HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-04-22, Page 20ERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1971 SPANISH CONTEST By Nancy Hills On Friday, April 16, Miss Cullen, GDC1's Spanish teacher will be taking Peggy Hanley, 'Bar}, Millar, Shelley Grange and Trudy Kernighan to London teal participate in a Spanish contest. 'This contest is the first of its kind and therefore only - perurienta The, contestants ' 'inuat =he high school students With a.'minirnutn of 11,:2,years of Spanish.' They will be tested' -in Ate. writ# an spoke :.. -and AP"' e'Veirsl °ar4Pas-of.Spanish. I. hope you all join the in wisiih these girls good luctk in this new `'experience. 'BADMINTON The students picked for the ,Srenior. Badminton Team are as 'follows: Girls' Singles -- Sue Duckworth; . Boys' Singles — Mark Chist)Im;,.,Girls' Dodbles -~ Linda Faulkner, Christ Vanden Hem al; Boys' Doubles — Warren Watt, Wayne Draper; Mix Douhles — Sue Paquette, Dave Carruthers. •• The §tudents picked, for the Junior-1140nju ton team are ‘ s. follows: Girls' Singles — SUP. Godfrey; Boys' Singles Kinn Arbour; Girls' Doubles• --- Sue . Pawed, Marge. Taylor; -days' Doubles -• Mark Chisolm, Jim Durst; Mix Doubles -- Carol • The coaches for both teams are M1ss Cullen a,;ncl Mr. Donnelly. The Senior tournament is in List`pwel on .April 21 and 'the Junior tournament is in Listowel on April 23, Fro 'n there the winners go to W.O.S.S.A. -We wish both teahls the best of luck. ,On Thursday, April 8, same chicken eggs were placed in an incubator under, the care of,Mr. Curry's, grade five class. They are being kept warm at 102-103 degrees F. and are checked four times a day, at 9:00 'a.m., 12:00 noon. 4:00 • p.m., and 9:00 p,m,. The •eggs are •due • to hatch on Tuesday, • April'27. Lately . our school has been taking part in a Red Cross march. Various rooms have` collected funds in different ways to help this cause. Mr. Crawford's room has raised Shaddick's $40.:50. and Mrs. • oulll x,38.. Grades 2 and 3 (Miss Perdue's room) wish to. thank all the kind • people who gave.. money for s the e children. They made $49 on a , draw for Bunny Bundle:. * x On April 15, there were two basketball games at Robertson • School` in the gym. For the first., game, , team '".5 and 6 played.: The team captain for team 5 is ,.. Trudy—BWz and for team 6„ Helen McDonald. -Team 6 won that ga=me'4-2. In the second ,game, teams 2 and. 4 played. The team captain' .:for team 2 is Carol Oke and for tearri.4.ftaren Sheardown. Team won that galne, 4-2. Robertson Roun .up One of the members (t the Board of Directors. `ot' the orphanage was Visiting with the head . mistress, and when he heard the childrens' -plans he • decidedto,•,,, give an Easter present to the orphans. It was a very good play and must have taken a long time to • organize it. Following the play, • the Grade 7 choir, directed by Mrs. Shaddick;.- sang "When I Survey The Wandrdus• ro Cross" .and "Jesus . Keep,. Me Near the Coss". SOCCER The difference between the girls. playing soccer and • the boys' game is funny. The boys race around, knocking every one, down .and kicking. each other, instead of theball;, but ,the. girls do just_ e opposite. If they kick the ball and hit someone; they stop 'the game and ask if she's' okay. When a girl accidentally trips, they stop again, to see if -she' is all right. The, girls' soccer game should be...called Powder Puff Soccer, and'the boys' lame of soccer called •Stone Age. OUR PLAYGROUNDS ..ARE WAKING UP ,,Out in the school yard of the rippled junior- wing, there-r,areLaiiany children running,. hollering and having, lots of • fun on the ,playground equipment. :'This equipment is really getting a work out, such as the bumble, tee 'bars, swings and slides. You name it, we've got it out there. ... _ ,Noiv' that spring is -here; the senior wing too, is playing soccer, basketball and baseball. 'Some of the girls are cq.inpeting in s,kippi,ng.'