do at least some
snow clearing.
Ensure thatlighting is
Ensure that . all doors,
-•awindows and, potential entrances
are locked.
Check faucets and electrical
devices; unplug all electrical
appliances not required for
home safety.
Remove garbage.
work at the construction site of
the Bruce nuclear power plant. .
It • is located one mile further
The spokesman .said no
incidents had been reported at
the picket lines.
Conciliation "efforts Saturday
failed and the company,:.ofrN„„.;,, :,,,„
$1.76 -an -hour increase over the
two-year life of the contract was
The union is holding out for
an increase of $2.13 an hour and
is also balkingat a company
proposal. , that one helper be
hired for each five painters.
Negotiations continued today
in London between the union
and Lummus of Canada Ltd.,
contractor for the heavy water
Fenelon, falls
man dies
in Lindsay
David Thomas G(Asmith
died suddenly at the Ross'
Memorial Hospital, , Lindsay,
S1inday, July 11..A resident of
Fenelon Falls, he was in his 38th
year. .
He was the husband of the
former Eleanor Elliott and the
father .of two children, Lan and
'Also surviving are his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Goldsmith,
Selsdon, England; a brother,
Antony of St. John's, New
Brunswick and, a sister, Mrs.
John (Ann) Walker, Headley,
Funeral service was Tuesday,
July 13 at the Platten. Funeral
Home, Fenelon Falls. Interrne
was in Fenelon Falls Cemetery.
4840iELOR/ 4
R011/416' STONE..,
"NO BOSS'':!
Service Station
Coffee. Shop
411 Huron nd., Goderich
5246871 ° t
A Renewed Period 'Of .,.,
'Commences Annually Each July 1st
For Details Consult 'Your Chiropractor
Presented in the public interest by the
fr t'
" h
r" ► ; tG tilt ' -ro-
r r„