HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-04-29, Page 21It doesn't cost you il,1•hFP•NI•A 'AM • • r• find out where it goes • •-; R YOUR, FIRE IIINSU CE •4See or Phone t, 'MALCOLM .MATHERS . • .GENERAL INSURANCE ,AGENT 46 WEST4ST. 5244442 v 4 ‘t. • TODAY'S CHILD BY HELEN ALLEN „ 011111111/11111111111111111111M/Mall • 4," OODB140.181.91414-STAA,,Til.,V4S4* •••• ' • ,•,„ •• 7 • • . , ., .1. - .‘• t' - ' ..., • .. ''' 111 .. ' '1' 4,, . , -toi, ,k ... ' . , .: '. . •, ' 7 u , , , GRAPHIC- ARTS' WE—AFI-E—PITA'SED itrlitTNG—TH E— FOLLOWING SERVICES TO GODERICH COMMERCIAL ART — SIGNS TRUCK LETTERING j— INTERIOR & EXTERIOR DESIGN '& CONSULTING' "A COMPLETE ART & SIGN SERVICE" 524-6601 r GODERICH, 38 EAST SIN ESS LIRE The expression is typical of Pat, for this youngster is, a cheerful boy with an impish sense of fun. Anglo-Saxon in descent„ Pat wilisolmbe_eight. He is slim, wiry and healthy. He has green eyes, blonde hair.(which he likes to wear long), and fair skin. • , Pat is a lively lad who likes sports of all kinds, with skating his favorite. Art and music are his best subjects at school and he especially likes singing. . .• Besides several moves, this young lad has been„deeply hurt and really --needs the security of a ,home where he will know he is.loved and wanted. He is anxious to be adopted, but_fearful, too, so his new parents will need to be patient and understanding until he knows he belongs. . -"VaTratAived• hti-4-rariti; . and --he likes -eVei-y-thini-abaut - - -- country life. He would be ecstatic if his permanent home could be a rural one. A family without many other. children, -Where Pat will be the centre of attention, is needed for this ladHe, should have easygoing -parents with a relaxed attitude about aca- demic achievement. ' . ' t. To inquire about. adopting Pat, .please write to Today's Child, Department of Social and Family Services, Parlia- ment Buildings, Toronto' 182: For. genefal adoption informa-. tion, Usk your Children's Aid Society. iiiimm7mmlolonlimmulommem^lo!liMmommi. Alexander and • Chapman GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Building Goderich Dial 524.9662 '1011•11111111. Ativiakamkt 145 ESSEX STREET GODERICH, CINITARICI Available For Large or Small Parties Egm. CONCERTS —'BINGOS DANCES "6 CONVENTIONS "We Cater Any:Time or Place . Banquet flooms for 25 to 400 • Special Attention 'to., Wedding's • PHONES 524-9371 or 9264... 4' * 4 • DIESEL 'Pumps and Injectors Repaired , • • For All Popultr, Makes Huron Fuel Injection Equipment Bayfield Rd., Clinton -482-7971 Now a goocf-*31ary Opportunity -security for you in a business caw Goderich Busineis College. Clerical, Secretarial, Medical -Secretarial Courses 524-8521 4.1;,Resh 524-8732 * FRIGIDAIRE * WESTINGHOUSE * GIBSON 41_ HOOVER - Sales and Service JEWELL BROTHERS APPLIANCES & TV LTD. The Square Goderich For FASHION RIGHT ' SHOES The Place to Go Is ROSS The Square Goderich Ronald L. McDonald CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 39 St. David St., 524-6253' , 'Goderich, Ontario„ , [ . TheIt W. BELLI OPTOMETRIST Square • ' 524-7661 CHIS1HOLM FUELS Distributors For 4. PRODUCT HOME, 'FARM, INDUSTRY " * Free Burner Service * Furnace * Gasolines & Diesel Fuels. 524-7681 OR 529=7524 '1 Cards For AU Occasion's * Gifts* Books * Stationery Supplies Records ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE 33 East St, Goderich For Pleasant Surroudni and ' Good rood 4 THE GODERICH RESTAURANT STEAK HOUSE and TAVERN GODERICH BUILDING CENTRE " . • 41 y Carnbrre at ,Anglesea Ann Landers . Was' ashamed' .,-. , " red the windsock carefully again he did it. I had check- . . . . , this time, so knew it was his fault, ,not mine. On •my • ' all nothr.tharikful . .. Usual cockpit check and no fourth approach, i did the . . . ' red'flares went up. ' , , ., .. HOW SMILEY DEALT WITH OFFICERTYPES • Last Week 1 had a rare chance to do something I've • always watned to do, and I seized it with both- hands andArly tongue. '''' • I was .speaking to the Vimy Branch, ildyal Cana- dian Legion, at its annua-6: observance of the battle for Vimy Ridge. , The .Vimy. nearly_ail. its members are ex -officers of the Canadian 4 armed forces. On the prograrrt for the al-was-prin-ted 'a -list of the executive and the past pcidexas. It contained, a bounty of Brigadiers, a con- fusion of Colonels, a mess' of Majors,'a wedge of Wing. Commanders and a scatter- ing of Squadron Leaders. Senior officers: Sitting ducks, Ever since My daysas a fledgling fighter pilot, I've' enjoyed a firm conviction , that there is no possible way y into the head of a senior, of- afincerocan pound anything .ne Here .was a golden oppor- tunity to prove my theory, and 1 • sailed into it with gusto. 