HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-5-4, Page 4CURS
Dyspepsia, constipation,
Biliousness are causes of
13ad. Blood. Good I31ood
cannot be made by any
one suffering from these coreplainte. The
results of Boatload ere
Eruptions. Sores, Skin Diseasee, Scrofula,
etc, Burdock Blood Bitters really tures
bad blood, driving away overy vostigo of it
from a common pimple tt) the worst
Serefitions sae. Xi is the ?cilia that wires.
Altft rit, Loeltwood, of Lindsay. Ont,,
hada boils in One year Vitt was entirely
cured by Z. V.% - •
.13,4a Ourect Zad
4er buovate,
This subject is still causing intense
excitement ia London, Eng, A eumer
wee set afloat lest week that l‘lr. Gla,c1
stone \VAS fired at, while returning
home from Parliament. But the party
arrested turns out to be a 'carat* or
crazy lunatic, and the, Premier himself
nnew eothing or the discharge of a re.
veleta —ennui' wows to have been ac
cidental. It appears that the ru.mors
of Protestants in Belfast having man
treated Irish Catholics were without
ft/inanition ; and Mr. Morley telegraphed
to the Home Secretary that ample
mans had been taken to proteet the
latter against any attempted disturb_
gime by the formea At latest accounts
order was restored in Belfast. The
greatest excitement, how e% er, prevail
edin London—when 1200 delegates
came from. Ulster and the Southern
counties to tell the .people of England
how the Protestants of Ireland viewed
Home Rule There were 10,000" Lon
(loners present—and the Bitheg Of Der:
ry in a most enthneiastic speech. en
dorsed Lord ,Randolph Churchill's
phrase, "A. Great,:,Beretyal,,!'ike.
pressing his opiniornofethe 'Glanstone
measure. LoedaSiinibtiry, elle. bake. of
Devonshire, and even the R Ca„Mayel
of London, all n'eX pressed their Sym-
pathy with. the-UliterelelegIta and as-
eured them that:Mineellteleonagneenst •
the will of England is the merest chim-
era. On the other hand, the Nation -
list party is taking credit to itself that
the recent disturbauces in Dublin and
Belfast—occasioned, as they contend,
by the Protestant party—have tended
to unite the Home RtlierS and to
steengthen their hands. 'Meantime
every 'etTort is being made by the Op-
eresition and. Unionist leaders to check-
mate the Government Inn at eyerg
stage through committee It is calcu.
lated that three months will be con-
sumed in passing the Bill through its
Committee stage. The real tug of war
will begin on Monday next, May 8th,
when the chseacter and clauses of the
Bill, its scope and limitations, will be
exhaustively discussed. Under any
circumstances, supposing that the Bill
should pass through all its stages in
Committee, it is a foregone conclusiox
that it will be indignantly rejected by
the House of Lords.
There is no reason for serious alarm
respecting the business and financial
sitnation in the United States; but
there cortaiely is reason for exercising
great caution. The insane silver leg•
islation of the couutry has brought the
verge of a financial crisis. Gold has
for many months been shipped to Eu-
rope in enormous quantities, and the
drain continues The surplus in the
United States treasury has been re,
duced below the legal limi, it is only
because banks throughout the country
have nonte to the rosette in order to
prevent a suddeu dropping of the cur
renc,y to a silver basis. Canadian
banks have taken couttsel of prudence,
and are quietly withdrawing their gold
from New York,
The:flurry iu gold has affected com-
merce and industry. Thegreat fail-
ures which have been so numerous the
past few days are due solely to the con-
servative spirit of the, banks, which are
preparing as best they can for an
emergency, The groat failure of the
Pennsylvania steel company at Steel-
ton—an °id cotnpany with a capital of
$10,000,000—is but one among many
financial disasters We hope and be-
lieve that very serious trouble will be
averted. But it is reasonably appar
etit that Illness cungress very speedily
ehanges the law the currency of the
eauntry will dr p ro a, silver basis, and
ehat the donna, will bonnie worth from
60 to 65 cent in gold eueh a change
cannot take place withen, . some rude
shocks and somo serious ett I aratties.
