HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-05-06, Page 8S G.ODETtUCH SIGNAL-STA1WT'HURSDAY, MAY 6, 1971 " From the • r. Matt. 5:13 "Ye are the salt of the Spirit of Christ. The list the earth;.•but• if the salt have comprises such. preserving and lost it's savor, werewith shall, it seasoning qualities as love, ,joy, Ise salted? It is thenseforth good peace, . longsufferirag, gentleness, for nothing, ;hut to'be cast out, goodness,: •faith, meekness;,. and trodden under foot of temperance; against such there is ;pen.'" no law. Gal, 5:22.,23 We would have to travel many • 'It the salt has lost it,s miles •to'n`g a = stg r. :e°a4 bd; t wre wti ; f'yst ; brochiare. obtained at our local Si,fto Plant, , that salt is .a ti 'Minister's study REV. R. NICHOLLS Weslf y f1• tnor'ial Free Methodist church ba familiar with the substance, of our test 'than our little town of Goderi.ch-. It would almost seem that this' passage has 'been addressed to/us, • Without seeking, to bring all the scientific, and technological ' rknowledge int this brief study , let it suffice t take the simplest facts, in thei simplest forms, as, the Master Teacher • always .did, and see if the span Of two thousand years ' ' has not confirmed- rather - than refuted" • the declarations of Him. h. whom all things/were made, and with whom was not, anything ' made that was made, 1 even Sodium Chloride) or salt. "Ye. are the salt of the earth:" Of the fourteen thousand industrial uses to whic,h salt, in some form or componant -thereof, contributes to the well Tieing of humanity, none is more .,...directly . apprreciated t t,;day than • those referred to by the Lbrd Himself; seasoning, and preserving qualities, Though for some queer reason known only .w,,s to,.: ,the, -- enate, man,- ,..lay:. his.: Adamic nature, is not much. inclined to be a Christian. But, by a general approval, the world ' at large much prefers to deal and do business with, people of genuine Christian character and principles, listed as the 'fruit of 'combination, in equal parts, of Sodium and . Chlorine. When these :-two elements are joined together we have a rather innocent material, but separated,' the become tw8 of the most vicious elements known to man. Sodium is so acti,''e it must be contained in kerosene to keep it from catching ' fire, Chlorine, when separated, is a gas.. I am amazed how accurately our Divine Chemist has related these two elements ,-- to their spiritual counterparts. The Cause of Christ has suffered immeasurably by Christians whose zeal has broken away from mercy, and run off into legalism, to later fall victim to a spirit of intolerance, and criticism, while masses, on the - other hand, fall under the .Chi.orofDrm of, .apathy. .and self Indulgence. "It is- thenseforth good for nothing, but to be cast out and trodden under lfoot, of man:" The scorn: -and reproach..that-has been the common lot of Christianity in general, of late, forces ore •to run a test on the savor, and preserving qualities of the current "salt of the earth:', and' my 'findings discover immediately to • my utter when tr,Oding in tirnd's like -these, you'll want to be extra sure mai you're getting financing you can afford, Whether you're buying a new or tse•d'car, cr any other major item, het, all the figures you need from the dealer then stop in af the credit union. Let the treasurer help you wb•rk out the deal that's best for you.: With few except'ona, 'your loan t. "Paul in Full" 'in rase of • your dead, or pertnat, disability, and your savints :are mutched-'nollar for, dollar -with insurance .providedby your credit union at no extra chnrge. ' • GODERICH COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION 3'3 St. David St ' 524-70:31 satisfaction, why the church is being ground under• the heel of modern society. Who does not know that running throughout all _ .of nature, both spiritual ,and temporal, 'God has