HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-05-06, Page 11• 0'mationsolumik 141. SERVI CES AVAILABLE 22. TO GIVE AWAY LA `IDE mow MB'S LIVERY no- Hauling 524-9657 ,16 to 19 IN THE ESTATE OF 'MARY: - ANN CO SINS, LATE OF THE. TOWN OF'GODERICH, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, WIDOW. All persons clairhing against the aboveigstate are required to lb. forward particitlars of their claims to ,the undersigned on or before the 15th 'day of May,' 1971, a ter which,date the assets will he distributed. 18 The Square, TO GIVE AWAY Small Collie 'dog. Phone 524-7080. nc A. BIRTHS BEATTIE: ' At Alexandra Hospital,' Goderich on May 1, 1971, to M. 411 Mrs. 'Michael Beattie, . RR 3, Goderich, a son. E. CARDS OF THANKS RYAN:I would like to pxpress my sincere thanks and appre?iatio'n to my friends, neighbors and relatives for kindness shown to me during my recent bereavement in the loss of• a dear husband, and- for the many beautiful floral -tributes, letters and cards received and donations to the Heart Fund, Thanks to Rev, 1VjcCleneghan, tile' Nile " UCW,' the McCallum Funeral Home. Special thanks to Drs, Jackson, and ,Leitch and the nurses and staff; r'of' first floor who gave such excellent care" during his lengthy illness. - Mrs. Reg. Ryan. - 18 C,E:..t Si, ,,:CLEMFN---..At.,• A,lexax►.dra.n.N„rO WADD'OC " M ''` i ih ''to:.rthraitk^L • Hospital, Goderich on April 29, Her Majesty th'e queen, W. 1971, to . Mr. and Mrs. Harry 'Davis; Prime Minister of Ontario; Clements, RR /, Goderich, 'a Charles S. MacNaughton, M.P.P., son, Ronald James. Robert McKinley, M.P. for Huron and to. the Mayor of Godof asilvee,ryho tray and the gift flowers and cards from the Council, to friends and,, relatives who gave gifts of flowers and card's and to all who helped make our 60th Wedding -Anniversary a Happy Occasion we will always remember. -- Mr. and Mrs. John Craddock. - 18 Goderich, Ontario.. Solicitors for the Estate., ALL persons having claims against the Estate of ANNIE ° MAE MacDQNALD, Spinster, late of the Township of Tuckersznith, in the County of • Huron, who died on or about' .the 29th day of March, 1971, are required to file the same, with' full particulars with the undersigned by the 22nd day of May, 1971, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. • DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 26th day of A.pril,• W,.. PR:E-ST-and EGENER, Barristers, etc,, 33 Montreal Street, • Goderich, Ontario. ' Solicitors for the Estate. 17,18,19 TZIOUMISAt Alexandra Hospital,• Goderich,..on April 29, 1971, to Mr. and Mrs. Nickolas Tzioumis, 33 Kingston 'Street, Goderich, a son, John. D. IN MEMORIAM MITCHELL: In loving meXnory" of a, dear br,Qther, Bob, who passed away so suddenly one F. ENGAGEMENTS year ago, May 7, 1970,. What I would give if t could say, Hi Bob in the same'old way; To.. hear you laugh, to see you smile, To sit with you and chat awhile. So you who have a brother, Cherish him with care; For you'll never know the ,„ heartache, Till you see his empty chair. - Lovingly remembered and 'sadly missed by sister Elaine. - 18 . . KERR: In loving memory oLa .dear wife, Irene Kerr, who -passed --away three • years ago, May '7, 1968.• A silent thought, a secret Keeps her memory ever dear. - Ever remembered by her husband Ben. - 18x - LL persons having claims against the Estate of ARTHUR THOMAS KAITTING, Retired Engineer, late of the Town of • Goderich, in the County of • Huron, who. 'died on or about the -10th day of December, 1970,' are required to -file the same with full .particulars with ie undersigned by the 8th day • of M'ay,' 1.9Tfi ' after that date the assets of the Estate will be distributed. " DATED at Goderich, this 15th day of April, 1971. PREST and-=EG•ENR, • Barristers; etc., . 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. 