HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-06-03, Page 18• °
air ed activitiesv
It was mid-afternoon at the
BROWNIES food -and supplies. The girls had Council Friday in, 13.1:;•derich
4 ' Pack One - - alQt of fun barbequing hot dogs, before council got down to the
We began our meeting: by, roasting marshmallows, eating business,' of committee reports,
getting everyone all- twisted up do -nuts and consuming cool The main portion of the
as we played a game callgi "The drinks., , [-fleeting was taken up with
big ship". However, 'we managed They had lots of energy for taking the annual photograph of
. to get unwound in time to get to hiking 'and ' hunting for _gounty. ' council members,
'obi Six Corners for attendance interesting "stuff" - and ' before honoring with past wardens and
and inspection. very ' long every Brownie had having their photograph taken;
added the letters "o" and tous her "three interesting hearing and.. ,answering the
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andeveryone wanted to play - the Olden Bar work. from Holmesville Public School;
Dutch Dolls again. Everyone marched (?) back , and liste,ning to a lengthy and
While some Brownies and up the hill arid headed for home informative report from the
• Weenies were busy working at after an excellent day. , Huron -Perth TB Association by
Appoint tax
-Mr RLflaidso
Mr-- Crawford's and Mr.
9:00 p.m. five puPils, from our
school went to C,KNX to
compete against another school
and make a tape for a tele,vision
They were Beth McEwan,-
George 'Sheardown, John
.Shank,Jfn Weary__ and. Ruth
. •
work, the other'girls were using BY MARIAN MELICK When the reports were
scissors and glue to make up , , 1st Goderich Guides presented for council's perusal, a
--, some pictures for . ianother Our •meeting opened in the number of routine matters were
semaphore game which we hope, usual manner. After inspection , handled.
to Play soon. , and horseshoes, Lieutenant took A committee to, study tax
Snakes. became a ' topic of the Tenderfooters and Captain review(not tax reforrri as was
•• discussion during Pow Wow as took the Second Class and previously reported in the Huron
we heard about experiences talked to • them about their County Weekly Newspapers)„was
some Brownies have had lately. badges, ',Appointed consisting of Gordon.
i . We also saw some Work -towards In campfire Susan Fincher .-Hess, Charles • Thomas, Gerry.
badges. as Linda Knox showed us- told the Company about her Ginn, David ' Gower, Harold
"Freddie" - her hand puppet. stamp collection. 4,-. Robinson, Elmer Hayter and
Rita Lassaline had completed There were a lot of . Warden Jack P. Alexander.
-- -her- doll- - -furniture- arid -also- announcements. There were two-- - It- -was-also- agreed that -the- -
showed us her scrapbook about , new songs introduced and cook inaugural meeting of county
clothes. - books were .given out to the council in .1972 would take
- . We then sang Taps and said Guiders to. sell. 4,4 place on the second Tuesday of
our good -nights according to We closed with "The Golden the month followed by a full
, , -birthday months. Sun" andlIDay is Done" while session on Wednesday and, a
. Kim Brady repeated the one -day meeting on the last
, . Fxiday of the month of...January.
Friday was, a beautiful day Court of Horiour was held on The road report showed the
andPack Two. Brownies felt -very Thursday where the Patrol varipus contracts which had
-,•-- ' lucky because .--most of the, Leaders were taught two neW' been awarded by the county,
meeting was planned for knots. wifr local contractors and
outdoors. It, was certainly a very businessmen receiving a large
different one! , .
- percentage of them.
We gathered at the sehool as' ,., _, It was also. announced that
work on Development Road 904
Su pe r a n n u a t ed .
. xi County Road 8 from
usual but in a matter of minutes
the room was empty and we .,
• ' • were marching in two tidy ,lines , Summerhill to Auburn has been
.• on the way to visit Mr.' Little , teachershold approved and that tenders for
(Carolyn's grandpa) and his ' this project will_ close on June
• horses. The Brownies had a lot: - 11, 1971 , with work to start
- '
of fun and- it.was pretty exciting meeting ere: about about July 1. • . .,
for .most of the girls to be able The • report of the Huron
' to get close enough to actually • Huron County County Planning Board showed
pat a.horse.
