HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-06-17, Page 16A QDERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY; JUNE 17, 1971 Landers ,R I —11 Time ran out • Dear Ann' Landers: (ease other guy's kid and all. As for print this on Mother's Day. It her she's got to •be might .ppe,m1 a few eyes while feebleninded. A woman who there is still timer It's too late gets pregnant when her husband '.' 'fox me. We buried Mama last „is overseas is a total imbecile. As week, 1 see it the only guy' who comes • sf. ..As my brothers and 1 sat by 'out good, here is Mr. the closed ,casket, fragments Whatttzname.. Clean as a hound's, unwelcome . • memories invaded ' tooth: No' paternity. suit, no-. my L(? •,.U:,s ...:.: s SLSz 48 . r hadn't thought about for years ,even looks cross-eyed at him. --- or maybe ever: The times we :And what really kills me is your talked about sending Man.a to ' out-of:this-world statement that,: visit ,her sister. We 'knew she ' God • will bless an act like that. wanted 'to go "but somehow we You are also bananas. — Read never got around to sending her. •You,ln Stars A'nd Stripes When her- sister•l died -we 'Sent Dear Reader O.K., we don't Mama to the funeral. You'd have ,„agree. What's so bad about that? thought we might have learned . If'you could predict every word something from that experience I • wrote before you read it, it but I'm ashamed to say we would be a pretty dull column, didn't. wouldn't it'? Mama wasn't what you wo(tld ^ 1 call fancy, butshe enjoyed good ' Dear' Ann Landers: My- music ' and , plays, especially sister-in-law-- has two mini. ture --about••the.o1d.crountry. Whenever poodles.. These dogs are not some special entertainment came trained. She says they are a to town my brpthers and I • nervous breed and she doesn't }d say to eac Id like that you woenev r got around -o taking her. to "live with .it" and she expects The last time I saw Mama she everyone else to live with it, too. was helping my brother's wife, We bought new carpeting in just home from the hospital with November and every' time my a new baby. '.Ulama seemed so sister-in-law comes over with her Old and frail. It occurred to me poodles I am a wreck. They have that I hadn't seen her for weeks. already made two spots, but I I said to myself, "I'ye got to find saw,them in time and ran with a. little more time for Mama." " the soda wate.r.-,h told her last But l never got around to iL. Sunday to keep the dogs in the ' `• til he ' rt' ry~ n ° '.. kitelier:t--vvhen she comes to visit— time. — Regrets other, "Mama want to upset them. (I think she ." but we is lila). Anyway she has decided or leave there 'ifome,. She said, Dear Regrets: Here is your "They are like _my- children. aTr o - .-ray :-:-,--their. babies :.:::tk kitchen - condolenc:' to you and your because they were not trained?" ' brothers. ' - I didn't know what to -,say. w�w TODAY CHILD BY HELEN ALLEN TTot'bnto`Telegram Syndicate Wally's .engaging :smile is just like his disposition. )fie is.a bright, friendly boy:„who:.makes..friends easily and is inter'ested in everything he sees. • Y Wally is' nine. He is a healthy, active boy, keen on utdoo l<isiris; es eeiaIl iritr fattii v: v�olvea witi occer a camper w;tth_h.is -falter 1 He'S in :no Wand 111 this', Winter -rt. -iT-' Nrdel .-thongth==rrot-itttsky 7111 Build, he plats' 'defence and loves' it. He is also interested • * * * . Please help me. — ' Non-Plussed Dear Ann Landers: I like to _ Dear . Nob: Babies who are, .�` _pvt-`-tr'iv-,hand •over your ans'wecs- = not- tr+a'ined'-usually.w.ear diapers, and .see liow Fny, • thinking compares with you•rs..Usually we are on the same wave lertgthbut — your •advice to ``Lost," 'the Infantryman who returned from Vietnam Co find his wife thiee months gone,'was terrible. "-Lost" says, "I can understated. I'm not bitter. I love her." His wife says:"How wonderful that I am pregnant! The good Lord ,has been generous. -We should be happy." Ann Landers says, "Superior understanding and1empassign, - forgive and 'forget,.,:Beequal. to .the challenge. The rewards •will ' be tremendous. God bless." _Here's the way J. see it: "Lost"' is an• idiot. Beats me how anyone , that dumb, survived Vietnam.' You should have told ,him to get his marbles counted and throw' the tramp 'out — Te!' her if s1i ' s"willing to take the same precaution with her dogs, fine otherwise leave 'thein, in the• kitchen or keep them at home, • * * *: - CONFIDENTIAL TO .LOVER OF FURS LIVE ONES:, Relax — ' It's chiffon _ not leopard. • ' FIGHT CANCER with a 'Eric -Carman.