16',17.,18 4 • ALL persons having claims against 'the Estate of MARY AGN'ES' TICFIBORNE, Housewife, late of 'the Town of Goderich, in , I the County .of Huron', • who died on or about. the 4th day of February, 1971, are requited, to file the same with full particulars with the ° undersigned by the 8th day of May, . 1971, as after that „date the assets of the estate will be •distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario this 15th day of April, 1971. • PREST and EGENER, • Barristers & Solicitors, 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. • Solicitors for the Estate. 16,17,18 ALL ' persons having claims against the Estate of -WILLIAM RICHARD GLAZIER, Retired • CPR Engineer, late of the Town of Goderich, . in the County of Huron, who died on or about. the . 16th day of February, 1971, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the ,8th day of May, 1971, as after that date .the assets of tip estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, 1Ontario, this 15th day of April, 197.1„. PREST ER, Barristefs & Soli i:itors, - • 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. ti Solicitors for, the Estate. 16,17,18 17. BUSINESS NOTICE • r MITCHELL: In sweet and loving memory of a dear son and: brother, Robert (Bob) Mitchell, who left us so suddenly to ge with his -Saviour' on M'ay 7, 1970. One sad and lonely year has. passed, -• Since our greatest sorrow fell; , The,shock that' -We received ,that night, "' . • . No one can ever tell. Your end was very sudden," And made us weep and cry; But the saddest part of all, Bob dear, You never said goodbye. It broke our hearts to lose you, But you did not goo alone; , For pant 'of us went with you, 'That day -God, called y'ou home. - Sadly missed by Mork-•a•nd family. - 18 KERR: In loving memory of my dear sister, Irene Kerr, who passed away three years ago on May 7, 1968. Time goes by but Memories stay. - Your loving -sister, Louvain, - 18 Mr. and Mrs Kenneth' Campbell, RR 1, Dungannon, are pleased to announce the marriage •of their _.'daughter, Nereda Valerie, , to Mr. Dieter Rehm., . Mount. Forest, Ontario, son of Mrs. George Koch and the late •Mr. Henry Rehm, • Malton, • Ontario. - Wedding will take ' place Saturday, May' 29, 41971, at 3 p.m. in Dungannon United Church. - 18x • letter, to ' Editor-. EN GARDE The high wire ' fence separating my property from the former Victor Lauriston School property was sold by the Huron County Board•of Education, and removed. An attractive new fence' was erected by me, and the `1'9,wn of Goderich was requefed to share the cost on a . 507'5-0 basis. After nearly aYear, the letter was answered, but the request' was turned ' down stating the" fence• was• erected without permission, and the, property had been • sold to St. Pierre Construction Company. Town Council was again requested by letter to consider' illy request, but without any reply. - To be fair to our elected, representatives, I- admit that permission should- have, been obtained before construction of the new fence. However, that should not disqualify my request' as the new 'fence was needed quickly to •prevent damage , to our young cedar trees,., and flowers. Perhaps• the attractive new fence 'helped••the Town to sell theproperty for $20,000. • CounciI nvw feces Parkhill si�ieepstakes Another request to sell , The matter was held over in lottery tickets in Goderich was • abeyance until more details have put before town council been s' rutinized. Wednesday night - this time it 'In other council business, was the much publicized town tentative approval ,was given Of Parkhill Ontario Sweepstakes,' victor Pope to build a Kentucky which is sponsored by the North Fried Chicken outlet on Elgin Middlesex Arena Committee, Street peat. to the Sunoco. "The aim of the lottery," (ip Service Station. additiQn to the charitable Deputy -reeve Dave Gower, . benefits] read the requests"is to with the acknowlegement