. We're really getting active after the long winter! .Kingsbridge ASSEMBLY ,,On April 8, Mr: Moore's room put on a play for Easter. It was all -„about some orphans in an orphanage: The older ones tried to spend their money on the •younger children, for Easter' (treats,• but the younger ones overheard' what they were saying and planned to take the money until, after Easter and then' put it back. One day the oldest boy came home and • found that the money was missing and told the ,bead„', mistress. Then • the youngest one carne in with the money. Girl Guides - Susan Godwin (left) flew up to Guides last week and Linda 'Best is seen•here admiring her wings as Susan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Goodwin, Nairn Drive, watch. (Bob Legg photo) • Guide and Brownie News -BroWnieland is .an enchanted clearing, in ,a forest. .Grgwing. beside a• glisteriti '•magic 'poor is- ahuge toadstool and upon this Dungunnon UCW The ' Dungan,non U.C.W: ladies were hostess to The Nile ladies at a ,luncheon. Thursday, April 15. Warm, sunny, weather encouraged a good crown - .w Following the dinndr;''R v= C. McCleneghan ,w ,crude a presentation of a life membership pin, and 'certificate, to.- Mrs. G. McNee. <; lgrs. H. Johnston -presented the pin and , Mrs,, McNee - replied. This life " membership ' gifl; was' from Mrs. •'MeNee's' family.',, It was a suitable "gime for this';,to. be presented. as Mrs. McNee was formerly with the IVIe U.C.W. before . moving �, to Dungannon... FttBruce Heath -of' Goderich, who Showed, .a�•-..,' film entitled, "Wherever There Are Children}". Mr. Heath then gave •a short talk on Children's Aid Work, and a question and answer period followed. Ors. Wm. Wiggins thanked Mr: Heath for his Interesting film and talk. , • Mrs. R. Brindley conducted a "Kinds of Soap" contest. This was followed by a reading. Mrs: Pollock thanked the Dungannon ladies and Mrs. M. Reed said a few .words in reply. , Y s F'Iyup fromfairyland. therefore earned the right to "Then, --a tittle' sadly, ,Brown Owl shook hands and saluted, toadstool sits a wise brown owl. • for the last time ' in the "Tribes" of wee folk, Fairies, enchanted clearing, each girl Klns1,�s i,4 iefg"°' hwlr .,rechuans- M: who .was leavin , One byone a p'.g , Gnomes, Imps 'and many more the Brownies went with Tawny can be- found holding hands to .° Owl to the edge of the magic form a ring 'around their wise forest. There they met the owl on her 'unusual perch as challenge of a Girl Guide who :they dance and sing their own asked firmly "Halt! Who goes special songs. there?" by answering with their Everyone knows ('?) that" names and a request to become when Brownies make their a' member of. the Guide magic ring ,they can• magic Company. • " anything! — and the members When asked, • `By what.right of • the first and second do you- come?"-, the Brownies Goderich 'Brownie Packs proved replied "By the right of my this to their parents on , Brownie Wings" or "By the Wednesday evening, April 14th. right of my Brownie Smile': — The important occasion was then one last squeeze • for nw,n- _ • a Fly -up which is the time. Tawny's hari�d and,' they were when a little Brownie • has' ---learned many things and grown old enough to leave the magic —forest. Same girls who• have .completed all their work and weary their Golden Hands wear wings' of:.go.ld as they. leave to "fly up" to Guides, and others wear - magic slippers , to help them on,their way.. Interest badges were presented first and the row of badge -filled sleeves these girls proudly wore gave silent proof ''"'that quite a variety of skills had • been learned during their busy Brownie days. ° • ° Marie Bolton, received her WRITERS badge; ' • Lynda McIntyre, HOUSEKEEPER and COOK; Heather Brancher, PET KEEPER, and • Kimrny 'Brady, WOODWORKER. . ' In Pack Two, the, Brownie World Pin is given to girls who earn what, the.:,,,.,,. Brownies themselves feel is the hardest , interest badge of them all — WORLD FRIENDSHIP., — and we were all very happy to see • Marie Bolton receive these awards. ' A very Grand