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The Exeter Advocate, 1893-4-27, Page 5
41 V • n a" r T, L'� .1 rl.tti IVO a noir at. ty x lr r J11 cuve.t;r ti, >t intro tae worst ,euses of Nea+otrs Debility, Lout 'Vigor tine N)""i s n i dint{ 'hl.auhou ; restores the 4144., .• 4.1 vreaaness abody or wind caused by eros -~York, or 'the errors orcx• trlxasmW r.,KYep.I•SDn µstage of Yau,th. Thee Remedy air snidely curt* the most obstinate cases when all other 4l11'a7NV45 s have failed oven to relieve,old. by drug. lydtraeY ltPar ,lawic (e,G'.a1xfor ,or sent by uonl an rerernt of Prim Ly mere asuig TIIi0.JAMES 1Mt1iDICIN1C ura„ 'r turortu;'oat, blain ',I. uphlet. So14 In— la—For Sale 14. Exeter by al, W; browning The New York State Legislature has ad- journed. IIIGH HEALING POWERS are pos. sessed by Victoria Carbolic Sarve. , The best remedy for Cuts, Burns, Sores and Wounds, ' Chas, Longfellow, son of the poet,, died in Boston last week; after a lingering sick. ness. Ile lived with his sister, Miss Alice Longfellow, in the oldfamily mansion, • DR WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs, , colds, asthma, bronchitis, hoarse- ness, troop, i all discuses of the throat and ungs. Prue 2oc and goc all druggists, at ggists, Three British warships will do duty this summer off Newfoundland in connection with fisheries protection. If you are tired taking the Large oLd-fash. ioned griping piLL s, try Carter's Little Liv- er PiLLs and take some comfort, A man can't stand everything. One piLL a dose. Try them. Ottawa Trades and Labor council have decided that the proposed pharmacy act amendments are not in the interest of the general public. MILBURN'S COD I.IVIR OCL EMUL- SION with Wild Cherry and Hypophosphi- ites cures all throat and lung troubles. The Governor General's Foot Guards of Ottawa. have decided to visit Toronto on the Queen's Birthday. INDIGESTION CURED. Gentlemen. -I was thoroughly cured of indigestion, by using three bottles of B. B.B and truthfully recommend it to all suffering from the same malady. Mrs. Davidson, Winnipeg Man. Mrs, Almira Hancock, widow of General Winfield S. Handcock, died Thursday in New York. Pain from indigestion, dyspepsia, and too hearty eating, is reLievad at once by taking one of Carter's Little Liver Pints immediat- tyafter dinner. Don't forget this. A barb wire factory in opoaition to the combine has been started in Winnipeg. MILBURN BEEF IRON AND WINE the best $r. Beef, Iron and Wine, Milburn's the best $r The best Beef, Iron and Wine, Milburn's $1 THE BEST REMEDY. Hay is being shipped in large quantities from Wolfe island to Province H.I. Dear Sirs.—I was greatly troubled with eekness, loss of appetite, restlessness and sleeplessness, and found 13. B. B. the most strengthening and beneficial medicine I have taken. Miss fieastip. 34 Huntley St Toronto, Ont. Tenders for supplies for the mounted po- 3ice are being called for at Ottawa. When Baby was sick; we gave her Castoria. when she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, Sshe clung to Castoria. When she had Children,'ah'e gave them Castoria. Several ice shoves took place Thursday in the river at Montreal, and it is expected the ice will leave soon. , HIGHLY SPOKEN OF. Dear Sirs• -I have used Hagyards Yel- lowDil for sprains, bruises, scalds, burns, rheumatism, and croup, and find it an un - eclat led remedy. My neighbors also speak highly of it. Mrs. Hight, Montreal, Que. Senator Samuel Pasco has beem ee•elected U. S. Senator from Florida. Wirt positiyeLy cure sick headache and prevent its return. Carter's LitttLe ` Liver PILLS. : This is not tank' but truth. One piLL a dose. See advertisemert. SmaLr Pint. Simla. dose. Smart price. A New York despatch says Edwin Booth has not had a stroke of paralysis, but is suf- fering from nervous weaknese. RELIEF AND CURE. Sirs.—I have used Hagvard's Pectorial Balsam, for coughs and co.ds'and it gives relief in a few hours and always results in a cure. I would not be without it. Mrs, Alfred Vice, Berlin Ont, Gen. R L T Beale, who was a prominent �Co.federate officer during the war has just C died at Frederick's, Ya. COLhd AND COUGHS lead to consump- tion if neglected. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures quickly and is pleasant to take. 17, A cyclone in Clarke and Jasser.counties. Mississippi, Thursday killed 4o people and injured 2o or more - IIAVE YOU HEADACIIE. Headache, which is usually' a symptom of. stomach trouble, constipation or liver com- can be ent'rely-cured,by 13. 13.: B. ( Burdock Blood Bitters,) because this medicine, acts upom and the stomach, liver, bowels and blood. The Llonvention of the Women's Mission- ary Society of the Presbyterian church clos- ed in London Thursday. a Catarrh is the P 1, o s Remedy for C rh Y I nst.7iasiest to 11so. and Cheapest., Sold by druggists or seat by watt 110c. 11.1•1'. Hazeltine. Warren, Pa. A cyclone et Pachuta, Miss„ killed. seven' people ole-AYednescley night. Prof, Davis' life saving kite was: tested at Newport Maiiday. ' A: kite Was sueeeeStully floated from 'Brenton reef light ship to shore; a distance of 1* utiles; with a fife line- altaehed, A mile of life lice was rurr out in 40 min- ates. Archbishop F abre, of Montreal, has gives his decision; regarding,' the estth lishmont of a grand council of the 0. M,13 A, in Cauada, His grace fully retiognizes the Grand Council of Can- rida, al d advises, his diocesans to 'do likewise. Thursday afternoons Thomas Organ of I,LsL t limb oro was attacked by a boar,He was knocked down and bad- ly ly in,lnied; three of his ribs being brok and he was bitten ou the arias and fact,. Organ wvould probably have been l:illecl, but for his dog, which at tacked the boar and drove it away. Jennings & Co., elrygoods merchants Silncoe, Ont., have faileell with liabili• ties at $25,000. The wholesale firms iuterested belong to the city of Mont- real. henry Barker is assignee. Much fympathy is felt for the firm, as the competition found in the slaughter sales of bankrupt stocks ruined them • Deaths of the Week. Sherriff Harding, of St. John, N. B. died suddenly, aged 74. Patrick Haley, aged 60, was burned to death in Montreal, Thursday even ing. John Gore of Foothill, probably the oldest man in Welland County, died Monday aged 93. The little son of Mrs. Farda, who was se badly scalded Friday, died at the city hopital Monday. Mr, James Hough J. P., died Monday in Guelph, where he had lived 1;336. Mr. Hough was in his 89th year. A Russian immigrant afflicted with smallpox died at the quarantine grounds at Winnipeg Iaet Wednesday night. Archibald McPhedran, a resident of concession 5, Nassagaweye, committed suicide on Sunday by cutting his throat. August B, Chiesbreght, the celebrat- ed .Belgian naturalist and botanist, has just died at his home in San Cristobal, Mexico. Neil C. Simpson, for mauv years con- ductor on the Graud Trunk railway, running between Windsor and London is dead. John Lefferts of Flatbush, L. I., mil- lionaire and member of many banking institutious, died suddenly Tuesday night. Christopher Walker, aged 70, who lives alone in Otonabee, near the yil lago of Keene committed suicide on Sunday by hanging. The dead body of a male infant was found in Carling's creek, London, near the brewery, last week. - There is no clue to the parentage of the child. The house of Dan Erickson, of Brad force Minn., was burued Tuesday, of last week, and the man, his wife and two children were cremated alive. Gen R. L. T. Beale died Wednesday evening at Fredericksburg, Va. He was a prominent officer in the Coufed crate army and an ex congressman. • During last week's storm the roof was blown from Mr. Thos Tyneman's barn at Hanover, Ont., and his father was struck by a rafter and instantly killed. Samuel Buck, aged 11; son of Mr. Samuel Buck of Harwick township,was caught between a hay rack and a beam in his father's barn Monday and in- stantly killed. The horse drawing the load got beyond control, Nelson Chambers, whose; family lives in Amherstburg, and C. Jones, rest dence unknown, were killed by an ex- plosion on the steamer choetaw on Lake St. Clair. Two other members of the crew were badly injured. `Wog lays Fair 'Notes.' Not one of the carpenters employed at the World's Fair grounds obeyed the order to strike Monday, and so far as can be learned, it is;;the intention of the men to continue at work. Tho Manitoba Government intends sending a team of large oxen to Chica go for the World's fair, ''lie oxen will be hitched to a farm vagon, arid the, outfit, gaily decorated, will travel the streets of the, city' every day, by way of advertising' the Manitoba exhibit Foot vim Woarre's FAIR.