HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-04-29, Page 44 ; .QDERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1971. Editorial commentary. It �xpi�ins itself . .., The following letter was se- t --to rri'arty Goderich�town council. Nothirig more` can So- lig dea.c co n bllors-, reason with be.added from this end. our ,letter.. , With plans• to make ours square look ro April 19,"1971. better. ,�,...... " ,., better- sk.heka4� Sgt :; ^r. , QUrriuggies too lasting longer' we met. Sincerely, Michael He"rlry Tanya Scruton.. Now, as mothers may we state other problems faced by us while walking. 1. The q,u,ick change of, Lights, at ,the corner of Victoria St. an'1 Elgin Ave. Dear'Sirs, We have composed this little poem for our children with hopes that itwill aid ih portraying a few of the problems^ we as mothers encounter while strolling our' young ones in theircarriages. tach day our mommies take us for walks Sometimes we walk for blocks and blocks;" Then there's .the dayswehave to shop, ,•„ So on to the square for our next stop. We walk along grid then Ker Thump.! Our mommies know we felt.,that bump. They settle us again -with sighs Onwar'.d wegoand we close our. eyes.' We hear our mommies say to a friend "If only , the rarnps they had time to. mend. We. guess a ,letter we'll have to send Before our babies backs we bend." If you fail to see"t-ki•-e point,we're making, Go with a mother while a walk she's taking, Push, her buggy,. fall around the square .Then using the ramps provide"d there 'Oh, Watch Out! Hold on' to your tummies! Now you •see what it's like" for our mommies. ' Not allowing enough time for pedestrians to cross. 2.. Uncourteous " drivers hindering pedestrians crossing with a green light • by A. Parking over crosswalks B. Those making a right turn on a red- light before slowing or offering the right of way to pedestrians. 3. Difficulty in 'crossing by way of. the island in front of .tfi:u British Mortgage - and Trust building. - 4.•,A problem which shouldriot occur 'again unlit' 'next winter .A.' unploughed streets B. fin'diing crosswalks blocked with snow after trudging a full street length. _... problems and maybe,.trivial We arewsure these. robte�ns only trivial ones . to_- you, .have -been. tolerated by many others ower the past' 1yutteel tfrey could. be looked into and possibly remedied somewhere in the near fu t u re M y A few reasons we've told 'you already A d,, -asking around we ° find ,there 'are Yours- Respectfully, .Mrs. J Henry, Mrs. S. Scruton, Reserved for public opinion Sir; P •.nothing for the At last week's Town ebuncail stopped ' buying meeting there were two .,farmer would go farmer. If altogether, even faster we "WHAT IS THE PURPOSE the OF EDUCATING CHILDREN?" out Why do , we not have representatives of the National of business, • educational training for our Farmers' Union asking and The farmer wants my help, 'Slow Learners' until the age of • receiving permission „ to, use a but supplies me only with seven; when they are then put Goderich - location for giving generalities about the Federal- into an -Opportunity ,lass? set strategy away farm produce, to •Governme.nt.' Am I just being (Seven wasted years.) demonstrate 'to' the public how had under a disguise -and is the Why do we ,,•not have .. little the 'farmers receive out of whole thing simply a matter of pre-school teaching for our the high prices we pay.at food politics?.. mentally retarded children?(five stores. '---• The farmers would make wasted years.) . Printed statements were to be more sense if they took a long Why do they 'not test babies, .handed -"out calling for public:. � and hard look at the net, of who • are not developing support' and co-operation. As 1 organizations handling ' their normally, at the age of two or have not seen the literature so products. If the" farmer receives ° three? Then,' where possible, distributed, I can only go' by tittle •.and we play ei-Ough in the special- help be given in certain 'reports in The `Lozido ,„ „„k`,,i,e stores, then something must be areas',P ' I F HELP IS Press indicating that•the farmers' happening between the' points of • AVAILABLE! statement was a complaint' ' the farm and the store that Many dollars have gone into against: the Federal Government. . should be simplified and Education. Where the important I feelI am badly in peed of more remedied, if possib , The -farmer ingredients. are a Good Teacher . information and I hope the can change that set -pp. If the, and _aM`MIND' to teac1f' i'«Huron' p subject ' is also. discussed .. farmers,, are fed "up with the 'County we .have nice "new elsewhere in,'the Signal -Star. -.19-resent marketing system, why schools; new equipmept; and 'ell There are many kinds of don't they form their own the. best for ournormal students. " frustrated ' people complaining, Co-operatives for directly selling " IT money is to be spent; can't about all „sorts of things in • :their produce? 