HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-4-27, Page 6Oa A So A Fa So A Cc WttUItl Spree. etlioil , y UncL say, 5IWIVO OUI.00U 1110101 wwi,u, rum isa a goat . A Jaen 0 AU Trades. ' LAurGEL ' AND LEARN - ... - - - - • ' llegOMO IS. About $15,000 YearlY, outside of hio. $20 a week pay. A or -driver receives eivel and 1 bate him," " Whet no yew SCIENCE IN SPINKING.. hate hire for ?" "Don't you knoW we were ISSUE NO 17 1893. a. weeeeeaway, aadvehereeieWAY. . $'4,(S)0 from r.,tm estote investments in the both aspirants for the hand of the Pine new a Good /Fireman Jlareti Annoy ter Little Qapnerleleet" ".uh, I'm off to Sea toeley Web. my jelly orew I $00,, ray $bip's sonan-o`Avori merstestertrws The Backwexcl Roe , 1 knew an urchin once in school, Tenth ward. A letter=oarrier„appointed by Postmaster Huidekoper, and etill doing duty, is worth $20,000 ; and a Men who woman?" "Yea, I know that, but you, Dm sininloyern ^won her and married her at /east Ave Yeara .,,e, good fireman will seasamei,a00 bel, azai age." " EnectlY," growled Standoff. yet 'precluos p, greater penmen) of deem, 140Tel . in repwat t. par of wooer into! ,.roszusatig ,, intense mention tens, Macre Ocseree there'll be a fight ; I shall kilt a huralred mina 'Prob'IY before night." "Now, I wonder where you go, ' Little Never-Stillee nnui a ctor, denixonlmoW. .doa .Tust like Cousin Will. I must hurry very fait, 'Fore the man gete down , Willi these plasters for his feet. 'Es powders for his head." . "Why that evriniele on your brow, Say, Kr Sober -Face t" . " 00.066, I am a, lawYor now, Trying on a, ease. Thielrill have to cut it off Juet a.little bit ; • Semee that's how my papa, does, . When it doesn't tit.' murderous sword; A backward, ohilel. wee he; Ho would not learn his eaphabet The way the letters all were eet From A through M to Z. But when the teaeher called on him ilialnhobot to ."igt He showed how backward he could be By stpling with the letter Z a And ending up with A. And when his spelling teacher tried To make him spell plain " tea," He made his sohoolmates leugh alai rear Byspelling it hineside before .As though twore 4.64. And how do you suppose that boY New earns his daily breed.2 He's joiaed a elms company And people flock in oroWde to see Rim stand upon his head. serves newspapers from door -to door has irieneY at intereet to the 'oatmeal) of $00,000. The head Walter in a Market street eating - house is werth $30,000, and a cook in one Of the city hotels etvnis $60,000 in 1.1onk Strel5 ma $25,000 in l•nal. WOO. The aeXton 04 wee 0 the churches in the town has ' ncome of 47,500 derived from a yearly i Governeeent bends. , • . • • Good eggnog ie a noUriehinfi. and &hoot° thing for a Worn-out convalescent or a weary invalid. Doctors declare that each egg is: equal to a pound,of moat, and in an eggnog you get half a pint of milk, an egg, with all its nourishing qualities, and two tablespoonfuls of whiskey besides. To make the ooncoolion separate the white and yolk " Ien'b that mama enOtigh I - than ti hend who fondly imagine:1 Meet, piling joeepli Jeffereon favore the "children 0 on fuel is the ne plus ultee Pt atoking up. the stage!". He 'Aye he was a child of the Coals that oake together -require to be stege himself and refers to Adelina Petti, judicioltely " sliced.' Dirty meals require who made her debut at elie age of 9. • Her to be " printed." Some fureaces in vihich great hit waernecle before ehe was 19. Other the tubes reclaim a vast surface of heating , 44. Children of the etege " he mentions as fol- power necessitate the mitten of as inue lows : Mrs. John Drew was ii, tilInd of the genie as possible, stage and is acting to -day et 75 years with ..S. (Avelino:I man when eigaged in clean- Miss 'Julie Merlewe. Master Burise, who' ing out a furnem, will rake out the clinkers was a peodigy in 1832ns alive in Washington ,ancl refuse mid at Mt° same time allow the to -day and toaching music. Clare Fisher, fire to die down. Then, when thenuance of whom you must have heard and of whom door is opened in order to pile on fresh filen your grandfathers heard, acted in the clays the cold' air is admitted, and the internal of Charles Lamb. She was enthusiastioptly meolmnisna of the furnace, that a few min- praised by John Howard Payne, the author eters previously was played 'upon by gases of " Home Sweet Home," and she is still heated to upward of 2,000 degreee Fahren- • •• • . . •: • •• - ACUTE or CHRONIC, Can he Cured by the us a a SCOrr,s ,Tow be wields a • Now the pencil plies ; Peddler, preacher, tramp and lord, All by terns he tries, But at last a hush -a ealm • What now, Curly4Ierul i ' "nen just mamma, s little her', And. I'm goiug to bedi" Truth travels straighb ahead, but a lie will stop at every corner and beat it. Misfortune may not remove the mote from our eye, but it takes the beem out of it.