HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-04-22, Page 10* 10't= f#I.IwERICH SIGNAL--STA,R,JFHURSDAY,, APRIL -22, 1971 • a r 1: 4�RT .ES EMIR- S.A1E---r 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE ONE wheel trailer with attachments. Phone 524-845 -after 6p.m,-14tfnc , FRONT end tractor weights to fit Ford, International, .Hillis-C,halmers'i ' Massey I'erguson, etc. 80 pound weights $9.60 each. Phone Hopper. v I��c'rt�'�, �� Lr '�� F•rrr�s 1��t�>, 873-2641. — 14',15,16,17 -- M 20 WESTERN steers, 850 lbs.; 2Q west,el•n heifers, 600 lbs.;' 30 ton dried or high moisture corn., Phone Donald Curran, RR 1 Dungannon, 529-7459, — 14,15,16x • COINS BOUGHT, sold, eScrhanged. Y. ' Pope, 8.7 .Kingston St., 524-7359, 3tf NINE York` 'Sows ' and Three Wessex sows for sale, all bred; one Landrace ho_g. Phone 524-7080. llnc TROPICAL, fish,goldfish, budgies,, canaries. Complete, pet supplies. Pat's Pet Shop, 14 'miles ' east on Huron Street, Exeter, and '12 mile south. Phone 235.1326. — 13-17 AUTOMATIC', Toilet Bowl Cleaner. Removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank, Available at Hoffineyer _..,?lambing_and Heating, -,Kingston - Street, Godertc"fi', - 14tf - �, HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods)"'mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelopes with 'price list., Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00, Mail Order 'Dept T-53, ' Nov -Rubber Co-,' '.Box 91., Hamilton, Ont — ltf • 1M TENT ' trailer in excellent condition, Phone 524-8673. — 15,1.6 MOTORCYCLE parts, accessories. Quality items,, lowest prices: Yamaha sales. Repair most makes, models. • Steve Argyle, Bayfield, 565-2800:— 12tf WEEKEND SPECIALS . Kroehler 2 -piece Traditional style chesterfield — semi attached ` back, -reversible wrapped cushions and arm caps. Sue.. List $405.00. Sale Special $349.50. ° ' ' Dinette suite, 5 -piece, Spanish style, , ' hammered effect of moorish grillwork, .table and chair frames finished in the newest trend Shade 'Barcelona` Blue Black. Sale Special $139:50. ' Mod dinette group, 5 -piece,, stunning wet look with floral. covered chairs and clean lines of 42" round table. Speciall $129.50. Small china cabinet - arborite tap sliding glass doors, 2 drawers and lower storage ' area. Sug. List $79.50. Sale Special $62.50. Mediterranean style bedroom suite, includes' triple dresser, , chest and panel bed. Sug. List $279.50. Only $229,5-0, ,Bedroom group, :7 -piece, includes double dresser, chest, bookcase bed, pair o7 boudoir lamps and quilted mattress and box spring:Only $199.'95. - BLACKSTONE FURNITURE " • WEST .STREET REGISTERED toy 'poodles, one black male, one. silver female, two months old. 'Pilo* 524-8585:•--• 15,16x GIRL'S blue better dress, size 10, •worn twice, in, excellent • condition. Ph ,nth:'.. -....,...5.`.'a.4-7$'4`29 between 6"and S p.rn. l5nc TTENTTON all fishermen and • anglers Live bait vending machine now in operation .:4 :, hours a day at Prouse's Supertest Garage. — 15,16x Ons set used bunk beds. Two space savers in excellent condition, - Discontinued style bedroom ° suite, priced for clear out. ••A limited number of end and coffee sets, complete set only, priced for gu,ick.,sale. LODGE FURNITURE 33 WEST STREET. GODERICH immosimmoommilman 740 CASE_'gas tractor, six ,years old; -91, ft. Kongskilde cultivator• 10 ft. spring tooth International cultivator; 15 run International seed drill with power lift; two -- , 3 furrow Case plows with trip bottoms, two years' old. Phone 524-7431. — 16,17 • VALUABLE anti, es — reduction of private collection - by appointment gnly — .plion'e"_.