—Last week Dr. Nicholson shipped ons of his excel lent hot water furnaces to the World's Fair at Chicago, He has a very marl torious :article and should hold his own in comparison with the hest ou the mar l.i't. It has given most unbounded sat isfactiou in town during the past `,win- ter for both efficiency- and ecoeomy.— Gotlei'ich Steer, 6 'o pleteti'a r AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT." A wterbical Wotie that Teti/4 , the causes, Desctibea the ,Effects, Points the Refnedy. Scientifically the most valuable, artistically the most beautiful medical book eve,' pub-. lisped; 06 pages„ every page bearing a half -tone illustration in tints, Subjects treated: Nervous debility, Impotency, Sterility, Deveiopntent', Vitrieocele •, The Btieband, '!Z`hose Inteetdiitg Marriage, etc, .livery nous Who would know the Grand Truths the Plain facts, the Old Secrets and , New Discoveries of Medical Science as applied to Married Life who would atone for past• follies and avoid fuuire pitfalls, should write for this wONlslth FUL LIT I Lt; DDOtne. 1t will be sent free, under seal, while the edielort lasts. Address the publishers, ERIE MEDICAL CO Buffalo N • idYY VY.YY,Y V.pd1.A,eWa'9a.Paw.M.MCwg1v.M� HAS BPI= AP10IN7 .-*Sabu i a 's Ottawa News contained the appoint meet of Magnus Swanson of Gode- rich, to be assistant commissioner of the Dominion horticultural exhibit at. the World's Fair, Mr Swanson. is an. intelligent and eapable man, and when positions are going we are ` satisfied. that Goderich men should get them. MANITOBA &r TIM WORLD'S FAIR.-- Manitoba AIR.—Manitoba has adopted a somewhat uni- que plan with regard to the exhibition of her resources during the World's Fair, and in the course taken she has shown an enterprise which is directly chatactel•istic to western energy. Un- able to procure but a meague allot- ment of spec° within that to be used by the Dominion of Canada, and hav rug a desire to be "in it" so far as the World's Bair is concerned, the ,Manito•: ba government has leased whatis pos Bible, the best outside position avail- able, upon which a, large structure ninety by two hundred footy feet a has beenInthisbuilding the bee erected, bu d r, resources and productions of the North western provinces will be exhibited. Her great agricultural capabilities tor which she is famous, particularly in, production of wheat and other ''grains, will not fail to Lve her a foremost place among the exhibitions of the countries of the world, and will, with out question, bring her before the at Caution of the great army of visitors Fair n• who will visit the 1 err dug ins, the next six months. Around About'Us.. Mr. Michael O'Brien, of the South Boundary of Stephen, is the possessor of a ewe that gave birth to four lambs. the other evening. Monday evening last, J• Hobkirk's three year old daughrer, Hensall, acci•. dandy fell from a table to the floor, and broke her collar bone. The little sufferer is doing as well as can be ex- pected. Mr. John G. Sproat, of the second line of Tuchersmith is in luck this year. He has a cow that lost week presented him with twin calves, and he has 22 lambs from 11 ewes, and they are all living and thriving. Mr. Thomas Cameron, of Hensall had. the misfortune on Friday to get the tops of three of his fingers on his left hand. cut off while operating the slave cutter at Mr. McEwen's salt well. Tlie wounds which were very painful ones, were. quickly and skilfully dressed by Dr. Macdiarmid. The haunted house of Luean col- lapsed Friday morning, and wag car• ried away, spirits and all, by a kindly cyclone from Michigan. The peculiar- ities of a hunted h..use are known all over this part of the country, As the supposed abiding place of spirits no one could be induced' to occupy the building. The Stratford papers say that the premises of Mr. W. O. Babcock, north side of Victoria Lake were visited on Friday'bv a large flock of wild geese, which had been caught in the storm and were unable to proceed on their flight. After several attempts to take wing they swam slowly up stream and took shelter in the woods. Willie, the 12•year old son of Wm. Robinson, St. Mary's was running through the old cemetery with an open penknife in his hared the other after- noon. He fell and the knife passed be- tween the second and third ribs on his right side severing an artery and peu• etrating the lung. The cut was a very serious one, and the patient is now on a fair way to recovery. British Grain Trade. London, April 24.