HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-5-11, Page 5NERV •
)VPlt Vn/l3F,AI ate a 4:0ar sus
emery that cure the worst arses ei
Nurvotw i)ebihty Lost Ylser an
leaning manhood; restores the
weakness of body or mind eausOd
by, oacr•wodr, Or the errors or ox•
oases of yo th This iicnae4y ab.
eulutelp cures the most (I) ramie estop when all other,
gtireesmees hare failed men to relieve. old by drug.
ists at Siper puekago, or six. for $5 or sent by mail on
pe.pl,00tdt5rirt ,r [tSl
Toronto, Oneli1Sdl-
Sale In Exeter by J. W. 7irowneitir
Mr. E Gustin, one o£ the oldest of native
Canadians, died in London township aged
HORST is the old Seoth name for a
cough. The. English nome for the best cure
fox coughs is Wood's Norway Pine Syrup,
The City of Collingwood, a new screw
steamer built at Owen Sound for the North
Shore Navigation Company, was launched
last week
Gentlemen. --I had a severe cold, for
which I took Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
Syrup, I find it au excellent remedy giving
prompt relief and pleasant to take.
J. Paynter, Huntsville, Ont.
At Willow Grove, Pa, zoo pounds of dy-
namite in the High Explosive Company's
magazine exploded; wrecking the building
and killing Thos, two cows and a horse.
Why don't you try Carter's Little Liv-
er PILLS? 'i'hey are a positive cure for sink
headache, and all the ills produced by cis -
ordered liver. Only one pill a dose.
I -Ion. G. E Foster, Hon. Mackenzie Bow -
\ ell and Hon A L Angers were in the city.
They received deputations from the various
trades interested in the proposed tariff re-
skin, sores, cuts, wounds and bruises are
promptly cured by Victoria Carbolic Salve.
The Indianapolis, Decatur and Springfield
railroad was soldat auction Monday un.
der foreclosure, for$2,4ro,000, the purchas-
ers being the members of the Reorganize
tion Committee of tht3•road..
Gentlemen. --Having suffered over two
years with constipation and .the doctors
not having helped me, I -concluded to try B,
B. B. and before I used one bottle, I was
cured. I can also recommend it for sick
The whole force of rebels' in Cuba have
surrenpered. They were 10 of them.
Sirs.—I have used Hagyard's Pectorial
Balsam, fur coughs and cords and it gives
relief in a few hours and always results in
a cure. I would not be without it.
Mrs. Alfred Vice, Berlin Onto
Wm. W. Carr has been appointed post-
master of Philadelphia.
LON's WORM SYRUP is the standard
of Excellence. Mothers recommend it.
Children cry for it. Worms fty from it.
The coal sheds of the Northwestern Fuel
Company at Milwaukee fell in. Fifteen men
were buried under the great mass of coal.
Dear Sirs.—For years.I was troubled lair
deafness, and last winter could scarr:ely
t, Oil it restored my hearing and I now hear as
at all. On applying Hagyards Yellow
well as well as anyone. Mrs. Tuttle Cook.
Weymouth, N. S,
Jonn Wood. the furniture dealer who is
the chief lieutentant of Dr. Talmage in the
Brocklyn tabernacle, has failed,
Derangement of the liver with constipa-
tion injures the ;complexion, induce ;pimples,
sallow skin. Remove the cause by using,
Carter's Littre Liver Piw..s. `One a dose.
Try them.
A Schiticine.girl, rt' years old, has been
resued atBogorodska, near Moscow, after
being in the snow for 5r days..She sub.
sisted on• snow and a few crusts of bread,,
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria;
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
The eastern door, sash and blind manu-
facturers held a meeting at Syracuse, and
agreed to an`irereaSe of prices on account
of the raise in the price of lumber.
Keep the blood pure. the stomach in good
working order, and the entire system free
from morbid effect matter by using Burdock
Blued Bitters, which clenses, strengthens
and tones the whole systeu. Cholera can.
not attack the healthy,
"I will attend to my business: let the
President attend to his," was the message
returned by Governor Pennever, of Oregon,
to Secretary Gresham response to a re-
sponse to a request that the Governor take
steps to suppress any attacks ou the Chin-
Are free from crude and irritating matter
Consentrated:medicine only. Carter's Lit -
tee Liver PILLS Veiy SmaLL:very easy to
take, no pain no griping; no purging: Try
The reservoir at:Lewiston, broke and the
water rushed down over the surrounding.
country, carrying bridges and everything
before it. No loss of lite is : reported, but
the people lied in terror from their homes.
Many farmers are ruined. .