•.52 68'33 after '5. -.p.m. and on weekends. — 16,17x SALE"„.„ CAMERAS — PROJECTORS SCREENS, Etc. -KODAK' ' ' MAMiYA, AIREQUIP, Etc. Write or phone for rock . bottom price quote. - -JERVIS STUDIO Clinton 482-7006 frames to 197,0.: ,,7,... FT..,soJ.id 'wall Cold down. trailer., Towj,ng height 47". Features dinette with lounge, propane stove, water tank, 50 lb. ice chest. Can be towed with small economy car. Phone 524.6369, — 16 - BOY'S bicycle, CCM, 21" wheel, good 'condition,Phone 524-8936. — 16 13 FOOT plywood boat: Teenee trailer, Mercury motor, good condition. Phone 524-6028. — • 16 1 9 6 8-4,.... •°' --A.M AH A 2 5 0, immaculate ,condition. Rebuilt. engine 3,700 miles ago, includes helmet and licence -plates, $450.00. Inquire at .233 Catherine Street, or phone; 524-6187. — 16 ONE set race horse harness, one set hobbles like • new.. Apply Harold Jackson, Seaforth, Ont: ,16, BATHROOM sink with legs and towel bar in new condition. Phone '524-7626: -- 16 , SINGLE horse trailer, lights and good, tires. Phone 524-9896. :-- -16x R. O. 'ANDREWS & SON. Ready-To°Lay Pullets. Vaccinated, Debeaked, Dewormed • twice, _ with 98"r Livability .in our growing, pens. The Kimber Leghorn has early egg size. They hold together, fry, path and boil to absolute'. perfection. For delivery from May 4 until the end of May. Pullets delivered in a modern Poultry an Phone 527-1106. 'RR•», 4, Seaforth, Ontario. — 16-19 ' DEADLINE FOR TAKING CLASSIFIED ADS 2 O'CLOCK SHARP osp A .v ADS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER 12 O'CLOCK FOR THAT WEEK'S PAPER CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE FOR a good deal on •.a .,new or top quality used .car„ contact Archie Hamilton at, W.`J. Mills Motor Sales Ltd., Goderich, Garage 524-7314; residence - 5247,9397. --- 12-31 x GOOD selection of used cars in A-1' c„ondition, , fully reconditioned and guaranteed, trade -lits accepted and terms available Rouse Auto Electric 19tf -• 1968 VALIANT, 6, automatic, with radio, reasonably priced, excellent • condition: - Phone 524-8993 after 5 p.m. - 16 • 1968 CHEVELLE SS 3.96;- d4).'iO • - f1.P., 3 -speed automatic, bucket seats, console, power 'steering and. brakes,.,positracti.othan,,e._--M _.529-7392. —16 • 1967' 8,009 16 CHEVY II, automatic, miles. Phone 1l2�3337. VOLKSWAGEN = SALES SERVICE Imperial Esso_Products' Don ' Taylor Motors Ltd. Main St. South,' Exeter 235-1100 SEE ,THE COVP.LETE1 LI\E DF 1.971. ,. Dats'bs 1200's'— 1600's • PICKUPS S,t rfin As Low As $1975 R. DATSU.N: THE MORE FORr..Y:Q1), MONEY CAR �•- GERALD'S SUPERTEST 7 Main St. N.; Seaforth 527-1010 STEREO -HI FIS For Sale: One 100 watt Williamson Amp. P.A. '°with power -supply, $35.00; two 40 watt stereo amplifiers (Scott -Harmon Kardon): ,two • pro tuners F.M. Scott Fisher; two transcription - turntables: one 100 watt. spealter for orchestra use: one Altec recording •mike: 16 rythm solid state B,''/thm-Ace for artist or group.' Private. 519-238-2023. — 16 ANTIQUES FOR SALE: Cut glass, crystal, silver, brass, China items, grape -back occ. . chairs, pieces of needlepoint '.floral on brown, mahogany chest, 8 pc, mahogany dining -suite; also. R.C.A,F,' mementos, Private. 519-238-2023. •-' 16 SUMMER' clothing, including dresses., shorts and tops, sizes 1-0' and 12. Phone 524.7417. — 16 GERMAN Shepherd, one year old, purebred, papers available, - price $30,00. Phone 524-9084., —i6,17 3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • HOUS,EHOLD Moving,.local and long distance Excellent storage available Phone Eric Walden, Wingham, collect,. 