HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-06-03, Page 2011. � 1111 n 1111 1 _ ' y,_,, 9DERIC11 SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 3,1971 l�3 A C ...I 11,11, * � y�.,,,�;,y�4,y, 1111 1111 1111. 1111 1111. !It ! w ,1111..._ 1111 1111 1111 Q 1111 h.Ya,,V,+ . , •, • MPLETE SELECTION. OF THE. L� IN CANADA .��. tl.�b 1111.,. • 1111, nS o"«WiN-. � o paltltlD . ar at feast 1Q years! , We guarantee it! r—hkte Won't check orpuel! Just think! You'll save hundreds of dollars in re- painting costs because of (.'OIy0RI.OK X- \ siding's -super tough plastic finish, bonded to Masonite Company of Canada, Ltd's. fa►not,ts X-.\'1XE7' Y * hardboard §iding base. lternember it's fully guaranteed for ten years against cracking, blistering, peeling and checking. The hard, durable surface is virtually maintenance free. Can-be_.easily cleaned with water. Npilnety9' siding IN YOUR CHOICE:' OF LAP OR PANEL SI"C IN -CT --EASY -TO- JN5-ALL -ASIS'---FO'R-- YEARS -- Rugged, "Carefree", Beautiful` • 4 1,t From The Steel Company of Canada SIDJNG Y Transferable Guarantee Made from Ultra-Stelcolour re -finished- steel, Ste Siding will Iasiaan f ast ,and last -and last .. It's glaranteed against detrimental corrosion, .cracking, chipping, peeling or. flaking arising as a direct `. result of defects occurring in the course of manufacturing. Stela siding is a great buy!" CSL.'�'L'�+.A.i"'3II'.6L1'M19S..r:1 J�seph's (Wi m ' 1111 • ', . 5Oth'anniversary. Tiger Dunlop Inn was the; Greetings ' were extended by setting on VVednesdayr evening, Mrs. John Franken, president of May, 26, when St. Joseph's St. Augustine C.W.L. and Mrs. - • Council of the C.W,L. held their Jim O'.L)onnell, president,of .St. , ' 50th Anniversary Banquet. Mary's C.W.L., Lucknow,, Some 60 ladies were , in Mrs. John Howard, .attendance. Mrs. Eugene Frayne corresponding secretary of St. acted as•chairwornan. Joseph's Council tread cards o€ '- Pat -her "= kH nr F -w+ gi 'ii"brit g1 4ai,io .d'.,.,fro;� . t,Yila �.. > ryk % ., • Spiritual director, led the 'prayer U • C •W : , the Kingsbridge of the C.W.L. This was followed Genealogical Society ` and Sia ,1 ,�by �t toast to the Queen. Mary's Council. esidErrt-'—� "-Bible-•via . sof • St. Augustine Council Courtney, prelent, by Father proposed a toast to the members H. Cassano, spiritual director, as of St. Joseph.;s Council, a gift to St. Joseph's Council on Kingsbridge. Father'Cassano said this special occasion. Grace..- •Mrs. Joe Courtney presented After dinner. Mrs. Eugene Mrs. Bill Hogan with a special t, Frayne introduced the head scroll made' by Sister Elizabeth table guests. They included Mrs. a, Lambertus. Mrs. Raymond • Laurence Howard, London, the Leddy read a poem that she had diocesan president of the C.W.L. composed and dedicated to Mrs. who was the guest speaker; the Bill Hogan. -diocesan—. first - -.vice-president; - ----Fify. _Year ---Members--- 41-.t ie•...,._: -- Mrs. J. J. 'Gardner of Ilderton; C.W,L., Mrs. Clifton Austin, Mrs. the diocesan third vice-president, Jack Van Osch and Mrs. Herman Mrs. P. J. Fallona of London; Lambertus were presented with Sister Elizabeth Lambertus, ' a.. plaques. member of Notre Dame Order at Mrs. Frank Rugling, first Waterdown; Mrs. William Hogan, vice-president and , convener for the only living member who was Church Life introduced the past present at the first meeting ,in presidents of St. 