And if there, shall be trreat commercial
and ithancial uphcao.ais in the United
States Canada 1.8 ill to a b I ig t extent
feel the elf"ners
ffr Ci I leia8,
in saying I hat; ffie d's ngirstiparilla
cures, its propria, ors nuke no idle or
extravagant clnim retarements from
thousands of reliable pc (1 le ot what
Hood's eirireeparilie has dot or them,
ermelusivel prl rho, fact —1100D'S
ilood's Pills no` Ily upon the
rousing i •pitlity to its
natural dutivs, .stipatiOti and
ftssist digeSlio
It is propom.4 et it new $2,000
Methodist Amen Mama with a es,-
naeity of 1,201J,
ellee Iniayton Aromer
Little Maud, 'Onev1;011 a sister of Nein
When you Mid that you cannot sleep
and t?,"et lip in the morning as tired as
when you went to bed, be 4ssurAd Your
Kidneys Of LiV01.' Cure are out of or
der. Membrays Kidney and Liver
Cure Wilnrenneete,:thOneonrse of all thie
"nidniglIt'dOtors.4.0 the most an
welcome Visit§rs-even the Doctor him
self curseSiOdnuck fl.jat compelled, hitu
to leahiS conifortatle bed. Suppose
you trpouiqiiethod, and keep a Big
253, Bottle of .eerry Pain IUllw
itt the house,aad let Doctor Squills stay
in his bed. and enjoy himself.
A girl residing in a Lake Michigan
town has recovered $500 damages
from a steambeat cenapaay for naming
a boat after her without aeleing her
permission. An exchange says she
took offence at a marine item stating
that "Kittle Marshall, having been
thoroughly scrubbed, painted, refitted
with canepied stern and new boilers,
will hereafter Beryt) as mail cerrier
and poke her pretty nose into the lake
buaine,ss for all she's worth."
New York, April 30.—The World's
special correspoudent iii Chicago tells
to -day some plain facts about the actu-
al conclitiou of things in Jackson Park
By me,augof some easily apprehended
comparisod he presents an adequate
idea of the inimence size of the build-
ings in. which the great display will be
honsed,'and he also deseribes graphi-
cally the spleuchd effects produced by
unsubatantial are hitecture designed
fn a summer's 'carniyal. But what will
interest the public still more is his
frauk statement that the fair will not
be in. preeenta,ble order for inspection
for weeks to come. The buildings are
far from completion, and the exhibits
are mostly -unpacked.
Iri itiine 'Part's of Peru hens' eggs
are Used as coin, 50 eggs being equiv•
alent to one of our dollars. It is only
in the very mountainous part of Peru,
where the people seldom reach shops
or markets of any kind, that this cus-
tom preyails. But far back in the Pe
ruyian mountains, the hen egg is
looked upon as money. When a man
wishes to make purchases with the
eggs which have been collected, he
starts for the market with his boys by
his side laden with a basket of eggs.
Two or three eggs will buy a little
brandy, another egg buys spice, and so
all the family supplies are purchased.
The marketnaen immediately pack the
eggs and send them to Lima, where
thousands of eggs are daily received
from the back districts.—New York
life Do It
Hairowsmith, Ont„ April 80,—At
about 4 o'elock this morning Mr. Wm.
Cole, a young farmer ybout 85 years
of age, suicided by taking nearly an
ounce of Paris green. He is a son of
Mr. Henry Cole, with whom he lived,
and was unmarried. Medical assist
ance was summoned, but to late to be
of any avail. He dien about 4 o'clock
this evening in great distress. No rea-
son whatever can be assigned for the
terrible act, ae he was known to be in
a good financial position, temperate,
prosperous and apparently happy. His
friends, however, had thought him a
little eccentric of late, but no serious
result was apprehended. Deceased was
the sole supported of an aged father
and mother and blind brother. Che
sympathy of the entire community is
extended to the bereayed friends, who
have sustained an irreparable loss.