- 0 one egg, . beat the yolk, add to it a tea- spoonful of enear and then gradually, the b inilk, alter thia add now whiekey, and last of all the white, evhfOh has been beaten until it is a stiff froth; it Will seem too much for the glees, but pile it ea till it looks .. living, over 80 years of age, and 1 have no heit is now subjected to a draught whom deubt oan atee as well to•day aa ony day in temperature is bid 50 or. 60 degress Paltren- her life. • heit. The strain caused by such. a then The old name for the city of London was mometric range is 0 the grectteate and 4 Lynden or ',Lyndon meaning "the city by MR who knows his business will elwaye , , . • avoid Luny cleaning out his furn&oe without the lake," A. old tradition says the St fire' die down farther EM USION U . of pure Cod Liver Oil, with the Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. A feeble stomach. &Smog for Easter. 0 creation, The purest thing about the average brand of maple syrup is the gall of its meanie°. mountain. Place like a loftysnormcapped . your eggnog on a pretty plate with a deli. suffering the to any Louis Globe -Democrat, gives ne to under- . • . . stand that London Wen foutided by Brute, a than is necessary.-Oltambers' Journal. . takes kindly to it and its , i flesh, and 0 sing E361 a song •God's dealings and merciee to inan i A song of Ms wonderful kindness. The joyf alleet one bhat you can! And let it abound with emotion- Loud. praise wi eh delight in accord- A. bright sparkling spray irrideseenb With &nee to -Jesus our Lord ; niters. "That air is very familiar," said the musician as a gust of wind took his hat away. Since the introduction of electricity the street -oar horse has been graduelly losing mtee cracker or a bib of spongeoake and You have a dainty and inviting littlo'br000r fib for raYaltY. ite°1L • "It's a standing oke,"jas the man in. the oar said as he rode outfrom Benton. "Tell me, dem your sister keep her birth- "Yes; keeps them desoendant of fames, and that it was first -The old farm nowadays doesn't called New Troy or Troynovante In the • - pay time of Lud it was surrounded by a wall, allffidesitly to keep all the. boys at home. and was then known as Ludn Town, or Theresultte they grow Mathias and .finally Crer•Lud. This latter is probably the °or- go vv eel), "%mere Lianas are oneap. Michigan . contains a large porbion of Canadians who reot version 0 the origin of the name of - * London nor no other reason, because lb is ;ere prosperous and contented. Quite a few * have the KEYSTONE LANDS, continued use adds makes one feel strong and well. „ . ' on nereneeeNe*-newareof stmentatem G012111;16 prepared hy Roott ., sown& neuenue: seta by all (14%1E61661k 60o. and $1.00. ..A.01k, • ....,. . • ' his pull.such days still?" she very • 1 i settled on to detect a SIMI ar ty ..e. ..... ,. A song that may charm e'en the angels, And lea-d.thein to join its refrain, 'Till heaven shall resound with its chorus, And God come to mortals again; A song that shall tell of His rising From Joseph's new tomb the third day, Dodge the man who is is alwaya wanting to - d • Hto b give you a vioe. e only wants ge rid of ib. One thousand Chinese motors are going to it take °bill*" The bill to impose an annual head tax of ,, _ 00 upon all foreign -born residents of Penn- syleania has passed the House' by a large me: .t jon y. an easy matter . between the expressions London and Lud's along the line of the Miehigen Central, • Altoona & tem Dace Railwa s. These Town. It ia claimed by some writers that . „ f . limas ran ve trona $2 to $5 per more, are sold there was a city on the present site of Lon- •13 7 B 0 d it ' k on very reasonable terms, are adjacent to don in the year 110 B. ., an is known towns vitiates with excellent sehoole. Foe that the Romans founded a city there and . ... , , •t4 , Se. ee ' 'I?' 7' It ra, : e 1 e 1 .