,_ Superannuated Teachers held that the committee is working
Some Brownies were startled ,their May meeting at the on the possibility -of .seeking out
at the size of a horse up close-
Robertson Memorial 'School, sufficient land • fill sites for
they don't look nearly that big
Sam Jefferson presided. - - municipalities in the county
.from far away - - and it took Greetings were extended desiring- to amalgamate from wit])
quite a bit of courage for soMet
the Town Council by
befoie they •-. could bring Frank Walkom.
themselves close enough for a Guest speaker ,was Raymond
quick pat. • - . Bassett, Supervisor EStates and
Mr. Little introduced the Trusts, Victoria and Grey Trust
Pack to every horse and even Company of Toronto, whose'
. .. showed us a little .one out in the . topic was "Some Good Aspects
, field with its mother. Some of In Recent Taxation."
• the Brownies fed f resh ' grass . Letters of appreciation are to
' from the field to the horses still be .sent to 'Ralph Smith for the
in their stalls.
• use of the school; to Sifto Salt
._ .-.-- – , After ' thanking Ir - .Littleth
. e., _company_for..,...favors._ -; to --the
: ..Brownies marched and sang all Signal -Star for the notice -of the
.• the way back to the school, and meeting; and' to the A & P Store
used up the last of their time
for the use of their coffee
together playing games on the •:•••:,
lawn. ' . .
The ele,ction of officers had
THIRD PACK . the following results: president,
The Third Brownie Pack met N. Hill of Exeter; vice-president,
• at their Brown Owl's home on Mrs. L. Hall; secretary, Mr. L.
Saturday -morning to begin a Henderson: , -
- . very enjoyable hike and 'Several items of business were
cook -out. The girls and, their, finalized after which the•meeting '
leaders hiked down to the park was adjourned and a. social -half
• , by the beach and were met. by hour was enjoyed convened bi...
' • j`raey MacEwan's Mom (Sally) Mr,sMorns.
Robinson and Mrs. B.
who very kindly delivered their •
.: •, ,
. ,
•,4; • —
another municipality , mo
for dumping purposes.
It, was also learned that the
committee is seeking a definition
of, "high water .mark" from
provincial authorities.
W. J. Denomme
Bogie's rooms are going to hold
a bake sale and bazaar. It will be
held in the gym of our sciii5bra`
June 10 at 3•:.3.0. The proceeds
will go to -help pay for our trip
to Midland.
* * *
On Thursday the libra
helpers' had a book sale at 1:00
p.m. The books 'Were 5 `cents
*•,* * •
—Mr. Currie7, Mr. SchacleTand
Mrs: Jefferson's rooms along
with a few parents, are going on
a trip to Ontario Place on June
18. If they have time they will
visit the Royal Ontario Museum,
and perhaps the airport. . .
On. May 25 at 8:00 'p.m. -to
* * •
On May 31 we had our track'
try outs. Twelve were taken ,out.:
ref Pact riace. Rrian Dation' a 1 A79 honcu-
QUESTION: If you saw a
counterfeit dime on the road
should you pick it up or leave
ANSWER: Pick it up. You might
get charged with passing it.
' STRIKE ONE graduate from- tire Ontario
Lately baseball has been College of Art,, Toronto, is on
popular at our school. Bats and staff at the Guelph University
balls have used when ever they for' the summer. ,He"will resume
can .
his studies in Guelph in
* 4: * September. "
ASSEMBLY Mr. and Mrs. R. Venn, 122
4 '''
On Friday Grade 7 and 8
Quebec-, Street, have • just '
went to an assembly in the gym. returned froma six week visit to
It was very interesting to watg-b---ir
e-Scouth Western part of
the beand the saw being . England. where they visited
nlayed. relatives':
, . .
...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ',...7.44,... .,4.7'.7 L , .. ,,, . ..„, .„_,...., . , . ., _. .1*.....,..S.W .21 _.,,,..,,,,„:„......., ,..1.-•,,,..
For Octogenarians
and those older
The Goderich Signal -Star is pleased to extend happiest
birthday greetings to the following new member of the
Octogeparian Club:
MRS.',ROBERT McALLISTER, 2d1 Britannia Rd. E.,Who
will be 83 years old June 3;
It you know of someone who will be celebrating an 80th
birthday or better in the near future and would like to have his -
or her name mentioned in this column, please telephone
5248331 giving. the name, address, age and birthday of the
There is absolutely no charge for this service- and we are
pleased to hear from all of you. , .
If yOlive ever kinda thought about owning
your own home or cottage . . . here's sornething
%to many think about.
• ,
Imagine it. A Complete building in a bundle!
