HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-05-06, Page 22()ss. a 0 G)0, ctti ei co (1:9Q°A Gjo • 04. �.O8 Gococ 2� w 04' ag11,�.o%.00o oO• kVeog9g1vw oo wedgw000 • Wedgwoo ... VsledgN° o� �O 1edg too 6q 44o `t io,c3o -e ' o a��,8) ,6 V O� J cP °M %oNP9N'. ooM6pOM o OMjpQM °o' 'U o 0 ,o The Appointment Of SQUIRE GIFTS as Dealer for Famous • ••4 GIFTWARE Wedgwood Giftware, Nurseryware ' and Oven -to -tableware is world renown for superior quality, -its 'living tradition” of progress in design "and its expert'craftmanship. We are proud to have been chosen as dealer for this area. IDEAL FOR AN OUTSTANDING MOTHER'S DAY GIFT — A GIFT SHE'LL TREASURE ALWAYS. OR, FOR THAT WEDDING OR ANNIVERSARY GIFT THAT YOU'LL NEED LATER THIS,YEAR. HERE'S YOUR.OPPORTUNITY•TOBUY THE BEST AND SAVE NOW. Introductory�� Offer oo. A:.L WEDGWOOD GIFTWARE, NURSERY' WARE, AND OVEN - TO -TABLEWARE rl DURING MAY PLUS' Each purchase at `SgU1're Gifts during the month of •May entitles you to enter their ;' draw fora—Wedgwood Cake Plate, a $19.95 value, to be drawn for on June 1st. A Svelte Gila HIGHWAY 21 SOUTH GGDERICH opEN 10 A.M: to 9 P.M. SEVEN DAYS A WiEK , OA GOOERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1971 Springtime weddings ticom P, 4 GDCI band members' to attend summer camp Through a generous donation Wendy.. •McAstocker, Sandra .of $300 from a Goderich ladies' Freeman, Kathleen 1VicCreath; organization, and $?00 from the Mark Riley and Susan Freeman Roy a1 Canadian Legion, some will be going this summer. lucky members of the G.D.CI. ' The music camp is located band will be going to the admkst 45 .acres of . beautiful Ontario Youth Music Camp for'„ trees and lawns on the east shore one weeks this summer. of Lake Simcoe at Beaverton, At the music, night concert, Ontario. There are seven $350 was raised with " the hui'l,dings, all with electricity, and '-purpose ,of sending six, to eight , hoc' and cold running water, with . band members to *the musi'C'' accommodations for ; one ' is ?;ubsidized $50 from the staff includes a recreational original cost of $70. The X50 is director,, counsellors, life split ` into two • parts;, the , guard,,a,registered nurse on duty Goderich Laketown Band pays at all times, and there is a doctor for ,one-half and the other half on call. ,canes from the donations. The Goderich band members me members will be going during .the second Band as week of July = from July 11 to ;3idtl 18. For music lovers, there e .:ThoserY... ar' . 60.1 concerts staged at 1,,-„, a 1:30 p.m. These concerts are Photo by Harvey McDowell MR: 'AND MRS. J. R. HARDY $enmiller United Church was decorated with yellow mums and candelabra for the marriage of Johanna'Pieternella Vos and John iieharti Hardy, B.Sc. Agr., at' 4% "C3'p.im. Aprtbk•24. Rev.. Leonard._Warr officiated. • The bride is the daughter of Mr. and"Mrs""-Nerian Vos,' Blyth, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Hardy, Colborne TQwnsl1lp, ch!-parents"of the groom Mrs. Leonard Warr was organist and Miss Marilyn Rolfe of R. R. 1, Guelph, sang I Believe, The Wedding Prayer, and The Twenty -Third Psalm. The bride was given in marriage by her, father. Her white gown • featured an A -=tine crimplene skirt with .matching lace bodice and bouffant sleeves' ended in tightly fitted buttoned cuffs. A beaded headdress held her veil in place and she carried an old fashioned nosegay of pink and white roses. The brides's sister, Miss Anne -Marie Vos, was maid , of • honor, and' Miss Ida Brooks- of Huron Park was