HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-07-15, Page 9GaDtRfcli mon*, UPS , Y44‘4,0)71541097r0,' 1 ARTICLES FOR SALE GOLDEN Falcon,* Citation, Flyte • travel trailers; Baron Hardtop and soft top tent trailers; Hitches; Woods -tents;, Camping heeds. Rentals, Sales, Service. Camp-Otit, 'Huron- St. W. Stratfo ,e, 393-5936. AUTOMATIC Toilet 13owl Cleaner. Removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoffmeyer Plumbing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich. - 14tf 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE PICK your own -cherries at,, Murray Bros. Orchard, 4 miles S.W.. of Thedford on Ridge ' Road. Sweet.clierries 'ready July 10 "and Monimorencies ready . , July 12. 27, g8 X.. HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed ehvelopes with price list. Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-53., Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. - ltf , NEW chesterfield and chair, from factory to you; $149.00. Trade your old one in.< and E New and Used Furniture, 1/2 mile south of Goderich, 524-7231. - 2445,26 CUT flowers, seasonal. Shasta Daisies, Gloriosa Daisies, Lillies, • etc. Mrs. L. R. Holman, 187 Cameron St., phone 524-8852. 26tf 21.” PHILCO TV; battery telephones. Apply 64 ,Church St., Goderich;- 28nc ,10 X 51 DETROITER Mobile "Home, two bedrooms, completely furnished, automatic washer, many optional ,extras including 5' x 6' ,storage cabin, household . items. Located in, trailer"„ eourt, adjadera, CFB Clinton. - 27,28 BOAT,, motor and trailer, 35 Evinrude motor, 16 ft. boat, $300.00: Phone 524-7014. - 27,28, BABY buggy in excellent condition., $22.00; automatic washing machine, $55.00. Apply C & E Furniture, phone 524-7231. DEADLINE 'FOR TAKING CLASSIFIED ADS YAMAHA Sports Cycles, 80 c.c. Roadsports, , $390.00'; 90 c.c. Enduro, $435.00. All machines serviced and warranted, available now at your full line YamahaDealer, Steve Argyle, Colina' Street, Bayfield, 565-2800. - 28 LARGE oil space heater with fan and 150 gal. tank. Reasonable. Phone 524-6051. - 28 i969' B.S.A., 441, Shooting Star. Phone 524-6239. - 28 N 0 LaocKs7 TUESDAY —ADS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER 12 O'CLOCK FOR THAT liliEEK'S PAPER 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE TUBULAR' steel picnic table legs. Apply 360 Cambridge St. or phone 524-8791. -28,29x. .# PICK your own cherries in your '<Atm containers at Lassaline Orchards, R. R. 2, 06derich, Ontario:' -28. CASE tractor, 400 Case -o -Matic, apt cently, overhauled; 32 ft., 5 -inch grain, auger; Birdsfoot Trefoil seed(number of,electnc , steel posts with insulators; 400, bales of straw. Phone 524-7080. - nc ° TWO 39" beds, box springs; one 30" bed; one 54" bed;'‘ antique dining room table and four chairs; three window valances; one -refrjgerator; one 'TV antenna. Phohe 524•-9485. - 28 USE D natural •,gas heater 'with fittings and pipes. Excellent condition. Apply Glen's Barber Shop, '38 Hamilton Street, -28x FOUR good used 'whitewall tires,. size 670-15. Cheap. Phone 524-635,7. - 28x TAG -A -LONG tent trailer, sleeps 'four, mattresses included. Wired , 15 FT. FIBREGLASS boat, 35 110. $400.00. Phone for H.P. Evinrude motor. Can be 524-9197. - 28 , seen at 86 MOrttcalm Street Phone 54-6116 - 27,28 1-----WOOTFICT6---- Hard wood 4 METALLIC red CCM bicycle, 1970 model, 18" wheels, 5 speed. Used three times. Phone 524-6119 or 524-9435 after_4 p.n. week days. -28 slabs, $4,00 per cord, soft wood, $3.00 per cord. Delivered to your 'yard in, 6 or 7 cord loads. Craigs Sawmill, Auburn. Phone 526-7220. - 27, 28, 29. Recliner chair, special summer clearance, cloth and vinyl covering. One baby ,carriage oin very good condition.