HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-4-20, Page 8Rf•1nal,94..'.v. ado w1.'9.alv.- ',!tN.m!nttckw,spf oj�llJ1E Eb!II[EIISS ---We h�indle-- SCHOOL Sl~Pl'la11 S, S'I'ATIONARY,' MAPPINGS, TWINES, BAGS, SMALL WARES, FANCY GOODS, 00y113S, BRUSHES, SOAPS •-inn- 3ldgI ii itOH ill MUSIClil; GOODS. st olin- see --x.= eseeaer .weemsen.xse tr. cc'h ui 'cT, EXETER, - ONTARIO, Booming Booming. Ininiene Stocko Nearly 5,000 molls of new Wall Paper for you to select from at the BIG BANKRUPT STORE A beautiful lot of Dado Window Blinds and any quantity of new Carpets and Lace Curtains. All at prices very much in favor of the Buyer. J. Aa STE ART 9 LOCA-. JOTTINGS. erne Montrea1witness. The Montreal Witness, which is to move into its own building uext spring will be by far the best equipped news- paper in a mechanical point of view in Canada Its immense Hoe quadruple machine will be capable of turning out 60,000 eight -page or 80,000 twelve or sixteen page papers an hour, printed complete on both sides, cut, pasted, and. counted in piles of fifty. This will be one-third faster than any other press in Canada. In addition, its matter will be set -on the Mergenthaler Linotype, which gives a new clean face of ; type, every issue, and its form will be com- pact and Beautiful. The Witness, al though old and reliable, is up to the front in respect of enterprise, and its readers expect and are not satisfied with anything hut the best. The price of the Daily Witness is three dollars a year, of the Weekly Witness one dol lar, and the Northern Messenger, pub- lished for the same house, is thirty cents, Agents wanted in every town, village arid. P. 0 Specimen copies will be sent free to any of our readers, on application to tee publishers, John Dougall & " Son, Montreal. The sub scribers of the AnvocATB can have it and the Montreal Daily Witness for $3; the Anvoe/ern and Weekly Wit. ness for $1.60, and the Northern Mes seng•er with either of them for twenty five cents extra. $1eo1z out For 'ramps. On Friday last, a one•le;ged tramp struck the town, He visited the Bank of Hamilton and insisted on receiving fifty cents at thehands of the Agent, Mr. B. Willson, but was ejected with out ret ivr e n„m anything, as he '..appear- ed to require the money to satisfy his desire for "firewater" Shortly after- wards he was arrested by Chief Bull ard, and on Saturday morning appear. ed before the Mayor, Fre was sent to Goderich for 15 days.---Wiughctrn toeing Ground. Onr speing fairs promise, soon to be an institution of the past. It is regret able that such Alienist bo the caseas it affords an opportunity for intending' breeders to decide on the bast animals' to select for their ptirposee, If an ex- pert judge could be hired' by the socie ty so thatpeemitxns would he awarded re the best animate, independent of who the owners were, it would have, bene ficial effect•. -Mitch ell Advocate, A lovely lot of new dress goods for 20e, double fold, at the Big Bankrupt Store. We haye heard nothing ,being done in the way of a 24th ce!ebretion yet, is there to be ono? Buy your millinery at the Big Bank- rupt Store. Best stock and biggest values in town, Call! Have you had your garden plowed yet? The season is hero and no time should be lost in malting ready. Gents pure wool tweed suits, all shades orals $4:90. Boys navy serge suits only $1 at the Big Bankrupt Store; The,rnanagers of the banks in Strat ford have decided to exact a discount of 20 per cent on all American silver that passes over their counters on and after May 1st. Do not commence house cleaning yet. If you take your stove down too soon, the head of the house might have to call the stove pipes some very pet names before summer really makes a start._ The large culvert on Ann St. which conducts the wafter in the creel: on the south side of the James Pickard block is receiving a needed cleaning• eut,aud many of the old timbers are being re- placed. There was an eclipse of the sun on Sunday visible from Madrid and from points in western Africa, British astronomers obtained a fine view from the station on the Sarum river in French Senegambia. The people of Listowej, will vote on the question of appropriating $5,000 for manufacturing purposes, as follows: -$2,500 to the Morris, Field, Rogers Company; $2,000 to Gillies & Morris, ana $500 to be applied at the discretion of the Council. Almost every small boy, some large ones, are seen wending their way to school these days with a lacrosse bat on their shoulders. Ir the senior boys do not get organized soon there will be a junior team ready for work and a vie, tory or two to boast over, A fewyears ago Exeter could boast of one of the best base ball teamsin the county. What