HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-06-17, Page 94 16. PUBLIC NOTICE. 16. PUBLIC NOTICE NOT.ICE Township. of Goderich Ratepayers First" instalment of 1971.taxes are due on June 30, • 1971. Second ' instalment, on, November . 30, 1971. Taxes are payable at the Royal Bank, Goderich, the RoirBank, Clinton, or to the tax collector. • 1-1. B. Whitely, Tax Collector, RR 2, Goderich.. 17. BUSINESS NOTICE GLEN'S Barber Shop now • located at 38 Hamilton Street. Customers continued patronage will bee greatly appreciated. :- Glen Glen Atkinson. - 23,2'4',25,26x 6 F. W. WOOLWOR•THH- CO..open all. day, Wednesday, June, July and (August; - 23,24 20. MISCELLANEOUS... • We. do. ali types a BY MRS. WES BRADNOCK --• Auburn andDistrkt • Good attendance at St. Mark's ACW meeting The June : m'eeting' of St. Mark's Anglicah Church Women met at the home of Mrs. George Schneider with a good attendance. The hostess opened the meeting with a poem and the hymn,, "Breathe On Me Breath - Of God". The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. James Schneider and Mrs. George Schneider led in prayers. Mrs. Thonaas,.,fiaggitt gave -the topic on the "Work of the Canadian Bible Society", She. stated that the first Sunday in May is -Bible Society-1)ay. She said that 936 Bibles are sold each -day and 12,000,000 copies were sold in 1970. Mrs. Gordon Taylor sang two solos. The missionary theme was, given 'by Mrs. Ed Davies 'explaining where the budget money goes, Vi A reading, "It Was The Sheep Not The Lamb• That. Went Astray', Was given by Mrs., Orval. McPhee. A.rocontest. was given by Mrs, Schneider's daughter, Ruth. The hostess 'thanked all who had taken part and. the president, Mrs. Donald Cartwright, presided ' for the business period. The' minutes of the previous meeting, were accepted as read by Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell,, in the absence 9f the secretary, Mrs. John Daer. The financial statement was 'given by the treasurer, - Mrs. gwoogssoommogs Auburn Socials Mis's Shelley Haggitt of Zurich ,spent the weekend with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, Haggitt and Mr. Stephen Haggitt. Many of, the Clinton junior farmers enjoyed the weiner.roast at the Wawanosh Park last Tuesday evening. At long last, Auburn is getting a new . front street. George ..Radford ..Construction -Co.. moved -in :last week and has, .,.,- . =gym P ?;aA-4--- ltut4 '�':r •r:;• e I?.e» t• 1aG.&• • * ,Ring Sizing the irs s ep' in'paving.t e' roa • « :.,I.a iett.,i " ..,r;..,aext.-eye 1 ' Fared_ * W.tch\'Repalrr, BiliSeers and Keith * utrori-..aapair - ,-.,._..-Arthur-the- trustees;, -"made- th ., • ANSTETT JEWELLERS, LTD. arrangements. The sympathy of the Auburn Clinton,_.Seaforth and Walkers • off. n. community is exten,' to Mr. William Raithby of 'Li Barnes -_ -=---`W_ "`... ._......r.. -:Ave_,.. Brantford,_in_.the,_death .of- his wife, Alice, last week. She was in her.45th.year and was the daughter. of Mr. Gustave Herman and the late Mrs. ,Herman 'of WANTED - Good home for Calgary, Alberta. Following their . . collie dog, one year old,. Good marriage in June 26, 1945, in a —24 with children. Phone 524 -6958.. -London, they have resided in White Horse, Ottawa, Red River;' Gagetown and 'Many other 22. TO GIVE AWAY • Mr. Harry Webster an'a Mr. Andrew Kirkconnelr • visited recently with relatives at Port Colborne. 'Mrs. Nellie Ladd of Benmiller rMisited on Sunday with Mr.' and Mrs. Tom Lawlor 'and Mr."Jim Lawlor. Mr. and Mrs. of Springfield Thn'rsday with .Alfred Rollinson Rollinson'.,.,.. Albert Killough visited ' last 111r. and .Mrs. and Mr. Murray • r . Mr. and Mrs. William Straughan returned home on the weekend from a two week's visit with ,." their daughter, Mrs. Clayton Robertson, and Mr. -on covetousness - a great sin Robertson at Copper Cliff, was based on this Bible. passage. Mr. and 'Mrs. Alfred Weston The roll call was answered by of Toronto spent the weekend a Bible verse containing ' the, with her parents Mr. and Mrs. word covetousness. Alfred Rollinson, ' and Mr. The topic, "The Old World is _Murray :Rollinson. .. done"' Too . .,Comes. "the ;delicious:., lunch was_ served .by Thomas Haggitt. Mrs; Donald Cartwright' the The ` church cleaning was , discussed and settled " for the president, read' an address to the month of June. • hostess, who is leaving to live at The roll call was answered by ' Teeswater. Mrs. Thomas Haggitt naming a church you have ; presented her with a ,large wall attended. ' mirror as a`parting gift, A successful auction followed The travelling apron received and Mrs• Schneider served a a penny for each letter in -" dainty ' Tench assisted by her Letters to the Churches. daughter, Ruth a n d Rev. Keith Stokes closed' the meeting with prayer. 