HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-05-06, Page 21, Guide and Brownie NCWs • ,r Aiiotrer viewpoint 4 • - .•tpph..r� 3OD1 RICH SIGNAL»STAR, THURSDAY,ITAA Cookie Day is Saturday / ATTENTION Pack Two (by Heather Marshall) Girl Guide Cookie Day is this Saturday, May, 8. We'll be seeing you! Third Goderich • Guide al. '-Company will doe odd jobs or baby ',sitting for - 50c per hour. Just phone Mrs. Elliott at 524-650k to arrange for the help ,.you need. w w Or �.a7310.Y b.! We had a' good time_en April • 30,... -First. -we played semaphore and who ever got the,word could • take out the carpet, toadstool., and owl. Then we hado,t-r'Six songs and we did our Promise and Law. We have a Tweenie now and Brown Owl and Tawny 'Owl helped her sing the Tweenie's rvdi .P.acis-Q.tal k.,e0-xu q *-xtu wl-sdrrg - Heat"hOzy r,Marshail-ve"S' as , r r BROWNIES' " - , eseorted to the, middle -et. . Our meeting on April 27 was Bro I b wnie circ e : y' our wo ' quite different from "most "mini-Packies'' ' (Guide helpers) because we were very busy doing Roberta Wheeler and Kimmy some craft work. We would like ;. 'Brady., and then she received t4 thunk Mrs. (Alma) Ryan for coming out:to give us -a hand - Craft days are extra busy ones and we certainly appreciate telpers! We' also foutd time to present SKATERS badges to the fol'lowing girl: Lynne Cochrane, Autumn Deathe, Andrea Jackson, Janet 'Lassaline and Ann Smith. This was the first badge 'for all of these girls which made it an extra special. event. During our short Pow Wow Lynne 'Cochrane showed us some nice doll- furniture which she had made at home and' also scrap book ' telling about different word sounds. Lynda Knox surprised us with an octopus made from a stuffed .stocking. y (aur` 'meeting. came to_ a' dose with the- -singing- .__of. Taps followed by our ...salute and "good night." another stripe to. show she is ,now a "Sizer." Vickie Powell was also brought td the' middle to receive a Seconder stripe. • COLLECTOR badges- were received by Linda Best,Susan Weary and Vicki Powell. After that we finished our art from last week. We then sang a couple of songs while we cleaned up and ended our rneeting with Taps. -Pack Three The- meeting opened with the usual ceremony songs and inspection. The;Brownies have a to chart and there will be a prize at the end of the year ler-.,the Six • with the best record of neatness and proper uniforms each Week. GUIDES •Goderich •Girt. Guides This week the girls in 3rd Company decided on a way to solve a problem. The problem is raising two dollars for each -girl's -. contribution to the fund for Camp' Klahani, and they hope to be given a variety of odd jobs by anyone needing a bit of help. The girls are all very ,willing workers and will do 'their very best at any task they are given. All they'd need would be they. equipment "(such, as a bucket of water' and,a scrub brush for example) ad .clear instructions. on' how the, job should be done. The fee will be just fifty cents'" per hour and the guides -011 wash windows;'. `" clean • cellars; ,. rake lawns etc. etc. They'll also baby sit• and the girls given this job will be from the group that succy'ssfully completed the Kinette baby sitting course riot long ago. Anyone who needs a' willing During Pow Wow .ura Raithby shoWed everyon the three interesting things r nn nature that she had found. is learning to embroider and she brought a sample of the fancy stitching to show us as well. We saw a picture that Diana Gliders had made and Karen Dunn let us see her plant that she started from a slip all by herself. The Brownies are learning the Brownie prayer now and after 4,44s .,tl ;,„. g:u.theixrfi-'G,00tnight,_ Song are*. then dis-tniSsed in order of the months of their birthdays. Pack. Four (by Heather .Davidson We played skipping 1}ntil everyone had arrived, Brownies wh'o have, their Gold Bar studied semaphore - it is pretty tricky but it looks like itis going to be furry Teresa Streeter started us off with the. word "Ohio" and then we took turns signalling letters and trying to outsfn t our friends. The other Brow}hies sewed, buttons on'a piece of cloth. Our thanks to Mrs. Wilton.' (Tracy's mom) ' for coming acrd testing five of us on our oymaker badge work during Brownies. We closed our meeting, with Taps and then said "goodnigllt." • - Two new Tweenies, Kim Dobie -•and Sand a lyrics joined the pack in playing charades and a ball game. For. Octogenarians .. and those older • The ' Goderich Signal -Star is pleased to extend' happiest birthday greetings to the following new member bf the Octogenarialt,Club: ' MRS. FRANC.ES B. GRIGG, Hurnview, who, celebrates her 96th birthday Saturday, May 8. , It you know of .