of keep some• of the $30 million 'other council members, said the 5;r bt ,o, k N . . l �l ► •ik Annan aWt10a * uaria cta. The top prize ---listed is' $100,000, with tickets selling at $2.50 each. There are 12 of the 'ducats in a book and the seller must turn in the money for, 1,0 of them. Deputy -reeve, -Dave Gower hinted that there' has already been a sale of these ticket's in Goderich. don't know why they are' selling them now before they get' permission," he added. - Councillor Stan Profit said there is a posSibillty of the local Lion's Club selling therm, but he felt the price of the ticket should. be marked ,on, ° which apparently hasn't been done so - far. • .11 net .down Consoiidated net ineorrlie of Domtar Limited -for the first` three months of 1971 amtcittn d • _ to. 411..3 million or .9 cents - common share, as cgmpared with $4.2.m111ion'or 28 cents per, common share for the correspgnding period.. of Y91Q., "Ssiies and' other neo t 'tdrs ''•' - ,A120.3 million, an increase of 6%Q� over the $133.4 million total , recorded in the first quarter of 1970. Cost of sales and selling aid administrative expenses amounted to $108.8 million during the first' three months of 1971 compared to $98.1 million during the same period in 1970 Cash . flow during the first quarter of 1971 was equal'to 53 cents per common share compared , to 69 cents in the , 1970 period. . McMICHAEL:.In loving mcmo:r*. of our parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. Garfield McMichael - Dad passed away March 2.3 1953,- and 953,-and Mother on May 3•, 196;9. God hath not promised skies always blue, Flower -strewn pathways all our '- lives through; God hath not promised sun without rain, Joy without sorrow, peace without pain. But God hath promised strength for the clay;'. Rest for -the labor; light for the way; Grace for the trials;, help from' above, Unfailing , sympathy, undying Love. • - Dearly loved and always remembered by their Family. - 18 E. CARDS OF THANKS BRINDLEY: I would like to - thank.. relatives, friends and neighbors for flowers. ,, Cards and visits. Thanks'- to those Who helped in any way while.I was a ,patient in Goderieh Hospital. Special thanks to 'Drs. Watts, Doorly and Cau.chi, nurses and staff pn second floor east.' - Mrs. Henry Brindley. - 18 'MEDICAL Massage, Thermo -Therapy and T71tS Violet, 118 AngTesea Street, phones, 'house 524-7417; office, 524=6281, W. C. Breckow, Reg. M. •. ..- 19. LOST AND FOUND LOST - A black and White small terrier, female, somewhere in Goderich, child's pet.'Reward. Phone 524-6384. - 18 20. ' MISCELLANEOUS MOHRING: I would `like to thank, all who remelnbired' the • with cards, flowers, gifts and visits While 1 -*as a patient -1n Victoria Hospital, ' London. Special thalnks to Dr. Deathe, Betty Wilkin, Joan , . Hibbert, Freddie Wells and everyone who helped me and my family in any way'at the time of the accident. Jim-Mohring. - 18x , We .da all types " of • • JEWELLERY REPAIR * Ring Sizing * • Claw Retipping 44' ..*r. Watch: Repair, * Acutroh Repair ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD,, Clinton, Seaforth and Walkerton 12t1fn, immusisiiimminimiessmissoisroommo McMILLAN: I wish to express my sincere thanks to friends, relatives and neighbors' for gifts, cards and visits while a' patient in Goderich Hospital, Special thanks to Dr. Lomas and Dr. Flowers, also to nurses and all staff -, op first floor, - David MpMillah. - 18x . . REDMOND: I wish to thank my friends for lovely cards, gifts, visits and flowers while a patient in Victoria Hospital. Special tiranktrao Missxda McGC.wan,, Miss Fran.