Electricity v. steam.
The recent performance of the Em-
pire State Express of tne New York
York Central, which ran at the rate of
ninety five miles an hour for ten cou
secutive miles, has greatly interested
mechanical engineers and sceintific
men generally. This remarkable re-
cord is expected to have a very ina
portant bearing upon railroad schedu-
les of the near future, and is especially
interesting at thtis tirne, when extra-
ordinary efforts are being made to re
duce the time between distant points
by means of electricity. Until lately
eighty miles, or perhaps eighty three,
had beea the fastest time made by any
railroad, and this speed of ninety-five
an hour by a complete train, weighing
ta the neighborhood of 200 tons, and
runneng over different grades, throws
new light upon the ques‘ ion of attain-
able speeds, and. gives Atone data from
which to work and figure for the fu-
G'reen Goods !sharks:
Ottawa, Ont., April 27th—Major
Sherwood, commissioner of Dominion
police, is in receipt of scores of letters
daily which show the credulity of hu-
man nature. These letters are address
ed to Chas, E. Taylor, 512 First street,
Hoboken, N. J., but will never reach
their destination. Mr, Taylor is in the
greet, goods business and the letters
are either for further particulars re
garding the business or inclose a sum
of motley for a supply of the stuff. All
letters sent to that address will go di-
rect to Major Sherwood, and he now
hes in his keeping the liberty of many
a man who has written to Mr. Taylor.
Some of the letters are, or would be,
pathetic, if for any other purpose. One
woman living near Toronto actually
mortgaged her calm to raise $300,
which is the, loweet sura the green
goods dealer will consent to receive.
For this she was to receive $3,000, but
didn't and has since beeii writit.g let
ter after calling down the curse of
heaven because she has not been able
to w,vindle her neighbors by reeeiving
counterfeit money, One follow from
netario visited NeW York a ad brought
home a valise lined with what he stip
posed was counterfeit money, It Was
sawdust Ile writes: "l'he tnonoy you
got from me 1 was saving for my
motherless children, my poor orphans."
These are hilt samples of these scores
oF letters received here, from simple.
tons, to those swindlers who are; grow -
fp rieb e)it tho at adulity and.: ettineffee
at their vietime.
Clevton, who died from poisoning
last week had, a startling experience
Saturday, Edward Clayton, an em
playe at the Otis Steel Works is her
tether and they live at 832 Superior
street, A woman walked into the
house on Saturday morning and an,
nonneed herself the mother of the child
Maud wes puzzled and frightened, and
rushed ont tetutairma'her father. '4It
must be et "Mistake " hecsaid whett the
child porired out her stoiy. When he
reached the housenhowever, he found
that it waSqiot a mistake.There was
the mot*. Of the child 4.111 of Nellie
Clayton, Viit.shejsalow,Mi.s. Robinson,
of Oberlin. ".'..Clastou 'coUld not easily
have recciOd kgreatex !surprise. He
was divorenia*Tione his "wile iu 1881.
She left the city after a few years, and
he was informed afterward that she
was dead. Mrs. Clayton had also un•
dei -stood that her former husband was
dead, and she did not learn to the con-
trary until she re:ad the accounts of
Nellie's sad end. Together Mr. Clay-
ton aod Mrs. Robinson visited, the cem-
etery on Saturday afternoon. The wo.
man was greatly affected. She return-
ed to Oberlin Monday. The couple
were married at Hamilton, Ont., in
Forma Aft er Thirty "VearS.
A few days ago an advestisement
was published by Aikens & Allan, so.
licitors,of Toronto, in which informa-
tion was sought as to the whereabouts
of David Leith, who in the year 1863
resided in the Towuship of Grey, Hu-
ron County. The result has been the
discovery of the mother of the missing
man, who will be raised from a position
of poverty to comparative affluence.
