HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-05-13, Page 11p I. • • r 20. MISCELLANEOUS We do all types , of JEWELLERY REPAIR * Ring Sizing * Claw Retipping • *. Watch Repair * A,cutron;.Repair ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD., Clinton, Seaforth and Walkrton. • 12tfn. ,immilimmoompsomorionwirralow■ 22. TO GIVE AWAY. TO GIVE AWAY - Small Collie dog Phone 524-7080. nc THREE male kittens, broken', six weeks old. 524,7875. - 19 A. BIRTHS .F. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs: Wm. Kolohon of Walkerton are ased to announce the en gement of their daughter, Ruth -Anne, to , Mr. Wm. Edward Quennell; son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Quennell of Listowel. The wedding will take' place on Friday, May 28, 1971, at 7 p.m. in St. 'Thomas' • Anglican Church, Walkerton. 19 • • JAKE 1 ON THE HOCKEY SCENE: As Lloyd Lourisbury says, "you win some, you lose some."r Never you mind, Chicago fans - . it's coming. It's just like a dose of Epsom Salts - it may take a Jittie time bt),t iell work sooner Thursday, night and the bantams V -"THE.7—TASEBALL . „,thin.toers-z*gemitiorati&bottle:,. - at 10 a rri , Saturday. Arid just a or later. • SCENE: 'We asked that-- all ill be last apirant coaches apd helpers for Saturday in May. 'Before* you the minor ball league phone throw those', returnable bottles Doug' Cruickshank at 524,-8331 ' out, remember the kids - and *last week. Doug didn't actually 'they won't forget you. ' get overwhelmed with phone - calls. Can't figure it out Doug -;SIN , THE HUNTING SCENE: , ..• the Two aectisert were th4 was the Signal -Star 'phone number we put in. DOUg's from Michigan, and for thernthe number ' is 524-8391. „ And date df November 26 meant that incidentally, there were 125 the moose season was closed. Our Michigan "friends" subscribed to the theory that a •o • . Pat Masbn organized a special ",duffers" Monday afternoon for the month of May. Jean Knight The treasurer, Joini\VacKay, SATURDAY,. ,MAY 15 wants to remind all golfers that and 'Doris Paquette carefUlly GODERICH 410.1.41078tAR, MOO ..Goolfers criNe' holding- duffert'aftein0 ‘• A rough eStimate of 50 . . . . • th: LiOas71 wgi D el df esdhlb y ay' -5, • It has been a nusy week at golfe. rs. n men's night,' Monday "ening ; 'shares or debentures May also , The' -#04'14"-450.00,114, they intend to pt#ehase extra fulAS s,h91"Y)i.,. • , Those wijo have india'ated tO COMPIete. thiSteaktfialliV;t0' re, • pay for these at the Bank of slated NI:W.12,4* TN, was Nova Scotia or at the club. The eveut be0,145" earii 'tne record attendance of 45 turned The *first ladies' Out at the dinner and gele,ral Tu,esday,1 May 10. This was a president, Dan Murphy, wishes morning .,y,04i meeting. two -ball foursome to help the members become acquainted with the newcomers. ea at --the. ger ball Play e rs over arena Monday night for registration.- For'those who couldn't make it 'you can still, show, up .- at practises ,*•- the ' midgets go at 6:30 • on Wednesday night; the pee wees ARRIAGES-7 DALTON '' PIERCEY 'Mrs. Pearl Piercey, Fergus, Ontario, is happy to announce the marriage of her daughter, Marilyn Kay, 'to house , Mr: Daniel Raymond Dalton, Ph -one son of Mr. Raymond. Dalton, Kingsbridge, Ontario, ion Friday, April" 30, 1971, at Moose MLJLHERN: "Btl'ari and Brennan proudly announce the arrival of their baby sister, Erinn Nicole, on Saturday, May 1, 1971, at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. Proud parents • are Mona and Jim Mulhern, Gbderich. - 19x LEISHMAN: At , Alekanchi. Hospital, Goderich, on May 7, 1971, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leishman, 'RR 1, Auburn, a son, Frank Richard. MACHAN: At Alexandra Hospital,... Goderich, on May 4, 1971, to Mr. and Mrs, Glen Machan, GoderiCh, a son, Mark Jeffrey. C. BRIEFS WHEELCHAIRS WALKERS • The Humanitarian Service C.P. &. T. Committee of the Goderich Oddfellow, and Rebekah Lodges have' equipment for loan. Contact Amos. Osbaldeston, 524-9623 or Fred 624-7217. - cow „ • D. IN MEMORIAM 0:REILLIYC\-.In loving memory of our par May 1, 1970; arid Mom who left • us May 24, 195.6. What we would give if we could say, , Hello to them in the same old Way; , Tb 'hear them laugh,,, ,hd see them smile, To sit with • them and chat awhile. So you who have your parents, Cherish them with care; 'For you'll never' ,know the heartache, • Till you see'their empty chairs. Too dearly loved to ever be, forgotten, Mike, Marlene, Pat and their families. - 19x II • EiCARDS OF THANKS r i 4 , 4 Factory, Ontario. 