- P.FLOTOGR.APHY. NGS---- - PORTRAITS — CHILD STUDIES- tl PHONE 524-7924. Christmas money best paved now!- ., The money yqu're .going to spend on Christmas shopping will hurt your pocket book 'or purse a lot less at that time, if you start saving at Victoria and Grey Trust right now. You can•,have more than.$150.00 in your Christmas spending fund if you pin away only $25.00 a month.. Make it a dollar aday at Victoria and Grey. VG The senior, Trust Company devoted entirely to serving the people of Ontario. WCTORJA and GR T&US T C D -PA N Y ,SIN C. 1.;8$9 9:00 to ,5:00 Monday to Thursday 9:00 to 6:0.0 "Friday Lealand Hill; Manager - 524-738t Elgin and Kingston Streets, Godericti BILL SHARES SOME BIRTHDAY SECRETS 'lt hen you a:re little, birth- days,. are great days. There are tufts m faatcy wrappings, . the nickel pop; 'That' used to slake a big evening fbr a young fellow arhd his girl. i .remember adults sitting on the veranda'h,: drinking lcmonadre in the dusk. And t,, he, ripped open „without•,the . chip- ;.lop- of b.0 in the quiet, tree - line Meets of small towns. As a,,kid,.1 ate stew in. the hobo "jungle" down by the railway tracks„ and talked to the quietly desperate men riding the rails from coast to coast. • -1 remember working a ' bo) of thirteen • is ' (whole Saturday with my big .shout sty years older, at brother, on the . huge least l in his status 'feeling, • .grounds of the huge manse than • a, "little boy'"' of of the ,minister. And I • re- t\sL'lVe, member very distinctly that A hoydenish girl of fif- he gave its a short dollar (16 .teen -is five r years younger than a "young lady" of six- teen. Seventeen is a special age•. You are looking" back with scorn on sixteen and looking forward with licking lips to eighteen. • highteen is a.tremendous harrier to - crash ' through. f off• both -sexes, yclu can now get in to see dirty movies without bor- rowing somebody's I.D. card, 1n. some depraved - areas, such as Alberta, I be- sieve, it means you. can drink legally. the are troni. There is cake and .candles and' ice creast, 'and - a general feeling that at least for a day, are Number One. As' lite, tltjnhles along. c,et;,,h,,,,t,lre , rapidly, 'onee hlrthda, s 'ar highlights. !lotus work) and a long blessing. " And one of my favourite. ..memories is the clang of the horseshoes when the local men gathered on 'gamer evenings to enjoy the only sport1they'could enjoy, be- cause it cost nothing. 1 t was the best. of all pos- sible times, and the worst of all possible.times. But it was precious, as every moment of life is. Take a guess. How old am I? - The Argyle Syndicate For Your I'NSURANC see or call �+ �Yia� wan £i u Lw,an 44 North St.,-. 524-9531 Donald G. MacEwan Q Peter S. MacEwan. ttla WEDDING INVITATIONS 1y&AO HNA l I(INA !)1. '•, 'HA T (OH(, ('hoose our wedding 1n' utatians with complete confidence from our eleeant.selection,...tvhlch - includes announcements and all then correct wedding accessANies. , Our wedding gift to yon.,. a Keepsake copy of your Invitation processed in Iu,' uCiou, gold. a, Come in and•receire your free Bridul.Gift Register (!nbirt4i 'igna1-'tar 'r Qyest Street 524-8331:),. Twenty-one used to be. ' the climax of all~fairtttd - �- It was the "I've -got` the' key^` . of the_ doornever been �^�t•^��rr�c�he�� thing. It meant you could. ---"r`'�i Ctva n c1.--D-R TNTh '$u t with in judo. ' . You can see Wally is,a handsome lad with blonde hair, • brown eyes; fair skin and a few freckles: He's tall for his age, He likes school and is good atudent. •- Wally love -s, other -children, so Children's Aid adoption workers feel he would thrive in a happy, busy household where' he would find plenty of stimulation and a great deal of love. .. ' •To inquire about adopting "Wally, please Write to Today's Child, Department of Social and Family Services,- ' Parliament Buildings,. Toronto 182. For general adoption , information, ask your Children's Aid Society. 