HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-05-06, Page 7Pay_ F M KNUI SON ON GOLF By GEORGE KNUDSON '" a1 Golf i, STRICTLY e v . . is SPee ill u a.m. to complete the course. Again, volunteers are welcome. .4.n Monday evening 47 golfers attended the second men's nite draw,- The ladies will starl their„. season on Tuesday, May 11 at -6 .-•-�---- --- p.m., sharp. , ', ON THE HOCKEY SCENE: once again' reminds us of the At the Maitland Golf and Country Club this past week the interest was increasing with the men starting, their , annual clean-up of the 'fa:irw•ays and , 'grounds on Saturday morning. Copyright 1971, Toronto Telegram Syndicate The grounds were soaked by 11 • L come wdown stead ly. They were ladies held On Wednesday, annual golf Richard Made tells us that alleague portant industrial • softball The First Gamed to oderich s own Gary Doak has' ue meeting to be held this' The first. day on the golf ,long while practicin`g Variety back at thejob in the afternoon dinner and Meeting at the club. Sunda at the. town hall. All g' been chosen by Vancouver y find course o a yard tired lot the is the most ig and 15 minutes again, but it will require another About 30 women attended "Ca" , Canuck. fans as the team's top interested are urged , to get 'out you should spudcti'vities for the year.' andget the 'ballrolling-on the plandefenreman in a ear�nd_ 11 P- session this, at 9• the a„ end of nine holes. with'• one shot. ,f' go further'. • r. y y` ` 1971 softball season. Meeting Of 'course, if you 'don't pre, than that. T nerve, try and hit'Gory will 'be an^instructor at the pare for this first outing, you, two shots the same. I need the• • ° a r Eastern Hockey'' School at,, timeis 1p.ni.�j frookiet.„,,,,,,,,,,,,v,,,,,q,Late,....„.....,„ .-y„y.Y•': m+.+. QlyW'IdIf $' ; AS.gY, : * ti.11'i'rwsc- 111 o ��:r as --. ''- i!25a via���eif1 i1�T'lell..'# ,. .• hole that the hands 'are bliss\ tion. • ` summer. • r i ntario anglers; hooked wd' ' tered and the legs about ready One other tip: Don'texpect 'ant they re' ., 'yours for . the ' asking He , also appeared as guest years ago with' a $3 ' annual - to give out. to drive up to the golf club at analyst on Hockey Night in fishing license, can wet their Many golfers early in the five minutes, to two and play at A new bo9klet entitled management and still help to Canada's coverage of the lines again for nothing. The. season will shoot a 45 on the two. Everyone needs about 15 "Wildlife Management for increase the variety and numbers ,Montreal -'-Minnesota series. announcement of the abolition front nine and stagger home minutes to loosen up. If it's a » of wil e on the farm. of the resident license came in at Ontario L' an�iQ risers has been gti.We're still bucking Montreal, published by the Department of . Thee are several approaches which leaves us no alternative the provincial budget speech'two ' Lands and Forests and is now to' the problem` of making but Chicago, So far we're batting Mondays ago. The license fee for wildlife more abundant; but one 1 000 (in the ,loss side that is) residents was 'introduced ,••-�^••-auaila�ble:'•••�The�' booklet- written � by Vernon P. 'Husek, Extension.,, stands out . above. _ all o•therS," but pig-headedne a,and apparent January 1, 1969, as part of a, , comes as lack of .knowledge forces us to general move to bring user fees Wildlife Biologist with the Habitat, restoration Department, explaihs what you, close to being THE answer to say that it will be all over in six more in 'line rwit,h • the costs of the landowner, can do for increaSing wildlife numbers as games - we collect from services provided by the wildlife • MAkY lit I.1 hM1Y..k. r,M1p N! CODERICU SIGNAL -ST! .R, TH.0414PAY. GOPg,RICHY ' Minor Rockey r Ban ' 11 FRIDAY, MAY 14 6:30 P.M. SHARP M , f Kentucky Fried Chicken Will Be Serveid! u SA.LT•FORD VALLEY. HALL.,. with-, a 56 and wonder why. pay -as -you -play course, stop • _ -The, odds are 100 to one that no time vase ^ spirit' getting ready for the golf game. The same person Wouldn't think of entering a business deal with- out preparation. In addition to physical prep- , aration, I feel strongly that golfers require a few days on the,_flriving range, using •noth'- i.ng but middle irons, This year, I started the sea- - son Jan. 14, I worked out in Toronto for 'a'bout two weeks before flying to I'.alm Springs, Calif., on Jan. 7. That day and for two more, I used nothing • morethan five, six, seven, eight and nine irons, - Once I mastered these irons and had my *wing in a groove, I tried this' longer irons. Then, and only then, did I.,taJg out a wood. Sure, driving is great for • show but it's not muc}i'fun `if - you can't,, consistently bit the - ball_.shraight and lnhg.. And your•. won't unless you get -your swing in a groove with the middle irons. ' ' My advice is to leave ''the • woods, and long irons at home .for your first few outings. And don't stay with one cI i ' tqo , any yet uncovered. Habitat can . Buchanan - and once again •we Department ,of Lands and The , booklet will be of be defined as ' a group of can get back to, more serious Forests. particular interest to landowners complex and interrelated things - like what a young , Darcy McKeough said this within the L..ake Huron District._ systems. These, the soil,, water .,-man's fancy (or an old geezer's) objective remains generally valid We have made ar"rangerrients for and plant systems all add tQ a turns to in the spring - things but it ' generates only $1':6 a copy to be distributed to each place where animals live - a like fishing and horses. , million in revenue and is very of the landowners in the district habitat. , costly to collect. And let s face with whom the Department of � It is these systems a which • ON .THE BASEBALL' it '-- it is a nuisance to fishermen. Lands and Forests - has a must be carefully manipulated if SCENE; An urgent plea for the ' And if you bought a license Woodlands Im °rovenrient . Act wildlife • is to „ thrive.- This is help of 'coaches and umpires 'in between January 1 and the P true of farm wildlife. the forthcomingGoderich minor management agreement, Other' ' -especially announcement, you can get a landowners in the district who Their numbers are most unstable baseball league is extended by refund by sending yours to, the are interested in obtaining' a as they, are., products of Doug Cruickshank. And we can ' department. But' don't forget copy may do 'so by writing to Pioneering or -early-stage habitats ' understand his plight,.'There will your out -of -province . guests ,, —the -Department -of . Lands'and. which are at best of �reiatively be•sornething ,like,,.200, local1ids. ar�ea•'t • ::.off•',' tgtre• . • -hook: '•' Forests' Division Offices at short duration in the involved in ball over at Ag. Park, Non-resident anglers will Owen • Sound, Stratford or everchanging'' natural'"world...By so surely to God we can manage continue to pay $8.50 for a -Hespeler.managing the soil, water and to scrounge up 40 adults to goseason; $4 for a three-day In explaining what tlie� l� man_.. ..can plants, man_...can • pQrpetuate .with them: And„there is:no-need..._-._IYcenge .••-.,._ ,• . landowner can do for wildlife early-stage habitats favouring to feel that you must be a 5 the booklet confirms that a farm wildlife and encourage its professional, or indeed, even, a M r n o r "� ck e y the driving range for a few well-being on land which is ballplayer. All that is required is shots. Then when yoti step u land -use plan can readily provide g a little unselfishness and p for efficient farming and forest temporarily 'his to manage. , :Doug banquet ` a y 14. to the first tee, the odds will and his boys will put you to be in your favor.. a . work. His phone number is o ° 524-8331. Registrations take The Goderich 'Minor Hockey place at the Park, ,on Monday Association will hold it's annual Point � view On Tales .