Dear Sirs. ---I was greatly troubled with
weekness,,loss of appetite, restlessness "and
sleeplessness, and found B. B. B. the most
strengthening and beneficial medieine I have
taken. Miss fleaslip,
34 Huntley St" Totcnto, Ont.'
Near El River Station, Ind.,. three .men
were worktngin ablachsinith shop A piece
piece of reel hot iron flew into a box con.
taining 5o sticks of dynamite. The 1'rag
rants of the three men were gathered up in
a brsket.
Piso's xteunedy for Catarrh Is the
Best, :Easiest to. Ilse, and Cheapest.
Bold by druggists or sent by mail,.
600. 4. T. Raseitiue. Warren, Pa.
The Chicago Inter -Ocean ennoences that
within a short time Thos Nelson Page, of
Richmond, Va. ,the well-known story writer,
will marry Mrs. Henry Field, of Ohicnho,
who has fur two years been a widow. Mrs.
Field is wealthy,
ANAEMIA, ete., are cured by Milburn's
Beef, Iron and Wine;
The St, Petersburg Church Messenger
says that out of r,000 pilgrims journeying
to Nazareth the majority perished from ex,
posure during the terrib.e weather eucount-
eied on the way
Think of the poor chicken and tui
keys when the scorchiugg hot weather
co's. If you have no peach or plum
tri=es or trees of any kiud to shade
them, plant sunflower seeds or castor
beaus where the broad leaves will
shade them.
There is money horse breeding even
with racehorses. Twenty years ago -
WILLIAM Mulley, of Kansas City,
boug'htChiquita for 9(1,000. That was
the founding of his stable, and he is
now a wealthy pian. But you must
have sense and judgment enough to
make your fortune in anything else or
you will fail at horse racing and race
horse breeding,
Those who are going to plant rave
seed this spring for sheep must not for-
get the unfortunate mistake of last
year,whereby bushels of bird seed were
sown in the west by ` farmers who
thought they were raising the outer.
kind to feed their sheep on. Be sure
you get the right kind this year. The
seed e inuet be sown In most parts of
the country before the middle of June
After the grip, when you are weak
and "played out," Ilood's Sarsaparilla
will restore your health and strength
Hood's Pills cure constipation by re-
storing. the peristalic action of the ali-
mentary co nal. They are the best
family cathartic.
Toothache. —Do you 'suffer with it?
Go buy a bottle of Pain Killer and find
relief in the twinkle of an eye -for
Toothache it is a specific.
To Cure Kidney Complaint,you must
treat the Liver, Membray's Kidney
and Liver Cure acts direct on the Kid-
neys, combined with a treatment for
the Liver. Try it, oue bottle will con-
vince you.
"The proof of the pudding is in . the
Eating," Membrays Kidney and Liver
Cure has been pronounced the best
remedy over put in a bottle, for the
Cure of all symptoms indicating Kid-
ney or Liver complaint.
The Brantford Courier is editorially
discussing the verdict in the Phair case 1
says:—"The defence set up the claim
that as the detective did not himself
see Burke in the commission of an un-
lawful act, the man had a perfect right
to resist arrest, and the judge told the
jury that the amount of provocation
was sufficient to reduce the count from
'that of murder to the lesser oue of man
slaughter. This was done and these
two scamps accordingly escape with a
term of imprisoument, instead of ss
tinthe hanging which they so richly
deserve, It may be law, but it is not
justice, for if any man was deliberate
ly shot down in cold blood that man
was Detective Harry Phair."
.f`or Twelve Years.
London Out., tvlay 6.—At the ' assizes.
here this horning Mr, Lount, Q. C.,
Moved for sentence upon Wilson and
Burke, for the killing of Detective
Phair convicted of manslaughter. Mr.
Justice Street asked Wilson what he
had to say, and the prisoner replied
that his counsel had intended to be
preseutiancl make an appeal for. merey
In his absence,he asked for leniency.
His lordship said the fate that had over
taken him was another example of the
terrible danger of earrying loaded
weapons. The carrying of such weep
ons in this country was entirely un-
necessary. If on this occasion they
had not been carried, they would not
be in the box to receive the sentence
about to be inflicted They might un-
der the verdict be sent to prison for life
and they had narrowly escaped the ex-
treme penalty of the law. His lordship
thea sentenced each of the prisoners to
serve 12 years in the penitentiary.
Live Stock Points.
Bear in mind that June is the month
to breed for fall pigs,
The rape plant can be fed to cows as
well as to sheep, but unless care is
used it will taint milk:
It is possible to make an animal
fat and plump upon corn and cornmeal
and starve it to death for want of nit-
rogaceous food at the same time.
Put pine tar in the sheeps' noses if
you see them running with heads near
the ground and stamping. The ,fly
that produces grubs in the head is
It has been suggested that a good
way to grade honey for market so that
all may understand is to divide the
different lots aceprding to colors and
call them "white," "amber" and "dark,"
Mr. H. C.'E:cell, of Tennessee recent
ly sold one Jack and three Jennets for
$2,000 to go to Virginia, one Jack to
Illinois for $600 and one 2 -year old to
Springfield, Tenn., for $750.
There is nothing a hog. lil:os better
in thefall than a'good, juicy pumpkin.
Plant a lot of them. Hogs will bring a
good prieeilex t winter. Cows delight
in pumpkins too. The old fashioned
way of planting among' the corn is the
The Experiment Station gives the
following table of equivelents.—Dried
brewer's grains at $18 penton were o.
quiveleet to oats at 27 cents per hush
ei, and on the scale up as high as $24
per ton for dried brewer's • grains show
an oquivelont of oats at 36 cents per
bushel. Assuming $24 per ton as a
maximum for dried brewer's grains,
they are then as cheap as oats at .36
cents per bushel, which is a low price
for oats of good quality.
mr,,,s.xnwusn nrtcv@u.a
__..mavaervwvecsvaewammwa. raw-e...��•• �'.
tirtildete *j:.anflood
A Nedica1 Work that Tells the Causes, beacrlbee the Effects,
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Scientifically the most valuable, artistically the most beautiful medical book ever pub-
lished; st pages, every page beating a half -tone illustration in tints. , Subjects treated:—
Nei-Irma Debility, Impotency, ;Sterility, Development, Varicocele,
Tfie &ausbaud, Those Yntendittl, Marriage, ete.
Every man Who would lcnow the Grand Truths the Plain Facts, the Old Secrets and
Noy Discoveries of Medical Science as applied to ilharried life who would atone for past
follies and avoid future pitfalls, should write for tis' WONDER PULL LITTLE BOOK,
It vitt be sent free, under seal, while the edition lasts. Address the publishers,
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itgazYt♦ . 'k=619
She Probably Drowned iter elf.
Parkhill, Ont., May 5th,—A voting
lady answering to the description of
the missing young lady was sitting on
the banks of the Au Sable Riyer along
side of the railroad bridge, six miles
west of here, at 6 o'clock a, m., yester-
esterday—the same morning as she left
!fere, and on searching the banks they
found tracks close by where she had
been seen sitting leading
into the river
and just at the waters edge there
are two foot prints side by side and
then it looks as if she slid into the wat-
er. both feet sliding together. Parties
have been -fishing in the river alt they,
but till a late hour to nighthave been.
unable to find any trace of her -(Later)
May 6. -Although diligent search and.
watch of the river have been kept up
for two days, no trace of the body of
the missing Miss Beatty has been dis-
covered neither has any mark been
discovered to show that she emerged
from the river. (Still Later).—It is now
thought probable that Miss Beatie
boarded a railway train. She had money
to pay her fare. She had not shown
any sign: of dementia. She was not
unhappy in any relation of life but al
ways expressed contentment. Some
months ago she had typhoid fever, and
it may be, that the effects, haye unset-
tled her mind. The evening' before
she left, ho vever, she was at a prayer
meeting and seemed brighter than ever:
Indeed, there was everything in her
home to her happy. If it was really
she who was seen to go up the trach it
would be taken by her relatives to in
dicate a disturbed state of"miud. Yet,
usually, she was not morbid in any way
but light hearted and enjoying society.
When she left home Miss- Beattie was
dressed in a fawn tweed skirt,and black
beaver three quarter length coat, with
pearl buttons; fair complexion; hair,
medium color; height, five feet three in
chest eyes, blue; button shoes; black
silk velvet hat, with purple flowers; age,
22 years. The hope indulged is that
sheinay have boarded a railway train,
west bound, for Port Huron or Detroit.
It is possible that the poor girl may be
wandering . about somewhere in the
Rrest,the victim of lost identity, of whish
there are so many cases: happening in
the world The sympathy of the people'
everywhere will go out to the afflicted
family, with the hope that the deep and
painful mystery now surrounding the
young girl's disappearance may be
speedily cleared up.
Officer A. Y•%' Braley
of the Fall River Police
Is highly gratified with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Re was badly run down, had no appetite,`
what he did eat caused distress and he felt
tired all the time. A few bottles of Hood's
Sarsaparilla effected a marvellous change.
The distress in the stomach' is entirely gone,
he feels like a new man, and earl eat any.
thing with old-time relish. For all of which
he thanks and
cordially recom-
mends Rood's
Sarsaparilla. It
is very important that during themontiis of
March April May the: blood should bo
thoroughly purified and the system bo given
strength to withstand the debilitating effect
of the changing season. For this purpose
Flood's `Sarsaparilla possesses peculiar merit
and it is the Most Spring •piteiiicine.
iiiThe following, jitst
received, demonstrates
rig its wonderful blood -
purifying powers:
"C. I. Rood Sc Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"Gentlemen: 11 ave had salt rheum for a
number of years,' andfor the past year ono of
my logs, from tiro knee down, has been
broken out very badly. I took blood
medicine for a long time with no good results,'
and was at one time
obliged to walk wish
crutches. I :finally con-
eluded to try Blood's .
Sarsaparilla, and before 1 had taken one bot•
tle the improvement was .80 !narked that
I continued until T had taken three bot -
ties, and am now better than I have been
in years. The Intilastiainution has all left
fny log and it is entirely healed. 1 have had
such benefit froth
Hood's $arsapariiia
that 1 concluded tO write this voluntary state
utent" T. J. Tnxrr'n, Ridgeway, Mich.
Hood's PILLS a etoastty,promptiyand eat.
ciently on do livor and'bowela, hest droner titn'+
Oft in the stilly night,:
`aJhea Cholera Itiorbus feund me,
,.scan Thaler" filed me right,
&tor wakened those around sue,.
Most OLD PE,OPLS al's friends of
Perry LIoNizs'
and often its very best friends, because
for many years they have found it a friend
icaneed. It is the best Family Remedy
for Durns, Bruises, Sprains, Rheumatism,
Neuralgia and Toothache. To get rid of.
any such.pains before they become aches,
Buy it sight now. Keep it near you.
Use it promptly.
For sale everywhere.
Bargains i iI
Bargains o
The Spring Season
is about here and our
good wives are begin-
ning to think of house
cleaning. Then after
the "dirty work" is fin-
ished, a few nice pict-
ures will be necessary
for a spring-like ap-
pearance. Bear this in
mind, the best stock of
Bamboo Novelties,
Picture Moulding
Curtain poles,
Is at
Odd Fellows Block. Opposite J Grigg's
!iiti; Pac��n� Ho�sc.
logs Wanted. Dressed
or Alive.
II Dressed Hogs bought subject to the
following conditions: --.2 lbs per cwtoff ;
5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck; 3 abs for
either bung gut or gullett, if left in.
,A11 lots to be cut 'through
from Tail to Throat.
Highest' Price paid for Hogs
weighing from 100 to 200
pounds, dressed.
The undersigned having handsome-
ly fitted up his parlor and restaurant
-will serve—
during the Summer Season. Also a
large supply of
Confectionery, Bread, Buns,
Cakes &c.
Visits Exeter every Wednesday and
Saturday afternoon. All orders left
with George Sanders promptly attend-
ed to.
Oysters and fruits of all kinds in
their season.
Exctr 11111s1881 1gstruigAt
We cary the most complete stock of
'Musical instruments in the county.
The above instruments always on
Terms to suit Purchasers.
Proprietor of (The Old Established)
(Ono Door north Molson's Bank.)
have also a complete stook of
curtain poles and picture mould
A Specialty
The Fashionable
Cutter and
'iter. , .'
ilio only CUTTSP,
and VITTIM in town whoho..ti
visited the large cities in tle
;'u uitectStatasthisSpring lain
therefore the nest able to IV
youi,e,V4se, levoi14'% istvnei,
V -hen you have bought
the •material for your
Spring and Summer coag
come to me and ,;het fitted,
Before you buy yoo t
Spring Suit, come up to
my , loop and get posted
The Fashionable Cutter and Fitter,
A complete stock of
Pine andRcliable Drug
Poloiltjlogicius, Boggs,
Druggist's S ri!i s
At right and reasonable prices.
. Prescriptions
and Family Receipts
Carefully Prepared.
the best in the market.
1Visiin.. St -
Has now in stock
��t�m� end iatcs
West of England Suitings and Trott
Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser
French and English Worsted Cloth
All made up in the Latest
Style, at best Rates.
!lest Cough Syrup. Tastes Good Use
in time Sold by clrugfists
n-, art
Never was there known such low price in Furniture
before, as you will find at
Having purchased the Warerooms and Factory lately occupied by W. Andrews, T wish to
inform the people of Exeter_and surrounding Country that, I am offering all kinds
of furniture at greatly reduced ' rates. All Goods guaranteed to be nmy
own hand make, of first-class dry material and put together in the
strongestossible manner and of the latest design and finish. All 1K ids of Ordered
workwork andepailin� receives my prompt t attention. LUMBER and WOOD taken in e
change for FURNITURE.
The OnlY Place where you can buy the
Yale Patent Dominion Nickle ated Wire
Mattress ---best 17:1, the
W Andrew's Old Stand w doors Nora)
Town Hall, Exeter.