357-3221 -•- 44tf A TWO-STOREY red brick house located on a corner lot lust: two blocks from, main street and schools. It contains a cTouble • li'ving room, dining ...room, kitchen, :three bedrooms, two bathrooms, full .basement; fireplace, hot. water 'heating. Frame •P,,,garage with -- paved' driveway. Phone 524.6171' for an appointrrient to inspect •this - property. — 16x low 5. TQ'—,EAT BISINESS • offices itt 38 Hamilton `,treet, Goderich, fur rent Ideal as offices or for small business. Heated $80.00 • per month. Apply McGee Pontiac -Buick. .t5tf TWO-BEDROOM apartment for rent April lst.' Excellent location. For A further information call 524-8180 — 91f TO RENT —,$'1.50 per day rents you an electric rug shampooer. Removes spots, grease, etc. Service Electric, phone 18 PIGS for sale, Koob Drost, 524-8581, -•- 14tf RR 4, Goderich, phone 524-6364 or 524-98.11. — 1,6x ONE office on' West...Street, - formerly Bell Telephone Office, 28” CCM bicycle, in good 'Call 52,x-.8734. — 16,17x condition, Best Offer,. Phone, 524-9472. — 16 PIANO - priced for quick sale. Phone 482.3332. 16 DE--IUM•IDIFIER, one year old, $55,00;, two bar stools, $5.00 each. Phone 524-9098. — 16 . • SIX string Frainus • guitar, in excellent condition. Phone 5'24-8513. — 16 USED Kroeliler chesterfield and chair, good condition. Phone 524-9459. 16 UPSTAIRS apartment, suitable for couple. Available May 1st. Apply 131 Picton Street East or phone 524-8558. — 16• FORMAL WEAR Dress right for all occasions We are agents for: Freeman's Formal Rentals PICKETT & CAMPBELL Clinton L1'C7.Goderich 3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 52 WEST ST., GODERICH, PHONE 524-6991 We ''have just listed • the following prope4,ies. A good 3 -bedroom brick home, a new modern kitchen,,.,_ furnace, and bathroom, situated on 11/4 acres of land near Auburn. Apartment block consisting of 4 2 -bedrooms, 1 3 -bedroom apartment, ,electl.ic heat; ,all,.,,. services paid. by tenants, only a mile from .Goderich. Low taxes, good return on your investment, $5,000.00. -down_ Owner Wi-l•I° 'carry "?'st mortgage for balance at Kir. 85 acres of river property at Auburn, ideal. for campsite. Make us an offer. _ • Home located on , a large lot 105 x 644' with' many trees only 1.1 Tiles from the Square. This home has all new wiring;; plumbing, new' modern ,2, -,room - bath upstairs, 1 -2 -pc: downstairs.,,” A new large ,fireplace, A kitchen which every housewife dreams of one day having, All of 'this and so much more' can he yours today, as +good mc,?rtgal;e terms are available:.Inspection by. appoiintme'rit only. • - New `two-bedroom btick home. This house has a full basement 'with , electric heat and a 'verry. modern•••44t.ehen, Full price just $16,000.00.4• ' Just listed -..excellent •hiairle 3 bedrooms, modern kitchen, dining roorri, living roam, large garage, paved drive and located 2 blocks from the -Square. Good house, and barn,sitting on 100 acres' of land' overlooking' the -giver` This ta'rin has , goal • potential :arid is .priced 'very reasonable ' Just listed, today a beautiful ' building lot $.e Elgin Ave. yery close to the shopping area and the school, We can also .build you a new _.Haliday home 'of 'your choice and arrange a 90.S.1 mortgage. We have two. good homes just 5 minutes drive from doderich. Both homes -haver--i-• acre—lot, their own pressure systems — low faxes'""°'` and are .L floor plans. Country living at 'its best, for inspection on either home - please contact Bruce Ryan.. It's cottage time again and we do have some excellent pri,ces on nine -different locations prices ,range from $8,200.00 for a brand new