established a balance. Our.. space age has '''reireatedIVrertlielltatsf-gikweityrkt.neT against thethrust of centrifugal force. Nature exhibits it in. -the balancing, process known as "survival of the fittest",. The church once stood before the world, and society, jealous for the word of God, courageous to stand on the naked promises of God, ready 'to expose to - justice any who ventured to trifle , with the authority. of, God's word. Heretics were brought to face,. and tried for -their treachery. Where are their. sons -to-day? ' Its not that the forces of evil are any stronger than. they , ever mere. To -day there is at the disposal of the - church all the mass media that the enemy is using, enough to' evahgelize our world in six months, if that was the need,' but it's not. Spiritual anemia is the problem. A church stripped of her faith and courage to take God,atottia ward., is_in a sad state; and seriously off ,balance. Little wonder the world is. treading her under its - feet. She has ,.w.olt�warrrly surrendered., ered., iers• w eapon • of faith. by ""Whin- the warriors of yesterday's' church wrought ' righteousness, subdued kingdoms, obtained ,promises, quenched the 'violence' of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, and turned to flight the armies .of the aliens.. - Yes;.your church, my 'church, and all the churches that surround. us both, are here for no other reason than to preserve, and flavour society. It's not,the world around us that claims to be Christian, it's, you and me. Therefore, it's not ' the world that is ,commanded to keep the Ten Commandments, nor the Sermon on the Mount. The world's only copyof the Bible is your. life and ,deportment, and mine. Are. we flavouring our social environment with ' the beauty of Christian living and example, as well as declaring the Gospel without 'fear nof•-•favor'? However limited, and small, and helpless, you •anc.l, I may be to change 'the course . of 'history', and cure 'the'world's, wbunds, you and I are having an effect on Goderich, : and„Huro`p Co'tinty, for good or ill, "Ye ate the salt of the earth.” FIGHT CANCER with a check up anda cheque BUDDY BURGE YO'UT HE Ri-MA MAY 7, 8 & 9 Three Days With Buddy Burge o , A DYNAMIC YOUTH SPEAKER Inn.. 1rnrde (YOUTH DIRECOR FOR Y.F.C.) Friday'Evening May, _7 • 8:00 p.m -- Goderich Collegiate (Special Music) BAYFIELD LADIES TRIO Saturday Afternoon, May 8 - F Buddy Burge will be at the Clinton Coffee House (Alxw&lE:aton'.s Order Office) SaturdayEvenhg.,May8 -- Huron Centennial. School, Brucefield (Special Music) CANADIAN YOUTH CORAL fErom Oshawa A Afternoon, MaSunday�ib c• 9.., , ..,.x_..2,0 p.m. -- Zurich Arena • (Special Mimic) CANADIAN YOUTH C(ItA,L, from Oshawa , Sponsored by South , Hurott Youth Por •Christ .l. God erich and area obituaries " AUSTIN, H. PURDY ' Mr. Ryan farmed all of his life Austin H. Purdy of 15 Picton until moving to Goderich in ,'- . St. E., Goderich, died on Friday 1968. of last week at the Alexandra - He is survived by his wife, Marine General Hospital. J- e•was Viola Young, and twin cousins. years of age, ° ' � Interment took "'place at .'613kLinotype operator with the Dungannon' -Cemetery. Goderich Signal -Star until 1966, • Mr'. Purdy was ,employed 'by Pallbearers were Sheaffer Pen and, lately with the Feagan, Les Pentland, Frank town; of Goc erieh Wilson, John ' Clark, Gordon Hd was born at Fenelon Falls Anderson and Stuart Taylor. on March 1 #,..1911. Flowerbearers were Larry ., :. .,.Surviving, inadditi a .. 4:4ng,;,s.si ,,,Man~ttre LAtr ,.. wife Victoria, -.Brownlee, are one . Kerr, Len Christilaw, - Doug step -daughter, ' Mrs. J. D. McNeil and Bob McPhee. There was 'plenty of activity at the first session of the mothers=morning-out service for women with retarded pre-schoolers. The children kept the volunteer workers and their supervisor, Mrs. Betty Reid, busy for the morning hours, but most women said it was a delightfully rewarding time -well spent. (staff photo) More on memories of Colborne. By Percy Barker May, -I-salute ' Colborne with memories untold -.