HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-06-17, Page 17s
Geld' osd,Qrownie News
Last „meetings
Because this was our last
regular meeting wedecided to
haye lots of fun playing some of
the games we have been learning
during the past year. We also
enjoyed singing someof our
favourite songs.
Brownies had. .so, .Litany ::things
tell about - this- week. Thar -
have been watching for things
out-of-doors lately so we heard
about muskrats, birds, rabbits,'
cats with no tails and pretty
trees. We then sang Taps and
said "Good -night''.
(by Patricia Scamenl
We opened our meeting with
:going into Horseshoe .formation
and singing the "Guide Marching
Song". As soon as we got into
Horseshoe .we split up. The
Tenderfoot group went with
a Lieutenant Such and the Second
Class girls went with the
Captain. Some Rangers came to
Consumers'/41, •
,L 11 . 1 r • , , • , ' I .
JI F �'
news and views -IT:,
Consumers' Association of Canada -'}.
our meeting and helped to teach "• - •
and test the Guides too.r For anyone' considering - tinted hair. Dry hair (the
Later on we went into buying a set of the popular non -oily variety) may tend to
Campfire and talked for a while. electric , hair curlers, there is an develop split ends. The lower the
isl ethe tie temperature when the curlers are
We sang quite a few songs ,and excellent arty
everyone enjoyed' , that very! No ve m bey/December, 1970, ready for use, the less possibility '
much. We closed our meeting for "Canadian Consumer" dealing of damaging the hair. The " •
.7._eeting. She - tfianked •Mrs. secretary's report • was • read by
the night andgave the ,Rangers a with these-- fairly • new beauty problem here is that the lower Mrs, Alvin l rr. The roll• call was
l; g Mc.Clenaghan for her hospitality.
special than for coming and aids'. The article is based on , temperature may not be ` as , yanswered by reporting. gh't
results of laboratoryand in -use ' '.effective in -curling the.hair. Mrs., Earl Sherwood was at visits re sick and shut-ins. i:°e-
helping a r meeting. ,
• • :- T••14e,falowin =gil4M- .ass ti6451n.-11,�k rk 4-o. ed, -b -Y.: .A " $stag. he tw.attatned, ." .i;he organ' for the hymns. The. _ vere 16- ,pxesent;,.,and° cine, child.
h Association of Canada by the curlers' ,there is a '
tests. for Stalking .and Trail • ,-Se.rtlatur�: 'Irony -Mathew. was : -; `The treasurers:'-r•�repoxt�.��w,�,hH. .�nY,�aa�
laying, using woodcraft" signs: In •' a coMparati've test, , the . 'distinction that °must be , made " -read by Mrs. Allan' Dickson, read by Mrs. Wilmer Rutledge.
Sheila O'Brien, Marian Melick, magazine rates the • advantages zr �� •
Patricia SSAYnan, Sandra Tuner, and disadvantages of,•eight of the
Susan Finoher and ' Janet more popular models available
Denomy. Patricia' Scanlan also on, the Canadian market. The
passed Kim's game. tests suggest that their main
function is to revive limp
' hair -dos between visits to the
FOURTH PACK 1 beauty salon or provide a'
Nile UCW planning
shower for bride
Nile .UCW meeting was held Rev. Fry was thanked by Mrs.
Thursday,, June 10 at the manse W. H. Talmo who presented
in Dungannon. him with a small gift in
Mrs. Allan '• Dickson, £first appreciation,
vice-president presided and • Mrs. Dickson conducted a
welcomed everyone to the short business meeting. The
last-minute touch ..up before an
The mother and daughter evening out.
supper will' be held . this In user tests it was found that
, Thursday, . June 17, out- at • the rollers are not designed to
Brown Owl, Pat Mason's home impart a complete and lasting
(on the' beach) at Menesetung- curl to most hair after a
.' but they are meeting at Victoria shampoo -- the temporary curl
Street iUnited Church. The last, will last only four or five hours
car load will leave there'a,.'little in the average head of Bair.
Rair_which is easily curled
before 6 p.m.
between •' ''readine'ss''
temperature and ,stabilization
temperature. Readiness
t,emp'er;iture :"is the
pre -determined temperature, to
which the heating posts will heat
the curlers within a prescribed He read Malachi 3: 8 'and 10
time. The readiness signal, either - "Will a man rob God?" We
a light on the front of the unit rob God' when we don't give
or a dot•`of heat -sensitive paint what we should.„ All we have is a
on the curler, indicates that this gift of God.
temperature has been reached
and the curlers are ready to use. `
However, if you allow the Pacifiers
curlers to remain, on, the heating
posts they will get hotter and
will eventually reach a maximum
or stabilization temperature. If
and holds a curl well may be your hair is sensitive to heat, use
the rollers immediately after the
Mrs. McClenaghan introduced
Rev. A. Fry from Auburn who
spoke -on "Stewardship." He "said
stewardship is ' a trust and is
really "Service to the.Church."
