HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-04-22, Page 113. REAL ESTATE FOR ,SALE- 8. HELP WANTED 13. AUCTION SALE RICWIZMCWWIRICWOiglaiWgi HOUSEKEEPER to live in with widow. Apply Box 154', Ripley, Ontario, or. phone 395-2907. -- 16x STOP PAYING RENT NOW AVAILABLE 1'hI GODERICH GARDEN: Hal f r. Featuring three hugehuge-bedrooms, anal -Star. - 16x Huron, on Friday, the' 14th" day dinette suite (new); extension BREAK UP CONCRETE REMODELLING, MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE RESID:NTIAL H.OM.E URGENT - baby sitter wanted • Under and by virtutr e of' the for,,three' ' pre-school children -,•-.•_.,rowers of, sale .contained in a rigt away, to sleep in. Phone certain mortgage which will be 524-6108.. - 16 there .vvi produced at the time of sale 1 be offered for sale.b a. WANT Y - sehvcr}• ' . ro il�t1 at the su . 'e t , ED "A housekeeper, . • Public Aue„ Kingsgridge are .: ,� . t " Clintcin, Seaforib and a�,���o, age N perty..�at 229 Atlartha'..3�re�^ � �? Dearhorri. p�rapan�-g Wa14ierttt�r' • /13. AUCTION' SALE $ER II I ES ....., - • . , �. .. ,AVAILABL� SIGNf:Bt -WE'BiTER SPECIALIZING IN; 14. SERVICES" AVAILABLE . * Bulletin boards * Plastic electric * Truck lettering * Silk screening Commercial designing • Of company tradenlarks * Show cards * Window banners All Sizes & ,ypes of Signs PHONE E ET'ER 235-06 ' 0 A•N YT 4 MORNING ,CUSTOM MEAT SERVICE AUCTION 'SALE `- chill, eUt„ wrap, and sharp, of household effects and freeze. ,Custom killing ' 'in antiques for -Mr.. Tom Iluffnian„ .Government inspected abattoir. at the Auction ltoorns,,>,;,;brte Also, beef by quarter 'or 'half. mile 44outh of Goderich on Robinson's General Store, ,Hwy.11, oh �: . Auburn: `Phone 5.26-7788: -- Saturday„ May 1, 19-' - 'c. at 10:30.m '20".. t'indiay .propane -gas ''stove " • SANDBLASTIrU( . e• IME ERVi ,E:.S, AVA'II E • DA ..Yr. -CA 'REN .... Reasonable Rated Godes h t' r.. ; Phot i24 -X391.' l9tf 24 HOUR APPROVALS 2nd and 3rd Mortgages Arranged in the Convenience Of Your Horne Low cost. You can call too 10 p.m. Today for helpful courteous sei`vice..• Prompt Investment Corp. Ltd., 330 Bay Street,. 'Toronto, CJI collect ' - : - ;r • 366;,9586, EVGS. 231-8146 LV Il x'F a mor t age 1>i1jor. Mortgages Pnlrel charges. aU Delta .1 ka1t Ontario.'•- 1; 20, M1SC1ELLANE WS e i1o. aii types of. - 4EWEL1r,.ERY .REPAIR * Ring Suing . :4; DiawetippinW RepairAutroRepaiN$TTT ,IEWEt;i�ERS LTD' y . , children, ♦n/ f-f'}llltl/1>Ei`�r` ltll')}y. ��.) iw {d n1 A l .ww,]i: • . Y.},..i. . .� ) 1 `�f -.' K.K . , ^. rNa+�'R1a7.AiRYtY'M14rx XY. .:.. NOTICEH in -CREDITORS': 1,2tfn. 'P17 y• 'Box -fig,, Grr�aer]<e'r, f~?rr�ri�o; t,aprrty roty • �`- . space -heater .'Sapc. , •-4; bronze-. , 4 -pc. bathroom',large— living ' room with -- - wall-to-wall 10 WANTED General) broadloom,dining area, modern kitchen, full basement and electric heating. Built by Eastbar,k Buildings Limited. . Only $1,250 down -to one C.M.H.C. mortgage, on which the monthly payment is only $156.00 which - includes principal, interegt and taxes. For complete , information call,- I HAROLD W. COMPLETE' household effects or small, lots wanted. Call C. igr E. Furniture, 524-7231. - tf TIMBER wanted. tmm.ediate payment for-- good - Standing timber and bushes. Write. Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, giving location and telephone number or phone 232-4450 .before 8 a.m, or after 6 p.m. -- 13tf WANTED 7`O BUY .- A rabbit cage.. Phone 524-8936. -7,16 - WANTED -- One boy's 20" bicycle. Phone 529-7203. - nc RE AL E ST AT E -$ R...p •lt .-524.727 414 55 NEWGATE ST. GODERICH _S. TO RENT: - LAND for wr-en•t-••.•-,3.0 acres of crop land. Phone- 529-7402. 