HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-5-4, Page 51 M+ dL'sw V.r ''isIgiL�^ CItrT A l'v.s aro a zsow out cotta'$ t cA, ane tiro Wnr9t erases qi i titwlvette Debility, Loot ylicpr and iifatllits Altnhoutl; relstorts Cho iyctkuess of hotly or wind caused ea orar•tt'0rlt, or thu errors or ca• awxaxocrosu closes of path. Thin Ibeusels eb- beltttely twee the meet obstinate cases whet all other nnna'81a1NT9 have Pilled MUto.Yellave.old4ydrus' Mute at si pet wattage, o ale for ae or sent by resit on Xoeeipt et' price 1)7 Aoa stiui • THE JA'l1 S AILDICINi11. p0., Toronto, Ont. 'Writ,. Jnr enmohlet. Sold in-. d'Or Salle in .Exeter by Jf. Rr. Itrownine. Ottawa Trades: and Labor council have decided that the proposed pharmacy act amendments are not in the Interest of the general nubile, 'TOAST is the old Scoth name for a cough; The English nome for the best cure for coughs Is Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. The Convention of the Women's Mission- ary Society of the Presbyterian church clos- ed in London Thursday. FOR SEVERE COLDS, Gentlemen.—I had a severe cold, for which I took Dr. Wood's Norway kine Syrup. I find it an excellent remedy giving prompt relief and pleasant to take. J. Paynter, Huntsville, Ont. Hay is being shipped in ' large quantities from Wolfe island to Province R.I. Ministers, Lawyers, Teachers, and others • who occupation gives but Little exercise, should use Carter's Carters Little Liver PiLLsfor torpid liyer and biliousness. One is a dose. Try them. A barb wire factory in oposition to the eombine,has been started in Winnipeg. CHAPPED HANDS AND LIPS,cracke I skin, sores, cuts, wounds and ,bruises are promptly cured by Victoria Carbolic Salve. l'for mounted' en Tenders for supplies the 1 lice are being called for at Ottawa. A PROMPT CURE. ' Gentlemen. -Having suffered over two years with constipation and the doctors not having helped me, I concluded to try 13. B. B. and before I used one bottle, I was cured. I can also recommend it for sick headache. Tbe:'New York State Legislature has ad- journed. RELIEF AND' CURE. Sirs. ---I have used Hagyard's Pectorial Balsam, for coughs and co'ds and it gives relief in a few hours and always results in a cure, I would not be without it. Mrs, Alfred. Vice, Berlin Ont, Senator Samuel Pasco has been re- lasted. U. S. Senator from Florida. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she criod for Castoria. When she became ]Liss, she clung to Castoria, 'When she lead Children, she gave them Castoria. A cyclone at Pachuta, Miss,, killed seven people on Wednesday night. LOW's WORM SYRUP is the standard of Excellence. .'Mothers recommend it. Children cry for it. Worms fly from it. Saloonsir Wellington county will here- after be ere-after.be closed at to o'clock at nbeht. The license commissioners have so decided. DEAFNESS CURED. Dear Sirs.—For years I.was troubled with deafness, and last winter could scarcely hear at all. On applying llagyards Yellow Oil it restored my hearing and I now hear as well as well as anyone. Mrs. Tuttle Cook, Weymouth, N. S A cyclone in Clarke and Jasser counties, Mississippi, Thursday killed 4o.epeople and injured 2o or more. Are free from crude and irritating matter Consentrated medicine only. Carter's Lit- tie LiverPir,L,s. Vety smaur. very easy to take, no pain no griping; no purging. Try them. Gen. R L T .Beale, who was a prominent Co.;federate officer during the war has just died at Frederick's, Ya. GUARD AGAINST CHOLERA. Keep the blood pure, thestomach in good working order, and the entire system ;free Frain morbid effect matter by using Burdock Bloecl Bitters, which clenses, strengthens and tones the whole systen. Cholera can. not attack the healthy, A New York despatch says Edwin Booth has not had a stroke of paralysis, but is suf- fering from, nervous weaknese. Pain from indigestion, dyspepsia, and too hearty eating, is relieved at once by taking one of Carter's Littre Liver PiLis immediat- z,y after dinner. Don't forget this. The richest god strike in Southern Ore- tion since the days of '52 has been made within the past week at Central Point, Ore. WEAKNESS, DEBILITY, PALENEss, ANAEMIA, etc., are cured by Milburn's Beef, Iron and Wine. Two men were, cremated and two others fatally burned in a fire at the First regi- ment armony, Ohicaeto, Tuesday. morning. WHAT CAN BE .DONE. Dear Sirs.