cottage up to $1.7;500.'00 for . split level winterized cottage overlooking a beautiful sandy beach. "SPECIAL INVITATION TO VETERANS We have a good selection of small holdings which could be purchased through V.L.A. For inspection !of these properties phone Ray. Large 3 -bedroom red' brick home 'situated • on ' 3 acres of ,well, treed land' 4'4 miles from Goderich, /Low taxes. BRUCE. RYAN - Res. 524-7762 WARREN ZINN, F R 2, LUCKNOW - Res: 529-7350 B. R. ROBINSON — Res. -524-6905 A. S. TO RENT TWO-BEDROOM apartment on the Square, suitable for one o two adults, cos - e"tely rebuilt modern' .bathroom and kitchen _with new colored appliances Excellen-t accomrrtodatiori $90.00 a month. Phone 524-8567. -4 16tf . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3. -REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3. REAL ES;I ATE •FOR SALE J. HUGHES BROKER REAL ESTATE -- G - E'NERAL INSURANCE '• laf 52 1(IwO-- COMMISSION RATE -- 3% ON HOUSES iN'GObERJCH 40 ACRES ON HWY. 5 miles from Goderich this property is in choice location,, contains barn and creek. Properties like this are scarce. Act fast. •Owner will vie* all offers. , PARK -LIKE SETTING 3 -bedroom solid brick 1'/: -storey home, ..5 miles from taoderich with spacious = living room, •2 fireplaces,. 4 -pc. bath, garage: Approx. 300- ft: of river frontage\ 2 -STOREY RSD BRICK -3-bedroom home, large' living and .dining rooms, family kitchen, sunroorn, 11/2 baths", bot 132' x 132'. Mortgage to suit, purchaser. ESTATE SALE, $8900 3 -bedroom home, 2 'baths, ,done block from Square. ' Well maintained, • GOOD LOCATION a West '` end' 2 -storey ,red brick home. in immaculate condition, 3 bedrooms, stone fireplace, sunroorn, attached garage. IDEAL FAMILY HOME ,4 -bedroom brick home consisting of 1-arge living room, 'dining room, 2, baths, recreation room, garage. Close td all convniences, Open for offers. JUST•'R'EDUCED Near Square gracious older 4 -bedroom, 2 -storey brick home with 1'/2 baths, fireplace, utility MORE THAN A room. Good terms. Irnmediat'e 'PLACE TO LIVEpossession. Enjoy the privacy and space of this fine custom- built home, 'excellent planning for family • • RANCHER PLUS 45 ACRES 3 -bedroom. .home .appr.ox� ..1.2 liuinr,.and grii .ious` ei�terTa hm -. mites from <1odnich, with broadloom living and --dining broadloom throughout. Double rooms, log burning fireplace, 2 , Baths, garage. Shown •by garagE River frontage,_ contact Ebb : .. appotntmeonly:-'"— COMPLETELY tshlf contained, heated, -two-bedroom apartment with' large living room, modern kitchen and four -piece bathroom. 'Available May 1st,. Rent $115.00; Apply 1-1. W. Shore, Real Estate Broker, dial 524-7272. — 16t.f UNDER CONSTRUCTION w'j`f `. ; ELEGANT HOME, Holme -Ownership' Tra'd'e easy, CLINTON • , low. low down, payment, •one- 12, 'storey. . brick, 4 bedrooms, mortgage„. -.at. 11!2`0,' _3 -bedroom. •sp living'm l cu,tom brick. Choice of colours and 'liroadlo'oni, Call Rita Allen. IDEAL FAMILY 1 Y2-STO R'EY Modern brick custom home, ,3 bedrooms plus den, charming liting room with ` open stone fireplace,' recreation room,—large landscaped lot. " " • • IMMEDIATE POSSESSION A - sparkling 3 -bedroom 11:2 -storey situated . on,- chi' 75' x 133' -this hone has many extras, and all -ready to step into. Listed at a remarkably low price. 3. REAL ESTATE, FOR SALE t� ' "Rural Ontario Specialists" ALEXANDER, AND CHAPMAN REALTY LIMITED PHONE 521 96x62 _• 3% Commission Rate - ' r One three-bedrodm% bungalow C,t•REATER GODEI,ICH HOMES left; plan'' to ,see. this new . 4,04„, ;eoll isslon �, ,,.,.. , o4e.rns 14Istt ready , to.nt e,-iived HANDSOME E-XECUUTIVE: x..