19 drive'wheld„the BOAT FOR SALE 9 This trim little craft , may be seen in SNUG HARBOUR, GODERICH, (east pier). Fiberglas hull, 40 h.p. Johnson motor with generator; full top; trailer. Performance” -L warranted. ,• • , R. ATKEY PHONE 482-7380 for Demonstration. 19b Girls Juvenile Softball REGISTRATION 'AT GODERICH MEMORIAL ARENA ON TUESDA);', MAY 18th FROM 6:30 p.m. to 8:31) p,rn. REGISTRATION FEE $2.00 AGE: 11 YEARS AS OF JANUARY lst, -1971. GAMES TO BE !PLAYED AT AGRICULTURE PARK. Junior --Softball 1 - IF SUFFICIENT INTEREST IS SHOWN, A JUNIOR TEAM WILL BE SPONSORED FOR W.O.A.A. COMPETITION. •. , GIRLS li/LAY t3E UP,TO 19 YEARS Of AGE AS OF JANUARY 1st, 1971. REGISTRATION FEE: $2.00. PLEASE REGISTER AT THE ARENA :ON MAY R A-rtm FORMS MAraVbgtAIN6 'At THE SCHOOLS. . r , •,. SPONSORED BY • THE GODERICH KIN ETTE ' CLUB. 4 SIEMON: I wish- thank friends, neighbors and relatives for gifts and cards Was- - patient at , Vitoria I-ItOsPital. Also-tb"tho:se who were so kind in' every„ way and also thanks to • Father-' 'Moynahan. Harqld •Siemon. -7 1,9x • , SARTORI: I would like to thank " relaives, friends and - neighbors for flowers,' cards and visits. ;Thanks to those who helped in any way while I was a patient in Goderich. 'Hospital.' Special thanks to Drs. 6auchi and Watts, nurses and staff on second floor. east. - Elfrieda• Sartori.• -,19x -• • McCLINCHEY: Mr. and Mrs. • Gordon McClinchey vould 'like. to express their • thanks' and 'appreciation to our neighbors, relatives and friends, • for attending the social evening given in our honor in the Aiiburn Community Hall, also for the beautiful gifts we received. A special thanks to our close neighbors and to our family fol• the trouble they went to on our behalf. It was all greatly appreciated. - 19 .McCH,EATH: We wish. to' thank Mayor Harry Worse!' and officials of the- town for the gift of a silver tray and flowers on _our 60th Wedding Anniversary, irre--na-i-iiiii-relatives who sent ' us cards, gifts, flowers, telegrams, phone calls, and those who called to see us which -made it a great day in our lives. - Mr. and Mrs...H. A. McCreath. - 19x d POPE: ewish to thank all my relatives, friends and neighbors for all ,the Cirds, flowers and gifts while I was a patient in the Alexandra General Hospital, Special thfinks to Dr. Barry Deathe, ' Dr. Flowers,' 'all the nurses and the girls in green on the first floor, -Their lcindfress 'was much appreCiated,,77, Mrs. L. M. Pope. - 19nc F. ENGAGEMENTS 4 - kit Mr. mid" Mtsa, Edward Jenkin would to announce the - -engagement of their daughter, 'Bonilla Marie, to Mr., ,, Frederick Jewell,, -son of Mr. arid Mrs. •)Gorddn:: Jewell. (The wedding 41 take place June 6, 1971, ;at Knox Presbyterian C,,burch at 2 p,rn. -19 14' •, • • moose hunter from Michigan can be made to look Just like one from Ontario, and they,,set out to prove it. • First, they conspired to transform their Michigan half -ton camper into an'Ontario version of the same thing, ,This was easy, since the Truck manufactuers make them the same in both places. All that was needed was a change of licence pates. Somehow they obtained a set of qntario plates and bolted them on top of the. Michigan ones. This would get them into the 'back country - perhaps past the guards on logging company roads - and into the. deep , bush 'where the moose liv,e. Normally, .with all these elaborate schemes and innovations, an ordinary poacher. would feel fairly secure; but not these chaps. Someone must lave told them how that the north' woods is usually full of 'snoW,,on November '2'7. They examined their rifles and got' one more bright idea: "Black rifles can easily be. seen against ,a white background. Let's camouflage them!" When the hunters , were, surprised by.. conservation officer on ,Kagiano Lake, deep in the wilds of Northwestern Ontario, their rifles' , were coinpletelY, ...taPP4 fr9P1 , qtt stock to ,mlizzle' with white adhesive, tape. Even 'the *each' and mechanism aroun the bolt ' were spray -painted