=l was greatly troubled with weekness, loss of appetite, restlessness and sleeplessness, and found B, 13.13. the most strengthening and beneficialxnedieine I have taken. Miss fleas lip, 34 Huntley St Toronto, Ont. President Cleveland has decided not to accep+ the resignations of the American 'de- .egates to the internetion'tl monetaryconfer- ence, The commission will, therefore, t•e: main unchanged. ,..a...-...,....m,:ia®nar r.te.nacnr+u xuart ..wo. —..... teBa t4 t. Beet cough ayrlep J.'astes AILS. Doe. in Pinto, 3015 by 5rueelsts. R .l� Q,iVM P 171,Q N ` lV . CJI The London Chartered Bank of Australia hassuspeuded. iDenthti of the Week. Lord Deramore died at Paris Mon- day. Prince Don Dukoff Korsakoff of Rus- sia is dead.. The cyclone 10 Oklahoma killed 90 people and injured 250, There were three deaths from. ty" phus fever in New York Friday. Herr Idanauer, ,Imperial Secretary of the Department of 3 ustice, Germany is dead. Henry Clay Crocker, and old resi dent and oil operator of Sarnia, is dead aged 04. Mr. Wm. Slingsby, woollen mannfac tuner, Brantford, dropped dead on Fri- day- evening. Twenty-one persons were killed and over 100 injured by a cyclone at Cisco, Texas, oa,Saturday, Sir Robt, Pinsert, justice of the Sin presne Court of Newfoundland, died in London, Eng., Friday. Henry Dowling, with his wife and child, wore asphyxiated by gas at Chicago Friday night. At St. John N. B. on Saturday Gil- bert Liugley, aged 5, accidently ate some "rough on rats" and died Monday morning. Near Harrowsmith Friday Wm. Cole aged 35, the sole support of an aged father and mother and a blind brother committed suicide by taking Paris green. Dr Radley. Chatham's venerable chemist, is dead, aged 72. He came to Canada, a thoroughly qualified and experienced chemist and anatomist, iu 1848, and after living three years in Hamilton removed to 'alga' Chatham, where he has since resided continuously. His wife, whom he married in England in 1848, was Elizabeth Coombe. She sur- vives him, World's Fair Notes. The woman's building at the World's fair was dedicated on Saturday after- noon. The attendance at the World's Fair on Monday is officially elven "as315,000 The dead heads numbered 14,000 A carload of dark-skined musicians from British' India passed through Lon don, en route for Chicago, the other! night. At the World's Fair grounds 400 sep arate buildings have been erected, bringing under roof an area of about 350' acres. Canada's 11 -ton cheese broke the floor of the building in which it was placed at Chicago, and sank 12 feet to; the solid ground. Sir Julian Pauncefote, British ambas- sador to Washington owiug to an at- tack of gout could not attend the open In,a cerem mies at Chicago. The Turkish mosque at World's Fair was dedicated Friday with consider able ceremony A:,feast on Turkish; delicacies was a prime feature. At Indianapolis Friday 12,000 school children turned oat to welcome the old Liberty Bell on its way to Chicago. Ex President Harrison male a speech,guns were fired and city- bells rung. Prof. J. R. Seavey, art director at Helimuth College, returned Friday. from installiiag the. College -'exhibit in the Woman's Building at .the World's Fair, where it makasa fine display. Musical war has broken out in con nection with the World's ' Fair. The Bureau wanted to use a piano at open' ing concerts that was made by a - firm that declared war on the Fair. Now there will be music. Mr. G. R, R. Cockburn. M. P. for Cen- tre Toronto, has been :appointed as one of the honorary commissioners' from Canada to the World's Fair. Hon. John Carling is prevented frotuattending owing to 111 health. President Van I•Iorne, of the C. P. R. passed through Loudon on ,3aturday morning, en route to Chicago, to at tend the World's Fair openi.ny; Monday The run from London to Windsor was made in two hours and ten minutes. Mr. J. L. Barron, the music teacher in the Public Schools, London, has been invited to read a paper on some topic concerning music in Public Schools, before the congress Auxiliary of the World's Columbian Exposition next,; July. A special train oftourists, bounn for !, the World's Fair, passed over the La- nadiau Pacific Railway on .Saturday. There were 400 in the party, and they came over in a specially chartered steamer. the Hongaria, of the Ham burg American S. S. Line. The party, from all fax, were 'in charge of Trav- elling Passenger Agent D. L Carers. 