HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-05-13, Page 14M1
Frain. the 'Distaff Side • . .
the right tp life
The UJniversat Declaration of Human
Rights proclaimed- by the United Nations.
says that, everyone- has the riht-to life,
liberty and security of person, The
Canadian' Bill of Rights says that every
individual hys the right to life, liberty,
security of the person- and enjoyment of
property. In both of these, the most basic
Ia,uman'right is the right to life.
in upholding the right of the individual
to ; life,governments have passed laws
attempt to take'..another' person's life. But
we don't have laws that will save the life
Qf a pers n , who is dying from injury 'or
Mess. YOt that person has the same right
to, life.
Legislation can't help. The right to -fife
for the sick or injured" person can only
exist by the willingness of other persons
to uphold and preserve that right. Doctors 11
take an oath to do everything they can to
save human life. Hospital staffs and
technical personnel have a devotion to
duty which helps the doctor in his task.
�Butlfiis is not enough. Many times, the
only thing standing ,betvveen the life and.
• death of a ,person is the availability of
human blood. Blood cannot, be
`manufactured.• it must come from people.
,�etvP�rexeee �b a wlltt,gs,+�,M
the.. .part... o,f,,.ordihary people to ' help
preserve the right to' lifeby donating their
w blood.
Wo'n't you give blood on Wedi"isday,
May' 19 at G DCI? Do something concrete
about maintaining the,most basic of all
'human rights — the right to be alive.
Dungannon WI
Sees wig demonstration
"The Dungannon Women's The motto was very capably
Institute met arr
t the home of taken by Miss Iva Ca, entitled
Mrs. Gordon Finnigan of "One-third of the food ygu eat
Goderich with 18 members and keeps you- alive; the f other
' Six guests present. two-thirds keeps your doctor
Topic was a demonstration alive". Members found this
on „ wigs by Miss' orb Marlatte motto quite amusing.
and Miss . Valerie Stothers froth The branch dire tors of
the Heather Beauty Salon in 1970-71 named the' slate of
Goderich, with most of the' officers for this coming year,
members being used as models, Mrs. Andrew ' Straughan
Miss Marlette was fort aerly , in tatted the • officers for the
from the Br tssel's, area and diss coining year, and they are as
X+thers is the daughter, of Mr. ,.,. follows:
and Mrs.. Art ; S th f.
a ,, Past President, ,. Harry
Nile. - . sk.Girvin; Presiderit',�`''Mrs. Wilmer
• Twenty-two Easter cards have. Rutledge; First Vice -President,
been sent tosick and shut-ins in Mrs. Harvey Alton; . Second
the Dungannon area by the Vice -President, Mrs, G. McNee;
Institute. -:- . Secret rY-Treasurer; Mrs, Cecil
The W.I. members • also Blake' .,
canvassed for cancer and gave . District Director, Mrs. Harry.
$189.70, with more to be q. G i r �zn, Alternate District
brought in yet. Director, Mrs. Hugh McWhinney.
• A donation will be given this
year to Hur-onview, in place' of
having ',a birthday party, as the
group does not have ,enough
.---memb. rs to put on a party.
' Achievement 'Day for • the
4—H of Dungannon will be held
in Goderich, May. '15.
Mr's. Fred Young- was the
delegate to .the .Officers'
Conference in 'Guelph, April 27.
Dungannon W.I. will hold a
banquet for the Auburn W.I,
Sunshine Sisters, May 5',
Woman to
_.:,.;...". �_ ... Firs't.._off -th-is week; '-r have
noticed a glaring error on the
women's pages last .week which
may or they not have been'seen
,by other readers.' Before anyone
writes or telephones to
complain, I want to set everyone
• straight.
It is hardly a secret that I
'make mistakes . . . . plenty of
them; and this apparently was
another boo-boo on my part. I
allowed the wedding story of
Mr. -and Mrs. W. K. Dineen to be
published with a picture when
the item' most definitely said' the
ceremony took place .friday,
March 5. -Obviously; that was
more ' than one month old and
the little 'box below containing
• the policy re wedding stories
States emphatically we will not
do that sort of thing. '
•In future, friends, I will try to
be more careful about my dates.
It itthat kind of error»which can
get me , in a whole .fetch of
trouble. I was :'still not quite
attuned to the fact that this is
May, Iueiss-
I have had one more call (this
is Friday morning) about the
' bike ride for cancer fund raising,...
I'm just a little surprised at 'the
lack of ';'enthusiasm, although I
suppose , it is the time •rof year
when people are » getting • b,usy
det-of ;doors and reall}I " hate to
be tied down to any kind of a
My latest caller tells me she
4'has been bike riding regularly
now for a few weeks and
suggests, that for anyone w t
hasn't» been otr 'a bikes for a
while, it might be wise to get in
shape before ` going on any
bike-a-thon. I think she's
probably right, so I hope to get a
little practice in. before I set off
with the two or three other gals
who have indicated ,they will
ride with me.
