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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-07-01, Page 13
� Y a rty 'Aw• •"� ktudents' essarstellof class trig hmeek story contest winner TO MOOS FACTORY On Thursday we went to I don't think I have ever had Moosonee Education "Centre, such a good time before and 1 wouldn't be surprised if every Moosanee Education Centre, one ' of the students feels this Department of Transport way, Weather `Station, the Early It was on June 6, a Sunday Warning Airforce `Base and that • we started our great shoPped at the Hudson Bay adventurous trip. ..MPost, c o m panions were: Kathy We cooked andti°°ate Our meals O'Keefe, Delores Neves, Paul il;i the great out-of=irloors Special '' the way to our chairs.- It really By Margaret Hill ..was a funny sight, too funny for '' Grade 6 " ' . the boys behind us. Laurie and I i, I climbed aboard the crowded just walked along as if nothing" happened:' bus where my .classmates. were young lady . dressed .in ONCE UPON A MIDNIGHT '+ shouting exciting Words to the yellow greeted us with a cheerful back of the Wis. (you. know -- smile. She' said the dhow Was By4 ..r an Kenwell .the pass it on ' bit).' •It was 7:00 The old, dilapidated hou$e called Noah of Superior. Laurie which •stood like a massive' ,.,a.in., the start of a beautiful day. and 1 Seemed to say in our Not that I mind school, but the minds,. "My ,feet are killing me,, palace was said, by many, to be hard -workers needed a vacation. haunted. Our first encounter alton, Lawrence Hogan, Se!rule...,,„}ranks_to,, � i - Al ental ,- rnike�-47--Qrrtd� : e unders. es d each 041,9 Jr' v ai.Sp � wWm•,-t,9c .n:M"'a YY.iLlJ�f� N.w. �%iLV�i14'�.M♦:1�� V�.M��tT� J.r+w��.♦M Vl�t .�' '"`"-� '€ice' .. � crI�y.�I�'started� Bang! � � � '�.'- • . '' 4BOrae 76-4—V Sennett Brenda Howard and Mrs. Wilson. • school everyone was saying, manor came "where visiting some Moran,'' Sheila Sennett, Joanne y g� Dan.ny pretended he was the O'Neill Allan D I, , A special dance was held for ' Come on everybody, sing!�z' but pilot, Laurie and I thought we neld�rly„ friends in a town just a WHAT A DAY in one day. Such as, the 747. It is a Jumbo Jet. ” Much, too soon I was back home and sleeping. 1 rennara,.. ero us on MooseFactory Island to everyone was too tired. Finally Drennan, Terry Austin, Alex Chisholm, Colin Chisholm, Peter the School Gym, Vogt, Marianne Frayne, Mary • One day at lunch time we Van Diepen, Lucille Frayne, were treated to an unexpected Joanne Doherty, Lisette Van delight. , A school of ,white Diepeebeek, "Judy Tigert, and whales passed our Island on their Rosemary Foran. Mr. Steiner, way down river. Why they had our Principal, Mrs. Wilson, my gone upstream we dide't know. teacher, Ray • Dalton, . Rita Most Moose Factory ,natives Howard, ' Jim Frayne, Jim - have never seen such a sight. Doherty, Marianne O'Keefe, Annie Van' Diepenbeel, Denise Another unusual event for us, Dalton • and Ann Dalton at least, was the coming and accompanied us. ' going of the tides. At low tide At "4:00 p.m. Sunday we left St. Joseph's School• behind and travelled by bus arriving at Union Station in -Toronto at or so before we„, arrived there. 7:30. We boarded the train and While he was doing this, he and tried to get comfortable for our his wife spent many enjoyable 23 hour ride. hours and evenings with us. 'Monday morning we changed ' trains at Cochrane and arrived in Early Saturday turning, June know if you do it you clean it Moosonee on the Polar . Bear 12, . we sadly departed our up, that is the way it goes ort Express at 2:30 that afternoon. friends. We travelled to every trip. From here"we were taken, by Cochrane where we spent our Laurie and I had to .start •a song off. • The ;morning wore on with much to do. For , instance A we sang about a dozen songs in one minute. I bet everybody was hoarse that night. I certainty ,was! Next we read comic books.' All you ' could see -wee comic ur P.'9 norm or Mystery were on a trip, the dizzy kind. IManor, which we later came to just couldn't keeps my eyes shut. "-call it. I thought there was a spirit After hearing the yarns of the inside me at first, but I guess it ,old manor, we, being my friends was just the music. and I decided to prove to Lunch time came. I felt dike ourselves that the \manor wasn't throwing my bag away. Who haunted. We were brave on the wants peanut butter and jam ,,,.,.