is wrong about organ - [zing a team now boys,. ev,en if it is_ just for the sake of reviving old times by cleaning out everything that comes along? Get a move on you! At this season of the year the econ omical man blisters his hands turning the-sod•in his back yard . and spends $10 ou seees and fertilizers: Later the weeds and the sun knock out his am bitten, and he gathers about 99 cents. worth of "garden sass" for his puins. Rev. W. Kettlewell, Grand Council for of the Royal Tempters of Temper- ance, has issued a circular calling :a rally of Ontario Prohibitionists at To- ronto on Thursday, April 29, in con- nection with the temperance legisla tion now before the Ontario Assembly The Beriin •Record, of Friday even ing, contained this rather peculiarly worded paragraphs -"Church Dance. We hear that Messrs. Crossly and Hueter have engraged the Methodist S. S. Orchestra to play at the dance to- morrow evening at the Methodist Church.'! No place like the Big Bankrupt Store for Carpets, Blinds, Curtains and wall paper. A new shipment of wallpapers just opened On arising from their beds, Saturday morning last. people in this vicinity were surprised to see from, 2 to 8 inch es of snow on the ground. The fellow who "expected it" was of course on hand. Probably he can tell whether a sleigh ride will be in order before the onions are ripe. A Brantford man recently saw • an advertisement in a 'U advertisement pap er offering to send a fine engraving, depicting, the landing of Columbus, for $1. He, sent along the money and yes terday received one of the new 2c. Co lumbian postage stamps, bearing the scene referred to. The fine weather has brought out the brick and stone masons. Messrs. Evans and Shier ai•e rushing the work on the foundation of the Bobier Pro duce Co 's refrigerator and packing house, and in a very short time we ex- pect to see this handsome addition to that portion of the town completed, The kind of work required on farms at this season of the year can be done by any ordinarily internment person: Whoever refuses to rake advantage of the opportunity; to thus secure employ ment should immediately be denied further aid. Any assistance therea Fter rendered them would be only depriv- ing epriving to that extent the really needy. The importance of such an end.ustr•y as Still handle factory, syhich is located at St. Thomas, is shown by the fact that this year the manager paid out $20, 000 for logs alone. He purchased a million and a half feet, mostly of ash and hickory. Of this '250,000 feet were bought at Dutton, but the largest pro- portion in the vicinity of St, Thomas. The contractor, Mr. James Sweet, commenced work with a large force of men on the foundation of Rollins and Williams' new grist mill. The exca vation is not quite completed, but will be by the time the masons reach the south-west corner. If the fine weather continues, a very short time will see the walls of this splendid building cov- ered. The nightly bon -fires, and odors am- ing rtsing from burning refruse heaps are ire dieations that there is a general "clean going on in and abut the neighbor hood. This is as it should be. "a stitch in time saves nine," as the old adatre says, and our citizens are anxious that no care is uegleetod to ward of the threatened epidemic. When cholera or other infectious diseases once get hold of the seaport towns, continual sanitary precautions is the best pre ventive for keeping it out of inland towns and cities, The site for the new creamery is be ing p tit in shape for operations. A special lite of new Japan Tea in 8 pound tins, at the Big Baarkr'upt Store, see ib, its a daisy, Mr. Robt. Lang is about to com- mence a cooper shop in the rear of his implement establishment, In 'a few days cyclists will be flying all over the country roads. It will do no harm to caution all wheelsrpen to use extreme caution in epproaehing horses, and drivers must themselves be onetheir guard, for eyeles will be more generally used than ever. Main St. and Station st. present a very clean appearance siuee'the _surp-. lus dirt was removed. Even if the work was a "bill of expense" as several were pleased to remark, wo think it was a good act While neightoring towns were weltering in dust during the re- cent "drying up" spell, no clouds of dust annoyed us, and all owing, to the clean up. One third of the fools of the country think they can beat the lawyer in ex pounding the law, one half think they can beat the doctor healing the sick, two-thirds of thein think they can beat the minister preaching the gospel, and all of them know they can beat the ed- itor io conducting his busiuess. This is respectfully dedicated to "An Old- Time Sport." Mr: John