'Joseph's July, 10'21, when 5t, Joseph's Council who vere present at the OP COLORLOK is available in White, Green, Sunray Yellow eta Desert Sand ' ,,with• fade -resistant color "locked_ in" to retain the like -new appearance for years! It is unaffected by the worst weather Choice -of 1 Sdes 4 Colors! conditions .. shrugs.off scorching sun, driving rain, freezing cold and hail! Should it ever need,a ... cleaning, simtily rinse it off with ordinary water. COLORLOK offer's you complete versatility with respect to style, whether your. preference is Lap siding...or Panel siding. E4ually adaptable to traditional, contemporary and modern architectural design, COLORLO.K is always in perfect SUNRAY YELLOW GREEN ' harmony with its surroundings. DESERT SAND1 WHITE PER 100 SQUARE FEET RANCH RED * WHITE ESTATE GREEN AND AUTUMN BROWN, GEORGIAN BLUE, PRAIRIE TAN AND ANTIQUE IVORY CHMC APPROVED IN VERTICAL & HORIZONTAL ACRYLIC' FINISH fir? 1O- COELORS INCLUDING WOODGRAIN PATTERNS 1NLJIIIsIiJIN(; ❑ (; rea-t'e r comfort Kaiser Aluminum siding makes your home ' cooler in summer. warmer in winter. It has been proven that fuel bills can-beredUced as much as 30%. ❑ 20 -year traitsferai►Ie guarantee 'This guarantee is exclusive with Kaiser --A 20 - year transferable guarantee.'If you should decide tcrsell your horne,'the guarantee is auto- matically transferred to the new owner.—which means you add substantially to the resale value. ❑ F.,id' maintenance . Kaiser,Alunlinum Siding won't peel, rust �r crack—ends painting worries. You save money, and at the sante time, enjoy many extra leisure hours. Ell Economical to install Beautiful Kaiser Aluminum siding eov'ers a"py surface—wood, stucco, brick or frrme •makes anystyle of horne, new or old, sparkle with „ modern, everlasting beauty. New snap lock feature means -better, faster installat .on. Modern, bright and pa•stel'colors to ciloose frorri,• with a full selection of accessories. - PER SQUARE (100 Sq. Ft.) w. TOK TREATED FOR LONG -LAST) N.G BEAUTY 8 WIDTH$43 PER 100 FT. 10" WIDTH(O'ER "100 FT..:. 5/8" 'THICK BOARS MEASURE 5/8" THICK000 BOARD, MEASURE IN GREEN WHITE OR. YELLOW P.V.C. CORFIUGATED 26"•. Use -them as room dividers indoors . . as privacy screens, balcony ra'lings or fencing outdoors. 12' SIZE -. 3 55 DAYMOND Santos 1111 r1,Nn1,.,. ,. ..,limn I@'ll gllRUM iii wlullNtnUmllNU 0110n1 n u`1 11-r iIINIJIII'1u111 N111j 111 N 'n.111 n14hI111 s s • • Suggested Retail Price 0.00 DAYMOND. Solid Yinyl Siding' not only gives new beauty to your home, but it 'pays you a, bonus besides ... actual dollar savings in maintenance and the extra leisure to • en joY it... 11 11 ..... , That's because it's made of practically indestructible solid vinyl that bounces back from the years and abuse that leave other sidings chipped, cracked, split, dented, blistered, peeled and discolored. ''The beauty and"durability go clear through! DAYMOND Solid Vinyl Siding is the wise investment in .siding because it pays Double Dividends ... beauty and free- dom from maintenance. CONKLIN'.S PRICE Council was founded; Mrs. Clifton Austin 'A.:member of St. Joseph's Council for 50 years, the C.W,L. president from St. Augustine, Mrs. John Franken; th president of St. Mary's C. Lucknow, Mrs. Jim O'Do ell; and Mrs,.. Joe Co.urtn , president , of - St. Joseph's Council;' Kingsbridge. Mrs. Joe .Courtney extended a few words of welcome followed by a memoriam of one minute silence. Mrs. Bill- Hogan and Mrs. Clifton Austin cut 'the anniversary . cake. Father Henry Cassano, S.S.P., greeted members and guests. He, was happy to note that the Golden Jubilee of his order, the Missionary Fathers of St. Paul; coincided with that of ' St. 