•1', And praise the clear angels for rolling The stone from its porton away. Chicago to figure in a play which will several weeks to produce.CURE'. I . Lord Granville is about to receive a plum . from the hands of the Queen. He IS to be called 't L d' i i th 61 A D run partiou.ars, write to R M. Piero.; of • • i on in um n e year , A. D. wont Bay City. mob. The ability to look "square in the ... enne......... v, ___...........eet S, GUARANTEED be troubled Describe, if you can. His ascension- The gazers, above tend below ;appointed The angels, no less than disciples. Beholding Him heavenward go. Then sweU your glid.song's diapason, Lot eateries eoho the shout That day taken up by the seraphs,eases Miss Fosdiok (at piano) -Shall sing "Some Day ?" Mr. Dolley-(engaged to her) -Yee, love ; some day next year. Redgold-How did you enplain old Win liame' action im marrying his cook ? Whitewine-Oh, I suppose she gave notice • Lord -in -Waiting at e salary of a3,500 a year. ' ' . • Jaspern-Pederewaki has a wonderful touch. aumpuppe-I should say so. He touched the Americanpublic for about $100,000 last year. you eye " is generally regarded as an excellent Extract Front .LoveeLetter. characteristio ot a man, says the Washing- "Should ee .... people who you fail to reciprooete my affeo- wil 'I've"' There are some tion then please return this letter, in Th e- ' don't think that way, however. They pr. order .,t,hat.a.1 may use ib on another oo- who knowmo doe; tnloythkienegp sm moreoasion. -rciegencle Bletter. feeyreathaevegretnedtl.einaTlweyh eeni Why with Name, cgs „ a, TERNAL OR iNTERNAL, FISSURES. ULCER. •-i,v,. ATioN, ITCHING OR SeEEOING OF THel a q' aEoroiv: au •ANPS wuso Dr. MAWR! e n PILE ORYTMEAqf oyes irrartatate reliab ''' - Is the hands of THPUSAiln$ it bee proved! perfectly invaluable. le Raver rolls, evert jot of long Standing. Paige $1.00 at Dralisjesio Sent by men on receipt of tortes by addressing Whose anthem, all joy. told it out. to leave. "The point Pm trying to make is this," annoying then an imprudent stare, such as She (fondly) -Do you care for me as mach .1 ' CLARK CHEMICAL ell. 11,2 ' M. '4 Sr risst mem Think it Over. hat will it cost to visit the Fair 7 id have you the money in band to spare? Hobson-Whiolapaper do you take now? Jenkins -I dean take any. Hobson -How is that ? Jenkine-I get all the realism I want in the magazines. remarked the brunnette, as she whittled desperately at the lead pencil. But none of the others could see it.' who - gent eman generally in u gee in . the 1• d id himselftheblit ' miaow as- ' pr es on a 1 y la cin . . . He (wildly) -Who -who? She Some of the most honorable and,eiterhatitgbht; (whispering) -As muck as ever. have and Acquaintance CARDS with your .2510nOelope, Silk Fringe, Fancy Sham name. 12 cents. Address, P. 0.- Box SW k ere's the railroad tickets andparlor cars- Lank goodness, no drinks or yet cigars. . First Fair One -So Fred and Arlihtir both In Japan no woman is permitted to be an hold- forward men in the country y eyes, and they find it uncomfortable to e . Woodstock, Ontario. ie breakfasts. dinnera and suppers, too, to her. Which was the lucky editor or a publisher, the Government is "neither desirable gaze steadfastly at anybody or .anything DOSES25 \ id the porter's fees -they are not a few. i matter how shiny your shoes may be, I matter how clearly that fact he'll see, 1 matter where you hide them from view, ell dig them out. and he'll "clean "them, too. proposed one? The Other Fair One -I don't knownor yet ; Fred married her. . Johnnie -Say, Tommie, do you ever get licked by the teacher. Tommie (withpride) Ing that Muth work becoming in female." s The New York Walters say that they would rather. have living wages and lees ti Th bli '11 b lad to back them e ni en e g more than a minute at a time. As wegrow older, we begin to realize that it itinnt safe: to make iron•clad rules for the judge:ten and measurement) of our fellow beings. The . VI , e enneT, e . r• , . S - Cl •VRE5" o ' Economy always ME IT PAYS. Forty beautiful deaignst of TurIrdeh Rug Patterns. Catalogues freer. Agents wanted. J. J. ISCAZELTON, Guelph. Ont. hen you arrive you must take a cab, ty kind that you chance to grab, : whirled away to your rooms ao small, . -No, I don't. Johnnie (with contempt)- A.V6 you must be a girl. pa. pu • . up in their efforts at reform. • Mrs. Younghusband--Whyciont stay standard that will apply admirably in one COUGH CUR butanes is hopelessly unreliable in another. P5OcEnin ..f."' -'''1'-...11'5.' enennee e er. • e 'rt.03.: i ADIQ' OR. SLUMS'S COMPOUND PEW& II. 4" slo ROYAL TEA never tails. Price M. bYrnak it thankful that you are thereat all. en out and back and out and back, .er the selfsame beaten. traok: , He -I have come to ask for your hand. She (Boston) -Well, I fear I oould not en- dure I you at home this evenbeg, George 1 Your employer Can get along without you. "t 't "1 once thoaght I could be an actor," says James Whitcomb Riley, "but I found they wouldn'e let me. Whenever I- fIRW a Thrthioresst.Oolianmptiore, c onghs, Croup, Sore Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee. For Lame Side, Back or Chest Shilohei Porous SAMPLE FREE. Lady 1 enta WantetL T. A. sLocuai & GO, Toronto. Onto:SO. bile with delight you gaze and gaze , the world's great marvels for. many days. the surgical operation. am afraid will be forced to take me with it. • b t I d want him to George- now i , u on G I k chain(' to do some good &citing, something Plaster will give great satisfaetion.