11 N.1%,%•16.4.%%N% v1%%% %%%%% %%%%% 's%%%%%% %•%N. sill death us do part BY BETH McCONNELL-. • ;Dungannon Marching up, her foot steps in the•aisle And her little fairy,,feet Are going up. to meet he? pal, ,Oh how they look so neat,. end while the wedding march' is'played With slow steps she repeats Until at last the alter reached Her lover stands to greet. - - • 'The'x' uric 'stops and the'service starts' .t• To love and cherish never to part. What's in store for their young hearts That have been•pierced with cupid's darts?, •r Oh dear children,while you meet In hall or church ax' on the street. We hope that God will always keep Your love and happiness always sweet. ' —..- Down the aisle you March again Out the doorway where you entered in And the pictures of this,day are taken To keep for years and, not forsaken. M l Oh keep this pair for years awaken Not one quarrel make them forsaken When silver hair teir°youth has taken Keep chem pub -while old age is creepin'. And -when their eye'S"areclosed in death Take them to eternal rest And in God's presence they be blessed Their hope in life will stand the test. • tai.' sophisticated youth of toda?, the 21st birthday' has • become rather a ho-hum•af-' 1.111'. After. that, most- crucial birthdays were less than in- spir,i,ng, sante of them occa- -1ons for deep soul-search- ing, if not tears. At least for \.cL'men. M1en have always •t:eken birthdays a little More -asually, - - B -u -t- .most worsen look Hr«ard• to .their thirtieth 1lrthday with anything but .anticipation. And' when filch foriitth is upon them, think -.they were step- .p1ne inso,senility. Strangely .sough, after a couple of 1,y s Of claiming they're 1 er the hill, they turn right -hack irito- t he same women. they. v`ere 'before the birth- day. . Ah. v_ t�Z1 sly de il. You've guessed that 'all this is lead- ing up-tosomething. And you're right. Tornol'rOw is my = ";&Sth birthday, • Don't think I'm going to 4drnit which one. It's for women, not strong; silent men,, to _quibble about their ages. But I'll give you some tips. I have lived during the lives of four British mdn- archs, not including Quee,n , Victoria. •L,t is a' -rank ranardT-that-.T_..._-.- was in World War. I, though some of my students insist on' asking "whether 1 ever had tiny personal dog-fights with]. the .Red Baron. In fact, my first movie was called "Lilac Time', all about silk-scarved pilots throwing their brandy glasses into the fireplace and taking off at dawn 'in their Spads to bat- tle the Hun. . 1 remember Jack Benny and 'Fred Allen_..and -Fibber McGee and Molly on radio. Even Amos 'n Andy.' • ' Qn the other hand, my first great love was Marlene Dietrich and she's still' around flashing herlegsrand singing sexy song. I .was about twelve when I fell for her. • • I grew up in the era of the ten -cent hamburger and Clean wateris your heritage Respect it. Did you know that Ontario has more fresh water than any other -part•of Canada—evert the world? And did you know that this "Fresh"water it becoming polluted•?- OWRC is continuously developing programs to stop pollution, but you've got tb. �r •..mea«.M help to make them work. .Don't drop garbage,•drip oil or gasoline or put anything that pollutes into our lakes and rivers. And be critical it you see anyone else doing it. • Remember.. It's our water. tet it live. ChC,va.rL'.,rcuo:.+h::-.i1Pnv,rfrndc:Drtrrx,^1MJcYp!°!;.^.•-.;+1'frim�3C.�.Tc6c'�C2xSk.'2Kw. •. We've gathered together. a simply marvelous collection of swimsuits `that include the -new fashion -worthy styles 'along with -the -- best -loved' i th- ,. th'e' .. best -loved classics: • Textured Knits •' Prints and Solids (1 r ,y� f,�,gY•;•r ''rt�;n - �nrj�;,, ,�'p/ ,`thy •r, ) � M '6C k{" ' �2.�•d.,��/.rQ,�� .',�"�.'""`5+��5'r�'�i�tiS' Kik.v!'l'�"•Yi;t�'a�}'+TS.,1�1��x,'�li+'�3T,�i�NY.10E+."i OntarioWater Resources Commission 'Hort. George A, Kerr, Q.C. - Minister; R. D. Johnston -Chairman; 0. S aVerly -General -Manager. • Bikinis • Mnitlots • Two-Piecers A � a `F r err..• 'T•f•� .'.�If / 1 .04 LA -VIES, WEAR' LIMITED . •l 0 0 I• of n u 0 11 43- GODERICH .11,11 r, •,