HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-4-27, Page 8,<l '1111111)11E1'&. L. IL Dickson, barrister, has Moved to his new premises on William et, 8 The foundation for the new grist , till is about completed and the carped tors will soou be at work. —We 11aitcl11 -- sollooL SUPPLIES, STATIONARY, 'MAPPINGS, TNYINES, BAGS SMALL WARTS, FANCY" GOODS, C O 1111;;, 13RUSH .ES, SOAPS al!JALL LINES IN MJS1G.lL GOODS: SST' ESOL&3� .� L 7 32T� 3x7 A SSS EXETER, ONTARIO. a 0 -t`t 1 Boom ug Booming. An Irnmens Sto:I®.. Nearly 5,000 rolls of new Wall Paper for you to select from Wit. the BIG BANKRUPT STORE A beautiful lot of Dado Window Blinds and any quantity of new Carpets and Lace Curtains. All at prices very mach in favor of the buyer. J. A. STEWART, LOCAL JOTTINGS. Don't forget to do your premise clean- ing! 15th ,11ay is the limit, Two fine five -weeks old pigs were stolen from Mr. Wm. Down's hog pen, London Road one eight last week. Mr. Wm Bissett's celebrated carriage stallion, "Raven" was disposed of in Manitoba last week for the sum of $400. Stephen school that was damaged, so by last week's storm, has been put and er complete repair and exercises will recommence on Monday next. The foundation for the Bobier Pro- duce Co e new building is completed and the first joist are being laid: The workmen are making rapid headway A burning chimney on the post of- fice. gave thy, people of Exeter a big scare on Thursday last- The bell was sounded and the engine soon on the scene but -no damage ensued. The Presbyterian service will be held next Sauday in the Town Hall, sr, 2:80' P. as., after which the usual hours of. service, -11 A., m and 2:30 r. it., will be observed in the same place. We understand that a writ has been. instituted by Dorothy Roll' is, of Lon- don, formerly of Centralia, against one of the young men of our town, charg ing him with breach of promise. One of the large panes of glass in the front of S. Gidley's furniture store brokenwas by h sdaughte . Edith who e1unfortun- F unfortun- ately forced a lounge through it. On Tuesday. evening, Herman, son of air, Thomas Prior, while playing in the yard with other children, fell off a log and broke his arm at the elbow It was at once attended to by a sur- geon, and is doing well at this date. The annual nal con1 er n e ce of the Metho- dist church willmeet as follows: Lon• don conference at Sarnia, Niagara con- ference at St. Catharines, Montreal con- ference at Cornwall and Bay of Quints conference at Oshawa on June 1; To- ronto conference at Bloor street Metho• ,dist church, Toronto. .At a largely attended meeting of the Coven Presbyterian Church, 'Tuesday night, it was decided to at once repair the building which was so badly dam aged in the wind storm of Thursday last. The steeple is to be taken down, tho walls lowerod.and an alcove built to the east end for pulpit and choir. A liberal amount was subscribed toward the work, and a courageous spirit man- ifested. A buildings committee is al ready at work getthig out plans and specifications, Owing to the illness of two of our compositors we wore unable to publish this week on Thursday morning as is our usual custom. We hope our many subseribors will kindly boar with us an this unpreventable circumstance. The Trivitt Memorial Church was in total darkness for fl,bout ten 'minutes during last Sunday evening's service. owing to the automatic air pump,which distributes the gasoline to the several lamps throughout the church, running down. The abrupt darkness did not interupt the rector, who continued his sermon and all past off without con- fusion., Don't always be worrying about what people say of you. No matter what you say or what you do the ac tion will be different hi different eyes, One will pronounce it good, the other evil. You cannot please only a few, while the great majority don't know. what yon are doing. The only result is to do what you think the best, and let the results be what they may, The election beating case of Trebil cock against Gustin was settled Thurs day, the plaintiff getting his money back. Mr. Gustin was the stakeholder in a bet for 8500 a side between I'. T. Tribilcock and George McClary on the last Carling -Hyman contest in Lon don. Another- similiar case, in which the same plaintiff sues Mr. J. E. Rich ards, will go to the Supreme Court. It generally reads Birth, Marriages Deaths. Some papers, however, have; changed the signs to the Cradle, the Alter, the Tomb. The Sarnia Post has made another change and now the. headings appear as the Entry, the Un ion, the Exit. We expect it will soon turn to Faith Hope and Charity -faith in the future of the child, hope that the marriage will prove a happy one, and charity for the