Howl,...rang •out for Barbara Vance, Donelda Smith, Celia Drennan, Pamela Lamb, Sheila . Vance, Lynda McIntyre, Carolyn Little, • Marie' Bolton, Heather Brander, Susan Goodwin, Roberta .Wheeler and Kirnmy Brady, ' as they :stood beside the magic pool to receive a red wishing feather: This granted theni their• wish_ to 'ave their home in the' Brownie BY /IARY VAN DIEP-Eit The first .Kingsbridge Company assembled ' to the 'church' hall for their • regular meeting. Roll' dall was answered by 18 girls. , .We • went outside for a 15 minute game of finding things 'of nature starting with,; each „ letter in the alphabet. This was won by Bluebirds. . We sat:' around a table doing knitting or ernbroidery. Mrs. Tigert showed us how to purl. Scarlet Tanagers had campfire. We closed with ” a •prayer ancr Taps. gone. BROWNIES' Pack One • We are very , happy to announce that Lynne Cochrane , and Ann Srilith were recently enroled arid_ 'are :now 'real Brownies. Their —parents attended tbis special meeting and . wee were also , pleased, to have Mrs. , Ryan return to give ''us a hand •with the ceremony. After the enrolment, _tile; Brownies put- on a short playlet, to tell about' all the things that Lynne and Ann. had to learn before becoming Brownies. Because, some 'of our. Brownies will be leaving us for Guides' soon, they have the privilege of choosing our games. The favourite games this time turned out_to be ."Land,_ Sea. and Lifeboats" and-, "Hawks Overhead". , Some" of our Brownies we•ie surprised when. they found out they were going for a short 'walk outdoors with Packie. They were learning to lodk closely at nature and were able t_o show us many .little 'things that they had discovered while outside. They were also asked CO 5e ` very observant when. outdoors so they 'could tell us of other interesting things° they notice: r Our Tweenie 'was learning 'the Brownie Salute, Sign and Handshake while • the rest were busy' outside, or doing semaphore. We were pleased to present forest and saw s them safely_ ..two year .service,' stars to Patty through, their journey up to, the , land of the Girl Guides. • Seven Brownies were called to the t -a stool for their final award ' e little blue---w`;-rngs they would eventually transfer to their Guide uniforms. These were ' the girls who had their Golden Hands and had e 0 o N s ..1.0C. +079 GUARANTEE We guarantee accurate preparation of ,,every tax return, If 'we snake any ,errors that cost you any penalty or interest, we will pay that penalty or interest. FEUD. • `l nWs Largest rax Service With Over 5000 Offices in North America ' TOpposite 'c*NR Station) Weekdays 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturdays off, a.m. to 5 p, PHONE 524-8658 NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Wisser and Donelda Smith to show that they, have been faithful Brownies Tar two years now. PACK THREE At our last meeting we enjoyed playing.. the "Farmer's lien Laid - an Egg" until' everyone had arrived. After the usual opening we spent our tirrre,.:bust.ly clQiztg:.raftsv_iu .our corners. During Pow Wow • Betsy and Julie Begeman were enroled. They also showed ' us some pt%�tia'"res' theymad""'embroide'"red: Jenny More brought three interesting things from the out-of-doors, 'for , us to see — some birch bark,i.;a bird's nest and a chestnut blossom. Wosed , our time together.' by passing the secret squeeze around and singing Taps. PACK FOUR By Heather Davidson -7-C.—played games until everyone' got- to • our meeting. Tawny Owl arrived •loaded down, with paper bags, glue, scissors and colored paper and explained what we were going • to make.' It was°a litter bag to keep in the car. Everyone enjoyed working on this craft aired • we were all very happy to Lake our pretty bags home. • Some , of them were decorated' uv clic flowers;- -f u nny faces Kapp' or sad; or designs. We'd like, to thank Mrs. Sowerby for helping at this meeting- too: ' During :,-Pow ,.Wow Susan' Horton and Heather Davidson --read stories they had written toward their Writer's badge. 