-som'eone who will be celebrating an 80th birthday or better in the near future and would like 'to have his or 'her name mentioned in this column, please telephone 524-8'31 giving the name, address, age and birthday pf .the celebrant., - There is absolutely no charge for, this service and we air pleased to hear from all• of fou worker d help them is asked to call Mrs. (Maureen) Elliott at .524-6503. A little bit of test work was, done on Tuesday night --- Anne Marie Lassaline passed the ri�iemory test Kim's game and " Debbie Elliott, Lynne Goddard and Anne Marie Lassaline were successfully tested on their ability to lay a trail. -Some of the Guides were brave enough . to atternpt.'a hike Abortion not. by registered favored nurse. It seems that some weekly newspapers other' than the Goderich Signal,Star have become involved in the question of abortion, ' Here's what the wife of the editor of ' The Forest Standard aborted fetus is baptized. This small thing -is considered to have immortality and should have the benefits of the Christian church, so 'says,,-.,,medeai ethics, not religious ethics. r e a ou esu lec n "The sanity of the Canadian �,,,,�, ,..• � woman is under the gun. We live the' inform, the , chronic, the malformed. Are we judge and jury? Are ' we. about ' to set ourselves up as ' the Stfpreme Being. . 0 "To the federal government . who have the right we gave.them to change oizr laws we say KEEP YOUR HANDS• .- OFF UUR . on,.Sakt days -7 rain and a1t..T,eY.,�' 'lrccl e t 11 we ha -e''5t4s .0 .6ss -, nayrdt "" thefuture. ..N READY To BE ,. LJVED�IN *TV *Modern *Spacious * Fully -furnished : * Tastefully dcborated • * Economical • * Fina,ncine available There, is a Mobile Home, wa•it:ng'°' for you,..111 7 ASHTQNS MOBILE HOMECO. RT PORT E t J , • �'liC llwC1-j','$02 "`' 46. al'l' had a very good -tune and we .' d .. i'' dig r" lr td"'" HIL'Dj1E1V They are yew authority that the author is...a;•' hope the f h th f• the world area wise with one of t of this nation.' mothers will forgive • registered nurse, the mo er o ., wet clothes)!the smallest populations and are six children' and NOT a Roman concerned about, slowing down Catholic.) the birth rate while Asia mass "Last Monday a lady came in - produces people. Abortion is the office with a report for a contemptable and unforgiveable meeting and asked if we were in Canada. going to . write anything on'the Local seniors 1h1 Luck�ow The Senior Citizens Club of Goderich spent a pleasant evening April 27 as guests of the Lucknow Senior Citizens Club. The evening was spent in ' progressive euchre and. crokinole. Ladies' high for euchre, Mrs. Mamie Sutcliffe, Goderich; gentlemen's high, Mr. McKim, Lucknow; most lone hands; Earl Cooper; Goderich.; crokinole, Mrs. Harold Johnstone, Goderich. i 'especially priced $3 98 • tO $14.'° An absolute Must for busy mothers, our no -iron dusters keep liei comfortable through busy daytime chores. They make a perfect gift for fastrapproae'hing Mother's Day. A Bridge Scores There were 41/2 tables in -play at; the Goderich Duplicate Bridge Club on Tuesday, April 27th. Winners and their scores were as follows: Mr: and Mrs: J. Martin, 43; Mrs. B. Erskine and Mr. W. Cochrane, 41'/2; Dr'. and Mrs. M. Smith, 40; Dr. N. B. D,eathe and Mr. A: T. Weerasooriya, 37'/2. . fur realers write 79 Mansion St., Kitchener, Ontario. Editor Signal -Star: ' Dear Sir: , Kindly renew my subscription to the Signal -Star for .one year. Enclosed is a P.O. order for six dollars ($6.00). ' • Best wishes to all the staff. I, enjoy keeping up with all the news, Yours .truly, �. Fred D. Watson proposed abortion law. It was a "The Odin question not really settled in our . own mind. We were still trying to rationalize both sides of the ' coin. "Out of the blue on Wednesday a man asked 'if we approved. of, abortion and without thinking the answer was N O . N o • un -der any circumstances. \ - "To work jn a delivery room over a number\of years and have as many aS. five'an'd six babies a shift and each timeexperience the thrill that is unmatched, of