HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-05-06, Page 6• f,ilJU:ER1C11 SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1971 { Huron Federation. of Agriculture still not happy with education taxes The following is a • brief submitted by the Huron County Federation of Agriculture' to Huron County Council: IVLir. Chairman,and .Members of cheaper elsewhere. What is to become of this important industry if we cannot find, means of supporting • the individuals who • must show a profit .to , unneeessary r penalties. \Ve situation arising , ,from ieeognizer'the need of --controls circumstances beyond their but rMunniend that as much cdntrol, protection as , possible be Some consideration might available to farmers with existing also be_, given to the changing O o u n t y "„ U e v e I o p m e'n t remain in business? Huron enterprises who Are caught in a needs of society where Committee; • we • thank you for -County in particular cannot education , isconcerned' ""It a..l'Pe> M • t.) t ti~..saturationpipoint• once' again inviting thfy Huron afford to allow its . largest 'County' " Federation of industry to decline. Without Ag'ieulture to this annual event agriculture,. what .wotald this • y . r yy'yay��, q y�y j, yip. }�j �y: yon ,y,� O'ftj bent xra 'i' t. 30/ � t�i o L.' 4C4 " l taley .'�R l . onh ?.�rra/S�i. •'}"k"iiveyy vi3.7DT.*7, xt• ' p Dung anIRhI1- has been waited in the acade?tnie� fields r of endeavour: bxpress our 'views and ideas County liive on" "I'tte .econtinuc "r" More '�wempktasiS•---:en technical Y,P 7aeS6 ... " ♦. '.M;rJx.9�••.i''Iff.'R,+'fit'v°.'%i!i7'+4,'t'�[7C-'t['..R.C�f-M (.J4t move., We recommend that a change benti practical approach to practical things be considered by our school, board and council, oun,cal, - :•Ehar_k �'Ou -gentlemen for this, opportunity of expression and hope we can, continue to co-operate together in best interests of people of this County that We represent. Farmers:-° _.. serious on mane farms and Mrs. 4elson Culbert had they There are several• Matters we farmers must have' the support , flit this week. are concerned with which We of all of us who represent , Mrs. ' Bob Stothers is in ay feel shouldbe, supported d bti' t' armt'rs if prosperity is to• be , . eel Pp r I P .. London hospital for a c tie c k up. Huron County C,ttunt'il. You will • maintained.* : Phe su ,1zHbeet . mi.:, ;and Mrs. (lark •4a-tan-ar_tclr:_.. appfrom family visited witti the Spivaks recall that in our submission a industry disappeared yeao,; we requested your, Ontario tx�cauc`ul;tar ac' More Sunday, April '' 3r Sharon was support;„,,to brie about su tort, Now rt home for the weekend. equalization of education taxes. expen't', e. th:ati when we were ' Roger. Pentland was home for ' Mush 'has been accomplislTed ' producing su that. in Ontario. Phis a few gar, and now has returned • . since then to relieve .. farm can .happen tci other to Northern 4Ont.ario. taxpayers ,.of this burden. coin tttoditles if , we ' do not Miss Donna Pent land was However, the system of taxing protect our industry. t We %. visiting• home from London this for education financing has not r eco in •ni e n d t h a t a weekend, From Windsor, • ?eine, been changed. \''e -still have the.. reconsideration be given by, this Garnet' visited with Mr. Pit ni land ' t t' h b t h Council support the 909 Round and AboUt With Martha • t yesterday' 'I was wondering „Of course, for some people what I would write this week- my head would not be too high, and my mind was just4,a turmoil. but- for me trying to get the 1 had ten dozen