•outSi•de but each of us knew that sandwiches and with pickle juice an outward appearance is made to hide the sometimes frightening inward countenance. Plans were made to investigate the possibilities of uncovering the veil of fear which the townspeople had hung over Mystery Manor. Late that night we were creeping up along the steep and narrow path to the manor. The manor was a regular fortress, placed on a high cliff with almost perpendicular walls of, stone leading up to it. When we did finally•scale the steep and winding path we were exhausted. From the top of the cliff we Chael started • ;eating. Ins could survey the land ..fo l Wmiles canoe across•the Moose Riuer to, five. hours wait aight-seeng..a� iunch~at a, uartei� •a terminer Elis mini©n'-gPar olid -bones eIi a • o .CharteSw T �anrl „ �t�g our hrfl w� on top? I know I should have let books. being handed back to one my mother make it. It is always 'another. I was, practically in the person under thirteen. years need of 'glasses! ' of age ends up with a pile of. While we were travelling the junk. good Lord sent us": the most the banks were very Time faded away. There was river beautiful sun which guided us all muddy. Ahelicopter patrolled no =time to lose. Everyone the .may- to Toronto. Ontario our area for fires because of a crowded on the bus as if a bull Place loomed ahead of us. _ I... fire that happened a week came charging towards them. couldn t,wait! Everyone seemed sad to leave It just had to be Karen's luck Ontario Place, but not 'me, my her pop spilled all over the place. - small .vacation hasn•'t said She must have .had a great time farewell to rr[e.. Away. we went, cleaning it up. Of course ,you all Inside the. huge Museum I thought for sure we'd get lost. On the second floor was the Dinosaur section. It was really very, exciting• .examining the 50 GQDERIcH SilaiNAL'STAR, THUR D, ,,Y, 414.41' ,97), $. Beth .McKay of Paisley (right) won the trophy' for 15 -year-olds and over .during the Western Ontario Highland Dancing competition held in Goderich June 19. ,resenting the trophy was her teacher, Mrs. Stanley Telford. (Bob Legg Photo) to find it open easily but rather noisily. What was in store for us beyond the door? Mystified at what we saw, we almost stumbled across,"' the threshold:' Inside every thing was neat and'polished instead of the dreary features that we expected. A hoary headed man ,sitting ••. in_ .. 'an. armchair. _peacefully �smQfun ¢�� i . �=bec3�one_il �,us ins When he rose to great us, we shook in our boots seeing that he was a small giant being six foot four in height and'weighing close to two hundred and twenty-five pounds, . as far as we Our Indian friends were waiting for us beside the tents which were to be our homes for. the week: The, days there were longer than ours. It• did not get dark until 1 r o'clock. • ..We spent art exciting' week doing• many new and enjoyable things such as' orkenturing pond and stream activities, soil f e l�averey.,res°tir►g�(m' he .fop of. ;,.ware- the,,;,�u�tli � ef�i re� m rr.., a • ' r�.,_ •r. . slowly and cautiously Finally, we arrived in the chair, thinking he owned the deyel.oped. It really, really was approached • the manor, How Stratford' at 10 a.m. Sunday,, a whole world. exciting and all too soon our g p. J I. distinguished it must have tired but, happyroc Then Mr. ' Schade showed' us the time ran out, looked in the prime of its year, home. by car. Here our trip had Cinosphere. What a magnificent 'bur ,, next stop was the but raid decay gave the edifice ended but it is one that can't be , sight. Laurie • and I couldn't' airport. They all say it is so forgotten. believe our eyes! Everything just - • crowded, and stuffy.' Here, we Thanks to Mr. 