-..... w Where women are beautiful and never grow old;' So here's to Colborne Township away back when Women wore dresses and men. were' men: It started at a school house, yes old number four ' And a little white church with an open door; They •were both built on top' of the hills Near farmers Kernighans, Slakes. Breens -and Hills'. They told me schooling was very, fine,. So I started, there in the year Nineteen -O -Nine; I, was 'put, 'of yes' in the very front row Because I was stupid' and rather slow. There ,is a little lake in the valley • below • Where at recess time we would often go; - With the help of-Sue;,'hytlis.and •- dear -old Myrtle .;;c, - We would try. to catch the old 'mud turtle ., Thoil:Wer'e"the' days s'o happy and free At, that grey school house under the tree; ' We learnt a lot in that old school roo ni Though we never heard a fadio, or a jet's• loud boom. We would 'often pause at the sound of'a whistle As it drifted over the hills like the -down of a thistle; That' C.P.R. freight would roar downgrade - To Goderich where our best salt is made. There, were barn' ' raisings, threshings, silo filling in dern'and' - Also quilting bee's, box 'socials, barn dancing that was grand; My first trip to Goderich was with Mr. Moore He was our mail man and often .passed our door. • Remember the old lake shore railroad with it's gang of men, Also Haley's Comet' in the year Nineteen -Ten? u Q We went, to school then, at old number five And to the old• swimming, hole where we. learnt to dive. Here's to Benniiller also Saltford where they drilled for•oil To Carlow, Nile, Shepllardton, Dunlop and Loyal; Where, ML John_. Young, the • peddlar ran a general store And also 'peddled his wares from door to door, This was Colborne in the dear many ways, some have sailed the seas �13ut I m idle; 7than, Chet ,all, I. have Colborne and . my memories. So_ to all of you of Colborne with memories so dear Let'S show a friendly smile and MEMOALALS-MARKERS old days For they had skilled tradesmen _. in many ways; Blacksmiths, carpenters, farmers and teachers galore They had grist t'nills, a woollen' mill anal a' tannery with a rickety door. This is for • the younger generation as well as the old A story of -;Col-borne that has never been told; - When .1 heardr ' t,, I nearly dropped dead They are using number four school llpgse for ,a driving shed. Q To the people of„„„co.tborne wherever (' i' are. 1 send my best wishes and' greetings to you, .,whether near or°far; • Some h; v” made fortunes in"' • -1 T. PRYDE SON Clintan_-Exeter-'-Seaforth ' hide that parting tear; • May God be with you as I say, Adieu, and gently, close the • dobe Of . a little grey seliool house , called Number Four. P,,*n;,74;eaeh,er, at number four, ''Miss Mary Fingland 1909-1910. & CEMETERY. LE'TERIN Goderich District Representative" Frank Mctlwain 524-7861 or 524-9465 200 Gibbons St. Reg.' J. Bell 45 Cambria Rd' S. 524-7464 SUNDAY SERVICES it.] • , 0r. '•,N S• The family that prays together . : . . 'stays togat ` •r- UNITE'-DH.O[IN,ES-S,-C-H'L»RCH- 62 Cambria Street North SUNDA??; MAY 9th 11:00 a.m. -WORSHIP SERVICE 7:00 p.m. - EVANGELIf''it"SE'RVICE Prayer Service - Wednesday 7:30 p.m. • WELCOME AWAITS YOU" + Pastor: REV. O. H. LEE, PHONE 524.6887 WESLEY MEMORIAL CHURCH • THE FREE METHODIST CHURCH• Park Street at 'Victoria H. Floss Nicholls, Pastor Sunday 5ch'ooI 10 a.m. Worship Hour 11 a.m.•'., Evening Service 7 p.m. WELCOME' CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET • "A FF,LLO a; HIP CHURCH" CALL US IF YOU NEED A -"RIDE=! PHONE 524-9565 10:00 a.m. -- SUNDAY SCHOOL .