HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-4-20, Page 513AN
'r,Cttt rte eeteese ere , n''1 3t13
i's' y the nitre"tile worst u15ee or.
LOA tc
v e'tt s � I.t
late nus ll b1i 60
l ttiht� Aruuhuuti, z(atoruu the.
Mocha ess of body or nand cancan
uy ' worlc, or the t rtor-9 or ex•
�.e4fgml'IiSYS4p1AtALY!'FVW sus,s,lu of youth, Remedy ab..
**airy outs the most obsi•tnato eases when all other
tan,trv1-1• .'s hwvofelledeven to relieve vldbydrug.
gats log .1 PQ, lr401-1,t,i, a, bi>1 for $5, or sent by mail on
ttceiUt of Artoo by uQd . h51{t} 'a ISP .7111121 S dih raiCINL
nip, t na, (1111 '3. 3 "r 1 3 3 lllnt. Sold In --
''or sale in'Exeter by X, W, .Browning
The ice has been driven out of the Straits
of ivfaekinew by the heavy gales of last
sessed by Victoria Carbolic Saye. .Lhc,
best remedy for Cuts, Burns, Sores and
It is stated at Niagara Falls that a new
steel arch bridge is to be cense ucted over
the gorge near the old suspension bridge,
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine - Syrup cures
coughs, colds, astnma, bronchitis, hoarse•-
,ness, eronp, all diseases of the thrcat'and
lungs. Prioe 25c, and 500. at all druggists.
Three I3ritish warships will do duty this
summer off Newfoundland in connection
withfisheries protection.
Not one in twenty are free from some lit
tle ailment caused by "inaction of the diver
Carter's Little' Liver Pills. The result will
be a pleasant surprise. They give positive
A cyclone has caused great damage in Il-
linois, Minnesota, Iowa, Newbrask-t, Kee-
sas, Missouri and the Dakotas;
SION with Wild Cherry andHypophosphi-
tes cures all throat and lung troubles..
During the first quarter of 2893 some 5,35o
emigrants embarked. at British ports for
Canada, as compared with 2,676 for the
same period last year.
Gentlemen,—I was thoroughly cured of
indigestion, by using three bottles ot 13 B -B
and truthfully recommend it to all suffering
from the sante malady.
Mrs. Davidson, Winnipeg Man.
The tooth'anniversary of the introduction
of printing in New York by Wm. Bradford
was celebrated by the Typothetae of that.
city by a')oanquet last week in the ballroom
at-Deimonico s.
To be free from sick headache, biliousness
constipation eta., Carter's Little Liver Pills
Strictly vegetable: They gently stimulate
the live anti free the stomach from bile.
Chas.:Lonefellow, son of the poet, died
in Boston hist week,' after a lingering sick-
ness. He lived with his sister, Miss Alice
Longfellow, in the old family mansion.
the best $r.
Beef, Iron and Wine, Milburn's the best $z
The best Beef, Iron and Wine, Milburn's Sr
The strike inaugurated by the labor bead
ers in Belgium as aprotest against the re
jection of the universal suffrage bill is still
Dear Sirs.—I was greatly .troubled with
weekness, loss of appetite, restlessness and
sleeplessness, and found B. B. B. the most
strengthening and beneficialmedieiue I have
taken. Miss fleas p.
gk Huntley St 'Toronto, Ont.
Ottawa Trades and Laborcouncil have
decided that the proposed pharmacy act
amendments are not in the Interest of the
general public.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorie.
When sho bacameMiss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, sho gave themCastoria.
Wm. Williams. a drunken 0hicaao painter
murdered his wife cutting her throat, and
then committed suicide in the same manner.
Dear Sirs• -I have used Hagyards Yel
low Oil forsprains, bruises, scalds, burns,
rheumatism, and croup; and find it an un-
egalled remedy. My neighbors also speak
highly of it. Mrs. Hight, Montreal, Que.
japan has seized the Pelew islands in the
North Pacific, ;'Spain claims the Islands,,
and trouble between the two powere is fear-
You hardly realize that. it is medicine
Carter's Litttle Liver Pills, they are very
small, no bad . eS'eets. Ail troubles from
torpid liver are relieved by their use,
The United States senate has confirmed
the nomination of Edgar Whidden of Maine
to be consul at St, Stephen, N.13
Sirs. -1 have used Hagyard's Pectorial
Balsam, for coughs and co: ds and it gives
relief in a few hours and always results in
a cure.I would not be without it.