Every single piece has a number on it:"A"simple instruction pian
shows the same numbers. Just follow the numbers'... the first
thing you know, you've built your very own dream hpme , .. or
cottage , or garage,
SAWING A PIECE OF WOOD , imagine the Money •
you'll.SAVc, on labor -alone. •
wanted. BUitd„It'yObrS'elf on ifnio—deg'tiudgetille Ooin °'•
dream homes.
Now, you can have that dream home or cottagP7e,._
contractor and enjoy the personal gratification of building your
The Colonial•Squire
own hOrne,1
Shown is onepf the three COPP BUILD BY'NUMBER
For the family who appreciates the modern, with a touch
orthe traditional , , the Colonial Squire is the answer,.
' Combining the modern beauty of a large picture bay window
and the artistic appeal of the wide overhanging eaves,
' Its overall good taste and sensible planning add up to a
compact three bedroom house that you as Owner WItI
cherish for a lifetime.-
$4850 or 67.98 per month
No down payment, 15-yr;term at 151/2 % plus tax.
• Other homes from $4850, cottages from $2549.
Nor', „
Hwy, 22, Hyde PLondonk. Ocir471-5500,
ow much .heating should yoUr.
. , A heating system should provide reliable heat'.
- ,, . • ., 0
I . • , , \Allen it's required, there's no..disputing that: '
All, prOvicie T.otal'Cornforf. And that ine.an's fre;li cd;
But more than that, a modern system should •
_ ..
cool ciir, the proper humidity and cleanlines.,
. • <(cu.can add all these features \•vhen your
, .
basic wstem is Natural Gas forced air.h-eating.
. For instance, ,You already have the • •
ductwork that's required tO cdrry.conditioned
.a,ir.to.,every parrof.your home . .'. so
Gas air co.:nditioning unit con be installed.
quickly and ecpoomically. Then your heatina
• _
A •
• . ii(Aers con /r14 in /4 (4044;ti.
We have a good supply of die ?
Foundation' and Certified!,
wp-ade witg eatdideiice.
Trade Wit6
PHONE 262-2605
. • "
• • `••••••• •
min me NE • i
system becomes parof your summertime
comfort, too.
Then there's the case for the electronic
air filter vOlich can:be_added to your heativ .•
system. This deviceremoves tiny particles
of dust from the circulating air,onstarltly ,
cleahing and filtering it. Housewives using the
air cleaner have found that dusting and
cleaning•was reduced by.more than 50•0
Next, let's talk about pro -per hniclity
control. There's a case here -for more than -
.,----orniQrt,-b.ecause proper humidity' can benefit
your health. Breathing is far easier,,onci some
forms of respiratory tract:conditions can be
prevented. Again, having' a Natural Gas •,
heating system makes -it easy for you to' in-sta;l
a highly efficient humidity con'trc5! unit.
And while we're on the subject of cledn
air, keep in mind' that askou burn Natural Gas
you're doing your part to help control air '
Onllution. BecouseNatural Gas burrs clean,
Talk to Union Gas or yourNatural Gas
heating co-r4rcrctor for thet:-,tal story on total
comfort..He'll make sure you're getting the
most from you r heating sYstem-, . , more •than
jOst heat-.
• Natural Gas. Clean up to the sky:
• 13 •
Union. GaS
total comfort plafl.
a la aw es I r Iona
oriimorm• oarammomion onimonommit
1661611111.16111116661 61161646464616611616161111111111611
You could qualjfy You mayalso qualify
fora gas credit of
• on the purchase of natural gas heating equipment.
If yoU are notAr.eady using natural, gas for home heating but
are a residential' customer of Union Gas or, your home has an
inactive gas service or, your lhome is adjacent to an existing
gas main that has been installed on that street fot a period of
over one year as of April -1;19-71, you'il-reeive a credit of
$50,90 to your gas account if you install natural gas heating
for an additional
. • •
if you purchase or rent 0 gasmater heater at the same time.
equipment, with an input of 50,0001ITU's or greater., You'll
,receive an additional credit oi,450,00 if -you purchase or rent
and install) an atitomatic.gas water heater at the same time as
the heating equipment. All Violas equipment installedmust
replace "other fuel" equipment.
• • • • • InnntIonnonontynryliwormonnooneffinnftannonnotitIonarin trti I e
ssss This Offer is valid from April 1, 1911 to and including SePtember"10, 1971tall your department store, natural' gas heating contrattor or Union Gas. il‘S S
morrow* .1161.1.1111.•
••••4kimaitii, orimilmoriao diorroirs
-0 -
- •Ix •