bridesmaid. Their gowns were of yellow diolen and lace with yellow bcrw • headdresses. They carried nosegays similar to the one carried, y . -by yGordona iHardy, brother of the groom, wa "•est man. Ushers were Douwe Veldh.uis, Clinton, and Bartholomew Vos, 'brother • of the, bride. • The, reception was held at•the home of. the bride's parents. The bride's mother chose an aqua crimplene dress with matching sleeveless lace coat with white' accessories. The :groom's mother wore • a mauve crimplene dress made on princess lines and trimmed with white lace. Both wore corsages of white carnations and pink roses.. The -,grandmother -of- the groom, Mrs. ;Genevieve Bali .of" ,:,".• Goderich, wore a blue printed'' jacket dress with corsage 'of ..... pink and white carnations • MR• ,AND MRS. W. K. DINEEN Mr.. and Mrs. 'Rby Mugford, Goderich, are pleased to ea announce the marriage of their daughter Brenda Faye to Mr. William Kenneth Dineen of Seaforth-, The wedding took place in Knox ,Presbyterian Church, Goderich, with Rev..L. Royal officiating. Friday, March 5. The bride,• given in marriage by her father, was attended by Miss Jan Pettus ,as maid of honor,' with Miss Bonnie Mugford and .Mrs: Dick Atchison., sisters of the In' .as bridesmaids, and Misses Kelly and,Melainel,Atchison as flower girls. -Tifee. groom was t ten de' d"bri'arri'es-Ni orrWot aforth •and • - ^ Kim and Mitchell Dineen, brothers of the groom, as ushers. . The reception was held in the Legion Hall, Goderich. Guests , were present from Toronto, Stratford, Exeter, Seaforth and." London: Prior to her wedding, the bride was entertained at showers given by Miss Jan Pettus, Miss Linda Barlow and Mrs. Allan" Brindley. A .. e . For they wedding trip to Ottawa, the bride donned a white knit pant suit. The ' young' couple are making their home inry V.'" ,.. .Ottawa where the groom, a 1971 graduate from Ontario Agricultural College, University of Guelph,' has a position. .of Agricultural Specialist with 'the Dominion Bureau of Statistics and the bride is in the office of the National Parole Board. Prior; to her Marriage, the tride was entertained at several showers in Guelph. The office staff of the National Parole Board presented her/with a set of Te'fflon II cookware and fondue set. Tits 'groom's parents eritertained the. bridal party following the rehearsal at a buffet supper at their home. Colborne kindergarten Registration for the 1971-1972 kindergarten class, was held Monday, May 3, at Colborne Central School. Those registered are listed below with .their fathers' names in brackets: ' Terry Bean (Burt), Marie WEDD'IN'G PHOTOGRAPHY * PORTRAITURE -- PASSPORTS * COMMERCIAL • Maxwell Studio J. SNYD E R pHOTOGRAPHY Call Wingham 357-1851 Brindley (Carman), Stephen Brindley (Reginal Rhonda Brown (Allan), Karen Bruinsma (Cecil), Lisa . Cunningham (LaVerne). Brian Dam (Frank), Brian Davidson (Gordon), Chaley Egener (MacEwan), Monica Etzler (Alfred), Paula Feagan (Gerald), Larry Henry (Ross), John Hulley (Gordon), Roxanne Kernighan (Russel), Calvin Kerr (Gerald), Glen Lamb ,(Donald), Kenneth .Linney (Edward ),m.;^ 'Lori Matthews (Ralph), Gerald Nivins (Alex), Penny Rutledge (John), Brent Scott (Donald), Michael Scott (Frank), : Connie Soyverby Donald), Leslie . Swartman (Robert), Barry Treble (Donald), Margaret Vanderlinde (William), Melanie, Walsh (Ronald), and Anna -Marie Young (Donald). In Goderich Celebrate---2S-year's Mr. and" Mrs. Albert Go.