HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-5-4, Page 1VOL, ITV ormaaag now,. 1......e.Tavomsurnomassomiliencieanktnawn .1,11,11 •1•7e • EXETER,. ONTARIO • ITHT,TESDAY., MAY 4, 1803,.• • runtromoes,•••:,ma ,^. NO 308 The , olsons.Dank. (Chartered by Parliament, 1833.) Paid up Capital - .... $2,000,000 Rest Fund.... ...... .... 1,100,000, Read °Mee Montreal, F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., Greeters/a, IITAN.AGER act Farm atoney advancee a., gver's 0Z3 their own notes w.'...h one or more endorsers at 7 per cent pox, annum. Exeter Branch. ' Open every lawful day from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. eaturdeys ito a.m. to I. p. m A generalbanking business transacted CURRENT RATES allowed for Mot- ey on Deposit Recei•pts. Savings Bank at 3 per cent, N. DYER HURDON Exeter. Jan 28, '88. Sub Manager ....I v •G . 3144.1.3o ooA mine 94. , .31410e uma oorta Gwv 009 P . P "Pnnenat A.1°A Elm APatuaa MI Jo sloo.Da mei. 'peon!. Jo .,9111.141cis imm. sr Ilan sr eune .repruco tiqpn.sosilosIci Sirtionipia ur la' It hap been currently reported that Freek Sanders forimsrly Exeternsvas - - , Creditoh. Grand Bend. ,....— .. (ii811, kii$S Martha liodgin eouriterpane, Mrs. Davis; ca Miss Sharp; set table Dept Tiennie Love; beautiful clock, frieud; glass water pit, R. seectetechey; Bet. glassware WMoislseo;n1:asregt•egi,tilabst874,ue,e1,rmartsid j lerge lamp Miss Fettle Hode . ' . , 0 water pitcher, Miss Dora eta: fruit dish, finende glass butt e R. McLinchey; set glasswar Sharp; glass water pitcher, 1 isa Ha 'Y ter. of dead, bet the rumor is entirely 'with out tion. foundation. , , 'tow it. up youi eads w s Close • • with ome non' conductor of sound (a little cotton will do) place a bandage over your • d evee, draw it back over your eyes, raw it back over your ears, 0.0 tie it back " ` of head in such a way as to com. iPnieg,t.elYTsbheTwOfityhoyuar.tryie:fltglillatialdndtahiseeala' firm hold of the rigut haud of semen e wil,l.ing, t°11°I.P.'°1-10,in. illaki11.g .the. aext peumant, and also grasp hisLett .II nc With our right. Ask your assistarit s • to read slowly some Haw unknown toBritish you. Your asSIS tan t should read the We are pleaSed to be able. to report that Mr. Alex. Clark, Sr., is able to be around the house again,- rhos. Mon, lock one of our young men of the vie lage7, has ,g,00e to Chicago, where he has seamen a position 'on the Fair ,..., s grounds. We wish Mm.success•-sain Lamport is at present under the (loot- Or's Care, ahd hie mother from Ilderton . . . h• M' let Bader6 ilss.i\%1;taltriellsgenotn inin1H-amtistston arwYith. her 111) ' 'T1 1 d • • ''. 1 1 - blot en- se ey mat an grass Is oo t ince (Preen after the warm rain, -Jos- opt t'Edtverds has started on his route with Glen Daly. --The framers are , .,. 0. M. R b E. ' bust workine ou i 1, o t. ssery s bank batil. ' --- • On Wednesda,y, the 26th ult., at the residence of Mr, Greorge Webb, there toolt place one of those pleasing and intereetinse events which usually cause a htelitor of ex7eitet wit, it baeirigs the marriage of their eldest daughter, j- • 0. T , eine, to es). Mason, he ceiereony was performed bithe Rev, 8, A. Car riere, at half past three o'cloelc, wthe peesenc o a number of invited f guests. Mr. E. Mason acted as wrooms- hl. M' E let bb ' b' • t d ma.n, w i e iss. mina e assis e the bride, After .the ceremony was performed the contracting parties ftod shree couples of their most intimate f.• d ' ' drive.W lien s went out for a When they returned dinner 'awaited them f 1 0 which all heartily partook, and as the evening approached the young people began to (rather nntil the house was . ° ' • well filled. Music was furnished by Mr. I. Farrel end dancino• . ' • ' ' n ra r un till a reasonable hour, vbefliseni.earitl - took their departure for their respect- five homes, wishing Mr. and Mrs Mason is ' ,. ' i. • a nippy ana prosperous life, Presents were costly and useful. •analOodS ,InSOInrilT SI LI1 1119111.0 0t, 011 N0):111120 ZE031 , 111Trr 9411 MO ' ie. csamoti .1:01 0 Ton Ttlf1.1' 1.:0011' 110a1S ' , loi , -Zataill Nflii _ea>: - - Tlosluox . tan Hui 110A • alioi otow A . 