�.. .............rrrr,r,r..^r.r..,.. .-„M,„r,-” night•.,:,at...,..7.,..,p .:•/It,,,,,Tooks - like banquet for all players - 'house Along The Lakes, about 12 'teams made up of kids league ' and all-stars, mites to g age for the This juveniles; at the UnionHall at .. ranging in from 9 to 17: on Friday,,Ma 14 The Coalfax often came to RE: 'Tales along the Lakes by Goderich. But like all other ships is Oe first yeartyke 6:30 p.m. in Doug Garret , • entries, and that group alone Saltfard.' y To thediytor; _ _';. W ,..N .x it served its,, purpose and its should' yield about four teams All coaches and managers are "day. plus the travel team. Along with asked to attend. In addition, toMay I add a little information, It was taken to Spain fore the young fellows, the pee wees they are requested• to contact G Teles along the oLf interest Mr• scrap, last year I believe. Ss like will probably make up the 'same their players to inform them ofh 'Garret. It ,Eloy'' be 'of interest to the ships, the men who sailed numer with the bantarii's and :the event. him orrs some of the Signal Star them then, are getting fewer. • midgets each fielding one team. readers. • Time passes' on: This is life. 'ON THE SOFTBALL ELIMINATING LINE TWIST .action of the lure by adding a I will start backfin 1926 when Percy Barker. SCENE: League-prez Reg Jewell' snap swivel.' tile, ship "�elchers" was sold to « >rl° ibod� of taking ? the Ja anew overnment. It left the twist Out hof monofilament p g d time you. are'.going• down a lake • •'.Panama. Canal.' I. 'Sailed' on it' to' line ' is as foltows,..•.,The. next Goderich for Kobi 4alpan via the in : an outboard„ motor boat, Montreal: We had a very sad ',strip off about 90 per cent of ' accident at Lachine Canal. The the line from your reel and let landing boom broke; ' and it trail in .the water, behind •Emmerson Armstrong lost his your ,boat;, first removing the life. The best young man of the lure. After 'a few minutes, ` . entire crew: He was a Goderich wind the line' back on your reel. Theline will now be as, boy. ' good as new with. no twist. • Then there was ' the - If you ,are wading in fast Maplecourt. One of the fastest used. Remove. your lure; strip water, the same method can be; -ships "onthe Great Lakes. My off the line, and let 'the current firsttrip to Sault Ste Marie was carry the line, downto the fast as a pa.senger, on this ship. A big water. Lets 'the„ line flow in the American..:ship...-raced -us to,...t te.:. fast water for a few minutes„ mouth of the Ste. Mary's River. When you rewind, the line, the . Needless to say the Maplecourt ...e, a twist will be eliminated. a won. The captain was Captain . This procedure should be re TYKE - AGE 9.1.1 after January 1, 1971 ; Patterson, The Maplecourt was, - peated often during a day's PEE WEE - AGE 11-13 after January 1, 1971 fishing.Not., only will your line sunk liy a German submarine off • BANTAM -'AGE 13-15�after January 1, 1971 . east' smoother, but it will also the coast of Ireland . with all eliminate annoying snarls and ', hands lost in World War II. ' MIDGET = AGE'1 =T7 after January 1, '1971 tangles 'which are caused by In 1926 .1 -sailed on, the ,REGISTRATION FEE -- $3 excessive twisting. Coalfaxunderf Captain coal carrier, aptain , Willard. After I . left captain Lorne McCartney of Goderich was the ' ships' captain. BY BOB HAWTHORNE, Three -Time World 'Casting Champion. — Although spinning equi- ment' offers many, advantages, it has one big drawback -- line twist. It is . virtually i't`npossib'Ie to com.pletelr eihrri'nate twist - int; of nionofilame•nt line when spin fishing. ' The worst line twisting oc- curs` when using a revolving type ` lure such as a ,spinner. This is particularly true when trolling because of the' strong- er drag on the line. This causes the blade of the lure to revolve at a faster .rate. Line• twist, can be kept to a minimum bat- taching •a 'small snap swivel to your lure. A ball-bearing snap swivel Works well for this pup. ,,: pose. , However, snap swivels will grin' etivie 'Yt trp`er ` the' ac- tion of the lure `you are .using. Personally, I• use" snap swivels only on rare occasions. I would rather • take the - time to straightfir tmy Imohofila- ment• line than to impede the u p. I BASEBALL,' ISTRATION Monday:,. Ma -- 7,:00 p.m. AT THE o ARENA .arn`+rJitt';Yi. ,o-.• -r,n.. ` ,.. � Riders otorcycJe p ,ya INTERESTED IN ORGAN IZING A CLUB? SECOND MEETING: SUN DAY, MAY, 9 1:30 SHARP - Dunlop's Tomb (Saltford) WE NEED MEMBERS TO START Wane Fisher DUSTRIAL FTB MEETIN Sunday, May 9 TOWN HALL -1 �.m. All Teams Or Interested Persons , Please Attend fi REG. J.EWELL, 'President Industrial Softball League •I? • 11.141rW,YY 1 >: Zn:• .::�::::: .::• I. . it .� . r rr!rdrrlydr� rr�; SAFETY4IRST !'. {A 4 'I I! 5 TIP OF THE WEEK When tro llingg, vary the s eed of your motor from - time to time. 1'f you are not getting results at one speed, troll at a faster speed for a few minutes,.then at a slower speed. this trick will often produce better results,' to DEAR EDITOR= Dear Editor: On behalf of Mrs..Sutherland .and the boys and girls of, Moose ,. Factory, I would like to,,,thank the many people of Goderich whoserved to make our visit there so wonderful. We were delighted by a tour 'of the Salt Blpck and Water , Plant. We 'were entertained , by the joyful voices of St. Mary's Separate,,. ^ ,School, We' , were --inririgued - by visits ... to:.. the-,___ Museum and a Great Lake vessel. We were honoured by a Knights of ,,Columbus banquet and a welcome from his worship, Mr. Worsley. But perhaps most important of all, our hearts were captured by the warm, extended friendliness of everyone we met. Thank you so' muchfor this opportunity. Yours sincerely, Dan' Dalton • FIRE can be a very disastrous thing. Avoid the heartache it things by having us check and recharge 'your fire extinguisher. We offer, a complete line -elf SALES and' SERVICE as we are distributors of Pyrene of Canada Ltd. and General Fire Extinguisher Corporation. Shop around,• then see us. We will, . not be undersold. As a special for the month of May, we are offering a General. Model C.P. 2%4 lb. dry chemical extinguisher.,. list price .$21.$6,'._ for only: la.95 This is an excellent unit for, home, (cottage, boat or garage. your fire protection problems to Bring ' e .' ,JERRY FUEL And HARDWARE LTD. 84 KINGSTON ST. , PHONE '524.9671 r YM P. Federation meeting The iviay meeting of the directors and f'nenibersetof tine: - Huron County Federation of Agriculture will be held Thursday, May 6 at 9 p.m. in the `Department of Agriculture board rooms at Clinton. All individual' service members ,are welcome. ' ' MOST CARS Let the expertt do it; Correct raster: eumher: toe -in: wheel ,ccnterinpt.1>rsion har height adjustment where applicable. steering gear adjust- ment,; check. ffor..I.rorit wheel liedrtng ,noise ; hearing adjustment; inspect front springs and shocks while checking the front wheel hala'n e, (All parts if'needed are extra). ENGINE TUNE-UP "tor,rtoti:h': to hftjcians and the latest tune- up e uipment DID YOU KNOW? ERIC CARMAN IS THE NEW' OPERATOR - OWNER OF ti GERALD COVER -PHOTOGRAPHY Whatevdr Your FRAME Of Mind FOR ,EVERY'THIN'G .I1�f�� P`OIRTRAITSr WEDDINGS to GENERAL PHOTOGRAPHY drop in to the STUDIO, ' check the YELLOW PAGES.or CALL 5!4-7924 Rader; ',yr 'Girls . 13nok' Your i eddlilkEarly!" THE" PICTURE? CET BRAKE RELINE Drive a safe car!. Complete hydraulic system overhaul, SHOCK ABSORBERS Fast expert instal- lation by certified technicians. r' • EXHAUST" SYSTEM. Let the experts install safcIN and silence . frorn ptpec to, muffler Apply for, a Canadian Tire Credit hard EXTRA! Cash Bonus Coupons on all parts! A ' =mum TIRE (flflAQlflfl TIRE r . DOMINI(C FOX •LTD. '221 Huron Road L.' 624=2121 OPEN WEDNESD