HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-04-22, Page 9:Lind and About WitliMallhitt. r Monday morning ° r was; up BIRDS",, on the late. molflo- ol and Out brightearly - well Sunday night, then this THING, .EARLY apd I dashed about which to me looked like a giant frOm, place to place to see if horse - J was really shook anything had changed. Yes, the up ind I called others to collie hiinlor was still there 7. no and ?. -see whpt We had..-Igo'one change - "cept the. ice was wanted it, So it wat'shoved into, broken. Out farther the lake a container and I put it in the seemed clear, the ice just car. One helpful, "pcheaded hugging the .0ore. There are a - youth said "you may find it is fewspring flowers to be seen multiplying so fast your car will With a ;promise of a great be filled in a few minutes.' He out-btfrst soon - if the was a BIC help!, After asking .weather -man co-oPerates. many, people,' f found it, fit'the Eiterywhere, , people were : • giant water -beetle catagorie and raking o t the_old grass- and4bssm-IVirp -1rntr- McKee' -;4`" Was beginning . to showt, The sun 116E11:wen very generpus for the last three days and the __bugs and the birds and the bees , were buzzing anbut., Speaking'of bugs and birds - I stepped out of my car and almost stepped -on a big • thing, that was running along on ,big bony legs. I was scared green! It's f nny that at such a time of meeting or being startled by —something strange; your first instinct is to strike out - KILL •-KILL. Well, I, stood, just petrified and tried to size up.- my "enemy!' but I had -Co act fast before he attacked me. or he .just ran away - or flew away and I would never know what it was that was' invading our country: I tried to step on him but he was hard and fast So: I Whammed my fo9t down on him again ,and stopped him,(or , her) in his flight. After' watching, *."--7 "THE •. Wed 'wen=thent twice. as. large. Well, it had seemed tWice as large to me, too, and I had told someone' I thought it might. have a wing spread of *8' or 9 .inches. -However, since I Cind it is an innocent, insect -eating water bug which should have been taken back alive to the Little Lakes - or someplace - it seems, to have .shrunken a great deal and it now only has about a 3 inch body length. Phooey! Anyway, the promise of spring, (the middle of looks wonderful. I had met Spring and left 'Spring - and driving into it and out of it is quite an'experienee. But I had noticed when near the Harbour that Mrs. Wilson's daffodils will soon' be running 'riot - "Ten thousand saw I at .a •glance, tossing their heads in spritely dance" -- well, who is going to count them? Anyway, they are SPROULE SHOES . KINGSTON ' ST. -,(Next 'To The Club Grill) BEATTY SPRING• SPECIAL. CHAIN HARROWS 10% off for Month of April - SIZES 9' to 18' immediate Deljvery BEATTY. FARM SERVICE CENTRE - Clinton PHONE 482-'9561 15, 16h as near as we will ever .get viewing hundreds - around here. •t. It is wonderful to see violets,.— creepjng close tothesidewalks, . and NA alkirfg along with you and::: don't -you jut hate to step on them in your back yard? Along •with spring • flowers corning up there are Spring conferences, Arts , and Crafts , Exhibitions and sech' like rn'iny, interesting,' thingsare about to happen. . , • ::and Crafts there is a good one :this weekend. at FanshaWe Community College, London, and the show is open to the public; Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m: ---This London and District Arts and Crafts Exhibit 'includes •craftS people from OUR area so yoti wilenjoy , viewing the besl of Southwestern Ontario. •hear Ruth's play, was a great success and our ,huge stone fireplace created a lot of favourable •cornment. Anyone want a fireplace - by two •galS? Little Theatre is ,already in rehearsal for .the next play coming up on May 13, 14 and 15. A comedy "Plaza' Suite" • directed by Kathy Jenkins has a terrific cast Kathy a terrific play which we were very fortunate to obtain at this time as it is restricted - because it is still being played. by Professional Theatre. So mark- your, ' Calendar. • Have, you also te?ed • the . Tiger Dunlop. W.f1Jessert Card Party and Bake Sale listed for May ,--5? April' 25 - at last' the 'Harbo'uraires with, their DO Music and 'song - at the Mrst Baptist Church, , Montreal Street. Then, ' More music at • North Street United Church,' on the eleventh, , by the Treble Singers Sprim Concert. I wish ,these two groups could get together. sometime, I'm sure they would•be just GREAT! On the .28th of April, La Boutique Fashion Show - a first - or "A Happening!! a very unusual "Fun Thing" with orchestra:' photos . and all sorts of unorthoWx. things along with ' your dessert, and otiffee. Try to get a. ticket if you haven't one already as ' Nannette of La Bdutiq'tie ,is out to bring you something unusual and exciting. • , Hive you started thinking about Spring Baseball for the Girls and ,Boys? Do START. You know that coaches and helpers are not plentiful and if YOU do not come up with some ideas your , baseball' • or softball player is going AO be very unhappy. Love,.• Martha St._ John's ' " • J 4 „„o t .r, * , . • *Edopoml4t. frOm Toronto will • be ' demonstrating various casserole dishe'a. Plan to attend "Never iPul1 • Meal" in the Clint.ri WOO- Schooli on Thursday, April '• 22nd, at 8QO p.m - There is no adnlissioh charge, and everyone i wocome. , . • The Home Economics Branch of the 'Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food--is-holding a Food Forum "Never a DAB Meal" oh ThilrsclaY, April 22nd at 8:00 p.m. in the Clinton High School. Miss Catherine ,Hunt„, Home EConornist for Huron County, and tWo (Wier Home rr- Members of the executive of the Huron Liberal Association (Provincial) who were elected at an enthusiastic .dinner meeting, in Hensall on Wednesday. They are (left) Paul Steckle, 'area vice president, Mrs. Ian McAllister, treasurer, John La Porte, president,. Mrs. Don Adams, executive vice president, Howard Aitken„. secretary, Dr. Morgan. Smith and Peter,,Stinnissen, area vice etresidents. Absent vvere.two„area vice Presidents,,Mrs.,D. kMurphy and Neil McGavin. • Officer election shows good contest as Huron Liberals elect John LaPorte • Faced with keen .contests for' vvery office, Huron Liberals 'at a dinner meeting in Hensall Wednesday electecl. John,. LaPorte, R. -It; 2, Zurich, president: In all, 16 candidates contested eight offices., a race f'6' *eXecutive;viee- presidept, -Mrs. Don Adams, Ortleefield, won outover three Men, Dr. Morgan • Smith, Bayfield, Paul Steckle; Zurich, and Rob BradySeaforth. Nine Candidates stood for the five positions of area vice president. Suceessful candidates' were, Peter'Stittnissen, Seaforth, Paul Steckle, Stanley Township, Dr. Mdrgan SMith, Bay field, Neil M cG a vin, McKillop Township and Mrs. Muriel Murphy, Goderich, Mr. , Murphy was tied in the votieg. with Ken limiter of Goderich who withdrew in her favour. • .,Howard'Aitken. of Goderich was aotlairkd ti a further term as secretary of the Association and ' Mrs., !ail (Shirley) McAllister of R. IL 1, Zurich, .was. elected by acclamation as treasurer. • 'Guest, swaker for.. the banquet which preceded the meeting was Mrs.•,Jan-,Steeles,of to'ndon„ '.e.xeeutive vice-president, of the .Liberal, Party in Ontario.. Mrs. Steele, who was introduced by Paul Steckle. was horn on farm' in the., State of • Vermont; and received her Canadian --citizenship----in* 1961. She has a Master of Arts degree - members win Priory votes of thanks _ . Bruce .A. Sully, Chairman of Governor will- take place in the Goderich Branch of St, Toronto in June. ' John Ambulance, today annothced that a Priory Vote David Allan Harrison, 301 of Thanks had been awarded to'_ ,Huron Rd., -Goderich; Mrs. ,,, the-- following individtLorena May IVIinaker44 ials for' outstanding support of .the Newgate Street, Goderich; Miss • work of St. John Ambulance. Isabelle S. Murray, 46 West Forrhal presentation' of the Street', (-4oderich; William Hugh award by the Lieutenant- McWhinney, Dungannon, • 4 IN THE GODERICH AREA.. THE • COVE ARE RUNNING! RAINB01111,-SPEOLED& BROWN TROUT SEASON ()pith's 4111$ SATURDAY SMELT; SUCKER & PERcEl WILL BE* ilLINNiNG "GOOD LUCK" Sponsored By • GOVE-RICHiOURIST COUNCIL - .d• rr rr•,•rr r in Political Science • and i4 currently serving her second tern as vice-president „of 'the Ontario, Libera(- Party. She -was recently appointed by Prime Minister Trudeau to chair a L