31117 e .asseas. ----., n ti re TTig I N Li ii i iin op. ii ' ouol lug, . ill Ti 4 ii ' ., . ...0A il El 5 ---e-ese--- BlitiSill Certain Tr .— London, May let. -The At Express, in its sveekly revie . . . , gram. trade, says tha eets are not sufficient' 111"° P .)' 'to alarm the market aging ' aces price for Eno.lish wheat ts e out the entire country has in a. qua.rter' bute in L°:Icl`ml 1 ls 4d. Foreiwn wheet edvai ens, the first four days of t 0 Fifty one markets out ,of sixt sellers but the nine weakest ) were the latest heard Nam. red winter wheat has , fallen there is a demand for Ealithr at 30s on big orders, The w of India isat 30,08 --see . lines without eitterieg the words -that Farquhar.s is, he should read them in his mind THE Ozet.er boolv.atg, es published. every Thursday Morning, , at the Office, ' . MAIN -STREET., - EXETER, . By the SANDIRS' PUBLISHING OOMPAN Y TERMS OF SUI3SORIFTION. One Dollar PoT 43,11'un if Pala in Advanee. 801,.611 if not so' paid. znaersortnesaaa. inntee nee -rape:nice.- ten= --- discontinued until all arrearages No paper eci+Ic are pe,id. Advertisements withoU , ,p It. c directions will be published, till tornici ni charged accordingly. Liberal discount ma_de f or transcient adverti§'em en ts,inserted _f_or long Periods. Bv"Y description . or .1 II PRINTING turned 011t. in the flne.t style,d and at moderate rates. Cheones,eaoney. or - ors. Rm. for advertising, subseriptions, etc. to is e Made payable to . Sanders & Dyer PEOPEIRT ORS with mouth closed. While your as, The gentlemen from Exeter who held eietant is reading you must calm your a eneeting here last Thursday for the self as much as possible end telitc.e Your purpose of securing the aid of farmers • . • • • self in a state, of expectancy, lookino• • . a in buildieg a, cheese factory and sepal., forthou,ghts to, Come to you rather anor were not very successful, but it is thah try to think. If you follow the thought that the money necessary for - directioes carefully the words of the it tviil yet be raised., We think they itnes will appear •before you as . dis- will yet theet with sueeess. . The pegs. , timely as UW140 ' you were actually ple here are all Scotch, and so do nee. looking with your own eyes, and you go into bustness without looking at can repeat them as readily as you both sides of the picture. Mr. Bawden . . could if ,your own eyes were not band and others gave glowIng account of- .* ' aged. If you fail On first attempt it the success of the faetories in iiiinois will be because you are sceptical and but Mr. Hannah, of Kirkton tried hard . . fail to concentrate your mind properlY• to show up the other side of thunes. Nothing ' '' floalret or Trade 1V11.1nutco. like an open discussion of the A Soeci't1 =Tana, of theo business• f e.. . Inlddlliph, --.-- . On Sunday afternoon, notwithsta.nd ing the unfavorahle weather, a large con owewatioa assembled in -St. P t .' Is' e e , a nee n Church, when an appropriate sermon was preached by the Incumbent in connecti with the d • f the 1 on wi ecease o e ate Mrs. Margaret Brownlee, . who was a . consistent member of . the church for many years and died. universally re- spected and beloved. The choir, under the leadership of Mrs. Prank Wash burn, rendered two appropriate hymns for he occa non The S d• t s .- un ay school had also a large attendance oil Sunday ' ' • ' ..