16,17x ' • VACANCIES- for retired people. Private rooms, kept clean, ,linens washed, 'meals served in ;mairi dining room, $150.00 per .”-month. Phone 1t32-6685, --Mrs. C. Van Damme, Clinton. - 16,17 8. HELP WANTED WAL'TRESS -. We want a first class waitress to begin ...work anytime. We will`pay - top dollar for the right person. if you feel you are a good waitress and would like to earn.good'money, �,"5-6 days a weekq night shift 51, 'apply ^in , person to Gus Balkouras, The ' Club Grill, Kingston Street. - 14tf MEN NEEDED TO TRAIN AS SEMI DRIVERS Train now to drive semi tractor trailers, local and over the road. You car, earn high • wages after short training. For application arrd interview, call 416-362-4002,...,or write Safety Dept„ Transport Training Systems of Canada, Ltd., 207 Queens Quay West, Toronto 117; Ontario, Canada. - 15,16 Of ay, 1b71 at . the hour of table with 2 'chairs; studio �. 2:0 in the afternoon the couch; china cabinet; buffet; SPRAY PAINTING following property, namely captain's chair;' rocking chair; washstand; ' bed; 2 chests of drawers; round parlour table; small tables; card table with 4 matching chairs;. 'pole lamp; mirrors; crock;, dishes; Inglis washing machine; lawn tables; garden tools;' metal wheelbarrow; wooden wheelbarrow; etc. etc. Terms - Cash, ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel,, .or :tract of land ' and premises situate lying and 'being in the Town of Goderich, in thre County of H RST and Province of Ontario and being composed of all of Lot 68, •Plan 4, - in the said Town of Goderich. This property will r, , be ' sold subject to a reserve bid. . TERMS: Ten per cent of the purchase money to paid down at the time of sale and the balance inthirty days from the date thereof. For further particulars and conditions' conditions' of sale apply to MESSRS. DONNELLY AND MURPHY,, „18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for' the Mortgagee, or to VICTORIA TWO • high school boys looking . •A N GREY T R U Sfi for work, Will do anythingy COMPANY., .100_ Kingston within reason, rototil ling, Street, Goderich, Ontario. gardening, painting and odd jokls. Phohe . - 16. Mike Cummings, , Auctioneer, 524-9064, Write or Phone 16,17 Harvey Dale, Clinton ARNOLD STOTHERS- Phone 529'=7403 for estimates SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED MODERN EQUIPMENT „r,rr..W.ORK GUARANTEED.4,.•, ° ' CLEARING AUCTION SALE of farm machinery 'at Lot- 17, Con. nl, Tuckersnlith Twp., one mile west of Seaford" on 1 1. Highway .8, on • Wednesday, April 28, 1971 at 1,2:30 p.m. sharp. Diesel 180 Massey ' Ferguson tractor.; 700 hrs,,,; -.,Diesel..., 65 Masses Ferguson = •tractor,.power steering, 2,000 hrs.; Diesel 14,15,16 Massey Ferguson tractor; 700 • hrs,• Rota. .spreader;. manure .,M.,._ . spreader; Massey Ferguson CLEARING'; manure loader; 12 ft. Massey AUCTION SALE Ferguson swather, one year o1ld; present like baby sitting of 'livestock and 'machinery will Massey Harris wagon; two' evenings or during, weekend- •and be hel'dw for Mervin McAllister,, ' rubber tired wagons.; three 16 anytime » fromearly June to end - Lot' 15, Con. 1, Goderich Twp., ft. hay racks; , 72 Massey of, July. Phone Janice Glen .4 miles south of Goderich,-on Ferguson combine (perfect 524-9369, or call at• 214 Highway 21, on" • condition); 12 ft. KonskiLde Britannia Road East, Goderich, ' Tuesday, April 27, 1971 cultivator; Massey Fertison ,G Ontario. 1'6 •at 1 rotary mower; 7 ft. scraper p• 'b'lade for 3 point hitch -tractor; LIVESTOCK: Horses -one yearling donkey; Massey Ferguson '6 ft. one way one _ _ yearling riding "colt;' disk; 12 ft. chain harrows; steel four-year-old shetland stallion; stone boat; 2 wheel trailer; 16 eight-year-old.race mare 'due ,.,disk McCormick International TENDERS WANTED May 22; three-year-old Shetland fertilizer -drill, one year old; 24 For ft. bale 'elevator; 2'0 ft: grain WHEEL TRACTOR stallion. auger; 32 ft. Ebersol hay (Approx. 