HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-04-29, Page 8vA 8 GODI :RICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1971 $x GEORGE KNUI.SON w The Swing One of - the toughest things for j.he avorage golfer -to mas- ter. is the, swing . And even tougher is fh'e discipline neces- sary to work on perfecting one gsp(.et.af the swing at a time., The best tceakher 1 ever had Y1NCtA�9i! vid.r *r !`G*tr•4:.,•r., � t . 11sc,tfi tit sfress; you've le'arned the correct posi= `tion, at the, top of the .b'ac1 - swin: come back and see me." If 1 came, back ,before I accom- plished this, he sent me straight hack' to- the practice field. That only approach to take in golf In the three illus-- trations, •the club is sin ' the right position in only one, -I'm using, ,an iron here but the' ▪ same holds true fon the irons or \\ owls. My idea •r)f the game is that you have only ..one swing with -14 different clubs'. In the first illustration.- the club i,s tbu upright while in number two it .is too flat. The correct position (No. 3) is rnidwaN between the (,Juice you 'can be sure your position is c?rrect, you can move on to another part of the swing. In other words. you build -your swing in pieces., E)f,-course; before working on ,the backswing you need to have'.a proper -stance-,.-...proper grip, 'proper. address •pos,ition and .posture. Fig. 1 Fig. 2 • Dunt make the mistake of thinking u't, more, than one thing at a time. In other words, don't ekpect to work on having the club in the same position -e iii -%ifie while thinking about your follow through.'until the club automatically goes in that pasition ,,each .time, you...aren't ready.. , :anything se •.r may ;sten.-tough but the ec.su,lts ar`e= th -it..I've 'spent s ,months at:., a"- time thinking of nothing eine but proper bal- an't*eon :my swing. When 1 achieve this balance, I will score Well., , 12S take in banquet Junior Bowlers wind up season Goderich" Junior Howling League held its, annual banquet Wednesday,. April` 2,1, at Victoria. Street Church with 125 young 'bcAwlers'att,ending,. . , r.Faul 'Carroll was„ present to r;•���:,;�,,,�,rese�rt�•.,..,ir�ph'tes+.r.:.-,;,ate" represent • the town as chairman of the local recreation committee. Fig.' 3 +!•Anpn,QpnAPAOAP „�•~- For Your • INSURANCE see or call i�lAiacEv�r®n , & ..,MacEWan 44 North St. _ 524-9531 Donald G. MacEwan Peter S. MacEwan., STRICTLY *..40-4"; wit4smufis WITH JAKE Matthews, Glen Hutchinson, ON THE HOCKEY SCEN';: KI'm Ruling; John Little, Lynn Oirr fickle Minds now have` us Mansell, Donald McPhe nda^__•(t)rcSb ing for Minnesota. -After all Smith, �)ebbie McCuspey,,harry+'hen underdogs such as the •Ryan, Brian • Jacques, David North Stars can comic up°with Smith, Laurie Mansell, Kevin two wins' ,over the La Belle .Adams, V• '16Thu'rlow, 'NO Province lads it sets a whole new ,� ones , yy 1u . � •}-�, �, uk�•�-fl�xa.'-one•�M.'ii�Sn., �,A•��a{l::�o<.�;,;�^�,`�l��,. shay,.t454 � ���.�rr��hh�•�nUsf„.»»baa Cbz �� �,, �•ci��os e,W .�' a dirt K''")`9 a.m. Prior to the salee tackle renie.hiber is •to match tele line O{.e'' will be on view al., the division to 'thc rod. You can have the 4 what you're after. Maybe Some of you will be able to get your own gear back. The Lake Huron district,, sale will be held at the. Hespeler division headquartel:s, on Beaverdale Road, Hespeler (junction of Highways 401 and A CHOOSING A FLY OUTFIT. - 1 have found that many peo- pde do not know how, to select tete correct fly fishing equip - relent for their awn needs. Un- like other fishing equipment, . the reel is 'the least' important part of the , fly outfit It is Merely a storage