__ 11:-00--a r- --MF R..N.ING •W -O -R -SH IEi.. 7:30 p.m. - Regular Evening Service. • Bible Study Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. ' Guest Speaker: H. C. BUSCH Knox Presbyterian Church THE RE.V., G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A.,'Minister WILLIAM CAMERON, Director of Praise SUNDAY, MAY 9th 10:00 a.m. - SUNDA'Y SCHOOL 11:110 a.m. - DIVINE WORSHIP, wA "THE CHRISTIAN rAMILY IN 1971" '(;Nursery and Junior Congregation) - 1 THE,, SACRAF 1ENT OF BAPTISM - 7:00 p.m. - Young People's Society. Enter to Worsntp depart to Serve (Phyllis) Holland of Geralctton; two; sisters, • Mrs. Edward (Gladys) Pequegn.at of Kitchener, Mrs. Ross Armstrong of Ajax; and one brother, Digby of Fenelon Falls. , Mr. Purdy 'was"` a member of the Goderich '•Fire 'Department. Funeral. service was held Monday 'at 2 -p.m. at the McCallum Funeral Home, Rev. G. L. Royal officiating. Interment took place in Maitland -Cemetery. Pallbearers were' Bert Robinson, ' Eric Reaburn, Stan Hills,' John Buchanan, Bill Beacom and Bruce Sowerby. R EG INALD M: RYAN Funeral services' for Reginald M. Ryan, ,who died April 29 at the Alexandra Marine and General' ' Hospital at the age of '82, were held Saturday at the McCallum Funeral Home, Rev. R. G. McCleneghan officiating. resident•, of 85 South St., Goderich, 'he was the son of David and Lucy, (Dodd) Ryan. He was born in Colborne Township July 2, 1888. MRS. H. MAUDE WIELAND In addition to the' survivors shown in last week's Signal -Star, Mrs. H. Maude Wieland, who died" April " 20 • at the Peterborough Civic,, Hospital at the age of 84, was predeceased' by one son, E. R. (Bud) Wieland, in October, 1970. Pallbearers were Jim Akeroyd, Bill Akeroyd, Terry Wieland, Gary Akeroyd, all grandsons of the deceased;, Arnold Mc(;onnell and Joe Graham. WILLIAMS CEMETERY , MEMORIALS: And Inscriptions Stratford - Ontario Ronald C. .r--McCal.i.un Representative 215 Wellington St. 5., Goderich Phone 524-6272 or 524-7345 ,SUNDAY` MASSES St.' Joseph's', Kingsbridge •8 a.m. Ft 11 .a.m.' St. Augustine 11 -a.m St. Mary's, Lucknow .9:30 aim. • f lRSt7Ba'P'T`IST'' CHURCH (Baptist Convention of'Qntario and Quebec) MONTREAL -STREET near The Square - A WELCOME -TO ALL School' For All, 10:00 a'.m. - Adult Bible Class and Church Scol 11:00 a.m. - Mooning Worship. - Guest Speaker: REV. G'.: 1N.. MEDLEY ;Su pervised, N.,ussery) �Bethel PentecostaI,Ta-b�nacIe Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO STS. -. REV.• R. CLARK•, Pastor "SUNDAY, MAY 9th 10:00 a.m.- SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11.00 a.rri', - MORNING WORSHIP. 7:00 p.m. - EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Tuesday 8:00 p.m. Bible Study and Prajter Friday 8:0`0 p.m. Y,ourig Peope's Service , • , YOU ARE INVITED TO 'ATTEND THESE SERVICES ST. 'GEORGE'S , CHURCH FOURTH SUNDAY 'AFTER EASTER - MAY 9, 1971 Holy Cpinrnunion at ,8:30 a.m. , Rector's Sunday School Class at 9:45 a.m. Morning' .Prayer aid Sermon by the ,Rector at 11 a.tn. Sunday School apd Nursery at 11 a.m. Organist -Choirmaster: Mr.' Paul C. Baker, Rector:. REV, G. G.RUSSELL, B.A., B,D; Victoria Street United Church HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP : REV. LEONARD WARR Hp 10:00 a.m. - 'Bible School For All' Grades. 11:10 a.m. --'V .Orship. Service. . , Sermon: ','THE FIFTH . COM,MANDMENT" Sacranient of •Baptism Supervised Nursery trituor Cb tfOgg—if ib"rt BENMILLER UNITED CHURCH 10:00 a.m. - Worship Service. Sacrament of Baptism , -- W -E -L -C -O -ILII -E- . Mrs. J. Snider, Mrs. Leonard Warr, Victoria St. Orga,nist Benmiller Pianist & ' Choir Director. & Choir Director. North Street United Church 'REV. ROBE. IIA•T SUNDAYtT, LMAYRAY9thON 9:45 a.m. "-- Grades' four and up. 10:55 a'. . - Babies to Grade 3. i 7 ' 11:00 aimh, -- MORNING WORSHIP. FAMILY DAY Come together and Worship -in Family Groups. W -E -L -C -O -M -E • •Supep ised+ e1ei'y. •,.' , • Mrs. Eleanor Hetherington; A.T.,C.Iteirt-r Organist and Choir' Director Phone Church Office and Study 524.7631 Church Building -•- 524.6951 rl a 4 4 h •