HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-04-22, Page 18)EIUOB SIQNAL-STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1931 Landers, Substitute mom DEAR ANN LANDF ,'m busy -ha ;, ,..trd-working, budget -conscious mother of three small children. A b6y 8, and two. girls, 6 and 4. A neighbor ,of oers (divorced last year) has two children, the same ' ages as ,our .older ones. Her kids, . ae over here 'a lot, especially on Weekends.. When mealtime comes , they, hang around 'my kitchen with longing eyes, I -haves 't the heart CO tell them to go horrie..l'm. afraid t.here,'s. not , much to eat theze,.,Their mother drinks: and Sleeps, (or passes out ) - '"'alWays saying, "Mommy had 'a headache and had to lie down." My husband says I'm being taken advantage of by that drunken slob and, I Should stop being a sucker. Ours enjoy these neighbor children and they really are sad little tykes. What is your advice? I promise to lake it. — . GOOD , BUDGET STRETCHER - DEAR GOOD: View this !as' an opportunity to teach your children what it means to be a good neighbor. Share what you have .with these, unfortunate youngsters .w—"'even if 'it means 'watering down the soup' and adding a little oatmeal. to the ',.hamburger: The moral enrichment will more than `compensate for the :itamin.. " deficiency. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I atm' not much .of a reader and that's wny` I like your column. You don't use a lot of big words and usually you get right to the point. (If a letter ,is too long I won't bother with it:) I happen: to....,.need a, few answers to some '-important ,questions but 'I warn you, if'you go on too longwinded, 1 won't read it. Just tell Me in ,a few -words the following:, What's wrong with smoking grass? 'Is there any evidence that LSD can be fatal. — LOVER OF SHORT ANSWERS DEAR LOVE: I'll try .to be brief because if you don't finish reading' this I'll kill rpy elf: The first thing "wrong" With grass is that it is illegal. Second: You have no Waft of knowing what you are getting. Sone grass is laced with .strychnine and Lord knows what else. Third: You" have no way:o'f `knowing, iri advance, how you 'will be affected.. . Some smokers experience nothing more than a pleasant high. Others, become stoned and completely disoriented. On LSD: While the substance itself r is not ' fatal, . some acid-hea,dsr have been known to kill themselves while tripping. • Dear Ann. 'Landers: I've been going with Bryce fornearly three years. 'We ,keep , having these terrible arguments, about a tramp, who will riot leave him., alone. On seyeral'ocgasions when he was supposed .,to be working- 1,„te . 1. iearned he was ;seen. lulls wo matemi... w . Last night Bryce stood- me pp. Tonight he tried to explain. The tramp showed up at his apartment just as he was leaving'. -1.1e couldn't be rude so he invited her in fOr one drink. Well, one drink fed .,to another and the next thing he knew it was 6 o'clock in, the morning. Bryce has begged me ' to forgive him. He says this woman means nothing to him. The only reason .he has been nice to her. is 'because she gives him mdiney. -lie promised to marry me; next year when he is debt -free and able to buy me a nice ring. Please advise. His Barby Doll. Dear Doll: Under what rock did you find THIS prize'? My advice is to give Brype the air so fast he'll catch .pneumonia from the breeze: There's a name for men who take money from women but this is a family newspaper, 'bony . • • Dear Ansi Landers: Like you, 1 do not drink. Like you,'1 an+r I, surrounded by people who rt "'tiStidd- to” bb -a problem — getting ,drinkers 'to leave me alone at a party..1. became weary of carrying decoys LgingeLale 1 want, or water with a cherry iii it. :After awhile I became annoyed with myself for pretending. 1 solved the probldm This chubby baby is just two months old — the picture was taken at six weeks Peter; a big healthy boy of black and white descent, 'looks Indian rather than Negro. He has • dark -brown eyes. an abundance, of straight, black hair, and a medium. complexion. At present, his left eyelid droops slightly°, but doctors are. not concerned because he ''has been seen .with both eyes wide open'. Peter is' an alert infant, ,''responsive to voices and • •beginning (w'notice. movement. Serious for the 'camera, he is usually full of smiles and obviously loves attention. 