40 h. ) Cattle - five h'erefo'rd and P holstein steers; eight open elevator with .motor; 32 ft. 1. Specifications and tender heifers; two calves; one holsteift aluminum . .extension ladder; forms are available at the office New Holland haybaler' of the . Maitland Valle cow. due April . 30 one jersey • (like - y cow due May 16new); L actor post hole digger; Conservation Authority in Swine -three York sows bred; two oil. tanks with pumps; Wroxeter or by writing Box 5, one york hog. ' ' double ropes; woven wire Wroxeter, Ontario. ' EMPLOYMENT WANTED HIGH school girl' student age. 19 years of age would at 12. TENDERS WANTED PHONE' 482-3320 13tf TRI -TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE INCOME TAX Complete record preparation and maintenance LAWRENCE BEANE . • •• Brucefield 482-92.60. 1-16 Kitchens - Bathrooms Rep Rooms, Rooms - Tiling Etc. ` Ca �I 524-692 ALL persons having claims against the Estate of Lottie 22. TO GIVE AWAY Elizabeth Seers, Widow, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who d'led,.ora-�'T© GIVE AWAY -- Small Collie. or about the 24th day of July, og .Phpne 52?I 7080. - pc_ 1970, are required to file the ' same with full particulars with EAVESTROUGHING , AND LIGHTNING RODS ' NEW INSTALLATIONS r„ & REPAIRS • Estimates Without Obligation , 1971. HAVE your.- rugs and --chairs cleaned by dependable cleaners. Call' Superior Maintenance, phone 524-8892, Goderich, -- 510—;" ACE • RADIO and TV Service, Frank .Wilcox, 60 Picton St. W., ,Goderich, Ont Phone 524-7771. -40tf • FOR ,your Antenna Sales and •.Service 'contact Alvin's TV, 162 Mary, Street, phone 524-9089. - O. GRAHAM ELECTRIC Complete Electrical Service Residential _ Commercial Industrial 155 Keays Street Phone 524-8670 Goderich, Ontario. 27tf• 2. Sealed tenders' clearly -marked marked MACHINERY: . 1964 'Ford; 4 " stretchers;- snow ;blower; heat ,: ' Y' houser , for • • 180 'Massey 'SEWING. Service for• home• as tor., contents will be received wheel drive tractor; Fer .son tractor'`; 7 "ft. Massey �' Allis-Chalmers AC.5.G. Crawler g 'sewers- -- downtown Clinton" by the • Secretary'Treasurer,. mower Cunningham Maitland Valley. Conservationtractor with" `loader; 10 ton Fergusong g P r o b l erns .. with zipper,' Y tandem float; dump box 7 x 1,1 hay. conditioner;s „ 1'4.' inch buttonholes,' " collar, sleeves, Authority, Box 5, Wroxeter with twin hoist; gravel dragline . mounted 3 furrow' Massey •hem?'We do• it for you, $2;00 until 00 p.m., Tuesday, May 4, Ferguson plow; 16 in'ch 1971 and winch: Farmall H tractor up. Phone Mr's. Hunt mornings with loader. J.D` 3 furrow Kvernelands 3 furrow plow; 3 482=9324. - 16-19 3. Lowest or .any other. tender point hitch; grass seed sower; " plow; ,9 ft. cultivator;' 10 ft. 20 weed sprayer complete; -� cultivator; 40, plate disc; ft, p p harrows; M.H. no. 6 mower; 40 ft. grain auger with 3 h.p. side rake;' 'bale elevator; M.H. motor;. 6 •ton heavy duty, wagon 13 run ,seed drill;' combine;, and turnco grain box; Massey wagon with rack; Woods oat .',Ferguson 5. bar side rake (like roller and motor 5 inch 'grain neve'); . Diam'o'nd harrows; MAKE MORE MONEY There is no easier time to join us, the Leaders in our field. We seek a local representative to offer both products and service ,to the Commercial, 'Industrial and Institutional' markets. Our tremendous seieetion ofproducts, our unique selling our highest • p ices' cominission o� rate in the Industry all 'add up to. immediate Executive Earnings'. Upper age b packet welcome. Full or