• Bible4 . including a class o., young peo- -, ple of both sexes, conducted by Mr. William John Smyth. re m snot sour - e o her ce) There died at Toronto on Monday of last week, Rebecca, secoed daughter of Mr. Samuel Hiele-e, Biddulph --Mr. F. [II. Hicks 'of Maple Avenue Stock Farm . ' . • is home from Ohio, where he is engag- ed in the horse business. -Mr. J. S. Gil- fillan is makinse re' aretions tMart ,.. p p . o hiS creamery or butter lactcry. He expects to have it running b (ho mid. . b y . . dle ',.4 the month. Farmers iteeebeg „ . in- nines,. to see that it is to their interest to patronize a cheese and butter sfact- ory more and raise less grain if they wish to suceeed ,Let raise the wheat as they, can do it for less 'money at. present,' eta ouo•h the fall .. _ a wheat looks very time this epring.-- Mr. Colby has moved from Stephen to _ the house forraerly occupied by Mr. John Lanthers',Biddulph.--The temp- erance society orgainzed at the resi- deuce of Jr. Joseph Thompson, Sauble Line, BidelulPle is booming twenty 6 two members, and several applications 011. s hine n on the r A yet I ot learned the name of this new temperance orge• nization, but it is admitted that the Sauble Sons of Temperance have done good. T.7.77t-erl.T' .7.-eas c1.111 ''4. N -. • I'' . all + •-., t nes, 1" ,,, ,. , 5, ,• 4.,,,.,.. '.''''''''.Board , I .estimated flay School Repo/ The following is the Month for April for S. S. No. 2 Hay. ' d f 't' are in ordr o men :-Fifth- gart. Sen. Fourth --Nellie Maud Russell, Amite Northc( Third -Nellie Geuld, Nellie James Shirray. Jun. Thir Northcott, j W. Todd A. Second -Edgar O'Brien, Carr e Melvin Gould. Second Pa O'Brien,1 obert O'Brien Jess First Part -Ethel Northeott, cott, John Jackson. The bes in the monthly spelling, mate. Sen. Fontein Kate Chapm Fourth Nellie Se ' - O'Brien;7 Nellie Gond; Jun Thii•d, Jol second Carrie Gould; See • ' • ' • , Eliza Limey; First Part, Jno Trade aid the business men of the vil lae Called to, consider the arrange Stephen. k m tnt of a Uniform series , of discounts rp, _ _ . , ne sehool house one and a quarter on. American dtiver , certificates. and • . mi es ea 0 xe en w lc w I .t f E t • h• h as so coinage was held in tbe Town Hall on severely shattered by the recent storm, Meeditele.retteno. last with the follow .. ,. b pane , ae scaoo exercises ing-nterabers and gentlemen present: has been. re ' ' d d 1 1 •• • „re commeuced Monday. The trustees I) --• .• , J. , r Pr B. S. O'Neil, • . The eesidei t, J ra rn , , ' have plauted a tamper of .trees about E. J. Spackman, J. A. Stewart, A: Q. the grounds and are now having two Bobier, J. Matheson, II Spacknian, R. new coats of paint on outside of build Pickard, N. Dyer Hurclon, 11 Johns • • • • h ) ing, whien will add greatly to t e ape Dr, I_,11tZ and Messrs. D. Wood and. A. pearance of the premises -The weatla- ,T. Rollins.. After a few explanatory er is yerv backward for seedino•• e,ee remarks on• the part of the President • 4., se •• f • finished and Some have only OR uniform deseount the question foi made a start. -The fall viiheat which lowed after which the. following reso- looked so promising at the beginning lUtion was Carried: That the secretary of the season has elmost vanished ow - b t 1 al . ' s ' ' ` reques ed to tna ce ue enquiry a in to the cold weather of April. --The • i a ' robable fature ' . tO, the mese it nd p .. • extent of the storm can be partly meas - t' 1- andbusiness meu - • • ac .1.0n of,the ban ss an . ured in this township by the numerous of LO 0 don reference to America), cur- loads of shiegles that have been rnov- renc '' and re ert at an adjourned • se . • 3 1.., . i . ing this week. • meeting of the 13oard, to be he cl. on I niirivall i 1-1 11 . CIL , - v110 s' • churehenereetorse If L CHURCH --Rev. F. H TRLVITT .......EMOIIIA . m Fa tt, Rector. Sunday Services, D. a, . and 7 p. m. Sabbath School, 8 p,. m. liol h. Yt communion, ist Sunday of each nt Ott a • Service. and in months of five Sun -f Morning days, after Evenin,g Seryiee of ltliSunday_ o on 2nd Sunday the month. Holy Be.ptism .. . , of eaoh month atinorning service., men:ionise cntreeme-eames-st , Rev. A. L. Russell, Pastor. Sunday Seryices,10.8o a. rn, and.6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.80 p.m. mere STREET—Rev, W. MeDonagh, Pas•• for. Sunday Services,1030 a.m. and. 