HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-04-22, Page 19, Woman to woiricm familiar with the situation in town in these matters, mostly • because I do not haire a son of that 'age who, is interested in those particular things. 1 do know that former editor of the Signal -Star, Ron Price used to tell me that he had quite a time to get help with the Cub pack of which he was in charge . .-. and this may be a problem. It may be a near 'impossibility to get fathers out to lead various, activities for their sons. Tliis .is a.., busy, competitive World -in which we liv4 and Old Pad has enough to do sometimes just to earn a living and keep the proverbial wolf away from "tile"y" door. Of' Contie, that's of the way » But facts are facts ... and they cannot be changed, * * * Continued from PagQ 2.A, doggone strong in rrie. in fat, 1 Wising i on4the weekend with a fellow whoais taking his family out camping this weekend .. . and " pi course, 'lots of people ,camp during .the •winter months. * o . 1 had a telephone call this week froin• "Betty Reid, home care convener from the loco Association for the ' Mentally • Retarded'.' She tells ,me .,that about , 10 willing and .,_eager • volunteers have been found' for the mothers-morning�out service arid that a location for the group . to convene ' has been found at Victoria Street United Church. • ' ��•. �.,= mother.' who' has a retarded child - who could benefit ,.from this arrangement, please let „Betty know about it. Her telephone number is 524-9525. * I was also talking during the weekend with a mother who moved to Goderich from a larger centre where her son was involved in both Boy Scouts and organized minor' baseball. She is disappointed to find" the Boy Scout movement here • is somewhat shaky, and alsothat it has been difficult to discover whether or nor. there is a minor Howard Aitken this morning presented me with a . story concerning 'the upcoming. appearance" in GO -7e -rich of the London Syrnphoily Orchestra. The date is this, Sunday, April 25. I'm not all that wild about symphonic music but somehow or another, I have a sneaking suspicion that thi s concert will be very enjoyable for all tastes. The program .is called "Pops and Plus" and I would strongI Y baseball 'program in town and 'urge you to get tickets for it if how to register. you are at all interested in fine 1 had to tell her wasn't music on the lighter side. I 4•11 BY CHERYL KOTYK On the night of April 5, the fifth, meeting of the Goderich 4—I1 CIub was held at the' home of Mrs. W. Porter. Members discussed' when to wear pants and shorts and how to fit aatgarment. Mrs. Porter showed how to understitth " and how to reinforce ,curved seams. The girls received a handout sheet that was about fitting the garment. • 4&40,/EZOR Z'4 ROIL/IVB STONE.., 77441- GATHERS "NO BOSS 'Id • E'S BP Service Station and Coffee Shop 411 Huron Rd., Goderich .. • 524.6871 tt On the night of April 13, the sixth meeting of the Goderich Club was.. held at the home of Mrs. S. M&TTwain: _.. A report. was given by the treasurer, Brenda Thompson. Members' discussed their exhibit fob Achievement . Day " and decided that Judy Johnston' and Betty Ann Orr will be commentators. . The girls' talked about the 'handout sheet, which was about sewing with ,knitted fabrics. ..Mrs.• Mcllwain demonstrated how to- sew in" a zipper and how to make a waist band. BY SHARON TIGERT.. T,he Dungannon, • 'I Homemakers meetings have gone well._ Members have •had six meetings ,at which they.have, discussed and made notes -on different aspects of sewing. They also sew a bit at each meeting and have had - several `work meetings' where they .just sew. • The girls 'in this club are well on their way, if pot done, with. their separates even though the second meeting was held up by stormy. weather, - and the third meeting was postponed because of exams. Plans , have been made for Achievement Day, scheduled for May 15 at the Goderich District Collegiate Institute.. Onepartof each separate will be sent to be marked along , with the record books which include notes, pictures and cost of,separate. Sorority finalizes plans for big May - ball A meeting -of Beta Sigma Phi was held on April 13 at Robetson Memorial School with 13 members present. The minutes of, the previous meeting were approved as read. A letter was received rom the *Mentally Retarded Association requesting financial assistance -in sending retarded children }o camp. r_.. .... wa0noved that the chapter send a letter expressing its regret that it would not be able to s� !port 'this.. project .at,,.th4s: s .. •'"e''"''''"V`iee.President congratulated the new ..incoming executive and announced the completion of- the pledge training program. The Treasurer, Verna. Kane, requested a transfer of funds from the Ways and Means Account to the General Account. The Ways , and Means committee- thanked the girls for making the Games Night held.on March. 30 a success. The $50.00 4 Tinkertown gets new supervisor The executive (members of Tinkertown, the Goderich Co -Operative Nursery School, have announced the appointment of -Jane McConnell as supervisor of the school beginning in September. Miss McConnell, a graduate of Seafortli , District High School, is in her . final year at Lambton College • and . - will - receive her diploma in Early Childhood Education this spring:' , She will be married in May and will come to live in Goderich with her husband, also a native of Huron County. Executive , chairman Mrs. • Mona Mulhern says , that Miss McConnell ' comes 'to the Goderich nursery school very highly recommended. The ,new • supervisor has had some. experience with co-operative schools and h. assisted during the establishment of a',Play group in Forest' recently. . . ,,,.Bri ga Scores There were 41/2 tables in play - at the E oderich_Dupiicate Bridge.- _ Club on Tuesday,. April 13th. Winners and their scores were • as follows: Tied for first, Mrs. B. Erskine and Mr. Wm. Cochrane, .' Mrs. • Norma Parker and Mrs. Pat' Hoy, 451/2;- Mrs. D. D. Worthy and Mrs. Wm. Duncan, 41'/2; Mr. Art Wilson and Mr. Omac Haselgrove, 381/2. rte. The meetings • have been divided • between • the homes of Mrs. Young and Cathy Culbert. Different outfits being made at this club ,are pant dresses, shorts and blouse,• skirts and blouses, and a jumpsuit: - 0* .TREES .EVERGREENS .ROSE BUSHES .SHRUBS .CEMETERY PLANTING .Trimming. And Maitenance . Of Shrubs .LAWN ROLUNG .RAKING LAWNS .FERTILIZING cpc i Nn Acutjcr 0 "'trio laiwitotia. ART'S I w , .And NURSRY, 166 BENNETT ST. ... i fem�t � `a filatrt * t iF a�y 2 ?a-: .y. ( 4liit1 •n OPEN Evenings And CAU Day Saturda ` & Sunday .J bond tickets were . handed out Larratne Baechler, announced for sale by the girls and .all ° that pledge training for the new monies from same' are to be turned in by May 25. • The Service Committee Chairman,: Barb Moss, announced that :the l chosen. family " has no,w�.'•• ntdved to Clinton and that she 'delivered an Easter Basket of fruit, vegetables. and candies there forot' Easter. • llisan' powds, the Social Clinton chapter has now been,,, completed. Their new executive has been elected and will be officially installed at the Founder's Day - n r on April 27th: They are now conducting ,their own meetings and plan to rush --for new 'members .in the fall. The President, " Sue, Gower, CoNtnmittee chairmavyn, announced that the Founder's announced that plans for the Day Dinner this year will lie held bee a xt he Red lump at Ba id A. --;finalized. The invitations; social hour wilt 'beheld first at�• •napkins etc.' are ordered and all, names and ,addresses of itieststo be invited are to be in. by April 27. Each girl can invite four couples. The-orohhestra this year wily again be Gordon Cooper, •°the three Spring- Fantasy, the place — the Country Club. Thp ' Extension Officer, 6:30 p.m -at Audrey Bender's home in Bayfield. The Ritual of Jewels and installation of the new executive' will take place- after the dinner. The evening concluded with an exercise .program in the gyannasium, in which all members participated_ starts AY AP • at ,2 o'clock a.m. 'TURN YOUR CLOCK AHEAD ONE HOUR k, • es all weather coats: and a 35.00 t•0. 70.00 This large group includes some pant dresses_ and some half size dresses. REGULAR' 25.00 to' 75.00 �S. SHOPPE «00 M C OPEN FROAY pm 9