b•era • Party , Corp in t the .recommendations • of the Royal Commission on the Status,of Won -len. „ Pointing Out that the sitting member in Ilurbrr. Hon. Charles Ma cNa u gh ton, could be defeated, Mrs. Steele said that "in this election year, I bring a ' message of hope to the Liberals of Huron equnty.;'She went ,k2n to .emphasize that while Premier Davis was spending money like mad "things are not 'the same in'rural Ontario:: one should be fooled by publicity from the Conservatives that the election would be a 'two,way fight between the 'Tories and the NDP she 'waited: As evidem!e, she • offered a • number of examples .of hotly contested and. yerywell attended Liberal • nominating meetings. "The Liberals .are the only real alternative to the Tories." she 'said,' "Especially Shice the selection of Stephen Lewis as leader of the NDP. He is not acceptable to t he people of Ontario because he is too: radical." ' Mrs. Steele; who is a, member of ate- Ontario Campaign Committee, told the meeting of the . enthusiasm apparent at. Liberal convenlion. rneetings. Excellent candidates are corning - forward and keen contests for. norninationT"are the result, she said: 'While agreeing that no-one could' predict with certainty when the, electioti. will Ile called, Mrs ,Steele heluded by urging the association "to get on wjth the eampaign", Appreciation to Mrs. Steele was expressed by Mrs.lan .M011•ister while A.V. McLean: Southwestern , Ontario Region president, thanked the, members of the Herisall Legion Auxiliary w.h6-Z.tered. for the dinner. • . John Broadfoot orhrtieelleld .chaired •the meeting. The program .included greetings. from Reeve John Baker .of . Hensall and visiting Reeves, ,JOhn Flannery, Seaforth,' and .. Elgin Thompson. Tuckersmith, Wm, 'Elston, Morris,. and Hugho,.., Flynn, Hullett. In his remarks Reeve Elston. who is president Of the • Huron -Bruce -Liberal Association,' brought. greetings ,from Murray (jaunt, MPP. -For Octogenarians . . . and those older The Goderich Signal -Star is 'pleased to extend happiest birthday greetings to the .folloWing new member of the Octogenarian Club: • • AMOS BAL(, 122 Gloucester Terrace, who celebrated 'his • 85th birthApy April 20; ' • , MRS. CLARA MASKELL, Goderich Nursing Home, who will be 93 Saturdaw, April' 24., _._II -you know of Someone who will 'be celebrating an 80th birthday or better in"the near future and would like'to have his or her name mentioned in this column, please telephone 524-8331 giving ;he name, address, age and birthday of the celebrant, •-••• - There is absolutely no charge for this service and, we are pleased to hear from alt of'you. From The Ramify Family Rine§ The birthstones of each of her children are delicately set in . an attractive gold ring. Three styles tO..chooselrom. A most thoughtfUl andlasting gift, sure to be cherished for years to come. fro fir '4$22 50. Available in,10K white or yellow gold May Ist is the final .date for Mother's Day Delivery N. T. ORMANDY DISTINCTIVE,...IEVVELLE-RY The Square GodricIi t oUse hunting this twromm.,4rin1,111111.41141 on'utn0S,0111.4 ek. If you are thinking of buying a home • 'and need mortgage money, c�me to • Victoria and Grey where more than • 80 years experience .will help guide you. Our real estate appraisers are thoroughly trained and our branch managers are keen.ro make sure you get the.most advantageous loan possible,today... ..at,Victoria and Grey. VG • The senior Triivi Company devoted entirelrto the people of Ontario. WCTORMandGREY 'TRUST COMPANY, SINCE 1889 9:00 to 5:00 Monday. to Thursday 9:00 to 6:00 Friday n , • ' Lealand Hill,, Manager s 524-7381 • : Elgin and Kingston Streets, ,Goderich • '65 BUICK, LE SABRE 2 -door hardtop, V-8, automatic, power steering and brakes, radio, new belted whitewalls. Lie. K40439, • rr ALL 3 -CARS_ ARE IN GOOD MECHANICAL- ORDER '65 OLDSMOBILE DYNAMIC 88 • 2 -door hardtop, -V-8, automatic, radio, power steering and brakes, 'whitewalls, power aerial, bucket seats. Lic. K38888. TH.* SAT., APRIL 1971 ONLY E '65 .FORD LTD 4 -door hardtop;, 352 V-8, automatic, radio, vinyl top, power 'steering and brakes. Lic. 45415L.y PRICE DOES NOT , INCLUDE SAFETY 'CHECK McGEE PQNT1AC BUICK CADILLAC • "GODEIIICH 524-8391 4 P. . , 1