•4,.; a:I11':. ..,,x_ „ • 2 -storey brick' doctor's Five newharries ready for July residence, offering the ultimate-- a,I5 spllevel;' two-storey and in family living has now been,;, "6ne-storey bungalows. N.H.A. listed for QUICK SALE with mortgage available. Suncoast immediate possession, Home , Estates. features . fireplace•, elegant .' 'chandelle? rich broadloom drapes, • paved • driveway, Immaculate 3-bedraqom rug brick home, nearly near, close to spacus grounds, single °par schools,,largeli'Ving room, dining . garage and detached tool' shed. The kitchen is large in' size, with 4 family size bedrogLms, spacious entrance foyer leads into the charming living room and dining room. See this Just listed..Modern one -storey exceptional home today. Shown. three-bedroom home, living by appointment only. .,.,.,.,..•,• •, room, dieing area, ' large kitchen, 108 GLOUCESTER TERRACE finished rec room; large lot, This immaculate home close to schools, West end features . spacious ,living room and dining room ,with, wall to wall quality broadloom. Newly decorated. Modern kitchen with room, kitchen . with lots of cupboards, full basement, electric heating and a• 9'/a% mortgage available. Hanover cupboards. Low taxes, economical gas heat. New furnace and wiring. Located on a, secluded 82' x 132' lot. Excellent view. The price is right, only $i ;500.00 down. location. Three exclusive homes,. no telephone information. Watch your wife her eyes will light up when you show her this new 3 -bedroom brick, family hone. Wall to wall broadloom in spacious living room, dining area and bedrooms,' modern kitchen, LOOKING FOR A HOME?,,,,,,••• underground' wiring. Qualifies Save $500;00 now when you , chase„ .•-.• -this west- . end ' three-bedroom 'ranch style brick One storey two-bedroom brick home with.. carport. Clean home, large .kitchen, attractive • electric heat, full basement, living room, attached garage and plus many more fine features, priced to sell, for full mortgage. actous roan'', u.xurious. 'Plans. and 'prices are available . • broadloom, 2 •marble fireplaces,..,• only at our' office. • MICC Hill Terrace — this propePty is in recreation room, 1'/z baths. mortgage at 8'/a% lets you be Bayfield overlooking the river, Double garage. the proud owner of this' on a large treed lot. Large living gracious new .home with only room, good kitchen, ' • two IDEAL RETIREMENT SETTING Ism down. ' _•-�,.._- n bedrooms; double garage. 1'/z, storey, 3 bedroom house THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL - Equipped for summer and .plus 2 fully furnished _cottages 2bedrs�o _._...' u! brick . , hom1 .. v, i_n..t __. l i v i ng. _ i.tnmc�diate located on 1 acre of. land plus extra building lot located. possession fronting on 'approx. 200 ft.' of at 134 Widder St. Needs some the river at 'Port Albert. Close• to repairs. . Suit,,able for ' Incorrare property situated on a a sandy beach on Lake Huron. _•,I-1 A• N D,. Y M A N o r lot 104 x 104 with three CONTRACTOR. Instant' income 1 bedroom '.apartments, one can two-bedroom apartment_ RENTALS wishing to rent small home. Heating electric. This property One • and two-bedroom "' shows a good return on money apartments fully rented, well • V.L.A. ;QUALIFICATION'S — invested. maintained, plenty parking, Happiness _is- yours ,when you . . beyours as we have client I1VIMACULAT•E FAMILY HOME extra lot: Could expand iiAto ten see this, -.bungalow custom apartments. Two bedroom new • home in `? Morey 3=bedr•oom home with designed, ji.. t for you Iiungann'on suitable for ,V.L_A. modern kitchen, spacious living FOR RENT ' ''Featuring -2"spacious ,bedroo1ns,•'• .