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School 5.p p.m.' - ' W Martin ' PRESBYTER,AR OHLTROIL—Rev. . , Pastor. Sunday Serviees, 11 a. ni.. and 6.30 p. ra, Sabbath School, 9.45 a. m m '''''''''' _...,...„...,, ,. • •-==,--.*‘="=*---"''''""',"' 13 ICYCLE FOR eine.E. ..13, G000d ,,Safety" Bicycle for sale.- ApplIzntye. En. Cat TAKE NOTICE. 1 All acenunts dne•Messrs.1ScNevin & Berry, Kiplien, for the services of the famous Stal- lion, "Joe" are payable only to the under- signed. A prompt settlem.ent will oblige. JOHN MoNE VIN, Kirrxx, ONT en. Stephen. School Repc , The following is a correct S. S. No. 2 Stephen for the 1 . . . April The names are in . ., good conduct, and merin-- . . . Su. IV.-W.Sal el. t • JR. IV.. -:-L. Lawson, J. Flat •efanitoba Sn. III -A. Spencer, G. Li Lamport, T. Edtvards. Jn. III.--eLeLawsmi. N. E Salter, E. Brown, H. Clark, B 'W. Hirtzel. Sn. II. -M. Lampert, R. 1 Lamport, L Sims, J. Sims, K. C. Lampert. SR. PT. lin-Pearl Wilson, / L, ERGOXV, C. Lampert, J. Sim agan, 8. Rollins. . , . Intermediate PT, I -D. I Sims, W.Sims. JR. PT. I, -S, HirtVI, I. Sin wards. ...................................._ dersigned, BOAR FOR SERVICE. -The un . has for service, on lot 21, Con. S. Stephen. (Providence Corners) 8, thorou;hbred York- shire Boar, with a registered pedigree. TERMS: $1.111,payabie at tirae of service, with privelege of'returning if necessary. SOHN 00ORSON, .Proprietor, Orirnewarrenmemnr _Professional Ca,ras. May 5th at pm. Prior to Friday, , . , Greenway. adjournment the meetine• .,,,.. . s, was address 1 p „Dr, Lutz in regard to the repot t- num.-Mr. Geo. Beinger met with a edlihntion of therGeTe-11.,.., to' 'extend heayy loss .1aSt • Monday • morning: ' ' '' , . „ . the'Saturday single fares to and from A.bout 4 o clock his son awoke and on London to Exeter. .t was t ,• a , 1,••hen car- looking' out discovered their smoke ied that the secretary be instructed house was burned to the ground, also t make due enquiry aridleport at the the old low lioness winds they used as a 0 y e next meeting of the Board. carpenter and turning Shop had taken , fire and was nearly all cousumed. The T_TOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO Xi RENT: -A. rare chance .to purchase or to rent. A good hotel, cheap and on easy terms. The underaign_ed offerS-fofirl,itt largo two story Brick Rotel, ' tk t t 1 e ' 0 t io• at a of Exeter, County of Huron, n ar , sacrifice, or -will rent on easy terms. Mere is a good stable on the premises and ev.ery- thing is convenient. For further particul- ars apply to JOHN ROSSIER, .Benmiller.Ont 0 0 er.KINSMAN,L.D. St Fanson's Block -....„------ two doors . north of Carling Store AIN STREET, EXETER, extracts teeth Without pain, Away, at .Hensall. on let Fridar All Se, Craig on :and and 4th. Tuesday ' ' h on last Thursday of each month and Zaino '1 Z :, Member Royal C ._ It ollfeGFgeSteni't D13 rigsle_ns, successor to H. .L. Billings. Office over Post Office Exeter, Ont. A safe anaesthetio given for. ' less,extraction of teeth. Eine Gold tb:e pain „ Fillines as resrairee. NrOTICE IS ,HEREBY G-IVEN, that the ael council of Stephen, contemplate pass- ing a by-law, on Frida,y, the 26th clay. of May, -at Crecliton, for the purpose of closing, the origioal roatl allowance between lots one on the Aux Sauble Con.. and lots one 04 the Santa° Road, east Con. of Stephen, Ar 'as much of it u,s i -s now su,bstit=u1r1 dev.trotilloont. ricc:;ctt.d.orrw txrup ng A Santlible wince:Sloan lo3,°vined by W. Follis, and sell the same to Joseph ilrenner. . 4t --s08 By order of the Council, , ' C. PROUTY; Clerli.. esen=e,----------- • smoke house contained their summer's ' Dashwood. ' d supply of 'meat elk, •J Beinsser s an ..............----.....e....------------...... 31edical ...........-- D r.s. J. A. ROkeLsItNietkegzetT AIMS. sA'aMe as formerly. OFh'ICES,SpaCkman,'. building, Main. S t. Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly -north door. Dr, Amos' office, sanie,huilding-south door. MaY isb• 1S93. ,T. A Rollins, M. D. T. A, Amos, MD. ' — „ Thos Bullock s summei supply the. t 0 ' t 0 ber,of ur v (a.. : Am_ 0 had. been sent 'there for curing puepos e a um , illao-ers are ' 'Flanigan,W.I,awson building new fences weien maxes c n- es Nothing was saved in either build alders:1)1e improvement in the appear ings . Cense of fire unknownan-Mr.Ru- ance of east end. -Mr. .Staubus is f M Ph d S hadded us c erson an on have Ornamenting his house by a verandah more machinery to their factory The and will no doubt have things looking latest is a band saw. They are now spruce by the 10th inst. Did you see preparedeo do sawinse or turning by the pnmp?-Mr. Snider lost a valuable . .. the hour or by contract. mi.- „ b Their' ' J u“"25• horse a few days ago.--IVI.r. me -proved churns, svaehtubs, eiecky-okes, Neil, the insurance agent,. is doing gate knobs aud whiffietrees are 'the nuite a stroke of business in the west r posts, ' , , . , an groat demand as they are. menu- end of Stephen. -There as yery little factured from the best of seasoned done at se etling in this neighborhood tirnber.-The oraneemen of Chicago t -We ere sorr e th heve. to record b - ye . ,. 3 4 have secured a number of Colleagues the death, on ' Mouday last, of Mrs. in Pullman a beautiful suburb of Chi Witzel's second youugest c i , Aura. h'Id T ' 7- ' cage) end are invitino• tue members of The bereaved mother and family .have - , the Order to engage rooms and board sincere svm ath of the community.' • • - P Y while in atteedance at the, World's Harpley. . WEDDING. -On Wednesday, the 261h , , ' • tilt , the residence of Mr. Wm. Hickey was the scene of one of those pleasant d h e ents which young' people au aPPY V look forward to as the most inaporiant • • dayin life, when his third daughter, Maria was married te Mr W. II. Hay - , • • ter Invitations had been sent prey- ' h • d th h ious to t eesecasion an ere e our ',iced for the ceremony to take place ail , . the nests came gliding in from all g . Exe quarters, as far distant as Blake, . ter, Crediton, Parkhill an , d Shipka, mi- til the commodious dwelling of the . genre] host was comfortably filled. See ial chat and jokes went around until ' tools when the contract- half past 5 o c s, . , d 'n line d Rev Dr. ing parties forme 1 , an .. . t - - Beaumon ,, of Palkhill, performed the neremouy, while Mr, C. Hayter an as groomsman, and. Miss C. s y . Hicae as bridesmaid. As Soon as congr atula, tions and best wishes were dispeiased . . with, their attention was turned to the dini . no' room where the inner man wan '' 'all I 'net- sansfiedand where a didamplc j ice to the good things provided. Next ' Ile tuning of instru order ca.meag ments. The violin being handled by M. Da is of Exeter, while Miss Jen - a v , • 7 nings assisted as 'accompanist . on the • furnished mueic so en - organ, who , chanting that even the a 'Iyery haired not resist clicking the ig an as iethe I' ht f t t' , toe for several hours until the dining room was again the tt • etion and though the centre o a la , , .. , fourth table"b guests et 0 four were pro ably lamenting at havingi their pat- ' t t test,they wore more ience put o ai aG Church I • than repaid by the radeemir (b 'th d ore of which o bride an groom w • members) singing seyeral''hymns, fol b se's et1 . d "Th th .e lowed y a son,, en 1 e , e 1 e d Sh 1 " h" h b itt" eave . amroc c, .w sc. was ea 1 fully sung by Mr. Davie; next was a song by Mr, John En.giish, which was well received GarneS were indulged in b all till a reaeonable hour, when the Party dispersed with hearty hard bestwishes.The table ane,e, laden with presents go to show the esteem in which the young couple . est f resee were hold. The 1 o p ts was as t lune Mrs follows: Bed room set (C • ), . John Porn; eight day clock, Mrs. T. N. Hayter, silver pielele cruet, Mrs. J. 13. . 