'Steiner, Dan seemed to greet us. had a .hectic supper which lead Daltort1 and ,all those who made • Mrs. Potzel took us down a • us to eight flights of stairs. I it possible for this great trip of huge hall which • lead- into the have never seen so many planes examining, putting up tents; and ours to Moose Factory. " Cinosphere. We entered a long seeing how fast you can boil ,Nellie Knoop and dark" hall, Laurie and I hated this. water. Joanne Doherty because .'our feet got mixed up • and we walked crossed legged a71' 1, • • e in business foryourself! become a retailer A Service Station is now available for lease.at Junction NO.• • 21 and No. 8 Highways n.. Y. This is a modern Service Station from Which -you can enjoy the profits from your own efforts and decisions. Only a 'modest investment is -required. Previous business experience beneficial but not essential. 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We answered him hesitantly for a time, but found he , was not harmful but just rather lonely. He told us the tales of his ancestors from medieval times and how a pestilence had almost wiped out the clan. All his yarns were interesting but we still wondered why the townspeople considered this 'manor haunted. . Bebbling with curiosity 1 rna yeas a km• r Well, he commenced, "Better than a century ago a man, by the ,name of Darcy MacTavish stumbled upon' this manor and agked for a room, one in the morning the most humane thing ti do was to" bury him. Although we thought no one was around, someone saw ..us carrying him out of "the house". Ever since then not a single person has stopped here. As for the vampire bats, a pestilence wiped the ' entire hoard of 'them." -stormy night. Because of_..�... weather we could hot turn him orlt. During the night a hoarde of vampire bats found their way into his room. Finding him dead • Satisfied • with the .story we rose to our feet and slowly headed for the door, thanking him for his hospitality. As we walked into the early morn •he • beaconed us to come again and to watch our step descending the hill. What a story' we had to relate to the townspeople! {J .Y 8:30`A.M. to 5 P.M. Limited Quantity Specials On Sale July 1st Only BOY'S CAST KIT Strong - metal reel, - two -piece fiberglas rod, 100 yards of line. Reg. 6.78 4.77 SINGLE ~TRAY_. TACKL BOX This bin* beauty has a single cantilever tray with 6 compartments. Holiday Sale Priced at • 1.66 DELUXE Wash Brush SALE PRICE Bouncy Buy! Ki(KBALL Kids and grown-ups both twill get a kick out ofd this . big special--,,,-• timed for outdoor fun!, Pre4nflated brown rubbe? with L ,' football -type markings.' Rugged, .buoyant! 99-7,168 STP 011 TREATMENT A• little price for a lot of fun .afloat or ashore! Brilliant green, white and yellow panels; inflates to 15" diameter. 99-0284. , Lightweight styrofo ' fun- float,'t3.it.Z?„. 39 5• 66- • .._13 ELECTRIC HEDGE TRIMMER • 4 .SPECIAL' 15.OQZ. CAN' Famous Engine Additive Great power -booster to increase engine out** Put, quiet noisy motor: Super -concentrated I*0% pure Petroleum; reduces friction and prolongs engine life, Smooth value! 99,0401 DOMINIC FOX LTD. 221 Huron Ilbad * 524-2121 ” \ SPECIAL' - Foam Cups s : C for5 1 9 Sleeping Bag REG. 13.77 ' SPECIAL 6 88 t PRICE • 34"x 73" Multi -stripe; 4-1b. wool filled bag; softly napped green flannel lining. Travel bag. 99-0126 .e ti e. Special! Less than a cin apiece! 7 -oz. size for hdt or cold picnic drinks. Sturdy! 99-6283 AQUA QUEEN OSCJLkM SPECIAL . SALE 'i RICE 15.88 imumanam FOLDING GOLF x• cre dt CART a 6.12 INSECT SALE Repellent P11ICE... SPECIAL. -- eros-ANIosoL 1 AEROSOL 99c youf Push-brouttonmbelt g bospar�ay gkeep 2 handy, ; 09-8?37X .7 79` PEN:, ALL' DAY 4WEDNMAY