• • w " Isom, 3 -pc, bath, full basement, . 3 -bedroom on' West St. available 4 -pc. bath with vanity, 'large 10 acres, house, � barn and paved side drive. May 1st $125,00 a month. • living room with, oak floors and drilled,• .. 'well priced at log burning fireplace, sparkling ' MOD -ERN -BUNGALOW One -bedroom •,,a'p.ra:rtments kitchen, and dining room with $8,000.00, 1/3 dawn, 8^l0 .3 -bedroom homy • in excellent .available f.or- rent ',July ' 1St. built-in • chiha ; cabinet. • Full mortgage. condition throughout, finished $125,•00 a -month. bast't' ed for basement, well landscaped, West , family room, extra guest roam $2,800°U0, available now, tend location. Mortgage at 7`�, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES and laundry area:. Hot water , m East Street, store plus 2 apts. heat. Many many .more features QUALITY HOME Property in good condition, including built in dishwasher, • S • pacious. modern executive type Ideal for any new business. 3-bedr'oorn rancher, broadloom- RESORT PROPERTY• SMALL FARMS • thio tout, . . l'/_ baths., full , year ,,.... Pt. Clark excellent opportunity F, ARM MACHINERY included basement °Cot 82' x 132'. ,_, _ : , ,.,. to get into a growing bush aceeS CUSTOM BUILT Could be operated all Ranch bungalow on .lot 74'' x, round. Good terms available. 198'. Open fireplace in living North Street, office room, separate dining., •room', $80.00 a month heated, lw ,, bath. Enjoy the privacy ,of this lovely home,•.61/2% Mortgage. basement, part ion - • Brick :school •house, °priced at stove and workshop.• - with 75 Workable, balance in bush ' and pasture. Located in West Wawanosh. Here, is what space. you get for 'the low, price of $18,5,00.00. 11/2 -storey - 'frame 4-bedrobm home, bank barn $1500 DOWN WEST END Ideal business locations Contact 50' x 50', implement shed, full 524-8100 for further particulars. ' line s of equipment and 6% 3 -bedroom home, two full � mortgage making this a farm baths, dishwasher, stove, washer 25 acres. Hil;hway-••••--'.ron•tage, you can afford. - and dryer, family room.. Almost within t/he town limits. new. Close tor Lake. 100 acres Colborne 'Township, barn 30 x '50 and house included. SPLIT LEVEL WES1 -ENI•' .3 -bedroom "brick, " cheerful spacious„ kitchen, attractive - broadloom, living room', family room,• laundry room, walkout basement. Close to schools. • 'HEART OF GODERICH• Just listed 3 -bedroom rancher; with . sun porch, attached garage, over 1200 sq. ft. •of living ,spa'ce, Large landscaped lot 104' x 104'. • , • MODERN HOME & 2-ACRES— Charming brick bungalow well maintained ,by present owner. Double garage.. Interest ''r'g land potential- makes this worth investigating Immaculate, V.L.A. QUALIFIED Family' home on, approximately 11/2 acres of land on quiet'street. 2 BLOCKS FROM SQUARE Solid , _brick 3 -bedroom 1'/2 -storey, with,. full basement, recreation room, garage. Well built home reasonably priced. - LOW DOWN PAYMENT 5-rodm home, family size kite • , utility room, attached far. 