vehicle, for, the line in most cases, Maureen Redmond, Debbie :Vlelick, Ricky Turner, Andrea Others who , assisted 'er;e Daer, Cheryl Marshell, Heather Mart and Sonny :Moore, feta , S.tuart,' Jackie Miner, Kathy and (,ene Powell and Doris and 1 Reynolds, Susan McDonald, Harry Little ''Winners, -were: - BBarbPotz.el, Lynn Crawford, High average, girls Bantam, Wendy Main, Doug Irwin, Calvin Dianne Oke, 166; Junior, Dale Martin, .Gayle Will'iams, Kenny Oke, 171: Senior, Debbie Smith, Clements, Susan Boyce, David 192. McKenzie, Kelly Stewart, Danny High average, boys — Bantam, Wilkinson,' Dorrie Oke, Don Scot Little, 14; Junior, Ron Kirkconnell; Laurie F`eagari, Marshell, 171; Senior, 'Allen Wendy' Irwin, David Jansen, Fisher, 179. Debbie J Stother, Linda Feagan, Brenda Lougheed. High double, Bantam — Nancy (garland, 448; 'Bract - Hamilton, 378. High triple, Junior- --•,Baron Daer, 654; Junior = Steven Williams,. -'694; 'Senior —' Ken Dlvidson, 688. • High single, Bantam — Dianna Smith, 261; Larry •Daer, 234; Junior --- Debbie'I arsohage, 26.1; Jimmy Smith, .292; Senior - Larry Million, 255. Most improved bowler, Larry Daer, 42 points. et+au; w; t w 'LEAGUE -WINNERS'- IfNNCRS'- ' Bantam, Drop -ens, ' Dianne Ote, Jerry:, Herton, Randy Little, Celia ..Drennan, Anita Bourdeau, l:iaty Adams and Jeff 1)ystra. Junior • League, Zing Bats, Lori Beattie, Rick 'Powetl,,Mike Cumming, Uehbier Parsonage, Steven Williams., ' Jimmy (�emrnill. ,PLAYOFF CHAMPS Bantams; Busy . Bowlers, Vanda .Duncan, Scot ,Williams, Steve Chase, Brenda Lowder, Mark De Haas, Jim Gower; Carolyn . Little, Pamela' Lougheed. , ' Junior League, Archers, Steven Collins;' ,Bill Good,. Dale Oke, Larry Lamont, Steven ar•iner, Irian Davicfson. G Bantams only, last • fila-ce in' league, Go -Getter, Marie Huff, Judy ,Langridge,' Brian Lovett, ”-Shirley'' Jo Petre, Linda Melick, Rane Cote, Do.nelda Srriijh, Gregory Bell': • ~' Pens were given to those who did not receive a trophy: • Brian Melick, Helen Huff, Max Bourdeau, Susan ''Herton, Patty, Brindley',,' Lori Ryan" , David John A=rgil', • Patty ,Denomme, Mike Millet', Susanne Smith, _ 'Roy Fisher, Heather John Buchanan downstairs, who 'was kind enough ' to take Montreal .all the way to the cup after we ga.e him 2-1 odds, all we 'can say is thanks,- John, we Can put that• five bucksto good use. or course, as is'"'usual with ‘vritg -this on a Monday 'and the paper getting out late 11i dnesday or Thursday, our choice could be out of the running. But we'll take a long gamble and say they won't' be. It's only a gamble, . And 'three cheers for Johnny. Mlarioci, assistant coach for th North Stars who came,up with a Lee jim-dandy•. TY 'talk ' during Kenny°Hillsintermission on Sunday • night. Kenny ,Arbour, Patty cPhee, John Seaman, Itis conversation:.was Canada — Skippy . Reid, Randy Carrot, Ontario, Quebec and• Manitoba Tammy • McAstocker, Jim to be more specific - and. their 1 urnin, Debbie McAdam, Karen minor league systems.. Johnny Bissett, Brenda Mohrirtg, Milked hi ply of our, whole Maureen, - Matthews, "Pattysv.stem (a d it is the• best) and I-Ielesic, Joanne Shoemaker, kept insuring' that Minnesota's Dennis Powell, VerlaineBurke, minor hockey' league network is Trudy Botz, Jeanette Little. t;.44iduri,ifly shaping up so„someday t hey w ill have a league comparable to - ours. A big feather in our 'caps, especially hem y,<rti , -consider the complin1ent comes from our Southern neighbors°tG•oderich, of course, has- to be on the receiving end sof any such envy.: From what we've seen `here, minor hockey, is tops. ()N THE FISHING SCENE: ,\Ve• Were out of town during .season, opening, Saturday but from ' all reports 1 things -were pretty fair for local fishermen. Hayfield'was.a little on the poor side.and Goderich wasn't all that good but those who trekked up to Port Albert, apparently found, it worth their while. Those few days over 'the weekend presented rather 'brisk mornings what with snow and all, but most of the hearty anglers were rewarded. Garland, • Douce Irwin, Calvin We'd certainly ,.,be interested 'to Martin, ayle Williams,•'Kenny Clements, , David McKenzie, Danny Wilkinson., Dorrie Oke, Don Kirkconnell, Laurie Feagan, Wendy ' Irwin, David Jansen, Linda ' Feagan, Dawn Oke,' Debbie Smith, Patti Hills. Sharon, Daer, Rick Powell, John' Scam -an, Randy Carroll, Dale Oke, Verlaine Burke, Carolyn- Little, Steven .Williams,'' confiscated for infractions of the Larry' Million, Skippy Reid, Ken O-ntrario Fishery regulations, is Davidson,. Brian Davidson; LOYALTY CRESTS (Those Who Missed No' More Than Three Times) Dianna Smith, Helen Huff, Max Bourdeau, Patty Brindley, Lori Ryan, Dianna Oke., Randy Little, �1n"its Bourdeau, Jeff • Dykstra,- Patty Denomme, Mike Miller, , Susan Horton, Roy Fisher, Heather Matthews, Larry Daer, w im Rumig, Scot Little, Donald McPhee, .Wanda Srni,th, Larry Ryan, Brian Jacques, David. Smith, Vicki Thu.rlow, Marie, Huff, Judy Langridge, Maureen Redmond, • Ricky Turner. Andrea Daer, Jack.ie.,.,,l�liller, Brad Hamilton, Susan McDonald, Barb Potzel, Lynn Crawford. Steve'Chase,- Mark I)e Haas, Scott Williams, ,Brenda Lowden, ,Jim Gower; ' Nancy find out just running -so if any of you know of the” "big ones" get in touch with us and we'd be glad to bring our camera around, • If•you're looking. for Ilargains in , fishing equipment, perhaps the. lands and forests sale of fishing tackle and accessory equipment which have been headquarters May 1.0 from 9 best fly rod in the world, but.if a.m. to 4 p.m. , and the same ,the line—does not Match the . . hours May 11. rod correctly, you might as wu 11 be using a broomstick. Jiany rod manufacturers now list the cum-ct size fly line for oath rod on the butt of the rood which is certainly an advan-,- tage tc), the novice. If you are buying your first fly outfit, I would suggest you buy the line and the reel first. Put the line on the reel, and then go to' a good qual..14. 'sporting goods store and ask the,clerk to let you try your line on several tapered fly line. If you are different fly rods 13y actually learnii'ig---to fly cast, start out 'casting your line with several "'it h a floating line as it is 'prods, it will help you get, tlic easier to pick up off the water. - "▪ feel" of the cast (w ith your` "-Titer' Tli)st polaular r-;izes in c,vyn line," and make your svlec. double•lal.)erc`I floating' fly tion of tele rod much easier. lines are I)'l'-b-h' and DT -7-F., Weather. • deter didn't, g®f Iclean-up The Ladies' (colt' Section of the Maitland Country Club Jield a, Cleaning Bee on Saturday, April 24th in the clubhouse. The. inclement weather did not dampen the enthusiasm, and about fifteen ladies turned out armed with mops, buckets, dusters and other weapons. Aurel and Georgette provided a' delicious lunch for the scrubbers, 'and the clubhouse was attacke&-„with , renewed'” vigour after receiving this sustenance. One of 'the junior' girls helped out by baby-sj�tling and , certainly got her exercise keeping the toddlers from getting , sucked up 'in the vacuums • • ,- The. dust flew from 9:00 a.m. until about 3:00 p.m. and the place"wasleft sparkling. The men's out -door clean-up was postponed, due to that nasty, white stuff which insisted on falling, -but they will be out in force