—The Mark Lane Express, in its weekly review of the British grain trade, says:—The mar- ket shows signs of greater firmness in regard to future crops, both here and in the United States. This is due to the drought. The flour, trade, is firmer for English, hut the holder of American are taking less. Low grades of Amer- ican flour have been sold at Lis a sack of feeding. It is probable that the Ar gentine shipments of April and May wheats will amount to $1,000,000 quart ens. Roumania is busily enga:ed in shipping maize and barley. A chilies Revenge. Ancaster, Ont., April 26.—Henry Kelly, of the firm of Kelly & Fisher, lum, ber dealers, of this place came hear los- ing his life as a result of drinking coffee, in which a quantity of Paris green had been mixed, and his 12 year old daugh- ter Letty is accused of the crime. The girl is -disobedient and of a vindictive spirit, and because her father whipped her for inviting a number of girls to a party at the Kelly homestead Friday night without consulting her parents first, she vowed vengence, and on Sun- day night, it is said, she placed a quant- ity of"Paris green in the dinner pail used by her father. Mrs. Kelly did not notice the poison, and put the coffee in the pail as usual. After drinking the coffee Moe day at noon Kelly became seriously ill, and on Dr. Richardson being summoned he detected symptoms of poison immed tely, and gave his patient a strong emcIn.. This had the desired effect,and :tlt7toogli Kelly was very ill on Monday ni„ht acrd Tuesday, he is now out of Anger and will recover. Suffieient. Paris green was found in tate coffee re- maining in the dinner pail to kill doz ase mein, and Dr Richardson is of opinion that the only thing that saved Mr. Kele ly was the large quantity of the, porion he had take 0. The girl Letty Kelly, has been heard on several wagons to utter' threitts.agatust her father for charstising her,ariil itis said,although she confessed Co the crime, she does not appear to De eon's,. for %Aiat she had dobe, Natural- ly atural-iv the parents are doing their best to shield their daughter, but the fritts of tate efi5e' leaked out to-tley. II cents will pay for; the ADvoCArrii fr;eni new iuttil Juts 1St 1894. Subscribe liow: Wa -•.--. i'!G orJ, LL d°:!Ri ;7.u}Y�7;iw1� iltrultf„gi'9t�1 Fetching no, jctc; ' ..t night is always a i;•oub1e, and it is Oi ten ai' entirely' unnecessary trouble if Perry avie, .. �r !' is � c'�ri. X.„ yr'n t? �,.. oval �L..srrli.SA is Kept in the house. A few drops of this old remedy in a little sweet. ened water or hulk, brings prompt relief. Sold everywhere. I-Iave you seen the New BIG CI OTT LE Old Price ee Centtf5 argai.ns ! Bargains o Bargains I 1 The Spring Season is about here and our good wives are begin- ning to think of house cleaning'. Then after the "dirty work” is fin- ished, a few nice pict- ures will be necessary for a spring-like ap- pearance. Bear this in mind, the best stock of' Bamboo Novelties, Picture Moulding and Curtain poles, Is at S GIbllt.+ 'S FURNITURE & UNDERTAKING —Establishment.— Odd Fellows Block. Opposite J Grigg'. Stationary. 7:1t.111: .1 f r .� :TONE. PaCkirt Ai -.:e s Wanted, Dressed. or Alive. Pressed Hogs bought subject to the following eonditions;-2 lbs per cwt 5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck; 3 lbs for, either bung gut or'gullett, if left in. 411 Hogs to be cut' through from Tail to Throat,. Highest Price paid for Hogs weighing from 100 to 200 pounds, dressed. S ELL ' BROS & Co. PALAQIBAKERY The undersigned having handsome- ly fitted up hie parlor and restaurant —will serve ICE CREAM during tate Summer Season, Also a large supply of Confectionery, Bread, Buns Cakes cc. Visits Exeter every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. .411 orders left with George Sanders promptly attend- ed to. Oysters and fruits of all kinds in their season. 