1I understand it we do without some of the frills; has been successfully done in - and let it be used on necessary other countries. ' • r Education, the prime ingredients This Monday morning the beirig a' Good Teacher and a headline in The London Free `MIND' to teach: Press read "Farmers said ready _We are' fortunate in having to drag economy down" and the the best of teachers at our article underneath repeated that ' schools for retarded children, in the farmers are prepared to Huron County. They possess "shove the Canadian economy , that; extra spark, -and qualities right vdpwn". Is this a new needed to teach' slow learning interpretation. of "how !to win'•,,,,,childrens friends and influence people"? 1 repeat, ,`•WHAT IS'THE I like things to make sense. I PURPOSE OF , EDUCATING am not going to be knowingly CHILDREN'?" • and willingly instrumental- for. 1. To teach them to use their pulling 'dbw4n more, ,things, as ' minds and•bodies to their full there,is no solution in that. I am ' capacity. perfectly willing to listen to 2. To- teach them ,how . to constructive ideas and work and liye in the world suggestions how we can around 'them,, as independently influence improvements and as possible: - growth in any 'field. Children who are slow' Sincerely, learners, or children ' who are Elsa Haydori , mentally retarded need early teaching and training in their formative'years between tole ages ik of three and five. Why can't we have this' type' of -Education in Huron County What stage in fife "does it to give these kids the head start expand the most? they need to develop and If given "the opportunity to expand their mental and motor abilities in their early 'years. Or expand in the early years; how, DO YOU 'MIND'. Connie Osborn d�• ' •r, Looking across Huron .... through the County weekly newspapers his word from -the Zurich Citizens -News: Mark D. S. Kellow, president of the ,Ontario Chamber of Commerce, speaking at the 20th anniversary celebration . of the. Zurich Chamber of Commerce last Thursday night, challenged business • and • industry to voluntarily , assume 'more responsibility 'for` resolving the social issues of the day. "A method has already been proposed. 1 refer to' the strategy proposed by , Ernest :C. Manning and Preston Manning in their, two documents "Requests for Proposals and Social Contracts," Mr. Kellow explained., "In the first of these documents "A strategy to advance :.the role of Private . Enterprise in " Canada the authors propose a strategy' for, establishing, a new set of relations b tween „government and' rivat • enterprise , in „ .P p This so cial Cana -aa" 'the ,authors propose a their actions. T s for establishing anew " awareness has' appeared r. to be of : , reI*trons between lacking in recenLyears • government ... and pric•ate . ' `'In my simplistic reasoning, ehterprise in Canada. Pursuit of in any undertaking you have this strategy would: . vastly three costs - the cost of expand the responsibilities and materials, the cost of men, and • • t for . organizing resources o achieve social goals. Examples of : how the Strategy could be c applied in such areas as the housing crisis, regional development, health care, educational. services, research, development and innovation are provided. . "1 would hope in. the days' ahead the Ontario Chamber will. undertake a serious review of these proposals and 'enter into discussions with the Ontario Government regarding theirs application in the Provincial Business- scene,"the.. speaker . added. "I would hope a similar task would be undertaken by.fhe Chamber of Canada with, the Federal ,� Government? and. by ' local Chambers with their local government." The speaker explained that labour is part of business, and also has a responsibility to show' re respect to' socia 'awareness in sp general terms, but .only specific steps, based on realistic possibilities can result in meaningful improvements. - As a' e nsumer I do not know what. the "farmers expect me to do. 'I have no,wish to receive free milk, potatoes, or eggs, but I would like to , hear some down-to-earth suggestions how I as a r member of the general public can be helpful. • - Off -hand I mention '` one example that bothers me, as 1 find no answer. In one local store pork tenderloin sells at anything from, $1.99 to $1.29 a pound, without any visible System in the p'rice going ,up and down repeatedly. The only thing I can do and am doing is not buying this item Whenever the price is way up and adding it -to " my shopping basket only when it comes down to its lower category. , Any farmer would agree that this is a sensible thing for a consumer to do, as it helps the budget. But how am ''T'• helping the farmer? -'Whilst the store price jumps up and down, the price the pork farmer gets is More or less steadily on a different level, Therefore, no matter how I buy I can . do D'O YOU 'MIND' WHAT IS'THE MIND? What is the brain? ' Doesitexpand? much does the I.Q. increase? ESTABLISHED Ocie ,414oberit�j 124th -YEAR 1848 , •-SIGNAL—STAIR PUBLICATION N —0— The County Town Newspaper of Huron —D'- Published at Godt4ich , Ontario every Thursday morning_by Signal -Star Publishing Lj pited TELEPHONE 524-8331 nren code 519 of • JACK W. R. MILLS. c&ditch 'SHIRLEY J. KELLFR, Women 's editor gDWARD J. BYRSKI, advertising