•ier, Oshawa, celebrated , their 25th wedding' anniversary in Goderich Saturday at tht home of Carl ,Govier, 292 Huron Road. The party was given by their children. Mr. and Mrs. William r""41P-)eiT"'"A--42).c"as Moore, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Philip Jewers, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. J. Govier, Oshawa; and Sharon Govier; also of Oshawa. Guests attended from Oshawa, Havelock, Cobourg and London: • t G /1 • ATTENTION! CONTRACTORS NEW 8i USED INDUSTRIAL EM(JiI'MI. NT 1967 " H-4 . FULL 'HYDRAULIC, 80" BLADE $8500 2 Years Old • HD -3 $ LOADER3950 Demonstrator ' 600 AC LOADER "BACKHOE $9900 Completely Rebuilt ,.QC=46_ 9.14vER __T CRAWLER $5400 LOADER '50 m/'hr FLOATING WATER PUMP $ .. With Hose50 Brand N.ew Self -Propelled 3 Cu. CONCRETE MORTAR MIXERS ANCErry ' $1 ! Victoria 1st. North Ft. X430 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT' LTD. KITCHENER PH0Np 742.3571 AL'LIS CHAVIE "$ INDUSTRIAL. DEALER Pplicy re wedding stories The Goderich Signal -Star takes -.great pleasure in publishing free of charge N'eddutg pictures and stories (,)f interest to readers.„...".� Photos and copy. for the 't'cddiiig'pagc Must he Iii the hands of the womcn :s editor no later than Monday at 5 ptii on the week of publication.. Wedding stories which are submitted "for,publicati )n more than one month -.following Mcc-trtarriage will he reduced to' air absolute ,ninirncnTi ,and no picture will accom!Jan.t' the item.• The above regulations -are -an cffcixt. Id 'keep.. -all .Goderich Signal -Star stews features as current, as possible; elo to the felt as° hQY►k lig CP hey. ;alri?ady 1hav* to•-, Ckuurni lgs; aur' ;, urrlrn n' s, °,opan to the public, . Susat °Da:�ld R 'ss, r • : _ r 111c(xill 'waxy , 'EII n_ ..11/ICG �1 Debbie Sitter, J n aniks, Pain • Stand ,t Ernie McMii'lab '' and Steven Smith. ' -' - Seven' others were chosen to i;o also, by means of a draw — Florence Seto, Karen Taylor, u iN • A No Ublgation CAMPBELL'SGODERCH THURSDAY, MAY 13 -- 1 - S P.M. Batteries:- accessoFies, repairs to most makes HEARING -..416S.. • E, R.. THEDE Hearing Aid Service Ltd. 88 Queen St. Kitchener GgQERICH �r H�ckev k� "+ b, .�y%i . n,4..Nt.'�n'4" I"a!i.d:I!•��"'"".U1-.rWart..xw. Banquet . ,14..4,Av .nl'try+J1U.YMl:.W.4.107: v./41 ot4'A'.77,. i.44141rk , FRIDAY, MAY 14 6:30 P.M. SHARP Kentucky Fried .Chicken Will Be Served! �AI.TFOR,D VALLEY HALL Nile choir enjoys,, bowting night--- Two games of bowling were enjoyed by 35 people from the . congregation, choir and friends. Ladies' "high single was Ilene Sillib, .234; ladies' low single; Lori McPhee, 38; men's high single,' Charlie Johnston, 247; men's,lowsingle, Gary Johnston, )Jamieson Ribey tha'nked•.'Jamieson Ribey Karen MacKenzie for taking .her time 'to arrange"this get together. r (alai McNeil had some hidden scores read 1n the first game the scores were ' 101, Debbie purst; 69, Brenda Brown. • -----ti In 0 -re .second game.the.scores were 97, Elain Haggit; • 145, 'Sharon Sillib. One Gift that Every Mom Loves to Receive Nothing makes a woman feel so special as a lovely gift of flowers ... and noth- ing would make Mother happier 'than to be gifted with, flowers on her day. DENOMME� , SHOP ER •THE SOU 6 ° GODERICH li n .r a mor\toaget You can -get either at Niagara, the cash store. Personal loans to $5,000. and more. • Mortgages up, to $25,000. Purchase of existing mortgages. Fast, 'fair friendly service has made Niagara the"largestaFl-Canadian r" k'a•, t . Consumer loan—company. Drop by or call. We want to help. ash store 29 Kingston Street, God.erich Tel: 524-8357 ti A -4 r sl .1) a f