The facts of the case are about these:
Merrill Logan was born in Scotland but
came to 'Canada when a child. In
1851, at the age of 16, she was united
in marriage to Robert Leith at Toronto
her two sons being John and David.
Five years after their marria,,e'e Mr.
Leith died at Beaverton, and John
went to live with his grandfather Leith
and David with his grandfather Logan
in Eldon Township, York County. Mrs.
Leith married James Cooper in Torten
to, and after living for some years at
Oshawa they located at St. Marys where
Mr Cooper died. Mrs. Cooper was a res-
ident of Seaforth for about 15 years
and. has lived in Brussels for the past
10 years. By the second marriage she
had seven children. But to go back to
the Leith boys. John became a far-
ner in York County and David went
to Buffalo. About twenty seven years
ago he was,stricken with black small
pox and died in a Buffalo hospital. He
was unmarried, and the mouey which
his mother will now receive was left to
him by his grandmother. The old lady
is iow 67 years of age. During the
_ a
past winter the council aided her,
News of' the Week in Brief.
The water was let into the Rideau
canal Saturday.
J. S. Taylor, United States consul' at
Winnipeg, died Friday after ten days'
The Oakville basket factory was
completely destroyed by fire on Satur-
day morning.
Crossley and Hunter, the evange-
lists, open a series of services at Napa -
nee Saturday.
Townsend, the man who wanted to
shoot Premier Gladstone, has beeu ad
jaidged insane,
Nearly $2,000,000 worth of new
buildings are under way and projected
en Winnipeg this year.
The National Bank of Australia has,
failed. It has 150 branches in Europe
and theUnited States
Two new cases of smallpox are re-
ported at Winnipeg, ,one at Rat Port
age and four at Fort William.
Montreal aldermen propose to tax all
telegraph and electric poles $10 eaeh,
There are 10,000 poles in Montreal.
A vigilance committee of 30 reput-
able citizens has been formed in Nor-
wich village to hunt out lire bugs.
The Episcopalians of Glencoe have
just let a tender for a new church, the
cost of which will be about 88,000.
Mr. Henry Taykr, the well known
banker and broker, of London, Ont.,
died on Friday night from heart disease
Ensign Moore, of Montreal, and Capt.
Patterson, of Toronto, have taken
charge of the Salvation Army at Belle.
George Middleton, aged 19, of Orilla,
was drowned in Blackstone creek, 18
miles from Parry Sound, on Monday
The district of West Simcoe lizense
commissioners have decided that all
bars under their control shall be closed
at 1,1 pm.
, The fourth internationnl convention
of the Young Women's Christian asso.
ciatien began in Toledo, O., Thursday
Ten thousand Italian emigrants
have left Marseilles on the eleven
steamships whieh have just sailed for
New York,
Owing to dullness in the coal trade
it is said the miners in the Sehuylkill
region will have to accept a reduction
ot 1 per cent.
Found—the reason for the great
popularity of Hood' a Sarsaparilla--
siinply this: Hood's CURBS. Be sure
to get HOOD'S.
Twenty thousand coel miners hi Ohio
went on strike Monday for an advance
of 5 tents per ten for pick mining and
10 cents for machine mining,
Rev. C. R. Flanders, B. A., 'pastor of
Sherbrooke street Methodist church,
Montreal, has boon npnointed principal
of StaaStead Wesleyan. college.
The accounts of eicAreasurer Royce,
of the Veterans/ Home Association At
San 1'ra n o, are $19,000 Short.
Reece. e ill probable be arreeted
A beat containing' three young men
sank near Ain leers t b arg on Monday.
Chas. Forsyth and Alex, Fierbert were
downed, but John Hilts was rescued,
Latest information obtaiiied hem, the
eyelfmandeVaetated SOCtion of Oklahoma
places the number of killed. at 100. and
the injured at live thnes that number,.