-Htteston; Mrs. Leona Ryan, Miss Marlene Schmuavher, Mr. and Mrs. B. Heath and Father Moynahan. • - it Ann Redmond, -- 18 , on May 5. -A. complaint --of working --on•---•'• cars by a local car club was received and councillor Ed Giesbrecht said he would look into the matter to see if he could' ge it., "cleaned up." . GET STAMPS TOO At ON THE SQUARE MINUTES . OF YOUR ,LIFE.,. •••WILL spa MIME Hon. Charles MacNaugtlt9n,-W nister..of Transport for Ontario; presented• a shiny new bicycle to nine-year-old Peter Payne of •RR 2, Bayfield, last Thursday night in Clinton. Peter successfully -answered all the questions in a bicycle safety contest sponsored by the Ontario Department of Transport at •th'e Canadian National Sportsmen's Show in Toronto recently. NAME BRAND ITEMS o. AT DISCOUNT PRICES LUE'S SUPERMARKET THE RED CROSS IS PEOPLE LIKE YOU HELPING PEOPLE LIKE YOU GET STAMPS TOO BISSET'S - HALF c ,ALLON ICE 894 CREAM WESTON'S REG.' 49c-' 1 DANISH 'PASTRY FAMILY SIZE = REG. 1.29 -CREST Toothpaste, rz oz SCOP'EWouthwash .99 45 OPEN NIGHTLY 'TIL 10 WESTON'S OATMEAL,• RAISIN OR DATE KIS REG. 39c 3R COCA MAD HATTER -' REG. 79c, POTATO C -HIPS .59 WE DELIVER WE TON'S CHOCOLATE REG. 59c HALF MOONS -494 LAUNDRY 'DETERGENT -•=-••5 Ib. FAB SIZE ' 1.4.9. McLAREN'S SMOOTH Peanut Butter 2Ib. 9 NABOB -4 ox. Dessert ct a TASTERS CHOICE FREEZETopping..._-S3 i'1ISS MEW -- 6 oz: Deputy -Reeve David ,,,Gower and the late Sherman Blake were alerted by me that the Huron County . Board of Education 'Should 'return., the school and property to ` ,the Town of Goderich. I had the privilege of'' serving, on the Goderieti -Public ,School Board for about ten years .and recalled the facts about the transfer of --the prbperty 'from the Town of Goderich to the Goderich Public Schobl Bo2rd. It was transferred for the obvious reason - so the School Board could prop1Y1y look after it for as long as it was required for School' purposes It is disappointing that the Town 'of Goderich, as my neighbour, has refused my request to, share the cost of the neiv°fence. It is not so much the amount of money involvedi but the principle. Do- n Aberliart St. John's members_get priory vote Bruce- A. Sully, chairman of the Goderich branch of St. John's Ambulance, today announced that a Priory Vote of Thanks had been awarded to the following individuals • for outstanding support of the work of St. John's -- Am`bulance. Formal presentation of the award , by the Lieutenant - Governor vfill take place in Toronto in June• Following are the recipients:' David Allan Harrison, 301 Hurori • Rd., Goderich; Mrs. °Lolterti " 'iVitayr . 1tiSin�alc+ex,,, Y 4a L'Iewgate $greet, Goderich; Miss Isabelle( S.' Muy, 46 ,West Street, GOderreiii and William Hugh McWhinney, Dungannon,' Ontario. Instant Coffee 1.19 CAT FOOD 6R s1 JERGEN'S - REG. SIZE facialSo�p ea:1 O4 COLMAN'S- - 1 ib. Vac Pak WIENERS VAN CAMP =•- 14 oz. WITH BEADS PORK 4894 Gingerle, Pepsi, Orange, Lemon Lime KIST; POP DepPlusosit 5 its. $1 SHER'Rt'FF "GOOD MORNING 24 oz. MARMALADE�r 5S4 .r HERSHEY'S - 2 lb. INsTANTcH,c.OLATE' 85' MOTHER PARKER'S -60's --- TEA BAGS 79 AEROSOL - '20 Oz. Wl NDOW .' AJAX CLEANER 59 RUG CLEANER' '-- 24 oz. GLORY SPRAY1,47 L1 BBY'S IN TOMATO SAUCE -' 19 oz. SPAGHETTI STAFFORD'S ASSORTED 9 0/ SUNDAE F� TOPPING R d 'STAFFORD'S ASSORTED""°m'2052 e JAMS BURNS 6 oz. Vac Pak • WHITE SUGAR ORANGE CFI''STALS - 6'/, 04. RISE 'N'SHINE 3R79` FLORIDA NP 1-24's STALKS CELERY FEMININE NAPKINS - 12's KOTEX PLUS ' 281 CLOVER LEAF COHOE-'/2's .SALMON 594, MAD HATTER - REG. 59c CORN STICKS ' 434 KLEENEX BOUTIQUE - 130's .FACIAL TISSUE . 38894 - DELSEY BOUTIQUE " R BATHROOM TISSUE: 6 '$1• • KLEENEX COLOUR PRINT o 5 Paper Towels 2s5$' 'MAXWELL HOUSE 10 0/ Instant, •G°9 Coffee 4d4D*M•••rw..Y+••• HEINZ 10 oz. TOMATSOUP 68794 CALIFORNIA -SIZE 88 ORANGES RADISHES FRESH Green Onions STAFFORD'S CHERRY OR PEACH -19 oz. . Pie Tillery.... STOKELY'S -'10 oz. Honey Pond PEASF • Corn- or Cream Cor HOUSE & GARDEN BUG KILLER -11 oz. Ts1 U.S. NO. 1 HEAD LETTUCE 29 .Got.DEN yEt..cisw BANANAS le SHELL NO :PEST ST'RTPS R 1=q. VAPONA 2295 DIJNCAN NINES 19 ox. CAKE M1XES STAFFORD'S 'APPLE -- 19 i z. Pie Filler