HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-04-22, Page 70. • 0- o • Frani, the Minister's study for PASTOR ALFRED FRY Auburn & Donnybrook; - United Churches Be sure•your sin will ifind you out We afpn hear the expression .property in sales and cheat in, "Be sur6 your sin will find you SC) many ways, out".„ Perhaps we are giving What about the professing advice to thoe ; who are Christian and his sense of ' repeatedly. doing „ ‘0,rong,--or..)we- --•spilienal, values? May " 'gpealfirzeto- sr own -',4.rPur:. -Raster st'dty -tre??§-alf" children. Sp, many people are Juda's betrayal of his Lord, of 481 like the4ostrich which buries it's Peter's denial, of the soldiers _ head in sand.;, and because it who were ibribed to say that cannot see others, thrtiltrililt the body of Jesus was' stolen others cannot see them. from the tomb. But there is One whose Many in our day distort the ' eyelids,. never, close, and that truth in regard to the authority one is Almighty God. of God's word, in regard 1,3 the We live in a day when morals Virgin birth, the crilicif,xion, are at a very low ebb, People and the physical resurrection of are committing all manner of our Lord, taking scriptures out sin, yet frankly admit that they of , their context and applying are getting avir# with it. Some them to their own pet theories. ' • think that no-one will. ever find Sooner or later this will catch out. • 441 As we study this matter carefully and logically we will, soon find out that the odds are "YOU WILL BE FOUND OUT" and exposure can be • inconvenient. There is a grim chapter from the life of King Saul, found' in (1st.' Samuel '15. 10-26). Saul is returning from a victorious battle loaded with the spoils of war. He was intoxicated with • the excitement of the hour. In his elation of victory he had utterly disregarded' the command of the Lord to destroy -the Amalekites. He had spared King Agag, and the best of the spoils. • He was ,ready for the great victory parade, and in his own mind had deceived himself in thinking that all was well. But: he had reckoned yvithouf, Almighty4God. Saul is confronted by God's servant Samuel. Saul gives a • flatUring ' salutation and a deliberate lie, -"BLESSED BE THOU OF THE' LORD, I HAVE ,PERFOlft.MED THE WILL OF. THE LORD". ie - Samuel. replied "If this be so, why the bleating of the sheep • • , and the lowing Of the -oxen which you have stolen?" , Yes the dumb animals' ?cOndin-iiied the i )38' -SURE 'YOUR- SINS WILL FIND you OUT. 1.. How does this' affect our • world to -day? Some giVe a false return in regard to income tax returns and other reports, others misrepresent goods and • MEMORIALg-MARKERS • 0 • up wi▪ th them when they stand before God. • As members of the Christian church we -are cal ed to be witnesses especially in the place in which 'WeWe. We have a duty to our friends and neighbors. How can we do this if we,are carried about with every wind and doctrine- and run hither and° yon. As we witness, to our faithv• may the world never hear the s bleating of the sheep and lowing . of the Oxen because of our disobedience. Be sure you: sins- will find out. 12, .confinned '-; Goderich and area obituaries ' • CECIL BLAKE Interment Was in IVIaitl7d , .in Auburn ' to Violet Edward Cecil -Blake, Cemetery. Pallbearers were d." Addison who survives. bungannon, passed away Siddall, 'Chester ' MacDonald, Also. surviving 4re three sVincent ,suddenly Tuesday,March 30, at Warren Smale, Smale, daughters, Mrs. Clive (Phyllis) Alexandra Marine and General Donald Be/rt MacAdam and Allin, Goderich; Mrs. James Hospital. His death