-as cents. VARM8FOR SA.LE-THE ONDERSIGNKII alms and paintings, huge machines, wels of menarche and robes of queens, .nes of silver.and' gold and gems. ange grOves with their freighted stems, Ds of iron and silver chimes, wny natives from distant climes. aint gondolas for watery trips, enderfallaunches and ancient ships, tete the Sty, eteet the world has known, you Mrs. Kingley-Your new gown last.night was a great success. Mrs. Bingo (placidly) -Yes. Everybody seemed snook by it. Bobbie Bingo -Papa said it floored him. for my auth ?" " Why do you ask me autograph asked the poet, who,liked to hear words of fmd it Out. , .. mail e y, roared Mr. Winterbottom from the head of the stairway, "these socks you've laid out for me are not mates." 741,,T • h e t dear," e eit er are your feeb,answerea MWinterbottom, aweetly, from the hall Mrs. below. that would be natural, that autocrat, the stage manager, would yeU out, ' Here, that Mart the way to do thee. Now you come in here ab this entrance and you stand ,, • there, and you do this this way, and you do that that way.' Well, I was always in hot water at rehearsals, and of courae 9 e's:Sh . N ILO H S CATARR If Viet • • _nee. aeceaae ne E M eL nay, .- e e n Have youCatarrhe This Remedy will relieve and Cure you. Price Sects. Tate Injector for its suocessful treatmert free. Remember Shiloh% Remedies are sol 011 0. guarantee. -L' • has a number of choicest farms for sale he the County ot Lambton, the garden of Canada for groan, fruit and dairy- purposes i alto town nropertnes. for sale 'in the thriving Town at ieorest, a brick livery stable for sale at a, bar- gain. Fltst-olass blacksmith and oarrieme shop. Good. stand. Apply. to TFIOIWIesi op wOOD, Land and General Agent, Forest, Oak oke that a scholar would yearn to own, praise. "Because you are the only one who Man -about -town -Now, tell me in muff- couldn't do any good acting in the piece. - los in shapes that are rich and new, can write it," said the applicanb, meekly. deuce if ace oar old could not repl My heart wasinb in .it. It was all on a Detective stories, it COTinet ASTM6EA.. ina and.prmeless pottery, too; antiful birds 0 plumage rare, sotricity's golden glare, By the new telantogniph portraits can be transmitted by wire. A good many 0 those you family jewels with counterfeit ones so that no one could tall the difference ? Jeweller false badein 70U deyou see. Why, I used to say to him, 'No man ever said that thing plete love stories and 100 Popular Songs Itt 1 1 TH MIL L IN C cents (silver). Ind. Nov. Co., Boyioston, ,6,- )i- A ten deers' trial of the best remedy on earth.. that gives instant relief and perform positive. ops that °en grant yoa every wish; to be seen in the newspapers at seem that's Your father did it. the way you went me to say it. 'Tain't cures in all cases of Asthma, will be sent freer eat aquariums filled with fish, orses and cows and lambs and sheep, miners captured in jongles dem, irvels of dress from Felix and Worth, wns from the uttermest parts 0 earth, immoth cannon and sword and gun, Ims from under a„scorobing. sun, yed princes from distant scenes,an kings present to have come by grapevine.-Philadelphin Ledger. . Wife -What ! Five glasses of beer already ! My dear man, think of your six children. Husband -Thank you for remind. ing me, my dear. Here, waiter, bring me -Oh, qaite easy. several years ago. • The Philadelphia Health Protective Assn. cite • •wholesomen 1 f Non is the ttt e o a new organization of women which has for its ob•d b W f the n jeot the aiding an a e ing o e cu y officials in the matter of keeping the streetet natural, 'taint truthful, an' ' it will i says he 'you not go." No matter,, do ib the way I tell - you. rve got to look out for the proper effeot.' Well, 1 soon saw they wa'n't going to let me be actor. I was discouraged. /I e- .--eee --- e -e. -- •- e ee.- -- • --es ,, nee_ We send the marvelous French • " - --- Remedy CALT0HthOaSt or: teeTit'ofts'vlilal . E ti le gal guarante - _ea,. STOP Olocharges JcEndooieno, rieoce_e BE „41,.. cum lip errnatorrheskVa 1 nod ItEsTORE Loot Vigor. r^ Use a and pay if satisfied. ? Address, VON MOM- CO. I, to all who apply tide month. As we do not ask you to pay ns one omit for this wonderful reins EledlYiiytoyurraWidlio nboetgwarilltie °tot raiet rimande gia'gvail'aits.tarfriss trial. If itdoes not prove as we claim, we are. the losers, not you. Addrese, immediate% Chester Medical Co., 476 Spadina Aveaue, To- ronto, Ont ts 0 American and queens, id. a million objects I can't recall. anobh.er glass. of the city Mem. A company of Harvard students were Solo American A geoln, Cincinnati, Otlo. 1 f ' w, my advice unto one and all, Meekison-Do think that children " "•I've starting for' Springfield to the n000ball. 