'e. Good location, Taxes $ 8 '' ►, 0 . a ~A 0. ON MAITLAND RIVER 65 acres -df workable land on river, barn 40 x 50. .Also 130, acres with over" 100 acres workable. ,NEAR BENMI LLER 132 acres of I" Recreational property with cher 1 mile of river„frontage on the Maitland, Unlimited potential. COTTAGES Winterized, cottage, modern 3 bedrooms, patio, lot 75' x 85', access to lake, natural fireplace, fully r furnished, . near golf course. COTTAGE STONE FIREPLACE Excellent view of ' L'ake Hurcfn, good sandy beach, attractively furnished, nearly new,” outdoor barbecue. On well 'lai'i'd's'ca'pcd lot. LOTS Cambria Rd. $3,000. , Cambridge St. 80' x 132', $2,500. COSY WEST END 11/2 -STOREY Y 3 -bedroom • well maintained home including su'nroom, full ,basement, garage. Situated on a well landscaped, lot. Choke location close to schools. WARTIME 11/2 -STOREY ' Attractive well located home, spacious broadloom living, bl=ight cheery kitchen, ,utility room, close to schools. • Jones St. 74' x 198', $3,000. South Street, 132' x 619.5'. South East end, 6 lots, $12,500: Albert Street, Clinton, $2,000. Saltford, house and lot, $ 3,500 Auburn, 1'/2 acres. lot, 129'. x 175',. $3,500. Pt. Albert, 2 lots, 104' x 104'. RITA, ALLEN 154 ESSEX ST. — 524-0480 . DEB .-SHEWEELI '199 CAMERON `STREET 524=95 3 EBB M. ROSS ..,• 92 NEWGATE ST. --- 624-8786 G SOLID BRICK HOME plus 40 acres of rented land, small barn for horses, Artesian well, good' creek and pond. Located ,10 minutes from Goderich.. Open for offers as owner' wishes to 'retire and will consider a trade on property in town. Listed at ' $13,900.00. . • EQUESTRIANS -= See this fine miniature, ranch. Included on theme 21 ,;acres is a charming 3-bedrooni'home; modern 45'-' x • 25' horse barn with . Beatty Stabling, circulating fan, etc.; creek, bush, and ample room for your own track. Secluded, 'yet -•.---•close to town location. Tractor and , ,Amany ,extras included. Shown by appointment only. RESORT PROPERTIES 1„000 FEET OF LAKEERONTAGE -- when you purchase this Thi -level Chalet style cottage; containing 3 bedrooms, 21 ft. of living room, modern kitchen; usable year round, with gas heat and cheerful sundeck with patio, and nicely landscaped grounds. Over an acre of estate property situated in GODERICH on the shores of beautiful Lake Huron. Until you inspect this, you won't' believe that so little could buy to much. See this exceptional buy today. I3LUEWATER BEACH --- Just listed. Attractive 3 -bedroom LAKEVIEW cottage' with lame enclosed suriroom for summer fun. 'T'erri'fic buy fn. this- resort area as the lot is well treed and yours for only $15,500.00.• Open for offers with "excellent terms. • JACK CUMMINGS 524.9024 • BILL CLIFFORD y ,oma•, w a..,,,624,909,7 . 43 WEST STREET J GODERICH 524-5951 In nearby , village, large lot, building 30 x 60, furnace, lighting. Could be converted Cheap for .cash.. 50 -acre farm ' in Colborne township, 5 acres bush the rest drainedand productive. -y 140 acres on Highway 21s.North with dwell equipped 2 jtorey brisk house, 50 acres in 'West Wawanosh 'i`vp., the drained clay loam soil, level land, 3 acres bush, good buildings. Spring possession. 4 Three-bedroom home on Mary Street, situated on a large lot. Drapes and' aerial included: With a mortgage at,83/4 per cent. One -bedroom apartment, redecorated, refrigerator and stove, ('15 Picton Street. lrnmediate possession. Large building lot for sale Size 332' x 450'..Bayfield Road. A. J. ALEXANDER -524-7836 B. LidPA I N Ey-524-8957 L. PENTLAND-524-9007 G. GLENN -529-7924 ' .-H A R -O L,D V1h RE'- 8 5 47272 SS NEWGATE ST. GODERICH NEW THREE-BEDROOM, BUNGALOWS These new homes have so many beautiful features that only by a visit to inspect can you fully appreciate them all. See these homes today and move up to the best on the market• and buy the mast value for the price. b • i • 10, • • • 9 SUBSTANTIAL 4 -BEDROOM BRICK Having all the charm of the older type home this brick home, in, excellent conditioi'i has four lame bedrooms, den, living room and spacious modern;,` triich . i,V is centrally located, has ga:1 heating arid is in good state o -f, . repair, w