I have . beer' .reading the
Exeter Times—Advocate. with
great interest and have
discovered that the gals ' there
made about $1,500 for the
cancer society. According td the
newspaper, there were only
about 25 to 30 girls from the
town who participated, »so I
figure each woman really did her
We still have not set a route,
but I think we are pretty well
agreed now that we should stick
to pavement all. the way.
I guess the ride is definitely
on .... for a small pitiful band
of us anyway. I'm looking for
• sponsors .... and'for additional
cyclists .join iis_Yoft....can...still
call Mrs. Don , Shortreed ' at
524-9992, . if you wish to
With Shirley J. Keller •
. moment-'or'o: I.'was'`too.b'tisy'�'"_�'the- Maitland Golf and 'Country
trying to think who might- Club's diningroom,
remember me, to open the paper I'm not a golfer, to ' set
and find the enclosed note everyone • at ease. Oh I've driven ,
When dl did read'" the card, -I a few 'balls at a driving range and
discovered the flowers came I've putted a few putts here and
'courtesy the .Goderich Figure there, but I've never played the
, Skating Club 'through the game. The closest I ever came to
publicity chairman, Mrs. Ellen` real golfing was. the summer I •
Jeffery. I was very pleased with was 16, when I was employed at .
this gesture of kindness and the the •Oakwood Inp,golf course at
flowers have a place of honor in Grand Bend!
my livingroom . Does anything.,..:. But I actually, found myself
. brighten up a day like a bouquet wishing I could find the time to
.of flowers? take up the game. seriously, after
* '� having dinner with the girls' last
'clary. Beth Britnell was in to week. A 'friendlier, more
the office this morning and .congenial group of gals Fhaven't
presented me with a copy of,the met in a long, long time and �I
cookbook put pu't by the Local sincerely • hope I can see them
Association v`f Girl Guides, •again sometime — maybe even.
Brownies and 'angers. • The play „ a round ..or two (or
books . contain some mighty whatever it is that you play) of
tasty 1 looking recipes and, golf on their ladies' night. .
aicording to - ,Mary Beth, most of '
the combinations srggested turn Ladies' night as I understand
into some delightful eating. it, ,is Tuesday evening beginni9g
at 6:30 p.m And I also
The booklet, which sells for '
"S1, contains recipes for understand. that, its is possible to
appetizers and • hors d'o4uvres . go down..to the ,•Golf Club and '
• (remember Arthur Godfrey used get onto the. course three times
to calf them horses-doovers?); by paying green fees before it is
casseroles and meats: salad and . necessary to become a member.
. vegetable '.ideas; dessert; breads, This is a new rule this year', <'
and `7niscellaneous foods like apparently. Prior to this time, I
think,»it Was possible to' go down
-' pickles, sauces, drinks; dips, etc. - , •
The proceeds froth the ,to the Golf Club and play golf •as
cookbook, I suspect, will go ' tO much as you liked by paying
.the Guide camp, which is being green fees for each,nine-holes of
built at the_present time. The golf. Now you can play -only
local Association is to raise three times in one seasonat the
$3,9.0,0„iowards:-the project, so a Maitland Club before you must
purchase -of, one of the.' make your decision about,.
cookbooks • will be a help whether on' not to become a
towards that goal. member-
' The books are .available, I
understand, - at Schaefer^ es,_
Interiors, Rivett's, • and from
-Mary Beth Britnell. -Come on,
gals, let's support our local
Guides and Brownies. a
Here's all example of the kind
of recipes which are contained in
the booklet:
6-8 medium'sized onions -'
1 can (10 oz.) condensed cream
of mushroom soup d
1/3 cup water
Coarsely crushed potato chips
Peel and halve ont.ons. Boil in
• salted water until' tender. Drain
and 'arrange in °greased »taking
dish. Beat soup until smooth and
blend ' in water. .Pour over ' But the,friendliness �'- is
onions. Top with chips Baked genuine, I feel. The ladies with
35Q degrees until., bubbling, whom,.I spoke were very anxious
about 25 minutes., Marvellous to help new lady golfers learn
with roast beef. ,< ., the game and appreciate the •.
social aspect of the Club. If
Don't forget . the Blood you've considered taking up the
— Donors' Clinic_ at. QDCI, game of golf' and 'would like tO
-Wednesday;--May 19. Ilse bouts give it a whirl, call me. I will try
are 2 — 5 p.m. and 6:30 - 9. p.m. to put you in"touch with one of
I had a new experience one the gals ,of the ladies' section
Who will assist you to become
acquainted with the golfers at»
the Maitland Club. 7 -
`participate.,„She will, take' your
name and answer any questions
you may have concerning the big
event, (The date'of the jaunt will
depend on the whim of. the girls.
involved.) ' i.,,•.,A,, ,
If you feel y u cannot .join
the , ride but ,'would like to
'sponsor one Of the girls, Mrs.
Shot treed will be happy to take
that information for her fifes.
Let's hear froi°n more 'of you.
I believe that Cancer can be
beaten' Don't you?"
k...... --Y *.
1 had a ».pleasant surprise one
virenift .fast. Week. 1 was woirking
otil in the backyard with try.
":,1"Whattd, -*ben Amy 'daughter
tithe running with' . .. liuge
bouquet of flowers " from
i lillo Ides. 1 eoi drii!t 1"1"i'tagirie
Who ��"ink'the world wo lid .be
tending' hie,, flowers and, for a
• Membership rates vary, I
believe, depending on whether»
or not you are single or enrolled
as - a husband 'and' wife
combination. If you • are very
young a teenager. r- I suspect
— the fees are set according "to
whether or not your parents are
club -members. Naturally, family
plans are more economical.
• The move is on down at the
Golf Club this year to make the.
place a paying proposition., The
directors are Making some
changes in an ,attempt to .tum
the Club around from' its present,,
losing situation- .. and certain
measures have 'been deemed
necessary to make .the venture
successful. •
evening last week when I was ' i
guest of the lady golfers' at their
annual spring dinner meeting in
For Octogenarians
... and those older
the Godericii Signal -Star is pleased .to extend happiest
birthday greetings to the following . new member of the
Octogenarian Glub: , k:
R, H. LEISHMAN, Huronview, whcrmcelebrated his 86th
birthday Sunday,- May 2;
it you know df sorheone who will b celebrating an 80th
birthday or better in the •near future and would like to have his
or her name" rheetiitoned in this column,; please. telephone
524=933:1» c ivingr,the taipe, addrhse ••gage •and birthday of the
celebrant. -
a l There is absolutely no charge for this; service, and vee
pleated to hear from all of you. 1
Branch Directors, Mrs.
Chester• Finnigan,_ Mrs. Alvin
Kerr, -Mrs. Chas. Travis; -Mrs.
George Errington. '
P.R.O. and Press Reporter,
Mrs. Flied Young.
Pianist, 'Mrs, . Gordon
Finnigan; Assistant Pianist, Mrs.
Wilber Br"own:'.' '
Curator, Mrs. Warren Zinn.
' Auditors, Mrs- W. A.' Stewart,
Mrs.• Lorne Ivers. .
Standing Committee
Conveners: Agriculture, Mrs. • .. '
Alvin Ken; Canadian industries,„.„ -,4,,..A
Mrs. Clarence McClenaghazi;
Citizenship, Miss Iva . Carr;
Editcation,'Mrs, Graham McNee;
Historical Research, Mrs. Lorne
Ivers• Home Economics, Mrs.
Gordon Finnigan.; Health; Mrs.
Lorne Hasty; Current_ Events,
Miss Beth McConnell;,
Resolutions, Mrs. Wm. Stewart. -
WED., MAY 19th
Advegthanent Published BY
See or Phone
44 WEST ST. 524-9442
„ v , f� � t ,:oar.• wig i/ZtA w.
p ! JLIIb. „TT
‘',4161iti rlf' INVITAI I!
A.4-1,- ,orivez
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rrr ll>t
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elegant selection ... which
includes announcements and all the,
correct wedding, accessories.
Our welding gift to you•.. ,
11 .Keepsake copy of your In,litatiotc.„ ,„•,„;.
processed in luxurious gold. "
Come in and receive your free Bridal Gift Register
(ubirtr1 ftnttl-Otar
.West Street
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Excellent for Braising
Freshly Minced
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' NOT AT 'A&Pt .�
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3 -lbs & over 6 7'7¢
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Sweet Mix, Sweet Relish or'
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HEINZ SPAGHETTI 514 -fl -oz tins 1.00
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HAAS • Whole' Ib 59?
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Super -Right Quality, Importer:1,i New Zealand '
Sul-�Righ't imported, New Zealand
A&P's Own Super -Right Brand, Sliced
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Rhubarb -Apple Pie fun 8" 24-6z,size 5 9c
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A&P CREAM CORN . 10 fl -9z tin
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A&P _ APPLESAU.CE 10 fl -oz tin_
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. Florida Grown, Large Size 24's, Canada No. 1 Grade
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' All :,prices shown in this aid, .guaranteed' effertive through tat.
hainb4rgepStitten the fytng»pari will cutdown on
grease splattering all o'er the range.
it ,