white. It's • possible they4ntend-ed to chuck them • into 'snow 'to ' avoid defection. They never had the 7 -Chance. ended in provincial court at Geraldton last month. The charges: Hunting moose during a ,plosed season and. rising a ' moose licence issued- to another perSon. Perhaps they 'did find out something after all, hderer., There is a difference between a non-resident hunter and a resident, moose hunter. Resident hunters don't tape their- rifles -with white adhesive. enc car -mon /,photography. AppO intinents Made During The,, Next .Titvo , Weeks For: FREE WEDDINGS . PORTRAITS ' CHILD STUDY Will Receive—, , One COLOUR 11 x'1'4' Phot6graroh (Reg. 42.00). This beautiful' colour photograph Will be • your own choice. Call In At The Studio At 95 Toronto St. OR PHONE 6244924 • , • • A I OPENIISIC) explained rules, and answered their fees may' be paid to him At the Bank' of Nova Scotia or at some of the problems of the the clUb to A. Mantha:in the pro beginners. Tree foursomes ' participated in' the session last ' shop. 'After June 1, 1971, Monday afternoon. The players anyone who has not paid should be ready. to tee,,c0„„+„,j)agujhershig.;.,w ilL be ineligible 1:3 'p. „1.0.,... -,,r, • play,..,' on the•caurse. 17. . „.... 0 mnext Monda , 3r.,‘...May ,.. W. J. Demme FLOWER SHOP' !hon. 524. $132 DAY OR NIGHT Agent for 24 -hr. FILM DEVELOPING • .../......./....../.......•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••;••••••••••••./.......... -NO FUSS! 1-,;E:kpy TO 8E LIVED IN. "TV Modern * Spacious ' * Fully furnished * Tastefully decCrated Economical ..*__Vinaiking available. There is a Mobile Home waiting for you at • ASHTON'S Mr.)I.')Il.E HOME COURT.' PORT ELGIN I-HHwciy'21, 832 2467-i FREEZER.F1LLER SPECIALS HINDS OF BEEF /b. 72' SIDES Of. BEEF ib.,59' FRONTS OF' BEEF - lb. 49 • PORK Whole or Half, • lb. 35 4" HAMBURG 50 lb. Lots lb. 49' HOME. MADE, • SAUSAGE ab..994.101b. $3 6 lb. BOX - • ,WIENERS 2.95 LIVER .311,. 99(or PORK OR BEEF HOME CURED BACON $3 2113. 994 RIPLEY MEAT MARKET P hbnePLiiNiA:2961 10:90 A.M. 2 MILES SOUTH ON HIGHWAY 21 Membership cards alienable for the season at .32 Cambria Rd. S. or phone 524-9485. ONE PERSON - $25.00 for season,• COUPLES - $40.00 for season. FAMILIES - $50.00 for season. Mini bikes, go-karts and small engines.L. sakes-ieivioe and rentals - same property 'under the lights till midnight. , S1NESS DIRE - ' Alexander and Chapman GENERAL 'INSURANCE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT • Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Building • Goderich Dial 524-9662 aHt. 1 45 Esp„gx, R E ET C3ODERIDH, ONTARIO • Available For Large or Small Parties CONCERTS —• BINGOS DANCES CONVENTIONS. We Cater Any Time or. Place Banquet Ao9r.ns for 25. to 400' Special Attention' to Weddings , PHONES 524-937 or9264 can trod, .114 1:f4Aieffer !" • . . • . We haVe• a..good„ supply of the "NEW' SEAFARER VARIETY" and SANILAC Foundation and Cettified. I 'LIQUID HERBICIDE. , IF -0 -R -•BEANS -77- Two proven weedkillers in one liquid concentrate. • Greater safety for all types of beans "Trade with Confidence” 'trade With DIVISION OF GERBIL%) CORP. INIENSALIG PHONE 262-2605 • ‚I • ,. 6 Ronald I. McDonald CHARTERED -ACCOUNTANT 39 St.'David St., 524-6253 • Goderich, Ontario OPTOMETRIST W. BELL - The Square , . , 524-7661 'DIESEL Pumps and Injectors ,Repalied For All Popular Makes • Huron Fuel Injection Equipment Bayfield Rd.Clinton-482-7971 Now a good salary • 0 pportu nity-seturity for you in a business career Goderich Business College Clerical, Secretarial, Medical -Secretarial_ Course's .) 524.8521 • Res.524,8'.732 F * FRIGIDAIRE * WESTINGHOUSE * GIBSON * HOOVER Sales and .Service JEWELL BROTHERS APPLIANCES & TV LTD, The Squat.' Goderich For F A§H4.0N RIGHT SHOES . _ The Place To Go Is ROSS ,SHOkS • The Square Godericli Ci' 151,1 FUELS. Distributors For PRODUCTS HOME, -FARM, INDUSTRY * Free Burner Service * Furnace Financing * Gasolines & Diesel Fuels .524-7681 OR 529-7524 Cards For • • All Occasions * Gifts * Books Stationery Records ANDERSON'S. • .„BOOK CENTRE 33 East St. Goderich I 1 ,,, For i. Pleasant Surrounding 'and ' - Good Food GODERICH RESTAURANT " STEAK HOUSE and TAVERN To-ODERICH BUILDING CENTRE 4, 624-8383 • r Anti left a • 000 •,s ' *44.4' .4 • • •