1 (slaughter -in-law, Mrs. James ,Schneider. Twe-Ive' attend VVMS Presbyterian meeting The Presbyterian Women's A reading telling about the Missionary Society met at the work of the Salvation Army was home of Mrs. Ed Davies, with 12 givers by Mrs. Davies. present. The president, Mrs. The minutes of the May Wilfred Sanderson gave, the call Meeting were adopted' as'read by , to worship and the hymn, "The the secretary, Miss Minnie King of Heaven", was sung. Wagner. After welcoming everyone, Mrs. Mrs. Donald Haines, the Frank Raithby was 'in'charge of treasurer, gave the - financial the devotional period and read statement,. Horticutturists, rne t The executive of the Auburn Horticultural Society met in the town -..shall on 'Wednesday evening, with the president, Mrs. Gordon Taylor, in charge, She welcomed all the merribilrs of the executive and the minutes were ' accepted: as read by the secretary,, Mrd. Beth Lansing. A discussion took place on the village. _flower -beds and hall boxes,...I.tw,w,asr„de,cided;, to..again engage Shelley Grange . and Jennifer Grange to look after the Manchester Garden. It was decided to inquire as to where the horticultural signs went and, iffound, to place them on the different beds. Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock presented the financial ' statement. • r ' A letter will be sent to the village trustees asking if there is a village by-law, concerning dogs being tied 4psdtf, ing the summer months, as much damage is done to flower -beds.. Plans were made to hold a meeting in July, when 'there will be flower displays and a special speaker; . The program, committee will_ be Mrs. Thomas Haggitt and Mrs. Elmer Trommer. ' The •d nch committee will be Mrs. Thomas Haggitt, Albert McFarlane,' Miss Frances Houston and Mrs. Beth Lansing. Huronmen's chapel plan Jopening' The former Knox E odus, 20th ` chapter, for her, Plans were discussed for the "'Presbyterian Church in Auburn, Scripture lesson. The -meditation July meeting . and Mrs. Frank Ontario, has been purchased by Raithby and Mrs. Eleanor the Huron Christian Men's Bradnock •!; e'. • be in charge. Association. The latter bgdy is After t�{' o .�„• ' g hymn, situated in -'' Goderich and "Jesus Shall-'” sign ' here'er The Wingham. The building now Sun", was 'sung, Mrs. -Sanderson bears the name -- "Huron Mens' closed with the benediction. A ' Chapel. The Associati6h, .proposess.ta bold.Sunda°y_evening and -Mrs. ""Donald' Revolution"; -was given by.MVirs. Mrs,,.. -Davies, assisted 'by Miss•• services at . 8 p.m., "employing '9. �'•L•1, tF .< YXl. T,.. ;,;. rnNF:. ',`,'t',,, . �,,w ,,.%. ,p...-...r...'rf,N— •�xa�"-E,�a.�ri Donald Haines. denominations, as A well as , a Sundayat Huronview _with 'his discus�Sion followed. me;-��dvl� i '>ti;��l�F�`�,�..����� �.� �•,::..:��.:��:..�.�,..�.�-,;:..�...���s�f�usaf,:a�a�d�.is,� A. BIRTHS DICKSON: Fred and Bernadette are thrilled -to announce the arrival of their first baby, a son, Stewart Frederick Henry, 7 lbs. 6 ' oz., on May 26, 19,71,, at Wellesley ,Hospital, Toronto. 24 �. . u TOLSMA: At Hospital,' 'Goderich, 1971, to Mr. and Tolsma, Goderich, Patricia Rena. Alexandra on June -"9, Mrs. Ge'rgen a daughter, Dawn -Marie; also , her father and' several brothers and places where he was an x-ray technician with the Canadian Army.. lie, is now an .x-ray technician . at the Brantford ' "; hospital. The` late Alice Raithby was a member of the iQueensway „ Baptist-Cliur€hr,Brantford, and -- was very . active in Sunday` School and church IA .