next Saturday; May 1st, at 9 a.m. The course will be closed Saturday, until the clean-up. crews are off.'probably by noon that day. • .The men made use of the slight break in the weather, to --how .the luck is stage the hrst Men. s rg It 01 the, season last Monday. Eighteen were on hand: and Tony Bedal'd turned in the best score. By May all these weekly events should be Tammy, :' McAstocker, Allen Fisher. SEE AUR SELECTION 0 NURSERY STOC * ROSEBUSHES * EVERGREENS *r ORNAMENTAL AND SHADE. TREES * FLOWERING SHRUBS * PEAT MOSS, * BONE MEAL * GRASS SEED * ALL TYPES LAWN, GARDEN, FLOWER FERTILIZERS * GOOD SELECTION OF GARDEN TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT * BULK SEEDS *. DUTCH SETS * MULTIPLIERS * VEGETABLE SEEDS * ETC. (This year's dues t9 be paid by May 15/71 to John Mackay (tress.) -Bank Of (lova Scotia or A. Mantha •-- Maitland Golf and FAMILY -. 930 CHILDREN U'NDER, 18 YEARS, JUNE 1, 1971 $100? each MEN - 900 :WOMEN*- $75 , e Atrakl EXETER 235-0363 .FOR PERSONAL SERVICE , AND THE KINb OF .QUALtTTY YOU CAN DEPEND ON SEE D INDUSTRIAL 'AND GARDEN ;CENTRE 75 Hamilton St., Goderichf -- 524-8761 HURON BRAND , FIELD SEEDS AND GRASSES HARDI -GRE- PASTURE MIXES played regularly. Issy Bedard is looking for a couple of good evening to finish up, his . golf sessions with his night school students, out 'on..the course',"'as soon as the` wearther permits.' A good alt -round outfit for the beginner is a medium priced 8 1•,L ' foot tubular glass fly. rod Wig, 1), are inexpen- sive single-action fly reel 2), and a top quality do 151e g. Fig. 2 Single Action Fly Reel THE ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH cordially invites you to visit GO,D'ER,ICH - PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL Goderich, Ontario As a partof Mental Health Week MAY 1-7 the hospital is again having Open . House and Tour. SUNDAY, MAY 2 • • _- a,: oaPJV1 to 4 .nn P lvl • . ••• gyp" a • As a part of this there will' be displ,ays,showing the work and activities taking place in the Hospital. Individual Departments -will illustrate their own- part in the treatment of patients. . Any group may visit at other times during the week by appointment. •• GODERICH PSYCHIATRIC 4......... HOSPITAL' Hon. A. B. R. Lawrence, Minister ' 0 • • f 4r r •. 5� .f, rev ::r;;•r.y;7.:• •t • •,fir Y. t �rrt a •� rf •..:i .. � ;r }r$lrrF,yvr%S 1fi•S r S� 4ij• aY1}vA�^iiQ%.4• yy� M ry INTERMEDIATE, & STUDENT • $60 y IOC •16 tq 18 YEARS $5 U'N • JANUARY 1, 1971 WAMAAnAnit 16 -- UNDER .JUVENILE - JUNE 1, 1971 $25 • ALL PERSONS 16 YEARS TO W. C _cru; � y•- . � � y 114)„.„ ADDITIONAL ADDITIONAL oGA EES Of $2's • ry r • ,. ,,•L1 Cr r NEW AND IMPROVED VARIETI,ESOF CLOVER --TIMOTHY —GRASSES Get maximum, reliable service from application equipment incorporating' the latest safety and operating features: I'PT.O� transfer -pumps for fast, safe transferrjng * safety water cans on 'every applicator * high quality valves, hese$, metering devices * shielded P.T.O. shaft * checker 'plate foot sten'* heavy duty tongue jacks. Give us a Call today about Aero Anhydrous Ammonia! Sturdy STORE HOURS. Monday to Thursday 78 a.m.°'to 6 p.m. ridays --- 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. "SERVING THE MAN WHOSE BUSINESS .IS'A&BITULiURE" •� INDUSTI{IAL AND GARDEN CENTRE 75 HAM1LTON Sy. 524-8761 GODERICH. w.Mjf�y ,k4 ,�'r�'.,ivey :Vett. w-ir�•maL•nwp t'7 rt' rat�rv�•gr{�yp��J1r r y�ryl�.r�}. •M�� •'U'Fmk.,^ �. �M+••+•V+�^Q�mw+l+•'+••L; � ••v,Pr!!,M1�37r`,,'p 5•• aNMvr3.+fi`"^ak!'a5•"7�d?Fy,V�P4r ' .Ralph Buffinga Blyth, Ont try 523.9266 ' A�(Vin. SUPPJ. Y• CENTRE - CLINTON, ONTARIO 482-3423 • • tri