'en namenterneemorenneneenemrese Copp s New Queen Cultwator, id. rn take it myself„I do declare- onomise elsewhere and. go to the Fair. yon should be allowed On the stage ? Murdison Meekison-Yon think they Where have you been tinday ?" been oub in the cemetery reading the " game last fall and meant to have a oar to themselves. At the last moment, however, C E irti TS Varafil(ZTRVILh;JA/...dME, • i ne 1=''..A_TET•I'1`)3Co 18 S).3. ' Mother's Prayer. t where the stars in their splendor are shining, Yer snow-covered forest and country so still, mother is weeping, her lonely watch keep- -No. should be protected? Murdison-No, but I think the public should. Jess -I regard Chappie much as the hen did the gosling she found among her chick- ens. Bess -How was that? Jess -I don't epitaphs on the tombstones." Indeed I What are you going to do to -morrow 2" " I am going out to hunt up the cemetery where sinners are buried." . . ro t ittonis , who is 1 h P lib' • • t' Jingones (a west t y "just as the. train was starting, in hasteoe.d an old woman. One of the young fellows, thinking to get rid of her easily, remarked; " My good woman this is a smoking car, ' don't you know ?" "Well, well," .,n trial, and yottr addreon in our AGENTil:oth.7,.. TORY," which goes whirling all over the Enisei: statte to demo who whit to =ea tenEE. canee papers, nutgasInee, books, ',Wares, e*r4ot ,thtt."... terma awl our patrons tecelve bunhele of mr.11. won. 10 wee. Ts D. eiLiVirrieleErenn Zet'ILTLIVitia. 5 E N E • - . 1. .. ‘..t.-BEsr, n the old-fashioned farmhouse, hard by the admire him, bat I up with him because giving a dinner to Percher on strictly tem- ib is answered the woman, "never mind, I'll stgarnSalS2312Es5r o FIRST'. . R mill; ;toning for footsteps, then whispering humbly e 'prayer for her boy. 'his absence to guide! lap him, oh pitying Father in heaven, nve and protect him•whatever betide. Etly the gas light, from chandeliers drifting, rails o'er a oity.home, costly and rare. mother revealing, in • stately dress kneeling. 'nil° from her heart wells the passionate • put he belongs to my set. She -There is a wonderful fascination about the stars; don't you think so? He -Indeed there is. She -I've forgotten most of my astronomy, though. That, I believe, is Venus; but Whertil 113 Adonis ? • Cteveland has annexed a couple of popu- bus towns and now claims 322,000 mu- penance prinuiples)-John, very close in here. Omit you open something ? Percher (with eegerness)-Yes ; that's a good idea 1 Open a bottle." In the manufacture of beer lasb year in the United Kingdom 55,852,570 baehels of malt and cora and 2,096,720 own of sugar were used. The duties amounted to 210,- 079,678. London. is the longest brewing make ft do," d h took t A the an e ea sea . s e train started the word was passed- round, "Smoke her oat." All the windows were -closed accordingly, and every sena:lent pro- duced a .pipe, and soon the oar was filled with a dense -cloud of tobacoe smoke. So 'foul became the air that at last. one of the boys began M feel siok. As he took his pipe from his mouth and settled back into eal COUGH : EAsr '-"en BY TAKING Eby's: German Breast Balsam.; Yon cough dasy and soon be cured of cough. p R I C E V:'''ili' S COPP BROS. 00., - ea e-4 i •• en: - s • L't'd, Hamilton, Ont. prayer : ther, watch o'er him, my boy who is absent, ',end from temptation, and guide him aright, atch o'er his weatness, in mercy forgive -,ove him, protect him, and save him to- night. 'o'er our broad land, in city or country, n wealth min poverty. ever the plea; mother's form bending, a low prayer ascending, eeaching out, calling, oh Father, to thee, Ind. they but know, those boys who are Absent, low loving hearts plead for their guidance eaoh day; ' iy He who notes e'en the fall of a sparrow, L'enderly keep them forever and aye.For laden. This is supposed to put it ahead of ",•ICU•Illit Is t. though the race is a close one. In 1890 Cincinnati had 296,309 and Cleve- land 261,546. George Rogers, an impecunious machinist, of Belie:inter Pa., has received a patent for a steam and hot air car heater, for whit:Mho has already been offered $75,000 cash and an equal amount 0 stook by a New York railroad company. • Mrs. Foster • • • Foster -Thomas, you wind the olook last night when you came in -it has stopped at half-pasb 11. Mr. Foster -I know it, my dear. I stopped it last night centre, having 139 breweries. Burtoacomes next. Frenchmen believe in canals even after their Panama experience. The latest scheme