- Queen size box spring and mattress for only 399.00. • -One' wood table, 42 x 48-x 60, • walnut, slightly damaged. Priced for quick sale. - One :used bed with spring and mattress. Four wood reduced. ONE registered Pinto, 7 year old mare; one non -registered gelding, half'. Arabian and American saddle horse, 3 years old. Sales will include 2 saddles, -2 blankets, 2 Kelly 'hackamores and 2 bridles. Call 368-7075 or after 6 p.m., call 396-29.27. • '0 ANY quantity of hay, e;ccellent, quality. , Phone 624-7029. 28 FOR your Fuller Brush Products and service in. Goderich, Townships of Goderich and Hullett; call Henry Stryker, RR' 4, Clinton, at 482-9857, Monday through Friday. - eow WEDDING PREPARATIONS? , • We have bride books by . Hutchins, Patrick and Coutts, kitchen chairs , wddLn.g invitations and announcements by International LODGE 'FURNITURE sArut Craft. Smith's Office pplies, Albert St., ,Clinton. 33 WEST STREET 482-9766. - 22-34eqw 4, • • • • k.? 1969 450 HONDA. Extended TRAVEL ON sales and rentals. . front end, etc. Helmets included. Agent for Sunkamper 'and Best offer, Phone 524-9215 after Woods folding hardtop' trailers, 5 p.m. - 28k , truck mounts and accessories. ' Book now for summer rentals. Gordon. Steepe, R. R. 2, ClintOri ' - Phone 482-3364. - 27,' 28, ',a 29, 30. 10 H.P. Mercury outboard with ' five gallon fuel tank. Excellent condition, Phone 524-9297' after 5 ,,,,, 27nc • , ALLIS CHALMERS ° combine (for parts) two pressure systems, saw with motor, 3/4 H.P. electric motor, , 3, 1/4 H.P. motors, 28' plate -discs. Phone 524-9879. - 27, 28 X. * I 'WEEKEND SPECIALS selection. Three complete ' rooms from only $589.50. Roorp Groups - See our Includes: Living Room -7- 2-piece chesterfield, coffee table,„ 2 -end tables, pair of table lamps, 2 decorated cushions and swivel rocker; Dinette 5 -piece, 4 chairs; and table; Bedroom - double dre6ser, chest, bed, box spring and mattress, pair of. boudoir lamps and pair of pillows. Bunk beds, your. choiee, Wagon , Wheel, ,Spindle Plain style, priced -from ' $99.99, WOODS tent- 9-x 9,- used twice, $25,0(); two aquariums, one 15 gallon, one five, gallon, with. fish plants and all accessories, both for $50.00. P'ho e 524-6698. 28, ANTIQUE- ° ch' a• cabinet, rounded full 1 gth door glass, excellent c ndition. Phone 524-9084. - 2 SWEET and sour est Bring containers and pick your own. A. McCahill Fruit Farm, Forest, Ont. Phone 873-5344. - 28 • CHINA cabinet in good Sealy Health Guard unit m s matched, Sug. List 0.59.90. Only $104.75. Sealy Resit 'Guard unit./Sug. List $139.9'0. Only $84.50. Save $55.40 on this unit. Space Savers priced from - $59.95 and up. Phone 524-C7-741 'rot Evening Appointments condition. -Old style. Any reasonable ffer accepted. Phone 524-6003.,- nc CHERRIES 7- Montmorency. Bring containers and pick your 1 own starting July 17. One -mile north of Forest on Highway 21, Watson Fruit Farms. - 28 HAND-CRAIIICHETED ecru tablecloth, Approximate-siz‘e 72" x 60". Phone 524-9187. - 28nc liACKSTONE'S • • FOR ,SALE RENT - , four-bedroom " house near schools, ultra modern kitcheh, three-piece bath; gas' heat, large • back yard. Phone 524-6042. - BICYCLE -- Boys CCM bicycle, in goad shape. ,$25.00. Phone 524-9106. -!