Matheson, who has been do ing business as a general merchant in Francestown for the past number of Sears,` started on Monday last to move his stock of dry goods, groceries, boots shoes &c. into the north vacant store under the Opera Hall, Drews Block, Mr. Matheson expects to be ready for business in about a week,aud will then have a clearing sale, and will offer. some bargains that will be eye-openers to the trade. For new .and nobby dress goods stylish capes, pretty De Lanes, try the Big Bankrupt Store. The News Record will pay $50 for any charitable purpose in the town of Clinton if the New Era will prove un- der oath before any magistrate or com missioner of court that the 'Conserva- tiveparty are responsible for Gore's charges against Mr. M. C. Cameron. This otter will hold good for one month and if the New Era fails to substanti- ate the charge the public can only place our cotem along with a very un- desirable class of people. The. Board of Examiners of the Lon- don Conference meet in Queen's Ave- nue Methodist Church for the exami nation of candidates and probationers for the ministry, on the 18th and 19th rusts. A public meeting will be held on Wednesdayevening, when address- es were delivered by Rev, J. Graham (an old pastor of James Street Metho- dist church) and Rev. A. L. Russell, M. A., B.D., (present pastor), Certificates will be presented to the successful can- didates. Prof. Robertson expects to ship the mammoth cheese to Chicago on Mon day next. He is disappointed, how ever, in not Doing able to make the display which be had intended at Chi- cago- It was planned to have the cheese landed in the city proper and taken' by :eight or ten teams to Jackson park, but the authorities say the stroet pavement of Chicago will not bear the concentrated weight of twelve tons, consequently the cheese wilt go direct to the World's Fair grounds. Going quiets, those 10c. prints at the Big Bankrupt Store. 12e is Avh:at they are worth, see the assortment. As people opened their doors last Saturday morning, a mantle of the "beautiful," covering the earth to the depth of from 3 to 6 inches, was seen, and it is generally known that such a fall is appropriately called "the poor farmer's manure" The snow in its passage through the air' secures its manurial value from the amount of carbonic acid gas in the air, Owing to the comparatively warm weather at this time of the year, the large amount of ammonia absorbed by the large por ons flakes in their descent, become lib erated, thereby giving it much more. fertilizing, properties than heavy falls of snow in the cold season of mid wint er. While it would not do to depend exclusiyely on this as a fertilizer, there is much more ammonia in the atmos ohere in summer time and the warm summer's rain brings much more to earth in its descent, than does a heavy snow fail in April, or such a one as we, had last Saturday morning. On Friday last the burial service of the Methodist church was „ performed over the remains of Mrs. Wm. Bayley at the Exeter Cemetery. Mrs. Bayley came to this country' from the County of Devonshire, Eng. 1869 accompanied by her husband and family which then composed of their sons, Alfred, Charles,. Albert, George and cilaughter elenriet, te. They settled in Exeter and resided in the residence now occupied by' Mr, Geo. Davis, on Gidley st, where Frede- rick the youngest son was born, and also where Mr. Bayley and two child ren -Henrietta and Albert died. Dur ing her 20 years residence in Exeter Mrs, Bayley was one of the most re- spected and christian members of the James St. Methodist church, and was beloved by all who knew her and the love that existed between herself and surviving sons • was most sacred. Her demise took place at the residence .of her son, Alfred, on Riverview' Ave Lcndon, Ont,,' last Wednesday at the age of 50 years., '1'he remains were brought to Exeter last Friday and previous to interment were taken to the James St. Methodist Church, where they were viewed by a large number of sorrowing friends and relatives, Her four survivin sons are all residents of London. Charles, a leading Dundas St. merchant; Alfred, of the Canadian Ex press Cornpany; George, with R. C. Struthers &'Co and Prederlch, who have our heartfelt sympathy in their sad and great affietion, �t s lilt alC d McTavish & Co.'s Old Stand. ,THE OLD Ski EM TPED PRICES KNOCKED ODY. Look at a few of Our Prices. A nice pair Lace Curtains, 30c. A large range Dress Goods, 3, 5, 7 >, 10 and 24 cts, Best 121e. Prints, 31 inches wide, fast dye, for 90. A nice line Flannelettes, 5e. Good Suits. $3.50 and $6.00. See our 70e. Black Pant- ings, formerly sold for $1.25. All Wool Tweeds, 30e. Boots and Shoes going fast. Wo