` Besides her husband, she is survived by ' three sons, John,_ David and. Peter; and one Mrs. Rose 1. Robb of the Lucknow District Public School, . graduated recently at the Spring -Convocation of. the University of Western Ontario. . ' -Well known in this area,, Mrs. Robb has spent the past 5 years in the Bruce County, Educational System. At , present she- is teaching Home Economics to the students of Ripley, Lucknow andTeeswater. . KINGSLEY: Mr. and Mrs. James Kingsley wish to announce the arrival of their chosen daughter, Nancy Anne. sisters in the west. The funeral service was conducted' at Brantford and burial took place at Ball's cemetery, Auburn. Many friends E. CARDS 'OF THANKS attended the , committal service and came to the.Baptist Church, FISHER: Phyllis, Judy,. Jeff Auburn, where lunch, twasserved. John, Janet and Jane wish to—Friend'attended take this opportunity to thank our many relatives and friends for their thoughtfulness during • Elmer's. illness, 'Our heartfelt .thanks goes to the , staff and doctors of ward 6-C Westminster :where - his care and treatment were above reproach. To all those who sent expressions of thein Sympathy. Thank you! The Ashfield.Nevis donations to the Cancer Society' kr far exceeded our "HOPE." - 24 George Moncrief who underwent surgery in a from London, Kincardine, Goderich, Port Albert, Aylmer, Waterloo, Hamilton, Simcoe and Bayfield. . Miss Margaret R: Jackson of Blyth visited last Sunday, with her brother, Mr. James Jackson, and Mrs: Jackson. WESTLAKE: The family of the late Mrs. Wm. Westlake wish to express • sincere gratitude ' to relatives, neighbors and friends for the lovely flowers, donations' to the Heart • Fund, • and .expressions of sympathy at the trine of our bereavement. Many thanks to Mr. McCallum, Dr. Jackson, Ambulance - Drivers, Hospital Staff and Mr, Warr for his comforting message, also the ladies of , the church for the lunch served. - WM..Westlake h .g�hd.,fa>t'hily. y 24 FISHER: I would like to thank my many good relatives, friends "and neighbors, who were so kind with visits, - treats, ,. cards and flowers, when I was in hospital, • the nurses on second west, the 'operating room nurses, Drs. Watts, Jackson and Cauchi, Special thank -you to Miss Jane Fisher. -Mrs. Elgin Fisher. -- 24 TABB: The relatives of the late Mr. Isaac Tabb express 'sincere h► appreciation to their friends for the lovely flowers and messages of sympathy at the time of his passing. With special thanks to the Doctors and Staff at Huronview, Rev. Leonard. Warr, ...Stiles Funeral Home, - and Victoria Street Church. 24 F. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hardy announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Anne Marie, to Mr. ' Wayne Ernest 41 Penchey, only can of Mr. and " y`r1 Ernest ILPeachey, all of t3oderich. The marriage to take place at $ p.m, on Saturday, July 17, 19,71, at North Street United Church, Goderich. --- 24x Kitchener • Hospital is home again. Miss Doris Wylds of Toronto was home for the weekend. Mr. arid Mrs. Melville Orr of Connecticut were Sunday visitors with Earl Howes. Misses' Selina .and Mabel' Macdonald of Windsor visited relatives here last weekend. 'Rev. Lockhart Royal of Knox Church Goderich conducted anniversary, services 'in Ashfield Presbyterian Church last Sunday. The choir with Mrs. Duncan Simpson as organist, provided special music, and solos were sung .by,Mrs. R. MacCallum of Goderich and Miss Nath Andersen of Auburn. Former members were present from Goderich, Lucknow, Windsor, Toronto .and Teeswater. Knox Church Ripley cancelled services to be present. -- – F. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. Eldon ''ChtIbert., RR,, 6, Goderich, is pleased to announce the engagement of„his_ daughters Bonnie Jean, to Mr. Ronald Clair ,Hodges, son of Mr. and „Mrs. Kenneth Hodges, of Dungannon.. The wedding to take place in Dungannon United Church on Saturday, July 17, 1971, at 3 p.m.''y- 24 Mr. and Mrs. Alexander J. Mustard of Varna announce the. forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Nancy Elizabeth, to 'Mr...Robert .James Mehl, son of. Mr. and Mrs. Donald..,, Riehl, Goderich, Ontario, 'The wedding will take place on July 17, 197f, at three o'clock in Varna United Church. •- 24 , s.....anCM'^``14rr.. - r'.„.....Wi41i:M/+i',ii�il...i_'^F....F.-F:-•:F.,+.� ..