that first cry of life, one ,could never never lfeel anything t, soiled and.. dirty at .depriving.a,. life of that beautiful sound. "If. -you- ever held--a---wee ,. helpless infant or.put its sleepers - on or had it grin a toothless.grin at you or kissed the top of a baby's head, anybody's baby, how could • ''you consider destroying it. In your hand you' hold a life.' ''"We -have ' the population explosion getting all kinds of publicity. Food 'may become a problem in our time, but there 'are other methods of decreasing our population. We have the Pill and • all • manner. ..of contraceptives. "At first we '..thought this problem could be attacked from a non -religions- angle but ,the whole world ; hives under one or another religious philosophy and 'the wonderment of a°sperm and an ovum (they can only be ;seen under a high powered microscope) .joining together and . forming. a child can be only_ a miracle 'far past our comprehension, only understood • by a greater power than ours. - "In all hospitals' in Canada an and fall of Western Christendom is here, and we its women are - contributing the lst final blows. We are busy trying to be loving wives, competent, mothers, good homemakers and serve a master called the almighty dollar. From experience the job or any part of it is not being done too well, but on top of this we want to •' deprive future generations from .rectifying or at least improving our wrongs. • "Most of us were brought up in- the belief that each individual has inalienable rights to life, love, liberty and the pursuit of ppiness and just - .because we exist to -day this does not give us the "right to destroy 'Others yet - unborn of these rights. "The silent, majority ---have been silent long enough. We have listened to those shouting for women's liberation, freedom, equality. Abortion is not liberation, freedan -- or equality. The right of . licence to MURDER the unborn could lead to the destruction of the aged, STU,D•IO. ' 1114R� SPECIALIZING IN... • WEDDINGS . • CHILDREN • SINGLE OR GROUP PORTRAITS &. PASSPORTS 524-8787 •• 118'5T. DAVID. GODERiCH NT RAC! . FOR": WHITE BEANS..- CORN SEED" OATS &SEED BARLEY WE HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY OF: vE REGISTERED, CERTIFIED & FOUNDATION SEED TRY OUR NEW MICHIGAN 275-2X SEEDCORN W. THOM a PSON. — "THE HOME OF GOOD SEEDS" �Gr HERBICIDES FOR WHITE BEANS EPTAM - PATORAN - TREFLAN WE CARRY, A.; PULI,.LINE OF: C. I. L. FERTILIZERS "SEE US BEFORE -YOU BUY" PDN FOR YOUR FIRE INSU See or Phone MALCOLM MATHERS GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT 46 WEST. ST. 524-9442 jig SIN ESS .j_....,.w..nr-s.u�ro..:s.,«..w•rM�ewu��^v:'i�am�'ci�y;%i'G".r r' .1,-�.... Alexander/ and GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Chapman Canadian Impfrial Bank of Commerce Building Goderich Dial 549662 'aroma*, JI gim tai 145 ESSEX STREET GODERICH, D14T1ARIO • Available For Large or Srnali Parties ---- CONCERTS --- -CONCEnRTS - `' BINGOS DANCES -- CONVENTIONS We Cater Any Time or Place Banquet Rooms for 25 to 400 •Special' Attention, to Weddings PHONES 524-93/1 or 9264 • DIESEL Pumps and. Injectors Repaired For All. Popular, Makes "' Huron Fuel Injection Equipment ' Bayfield Rd., Clinton ----482-7971 Now a good salary Opportunity -security for you in a business careEr Goderich Business College Clerical, Secretarial, Medical -Secretarial t•ourses 524-8521 'Res. 524=8732,8 FRIGIDAIRE * WESTINGHOUSE • GIBSON * HOOVER• Sales and Service. JEWELL BROTHERS APPLIANCES & TV LTD. ti•J.N•Rr •A The Square '- eoderich • Ronald t. McDonald CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT .39 SC David :St., 524-6253 Goderich,' Ontario c s�. R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square 524-7661 ,mann,. CHI '..OLM 'FUELS Distributors, For PRODUCTS HOME, FARM, INDUSTRY ---,*...Free "Burner Service * Furnace' Financing ' *' Gasolines 8! Diesel Fuels 524-7681 OR , . 529=7524 Cards For All Occasions * Gifts *' Books * Stationery Supplies Records ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE - 33 -East St. Goderich For - Pleasant Surroundins and Good Food THE GODERICH RESTAURANT STEAK HOUSE; and TAVERN The Place To Go Is • LADIES WEA LIMI-TED - ,na AND SONS LIMITED Phone 462-2527 7 . � Hensall ROSS SHOES The Square Goderich n GODERICH BUILDING e CENTRE ,.7�tq•�a nes . �C} �,� r., . , * '5248388 Canibrts at' Ain iitis