Wm, Rainshaw, an old resident of
Aetou, Ont,, disappeared from his home
the °thee night elad only inNhiS night
clothes, lIe is supposed to haye suleida
A lare number of Presbyterial,
and Unitarian residents of Ulster have
written to Mr, Gladstone expressing,
eonfidence in his policy in regard to
• Mr. Sam Grigg, of Chicago, is in the
city, Ten Loudon girls, froin different
hotel dining -rooms, left here Monday
for Chicago to work he Mr, Grigg's ho-
tel there.
The Navajo Indians in New Mexico
have killed eight white settlers, and
further trouble is Feared. The whites
are in a panic, and troups have been
called for,
Dr, Buck, of London asylum, who
examined Vene,y, the condemned wife
murderer of Amherstburg, has reported
to the government that Veuey is per
fectly sane,
At Orangeville Assizes Tuesday a
Miss Smith, aged 2Brcl, secured. a ver-
dict for $1,000 against a young farmer
named. Connolly, for breach of promise
of marria,ge.
In Chatham Monday Mr. Pettit's gro-
cery store was robbed of oyer $55. A
man went in, sent the boy down cellar
for an empty barrel, and coolly helped
himself to the cash.
:rhe dog poisoner is at work in Chat-
ham. Between Thursday night and
Monday morning six dogs were pois-
oned on one street between the Grand
Trunk and C. P. R.
Eli Correo, a Madrid newspaper or
gan of the Government, states that
armed bands have appeared in the in-
terior of Cuba and have thrown the
inhabitants into a panic.
Hon. John. Carling has declined to
act as honorary commissioner to the
World's Fair and tile Dominion Gov-
ernment has appointed Mr. Cockburn
M.P. for Centre Toronto, in his stead.
The assessment iu Woodstock shows
an iecrease in value of property this
year over last of $54,150, the total be
ing $2,686,725 The population is
now $9,200, an increase of 200 over
last year.
Chiet Justice Galt on Saturday
quashed a by-law of the city of St.
Thomas which sought to give the Bell
Telephone Company exclusive rights
in telephone businese iu that city for
five years.
The dead body of a man foundiu
freight car on the New York Central B.
R. at Albany on Sunday morning is
believed to be that of J B. Stewart, .a
comniereial traveller well known la
Toronto, whose home is near Brarnpton,
In Harvey Bros., shoe shop at Lynn
Mass., on Monday a pair of kid button
shoes *ere made complete and packed
in a carton in 15 minutes 45 seconds,
The best previous record wae 24 min-
utes. -The shoes will be exhibited at
the World's Fair.
Geoige Jeremiah of Columbus, 0.,
has applied for &patent for a killing
machine, which, he claims, will be as
painless in operation as is compatible
with sure, work, The machine simply
severs the head from the body in the
quickest possible time. ,
The Sarnia Post says a branch of the
Society known as the "P. P. A" is lo-
cated in that town, and its members
are working secretly and silently to itt
crease their power. There is also a
strong orginization iti Forest with
over 300 members on the roll.
Rev. nr, A. S Campbell, pastor of
the United Presbyterian Church of
Sault Ste. Marie was quietly tried in
Detroit last week by, the Detroit Pres-
bytery on the eharges of "assault and
battery, lying, forgery and drinking,
intoxicating liquors." Dr. Campbell
was from Collingwood, and brought
letters from the Presbyterian Church
at Collingwood.
, Mr. John R,ynn, near Lawrence Stat.
ion, had a sow which gave birth to a
pig with eight legs, four ears, two tails
and one head. The bodies are fully
developed, and the head is as natural
as one head would be. The pig is do-
ing well. When walking it uses six
legs instead of four, the • two forelegs
protruding from on top of the shoulders
and remaining on top.
'Wild ducks are very, plentiful in the
neighborhood of 'International Bridge.
The birds swarm along thin Canadian
shore to feed. and the stringent game
laws on this side keep Canadians from
shooting them. but Baffalo pot hunters
come over in boats and shoot large
numbers, Yesterday FortErie church
goers witnessed great slaugliter, Buf-
falenians coming over in steam yachts
and .killing ducks by wholesale.
you take
Generally caused by exposure to cold,
wet feet, sitting in a draught, coming
from bot and crowded places, in thin
dress, or wearing damp clothes, stock-
ings, or any other cause tending to
check eudderily the perspiration, The
result produces inflammation of the
lining membrane of the lungs or throat,
and this causes phlegm or matter, which
nature tries to throw off by expectora-
tion. In many cases she is unable to
do so without assistance, and this is
you use
Three Size Bottles,
25c., coc., $1.00
Mr. Sam Grigg, of the Manitoba ho-
tel, Chicago, arrived in London Satur-
day. He says there are ten times
more applicants for positions of all
kinds there than can be accommodated
and advises aln searchers after work
to keep clear of the Windy City.
A curious freak of nature occurred
on the farm of Joseph Graham,of Wal-
lace. Mr. G. had purchased at one of
J. W. Hunt's sales a cow in calf. A
few days after she gave birth to a
monstrosity, in the shape of a pig with
a nose and one foot like a calf's, the
other parts of the body not only re-
semblieg a pig, but also covered with
A ease of smallpox is reported at
Port Arthur, having occurred in a car
load of iinmigrants, and the people of
the town are said to be much excited
about it. This is wherein the people
are wise. What they should do is to
keep cool, get themselves vaccinated,
and give, the unfortunate victim and
his friends an insolated place to get
well in,
Hon Mackenzie Bowelnacting-Prem•
ler, and Hon. Mr. Angers, Minister of
Agriculture, passed West on the 11.30
train for Chicago to be present at the
World's Fair on Monday. Mr. A. W.
Ross, M P. for Liagar, Man., and Mr. J.
L. Payne, Private gecretasy to Mr.
Bowen, accompanind them. The Min-
ters will return on Wednesday to To
Free Trip to Chicago.
Separate W.O.R-L-D-S FA -I -B and use
the letters to s-pell as many words as you
can by using the letters as many times as
you wish, either backwards or forwards, but
not use the same letter in making any one
word more times than it appears in "World's
It is saicl seventy-five small. English
words can be spelled ecirreetly froxa the ten
letters contained in "'World's Fair" Exam.
ple:—Wad, waif, soar'idol, ere. If you are
good at word -making you can secure a
MUSE trip to the World's Fair and return.
as The Scott Seed Company will pay all ex-
penses, including It, R. fare, hotel bills, ad-
missions to the Columbian. Exhibition and
S50,00 in cash for incidents,' expenses, to the
hrst person able to Intthe seventy words
from theletters contained in "World's Fair,"
as above. They will also give a P.MIEE
TRU- to the World's Fair and return with
$:15,00 for incidental expenses; to the first
person sending si.x.tv words as above. TheV
will also give a 1171t1P to the
World's Pair and return (without cash for
ienidental expenses) to the first person send-
ing nay Sive words.
To the first persoa sending fifty words
will be given. $50.00 in cash towards paying
expensee to the World's Fair. to the first
sending forty words will be given $25.00 in
cash towards paying expenses to the World's
Fair, to each of' the first five persons send-
ing thirty -live words will he given. $10.00 in
cash, and to each of the first ten sending
thirty words -will be given $5.co in cash.
Only one prize wi'l he awarded to the same
person. Write your name on list of words
(numbered) and enclose th.e same post-paid
with ten three -cont stamps for a large
package of our Choice English Cottage Gar-
den Seeds.
This combination includes the' latest and
most popular English dowers of endless var-
ieties (same as will be onta,therl in the
elaborate exhibit of English flowers at the
World's Fair,
This "World's Fair" Contest will be care-
fully and conscientiously conducted solely
for the purpose of introducing our business.
You wilt receive the BIGGEST value in
flower seeds ever offered, and if you are able
to make a good. list of words and arisNver
promptly you will have a first-class oppor-
tunity to seethe a free trip ft! 0 ill Y01111v home
to Chicagoand return.