idiosyncracies of the de- parted Mr Wm. Cann received the sad in- telligence of the death of his sister, Elizabeth Ann, beloved wife of James Baker, of Kalamazoo, Mich, formerly of Exeter, which took place on Sunday last, She was about 80 years of age and has been a sufferer for some time caused bya tumor, from the effects of which she died. She leaves no family. Mr. Cann left on Monday evening to at tend the funeral which took place on. Tuesday. In the Local House last week the private bills committee met and passed five bills. The only western measure indoraed was that granted Exeter vill- age power to borrow $10.000 to extin guish the bonus voted in 1878 for the London, Huron and Bruce Railway. This is rendered necessary by the fail- ure of the village to provide a sinking' fund to wipeout its bonds. An amend ment was made to the bill providing that the debt be paid off on the terrain able annuity plan within the next 20 years. "A very pleasant and enjoyable time was spent at the residence of Mr. John Ingram Thursday Iast, it being the oc casion of Mrs. Ingrain's 96th birthday She appeared to be in the best of health and conversed freely with her children grandchildren and friends, who had gathered together. Mrs: Ingram •and her husband emigrated to this country in the year 1842, and have ever since resided in the township of Hay. From. present appearances she promises to reach the age of 100."-liensall Ob- server. A Port Dover genius has written to Ontario Commissioner Awrey for space in which to show a new machine which he has just invented. This machine the applicant asserts, will wake up a man at,any given time in the morning lift vim out of bed give him a shower. bath and put his clothes and boots on ready for work. He goes on to say that as many would not believe that. a w d machine of this kind could be invented he would like to have room to operate it at the World's Fair along with other Ontario exhibits. The provincial treasurer has issued the following it g c cular to the various license inspectors of the province—The Commercial Travellers' association of Canada, a most influential and intelli gent body of men, having a member ship of nearly 4,000, who in ` the dis- charge of their duties have occasion to patronize many of the licensed taverns throughout the provinoe, has brought to the notice of this branch several mat- ters that require your consideration and attention._ It is represented that in not a few licensed. hotels patronized by members of the association the out side closets and inside lavatories are in a filthy and unhealthy condition: that the sleepir.g apartments are indifferent in accomodation and kept in an un- cleanly and slovenly manner; that the sample rooms are poorly lighted,heated, and untidily kept You aro therefore instructed to insist upon the causes of complaint herein referred to being re- moved, not only in the interest of the association and the travelling public, but osanitary groll ds generally.It will also be absolutely necessary, in view of the probable approach of eboi- era during the coming season, to see that the surroundings connected with the hotels in your district be kept in a good sanitary condition. The "Docs., go into Partnership. Drs. J. A. Rollins and T. • A Amos have entered into a partnership and the new firm will be styled Rollins & Amos henceforth. These gentlemen have been practicing here separately for a number of years and have gained a wide reputation throughout this sec tion of the country. The office adjac• ant to that of Dr. Rollins, which was recently vacated by Mr. John Spack- man, is being fitted up and will be oc- cupied by Dr. Amos. We wish the new firmevery success, Tie Pie Losit. Last, some time ago a tie pin em- blematic of a horse shoe set with brit limits. Finder will be suitably reward- ed by leaving the same at this oMee. dsitellow's Sermon Exeter Lodge, No, 67, Independent Order of Oddfellows, will attend divine service on Sunday, April 60th, in the Town Hall, at 280 i>,Bev, W. H. Martin„Will deliver en appropriate ad dress. shipments' Mr. A: Q. Bobier, shipped a carload of egg's t� Montreal on Wednesday, -Mr. R, Sheldon, shipped a carload of dairy cattle to Ingersoll on Saturday. Messrs Snell: and White, shipped twen- ty-one line horses to Boston, on Satur- day. 'Yankee Silver. With a view to protecting Canadian business interests, the city banks have decided to aceept; United States silver Certificates only at a discount. The rate of discount for the present is fixed at 1 per cent. The example of the city banks will probably be followed by outside institutions. Early Closing, St Marys Jouraral.