is to dig a big ditch acmes their own land from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean, so that the commerce . of the great inland sea will not be at the mercy of English gime planted on Gibraltar. A remarkable career is tab of Thomas Allen, who served under Wellingbon in the war with Napoleon and under General Scott in the Mexican war, and vrho enlisted at the age of 72 for service in the civil war his seat, the old woman leaned to ward him. "11 you are done, sir," she said, in a wheedling tone, "would ye kindly give me a draw? I came away in such a haste I fo eget mine." It is rumored that London hostesses can now be supplied with presentable dancing men at so muoh a night (per dozen' ?), says Vogue. American ball -givers and ball -goers . . will, doubtless, welcome this as the most. desirable of English importations. , To call , • e, - - a sociee function a ball when its omen tea- tures are a fringe of pretty but mournful blossoms, eager to dance, and crowds of WHAT PEOPLE: SAX OF SIT Mr. J. Howe, PortElgin, says Eby's German Breast Baleam is the best ceugh medicine he has ever used. e. D. F. Smith, Organizer Petrone 0 Industry, hag no hesitaaon in recommend. mg Eby's German Breast Balsam, the best maliolne in existence for coughs and colds. Mr. Chas. Cameron, Underwood, saes lis got splendid results from using Ene's German Breast Balsam and re- highly co amends it • Ain John Ilepner, Manager Port Elgin Brush Co.., says : Eby's German Breast mason -le an indumeznable necessity in his household and recommends Ib as a valuable remedy for Cougtis and Colds. Pub up in 25d. and 50e. bottles. Ask druggists for it. .6i, - 40°' harveet. , always Fr,RR.YISSPEPANNUAL , , r, II 10 (071 %, . 8 4.' . 1- < be Seeds ' and They in demand, ,., 1893 Is Involuabte cue:la:(f:media , tititt, . • . 9 k. At rry ,, %if .;., . . ee • reap a rich • are always reliable, always the best. , :-... a i tta every Banta= of tbe lobest farming The Letter "IL" instead of winding it, so thee you could and is still livingot the age 0 103 years in perfectly dressed, bewilderingly beautiful who decline to dance, is a travesty. your information rro In the hIgbestauthoritien. Mailed Free. ' was whisaeredia heaven, %was muttered in know what time I came home. Tyler amity, W. Va. youtha All this is now to be changed. The beauti- NESESEEESEEZESSO 4 a 1). M. PERRY,11 WINDSOR, nieI • • /hell, • id, eoho caught faintly the sound as it fell; 'twas to " We have a lovely reading club," he • g s said, artlessly. " We made a rule that any into the "• s been It has found," says the New York Evening Post, "that cholera neicrobes will live from two to three hours in beer, five ful youths will be there , as 0 old to look b ' ' ' • t there will be also an &awe - 032' ti• • • AGENTS FOR SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS, Bibles, and Albums, all sizes and prioes. ..,, . the condnes 0 earth permitted rest, id the depths of the ocean its presence confessed. girl who spoke should pay a penny treasury for every word she uttered." n n n ' ' " "Yes; ui e engemoue.but I don't a I g belong to it Why ?" 'It minutes in white wine and fifteen m red wine.0 ff k'll h ' o ae i a t era in two hours, weak tea days, in bl crowd of jeunes Jens, xrreproacha e well d dvouched fD' • turno out, an for by the awing Men's Supply Co. (limited), whose duty itn "t - will pay you to drop e. line to. William . Briggs, Publisher, Toronto. , ,. aae, , eraie. 4 r Illustrated Publigations„ m W 1114 Oft A Is 5,, emereiter iiiennte, met. nonda, neeteasn sill be found inthesphere when nis riven asunder, seen ill the. lightning and heard in the thunder. vas allotted to men with his earliest breath. tends , at his birth and awaits him in death; honor any more. not '! Papa says he can't afford it.", • Tramp -Beg your pardon, sir, but. -. Affable Party -Oh, that's all right,. oer- tainly • don't give it another thought. -. ' w nen you stopped me, I didn't, know but wanted a or something of requires several while cocoa they flourish indefinitely.' . Old Mrs. Boffins -0, doctor, do you think there in anything serious the matter with my lunge? Dr. Pulmon (after careful examination) -I fled, madamm that your lungs tire in a normal condition. Mrs. B. le ure now e Benin y will be to dance. P' t th of the _mind with which the hotess can plan, her ball, merely adding an item to her list 0 orders (and • expectation after flowers, , crash, supper an - aflame men. favorsd' d ' Imagine the contentment of the girls who love to danoe-what does not 7 -in 0.0-, AGENTS WANTED ON SALARY. Or commission, to handle the new . Patent . ir in • n ma • Chemical Ink k as g Pencil. Aee ts king see pee week. name .Ereser