Mrs, Alfred Vice; Berlin' Ont,
Dr• Tiaflkine has written from India to the
Russian papers that he has conquered chol-
era by his inoculation method.
COLDe AND. COUGHS lead to consump-
tion if neglected. Dr, Wood's Norway Pine
Syrup cures quickly and is pleasant to take.
The poor are dying by hundreds in the
European part of the government of Perm
Russia, owing to the famine,
Headache, which is usually a symptom of
stomach trouble, constipation or liver com•
can be enrrely eared by B. 1:3. 13.3 Burdock
Blood Bitters,) because this medicine acts
upon) and the stomach, liver, bowels and
Gov. Flower, of. New York state has
signed the agricultural law revision which
established a commission of agriculture, at
an annual seiaryof $4,otio,
gen 'Coutila Syrup 'tastes peed. Use
le bale. Siete Or (Inundate
',0ma() NrP.TJONrn
schooner Leon Swil't,et New
,Ledford, Mas,, has been lost in .the Cape
Verde islands, The first and second elates
acid nine seamen were drowned.
Coutracis for 1,'arkhill's new town
hail have been let, The cost Will be
shout $5000.
'4uiun Corsans, aged 3 was killed by
a:trolley on Queen street west, Toronto
Monday' afternoon,
Harry Drake, the oldest hackman in
Poterboro'died on his hack Monday
from heart disease while taking a pas -
swage /. to to the Station,
The Lnul.ey murder trial opened at
the Lrockjrllle assizes Monday. Several,
w'ittiess we're exannilied. It is expected
the case 'will last at least throe days
Mr, D. Wuismiller has disposed, of
his general stock and business in
Iiil.ipcu to Mt Jas: Cauuing, of Ontario
County', who was taken possession.
The barn of Mr Robt Hodgson, of
Ulaudeboye, was entered a few nights
suite<by some thief or thieves and ti
quautity of clover seed taken there-
There are now 1,095 Chinamen in
quarantine at Victoria,,, B, C. They ar-
rived by the S. S. Empress of Japan, and
most of them are bound for the 'World's
Wm. Glavin, who has been employed'
arouedCeuti•aliit for some years, left
for Traverse City, Mich.; to visit his
father whom he has not seen fel* about
ten years. •
lilt.>mbt•ays Kidney and Liver Cure is
a preparation of Herbs and Roots the
Meptcal prouerties of which are lila
versally known: Try it for purifying
the Blood,
L. D. Stanley, of Lucan, took by mis-
take for medicine, a dose of poison liu-
inaent, The doctor's stomach putnp re-
fused to work, but an emetic , soon
brought relief.
The G T. lt, ' safe at Luck now was
cracked the other Eight and ,$97 in bills
and a few dollars in silver carried o11
The only clue is a set of burglar's tools
a whiskey flask and au Ameliorate news
The necessary machinery for the
Heirs&1 foundry has been p cued in po
sitiota duriug thepast week. The en-
terprisiug• proprietor Mr. ltobt. Bell, ex
pects to ha ye every thiug in ruuifing
order by first of May.
Remember Mernbray's Kidney , and
Liver Cure is the latest triumph • in.
Pharmacy, for thlt Cure of_Kidiiey and
Liver '1'rouble, and a positive Cure for
Backache, Sour . Stomach,. Dizziness.
Constipation, &c.
Mr. Jolla MINeviu; who has, for some
years, owned a half interest in the pop-
ular Clydesdale stallion, "Joe," with Mr
Tbomas Berry, of I4eusail, is now the
sole owner of the'`hurse, and he will
pursue nearly the same route this sea-
son as he did last.
Alfred Wood, a patient at the 'Hotel
Dieu in Windsor, has received word
from England that his father is dead,.
leaving an estate valued at two million
pouud sterling. Mr. Wood is one of sev-
en heirs. He has three brothers and three.
sisters. lie is an architect.
The New York Examiner says: Every
mother and housekeeper must often
act as'a family physucian in the many
illnesses and accidents that occur
among children and servants. For
many of these cases I have used Davis'
Pain -hiller, and consider it an indis-
pensable article has been used and of
fected cures: For cuts and bruiacs,it
is invaluable, 25 for New Bi' Bottle.
txo(Lericli Nat.bot Tits paovements.