things that thing irr}-place without scratching H At) to be done, anothei: dozen the buffet was quite another I WANTED to ,dei, and ONE thing. thing especially I wanted to irv.'" I was pushing it to its standing When you are trying to get up- position, when the 'darned ' things unpacked and in order thing whipped around and ' 'iiiT''#i't'ti ttttttd to run into a"`iot ezacked me on the„. top . of r� ,y of difficulties, a lot sof head! �' • f rust.rations and a ftw accidents, I didn't drop it, but shoved it i th +�,� y� 'nto la a then felt an m u :.YX,tt ry .•b'in .,.1,tas,,°4i;,,3 „.,,,,' i'Pr' i:ICI..71' ."aSd ' ao w,,,, sole t ' it,MstR7�til. sunny; day, but the cold wind there. How can, 'hitting you, on drove you indoors in a hurry. , the top of the head nearly knock Rather than use the drier,.I hung your teeth out? ' i outin thewind and all 1 c c laid I tried • to be calm and _ soon found things were being collected, but I. felt that some of `r. hipped t 5, 'pieces,'but- don't mymarbles had been krioc ed 1 they smell so nice after the sun loose. I've 'been told I had and'the Wird? already lost them at times — but �� s t 'coign t leave thin u too 1 t a things., Unow I wondered about it. Ii�lig, s) 1 soon had the old '1 realized such a bad knock •.a•ladst•ing.•.l oard'4n"operat•i•on -r the could be serious( or just a only time enjoy ironing is headache, so 'I phoned • right when I toast 'do it right away and ,� then get, things out 'of the way, away for information and was u Ott -suddenly it is time for told to get to the hospital at dinner meals always 'seem to onee:�•,�Sin�ee. it 'would 'take time to get someone to -pick me up — ss, ua ton- -.w ere .v tole who punct 10 stip t c and family. - • enlarge or improve their rt'solutioit to restrict Mn, and Mrs. L. Emmerton, u enterprises are assessed for pion' importation of' Australianbe*e>f. Cindy'and Lori, had a visit with.,et is education taxes. 1\e 'feel that Could we also bring to \ our \Ir. and mrs, Wiliiartt Revues of this.w.ethctd 'penalizes initiatirc�:" attention the matter of pollution ,-._1Tucktttttr. While there, phi>J also Also we had hoped 'that urban from animal t+astes. It appears visited with Mr. and Mtn. Charlesfifeit- aok. eo • le w'otild also be considered that this .ma) be eomt' a 't'riolis n , • p p Ial:rsr o(Ajaxr 1 f h tax t l' t th' future' and we- W Ni l f NI •• e(�ttta Itatitmn o t ms : �. EA U i c It in t e a\ in . It` o son, son tt r., The Ontario Federation of e'mphasi e that We teem. that anr' and M.N. lion Nicholson, is Agriculture is continuing to policy adopted should protect ., doing nicely on crutches these press Government for complete innocent d' d l t_ ,r•._._., .::equalization tot”-e(�,ai t • fa cakes! " "';'.. - s.. ._-'e.a.S:•fotirld't_t'i" 5. st(3tattS'.( •: /,•.. Ntliy we again solicit your use theme for quite awhile,. We tl wish him well. '' 1 see that they ,are having a „- fish nn`; ." +tar i..iMinr\• i±,thc� children's hour at the library. [ nloR' t m ►r t us, s. frt'im day. After a visit to London, it eating • 'support 'rn this effort'' Another matter that we feel is • need o in our ttiow us. C� • 4 ift t;arin in in ' � It's good to • children `• aur rt�tlltg Irc'l'ple interested in 't'Ea:3dlnx' at an early cannot all' work at agriculture, age, but' 'it sec'nis to us that there � Set out to make Blit_ Torte. s.holld bet for' e dninncfrnf t more t�pptirttitlt orMade a Mistake', •.eantner up .r•it.h.. employment in , Huron County this ^orgeo'us dessert: • BY SHIRLEY J KE•LLER `t.