easaaaeadueeng , e •• Co. x290 La Crosse, Wis. , 0 e WAS. tamp LOW NORTHERN PACIFIC Mr Tho best Land. now B. LAMBORN. FREE Agricultural, open Idaho, GOVERNMENT PRICE R. R. to settlers. Land COM. WitettingLon 'l ii Grazing Mallet N. P. 51. rind Oregon...0er 1 Ral,„f and Timber Mitt IL, SL Enti,inue- en . &Meow presides o'er his happiness, and 6, health you quarter that sort, and you only -wanted to - beg ney (with a sigh of . plain resignation) -And girl °Opting an invitation with no as . - ,...4. , • the prop of his house and the end of his wealth, ithout - it the soldier and seaman may roam, to the expels it from pardon? Granted freely I God bless you, my man. • • . .. e how long can I expect to live with them like that . • •misgivings to the pleasure 'of the evening, merely a 1 casual wonder • as te- whether the dancing 1, from or -. The i P-te. t ' 'lave. • ou . COVERNTONS NIPPLE OIL Lb woe wretch who home. • • • 1 &nee said the advertiser to the 0 • "50 An ingenious Western man advertises thab 4' men come -- guar- entee, iududes small talk 0 aper- FOR CRACKED OR SORE NIPPLES., , the whispers 0 conscience its voice will be .0. tonna. ' • • in e'en in the whinwind of passion be clronmed. will not . soften the heart and though. deaf to the ear, • - . editor of Society Side -Lights, have .thir; set in your regular type, to appear next to pure reading matter." " Sorry to have to refuge you," replied the :autocrat, '1 but what you ask is impossible." "Don't you he will send a, steel engraving of The Landing of Columbus" to any peraon on receipt of $1. - The lover of Columbus and the fine arts that sends the money receives by return mail a -two -cent Columbian postage of course, featly innocuous kind, from the proper method of ;making tea to the question of . vertical' or horizontal etripes of colored Shirte, or a preference in college colors. ' a:, ,./ P e ' , 7, , .,, Ofningefeee. 4. , ... ,,.• 011 i.i.• 0, ., • - 1 1. , N.L. 4 t ) , ,, , Yer* • , s' - To harden the nipples, commence using- nun month before confinenaente thereby preventin • the motile.. suffering , from ced craelo r suet nipples. Price 25c.' nhould your druggist nab eep i , s k 't e. k him to get it or °liaise ne ei, ceogo, in stamps. C. J. Covernton & Co Disponeing will make it acutely and instantly hear. it in elude let it rest, like a delicate dower- take reading notices ?" " Yes ; but we have no pure readingMatter." , stamp The ingenious Western man is • making a fortune: • A Small Boy's Bluff, CS' so, USE Dr.CLARK'S. CATARI?li CURE. It never falls. IT CURES CATARRH us THE HEAD , Chemis. 121 131 tr t .p :s, eury A eeMontreal, , Q. . l, breathe on le softly -it dies in an hour. -Often attributed to Lorcl.13yron, b•at Writ- t,by;Catherine Panshatue., _ Landed Interest : Gent -Do yon know that you are Inan:dig . on 017 innate 2 m . Harold. -came into the study. one day. The bon' had an aptitude foe working, and n ie k t h "Johnny, where - SitS a 0 ewan on the !slap ?" . . ' "1 know 15 18 teticher, but I THROAT AND NOSE, OOLD IN THE HEAD, HAY - c•-•tvEIR Hind, MED PALATE Ago TOMSK.% rer' 'stores 'the smise of smell, and drives away the 0 AGMS, mpprienced by all wholievee ,.. 11 If I.Were liotie , If I were yon, I often say To those who seem to need advice, Tramp -Who the (mum gave it to you ? Gent -My father. Tramp -Where . did he get it ? Gent -Ob, it •was handed down his father used to cater .to his mechanical appetite at all times-. That morning Harokrs eyes were bright. " Oh, father, did you 'thee where well, am so short that I eennot reach up'to been • cate the exact spot. rine " Then let me.give you a pointer, mid QIJI.I. NEP. e etarris 040 nottleawiff ;epee? tonders. ,F;. ic _ ' 60e at Drurists ,aont by man on rece.gt ot prim by :addressing • . - CLAN CHEMICAL 011. l3fl. ADELAIDE ST Mal; MOM a unb e treat oe all two v I 1 i • d bottles0 die X r an any Sufferer. d E p oss d sLocula & CO..184 West Adelaide o medicine Poo Ogee madras. thxcet.Trocanto. soot ' NI; km OP T. 411. oust I'd always look before I leaped; from nay great•greategreindfather.' .Trainn see about that Yankee down'eatt made . •And then Johnny flunked. I'd alwaya think it over twice. then l'd heave troubled sigh- -Row came he by ib? Gent -He fought ' an engine entirely of paper ?" Mr. Jack- •1 the teacher. ' - • • Pisois Remedy tor catarrh 'Is OW {. Bost, Easiest to Lien, Aed a . For after all I'm Only I, I'd neer discuss, if I were you, The failings Of my fellow.men ; I'd think of. all their virtues first; Anti scan my own shovtcomings ihen. for it. Tramp -Take off your jackeb . Jeatice Meade, in a New York police courb settled a cl,se for ahanonment pre . - ferred by 0. wife, by offering • to buy the baby (which the husband said he was will. d son smi a . o my boy. e me a ou " N b T 11 b t , it. Was it a donkey engine ?" "No. Stationary." a - . Mme. uarpan, a Frertoinfromen who died recently lacking five deem 0 being 100 years , An Adjunct. . Wiggs --It is the glare of the footlights, the wild applause, that intoxicates the true actor. a Jaluable treatise Seffereo Give mor, 14,,,,,,186 , ---." Fs T , a, , r Eil S V and battle orrnedleino sent Fres to etnti, Express and Post Office addraso it (.: „,,, maw" amo., Tortuto,, ot, . irsasPleronmerculamorae*AssmtmeneseivenalranTotTraux.".ftwenneknovre/. and Cheapest . . • Vii..