followed a Bruce MacDionald. .. massive . coronary _,,, -- . Ilrma) Ma.son, Blyth; and"Mrs. He was. born in Ashfield Township, February' 21, 1901, a NICHOLAS JOHN SAGER Bernard ''' (Bernice) Fisher, liemniller; two sons, Vern and ' ti'; son of Hugh John Blake arid • Nicholas, John Sager, '207 Burton, both f Carlow18 Susan Marie McConnell. He Cambridge•Street, died Monday„ grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. married Olive Mae Kilpatrick of April 12 at his residenee, He Hugh Tena) Hill and Mrg. ' AshfieId-Septemlier , 19'38. was 6.8. . -Willia,m (Jae) Doak, Goderich ,. Following their marriage. they A son of Nicholas .and and one biother, Robert farmed in Ashfferd, moving to -Joaephine (George) Sager, . lie lone sister and, two brothers. . • Carlow. He was predeceased by Dunganndn in1946 was born in Deseronto, Ontario,' s HFuneral service Was Sunday, .. • i -brother Harold made his August 13, 1902. He resided . „, _ in, . . hboromtheere-wflathrtfilheezo'gtt•trh!tig.W Afterox-".PaactvAllapAtia4514,-A040-A4PN':•'185`'''''N'in '' '''t4e` Stiles coming to Goderich 47 yearE Kirteeai Leonard Warr officiating. Interment was in Colborne He is survived by • his wife, the former Edna Randall; two ceineterY• Pallbearers were daughters, Mrs. Roland. (Joyce) Percy McBride; George McBride, Allan i Stoll,' Pat Reeve, Preston aria Mrs. Jack (Ruth) Simmons, Waterdon; Whitely, Roy Allen and Ozzie Falkiner. Flowerbearers were two sons, Donald and George, both of Goderich; and .1.4' - Wayne Allin, Raymond Allin, ,David' Mason and -BrUee grandchildren. Mason. Funeral •service was Thursday, April 15 at the McCallum Funeral Home, with JOSEPH WILLIAM HICKS; Rev. Leonard Warr officiating. Joseph Williai.i :Hicks of 19975 of Fenton,' DriVe, Cemetery,. Pallbearers were Bill Detroit, Mich.., died April 10. Mohring, Clare Sager, Nicky Born in Godetich Township Sager, George Reeve, (Mines June 10, 1896, he was the son Reeve,. an Roy Mohring, all of the late William Hicks and grandsons of the deceased. Elizabeth Ginn: In June 1925 he married Myrtle Fulford and moved to Detroit. movitir-To'rDungannon they ago° continued their farming operation in Ashfield until eight years, ago, when "their last farm was sold. Mr. Blake toolcan active part in' community activities. He served on Ashfield Council in -1950 for three, years and followed as Reeve in 1953 to 1959 at which time he was active on County Council. He was a mem bet' of Dungannon United ChurcF7- Interment' was in Maitland where he served as a member of session. He had formerly been a mernliFiThrthe Crewe United Church. • Mr. Blake was a charter member of the Lucknow and District Lions Club, where he was second vice president on the harter exec later serving as president. He was a member of Morning Star Lodge 309, Carlow and The Chapter, 60derigh. A masonic ervice was conducted at the ohnstone „Funeral Home on Wednesday evening. Mr. Blake is survivedby his wit two sons and two aughters, H. James Blake of Toronto, Mrs. Grant (Lynda Marie) Sowerby of Toronto, William E. Blake of Galt, Barbara Mae Blake at home; two sisters and one brother, Mrs. B. • F. (Myrtle) Comfort of St. „charge -Or -the W:NI.S.'s Eaaer ir • 1,i;40 at Knox • eaurc DAVID ER.NEST BEAN David Ernest Bean, Carlow, died April 15 in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital after an, illness of seven years duration. He. was 74. - A son .of Robert and Sarah (Hazelwood) Bean, he was born May 6, 1896 in Colborne •• Surviving are two daughters, rs. Miles Allen ,(LepoyA) and Mrs. Walter PiYetta (Shirley); two sons, William and Donald; 18 grandchiidren. and„ two great grandchildren, . of Detroit. Also surviving are two sisters, Mrs. George. Castle (Ella) of Bayfield, Mrs. Harry Watkins Township,where._ he was, -Mildred). of Clinton, and three farmer.,. He was a member of brothers, Walter and Hard of • Beemiller United Church. Clinton and , Maurice He was, married 'October 18; Goderich. kle was predeceased • by ' three' brothers, Wilfred,' Ashfield Fran, and Arthur. neral service's took place • Mrs. Richard West was in A sre.