dens' Shoes. ' 35 and 49 cents. Slippers 15 `cents per pair. Groceries . At Cost Pr i c e. Come along and buy a $25 Parcel and we will save • . you $1.0. , Butter, Eggs and all Farm Produce taken as Cash. G. G. JOHNSTON, McTaltisli's Old Stand. Federal Bank bills are worthless af- ter May 4th. Exa eine your pile, and if you have any hand teem in for ex change to a local bank at once. Dinner in honour of St. George's Day, under the auspices of the Sons of England Benoveleut Society, will be held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Monday, April 24th, commencing at 8 pm. for which elaborate preparations are being made. ' The following places have Mechanics Institutes: -Blyth, Brussels, Clinton, Ethel, Exeter, Goderich, Gerrie, Hen- sel!, Seaforth, St. Helens, Wingham Wroxeter, and the receipts of each were: -Blyth, $128; Brussels, ` $107; Clinton, $439; Ethel, $92; Exeter, $309: Goderich, $554; Gerrie $163; Hensall, $232; Seaforth, $870; St. Helens, $159;, Wingham, $426; Wroxeter $247. Now there is considerable water in most all drains, is it not in order to call the attention of the Board of Health to the fact that it is a good season to 'ex- amine the outlets of these drains and see that water and refuse is flowing freely. Incase any drain is stopped up the refuse will cause an unhealthy• stench to arise in cellars or some weak part in the drains, leaving an uusani, tary condition of thing, Asa many a g a, closets in town will require to be cleaned out, it would be well if the town itself could make some arrangements for having, the work done: , Hitherto it has been ex- ceedingly difficult to get it accomplish- ed. Why not hire a couple of teams and get mein to do the work under au- thority of the Inspector, who could fix a price for the same. he to be paid ex- tra for these services. Then people could leave word with hint under the assurance that it _ would be properly done. C1(1111.11 gle CO i Have t, 3 s week opened. out the best a n d largest stock of Amer ican and Ca- nadian. a .nadian. . Wall Paper Ever shown in Town. No w is the time to. bu.y your pap- er er for. Spring. Sackall & Co. New '00.: a ring for P�. 9 vwaw'a�Aavmamwa,TPn,.+.,.+..F, S Plenty of them. The latest and best assortment, full up in all grades and styles. 0-0-0-0-0-0-.0 ,�. .aNaaa Gran _: ° took tornd- i just what a" I want. o Few can meet and none can. 6 beat our p :ice . Quality and Grade, high in all that we offer this sea - 6 son, right aud. righteous prices on O all trim's. Never were sounder or surer h.mrcr a ns offered. in Groceries, Dr - oo",13, cots and Shoes Hats and Caps, Clothing and Gents' Far- nishirigs. Examination will show O That our Stock is especially strong. in variety and thoroughly reliable 9 in style, to this we adcl the strong in • ducement of low prices. Highestcfrprices SEEDS! E .,; s Large Stock of !P0 The Spring time is that eeason of the year when everybody should take TIIIE by the forelock. This is just what we have- done and now we are able fill all orders for seeds ofany kinds and in any quanty. This ' is the ,only way to secure good; reliable seed:. While you are in do not fail to see our new Spades, Hoes, • • 1,akes, Forks Shovels, ;: c Iii fact eyerything in way of Gorden. Tools. Elan 1110 IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm TF YOTT WANTTO Buy or Sell `Town Property IF YOU WANT TO Borrow or Lend 'Money. He YOU WANT Collections Make Call at Mr. Jno. Spackman's Real Estate Agency. Business Transactions strictly con- fidential. Intending purchasers will receive the best advice in selecting land or town sites. Also agent for Allan Line and State Line Steamships. Office- Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Address: -JOHN SPACKMAN, Box 44 The °undersigned have opened out a new Stock of first-class Spring and Summer suitings, in Canadian and Imported Tweeds Worsteds, etc., which; we sell at right prices. Tweed Pants $3, and upwards, Worsted do 4, do Tweed Suits 10. do Worsted do 16. do Spring Over Coats $14,00 a n d Upwards. Call ana examine beforeutshilasing: elsewhere, We' guatantoe a good.' fit. Creech 86 Bissett. Fresh Maple Syrup a TSE PEOPLE'S GROCERY and Liquor Store We, order our goods often and keep our stock always fresh and clean. Parcels de- livered flee in any part of Town. KilighL Ono Door South Opera Hall. =aim ROLUNS VLUAMS Exeter. Oo. , of � r � P ot�r. 7 Have opened an office opposite the Towii Hall, iand while build - ..,...ng the'...... NEW MILL Will keep constantly on hand a full stock of the VERY BEST BRAMDS OF' FLOUR; also all kinds: of mill stuff and Feed. Farmers and townspeople will find it to their advantage to call and see us. ROLLINS & WILLIAMS. r�;