*Irea. el..t4 V I' Soicl by druggidS or seat by maiI, we, Et, T. Nezeiteen.Warren. ra. k DUI though ail this is good and true, ' lain but I ; I tonna you. ing to support) far $1,000 ; vvhereupon the old, was a nurrie ab the battle 0 Waterloo. Wings -Very true (reaches for the cane ; °till* beer helps out amazingly. • .1 'Ali ----------.-..--.-,....... . fatner oried out : " No, no! I'll eupporb Her ,father kept a triill at try, and it was 1 , ,%%.1 If I were you and half so vain, , Amidst my folly X would mune To see how drill and like a fool I Vita% Myself ; I don't because-- (And here X heeve a Tinning sigh) I am tot ybil ; I'm 011171. • If I werci you no selfish oare Should chase my cheery smile away t ' I'd entente round my love and hope; XV do A kindness! every day. . But here again X nun it true That Lam I, and you aro you. 1 would not be 80 von* quick1,.. TO Ono offence, if. / wore you; / would respect myself, at wig Whatever others W1y or do,. . Alas! can re> ciao telt me Wily I not ientead. of f. it ; I'll support 'eta both. I'll give 'em $10 a week 1", The magistrate braked as wise as Solomon as he chuckled softly and din mietied. the can. . it WWI • at a• late g.narterly meeting of B . ' ' $everith-day spiaut Churehes in Wisconsm that two clergymen were tO present papere del the same clay, and, the gut:Maori of pre. eecience having arisen, MI. A,. sprang to his feet and sAid : ' "1 think Brother B. ought to have the best place on the ' programme i he is an oldest man than 1 am, and, beside, is full of his subjeet." When the audience remembered that Brother B's. subject woe "Tho Devil." a eliterfal smile seemed to there the daughter ettended to the wounded and dying French zoldiers as ' t - hey were borne from the field of brittle. She ii&TV ilapolson, and the last word she uttered oil her death -bed was his name. . . i A " photo -corrector ' has been invented and is in preoticial USO by an &ninth artist by which the dimensions of any part of a $ photograph can be altered " and the whole made harnionioue," A person 5i feet in height, can be made to look 5 feet Ingli or 6 feet high, as deoired, and hands, feet, or any other Part can be similerly dentate& The Society Of Arts is to bo told about) the xth. invention notmon - , Willie Slimson-Meenina, I'm in love with , , the beautifullest girl then mob ever lived. lead I want a new suit to eat that Bobbi - at wibh Mr Stimson -But . 13unster o a a. S , tou-Bunyeu a e oneu a, ead . . h v now s it Ir y, Willie. Willie S mson-I know that mamma, bub I've gob • , ' to lick him m this stilt. " Doenthat lazy boy -of Jimoon's do any-. thing for luinself now? Oh, yes. He does all his own breathing." Quiggs-How does Perth& M. Mudde rauk tta a novelist7 Publisher -About at4 rank as any of them. Hutton-What qualineatione has he to ;1 7 t * 'e, e. yglii.."4'',1AF'" 0PP ' , • , • e r , o • - e• ' • k ' '4' • 4 I' 4 , Ire , n e 4 r , e m ' 1 ' .- i 4. •,g iit t i ,•.• a„ e ' 0 I. • ,. t0i al 44 eit TOM BLOOD n fetr.19.2F.ettntat.eaflUtte 0 Fltilmtevan fsNeal.......41.=.1.n. Seee mew* la IllietnieSsesiAr aml Mem $1.60 t totter ,trograrist kess -Tee tt, I minuend Saab est Passiessarre V ' IS ose_.ev 00 mom fol. 0/11.60 Wier. i lave ....nusn.•gerse.qine. ee ad Wen, is. , lot ile &ems et semi Pam 0 e 1 141.. ' as athatallO (ream derieStbewa • am you, ea short, if I Were OnlY VW And dotild forget that 'Wag I X think thae listio enereo wings , - beton around, UM followiag pettagraph is taken from the Philadelphia Press: On Philedelphian .....11..,- e...., 0 -, , ' LT. dr e 6% 'IAA a..t.... - - ,--- --,. . " Pardon roe, Standoff, but 1 (ain't for the life of me underatand why you always alltide to SkidMerci en year hated rival'?" " Well, W•• • +e, ',.. -,0 _ t_ • * • - write 0. novel of society? Young -11e. was it divorce court reporter for a long time. Rock boor ei how how ib 1 n- - gns acmea to he ' LAP M' - '"- t ei Tkt , 4 t ,4 4 UNE SPEOgile eig, eccolellg tlf10 ifissliteiNg et 'MOM Milin WttUItl Spree. etlioil , y UncL say, 5IWIVO OUI.00U 1110101 wwi,u, rum isa a goat