'In fact. the only times he cries are' when he wants to be picked up. Already he has found that works well, because he. is in a big -.:.fester family where there a- .wttsualy._: somebody ready to cuddle the baby. - r He. is easy to .look after because he is a relaxed little fellow who eats well_ and, best of •all, sleeps "all night , .Peter.needs parents who will loge a'ha-ppy, responsive baby boy,and value his heritage. To inquire ,about adopt- ing Peter, please write to Toda•,'s Child, Department of Social and Family Services,' Parliament Buildings, Toron- ..Ao ,182. For general adoptionrinfnrmat;ion, ask your. Child - with one simple sentence. Here/' yen's Md Society. it is: "I have never known _ person With so many brains that Well atte.nded:, . he could pickle part of ,them in ,alcohol. _Aar that little saly'o- - the lushes leave me pretty much alone. Try it, Ann. — Success It's Beautiful • Ahmeek Spring party Dear Beautiful: I don't need Bright spring sunshine to, thanks, 1. just telt,the lusht •favoured the Ahmeeks' fqr the that'-if±•drrn't mind them getting 'Desert Card Party", April 14 in Smashed, they shouldn't mind ', Legion Hall. Thirty, one tables my not getting sma'shed.-- Lt_ .....came to play, Mrs: R. W. 'N,eville, works, just as,well, regent and ' Mrs. A, Habal TREES FOR BOULEVARDS PROPERTY, OWNERS interested in having young trees planted on boulevards in front of their homes should call 524-8344. J. Harold Walls, A:M.C.T. Clerk -Treasurer 57 West Street honorary regent, welcomed each guest..Mrs. W. G. MacEwan,'Mrs. C. Gibbons and Mrs. E. Sitter 'seated the guests. • An Easter arrangement and tall branches of cultivated pussy willows which were sold at the end of the day, and the lovely costumes of -the ladies added to the 'attractive scene. A variety of delicious deserts were served 'by Mrs. 11. Dodd, D. McMillan, Mrs: • F. Walkom and Mrs. V. Crooke, tea and coffee by Mrs. C. ,Ruffel, Mrs. N. Claremont, and, Mrs. S. Robinson. Preparations ,.,,,ytrexe ' ably organized by Mrs. J. C. Curt and assistants Mrs. A. Alexander, Mrs. C. Snell, Miss E. Elder, and Mrs. G: F. Mills. , A ,draw on a decorated cake conducted by, Mrs. G. Stokes. was won by Mrs. Robt. Cook. Door prize winner was Mrs, J. C. Cutt. High scores for bridge "500" and euchre' were held by Mrs. J. W. McLaren, Mrs. Archie Johnston and. Mrs. Tim Elliott, At 4 o'clock a bountiful supply of home 'baking went on sale, in charge of Mrs. A. Holmes, Mrs. C. Mutray, Mrs. R. W. ha Craigie and M 'Mrs.; 0. Straughan. n• Mrs. R. G. Emerson looked after posters for advertising and • overall treasurer •was Mrs. J. G. Henderson. This well attended event proved a social occasion for guests and workers alike and was also a financial success. r -ASHFIELD • Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd 'Collins and Laurie, Janice,. Julie and , Shelly, visited recently in Montreal with' • Mrs. Collins' sister. Mrs. David MacMurchy is visiting her daugher, Mrs. Chas. Hatherton in Elmira. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. Oliver and Keith, who spent the winter 'in Florida, are home again. Easter visitors with •J. N. Mackenzie's were Mrs. N. J. Mackenzie of Lucknow and `Mr. and Mrs. George MacGregor of Hamilton. Jan Simpson of Toronto was home for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. George Foster of Rodney were recent visitors with Colin Howes. Mr. and Mrs.). George Ledbelten and Barbara spent the weekend ' with Mrs. Colin MacGregor. Christine MacLennan of Stratford , was home for the weekend. • The warm weather of the weekend pr6duced 'tie best run of maple syriSp al is season. Mrs. K. L. Mackenzie of Ann Arbour was home for the Easter holiday. PROUD ONES SUFFER IN NEW "HARD TIMES" For most people, and esp-e, dally for Canadians, spring. is 'usually .,i time of hope. the ice and' snow have gone, or are. going. Che days are lengthening, the sun lis strengthening, •• The world is coming alive again, with the first hints of new. growth. ut for , a great many' people in this l;a'nd of ours, flus spring offers little but do alit ,a,nd d.espaiir. 