-7_28nc. . SINGER ZIG ZAG , sewing machine, 5 months old. Reg. $189.50. Can be * bought for $93.00, terms arranged. Call 524-6039, - 28x, BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME With Flagstone And WESTEEL-ROSCO Coloured Eavestrough (Baked -On Enamel) IN STOCK IOW AT WAKEPORT. ST -E -EL • (C & W 'SALVAGE) • 205 Newgate 524 -9514 - DICTIONARIES WEBSTER Library size 19'70 edition, brand • new, still iri, box. . Cost new $45.00. (WILL\ SELL FOR 95), 2. CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE 1965 TRIUMPH, must sell, student needs the money. Good condition, recently safety checked., Great for summer fun. Winterized. Phone 524-7266. '28x 1962° ECONOLINE panel, truck, $450,0Q. Phone 524-9197 after 5 p.m. - 28 1970 USED CAMARO SS, 300 h.p, engine 3)50 cubic inches, turbo hydramatic, power brakes. Phone 524-9805. - 28x 1967 CHEVELLE Malibu, two -door hardtop, 283 motor, automatic, radio, rear speaker, wh itewa lls , wheel discs. A4 Condition, Phone 524-8391. - 28. VOLKSWAGEN, SALES ' & SERVICE Ess9 Pidatras- Dan Taylor Motors Ltd. Main St. South, E)(eter 235-1100- SEE THE COMPLETE \-E-OF 49-7-1 Datsuns 1200s.—'1600's PiCKUPS , and . Starting As Low , As $1975.. DATSUN.; THE MORE FOR YOUR MONEY, CAR GERALD'S SUPERTEST • 7 Main St. N., Seaforth 527-1010 .Aini.111111.1•11M101011.• 3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TWO-BEDROOM brand new home, St, David's Street, broadloom, full basement, electric heating, brick veneer, one block from Square. Phone 524-8449 - 25-28x - RIVER --front-letsrsecluded and.= picturAque, small and very ties. Sandy beach. No hill to private, subdivision near climb. Code Call now, Sarnia 337-8486, 22tf • 3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE If 3.REALESTATEFCRSAE 3. REAL EST/91 FORwitimpiatiwamittamaxia 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 A.E.LEPAGE, SALE T* -E D E A L T CR LI lakefront lot 100' x 150'. Many AN ATTRACTIVE,and secluded river front cottage, well built for year round use in small private subdivision between Clinton and Goderich, $10,900,00 with terms. Phone Sarnia, 337-8486. 25tf 3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Frame cottage, large" sleeping -porch. Very private area. Sandy beach. Lakefront lot 100' wide. River front lot, well treed. Lake' lots in good areas. , RUTH VAN DER MEER 55 Montreal St. 524-7875 18tf HOUSEHOLD Moving, local.and, ' long distance. Excellent stciraget avattable, 'Ph,one "Eric Wa1dOn, --VVinglram, collect, 357-3221. 44tf ) SELF'-'CONTAI.NED one -bedroom apartnient,, ideal, for older couple, private entrance. Adults only, no pets. Phone 524-8556. - 23tf TWO-BEDROOM, hot water' heated apartment, large living. room and dining-1mm Not suitable for young children. Phone 524-816.4 after 7 p.m 25tf 3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ::-W: J. HUGHES ' . OFFICE 524-8100- , BROKER ...•., , GENERAL INS . 38 EAST STREEURANCE, T REAL: -ESTATE , COMMISSION -RATE — '3% ON HOUSES IN GODERICH this remodelled * CLOSE TO SOUARE ' RED BRICK Large 11/2 -storey home, 3/4 acre Bendilier . area, . Immediate • ., IN BENMILLER . possession on . country home situated on ten 3-bedroont honie in immaculate on Maitland River rolling -acres with well treed conditibn, 2.baths, natural trim, , ; . , frontage on the Maitland River, garage, immediate possession, , s• large open hearth fireplace in. the ' HOME & 4 EXTRA LOTS ' , IMMEINATE POSSESSION modern; family kitchen, 3 11/2 -storey' hOme, consisting of 3 3 -bedroom -, home, bathroom bedrooms,. modern ,bathroorn; bedrooms, den, family kitehen, dbwn and up, Suitable for minutes from Goderich. ' . attractive living room, attached retired couple NEW BRICK CHAIVER w garage, well WEST p. dsEcNaped grounds, • IDEAL RETIREMENT . . . , 3- bedrooms, spacious living 3 -bedroom' -newly decorated. SETTING room, shag broadloom, ideal "throughout, broadloom living 11/2' -t , 3 -bedroom house ., _family,- kitshen, - ,cm -ustoL,btrtlt:-. dining ' ' room,- . family' ' r*0 -' . plus, 2 _fully .turn.ished cottages - Immediate possession , bright- cheery. kitchen, large located -' 'on. 1 acre of land fronng on approx. 200 ft. of • ELEGANT SPLIT LEVEL ' ctroenedditiyoanr,,d, garage, Immaculate the river at Pt Albert. Close to a This fine custom builtahome has • ' sandy beach on Lake Huron. living, broadloom, log ' burning * This home, is tastefully -ti.----:' .317,300 STORE - ecellent , planning for family,. CHARMING 2 -STOREY 6' fireplace.,2 baths.AND 2 APTS. 'decorated, with bright cheery" Excellent location. Good solid kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 'Ph -STOREY fireplace. Close to Square building, well ,maintained, 3 separate units for renting. Make Alacletn_hrick,__cuacam-413.onae,a.. ' bedrooms plus den, charming CENTRAL LOCATION is a goo roves merit. Plenty of ..„.rJiving room with open stone Solid built -2-storey home With parking, Opportunity' knocks. • fireplace, recreation room., spacious i n;te-rior Four MODERN MOTEL, GODERICH bedrooms, full basement, Prime location hwy. 8 large units IMMACULATE. FAMI LY HOME COSY BUNGALOW Plus 11/2 -storey home Room for expansion„ $25,000 down. - 11/2:storey, 3 -bedroom home -West end just steps to the with modern kitchen, spacious Square, 2 sunrooms, Mo ern ON MAITLAND RIVER .' living room, 3 -pc. bath, full kitchen, ideal location, trees ' 65 acres ,of workable land, 'barn basement,,paved side drive. 40 x 50.' Also 130 acres ,with DREAM HOME 'QUALITY HOME Outstanding -and, different over 1-00 acres workable:, Spacious modern executive-type3-bedroom brick ranch home, • . NEAR BENMILLER 3 -bedroom rancher, broadloom treed lot, log burning fireplace, throughout, 11/2 baths, full den, excellent condition, just 132 acres of ' Recreational property with over 1.• mile of basement.-Lot,82' x 132'. one block to Square. river frontage On -the -Maitland. Unlimited potential. MODERN BRICK BUNGALOW CLOSE TO SCHOOLS 3 bedrooms, 4 -pc. bath, panelled 11/2 -storey , home, 2 „ bedrooms, COTTAGES! COTTAGES! recreation room, near schools: large L-shaped'living room; 3 -pc. Well landscaped. 'IlArnediate' bath, f 11 basement,.garage. Winterized cottage, modern 3' bedrooms, patio, lot 75' x 85', pots, „ 3. 'REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SPLIT LEVEL WEST END 3 -bedroom home, 2 baths, 'one fully futnished, near golf course' • ESTATE SALE, $7500 aeeess to lake, natural fireplace THREE-BEDROOM house, oh -Deduct 10% on orders of 6 or more. MAIL TO NORTH AMERICAN LIQUIDATORS, 58 - 158 2nd Ave. N. Dept. 0 -* 258, Saskatoon, 'Saskatchewan.' paved -road, close to store and school, large lot, gas' furnace, storms and • screens; attached garage. • -Phone"; 482-3240. 28;29 C.O.D. orders enclose -$1,00 per • volume good will deposit. Pay immummilummommillal balance plus C.P.D. shipping on HAROLP w. deh,very. Be satisfied on inspection or return - within 1,0, days for full refund. -No dealers', each volume specifically stampe,d not for resale. • 2. CARS, TRUCKS , FOR SALE .00OD s44ectiOn of used cars in condition, ' fully reconditioned and guaranteed, trade-ins accepted and 'terms available Rouse. Auto Electric 19if 1968 MI.TSTAITG, fastback, dark green, withovals, bucket seats, console, fold down back seat, V-8, automatic. Phone 524-8639 after 5„p.m.-- 18tf FAIRLANE, , two-do,or, V-8, automatic, seven, new tires and rims, good body, clean inside. Safety checked. Price $550.00 or best offer. Phone 524-8114. - 28 CEMENT TILE, three and four foot reinforced tile and tops. Richard Dietrieh, Dashwood. • Phone 237-3368. - 2 o 33. Bus. FOUR-rsURNER Vlectric stove, . 229-8945 , >wood foOttil Mon./ lefictrie, , 7+11561, 524-8609: -- 28k. 1111Minsimmwialmiimmim Volkswagen Service HUNTE11—DUVAR $i SON "Where. Folks Turn to Voiks" F.R. 6 ST. MARYS At Rannoch Res. 235-1494 " REAL ESTATE .BROKER 524-7272 55 NEWGATE ST GOSIEglIcli NEW BUNGALOW -- 3 BEDROOMS Have the privilege and pleasure of 'placing your own personal touch on this, brand new home which features three large bedroom, 4 -pc. privacy -type ceramic tiled bathroorh, bright, spacious, broadloomed living room and dining room and eat -in kitchen with furniture -finished cupboards. The over -sized,/ carport, low maintenance exterior of clay. brick and alumintuh, along with these interior features make this home an exceptional buy at asking price. See it today. 5 BEDROOMS — NEAR THE LAKE A good *family -sized home located bn a large lot with five bedrooms, spacious livirig room and kitchen and gas heating is an exceptional buy at the low asking price. „ 4 BEDROOMS NEAR HOSPITAL This compact Storey and" one half home has been completely renovated, is heated by gas forced-aitP furnace and has new kitchen. To see this home call Fran Rae; 524-9557. Having trouble sleeping in the heat? Along with -all the otl9r fine features jijs rour-bedroom house it is a ir-condi tiehed • fm- —cool" comfort: Centrally located oh a Jorge lot it is an exceptional ,faati-40M107-7-71010t4Odtev, Alinimmogiammimmaliva 3 -bedroom , brick, cheerful block from Square, workshop, spacious kitchen, attractive garage Well maintained. broadloom, living room, family room, laundry room, walkout 1'.NEAR SQUARE • basement Close to schools. , Two-bedroom bungalow, modem kitchen, -electric heat, HOME & 2 ACRES garage. Priced at $10,500. 3 -bedroom brick bungalow, dining room, spacious livJUST $8900 room, ing d garage, q Y 11' 3 -bedroom • home, spacious hOrne• in immaculate condition, modern kitchen, attached garage. Open for all offers. . COUNTRY ESTATE -Modern home located on 10 JUST LISTED acres, with guest house, well 3 -bedroom attractive home, landscaped grounds, with bird completely remodelled. sanctuary. House features brick construction, double garage, ' NEWLY DECORATED recreation room, natural 2 bedrooms, large kitchen, 3 -pc. fireplace, broadloom and bath, immediate possession. ,Lot hardwood, built-in fridge and 66' x 132', stove, ' , BRICK HOME, 9 ACRES CHO10E'SETTING • Close to Goderich, spacious Ranch home, 100 ft, frontage 2 -storey all newly. decorated, 4 with view of Maitland River bedrooms, 2'baths, fireplace, modern heating, full basement. Valley, natural fireplace, large living room, spacious bedrooms with broadloom, patio. "' BEAUTIFUL BAYFIELD Split .level home spacious living SUPERB LOCATI 2 -storey ftlivhite brick With '5 bedrooms, broadloom throughout, modern deluxe kitchen, 2 bathrooms, 5. marble fireplaces, surlroOm, private well treed grounds. WELL PROPORTIONED 2 -STOREY BRICK Beauty enhanced by verandah of generous width, '1.0 principal rooms, sun deck,'° full bath up, two 2 -pc. down, broadloom, 4 -car garage, paved driveway, large lot with 100 ft. frontage, CLOSE TO SQUARE 2 -storey, 4 -bedroom located on a well landscaped lot x 132'. This well $ maintained home would be an ideal starter home, as it could easily be starter FAMILY HOME 4 -bedroom brick home' consisting of large living roorn, dining room, 2 baths, recreation room, garage. Close to all conveniences. Open for offers. room, 3 bedrooms, family room. Priced at $18,700, 2 -STOREY AUBURN 3 -bedroom house on approx„ 1/2 acre of land, 4 -pc. bath up, 2 -pc. down, fuJi basement, garage. Open for offers. CLINTON BRICK. BUNGALOW Sparkling 3 -bedroom custom built home, delightful kitchen, dining area, broadloom, hot water beating. Lot 80' x E L E GANT-NOM E., CLINTON 2 -storey brick, -4 bedrooms, spacious living room, luxurious broadloom, 2 marble fi aces, recreation room, 11 aths,, garage.' CUSTOM BUILT ' 3 -bedroom home with over 2200 sq. ft. 'of living space, 2 baths, angel stone fireplace, family kitchen, spacious living room, panelled recreation room, garage, a few miles from town. filTA ALLEN 154 ESSEX ST. -524-8480 COTTAGE STONE FIREPLACE . Excellent view of Lake Huron; . good sandy beach, attractively furnished, nearly new, outdoor barbecue. Isandseaped lot. - OVERLOOKING LAKE Attractive 3 -bedroom cottage, ' . 3 -pc, modern bath, all modern features. Good sandy beach . BLUEWATER BEACH '2 -bedroom cottage close to lake on 100 ft. lot. Asking $10,500. BAYFIELD RESTAURANT Attractive dining room with take . out service, mini golf, mod6in , building, good turn over, increasing yearly, Call now, • LOTS SCENIC BUILDING LOT 70'. x 225', excellent view ' • CHOICE LOT Near lake 128' x 128'. Cambridge St. 80' x 132' $2,500, South East end,' '6 lots, $12,500. Albert Street, Clinton $2,000. Saltford, house and lot, $3,500. Auburn, 11/2 acres, Two Lakeview Lots (1/2 acre), COUNTRY LIVING Lot 129' x 175'. Close to town. Make us an offer. Pt. Albert, 2 lots,- 104' x 104'. ' Pt. Albert, cottage lot with view' of lake, 50' x .180': Stanley Township, $2,900. PORT ALBERT 5 -acre subdivision includes, 5 lots' and 21/2 acres:Price $5,500. ' , TERRIFIC POTENTIAL. On Highway 8 within town modern building with 4,000 sq. ft. Located 'on a 225 ft. x 139 ft. lot. , — THIS IS THE LOCATION '..AKEVIEW LOTS Sunset Park Development.- $500 Deposit will reserve your choice lot (Britannia & EStex Streets). DEB SHEWFELI 199 CAMERON, STREET - 524-9581 EBB M. ROSS „t `Ph'' `Ck92 NEIStaik:Tfit,ati,4t5286 wE-List-r-o-sgtrr SPEAKING OF BARGAINS Here's one for $2,650.00 that' can't be beat, Mobile house trailer 45' x 8' plus adjt4ting family ,room, Yu., need only $650.00 down on this 2 -bedroom, 4 -pc.- bath with a complete kitchen and living room. Oil furn2ce terrific summer home. CHARMING 2 -STOREY Red brick home overlooking Maitland Golf Course has -all the elegance of a .era. Must be seen. 3 large bedrooms, guest room,, spacious living room and. dining roofn. Full basement, with laundry room, work shore • and economical gas hot water heat. Owner will carry mortgage and has offered generous terms. CHEAPER THAN RENT Good value is here when you buy this coz9 2 -bedroom - retirement home, conveniently located. Full • price only . $9,800.00. For $1,200.00 down you can be the proud owner. Call • today for further details today's best buy. EXECUTIVE HOME Refreshingly different, latest in design is ' this fully equipped modern home with ' many desirable extras,. It will be a pleasure to show you Axis" " Catherine St. 4 -bedroom' home. All reasonable offers considered - owner moving. E),tcellent financing 81/4% mortgage. Now priced to sell. CALL, You are loOking for a, 'general, purpose farm with an excellent'. 4 -bedroom home? Plus 50 acres that, will bring you instant -income of $30.00 per acre 'from rent. Here is your' oPportThity to have your own market garden, barn. 80' x 40' with 2 silos ideal for hog or beef setup. This farm is a bargain and must be, seen. SPLIT LOG Siding summer home. Fully ' - insulated,' panelled, and completely modern, , with carport and many ,extras. Full. price `$7,900.00 with furnishings. Only $2,900.00 down. SUNSET Heights development ---$200.00 deposit will reserve you,a lot of your choice.'Orify 10 lots left to choose from -in this exclusive subdivision. Inspect these now as lakeview lots are scarce. -LAKE HURON BEACH ESTATE - Owner has urgently requested us to sell this fantastically interesting property situated just south of Goderich, right on the shores of beautiful Lake Huron. This charming 2 -bedroom cottage is fully, insulated- and well finished with large kitchen, living room, bath and 'airy sunroom. Watch the sunsets .from the spacious deck, enjoy the sandy beach on this scented cedar paradise. if ybu:ve been looking for a cottage, drop in for more information as we have ' over 2.0.. vacation properties listed for sale. ONE -ACRE LOT Well •wooded with nature maple trees and. drilled well, located just off Hy. 21 close to the lake. Ideal for trailer site or new home. Lots of privacy. -CUSTOM BUILT New b'rick veneer bungalow located at 198 Widder St., 1,150 sq. ft. of „modern living. Kitchen feature fleetwood—eabinets, dining room with patio doors leading to cedar sundeck„ 3 carpeted bedrooms, deluxe 4-k. bath, spacious living room with quality broadloom. Full basement with fruit cellar, second bath and plenty of space for ,workshop and family room. M.I.C.C. mortgage with 10%.. down.. RT ALBERT -FARM Just listed for quick sale. This hobby • farm has many possibilities. Six -room home where you can use your imagination to restore it. Garage and barn ideal for horses or cattle. Close to 'swimming and fishing or' develop your own from dug pond and creek. Property is approved for subdivision. -Year round acceas. DO YOU NEED • - A MORTGAGE First and second mortgages arranged. Drop, into our"office and discuss filianees with us. Plenty of funds available. • Fast and most reliable service. • • Representatives:. JACK CUMMMIGS 524-9624 BILLCLIFFORD •• 524-9097 53 West St., „ Goderich 44igit.'"ta951 -