—Several of the leading establishments in town close at 6.80 p. m. This is a move in the right direction and is a boom to assist- ants and other employes, who now have more time for recreation. The drug- gists, hairdressers and others should follow suit. The plan adopted in other progressive towns of a weekly half holiday during the summer should be next in order in the stone town. Am interesting Arbitration.. The action of Miss Lizzie Willis, of this village, against Messrs Da yid Mill and Thomas Willis, Executors of the estate of James Willis, late of the• City Chicago, and; who recently died here, has excited much comment and public interest. Miss Willisclaimedto recov er from the estate the sum of $742.00 for her service, which sum the executors refused to pay, on tho ground of no lia- bility. The matter was referred to ar- bitrament of Judge Toms, of Goderich, Henry Eilber, of Crediton and Dr. John Hyndtnan, of Exeter, and was tried on Friday and Saturday of last week. Many witnesses were examined, among them some medical gentlemen, of Exet, er and professional nurses from Lon- don Hospital. After 'a long and care- ful investigation and consideration the arbitrators found in favor of Miss W. for $600 and directed the executors to to pay all costs. L. H. Dickson ap- peared for Miss Willis, B. V. Elliott for the Executors. Destructive wind storm. The most destructive wind storm known to this section of the country and resembling, a baby cyclone broke. over Exeter on Wednesday night and. Thursday morning, of last week, des troying much property and jeopardiz ing life ' n many instances. Buildings rock -d, fences were flattened to the ground; trees uprooted, windows blown in, tc legraph and telephone wires de- inolished and many buildings un roofed. The congregation of the Pres- byterian church has probably sustained the heaviest loss, the entire roof having 1 -en lifted from its resting place . and carried several rods, the gable end b'own in, causing damage to the amount of fully $2000. A portion of the roof of Hawkshaw's hotel stable was blown off; also that of R. Davis' slaughter house; the school house about a mile west of Exeter was unroofed; the roof of R.'Haggith's barn west' of Cen tralia partially taken off; a barn be longing to Mr. Thos Coats, Osborne, deprived of its roof and several other barns more or less injured. Tho losses altogether will be heavy. Personal 1Wention. Dr. McLellan, of Loudon, had busi- ness in town the latter pait of last week —Mrs. Rich. Gidley was the guest of Mrs. Bee, Parkhill,: last week, -Mrs. Samvel Gidley visited friends in Park- hill last week.—Inspector Tom, of God- erich, has been appointed one of the officers of the Ontario Educational So elety.—Jas.' Creech, Constable, is im proving after an illness of about a week's duration.—Mr. and Mrs. B. S. O'Neil, visited friends in London, from Saturday evening to Monday. --Mrs. Dan. Dyer, returned from London last Monday evening, where she had visited her sister for two weeks —Miss Bertha Willis left for Detroit on ;Tuesday.- Mr. Frank Ruse went to Buffalo on Tuesday.—Mr. Eri annel Bissett was in London ou Morda_v.—Mrs. Wm. Daw and Mrs. J. G. Smallacombe, left for Clinton on Tuesday. --Mr. Jas.Garland, was in Henson Tuesday, attending tt funeral of the late John Blatchford.- Miss Fanny Smith, who has been the guest of the Misses Elliot for the past few days, returned to London ou Mon day.—Mr. Higginhottom, ruditor of the G. T. R., was in town Monday.—Messrs R. H. Collins and Hugh Spackman, were in London .on Wednesday.—.Her man Davidson left for Saginaw, Mich.; yesterday.—Mr. John Moore, of Wing- ham, who has been the guest of Mr. 11/4 Eaerett, left Tuesday for Londou,—Mrs. E. Whiting, who has been visiting in Braceville, I11, for some months, re- turned home last week.—Mrs. W. J. Baker, of St. Catherines, is the guest of Mrs. W. S. Baker.—"Miss Rawkshaw, of Exeter, has established a class in music and so far is giving the best of satisfaction."--IZeaasdll Observer.—Mr. Wes. Bissett leaves to day (Thursday) for Kalamazoo, Mich:, where he will accept a position.—Mr, A, J. McTavish has accepted a lucrative position as traveller and left town on Tuesday. Ile will return heresy occasionally. -Mr. H. K.Ilyndman, who has been in Toron to writing an his exam. returned home last week.—Mr. and Mrs Sweet return- ed from their honey moon trip on Thurs- day evening last when they were gi' t ed by a reception party of invited guest and relatives.—Mr. H. Hooper left yes- teryday on a trip through Michigan and Illinois —James Sweet Jr, and R. N. Creech, typos, are on the sick list, BalIklhllpt Sale McTavish cv Co.'s old Stand. TRE OLD STEROTYPED PRICES KNOCKED OUT. Look at a few ox Our Prices. A nice pair Lace Curtains, 30c. A large range Dress (goods, 3, 5, 74-, 10 and 24 cts. Best 12-ic. Prints, 31 inches wide, fast dye, for 9c. A nice line Flannelettes, 5c. Good Suits. $3.50 and 96.00. See our 70e, Black Pant- ings, formerly sold for $1.25. All Wool Tweeds, 30c. P9ots and Shoes going fast. 