part-time ,,(to start„). No commission hold• back. No cash. investment. Life -time. ' career. Write'. the Certified Electric Co., Dundas, Ont. - 15,16 'PERSON .required for Service Station work during July and August and part-time from now till then. Apply in 'person. Rouse Auto . Electric, Goderich. - '- 16 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN The 'person for whom we are looking must, now hold a Real Estate Salesman Licence, be a self-Starterand have supervisorq'" Capabilities: ' 'fi'br these qualifications we 'are prepared • to' pay above ' average: commissions, .and 'bonuses. Apply in writing, stating qualifications, and experience -to . Boat 67, Signal -Star. ' - 16,17 SPRING FEVER?. Get more out of life be -an 'Avone >a►Y Representative. Turn extra hrs into extra cash. It's fun and easy; no experience necessary. Immediate .placemeht in Colborne, .Ashfield or, Goderich townships. Call evenings 451-05'41 or write Mrs. M. Millson, 17 Hawkesbury Avenue, •'M , London •32. - 16,17 - LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE ' REQUIRED' I need a representative for my firm in this area, This opening may be worth -up to $1.0,000.00 yearly for the right person'. Full „s or part-time. Can you make short auto trips? We hope you will4`start soon and stay with Us a long time,' Apply to Charlie Lee, 22 Alfred Street, Wingham, . phone 357.1.383. --46,17,18 •.x ' not necessarily accepted. ,MAITLAND VALLEY • CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Box 5, Wroxeter, Ont. ' Telephone: 335-3557 International mounted disk: auger with motor; Gehl hammer 15,16 ��,twith allied pump (new sloop mill; farrowing crate; scales; ) WILL do exterior ,intro hydraulic jack; sugar kettle, 2 sleighs; three logging chains; sub .., painting, SAW Hand and electric; also sharpening ' lawn mowers, Cutlery, " scissors, etc. "C, H. Homar, 246,' Iluron' ' Road_ --• 16=19 ' 13. AUCTION SALE ' 'AUCTION SALE of __ garage equipment former Aberhart „ Garage, , corner. Hamilton and St. Andrew Streets. ' - - Shop equipment, parts bins, used VW parts, many more items too numerous to list.' 7 p m. Sharp Thursday, April 29, 1971 ,• McGee Pontiac -Buick, .-Proprietors. Mike Cummings, Auctioneer. 1,5,16,17 FARM SOLD CLEARING AUCTION SALE of farm' machinery, antiques, household articles and feed for Mr. George A. Ross,Lot 2, Con. 6, Colborne Township, 11/4 miles south of Carlow, 1/2 mile west of Colborne Central School, 3 miles north- of Benmiller (watch for signs), on • ' Thursday, April 22, 1971 at 1, p.m. For full listing please -refer to last week's, April 15, 1971,, paper. Clerk, Joe Corey, 482-9889. trctloneers, Hugh Filson, 666-0833; Tom Robson, 666-1967..' - 15,16 • cutters;' pony cart and harness. pump; tractor chains; cedar Some household effects and posts; quantity baled straw; specialty houses,, cottages, etc. in Goderich and numerous small articles. ro Terms ,- cash. Farm sold. Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents. Brian Rintoul, .-Auctioneer, Whi techurch, Phone 357-2$49. 16 MORNING AUCTION SALE - of antiques, household effects and tools at the Auction Rooms, one mile south ' of Goderich on Hwy. 21; on Saturday, April '24, 1971 at 10:31. 8 -pc. dining room suite with a "round table; tilt -top table; bookcase; wicker settee; brass - bed; antique buffet; round dining room 'table;. small tables; trunks; • clocks; Philips TV; Kenmore electric .stove; gas stove; Coldspot • automatic d e frost refrigerator; . 5 -pc. chrome set; 5 -pc. wooden kitchen `set; flat AO the 'wall cupboard; Hoover washer and spin dry washing machine; Thor. washing machine; barber chair; radio; part toilet sets; oil lamps-; 9 x 9 . rug; dishes; weed sprayer; bench vise; hand cultivators; quantity of hand tools; garden tools; power lawn mower; etc. etc. tr '.,• - Terms - cash. - Mike ' Cummings, Auctioneer, . 