manager a opportunities of Canadian , the cost of money," Mr, Kellow Canada to attain • important national, goals," he added. business and industry and .enable went on to say. The cost of materials, includes, in my reasonig, buildings and machinerY which also have high labour'content.'' •- "So unconcerned is labor about . voluntarily • restricting their contribution. to ri>nflation, that one can 'conclude only that they favour tate intervention leading - to t tal government control , of t ,e economy, a control which ultimately will mean wage and rice controls," he said. Mr. Kellow said, "In ,,,the second, document, "A Strategy for Organizing Resources to Achieve Social Goals," the authors outlined' a new strategy Let*r to Editor N GARDE T,he high wire fence separating r y property from the former •Viet kr Lauriston ^School property was\sold by the Huron County Boarct,of Education; and removed.: n. An attractive new , fence was- ere k ted by me, and the Town o ..Goderich was requested to sha a the cost on a 50/50 basis, • After nearly a rear, the letter was answered, but the request was turned down stating the fence was erected without,, permission, \and the property` Id to , St. Pierre Company. ,Town in requested by had'" been s Construction Council was a letter: to consider my request, but without anY\reply., • \ The Editor: To be -fair toou , elected We wish to appeal to your representatives, 'J r. ^ad it that readers for help in a program to permission 'should hqvbeen preserve Canadian history. Many "tion of settlers, in the Canadian West 1: .1: Clinton said that two bulldozers were working at the scene of the washout, about a quarter mile west of the road running from Highway 8 to CFB Clinton. He said several carloads of gravel were standing by waiting to be - dumped into _the hole but could , not he used until the bulld'ozer's. had done their work. The *hole, about 20 feet .deep and 60 feet long was discovered last Thursday. Earlier attempts , to fill the hole had failed when the gravel, dumped in had been washed away. Traffic •to Clinton • and Goderich has continued to roll during the interruption using the north -south -line from London to .Clinton and then transferring,' back to :the east-we,t.-line west of Clinton. " * * * High . school princi 'al Completes history of Exeter s s T -A: , - A. complete history of.Exe r"« will -be published to coincde with the community's centennial in 1973. SHDHS. principal J, Wooden has been- preparing the history and Monday night Exeter council decided to :take the project under their wing and •have the book published. Wooden, a former memb council who has done hist rival• reviews of the local PUC and St. of • PIT .7.141 Remem rl ,When ? 9 , • • 60 YEARS AGO April 27) 1911 The people in Goderich and vicinity wjll have an opportunity of hearipg_Hon. A. G. MacKay, Leader of -the Opposition in the Ontario Legislature, on Saturday evening , next, When • he will. address a public meeting in Victoria Opera House, under the auspices 'of West Huron .I,ilferal Association. In addition, to. Mr. MacKay',' r' . W. l roudfoot, K.C.M..P.P..,,. and others will give 1YteS • ori-itif!es.5Y.•T]G'..1f+(!.4'.,JV,C„ r d; Tell your friends Of the special trial offer of the Signal for the balance.. -.o -f the year to new subscribers. for 50 cents A surer .•cure, for the famous Spring fever - a dish of Burdette's ice, cream. Most any flavor. Maple Moose every. Saturday. The Hotel Bedford was out of 1 business for a day or sci this week,' Proprietor Davis and Landlord Bedford having been Unable to.agree uporLterms fbr a continuance r „of the lease. The boarders left' and bills were 'posted announcing a sale of the effects. This afternoon, however, it is announced that new arrangements have been made and the hotel will be conducted by Fred and Norval Davis as partners. • 25 YEARS AGO 4 hotels and the many changes in Thursday, April 25,1946 liquor legislation. «..w««...1N. , J. Morley of Exeter, The 'high school head said he newly -appointed Magistrate for didn't' think it' would - b� Huron County, was, on necessary for council to `Thursday afternoon last, subsidize the book. welcomed to the bench at his ' -At his.,suggeticn, the author first session of the. Magistrate's will work out details of the book.,,....Court since his appointment. with Exeter's centennial A pretty wedding tdok place committee, which is''headed by quietly in Knox Presbyterian Reeve.Boyle. Church on Good Friday, April " * * * 19, when. Grace Douglas, third Tuckersmith taxes down this daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. S. R. year notes the Huron Expositor: . MacMath, Goderich, :was united While the township general in .marriage to Donald 1-Iemari, rate has been increased from 18 thirdson of Mrs.. Rutherford and mills to 18.6 mills, Tuckersmith the "lite Mr. Mo/C. Rutherford, tax payers will find taxes on the Woodstock, Rev. R. Stewart of whale.w✓ill be lower this year. Knox. Church officiated at the A township resident with a, double, wedding ring ceremony. $3000 .assessment, will pay s, Others are asking: •Question: I perhaps $20.less this year... am "a' .grocer and recently 1 The tax reduction is a one '• purchased some honey. It was time situation and will not occur more expensive than honey - Ia in 1972. Clerk J. I. McIntosh bought previously. Did my said it reflects a reduction in the wholesaler make a mistake? secondary ,school' rate which in Answer: • The wholes tti,'t.