'omens' Shoes, 35 and 49 cents. Slippers 15 cents per pair. Groceries . . At Cost P r i c e Come along and buy a $25 Parcel and we will sage . you $1.0.. . a Butter, Eggs and all Farm Produce taken 95 Cash. G. G. JGlHSTG 1, McTavish's Old Stand, !gird Shooters Beware, A great many boys in this vicinity, both in cities, towns and villages, are in the habit of using air•guns for the purpose of killing small birds, and the authorities should put a stop to it Do not those who offer these air guns for sale know that it is illegal, that they are liable to a heavy fine for selling them, and every one of these air -guns may be confiscated by the authorit'e,s? Every boy or man who is found with an air gun, even if he is not killing birds, can be fined for having such gun in his posession, so both merchants and boys should take warning, for chapter 148 of the Dominion statutes makes carrying air guns an imprisonable of fence. The boy who shoots birds with slings or air a•uns does not do so .be- caase he is`vicions or cruel, or because be has any spite against the birds. He does it because he is filled with impul- ses which he cannot himself explain, and because the restless activities of his nature are always seeking some kind of a vent. Most boys admire the plumage and song of birds, and would be very sorry if the feathered nest builders were never seen in our trees. Why, then, do they hunt them with such eagerness, wounding, killing and driving them from .their chosen haunts. The boys themselves cannot answer this question. No one juvenile bird hunter in twenty could, if pinned down to it, give any reason whatever for en- gaging in the cruel war of extermina- tion. BICYCLE FOB, SALE. G000d "Safety" B eyole for sale. Apply to ED. CARLEY. Mr. Ed. Bissett who recently g pur- chased the, grocery stock from M. Vin- cent has again disposed of it to Ed. Spackman & Co..m.®s Have this week opened out the best a n d largest stock of Amer ;can and Ca- nadian • �]iTall Pa er IIMINECCOM01.0•2211l4e, .1•S1371.14.101121/0.1•01,11,102= Ever shown in Town. DI o w is the time to buy your pap- er p p er for Spring. Spack�au & Co .,,rm V,w,..,A a sw,warn'snMVuw..eem,unmaearcwi�vw�.4�YRR Our Clothing Department is complete. Just to hand a choice lot of lion,Apy � i�� `b)��;nCLOT LOTT �q.3:,�+ tor .1)1Civa;'3� and nay's, at prices that will sell them.. I'Iade to o filer S, r.L1Ty of ours, We;. Gt7 .. , i°;TT ETfirst-class style and good workmanship. Od Department was neverurTweebetter. In lac1 or- atedo we have no equal. x:710TVCIT aurvasvanm•,41r,oamvwtm.M,omIMewrwo+m.r.,n .actstrevicuRr.wEempestrxrrr.,..., 11,17.11111161. SEEDS! SEEDSI E Large Co The Spring •time is that Season of the year when everybody should. take TIME by "te forelock. This is just what we have done and now we are able fill all orders for s- 's of any hinds and in any quanty. This ` • the only way to secure good, reliable seed. While you are in do not fail to see our new Stock of Spat l es, Hoes, • • Rakes, Forks, • • . • Shovels, &c, • It, fact eyerything in way of Garden Tools. 1*, dick oil Muhl a.� �� F�;af IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Fain] T>• WIG WANT TO Buy or Sell Town Property IF YOU WANT TO Borrow or Lend Money IF YOU WANT Collections Make Call at T>r, Jno. Spackman's Real Estate Agency. Business Transactions strictly con- fidential. Intending purchasers will receive the best adyice in selecting. land or town sites. Also agent for Allan Line and State Line Steamships,. Office- Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Address:—JOHN SPACKMA.N, Bcx 44 T h o undersigned have opened out a new Stock of firs t -c 1 a s,s Spring and Summer suitings, in Canadian and Imported Tweeds Worsteds, etc,,' which we sell at right prices. Tweed Pants $3. and upwards, Worsted do 4, do Tweed Suits 10. do Worsted do .;16, do Spring Over Coats 1400 and Upwards. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere, We gearantee a good fit. Creech 86 Bissett. Fresh aple Syrup at THE PEOPLE'S GROCERY and Liquor Store We order our goods often cud keep our stock always fresh and clean, Parcels de- - vered free in any part of Town. Ono Door South Opera Hall. ROLUNS y� ftLIAMS Milling Co. of Exeter. I-Iave opened an office opposite the Town Hall, and while build- ing the NEW MILL Will keep constantly on hand a full VERY BEST of the BRANDS OF FLOUR; also all kinds of mill stnffarid Feed. Farmers and townspeople will find it to their advantage to call and see us. ROLLiNS & WILLIAMS. ..J