?Messrs. Bruder and McNaughton, of
Ottawa have received official in£orrna
tion of the acceptance of their tender
for the contract for i tow work at Gode
rich harbor This is the construction
which has been held it) suspense since
February last, wheel the tenders were
opened. ;The amount is in: the neigh
boyhood of .83S,000
queer Method.
Montreal, April 1.3.—V' holesele mer-
chants lieie are enrnplaii ing-loudly of
the business tactics of the Patrons of
Iniittstty in Ontario. A number of
wholesale merchants have refused to
open accounts withthe retailers ap
poi 0ted by the Pa eons as they claim
itis unfelt• to the rest of the retail
trade Some of the Patrons' retailers
have sent letters to the wholesaIe mete
chants asking to be supplied with fatso
inventories, so they can show bills, for
higher prices than they have paid. In
some eases blank invoices, have iinen
risked for. The wholesale men' claim
that the Patrolms are i tisttitirlg a sys-
tem of business boycott. One retailer
writing in the Star Stats that many
of the local associations Of the Patrons
have dropped the `.retailers altogether,
and are 'dealing directly with the
wholesale in 'Vol -onto. .
4inamasmaraeaseeswareisoarternratsoc amtp NS'r d>r tr e*kMtiv :ew-rarvs
r.slOMweep.1.11mseL+mOnErtn. N 1,1,1.Y,YA N+L:Af'Yui: FI' J s4',:xM-'Ht'nrJrxnL+t`u+t,ntexmw+R.x.x .a•..
... - ial'wwr�4,iw4wruJuN0—rJW.wwseusYa4YpaMau'.v,M�mn.+.ilnKrt?, -`^'+.
'.'-..�i8:..i'Iii:'R",�:�,I� ,d:{.r G,i., -- '0tii-
y .t
A Medical Work that Tells the Causes, Describes the Bfibctp,
Points the Remedy.
Scientifically the most valuable, artistically the most beautiful medical hook ever pub.
lished; Jti pages, every page bearing a half -tone illustration in. tints. Subjects treated.:—
Nervone Debility, Yfnpbtency, Storiiity, Development, Varicocele,
The husband, ;Ghost intending Marriage, etc.'
tvety man who would know the Grand Troths the Plain Y acts, the Old Secrets and
New Discoveries et Medical Science as applied to Married life who would atone for past
follies and avoid future pitfalls, should write for this WO,,TDLk.11TL LITT1.U. 1300K.
It will be sent free, under seal, while the edition lasts. Address the publishers,
ERIE MEDICAL, CO., Buffalo, N.Y.
rA „ice. ...«.,......,.,. .i...........—
Saving pureneseri tee etocit and
reed will of the "l�ttlaee (Ireeeee"
geed from M. Vincent, 1 wish
to remind ail the old etrstomero
and people of Exeter a nil vicinity
that 1 ai?} now before thorn solic-
iting their trade and will keep on
11axtd nothing but the purest
Sugar, Teas; Coffee,
Syrup, Vinegar and
Canned Goods.
.ii Butter and eggs taken for goods
116 itirluel tit II�izt
St. 'Mary:, Ontario, April 12.-A very
sad accident occurred about 4 o'clock
this afternoon in the roller mill of G.
Carter, Son & Co„ which resulted ie
the death of William Sinlans, jr., oldest
son of Alfred Sinlans, cattle drover.
The boy, a lad of 18 years, was work
ing in the mill and in passing' a re
volving shaft his clothes caught in it;
instantly throwing him off his feet and
winding him rapidly round the shaft;
He was instantly killed, being teeribly'
bruised about the head: The machin:
ery was stopped as coon as possible,bu
life was extinct.
The $�'ofliy ot °i1'u0118,. i,
Holyoke, Mass,, April 17.—John Cola
playfully threw a broom at Peter Knox,
a fellow workman, last Thursday. Knox
broke the broomstick in two and in the
same spirit flung the portion with the
broom attached at Cola. The ,jagged
end of the handle struck Cola with such
force under the ribs as to penetrate the
abdominal cavity and make a 'terrible
wound, from which Cola died to -day.
Knox will be arraigned for manslaugh-
ter to -day. The victuu's;wife w s yes-
terday committed to the Nottnempton.
insane asylum, and four children, the
youngest a mere babe, are practically
orphaned. The assailant has a young
wife And the shock has prostrated her.
Hehimself is compietely broken down.