1ST GODERICH GUIDE -CO. , We just thought you'd like to know we're beginning 'to grow! Not long ago Janet Denomy; Susan Fincher and ''Sandra Fuller were enroled and last Wednesday evening .we 'Welcomed ' thirteen girls from, the first. and. second Brownie Packs into bur Company. Patrol Leaders are Sheila O'Brian • (Forget-,mewn,ots), Patricia` •Seaman (Shamrocks) and Marion Melfi(. (Daisies) and they're, all looking forward to doing their best• to; help the,' new girls along. 2ND GOb.ER ICH • ' GUIDE CO. Last week we had an Easter "box -lunch" raffle , at our meeting.. aid , made $7.60 for t• he„ Goderieh Easter Seal dampaign. Many . badges have been, ' earned oyer the last month' and they are: HOMEMAKER, Diana Oke, Brenda. L' ougheed, and ,Sandra Freeman; ,BAKER; Julie Armstrong, Linda Vance and - Susan 'Turl'and : COLLECTOR, Diana Oke Brenda Lougheed and Lc.Stun iison; KNITTERuy, Linda Vance;? COOK, Brenda Lougheed and Diana Oke; NEEDLEWORKER, Diana Oke. There will be more ,badge news next week! MONDAY, MAY 3 May 3rd. 'Material on the boulevard by, 8:00' a.m. on Monday, May 3rd, across the entire town, will be picked up. THIS WILL Ig THE' ONE AND ONLY 'SPRING PICKUP PERSONS : PUTTING .BRUSH OR GARDEN REFUSE OUT ON BOULEVARDS AFTER THIS.. DATE WILL BE PROSECUTED. Public Works Department. Town of Goderich. Fourteen of the girls began work,_ -on _ .their Home. badge` with Mrs. Reinhart last week. The Guides will be going to' her home for the five week course and. ,we appreciate her, Whelp -very- much: ` 3RD GODERICH , GUIDE CO. Third . Goderich Girl Guides had a special Musk Session at • their" last meeting to brush up on some songs that had- been all, but forgotten., M*'s. Betty Coulter assisted at the piano and we really enjoyed and " appreciated „ her help•. (Thanks very much Mrs; Coulter.) Captain Ainslie also discussed fire precautions with the Guides. We are expecting a visit 'next Tuesday night from. Bary'fielrl• .— Brownies.• One ' of the , requirements on the Golden Hand is, to attend a regular Guide meeting and since' Bayfield ; has•. po. Guide - Company, the little Brownies, * wt1i--be-rtrux4guests: , o CH ISHOLM FUELS d ; DISTRIBUTOR OF SUNOCO PRODUCTS For tops in service td farm; home and I"hdustry get world famous custom blended Sunoco fuels., PHONE 524-7681 Sc 52()-7524 * Free burner service -- licenced service Mien, * Furnace financing up to 10 Years. , I iNr'TettiW a M `1 * Parts insurance, and budget pa,ymerat' ' * Famous Sunoco gaso,pineand' diesel for farm, home and industry. * Two tank trucks witli dual pumping equipment for prompt and efficient service. * 20 years experience in Petroleum Business. WOO='9M Si.. STUDIO SPECIALIZING IN,... • WEDDINGS • �h(ptCl , i .CHILDREN•• • SINGE O8R ,GROUP' PORTRAITS • PASSPORTS 524.-8787 118 ST. DAVID GODERICH ITS NEW! C.. steIco SIDING. „lasts and • Sasisand°Brits-and 4sts.and'Sas%'and lasts -and" Sasts.and lasts and... yet costs no more than ordinary metal siding! } • STELCO: The strong Goad -looks,. Durability. r sidin Adds value, saves money. _ baranteed 20 years Costs no more: steIco 0.„ Siding 'is the only siding made from II -4511,1%i IE b sii rt. For your free estimate phone your..athorized Stelco Siding dealer ,•y GODERICH 52.4_-.832..1.. — 7. b• • t, 17, ITrp n'rr. 0 . ,.. 116;inegli MUM i, V SPECIALS lipAreD , II. ni • - • , S UNWO RTHY _. . 8 PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM' (NON -PASTED), .294 394 4y PER ROLL . R SPECIN. , a^ / o VALUE r -.n ..nn,,, nao ?A1 L A Wide Range. Of 9 L. L PRE -PASTED' Papers ---,.. • •L �� • To Choose From In ° , ' This Group. NON_ -PASTED ROOM LOTS 36 PATTERNS PRE -PASTED. • • ROOM LOTS 60 PATTERNS " ' FIRST QUALITY TOP QF THE LINE ..•..,. CANADAPAINT , ' • INTERIOR • WHITE INTERIOR ONLY LATEX . .p ' ' sEMI.Gtoss , 5 2 , GAL. ' GAL. 5.95 °TINTED AT SLIGHT 'EXTRA CHARGE ' w.. �, ..+� '„�,S.P fly 1'��.;.. ” ixAl ,4,�.,. .''•'AW,ty., •BOOK ,. HEN . ON. THE SQUARE Goderidh .pl b• • t, 17, ITrp n'rr. 0