'There is "� .3<<•�dyt°k „litadow;lyiiv:.',OrrisV,r4, this relatively clean cou.ntr'y of ours.'lt's name 'is Unem- ployrne nth' ' 'nor the first time in a genern, Canada, this vast , and wealt-hy , country, is, facing the hard facts that its economy is in rough shape. Thousands of university graduates will be scrambling for the jobs that will absorb half of them. Thousands of students will be competing for jobs for a quarter of them. Thousands of skilled workers will be - ready to try anything to make a living. Maybe it hasn't 'caught up with you yet. But- 'itt',-ty. could. In my town, we had' a boom about three years ago. New,industries came in., New Sub -divisions `were de- veloped. Real estate soared. New families moved in for all the new jobs, and the pop. indus- 1•hisulation spring,increasedthe tries..are...liobblirig,,,.it's tough to sell a house, and men who have worked well and hard for• 10 or 15 years are laid off and looking for w:Qark. The signs are familiar. 1 was only, a kid during the worst. years of the Depress! ion, but .1 remember. My father had a pros- perous business. He went broke because people didn't •have, the money to, buy,, what he .was selling, or couldn't pay for what they did "buy." . -... Middle-aged (late• for - .ties.), he didn't stand a chance whenthere were hundreds, of thousands of young men ,looking for any- thing. He was :a gentle man, and a proud one, and • it broke his 11044/11e wound up selling,coft'rns, on cbm- mission. No expenses; pay your own. Try that ' •some= time, during a d'epr`ession. My mother was made of stern. stuff, . _and with. _.five children, 'she knew it 'was. a situation. where pride and dignity , had to go by the board. She. patched, and she 'mended and she .sewed and she darned. She 'tppk in boarders, and we, kids doubled up. She sold home baking. She went out and knocked on doors, selling cosmetics to wonie ,y�ho couldn't afford a boxM,of' face powder. exist. He.'s tried with all his energy for months to find something, 'There's nothing. tie's bitter Last v, 1 get •a letter from ^ z.. t> rs des crate '4 ',si xt. was laid ; a off frotaf rcwpgnsible job in `r industry;, liar used up his un employ tent Insurance and .say .Savings„ and . doesn't know •where to turn., He wtutts a job,, but. knows the odds against him. ,• Other countries, incl•u- ding those,with almost no natural resources, are . Ifdtirittirrer assic natural resources, is withering on the vine. How come?` • Perhaps the root of 'the Problem is' that our leaders are talking out of both sides of their mouths at once. One side spouts free enter- ' prise, the other socialism. . And we are left with -one foot in the boat and the other on shore, as the boat drifts quietly away from the land. It's becoming an acu- ' tely uncomfortable posi- tion, and somebody else is going to be acutely uncom- fortable, in the near future, if somebody doesn't grab an oar r LAWN And GARpEN FERTILIZER. Can You Beat Prices Like ' These? 40 Ib. Bags 10-6-4 AerorGreen. F.ertiiizer -"40 Ib. Bags T0-6-4 With 240 Feed & Weed Fertilizer. 2.1.5 3.25 NIAGARA'S EXCLUSIVE CLICK -ON CONVENIENCg, WITH THE AUTOMATIC -WATER STOP Garden Hose 50 Ft. of '/2" »r"(jniy FOR „EVERY LAWN GRASS `SEED GAS POWERED:.,. . �Wir MOWERS- ELECTRIC OW ERS . `„ .� ELECTRIC POWERED 5 'LAWN MOWERS 1O.8 1.00. .,•0:1Fn411.14 9 74.95. We Also Have A Full'aLine Of Garden Tools; Rakes, Etc, We Will Loan Our Custd'mers A Fertilizer,. Spreader And Deliver Your Order :DROP, IN OR CALL TODAY H. O. JERRY FUEL And -HARDWARE 'LTD 84 KINGSTON\ST,. PHON I 524-9671 b.u:,swx 0 Whal, it cost her I 'can only imagine. But somehow we staggered through. Going "on relief'„ was a disgrace to her, and we `neve`' fell that low., She" invented new culinary triumphs like potato -skin hash (when there was no meat) and por- ridge. soup •(when',there was no meat or 'vegetables.) Today, going on relief, or welfare, doesn't seem to bother; many people, In fact, for manyitis a way of life and they feel no oppro- brium or discomfort.. Their attitude is that the world owes them a living, no mat- ter how stupid' or useless or lazy they are.' But it's the' 'proud ones who are, hurt' °A friend of mine was • a- product -ion manager, working in big in- dustry. He was a good..,.pne. Suddenly, his job didn't WE HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY' OF; REGISTERED, CERTIFIED & FOUNE"A"TION SEED Otte AND SONS LIMITED Phone 262-2522 Hensall M •