The will of Mr. Richard Puddicombe,
who, until his death on March: 17, was
reputed to be Stratford's wealthiest
citizens, was filed for probate Monday:
The estate covered by the will is the
largest ever filed for probate in that
county, and is made up of pt:rsoua.l es
tate valued at $282,070, aitd the real
estate valued` at $6,925,' The execu`
tors r are .ivir. Robe. B. Puddicombe, of
New Hamburg, and`Robt. W. Puddi-
combe, of London, nephews of the de
ceased. The estate is divided as fol-
lows:—To Mr. Thos. Puddicombe, of
England, a legacy of $10,000; co Robt.
Puddicombe; of England, $6,000; Mr.
John. Puddicombe, of. London, Ont:.
$10,000: Mr. Thos- Puddicombe, of
Haysville, $6,000; Fanny Osborne, of
London, $6,000; to the three daughters
of Mary McClarv, Loudon, 56,000, to be
equallydevidc.d betweenthem;' to his
three neices, Mary B. Tye, Francis B.
Puddicombe and Annie 13. Puddicombe
a legacy of $01,000, to be equally di
vided between them All the rest and
residue of his estate is bequeathed to
his executors.
St. Catherines Star:—"An intinerant
jeweller, who hails from Loudon One,
is in the toils for attempting one of the
most diabolical crimes that a man can
he ;•uily of The charge ' with which
the despicable wretch is charged is that
of attempting an outrage on a young
7 year-old daughter of Mr. Wm, Trem
ble, proprietor of the Mansion House,
Merriam', Friday morning The man
has been in Melritconfor a few days.
and has been stopping at the Mansion
House. Although he is over 60 years
of age he has made several attempts
to denovyoung girls into dark places
by giving them presents of jewelry.
Constable Olsou spotted the man ,and
gaye'him till Friday noon to get out
of town. It was Sunday morning when
Smith found himself in the dining
room of the hotel alone with the: little
girl, and, apparently indifferent as to
theprese nee of the parents of the child
in the house, made the dastardly at
tempt already referred to. The child
raised an alarm, and her parents rush-
ed to her assistance. Smith was quick
ly arrested and locked up. He appear
ed before Magistrate Ball,and was re
mantled to jail to await his trial.
Outrageous Conduct.
Ottawa, April 17. -When Georpee B.
Chambers left his farm, wife and child-
ren at Cyrville four years ago to work
in the silver mines of Montana he left
his wife in charge of a fifty acre farm.
Stiturday night, whenhe returned
home unexpectedly in response to a
warning letter from a friend, he found
the house full of strangers, his wife
dead in bed send a new born infant be-
side her During his absence his wife
had hired a man named Jun Scharff,
who gradually assumed control of the
place, and obtainedsuch an ascend-
ency over her that " he installed his
mother and seven brothers and sisters
in the house. Chambers, was all the
time seeding money to his wife at the
rate of $1.00 per month. All ` this, as
well as the proceeds of the farm,, the
Screed's seemed to have consumed in
nightly revelries at Chatnbers' house.
It was nearly midnight on Saturday
when Chambers got home. TheSubarfFs
were it) the hoose in full force He
soon cleared there out of the place, and
going into' his wife's bedroom found
her dead. ['hese was an inquest on
Chambers' farrn this evening, but it
yet remains in doubt whether the wo-
man wits dead before her husband ar-
rived or the sudden shock and shame
of his arrival itt her critical condition
1'.ilied her, or in what )41 ittor-s,zever
she met her death, Jim Schiu'ff has
skipped out and the rest of his family
refuse to give any evidence that will
fasten upon him the paternity of the
child or the responsibility for the ori-
gies that nightly occurred in Chamb-
ers' house upon tate absent husband's
hard earner money.
t-0Avc you SEEN 31?
14f-,,W`t �'.'.u�3,.t}g��'P{',+'�i17%rP:. taq,'�°`v� �rsvr
'e1.+`e:"„�'4i"11:. ki'i•.+ we
Olcl Popular 25c, Price.
• �1
Bargains •
Bargains ! i !
The Spring• Season
isabout here and our
good wives are begin-
ning to think of house
cleaning. Then after
the "dirty work" is fin-
ished, a few nice pict-
ures will be necessary
for a spring -Eike ap-
pearance. Bear this in
mind, the best stock of
Bamboo Novelties,
Picture Moulding
Curtain poles,
Is at
Odd Fellows Block. Opposite J Griggs
1:11;r Pt;ItiAg
lion Wanted. Dressed
0 '
Dressed Hogs bought subject to the
following conditions; -2 lbs per cwt off;
5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck; 3 lbs for
either bung ,gut or d'uliett, if left in,
All hogs to be eut through)
from Tail to Throat.