�s i.ng` Could. -we tort find p'iesen at'tons to Hur i t unty 2 `- pt"tt�±c �•r - cups. - 2 tablespoons sugar more e ff -nene Met hods. of I.O't rti'tl;. • Shirley'Std ','i . i'up soft butter promiet.tn:;''`''.cleveItrpmr'itt .0f udit io'er- �•4i-nictan with the µ industry .-i-elated ` 'nc it Utt'” Il.:ror: Count”. Health unit. and i �. -i cups sifted cake flour �^ t �'Medical 4 tip. malt With the trend to mci,htaiti_:atit�tt . ter Frank Mills,'Miltsacting rr ., 1, 2 3 cult -' 1 tablespoon milk' on tar -its, .our ptrpul'aaticI-1-,car; Cut:cer of He*alth: were"..t'tn hand 1 4 duh slivered blanched' • onlr dei, lint ;mile's there' -'art , Thursday Inornir . in t=t'dericl`. almonds. to remonstrate hearingtesting. Beat e�, white's till ,tairlti• Nt �,:c t is dont' in the Child. thick add one cup .sugar,. beat o f ti e g i oin a l ' tc,, 'c'rtt a, an �c �`t nCI3+ remaining, sugar, flour. add 2 proposal sc mottis of the Ni hil, , i, ' 1 4 tsp. baking powder :aztd,•alz. *tt. we ,are t4Ll'.tt' heer .Dead Boyle, Eaet�r,' . l�t�r�rnme.. s.ke deal, as to, the benefits of -.— ._., add mild, and vanilla. Mix until " - t type of administration -1U '''a•: Vie , pauem4 for the Hous is, dampened.. De. t our as ri• ere> .ts reason ft, • c''n'err.:s"rataen: The' pre',* . s ."rnsnui.es at low speed or 3tit� vb iier�e.that more, cel€itr•t1i of our b er- 'in. ef:eet in Huron tante ,,rigorous ,tropes by hand, Add ;affairs would ntt��e' into the 1;16;4 with tiro tests being done :a ; yolks and beat I minute Masa of the pritdace' of our ~..,.,1 ......:........ G tarttt�� is sh.tlrpt'd c'isc'�r here for ' dont ttztltn,, s sent, t t � ,c yolks, es r either crpp c'rtunitie�s for entplor mciit We •.t'aio,n Limit's and in the till staff. WW -hip in butter and are, tip tit e rt .. e a ... . < 't n d _ e- o. ry Clerk -treasurer • John Berry presented the county budget 'to members of Huron County Council meeting in, Goderich last TtautldaSy: ' tete-- were.. t-ew • questions from "council concerning it and the 53.909,050 ' budget was- passed' • hands -of . people ?i ho art' not bt'fare any _referrals are made br ictrg-er. Pour into three t, cake very concerned w Ith aril ui ural the' nur-, to 'the' child's family ` pans,. Bake at 350 degrees for 35 problems.- Our, present do..ttrr: ,minutes. rnb#e �ystettt , may stave; :wetkrip �a.:•.bu,t,,w.i*;.az*,. ,. -1t.., t, a .Very. ext psir�e , FILLING: 1' p?'nt of frozen, p � strawberries. berries. Of the opinion that the pnrpc-1 e� :'tea°.:.t.ated•�r. y'h1Ls:.:r.ert- unsweetened 1 coup change may have tc>r popular w it h. the people Who are, sugar, 1 cup vi`ater..Put sugar and t, ? 'be��trinz.n , now to 31l for tt. rr-ater to boil. When boiling_ rvesRttc��'ses, • Per#tap. i. - - councilhtls , were better paid at r 'nt during ' the . morning drop• In strawberries, set back to the local 'level there would. be' session were the Grade . and S cool Now strain out berries and more, ittct'ratire ' tt> better• students of McKillop Township •measurejuice. Add water to ' ad mi n t s t r ;i t i o tt . .I,. �r...441.�:„4:r' ` Q.,„t3" er &lott•.ed 1.0 minutes rzake 1 cusp juice. For, every cnp Councillor• are expected" �to tit tetory the noon bre to of :cake.- add. 'I ? 2 "tablespoons 'spend nonslderablt' time on ; '' an que'�ticttis ,fey might of cOFistarch. Cook to thicken, Public affair_' for ,very smalltare. Add 9 Strawberries.. spread ,. ., e t u r n , t• 0111 p a red to 'It rs understobd that. the ',between l.a`;ers and on top of administrative ltt4,"plc' in other Huron County Board of cake. Then serve 'with whip,. capacities. 'We rv't'tttintt'rtd• That Education will be invited to send dream or whipped topping. •any change ' in . method ',, f tate se,.nior, element.ara' ., school •Well i'adies. there ,goes our administration of public' affaita'.' t 'each month 'to count., diets. , be' approached vt't'y cautiously council. The question 'period for Have a good week. Please if and that the public be kept very the students is to become 'a r nu have any news, let me well• informed and allowed to re tttar. feature know • Thank you. voice their opinion , on the ' . Council ,was informed' that Linda matter before' any cha'ng'es are the new planning director for the county, Gary. Davidson, would take office ir4'x' the court house Monday: May 3. One of Mr. Day idson's first concerns finportatton of ,Australian ttet.,1 #Trill be the official county plan ,Made. Some time ago r•ou were requested to support a resolution, regarding the` into Canada. We, " were disappointed in .s oar decisio,n to not support this resolution. We area of the ' opinion that Hifrun „County farmers canhot,'eont'pete with Australian farmers in the production of 'beef. There is no agricultural product produced in Canada that, cannot be produced' which has been approved ctyr;tpleteiy; tar,..,..i •principle t> m an y Huron m u n i ci pal.i t itis . Public meetings ' w-irrt regard to , the official plan "will be conducted soon, council discovered ,.and the ftrsi ntee'{ g of the Land Division 'Committee is,set for Tuesdt•, May 11•. FIRST ORTGAGEi" -LOANS 0/0 Per Annum 1f1ie Kndw' Our Rates Are Lower! 'WHY PAY MORE? SEE 'YOUR .. 1Pt Mir . , V 5. 4 GODERI'CH COMMUNITY • CREDIT UNION' 79 ST. DAVID ST. • There were some notes from Berry" 'Wi:t! -the •liiidget which explained same„det.ails- :�l.t.hough the County levy will be very similar to 19 r0,” stated Berry."in some cases municipalities will pay more County levy, others will pay lesvc, as a result of-the-factwe have 'to use the equalrizing factor in determining th' apportionment of.. costs tor each municipality, Again it should he pointed out that . We are now . using . a percentage , of hosts rather that the mill rate system., "Another factor ' that does tot show ..up directly in the budget'.- continued Berry, "is the fact there are rebates ID the .3,L•tan municipalities in connection •with - t.heir highway levy. ID other words. orrds. 4 5 perces:: t1;e highway levy for; thn urban municipalities is rt}bare to, these municipalities e.„,• -•:- year „, • :- year. Faai 4 �.•1 ,t,ht:, rr i.I.t .a.izlta.�:..,t to approximately S122.000.- There I22.000There is, 'also one* res ' pYc — y •'. ':s fund which, dates, not appea year in our budget.- Concluded „Berry.,ax._.. __ the•...... Reser•r .rwhere we have �a„+•, infested, This is the result of a precious planned program over the past years where br . yr e allo•cat-ed .funds to the •Hospi:.a: Reserve made payable, interrupt me, but. they are 'a q. after explanations, etc., I necessary hubby decided I'd better, get there fast With going to a • ntt't,'ting, I figured this would .be while I was able. "Take a cab" .0 they said, so I did — ii was my chance to try my, "crazy J sittingright in the yard. idea- to satisfy my mind on whether or not ' it would work. I,''nt�tvded space 'for "treasures" and you 'cats only put so much in china-.