The Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-05-06, Page 22 .00 1l t SIGNALSTArl , TH'UR.$DAY, MAY 6, 1971 iA N 9. • .V a �r r!yf;'f `. IIETTERSTOT a r rr rr ,r 4 rr�A/ � %''",!i�' ,�•,/ !�/,f•.'.+r a r' �.,..... .. '1'o all Ontario News Media, Open Letter: Honourable P E. Trudeau, Prime Minister,of Canada. • Honourable Sig: " irresponsibly. There are answers.' - I would like to draw , your The family farm way of life -atk4ition 'to a few 'very CAN be continued as away of important matters which have, living and CANNI, continue to be a are; and no doubt, will continue great contributor to • the the .displaced rural residents so they may live out the remainder of their lives "in Dignity in this Just Society?" I' do not ask these questions to ',adversely . affect most ' CanadianEconomy. Subsidies to ink; ;�y►rrnah.w."r°' Y7 1 dianr�Y....:n.�rii]�r1�x: observ' tjof+'�n ?ii,`..ar fax -w .til .- a est t ,tw. •h-,=.ur *are Irits tViii: ' point of etv as a small independent far er but•>I am also aware of other segments of Canadian Society who are likewise being affected by our current runaway inflation. Tours through the Goderich Signal -Star are quite co mon these days and Monday saw around 90 youngsters taking part" Shown 4.0 here are photo) students from the Holmesville Public School. (staff 'Let her do her own thing when it comes'to picking out a pair of shoes.,rA 01 -certificate will save you the aggravation of picking out the wrong style and '"' sige. She may even keep your selection but not be Completely " satisfied but she is afraid to return 'them for fear of hurting your feelings. Tfis,year let het do her own thug. • Stranger. sex - needs help - Sa ys d a e t o r applied Tand is seriously Canadians, their concern is Gdvernment pressure is being In conversation with Urban If the so-called stronger sex jepordizing the continuation of Atrernendous when they realize shared the responsibility of running the world with the allegedly weaker ' esex, thea ''s'tronger" might survive somewhat longer. - So says Dr. Estelle Ramey, a nationally known endocrinologist, ' who -believes that "men- have..- designed a society that's calculated to make it difficult. for them to live to a ripe old "age." And, she adds, "They insist on running it without any help from their natural partners women.;' Dr. . Ramey is a professor in the Department of• Physiology and Biophysics at .. the Georgetown Medical School in. Washington, D.C. ' Men in pur culture, Dr. Ramey points out, are subject,.to. greater .stresses and their life expectancy is invariably..sho rter than women's. Men are..also, expected to be strong, she says, and never to show the slightest sign of weakness. ° Sin.c e they're not "permitted to cry, • their emotions -will find an outlet one way or another, she notes. "If they can't shed watery tears,' then they'll cry internally ' with -blood." *" As a result, she observes, men develop peptic ulcers and ulcerative colitis' to a greater extent than women. . ....,... in Dr.'Ramey's: view, men "`i'onstantly fend off any woman who , wants to share responsibility with them. They do this by telling her she's "a sweet-, delightful little thing who's just too frail to stand up .---to stress." There's no'question, says the endocrinologist; „that men generally can bring more "muscle force" to'bear on their problems, but, she adds, "If You're talking about the ability to survive` life's stresses, then women are a really remarkable Further inflationary,,, trends sanctioned by your Government via ,suggested .6%, increase. guidelines will oantinue to affect those who cannot afford to make their voice heard. Little attempt is being made to assist' such groups or .individuals to cope with the present situation. In' the case ' of the farming industry which has contributed almost nothing to inflation-, even . giver and receiver bur are �a means' whereby ow 'income groups are able to buy their ' basic food requirements. The alternative is a Legislative Climate that will allow farmers the opportunity to `price their products on cost of production as ogler industries with Government food programs for the less fortunate. Export dollars gained ,by Canada are very desirable but farmers as 6% of Canadian population shoul4 not be expected. to, continue to carry Canadians on their back in this North American inflated economy. sex. this industry as the primary the farmers' situation.' They function of an Agricultural thought "that the Department Industry which contributes 42% of Agriculture and its Minister to our Gross National Product. were supposed to look after the " farmers." Would that this were - 1 'very seriously question the merit; in the face of ever increasing National ;unemployment, of plans of your Government to phase out the jobs of 304)000 families. This, is exactly what is recommended by your Agricultural Task ,Force and is apparently, being quickly acted ' upon. by' your Government. Two-thirds of Canadian farmers must go, — go . where? The highly controversial piece of 'Legislation currently waiting for final reading 'in the form of C-176 National Marketing Legislation, masquerades as a, great opportunity for farmers. In reality, it is 'the -vehicle whereby implementation of supply management can be -forced on farmers BUT. WITHOUT IMPORT CONTROLS, and without ANY CONSULTATION with' farmers. REAL spokesmen. The continued advocation, of low. 'product prices at the farm ;level. with exports encouraged only at farmer give-away prices will surely break the back -of the family farm system of food production. ' • 'so before farmers are transferred to the Department .of Welfare. The family -farm, private entrepreneur system has been established over;, .centuries, and. proven throi.thout the world as • the most efficient productive • means; --of food. production. A true assesment of its values would. be in order before' its passes into extinction. The Canadian farmer has given his best, he deserves no 'less ' in return. In your Government's consultation with the would be spokesman 'of the farming industry, I :respectfully suggest that great care be , taken in 'acceptance of policies brought forth by ' commercial organizations or thole 'affiliated or federated with commercial organizations. ..I would also suggest that' the ideas of econorni�..plannets and advisors, while 'working well in theory, • very seldom work in' practise, especially where 'people are concerned A final word ons the current sanctioned 6% per year wage and —Ras- your ' Government price 'guidelines. I have noticed considered how. to .cope with that M.P.'s salaries are to be Farming Corporations who will increased on these `guidelines, then . control the Farming based from the year of their last I n dtiTt r y ? Does yGu r .' ""ihc' °ase and retroactive to the Government foresee, Efficiency beginning of,,this past Session of ,and Productivity in an alternate Parliament. If any wage*. and - State Farming System where price guidelines are to be farm. labourers as non owners, planned for farmers, ''might I no., doubt show very little respetfully suggest a like 6% meaningful responsibility? Does increase based from farmers last your Government have the plans general increase of 1951 and Also' .. complete for» Low inraome could it be made retroactive to housing within our cities'', to the beginning of this past crop receive the Rural -Exodus about, ' to - take place? Does your Yours respectfully Government havefunds Robert'Kang. earmarked to retrain 'or pension ' • x1, 4 STILL! THE x+Mw.wU w .� . BEST BUY IN TOWN SAVE$2 & 3 A BAG • ON 40 Ib. BAG OF 'L$ - 6 4 . - • FERTILIZER—REG. L{SER. REG. 4.25 �° , 40 Ib: BAG .'10-6.4:WITH , 325 2.- 4 -D ADDED --REG. 6.25 • "'il�'ErVi L L- teA'lt —YOVR" DELIVER YOUR ORDER. CALL OR ' STOP AT H. O. JERRY FUEL And HARDWARE LTD. 84 KINGSTON. ST. 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