7 , I, , lemonade tray sett, Miss May Dive; large larep with eolored shade, 'en ,/ ' .slipper 0 (leather i lee, mailings; ease, , work) Miss Mar,y Stevenson; elegant . . _ _. _ ... _ . r'l R. T. P. MoLAUGHLIN, MEMBER OF -1-, the College of Physicians andSurgeons Ontario. Physician, Slirgeon ancl Accouch- eur. Offiee, .Uashwood, :Ont. ----- NOT1OE. , .'Ll THE COURT OF REVISION', of the As sessment Roll for the Township of Stephen y le 1 ins , for !NS, will be'hold on Frida tl 26t1 ' t at Corediton, and contracts for hauling gra- vel on the varions roads will bell let on the first 11Ionday in June, at 2 p. in. St. -808 TENDERS,will be received at Crediton. on Satyric...6:4:T enian .)tnh.:.t.:7011,0ittsLirgirnIthiel 1)11711,7 le Igt 22 c 4 a 5 p • _ ori ge ..a. ween o 1 , ons,t en . _ ar ie. ma e mown a time of roomy Plars 'win be 6 ing tenders. By order of Council, it_308 ' C. PROUTY, Clerk. Gaol Statistics. As an erroneous statement , , . statistics has been going the e county papers,. county Holmes requests us to publisl . , lowing correct statements: _ e„ e s. .t1.1.1.110N 1.30UNTY LiAOL bTA The foam -yin w are the statist' a . County o•aol for.the year 181 e . . ber days of prisoners in gao. - , , . e* er s bill lee ...... ..... . .. s • • • . Baker's bill u a el s i ... . .. . B Hs .7 "b'll Milk bill Total for food .. .. . • • • • • • • • • or over 10 1-7 ets per day, ox , . , 305 days r. e. one prisoner fo. for food alone. Again, Salaries b'll • - Food i as aboee au wa el ............ Fuel .d t • o ine .,.... CI tie' se and sundries ' Total . im maintenance• ... . or nearly 65 cents per day o 365 days, which was 11 . .. • ' th keeping one prisoner in e not taking' into accent] . . , 7 . . . to building or insulaece Hohnes, County ' -...—.....- _es_ —a...n.7 Legal. ID H. COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT- IL • OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. OfficeOver O'NeiPs Bank, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. , . 7 Et. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR .1.1. of supreme Court, Notary Public, Oon- veyaneeacoramissioger, Sze. Money to loan Office-Fanson's Block, Exeter. • PASCRA No 1329. 1 ' The German Coach Stallion, will tray- .. el throughout the Wrenson., as follows: — MONDAY. willleave his own,stable,.Exetor, and proceed to Joh.nMoirs, for noon,thenee to the Red Tavern, for night. ' TUESDAY will proceed to Hawkshaw's Hotel, Seeforth for noon, thence to P d _rgast's Hotnel Doublin, f'or night. WaNeESDAY, proce'ed to Donald McCener's Cram.' arty, for noon, thence to Russeldale, for night. THTJRSDAY, proceed to • Woedhatn, for noon. thence to Middleton's Hotel, Gcren- ton, for night. FRIDAY, proceed. to Lucan, for noon, thence to Geo. Seller's Clandebov-e for night. SATUBDA.Y, proceed to Moffatt's Hotel , Hotel. Centralia, for noon, tl:ence to lis own stable where he wiU remain until the following Monday ma orning. ' DOW St TENNENT, Proprietors. ....____..... Varna for b'ale. The undersigned has several. first , „ for r, , class farms sale on easy terms. J. 0 ,DPAOKMAN, Exeter ale Pin LOti4t, Lost, some time ago a tie pin em blematic of a horse shoe set with brit liants. Fin der will e suitebl • - • ll n , y IOG III d• ed by leaving the same at this office, No Monopoly in Drums. . The • propesed amendment of the Pharmacy Act, by which the monop: oly of selling patent medicines and compounds would. be elven to the drugs • t • ' 1 - gists, will not pass, the Local -ogee at ure having. practically pronounced agaipst it. However, the plan might e ork in cities it would not do in coun Y ' try places , where storekeepers keep stocks of Snell ordinary remedies as the people ate familiar with and require. ' ' the ammehdtri n has The opposition to e t ., been venue]. When it was proposed n • . .townshipshakesd 't was seen immediately that it would i .1•withh not do, although11 met t e sup. .head port of medical men and pharmacists. . . . Under ite provisions a storekeeper .place1 cou d no 8(3 a o cough me .s• I t • l'i bottlef ' ti d'enterprising.best . . .