We are 8 pending a large amotint ofmoney
to start our trade this season, and want
your trial order. You will be inere than
gratified with the result. Send to.clav, and
address TWO SCOTT sZED COM ttl'Alli'Y
Toronto, Canada.
ntallenNo 9
Whey are Aet aaver4
Used 0 owe emery,-
Oda it 'but silapOj !toad,
aches. Ali:oval 0
tett/ cost eit, 0$ cent.
fey a lam mut Otey
1110/101! nota Catbirds.
A. Hastings, Prop.
Every attention paid to
Ladies' and Children's
Hair Cutting.
That our Planing Mill, Sash Door & Blind
Factory is fitted up with the latest improve
ments. We are prepared to do planing and
matching, band and scrollsawing turning
moulding, grooving and all kinds of mach-
ine work on shortest notice.
In our LUMBER YAED you will find a
large and well assorted stock of all kinds of
building materials. Pine and hemlock lum-
ber dressed and not dressed. See our stook
of x x and x x x Pine Shingles manutuctured
by the best makers in Ontario. We also have
a large stock of A 1 Cedar Shingles which
are excellent value. No. 1 Pine Lath con-
stantly in Stock We have a large stock of
barn sash which we ea,n furnish with or
without glass. We are fitted up with mach-
inery specially adapted for maki-ng all kinds
of Tanks and Cisterns, which wean) furnish
to our customers on short notice. We show
something new in this line for watering cat-
tle in the ffeld or barnyard.
Ovr celebrated Baking Cabinet is still at-
tracting much attention, and giving entire
satisfaetion whenever used.
Call and examine the above named stookl
all of which will be sold at lowest prices
Main St., Exeter
Cheapest and
Best Place in
To get your Boots and
Shoes mended, is at
Just a few more pairs ,
of those Men's cheap
Hepburn Shoes and La-
dies' Dongola Kids left.
Ne'xt Door
Smith of Postoffico
EfE9 1i111113011,
Boy's . .
and Children's
Hair cut in the latest style,
Ladies' Knots, Bangs and
Switches made to order.
E. H. FISH, Barber,
W. G. Bissett's Livery.
First Class Horses and Rigs,
Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware
Store, will receive prompt attention.
First Class BIOS And HORSES
Telephone Connection
tammumonroarn .10...saneoreserzeamsetrnatiumlunrunziwanmentoielalasnteals.....sedent
wrotig action of .the
stomach and digeStive
organs, Causes Dyspepsia
and kindred distaste,
'Stith at Sour Stornshh,'Waterbrash,Bleart•
'burn; Digziness, Constipation,:
Olok' pcgAbAckiZ
LeSt:Appetitii, all.gOnt feeling at pit
efatomaqtaxia aietrose tifba eating. To
be dyspeptie IS to bo miserable, liopelees,
languid and deproeted in body and feta&
Naorise, heweyee, la so, obstinate (*.) toVere
that 11,13.13. cannot etre or relieve it.
Wadi ininiedrYlrow byspopaobgt two
betties of 13.15..1l., entirety treedttielTornit,
Wee L.A. Enna; tratellten, orb.,
8 18'8 eutoo, Dvs.loogis
• Nix!Pr.f.V4 401
.1.T. other remedy ex-
offeet On the enteirred:737ste5m0 Ptt°sNyBitittrudi 0641
Itatlioddostrileintatettse.nt purities, cleanses, tones
vtaioug disorders way attack thh flvar
The streng food to,lten during winter over.
leads the System, °loge the bowels and
produces, biliousness, constipation, sick
headache, boils, pimples; bad bleod; skin
(diseases, etc. '
turcibeit Bleed Bitters unloolcs a1 the
clOgged avant% of the system... carries ott
all foal burette and impurities, and Oaths
the ob.ove harried., discasee, while,af the
same time giVing health and. Otrength to
the entire eystein,