.. completely set by the electric
t ecreta �' s hear curlers alone but for -the average,eadiness signal has gone on.
y or hard -to -set hair- even, when The curlers which fit over
•using a hair spray -• it just isn't The vertical heating rods; are
enough. hollow plastic' cylinders covered
One o the advantages of the with integrally mou1
Seaforth doctor speak
• ded plastic
'- •electric curlers is that, they are,prongs or teeth to hold the hair
• more convenient than ordinaryduring rolling and curling. Long,
The regular -meeting of the ," - Mrs.. • Margaret Sallows rollers. Even taking into account
••Hu-ror - County Medical introduced, the. guest,. speaker'? M� the" heatin u eriod a woman fine hair will tangle in most
Secretaries -Association was held Dr. R. A. Whitman, : who "very., g?"-�� „ • electric curlers, especially if the
can Rave a n new hair -do in 20 , prongs on the curler are small
go at the Seaforth Medical Clinic. capably showed his.#slides on to 30 minutes, without . the
---__ The . resident�_,.,� _opened _ - the --Cross RoatIs llfrica. Mrs. Muriel.,.aa and dose together: Rollers Centre over._ 19 years.. Children:,
.:...,.o _ ..e..u}. a • ltieluwill4iVo`n ty tea ng'roct- m iiima { ' Ft r=k 1 1 "s -
meeting an the menu es were eiI r "l;Fiai"e°B'P° hil dryer. One problem pops . up _are ore convenient than those
- �:....... �� ._.. _ ..mel talk•.�ar d ��e�ry--seetu>� rrl _ _:--__..,_ c ---- fingers. verse_fou,n_d ;:� nore..,likp
reaMrs. Elaine Ayers gave the pictures were enjoyed by
fine hair because some, ¢f sizecrodsu Variouslsizes of curlers to have crooked teeth. And the
highlights of the Convention ,in all. rollers have a distinct .tendency amount of displaced teeth varied
Toronto which several members "The Seaforth girls served' cake , can be • purchasedhfor most with the intensity and•duration
to tangle in the hair, making it models, although the jumbo and
• 'attended. . There was a short - and ice cream, and the meeting hard t,o handle. ' ' he habit.
r ,- , extra .large ones. are 'not • as A
discussion on OHSIP._, was adjourned _ _ freeque l ,;4:54ed question -r 4 _,:a=vai.>able.-tor-==all- models: - -� var•
-i s children _vuhv -
The next meetng°ls to be by most women` is "will the ly stopped sucking their thumbs
To sum it ul;, in choosing an before the age of six years, had
electric hair, curler, try to' buy no more" than a normal •
one that has curlers which',will prevalence of crooked teeth. • '
not,, tangle .in your hair, a unit ' Those who were ' • allowed
which reaches a relatively low 'pacifiers were less than half as ,,
•readiness temperature. quickly, likely 'to have crooked' teeth as
heats curlers ,.evenly and has r'those who used teething rings, or
short heating rods. ' had no pacifiers:
• The Canadian scientists, led -
by .Dr. Frank .. ' Popovich,
Burlington, found that displaced
•. " " •teeth caused ,by thumbsucking
differed from those caused by
other factors. - Thumbsuckers
showed a narrowing of both
• upper and lower• dental arches
• and .outward deformation of the
jaw parts holding the incisors.
Babies who suck pacifiers will
usually have straighter' teeth
than those who suck their
thumbs or fingers, according to a
group. of University -of Toronto
dental scientists.
Children of five .age groups
were studied at" the Biurlingtori:.)
(Ontario) Orthodontic Research
It was decided to have a
shower for Karen McKenzie July
5 in the Church. The Committee
to arrange `for this will be Mrs.
, Russell` Brindley, Mrs. Alvin Kerr
and Mrs. L. Chrlstilaw• •
The annual bazaar,•bake sale
and tea will be held in the
Church., Wednesday; August 26.
All members of the congregalon
will be asked for donatiofor
the bake sale.
Elaine Graver will cut the
grass at the Church for the
Lunch was served ,by Mrs.
McClenaghan and Mrs. Dicksoh
and asocial hour, enjoyed.
held at the home or Mrs. Elaine
- constant'Use -of heat damage the
Ayers, Goderich In the form of a hair?'' Individual reaction will
Pot -luck supper. . _.�,t depend on hair , and scalp
The secretary is to get 'in •
sensitivity, hair texture and the
touch with Mrs. Laura Sabia, St.
Catherines to see � if she `is number of 'times the hot curlers
interested' in speaking to the are used. Thick, coarse 'hair can
withstand higher and more
group sometime in the future. prolonged heat than fine,"thin br
Draw to" take place Tues., November 5 drants.ollo each month in Dntade
091h, 1971 al the Sl. Lawrence Hall. May through October tor: ,
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The Public Ac-countants
Council for the Province of
Ontario announces the election
of the following officers': and
President, Mr. S. R. Brunton,
F.C.A., Sudbury, Vice-Presi-
,.dent, Mr. C. F. Gavilier, F.C.A.,
Owen Sound,- Secretary, Mr.
rr T. A. M. Hutchison, F.C.A.,
Toronto, Treasurer, Mr. H. M.
Strom, F.C.A., Toronto, Past
President, Mr. J. W„ Glendin-
ning, F.C.A., Torgnto, Member
of the Executive, Mr. W. P.
Fazackerley, A.P.A., Windsor.
Messrs, A. J. Black, F.C.A.,
Thuntl"er Bay, W. 3'. Blakely,
C.A., Kingston, D. L. Gdrdon,
F.C.A., Torento, R. D. Mac-
kenzie, F.C.A., Hamilton, W. A.
Simonton, F.C.A., Toronto, W.
J. Troop, A.P.A., Colborne, F. J.
Welsh, C.A., London, M. S.
Werger, A.P.A., Toronto and
E4 N. H. Wright,
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