1 didn't use a phoney survey or a lot of statistical facts; , but personal experi, ence, and I let thernhaye it with botai barrels. As a flying student, I first -Tan into the obtuseness of the senior officer. This wing commander, the chief flying instructor, nearly had a stroke becau'se 14d tried to 7'd—from one end of the runway while another, stu- dent was trying' to land. from the other. How was 1 to • know the wind had changed 180 degrees since •I'd taken off? • - During advanced flying . training in England, a..sitni- lar occurrence deepened my onvict•roff. I was coping in' to land; --every ..sense. alert and my mind dallying with a 72 -hour pass and a chubby Land Army girl, Some fool down on the runway sta'rted firing red flares - -- 1 went around 'again, and Dear Ann Landers: I am7a somewhat, typical American housewife, 25 years of age with two smaltthildren. 1 spend part of' each day dreaming about what might have been — and, of course, feeling sorry for myself. I resent having to - do so much washing and ironing and I„, dislike being, shut in the , house all day with the children. I keep thinking of all the things 1 ,am missing in life. More to the point, I 'dm bored. o' Last night the Grand Rapids Press ran a story about, a .California woman, , a victim of • multiple sclerosis for 23 year. In that , time she becaine a concert•cellist, a wife, a mother, a teacher, a 'painter, a sculptor, ,and she has made stained glass windows. Now, at the age of 40', she is blind and Partially., paralyzed. But she has just finished writing a book for bored -'housewives'— like me. She made this statement whict, mapy shook me up. "When a 6' anary makes more beautiful. music than.a cathedral choir and soap bubbles in, the dishpan refle'ct colors more beautiful than the rainbow, how can a person be bored?" I realize how ,blind I have been with my 20-20 vision. I hope this letter wi11help Other 'bored housewives stop feeling sorry. for thetilterves and start appreciating all the beautiful gifts God has given us to help make us happy. —Ashatned. Dear Ashamed: Every', now and then we all need to stand back and take a good, hard look at ourselves'. A letter such as yours serves to encourage some ,useful introspection. Thank you', for writing. Dear Ann Landers: May I say a word to Two -Ton -Tommy's wife? Thanks, Ann. Dear Wife: I'm glad you wrcae, honey. Until now . I thought I was the only woman in the world who was married!tcl a man with infantile eating habits. The doctor told my husband he must lose 60 pounds or he'll die. So what does he do? He eats more to prove the doctor is wrong. Every night he checks the bbituaries'and says, "01' Doc Jones will be in here before L will." The ash trays are loaded with banana ' peels" and grape seeds. The living room is full of dishes. The man eats incessantjy. I don't ArlattiOSAJagialtaanint0V ' club until after he leaves for ,work. If I made it the night before, there would be nothing left to serve. • • • If he" sees something yummy on a TV cornmercial he Must love it right away: I've had to get up and make fudge at • • midnight. All this makes me feel guilty because I know the man is' killing himself and I am helping. What can I -do for him? —Ohio Headache: Dear Head: You c4n't do anything for 1-11M, but you can . dp something.for yourself. You., can stly catering to his neurotic demands. (Fudge ,at midnight, for example.) And you can make sure his insurance is paid up and .his affairs are in order because at the rate he's going you may be a widow .soon. and it will be a lot tidier. if Tou aren't caught unprepared, with loads of fimancial-Proble.ms. • . , I rolled to a sto,p a d he,‚ squadron leader was stand- ing in his jeep, his face a son of'multerry shade. And oriceligain, the insensitivity of senior officers was dis- played. Not only didhe calr me at.stupid clot who -should be sent back to Canada in a strait -jacket, but the dirty dog cancelled my weekend ,pass: And all because I'd forgotten one little, item on my first three approaches: putting my wheelsklown. Thep 'there was' • my 'squadron ' commander in France. I was his ,No. Two and we'd made a dive-bomb- ingattack, firing our cannon , as we dived, which was our vkont, not to hit anything, but to bolster our nerves. He :shouted something on the way down, but I thought it was something.. silly , like, "Hammer. the Hun", so paid ,no attention, closed my eyes, as Arav wont, and squeezed the tit. When we landed, he' was in a, t-errible flap because 1 PROCLAMATION WHEREAS WHEREAS WHEREAS THEREFORE -- the Town of ,GOderich is an active participant in the Province of Ontario Employment Incentive, ProgramMe *for the month of May, and; the various public works under this programme pertain directly '..to the, reparation and beautification of certain areas in the Town of Goderich, and; it is desirable and rt,mssary ,to have support of the citizens in presenting the Town of Goderich as "The Prettiest Town in Canada"; • by the powers vested in me as head of your Municipal Council, I do declare the month of May as MONT-H in the Town. of -Goderich; and Lttl to therefeire atV Harry W• orsen Mayor ;-, was the only one who had dropped his bomes on the wrong side of the bomb Line. .1 thought it was damn pool navigation on his part.. I think.what ree1110,o_tjwyd 'him was .that I'd Shot off a bit .of his wing on the way dow n. . Then there was t he 'ridi- culOus squadron leader' in' flying control -Who made me with a hrtg.-up, I. In, ,)7 • Dime days .-rltrortreir'xtrwat not some trivial _emotional disturbance. It was a fused, bomb, dangling by its tail from your wing, 1 tried to get riff—OTT over the sea. Nothing work- . ed. Hopefully, tsuggested, "Shall 1 bail out?" His re- ply: :`Don't be silly. .We 'need that ‚aircraft". Pilots were cheap, aircraft "expen- sive. One bounce on landing and it would be meat,*ffieT all over the landscape. And I was always known as Two - Bounce Smiley. Did you. ever see a ,mOuse with kid gloves on, walking on egg- shells? That's .the way I ' landed. But what hurt was that he wouldn't let me land on the metal air -strip, as he didn't want it torn up when 1 blew up. 1 had to land on the bumpy verge beside the strip. / Just a few of the exam- ples I gave to the senior offi- cers 'in my audience of the bone -headedness of .senior officers. They took it well, because, of course, they didn't •understand. 1offered to step...into the alley,,after- wards, with.any seri-Kit all-- cer. Provided , he was over 80. Two ancient bragadiers had to be forcibly rMtt ain- ed. fRiENDIV IOSONERSAYS: ' 'MATS MR THREE 'T11014'4NDBO/.TSTONOLO CAR TOGEMEVIIITRST ONE NUT 0 SCOW a c?‘ • • • a • • JOE'S B Service gtatiOir— and Coffee Shop 411 Huron Rd., Goderich 524-6?71 . . ti -,ereie by INTERNIZNAL s rimrfoRP (.'hoose your W, eddittg inyitationsoiviO, coniplete comtideri0 front our e 1 egan t• lection hick)" includes annouricern;enti lifId all thq, • Correct wedding acctsspriei., Our weddthl gift to, yoa • , (.> a, Keepsake copy, Of your 'Invitation Come in and receive your free Bridal' Gift Register Golortril West Stieet • p24433a1}., 0 oney. ONTARIO 1971 BUDGET 4 • 4 'Write forour free.copy of THE 1971 ONTARIO 13C1)CZT 'and get all the facts' on your provinc,c's finances. 1 el) TheHon.W. Dro. McNeow411„ Treau rec.' o(Onario and in kter of EconrniZ:,, Frost Queen., Park, Toronto 1S2, Ontario. Please-forN;Ird Th:e,lt)7,1-()11.t.irwl;(1.1xt t\ r1‘ it h por1/4..rs. NAME A1)1)/.t ESS CIT Y • 12 Th Moti?er Witt? L9oN2c! ••• On her special day sh9w Mother how much you love her. . . gift her with pretty, comfortable slippers. In cluded in our selection: slip. .ons, scuffs, leathers. Choose Mom's favorite coloits. 44 GIFT CERTIFICATES WILL SOLVE. ANY PROBLEM 44 • 0.4:'n" • ,0