'Joseph's Council • Father . introduced Mrs. Laurence' Howard, the guest speaker. Mrs. Howard 'held-, her audience with, her enthusiasm and obvious love for the C,W.L. She began, with the famous prayer of St. Francis of_ Assisi,, Lord, mall me an instrument . of Your'npeace! . . . " She stressed.... the fact that each and every council was im?ortant no matter what their site. -Every council 'has its own particular work. She reminded . members .to take 'tome; not Co. be so engrossed .and busy with routine matters that there is never time for the truly important tasks. It is not the individual who is important but rather the group he represents. She ended her talk - with a little prayer. Mrs. Antone Van' Osch, past president of • St. Joseph's Council, expressed the League's appreciation and presented a'gift to Mrs: Howard. ' A message of congratulation from Rev. J. L Hennessey, diocesan spiritt1atiilre'etorTand his regrets atnot being able. to attend • were brought by Mrs. L. banquet; Mrs: William W. Hogan, Mrs. Earl !Mennan, Mrs. Joe O'Keefe, Mrs. Joe Courtney, Mrs. Walter Clare, ,Mrs. Con Hogan, Mrs. Leo Courtney, Mrs. Dennis Hogan, Mrs. Dennis Dalton, Mrs. Mark Dalton, Mrs. - Carl Riegling; Mrs: John Austin and Mrs. Antone Van 'Osch. ' Mrs. Mark ' Dalton, `, second vice-president and convenerfor Social, Economic and Civic hitt ..,........ gave special recognition to members of 25 years. These included Mrs. Cyril Austin, MSL; Dennis Dalton, Mrs. Earl Drennan, Mrs. Ti nothy Dwyer, Miss • Margaret Foley, Mrs. Gilbert Frayne, Mrs. Martin Hendriks, Mrs. Con Hogan, Mrs. Dennis' Hogan, Mrs. William • Hogan, Mrs. John,. Kelly, Mrs. Genevieve Kinahan, Mrs: Blaise Martin, Mrs. John Miltenburg, ' Mrs._Ca'rl Riegling and Mrs. Fred Vassella. e - Mrs. John Howard expressed •a few words of appreciation' to • Mrs. G. Kaitting for the lovely dinner served. -"The Ilittory of the League / booklets were available for sale. i On Pentecost Sunday, May 30 at 11 o'clock a. Golden Anniversary' , Mass of Thanksgiving was said' at. St. Joseph's Church, Kingsbridge with Msgr. F. J. Laverty, Chancellor of London -Diocese is celebfant. He was delegated by the' Bishop to say Mass for this special occasion. Rev. H. Cassano, S:S. P. was commentator. In,,,the sanctuary were Msgr. L. J. • Phelan, D.P., ' and Rev. Thomas Moylan, S.J. Lay Treaders were Mrs. Frank Riegling, ,first vice-president and Mrs. Antone _Van Osch, past president. Mrs; W. J. Palmer, representing the diocesan —council of the C.W.L. and Mrs. Joe Courtney president of St. Joseph's Council brought up the offertory gifts. A social gathering was held in the Church Hall immediately 'Howard. following the Mass. The cottage is on display 'at our Goderich branch. • It's exactly as shown in the illustration 'above. ,How can you win it? Simply fill out a free entry 1• h . PIPE ' APPROVED The Plastic Pipe. You Install With a Saw And Paint Brush K!NGSVIILE LA SALLE _1111-R1bGETOWN WEST LORNE WOODSLEE F EXETER 733-2341 734-7.868 674-5465 768-1520 829-2600' 235-1422 HERSTB 736-21g)' 8E1.1.1 RIVER, , 728-2320 COMBER 687.2401 OTr"AM... • 8391-4777 Apt;+r~s'.o-r:,,:i'rJ..� a.'Y:iY� Y ,1 "��;a . �r1�1.C;`1.94►rP�.� 4,+„<. r " form available at the Conklin yard in YOUR area.. For complete details, see the friendly guys-.a•°•°•°..,•M." - Conklin's. „ • FOR. ,TOP VALUE MID BETTER SERVICE' Rely On The Friendly Guys At Conklin's' P.V.C. pipe is unaffected by frost; it won't rust or rot and it Iasis for years! It's lightweight, easy totwork with - perfect for below -grade installation's such as foundation footing drains, sewers and drain lines, septic tanks and downspout leaders to dry wells. ' COPPER PIPE and BIG 0 - Flexible ° Drain Pipe Stocked at ' Most Yards Standard Duty 3" PERFORATED PIPE FOR $2 DRAINAGE BEDS - '10 FT. 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SOUTHAMPTON •70-3245 W I1�w�r�wlli.il�.ir�rr+..rrrr THEDFORD n . 296=4991 44.66;A vro 0:00 to 5:00 Monday to Thursday 9:00 to e400, Friday Lealand Hill, Manager 52417 ;Elgin and Kingston Streets,, Goderich a • r • hR. ';r