1.?, W, FOSS, Hensall Exeler Musical I�str����1 EPIIPORIUM. PERMS & MARTIN PROPS. We cary the most complete stock of Musical instruments in the county. PIANOS, ORGANS. VIOLINS, ALSO SEWING MACHINES, BICYLES. FARM I1\IPLEMENTS &o, The above instruments always on hand. Torras to suit Purobasers. (GIVE US A UALL, EVERYTHING AWAY DOWN UNDERTAKING ROBERT N. ROE, Proprietor of (The Old Established) FURNITURE WAREROOMS5 (One Door north Molson's Bank.) ALL NEW GOODS. LOW PRICES. STYLES TO SUITE EVERYBODY. have also a complete stock of curtain poles and picture mould A Specialty 6 -ewe -TERING. 6414llC; I'STIbil;,FIISTQIlY. rr/�- .l J rR i U ,TlTS , 1" Ce' ti Yl. mem. 4 �. For; eight 'years T was troubled wit'; a sore on my leg which )resulted fror••R. having it broken. Tho doctors kept mo in, bed five months trying to heal it eta, but all to no plupouo. I tried all sort a of salves, liniments, ointments, pills ar•t blood medicines but with no benefit. Le 1883 it became sobad that Thad to si , on one oht.ir and keep my foot on an- other for four months. I could not put my foot on the grounder the blood would rush out in a stream ant illy leg swelled to twice its natural size. ELEVEN RUNNING SORES dev©loped on it which racheted me to a living skeleton (I lost 70 lbs. in four months). Friends advised me to go to the hospital; but I would not, for Iknew they would take my leg off. The doctor then wanted to split it open and scrape_ the bone, but I was too weak to stand the operation. One old lady said it had turned to black erysipelas and could. never be culled.., I had never Beard of Burdock Blood Bitters then, but T road of a; minister, Dov. Mr. Stout, who had been cured of a eevore .bsccss on the neck by B.B.B., after iziec'l, r,l r,ic had fel en. and I thought I would ivy it 1 Kasai,.:;, the leg with the Bitters and took them according to directions. .alter esiug one bottle I could walk on crutches, after taking three, I threw* away the cruteheo, took a scythe and welt to work in ths field. Atthe end of the sixth bottle my leg. was entirely healed up ; pieces of loose bone had worked out of it and the cords came back to their natural places again. That was nine years ago and it has never broken out sines. I caw walk five miles to -day as fast es anyone, and all this I owe to B. 33. B. which certainly saved. my' log, if not my life. I cheerfully recommend it -to all sufferers. Give B. B. B. a trial, it will cure you as it did mo. Yours try, Wet. MoNac, S1. Iculua P.O., Ont. Mr. F. C. Sanderson, the druggist of St. Marys, Ont., oortiftos to the entire: truthfulness of the remarkable statement made by Mr. McNee and says that several. other wonderful cures have been made in bis district. CliRISTIE'S- CommEnciii) Livi- First Glass RIGS And HORSES ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAW e SHAW HOUSE OR . AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Terms Telephone Connection W. G. Bissau's Livers. First Class Horses and Pig:. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at BissettBros.'Hardwai•e. Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - ' REASONABLi A TRIAL' SOLICITED. W. G. ,BISSET•P FURNITT67 NI Never was tl.ere known such low price in Furniture before, as you will find at N Having purchased the Warerooms and Factory lately occupied by W. Andrews, I wish to inform the people of Exeter and surrounding Country that, X am 'offering all kinds of furniture at greatly reduced rates. All Goods guaranteed to be my own hand make, of first-class dry material and put together in the strongest possible manner and of the latest design and finish. All kinds of ordered work and repairingreceives my prompt attention. LUMBER and •WOOD taken in ex- change for FURNITURE. The only place in town where ...0 can buy the Yale's Patent Dominion fickle -sated Wire Mattress - --best Athorisan tiV Andrew's Oil Stand 2 doors Notrb. Town Hall, Exeter. D 0