`w; made, ° possible for this honey vis ,permit,': yeaf' "only , as un a result of surplus ' of one cent per po money on hand' when . the .. r Of 4. ' Josephs, indicated the co printing , 1,000 copies of the book woudd:'run around $3, 00. He outlined some ofhe topics that will be covered i the book, indicatingitwould ver the complete - history of' the �conmunity .from all standpo n-ts,- including some of the "t wn characters." "Ifr you use my' name .I'll.sue you," Reeve Derry B yle quickly commented. He. indicated another chapter.,.. would she • headed "cigarett whiskey nd wild, wild wome giving,an\insight into the form r The Clinton ,News -Record reports 'On.„-- a Mudslide on-.. ,.KaAtiw s,rtravel '•°^ on the Canadian • National Railways track through Clinton was still disrupted . Wednesday_ ,morning after a mudslide washed out part of the 'railway embankment east of town. A spokesman: for CN. at fetter to Editor obtained before, c(\nstr the new .fence., Hpwev should not disqualif . as the new, fence quickly to prevent bur young cedar t flowers. Perhaps . the new fence helped the sell the property for $20, Deputy -Reeve David and the late Sherrman Blalt alerted by me that the uro County Board of Educe ion should return- the school nd , Police, missionaries, railroaders ' property to the Town \of ?,k or ranchers, while others may be Goderich. I had the privilege f • letters from relatives who serving on the Goderieh Public homesteaded on the prairies. School 'Board ,...far about ten\ If such items -are sent\� to years, and recalled the _facts GlenboW, they .will be preserded about—the -the transfer....of,,,., the acid made available to historians, property from the Town of \Glenbow /14S r twp,-museums, ar'lr Goderich to the Goderich Public School Board: It was transferred cf for the obvious reason - so the k School Board could properly look after it for as long as if was c required for Sdhool purposes. in It is disappointing that the , Town of •- Goderich, as ? iy west r, that came from the older provinces, my '.quest - so the•Glenbow-Alberta Institute as needed amage to ees and ttrae ive own' to 00. ow'r we of Calgary is now trying to disco\er any old records 'which ,'night ` exist., ariiong eastern families. 'Items such as diaries, letters, photographs, drawings, ' political or business papers, and artifacts dealing with the west : are,probably lying in many attics_ in your area. Some may, deal with the fur traders, Mounted Subscription Rates $6 a Year To U.S.A. $7.50 (in advance) • M' Second class mail registration number -- 0716 gallery, library and archives voted to this purpose. ' By owing our past, we hope' that pie will Understand their ou try and have greater pride b ing Canadi ns. Tf any of your readers have items or know where county, board- was formed in 1968 which was turned dyer by the., former area boards. * * * Wingham Kinsmen `clean upt reports Advance -Times: An event planned ; • for February finally took place this week when members of the Kinsmen burned the .Christmas trees.,, Originally to have been a kip -off event in connecti'on with the • Kinsmen Winter Carnival, heavy snowfalls buried' the trees and for some time their actual location on the river bank was inn doubt. - -' Anxious to clean up the pile of trees, Kinsmen held a private burning session and tidied the area. ' A work party will move in to the park this Saturday to�Aclean up the base all playing. area and remove the fence separating the park from the Gay Lea plant. request -to share' -the -cos new 'fence. It is not so much the amount of, money involved, but the principle.' " -Don Aberhart FRONT - WHOLE OR HALF ' ` eof , Hese' recen tTy. FIVE YEARS AGO Thursday; April 28, 1966' • Goderich to\wn council - members voted themselves a retroactive wage increase at' last Thursday's . regular meeting. Mayor Frank Walkom will now receive $20 per day for attendance • at • council or committee meetings and 'councillors,will receive $15: Reeve Reg Jewell demanded immediate action to,improve the Taylor's Corner entyance to the town at, last- Thursday's council meeting... Ernie Vanderburg, the -68,-year old - Clinton widower who ran a want mad' in the Signal -Star for, a wife,. was secretly marriedt,•to, a ,.Toronto widow last week'. The marriage between the former bread salesman and Mrs. Isabella )'McCarthy was confirmed by the l couple at their';Clinton home on Saturday. d r 4si Q AINSLIE'S Home -Dressed SSelect Meat AM ROASTof SHOULDER - BUTT' EXTRA t:EAN Rom MADE FRESH Co S ILY PS t - Ib. HUCK USACES\ 1 h ^e� � We.: r' or History Glenbow-Alberta Institute, 902 - 11th Avenue, S.W., CAL AdY 3. - Hugh- A. Dempsey CET US Cog„:4 n a♦1Y ll N WITH OUR* imeriiimiormearmem rr+} raw rrr ILL. YOUR FRE ZER hip r Buy Direct From The Pr n ducer - Save The •Cost Of a