Highest Price paid for Hogs
weighing from 100 to 200
pounds, dressed,
The undersigned having handsome -
.y fitted up hie parlor and restaurant
—will serve
during the Summer• Season. Also a
large supply of
Confectionery, Bread, Buns,
Cakes die.
Visits Exeter every 'Wednesday and
Saturday afternoon. All orders left
with George Sanders promptly attend-
ed to.
Oysters and fruits of all kinds in
heir season.
C.1.6 MRPrIler4141C•WIWZMO 40/74124 • 1.11,11
Burdock Bigot' Bitters
Is a purely Ieroe
table compo,
peafeet regulatingpo.ersoe(. all the orgarie
of the system, and centreline; their secre-
tions, I. ss purifies the blood that it
All blood It mors and diseases,from Itcore-
inon pinipin to the worst soi'ofulous sore, an;;
this combined with les enrivalledregulating,
cleansing enol purifying influence ou til+i
secretion;: of the liver,lciditeys, bowels
own, ree,ne.,t unequalled as a cure for sit
diseases of the
Broin one to two bottlos will cure bode,
pimples, blotches, nettle rah, scurf,tettm
and all the simple forms of skin clisem:„
From two to four bottles will euro saltrheut.c
or eczema,sliingles,. erysipelas, uleers, e
seesses, rueeting sores,end taildein eruption.'
It is noticeeble tb.at suffererafroxn skin
eiT,.,y Zct�
Pwr;4114. 30) r
Are nearly always aggravated byintolerabl
itching, btt'the; quickly subsides an tl,'
removal of the disease by 13.:.13: passu*
on to graver yet prevalent diserises, such 6.3:
scrofulous swellings, humors and
We have undoubted proof . tLat from three
to sixbottles used internally and by outward.
application (diluted i.t the ski'uis broken) to
the affected parts, will effect a cure. Thr
great mission of 33.13.'B. is to regulate the
iverkidneys, bowels evil blood, to correc1.
acidity and wrong action of the stomach
and to open the sluice wet,; y of the system
to carry off all clogged and impure secre-
tions, allowing nature thus to aid recover; f
and remove ivithoet fail
. ,errs
Liver complaint, biliousness, dyspepsia,sisi:
headache, dropsy, rheunustism, and every
species of disease arising from disordered
liver, kidneys, stomach, bowels end blood.
We guarantee every bottle of B. B. B.
Shouldany person be dissatisfied after using
the first bottle, evewill refund the money oil
application -personally or by letter. We will
also be glad to send testimonials and in-
formation proving the effects of B. B. B. in
the above named diseases, on applioatima.
to T. MILBURN>dr CO., Toronto, Ont.
Men's, . .
and Children's
Hair cut in the latest style,.
Ladies' Knots, Bangs and
Switches made to order.
PERKIN & MARTIN, PROPS.' E. H. F15 Bather,
We Cary the most complete stock of
Musical instruments in the county.
The above instruments always .on
Terms to suit Purchasers.
ROBERT N. Ii9171E,
Proprietor of (The Old Established)
(One Door northMolson's Bank.)
/have also a complete stock of
curtain poles aced picture mould
.fi J
First Class RIGS And HORSES
Terms: noarlo=a 1.• `.
Telephone Connection
W. G. Bis it's Livers,
First Class Horses and Rig;;.
Orders left at BissettBros.'Hardward
Store, will receive prompt attention.
W. Gf, BISSET"t'
Never was there known such low rice in Furniture
before, ' s you will find at
I �
Havingp urchased the •Warerooms and Factory Iately occupied by W. Andrews. I wish to.
inform the people of Exeter and surrounding' Country that, 13m offering all hinds
of furniture at greatly reduced rates, All Goods guaranteed to be my
own hand make, of first-class dry material. and put together in the
' 1
ste•ongf✓st possible manner and of the'latest design fnlsl.. All kinds o� e7rdercd
work and repairing receives my prompt attention, LUMBER and WOOD taken in e s-
change for FURNITURE.
The only -
place in town where you can buy the
Patent . °minion Ni.ckle Plated Wire
Mattress—est J 4 the Market.
W Andrew's Old Stand 2 (leers North
Town Hail, Exeter: