HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-04-29, Page 18.1 i•A GODERLCH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 19'x1 � _.. a.... _.. • r - ,_..:._ ..Ga a and- News Badges earned_ BrROWNI'ES GUIDES Pack 2 Third Company (By Vicki Powell) . We had an extra nice' time at, our meeting on Friday, April "Sixer stripes went out,,:t6 Bonnie Reid, Sherry Moss and `.Seeonde , „ stripes went to Heather Marshall:' and KellySuchard. Quite a few girls receive their Skater's badges that they had earned at our Brownie skating party a few weeks ago. They were: Elizabeth McMillan, , Linda Best, Susan Weary, Patti Grace, Bonnie Reid, Lori Mansell, Tracy Sitter, tori McKay,, Leslie McKay and Tracy Nelson. • Tracy Nelson also received her Woodworker's and Writer's badges, and Bonnie. Reid received a -two year Service star. Next came Pow Wow. We had some interesting things. The two Packies (helpers) we had were Roberta Wheeler and Carolyn, Little: We also had tw "visitors -- Debbie and Marcie Edgar. We 'played "Kangaroo Court" and "Strut Miss Suzy" and sang some songs and then closed with Taps. Third Goderich Girl Guides , went -into roll call fortnati;•on to • start their meeting at which about twenty Bayfield Brownies were guests. The flag was raised a .l he Guides stood in horseshoe ' 'forrnation ,.._ ..Some .'-war•Tn=up'n�•' exercises were done as part of d our physical fitness program. The' Guides went to their patrol corners to discuss and decide things they'd like to do in the future as well as to learn test work with the help of their ,,, patrol leaders. Guides played "a •compass game and then«were 'taught to waterproof a • bed roll in, preparation . for camp. Kathy Reynolds and Joni Thompson were. very quick to pick up the Packer's knot. The meeting. came to a close with Robin Patrol in charge of • Campfire. Bluebird ..,patrol prepared a hair-raising skit and of course, 'everyone enjoyed, singing some'songs. Girls working toward their Baker's badge, Janet young, Barbara Pamminger, Wendy Webb, Debbie Elliott, Lynn Pack One Mansell and J ne Graham baked squares and served .their little At our mee•ting on April 20 guests andthen the tired bu,t we were pleased. /Was three happy Brories headed home to r new--"-`Sixers" — Patty Wisser, ,bed. R 7 a Lassaline- ar i $1t�erry. $ c hweitzerr. Linda °•Know; Watch for test work and • Autumn • Deathe and Janet badge news next week, Lassaline were appointed acting Seconders until- .they receive their Golden Bars at which time__ r, they swill be eligible to receive their "Seconder" stripes. New flags - made ,our semaphore practice more interesting at ,this meeting and e\eryone was anxious* for a chance to try them out. - - ' • • Brown Owl used• the flannel • • board-' to illustrate the Brownie Story "for the Tweenies. V�Chile ' this was going on, Brownies' did a dandy job of working-orr••their own while.learning anthems and knitting. The Packies were helping another group to sew on buttons. ,We practiced a new song for beginning our _POW °Wow and expect to,rhave run with it when we learn to sing it in, a round. Some Brownies were asked to attend the Girl Guide meeting on April 21 when Melanie Johnston graduates to Guides. Also during , Pow Wow• Ann ;Smith showed us some lovely doll furniture which she had made at home for her Toymaker badge. After singing Taps •we all gave our usual ,Salute and Good Night. GUIDES First Company , , The •First Goderich Girl Guides hada another enjoyable evening of company as Brownies arid Leaders from the First and Second Brownie ° Packs ' joined their meeting. Melanie Johns from the First Pac welcomed into the Company as the Guides stood in 'horseshoe formation. Instead of going to patrol corners this': week everyone headed for the centre of the gym where a large pile of magazine •pictu res, another pile of br•1stol board, scissors and glue bottles were„, ,pu,t, by Captain Graves. Their task .was interesting to draw a number and then make a • poster, using the pictures, of the . corresponding Guide Law. There was ,,a definite bee -`'hive of activity but the results were• all excellent and there -is no doubt that the girl's will have,learned, and won't forget,•at'Ieast one of the Guide Laws! There”) was a little time for some skits before it was time for ', Taps — and then goodnight. Tiger Dunlop BY LOUISE ,KAMINSKA The meeting of Tiger Dunlop 4-H girls was opened with everyone saying the pledge. , - The girls • showed.._. their fil4nts for roll call and. Sharon Sillrb said everyone should have a •dry cleaner bag to put her .garments in. They talked about their play and then the leaders examined the garments. . The meeting was closed by the reading of the creed, read by Sandra Feagan. Holpiesville • BY JANE HARRIS The final meeting of , the Holmesville 4-H Clubs was 'held on Monday, April 19. The meeting w Is opened Witr the 4-H pledge. - Each member answered the roll call with "show your separate". The - minutes of the last. meeting were ,read by Marie Betties of Hd'hilesv'ille I. ; It was decided that a•bowling party would be held on Mai'. 3 at Clinton. All members were the Goderich 4-H club was held. The minutes were read by 'Lori Keller. The girls discussed what to do with their -money, which was collected• this year, They decided' to go to the Candlelight Inn for dinner some night. w They talked about how t.o hem garments of different weight. materials. They dise:ussed their handout sheet which was about sewing� knits. • Mrs. Mci:lwainV• and Mrs. Porter their leaders, showed the girls how to do the tailors hem for'knits. b . Dungonnorr UCW meeting� w .w, Auditor's Report The Members of Council and Ratepayers The, Gorpo,ration,of the •Tbvvn of Goderich Gentlemen: •I, have examined,. the 1970 financial statements. of the Corporation of. the Town of Goderich, .and its, Iocal boards, which arelhsted on the attached uded a, eneral'"...review..,.4f,bo..�.n.tIng. l �e :�.�. �� , xa,�i�a.�in��. . 9 �te acc procedures and such tests of accounting ...records,..and,.other. -:supPo:WM. ... evidence, as.I considered necessary ih the circumstances. . - , The Huron.,County Board of Education and County of Huron's share of Grants in lieu of taxes, have not been applied to reduce the taxes levied • for these purposes. Therefore, thePdeferred revenue as at December 31,, 1970 for these, purposes, amounted to, $21,766.97 and should be .taken into- consideration ntoconsideration in calculating the 1971 mill rates. Subject to the foregoing, in my, opinion these financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Corp,oratipn of the Town—o ' Goderich and its local'boArds, as at December, 31, 1970, and the results of their operatibns for The, year then ended, in accordance with „accounting principles generally accepted for Ontario municipalities applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year: (Signed) A. M. HARPER Date of filing March 22, 1971 Licence Number 4065 STATEMENT OF .CAPITAL . FUND OPERATIONS Goderich; Ontario, Twenty members and six guests ;attended. the U.C.W. meeting at, Ors. H. Johnston's home in Goderich, April 20. Mrs. J. Dreltnen opened the meeting. 'Mks. 'D. Legtenberg read the Scripture and Mrs, Drennen continued with further devotions on "Kindness". Mrs. L. Hasty, Mrs. R. 1 edy, and Mrs. A. Sherwood took part a short skit entitled "Who Cares". 'For The Year ;Ended December 31, 1970° CAPITAL OUTLAY Unfinanced capital outlay ('Unexpendedcapital financing) at the•beginning of the year .. , ... , Capital expenditure General government '111fateetion to,persensarl p'rbperty ,i; , Public works ry Sanitation and waste removal - M Recreation and community services Community planning and development , , Total capital •outlay- ° asked to attend a skin care Mrs. McNee asked for the roll'' • demonstration on May 12 at .• , c ail 1 , minutes, a n d the Goderich Township Hall. .-'''-correspondence. M. 4H. Alton For 1.5 minutes each girl • gave the treasurer's report. completed a short test and it A bake sale and tea will be was over• Leaders showed how held May 15, in the church ,to judge -summer separates. At 'basement. the close of the meeting it was Mrs. H. Johnston and Mrs. G: announced 'that, Dianne Rodges ' Finnigan, who have moved to will receive her provincial Goderich, were presented with honours. County Honours will gifts:from the U.C.W. ladies, be awarded to Catherine Wise, doliection was;received and Janet Klomps, ' Sharon Potter, ' dedicated by Mrs. McNee. h 9 wv..ia.. a.. .! ...' �`qy).. ..r_ ri.4.17arM'� .N w,M"'�.I.L..rww.� . ] Q. p�yyp�tY��yly�F4 w.h. .c+ MI ���:`.+1-�..'�. � .� W 0.w 7., ,uuta yy`'y� f {{,,� !�N+"AkR d�'�r�'JYII'{SM�{F. , .vt n P poem written by Pauline GODERICH Johnston, as the feature for the .,April meeting. . , BY CM ERYL.'KOTYH A lovely lunch was served by On the night of April 2Q, Mrs. H. . Alton, Mrs.' D. 1971 at the horse of Mrs. 5. Logtetbierg, and Mrs. , R. . Mctivtrein the 'aeventh meeting of , Johnton, CAPITAL FINANCING Long.term liabilities incurred Contributions from other governments Contributions from the,revenue fund for capital ,expenditure Other 'Unfinanced capital outlay (Unexpended) • --• capital financing) at the end of the•year • REVENUE 1970 Nil $ 10,0 26.00 2 17 'Mi L�' rMl� 17hgMwyx.:.n n 112,148.00 131,354.0 5,961.00 186,767.00 12,989.00 1970 .:swwu7i 1969 12,807.00 . $ 310,013.00 $ 153,034:00 $ 175,000.00 $ 10;000.,00 • 120,761.00 1,280.00 34,000.00 131,841.00 $ 307,041.00 $ 165,841.00,. $ 2,972.00 ANALYSIS OF REVENUE 1970 Budget Taxation '. Realty — Residential'ai d farm :' . Realty -- Commercial and industrial ° Business Special charges Y Y''w-th r '1raigi, raidtt 874;695.00 ...Contributions from other governments - Payments in li=eu of taxes Canada • - - $ 7,000.00 Ontario enterprixes 28;800.00 `amu icipal enterprises - Ontario General Per capita 414..‘ Residential property tax reduction Mining municipality Specific , Roadways .. • r General welfare assistance Recreation ......., . .. - 11,000.00' 46,800.00 For The 1970 . .Actual • • REVENUE Taxation , STATEIWNT�F AND EXPENDITURE For. The Year Ended Decemier 31, 1970 ' ,1970, $ 876,977.00 500,573.00 , 68,741.00 • Contributions from other governments Other Total revenue P E XP END I"TtlF'1`E"1 General government Protection to persons arid property .... •.. .. . Public works Sanitation and waste removal ....... . • . • Conservation of health Social and family services Recreation and community services Community planning and development Financial expenses Education County - share of expenditure . • • . .. Other ale Total expenditure Excess of revenue over expenditure for the year ,Surplus (deficit) at the beginning of the year Surplus at the end of the year 1969 $ ' 856,798.00 45.8,851,00 52,404:00 $1,446,291.00 ' "$1,368,053.00 $ ,..84,574.00 $ /136,361.00 130, 605.00 /213,958.00 193,022.00 164,596400 158,717.00 J10,630.00 9,960.00 35,488.00- 26,354.00 89,570.00 92,651.00 58,569.00 ' 49,574.00 28,240.00 18,910.00 401,761 00 412,499.00 200,521.00 07,756,00 .17,213.00 .° • $1,441,481.00 $1,362,533.00 $ 4,810.00 $ • 15,520.00 31,769.00 16,249.00 36,579.00 ' '$ 31,769.00 ..._.__.. ALANCE� SHEET LIDS TED B CON�o As At December 31, 1970 ASSETS 1970 1969 Cash ..._........ u $ " 63,878.00 $ 19,894.00 Accounts•receivable , • 67,827.00 ' 92,668.00 Taxes receivable 53,153.00 45,561.00 Other current assets 66,691.00' 64,989.00 `` 'btat current assets Capital outlay to be recovered in . future years Total assets . LIABILITIES Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Other current liabilities • �'' Total' current liabilities Net long term lial�iliti'es Reserves and reserve funds Unappropriated balances Nil , • Total liabilities ANS Year Ended December 31, 1970 1969 Actual EXPENDITUR E General government „ $, 431,186.00 '$ 424,290.00 Members.of council 289;048-00 `279,31.5.00 - General administration _ • Unclassified 720,234.00 102,369.00 54,374.00 8 876,977.00' 703,605.00 98;195.00 ,54,998.00 856,798.00 6,920.00 $ 23,851.00 10,728.00 41,499.00 6,936.00 8,806.00 15,744.00 31,489.00 • $ • 34;823.00 $ '34,823.00 $ 34,823.00 107,01,2.00 • .111,474.00 110,461.00 • 138,800:00 138,800.00 138,801.00 Cultural facilities re Swimming Pool Renovations 68,0.00:00 . 24,000.00 5,652.00 94,105.00 28,634.00 5,652.00 2,400.00 4, 76,144.00 21,935.00 3,527.00 378,287.00 '415,888.00 ' 385,691.00 Municipalities County of Huron • 43,000.00 43,000.00 43,186.00 .43,186,00 $ 468,087.00 $ 500,573.00 Other revenue Licenses and permits Rents, concession and -franchises Fines , ,.,- Penalties and interest on taxes •- Income from investments Discount on County rates Recovery , of Taxes Written off Sale'of prope=rty • ... ',"'ey,: Jr;a0T''$t o MA"^3:Mig4W $ 4,375.00 $ 15,500.00 1,000.00 . 5,000.00 7,500,00.,,. Total revenue 5,006.00 5,000.00 43,375.00 4,4 57.00 19,757.00 1,406.00. 5,706.00 778.00 6,,,x„7$►Qp:,,.,.,°.. 5,896.00 41,671.00 41,671.00 458,$51.00 4,793.00 20,038.00 1,135.00 , -5,207,00 6,959.00 7,748.00 5,081.00:• 24,0 f7.00 1,44106 I' r7 :'S I1:^'"' S.`.H..pW '1�```'"I r. .. , .�r,:l�ti� Wi k� 0.w saw, .� , +�� 6'8,741,00 52,404.00 • �, • _•.••..$1,386,157.00 $1,446,291.00 $1,368,053.00 $- • 251,549.00 $ 223,112100•-- , .,p $1,605,852:00 ---c.$1,502,872.00 '$1,857,401.00 $1;725,084.00 $ '.1,045.00 $ 56,915.00 1,767.00 9,207.00 $ 82,812...00- $ 66,122.00 $1,602,474.00 $1,502;872.00 135,130.00 125,221.00 36,985.00 31,769.00 $1,857,401.00 $1,725,984:00' T uRri*Ay,ilykyitvi,y,;r1,411,E � P ENDI Protection to persons and property Fire Police Street lighting Unclassified 1970 Budget' ' $ 12,000.00 46,014:00 1,000.00 59,014.00 20,000.00 99,250 00.. _ 16,0000 _ 4,800.00 140,050.00 Public works Sidewalks andsewes-debt'charges . : 19,335.00 Roadways 53,000.00 Roadway cleaning 1. Traffic control . • .: 3;500.00. Drainage • 125,994.00 Unclassified . ', 36,000.00 Sanitation and waste removal Sanitary sewer system 237,829.00 117,655.00 Garbage collection and disposal 43,175:00 160,830.00 Conservation of health Grants to public hospitals ; • • 10,630.00 10,630.00 Social and family services General assistance 30,000.00 30,000.00 Recreation and community services Parks and recreation , 72,980.00 Libraries3,105.00 Other cultural facilities Unclassified • • .: , . • , • . 15,000.00 91,085.!0 6ommunity planning and development Planning.and zoning . 5,8i ,.00 Industrial development , . 40,7,3-5.00 Unclassified -- • 9,220.00 1970 . Actual - 9,020.00 60,024.OQ 15,530.00, 84,574.00, 20,751.00 97,436.•00 13,472.00 4,702.007 1364,6E00 19,333.00 37,206.00 1,751.00 2,540.00 106,586.00 46,542.00 d 213,958.00 116,264.00 48,332.00 164,596.00 10,630.00 10,630.00 /35,488.00 35,488.00 '67,1857.00 3,067.00 3,501.00 15,145.00 , .1969 Actual u',,,r $ 9,263.00 4_1,206:00- 2,01 *. ,1,206:00=2,016. , n .52,4 85,00 20,678.00 83,153.00 24,182:0 2,592.00 • 130,605.00 " 8,066.00 39,545:00 • 479.00 458.00 107,490.00 36,984.00 193,022.00 1.30,678.00 28;039.00 158,717,00 9,960'.,00 9,960.00 26,354.00 2F,354.00 1- 74,562.00 • 2,594:00 3,495.00 12,000.00 89,570.00 * 92,65100 5,817.00 40,7 37.00 12,015.00 • 55,755.00 - 58,569.00 Financial expensesp Interest on temporary borrowing 2,000.00 Discount on taxes (.8, 500.00 Provision for reserves 2,022.00 Unclassified , 10,000.00 Education Elemenn,tary - public Elementlary — separate Secondary County share of expenditure Other •,A�i. CYr, - �l: rti Total expenditure 17,522.00 174,778.00 1.3,352.00 210,947.00 399,077.00 199,134.00 ••s .. w»t "OA . , rattk '17,000.00 7,999.00 3,471.00 2,022.00 14,748.00 1,715.00 36,778.00 11,081.00 49,574.00 1,408.00 2,976.00 5,000.00 9,526.00 °28,240.00 - , 18,910.00 175,840.00 ' 186,069:00 13,.5 30.00 15,652.00 212,391.00 210,7'f$.O15 '."". 401,761.00 200,521.00 412,499.00 207,756.00 .! r. e ` 7 - V fru < 17,2'18.00 $1,417,926.00 $1,441,481700 $1,352,5313.09 Fs