524-9064.' 16 10.' WANTED ' (General) . 10. WANTED (General) WANTED GOOD tiUALITY VENEER LOGS Top prices paid for ELM -- HARD MAPLE— RED OAK -- WALNUT ETC. For prices andf urther information call: MR. LEONARD SCALES ' c/o Abitibi Panel Products Ltd. Box 170, Durham, Ont:^ Office Tel. (519) 369-3310 Res. Tel. (519) 369-3648 • q. 2,000 'bus. -Garry oats suitable for - seed; bag cart; other articles.' - No reser - farm sold, Term's - cash. Proprietor, Peter Simpson. Auctioneer, Harold Jackson. Clerk, Mel Graham. surrounding area. ;'hone 524-6184 after,;.5,;p._m, - 14,16 • LA -MB'S DELIVERY Moving — Hauling 524-9657 16 to, 19 Proprietor ' or auctioneer ,�,a, pot'.r.9.ne•e, �•n responsible ' for accidents on SAVE FARi�ISH property day of sale. - 16 14.' SERVICES AVAILABLE EXPE'RIEN.CED painters, interior and extefior painting and papering. Phone 524-9287 or X24-7667, - 15,16x .- ~ - ta, ,• Plumbing, Heating & Air -Conditioning • Remodelling and new installations fer 'ell of ' your plumbing and heating needs. Presently situated'3t Esso Home Comfort Depot, The Dock, Goderich. Phone before six pm. 524-6631 after , six 1-291-1382 -2tf SPECIAL PURCHASE FORSPR1NG_ DAVENPORT 'AND. MATCHING " 'SWIVEL ROCKER ' Ih Hu'rculon, the miracle fpt?ric, with built-ip stain release and years of heavy.wearr Coil '"spring ceinstrkietidn. Healy steel base on chair. Chair has high back for comfort". Three .colors. - REGULAR $189.00 � '00 INTRODUCTORY OFFER^ IN NYLON I RIEZE OR DO COLONIAL PRINT •ONLY•W 49 ASSORTED 'COLOURS C: & E New & Used Furniture. 1/2 Mile South of Goderich, Hwy. 21A•••. ' Phone 524.7231 re the undersigned by the 8th day. 'of May, 1971, as after that date the assets of the estate will be, distributed. Ontario, this 8th day of April, PREST and EGENER, • Barristers,' etc.; 33 Montreal Street, GODERICH, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 15,16,17 DATED at Goderich,. Contact • R_ E. R.UTTAN - Wingham -- Phone 357-1077 lOtf ti DRIVING 'INSTRUCTION By '.Licensed Instructor Appointments Only PHONE 524-8806 3:30 - 4:30 Daily (fir W eek ends -Y -- - ,Se -wing Machine PROEBLEMS? SINGER TRAINED Servicing All makes New' &' Used' Sales Alex Reed - 197 Bayfield Rd., Goderich 524-8465 CA LL FRANK -TUTT For all your flooring needs: Buy your carpet anywhere. 20"years' installation experience. Frees measurements: 524-6804- Goderj h. • °G.ODERICH TAXI Taxi Stand At. Bluewater Service Station 80' Victoria St. ALL . persons having claims against the Estate of ARTHUR THOMAS KAITTING, Retired Engineer, late of the Town of Goderich, in, the 'Co'unty of ..Huron, who .died '.on: or about the 10th .day of December, 1970, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersig eet,by the 8th day of May, 1971, as after that date the asset -s, of the Estate will be distributed. DATED - at Goderich; this ' 15th day:of April, 19,71. , PREST and EGENER, Barristers, etc., " 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. 16,17,18 ALL' persons having •claims against the Estate ' of MARY AGNES 4 TICHBORNE,, Housewife, late of the Town of Goderich,,, in tie".;:,;County of Huron, who .died+'"on or about the 4th day of February, 1971, are required to file' the same with full particulars with the 'undersigned by the 8th day of May, 1971; as after that date the assets of the 'estate will be distributed. •' DATED at Goderich, Ontario. this 15th day of April, 1971. .REST and EGENER, Barristers &,- Solicitors, 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate.. 16,17,18 ALL persons having , claims against the Estate of WILLIAM 'RICHARD GLAZIER,. Reared CPR Engineer, late of' the Town of Goderich; in ' the County of_„ Huron, who died on or -about - the. 16th day of February, 1971, are required to file the " same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 8th day of May, 1971, as after. that date 654 the assets of the estate will be''' ' distributed. • 24 Hour Service DATE'D at .