66 o let }�. ,.4nho AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT." A Medical Work that Tells the Canada, Describes the Iaffects, Points the Remedy. Scientifically tate most valuable, artistically the most beautiful inediSal book ever pub-, fished; 50 pages, every page bcuring a half -cone illustration in tints. Subjects treated;—. Nervous Debility, Impotency, Sterility, Development, Varicocele, The Husband, "Those intending Marriage, etc. leveiy man who would know. the Grand Truths, the Plain Pacts, the 015. Secrets and New Discoveries of Medical Science as applied to Married iifcwho would atone for gait follies and livoid future pitfalls, should write for this wOr1171,i2F'tJt LIr::11I BUCK. Xt will be sent free, under sail, while the edition lasts. Address the pttbhshors, ERIE 1VIEDICAL, CO., Buffalo, N.V. 10.46 t lee ets T .. •me rl o ,- t • was for ilzeVlol World's op - coal cued Monday, A party of 1..00 ,New York newspa- per men passed over the M. 0 B. Satur- day night en route to Chicago, to. write up the World's Fair opening ter. emonses. The train is a new .one throughout, compelled at a cost of $300,000, and runs over the West Shores and M. C, R. On and after the change of time table this train, which is known as Grafton'e Warld's ,Pair special, will run daily over the rail- roads named. The tieltets .which in... el ado railroad fare and hotel accomoda. tion, are good for twelve days' and cost $115. The train is composed of one composite car, one dining car and four Wagner's. It will be timed to leave New York at 10 a. m„ and reaeh Chi cage at 11 a. rat. next day. There will be 100 specials patties run by this train between the two great cities dam ing the eoaatiltuance of the World's Fair. Around About Us. FARM SOLD. --Mr. Lawrence Dela rich, Eliza has purchased from Mr. Robt. Sanders, of Exeter, the farm sit- uated on 13th con. of Stephen, GOOD LAiaBS.-Mr, Cyrus Kolosky,of the Brownsou Line, Hay, has two lambs on his farm, seven days old weighing r ;speetively, seventeen and three qua): toms and nineteen pounds. There is a"div©,; to town, kept by a married woman, which inust,be broken up. Girls from a distance visit it oc- casionally, and young men are enticed into the'den, and some of the stories they'relate are of the most brutal na ure. One young man was waited upon at his place of business last week and asked to call in the evening, Innocent of the character of the house he accept- ed the invitation, but he had no sooner reached the door than he was jerked into a dark room by a drunken woman who used mpst profane and disgusting language, and he found it' difficult to tear riimse1f away from her grip, and make his escape, Other almost simi• lar stories' have reached us, and as the place has become a' public nuisance, as well .as a disgrace to the town, we hope the constable will do his duty and see that the filthy inmates are brought to justice. --Mitchell Advocate. • Mrs. M E. leferrrick, Of Toronto, Ontario, Cured of Catarrh and Neuralgia Good authority has said that " neuralgia is the cry of the nerves for pure blood.' Tho prompt action of Rood's Sarsaparilla on the blood, combined with its toning and strength- ening effect upon the nerves, make this a grand medicine for neuralgia and also for catarrh, etc.: We commend this letter to all having such troubles, and especially to Suffering Women "For agood many ,years I have been suffer- ing from catarrh, neuralgia and Ceneral Debility I failed to obtain permanent relief from medical advice, and my friends -feared I would never find anything to cure me. A. short time ago i was induced, to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. At that time I was unable to walk even a short distance without feeling a Death -like Weakness overtake me. And I had intense+pains from neuralgia in my head, back 'and •limbs, which were very exhausting. But I am glad to say that soon after I began tajcing Hood's Sarsaparilla I saw that it was doing me good. When.I took 3 bottles I was entirely Cured of Neuralgia 1 gained in strength rapidly, 'and can take a two-mile walk without feeling tired. I do not suffer nearly so much fromca- tarrh, and find that as my strength increases the catarrh decreases. I am indeed a changed woman, and am very grateful to Hots;d's Sarsaparilla for what it has done for me. It is