-eab i ne't • so I• f i'i i d the? nuns srlaa)l: k mases. sitting 'atop the' buffet would -hold a lot' of these pieces you like to show and see. . , So THIS is what I was trying.. to do when I was clobbered 1 had emptied the buffet in order to mOve it to the spot where 1 wanted it and also all t tc• stuff from the bookshelves rt<'re piled high 'on the kitchen table and counters — and I mean PI LED, .. nit, book shelf was a great 'deal • •heavier thin— I- had a:;:icipated and altho' I had moved it about the, house. t Was a different weight when :�ftt'd almost different e your head,, TOWN TALK Miss Nancy Bell, daughter of M Mr. and 4irs, Melvin Bell of _Goderich., has , .been named worse'n's ..editor of the Barrie Dail) • Examiner . at Barrie, Ontario. -• E cur ladies from St. George's -Anglican Churl, h in Goderich. attended -the' annual meeting..-'"' ittd"'"t't St. James' , t\t+.e.tn.in•tert Church in London or April 29. Taking ,Bart in the gar• lt�n�� meet wereirirs:w..•trn-G-: Russell, .Mrs.. Douglas Mrs.`, John Seaman and Mrs. Malcolm Campbell, hor:pi iaL dor "'b uii a ing p rog'rar..•; . -•- -- - This fund is being kept in , abeyance at the present tine and . . M °M could be cotnmenceed again any .of the hospitals in t: nt= County- • we,re to launcr building program:" „ For Your INSURANCE see Or call • eE o MacEwoaf • 44 North St 524-9531 Doran . MacEwan Peter S. Mac E wan 'q rurwu•,a�:r.xxrt� avn� M, GODERICH .x CLUB WOULD LIKE TO SAY THANK YOU To All Those Who Contributed To The EASTER SEAL FUND FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN « /IM1 /,A /yd, Ii♦ � A.nd To All -Tlit to V' ho 'f' , Assisted 1Y trt The C t'npaign • do 9 3 s 3 S 1 00,1. The nu must have thought I had mall lost my -senses, but I explained I felt it was urgent and "here.I am! ' - Instead of *a fifteen minute exaimifzi'ation, I wase put o bed; blood pressure and eyes, etc., checked every 15 minutes for — it seemed hours — but until they Were satisfied --my 'brain -,.weren't too scattered and then every little whipstitch after that. You meet the NICEST people that' way! I don't advise, trying this just to get, your blood pressure checked, but itis one way of doing It - I'm afraid 1 have missed several items. tha_,ta I had. planned to talk to you about, but since, , I'm still in 'hospital - and the will have I deadline, is'sliding 'by, r�•ass;"y rMu/ hetvthi 'tirrrO Outside of a large lump and a, fat headache, I think everything is fine and I will finish my with help. experiments later p Love, Martha Cover Photos new owner Eric "Carman, formerly of Kleinburg near Toronto,has recently taken over the Gerald Cover Photography studio in Goderich. Mr. , Carman, ,who ' will be bringing his family here in the near future,, was recently an , advisor with the Honeywell photographic division. �.°'0 In addition to using the studio for portrait work, • he, will' be involved• with weddings' as well as commex W'. and industrial, photography. The phone number is the same as before 524-7924_ THE SPRING SUIT SCENE! STEP OUT .IN 'STYLE in a neiltr Suit • from our large selection. Checks—Plains—Stripes.. From $1995 i'SPORT" COATS CO-ORDINATES CASUAL, • ALL ' WEATHER JACKETS HER COATS 'SPORT, SHIRTS ETC. PickettCain.bell'i3'iit� r ° 'The Store For Men • CLINTON —' GODER.ICH' — KINCARDINE It 1,.hn. fro. i1t` i • w • e • • Ole • 01 ave • • • • gills • • GOOD SELECTION FRESH OCOLLATES LADY SUNBEAM ELECTRIC HAIR CURLERS R[cuuq..17 11.49 QDERI-'CH' UNIT THE SQUARE 9,9 l,1 4 'ygW"b`r�N�tNS.Yt ALCAN'S FAMOUS R 9, S 1 ) 1,011 Y ARE ' COMING TO HURON RIDGE' KINCARDINE "WAT{H FOR THEM All Alcan,'Home s Are Heated Electrically //. (LIVE BETTER 4 Flameless, electric heating is safe, clean, quiet, dependable and low cost MAIL ENQUIRIE: -TO BOX 340A KINCARDINE,., ONTARIO ALCAN DESIGN HOMES LIMITED ALCAN 'IN SUBSIDIARY OF' ALCAN ALUMINIUM LIMItcEI w • 0 • •