�Go-derieh,'• • Bill Swan, Prop. '"" ntario,. this 15th'day.. f Apriif. • 4971: • - PREST and EGENER, • Barristers & Solicitors, • •33' Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for,the,Estate. 16,17,18 ANDERSON'S APPLIANCE SERVICING 186 Mary St., Goderich 524-6144 .. * -Domestic Refrigeration !' Electric Washers,, Dryers, Stoves .- 41itf FOR BACKHOE WORK PHONE 524-8070 HURON' DEAD STOCK REMOVAL_ CLINTON Due to the .decrease in meat prices we are unable, to pay for any farm 'stock, • We offer fast', efficient, courteous, same day service. 24 -Hour Service -7 nays a:Week Call *Collect 482-9$1L,. License No. 237-C-70 -'--41 tfn 16. PUBLIC NOTICE ANYONE interested • in playing Juvenile Fastball this summer please''be at the Ball Park at 2 p.m. April .25. Eligible if born f J FOUR, six -week-old kittens. Phone .524-9546. - 16x ' A. BIRTHS A L C O C K: At . Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on - April 13, 1971, to-�-Mr: -and Mrs. Murray Alcock, Goderich, a son, Gregory Kenneth. BIRD: At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, On April 17, 1971, to • ,Mr. and Mrs. Bruce" •Bird; -i• Goderich, a son, , Timothy Bruce. FRY: At Alexandra Hospital,, Goderich, on April 14, 1971, to' Mr, and Mrs. Wm: 'Fry, Goderich, a son, Kevin William. RUETZ: At St. Joseph's,' Hospital, London,, on. April , 8, . • 1971,' to Mr. and Mrs. Donald .77- Ruetz, - Goderich, a daughter, _- Donna Jean. McMICHAEL: • '"1VIr. and ' Mrs. Gerald McMichael '(nee Connie Durst) are happy to announce the arrival of a son, Edward John (Teddy), April 6, 1971, at York Central Hospital,,, Richmond Hill. First grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Frank' •McMichael ' and Mr. and 'Mrs; Norman Durst. - 16 , B.- DEATHS HICKS: Joseph • W. Hicks, Detroit; belov..ed husband of Myrtle 'Fulfora, Dear father .of ;, Mrs. Males Allen ' (Lenora), William, Donald and . Mrs. Walter Pivetta (Shirley}. Also 'survived, by' three brothers and • two sisters, 18 grandch-itdren. • and two great, grandchildren. 16 r.. MILLION: O°n""'Af lT""'T'4'; 1,x"7f, Kenneth Joseph, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Million of,,,, Hanover passed away. -' 16 C. BRIEFS AM .GOING to Preston soon. Anyone 'with . old woollens: for blankets phone 524-9284, Mrs. W. Dockstader. �- 16x ' D. IN': MEMORIAM FINNIGAN: I wish to express my sincere thanks to friends, and neighbors for gifts, cards and visits while a patient in Goderich , Hospital, Special thanks to. Dr. Flowers, Dr. Watts and Dr. Cauchi; also to nurses �,� ,and staff on second floor. - Everett Finnigan.' --16 • REID: The family of the 'late Mary E. Reid. wish ° to extend - their sincere thanks to, friends, for their many acts' of kindness, au betiful floral tributes and messages ,of -sympathy. received during their recent bereavement. - . a terJanuary 1, 1952. - 16x 16 One of - this a week's . peciols from' the , ' d "little dealer" • 1967 CHEVROLET 4 -door, V-8; 'automatic, power brakes,' power__ steering, radio, • rear Speaker, whitewalls, - • wheel discs, , testy. Original condition throughout:39,000 miles.• Lic. A46228. FAIRLY PRICED ,Y - CASH or TRADE' For Your Top Quality USED CAR ('64 - '67) G R A F S .. r SERVICE G0 ,RD9AMYfUIENLqRiOROE AoDv, HW'Y+o2m1et - mbo; s$keGO•d0Dr EbRRCbeH, l bNT PHONE 524411 • iOIN rvkAFw. yW 1 II -•r ',,