my wish that this my testimonial shall be published in order that others suffering as I was may IlintB t how to be Street, Toroi to, Ontt HOOD'S PILLS LE cure alt Liver Ills, Bilious- ness, Jaundice. Indigestion, sick headache. Peal SAFE W EIRIST SUGAR -CO 4TED fere ts-4 bzi I, tti kFP� E •1' .,;r. A 131•is .tori PROM F• or rl; Nas demonsfrafed ifs wonderful power of FILLING EXFyRNAL and INTERNAL PAI1i No wonder then that it is found on. The Surgeon's Shelf The li'Iother's Cupboard The Traveler's Valise, The Soldier's Knapsaeit The Sailor's Chest Tile Cowboy's Saddle The Farmer's Stable The Pioneer's Cabin The Sportsman's Grip The Cyclist's Bundle. ASDL FOR THE NEW 'BM 25c BOTTLE" Bargains! Bargains! i ! 1 Bargains ! The Spring Season is about here and our. good wives are begin- ning to think of house cleaning. Then after the "dirty work" is fin- ished, a few nice pict- ures'will be necessary for a spring-like ap- pearance. Bear this in mind, the best stock of Bamboo Novelties, Picture Moulding and Curtain? poles, Is at , S or lEv' FURNITURE & UDER'KINO. —Establishment.— Odd Follows Bloch. Opposite J Griggs EVERYTHING AWAY DOWN Stationary. sei1x Fackiag �ouss. I0g0 Wanted. Dressed Or Alive. Dressed Hogs bought subject to the following conditions: -2 lbs per cwt olT; 6 lbs extra if shoulder stuck; 3 lbs for either bung gut or gullett, if left in. All Hogs to be cut through from Tail to Throat. Highest Price paid for Hogs weighing from 100 to 200 pounds, dressed. HELL BROS & Co. PAL5A C1BAKERY The undersigned having handsome- ly fitted up his parlor and restaurant —will serve— ICE CREAM during' the Summer Season. Also a large supply of Confectionery, Bread, li3uuus, Cakes &c. Visits Exeter every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. All orders left with George Sanders promptly attend- ed to, Oysters and fruits of all kinds in their season. D, W, FOSS, Hensall Exgt8r JHlls!a{ I1tStfllllt EMPORIUM. PERKINS & MPT Ng PROPS. We cary the 'ost complete stock of Musical instruments in the county. PIANOS, ORGANS. VIOLINS, ALSO. SEWING MACHINES,BICYLES. FARM IMPLEMENTS &o, The above instruments always on hand. Terms to suit Purchasers. GIVE US A CALI..' UN RTA I G ROBERT N. ROWE, Proprietor of (The Old Established) FURNITURE WAREROOMS, (One Door north Xolson's Bank.) ALL NEW GOODS. LOW PRICES. STYLES TO SUITE EVERYBODY. I have also a complete stock of curtain poles and picture mould A Specialty The Fashionabl' Cutter and Fitter.. As 1 ani, the only CU'J,'TE' it and FITTER. in town who visited the large cities in it -United States this Spring, le' therefor() the best able to 1 youirs Il'ba> nz'epex l91%.l'1N, Ladies, When you have boug'l' the material for pat: - Spring and Summer coir is come to me and get fitter',. Gentlemen, Before you buy yon Spring Suit, come up 1.1 my shop and get poste, on THE STYLES, KNIGHT BERT . , The Fashionable Cutter and Fitter. EXTRAII LRUG A complete stock of Pure ald Rciiab1e Drugs ALWAYS KEPT. —1$— Pn,ggis 8 '1J8 At right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions and Family Receipts Carefully Prepared. WILM'S 1WCI the best in the market. C. LI7T'Z., PROP, CG SNBLL airs s t .. EXETER ONTARIt Has now in stock Rep ti�� IN THE FOLLOWING LINES : West of England Suitings and Trou erings, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser Ings, French and English Worsted Cloth All made up in the Latest, Style, at best Bates. A. 3. SNELL Piso's Remedy for Catarrh is the Bost, Easiest to Use. and Cheapest. z sgA,-ter. st Sold by druggists or sent by mala, 80c. E. 'r. 13aSSltine. Warren, Pa. Y ti• na\TIT r, ..r at. Vi1J ;E ® 217 Never was there known such low price in before, as you will find at urnitui re Having purchased the Warerooms and Factory lately occupied by W. Andrews, I wish to inform the people of Exeter and surrounding Country that, I am offering all kinds of furniture at greatly reduced rates. All Goods guaranteed to be my own hand make, of first-class dry material and put together in the strongest possible manner and of the latest design and finish. All kinds of ordered work and repairing receives my prompt attention. LUMBER and WOOD taken in ex- change for FURNITURE. The only Yale's J.D. place in town where you can buy the ry Patent Dominion ic1e-late it Mattress—bed t in the Market. o ... W Andrew's Old Stand 2 doors North `®, Town Hall, Exeter.