- '3. b ' cane or a porous plaster withotet meg, Like' t'l ' 1 liable to punishment. re ear y closing movement, 11 15 an attempt to . ."' . , ,. •' „.. interior° witn Drivate rightse an effort . . . . to preyent men doitig business an buy, ing and selling when and how they V LLIOT St ELLIoT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC ke itoss, conveyancers, Sze. B. V. ELLIOT. Faxonnmx ELLior, ---- Fair. Full particula,rs can be had by Zurich. writino. James Duncan, W. M., of a -- George Washington L O. L. No. 236 a , 7 Mud and rain is the latest. Farmers Box 169, Pullman, Chicago. ' ' Auctioneers are heard growling too much rata and not h seedin a. -Mr G Holtzman _Brewster n muc h. • G. , Of this place, is in Michigan partly on e iness and also visiting- some rela Miss Annie Hartman, of Dashwood, liS , • was visitingted acquaintances in these tives.-Lev. Mr Hoist, who has been , . f parts on Friday of last weela-Mr. Jas. pastor of the Evangelical church, o , , • " th'splace,for the. pest threehas (eilmore, of Forest, was visiting friends 1 • years, . in parIs as wee c.- L. . this we,ek moved his household furni-these .t lasI week . -Mr. and Mrs , n McGuire, of Exeter, were the guests of t Mildine where he as a - tU1,13 0 , y . pointed w ' Mr and Mrs Robert Taylor on Sunday ted by the last conference. The • ' , ' • this last, -Mr. S. Ross and J. Pollock Were Rey. Mr. Brand, of Crediton, isfor visiting B. Line on Sunday last. -Ow week moving to town to take charge • • 0_ ing to the exceedingly wet andin back t the Evangelietil convocation. Mr.1892, • . . . : • , ward spring farmers in these parts Haat will be very much missed oy . , little seeding d et have got vent/ one y 1118 con erecsation and they all join inWm. , ' ''' 1 ' d 1 • -The Jennieou brothers wishing him mem a joy an happiness hers were in Park- hill on business 011 'Nedne2da 1 . ill his ne.w field of labor, while they y of ast also we eame Mr Bland n. . week.—The many friends of Mr. and I • • i their midst It B B 'It'l,guestscould le- Mrs.. e . ai ey, who, un 1 Zurich intends haying a monster edo- • , , _ ,, • t have resided in these .parts, will e bratioft on . P 11 b .tlee 24th May the prize lis - pleased to hear that they and their being already circulated and presents family . , , health •f ere are enjoying. goo in a good appearance. We notice there . • which their new home. -Mr. T. spent are prizes offered for bicyclists w Fultonthe Wednesdayin Parkhill, -Mr. Walter will no doubt prove a success as they , seen wending his in cat was e. .. are numerons. There will also ,be a, 0 h' ' the grand eoncert held in the Town • Hall direction ,of Lane View on Sunday last '''' 'd d (..ewho rest 0 in t he es e. -Mr. and Mrs. G.Gable,W I . 'entree - The committee is in one of Mrs Sehede's houses duns°. sparing neither time nor money to , . • ' . 6- the past wintet haVe remoyed to John niake this a success If the weather P. , . son's Mills -Mee Addie Wilson,who permits 'which is always the ., mem, •„ . ' •1'1 thing to draw a crowd. very was visiting her brother in Petrolia, . E body Wishing to spend a good daye enjoy- returned homo.-Mrs Robb was vis silent should come to Zurich on the !awe friends in Farquhar on Saturday an as .- r.. , d Sunday1 t M and Mrs J. J. 24th, -Miss Laura 'Rohe of Blake was lor was attending the funeral of the guest of Mies rillie„Fisher,, of thie P e , , McGillivray e d M d • Ohas Mrs nnuth in on plade on Sun ay.- r. ati Mia as. . •.,., ossen errs?, o ensa ev• .r e Thtirscley of laot. week. -Me. It. Cooper, B b f II 11 were eisitino• cook at the Comthercial House, numerous friends and rela.tivee iii this . . . . on Sunday as .-• r. am. has had to resign his position for a t M • PeterL • .1 or 's sport short time on adcount of sickness. Fred's min our e i ,1 hoi•se put hint in the ditch on Saturda,y nig a bran new wagon eveis 1 ,- , . * d n hili- 'n d d • a' th n . n,I" Fred last. ee a ere it to e 'mains. r. • TT BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed' Auct ix. ioneer for the Counties of Perth and MiddleseX, also for the township of Usborne Sales promptly attended. to and. terms reason lAble.SoAes arranged at post ofdeo, winehelsa ----, A .T. ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, ',Aeons- -Mooed Auctioneer, for the eennties Of Hilt- 031 and Middlesex. Residence: 1 mile south of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or other- wipe promptly attended to at reasonable prices. , .------ "us BOSSENBERRY,Hensall Ontario.. Lie- AU., ensed Auctioneer' for the C.ounties of Huron and Perth, Charges moderate ancl iatisfaction guaranteed. VRED. W. FARNCOMB, Provincial Land I,' Surveyor. and Civil Engineer. Offico, Ivo. Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont. MARAtiA.GrES4 _ At the • i Anon -en -Plum-- • e les 11 bride's parent's, Stephe 26th ult by the Rev S. A. .7 • . George Mason, to Miss Jar daughter of Mr George W Hesserne---Hreltny-At the of the bride's parents, Ste the 260b th on e , a nit., y e I Hayter c use, 1 , W. -I. , B a oi t Maria. third daughter of Hickey. ARNEsT,ELLIOT. EARNEST AGENT FOR rho Western Fire Assurance Company, of To rent° 'd The Phoinix Fire Insurance Co`y., - ' of London, England' The Alliance Fire A.ssnr. Co'vr., , of London, England. n— Office: -Main -street, Exeter, Ont. EXETER MARKETS. '' - Wheat per bushel $0,63 to 0.63 ,..... . 88 to 85 Barley ... ...has ,ottts ..* . '... 29 te 30 Peas... • • • • • ' — . 55 l'i; 55 Butter • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • • 17 to 18Ta Lard 12 to 13 Eggs . .11 . ' ' - 11- a ” - . - Chicken per lb o to o Clover Seed, .. . 9 75 to 10.00 • Tiniothy......... . 2.75 to 3,00 Alsike 8.75 to 9.00 ' ' • ' Pork 7 00 10 7 20 Potatoes per DUS ... 4 i • • • • • 50 to 55trodwits• Hay per ten ,... ...... .. 6.00 to 7.50 On Sunday afteenoon, 23 rd Mr, Neil Manroe, West Pin . and his sister were driving t by some means the horse be, manageable and ran away, the bixo•tsy and. throwing the . y„, , ii. a . N , , into a pond. t. curter vaeet qtently the yettng lady nuttlt • ' • 1 of her way hotne, while A went in search of his horse . 1 he knew about where t 1 would. Stop, he took across th( where he and. another younts the 16th, are in the habit 0 . up He found OM animal el with nO fierthee &tillage tht e Hess. Mr, Lemont claiins of having lilltritS. , , , , . , . • — one of tele most Stylish pesidlieg wag . ' P Lamont haft Snes.-I ti Crediton on the 8Oth lilt., enseri the conntey. Mr.. P. 7 , _ secured a tenriant for hie hall this week the wife of Joseph Sims; of a (laugh. The Sons of England lifeboat was mit tri commission on SattirdaY after noon timid a great crowd of spectators, please: Look out for rats Eli. ter. tray sett, MrS, oc ; stIvOr butte.r torilOIL : white se stand, ins, Miss eight-day •her, Mrs, W, J. Hickey.; glees eer; glass r dish, Mr, e, Mr. J. liss Lou. de. Laze w of the the crop discour- The aver through. proved 71 as fallen iced dur- he week, y favored markets Am eri can off, but 110 wheat Leat crop 2,500 qrs. ly Report Names -A. Tn g - O'Brien. tt. Sen. Northcott, --Beekie J. Todd. ie •t-Bertie e Munn. as.Northe spellers -- 1 were: - an; Jun., n. Third, n Todde, nd Part . Jackson rt. report of month a order for ap,an. wson, L. eery., 0. elle Sims, sserv, Flanagan Lawson s,P. Flan- wson ssery, L. s, J, Ed- MERL on 0'1,161 round6s of treasurer 1 the fol• eiseecs.- es of the 2: Num- , 3,599. ..$141 68 .. 143 76 6001? .. $365 49 $37.00 far • one year .$18700000 •.•365 49 ...426 40 ...17706 .$2388 89 8237 50 e cost ..ef omen 'for repai Ts re a s serer idettip,ecc! Carriere, es, eldest bb. residenee phen tp., Rev. Dr. to Miss Mr. Winl. O inst., at o churells same iipsetting occupants • Conse• the niseet r. Munro Thinnit g e tijuiM fields to man inf f putting d buggy n ono when