„ .,i..,..... 4.,-4.4,. ..` %.-,.,..�.... , _.„ .'@..4at-,-,,g,,-4:;. „,,,p ,.�.!Iw Rueger; and family near Clinton. fl , t, f1 e' en s Mrs. Mary Johnston of _” .London is 'visiting with • her -- Mr. and Mrs. Ernes Gaunt, Five ,young•preople joined the brother, Mr. Ftank Raithby, and Donald and Daren, attended the St. Helen's Chulch on Sunday ' barah-White wedding in mornin byprofession of faith'_ d so of Mr. ' Kitchener, Saturday, and the They were Kevin Mrs. Raith'by, g P e Blair Redmond, , � nBlack?, Sally andwedding reception in Breslau 'in Dorscht, Debbie Errington, Mrs. Theodore Redmond R,, the evening. . " Janet McPherson and Lori at 2, Auburn-, received his B.A. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald' Dorscht Miller at the University of Western were at Milton ori Sunday to • Ontario's spring' - nvocation exercises held 26: Mr. District Redmond has . -',-,•ted a teachir g position with the London.Separate School Board. groups. Additional plans for Complete use'of the facilities are not yet finalized. -The • official opening of the "Chapel" is'. scheduled for Sunday, ,evening, July . 4, 1971, with Rev. McKinney of. the Presbyterian Church 'at.Teeswater as the guest speaker. There -will also be religious_. ,vocal ...,.:.styiin :..:of -•.. Kit4.cchener's °.. 1WaaCtcfhmen events„ geared to assist to -day's .- " . t0 meet their daughter Susan, Mrs. 4 -Patients 'in Wingham• • and o. Donald Wheeler, Murray - and. is rict Hospital, from our Kevin, who are visiting from - community, are Mrs.,. George Calgary. " Swan and Norman Foran. BLANCHE'S HAIR STYLING, SHAMPOO and SET - $2.00 -HAIRCUTS - $2.00 Children& Under - $4,00 New Telephone Number 526-7728 Auburn • Blanche Dalton .Open Tuesday Through' Saturday,,and Thursday Night . You think your Pop is super sensational, and you want to let him know how-' you feel. Send this message • 'beautifully...on Father's Day, dazzle' Dad with gifts from_ our wide and varied selection. .. Every Dad is different, so present your Pop with the perfect present - we have gifts to please every Pop. Pop in soon: . BINOCULARS 7x35 24.-95 7 x 50 -2'5.95° Complete with Carrying Case and Strap KODAK CAROUSEL SLIDE PROJECTOR THINKING ABOUT A NEW CAMERA? We Specialize in SERVICE To Our Customers Introducing the . AahLPentaxSpoh with Super Multi -Coated Takumar lenses jiq f �• POLAROID NO. 108 COLOR X4.99 REG. .POLAROID NO. 88 COLOR KII-135-20-krocessing Included Judith Eleanor . Pitblado, daughter ,of Mr. and.. Mrs. John T. Pitblado of St. Catherines and grandaughter of Mr. and; Mrs John T. Pitblado, "Goderich' and Mrs. Agnes .. Foster, RR 3,--- Goderich and the late Herbert). Foster, graduated from the University of Toronto in physical and occupation therapy. Miss • Pitblado has accepted' a -position at the Si. Catherines General Hospital. KODAK COLOR SLIDE CX -126-12 KODAK INSTAMATIC COLOR FILM Processing Included ' KODAK. SUPER 8 MOVIE FILM KODAK CAROUSEL • Budget priced • Push button control REG. 314.50 ' FATHER'S DAY Super -Multi -Coating makes the big difference • reduces flare and boosts contrast far beyond what was previously possible • more detail and richer SPECIAL colours than is possible with any other system at any price • much harder coating, more 9'scr95 than ordinary • only available on the • new atch-res,Oant • Spo tmatic II. cameras PHILISHAVE ELECTRIC SHAVERS Deluxe 34 95, 29.95 R29.eg95 . 25.95 Special Meet the Honeywell. Auto/Strobonar 332. It's the fastesi recharging flash yet. • (fully automatic -and ifsiYes you verfect exposures) For "Pop with a Sweet Tooth LAURA SECORD SUMMER CANDIES r SEE OUR EXCELLENT SELECTION HALLMARK FATHER'S -DAY it's the first computer flash to recharge this. fast; enough• power in. only five minutes for at • least 10 flashes; fully recharged in three hours CAMERA SPECIALS r Kodak X-35 Camera .Outfit !4+x.95 THE NEW -REG-34.95 ,. Polaroid Color Pack 80 Carn�ra 29.95 Excellent Selection of Camera and Dark Room Accessories ,fsavid Lane Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton, •Edward, received his B. Sc. at the Waterloo Lutheran University on May 22. , wallets and key case's in several styles including -top grain.. leather. Priced from $3.00 to $9.95.