„ 14 'at. the Step Funeral Home, Beech -Daly Road, Detroit, Rev. A. W. Born otficiating. Pallbearers,. were Michael, Gary and Donald Hicks and Mitet Allen, all grandsons of the . deceased and Marvin Fulford. Walter, Pivette, also_ a grandson, was honorary pallbearer. ,40 Oox United' Church, ;Auburn, was filled to capacity ( on, -Sunday, April 11. Special Holy week services had been i held during the previous week. li At this service twelve young f people were confirmed' and received into the fellowship of J the church. , They were as follows: Rick Archambault,. -Lorraine a Chamney, Paul Chatrineyi, Larry T 'Gait Elliott, M Elliott,- Barbara 'Empey, Marie "c Empey, Trudy Machan,,Larry L Plaetzer;. Wanda Plaetzer and Lynn Turner. - -• T The ,minister of the chuteh, K Pastor Alfred Fry, •Fonducted a th'e service. C ' atharines,; T. Harold • - ' , Blake of , meeting held • Thursday evening Durigannon andMrs.i D. S. in the 'church school. Guests Alma-)--Finesof Toronto. Ay& • were ,present feom ..Ripley; He. was bredeceaSed by an Dungannon, .Whitechurch . and nfant daughter 'Betty in 1939; is mother '" in 1936 and his Lucknow. . . Mrs. E. MacLean,, president, ather in 1928. - ,. • spoke a few words of welcome .The body rested at the to -the guests. „ ohnstone Funeral . Home, Mrs. R. West, Mrs. J. West, ucknow. - ', Mr's. S. 'MacLennan and Mrs. The funeral service was held Alan MacDonald presented the t Dungannon United Church on Easter program from the "Glad hursday, April 1. Rey„-clareneem iTidings"„,- Mrs. W. Wylds read an cClenagban Of Dungannon Easter. • poem. Choruses • were Onelbeted the 'service.. Mrs. sung , by pupils '• from the. eonard Reed was orgarils.t. Explorer, 'and . a' quintette, Pallareifs were_Girvin Reed, ' ;Janet and Barbara Farrish, hornton, E7e-dy, Bob Stothers,- Lorraine MacObriald and Flora- . K. Dawson, Frank Thompson Simpson, sang. ' nd ' Donald: Simpson. Flower Mrs. , Wm. Ross introduced earers were Fred Young, ,Ben the guest speaker, Mrs. M. ole, Frank -Pentland, Wilbur MacLennan of Wingham, who row•p,,LLorne Ivers.and Donald told of her trip to, Japan and cKenzie. ' showed slides. Lunch was :Temp-orary entombment was served. • _Dungannon Mausoleum With Ashfield Presbyterian .,Church nal resting, place Mini -farina . School will, re -open - neS4. . erhetery. •B Q. CEMETERY .1...ErTERING M • Goderich District Representative T. PRY -DE. McIllwain" en 524-7861 or 524-9465 , 200 Gibbons St. Belt AND SON Clinton-Exeter-SPaforth 45 Can-kbria Rd. S: 524-7464 .774-4!*9090.10:- ,• r4,40,1.4:10,114 MRS. LEATHA— '' .Sunday, April 25th; at., 11:00 a.m. Pupils will joie with their paren0 in the. church service ELLEN M_acDONALD • for the -opening-, • then 'go to Mrs. •Leatha El len their classrooms for their MacDonald, . 147 • 'Warren ' St., lessons at 11:20. led' April 18 in Goderich, as 82 and had been, ili fo eW months. • we f Spring Is Here! Now Is, „The Time To Arrange For Your BACKHOE WORK: FOR COMPLETE SATISFACTION' AND FAST SERVICE CONTACT: CLIFFORD HpGILL BACKHOE SERVICE 376 HURON ROAD., GODERICH PHONE 524-7170 WEbDING INVITATIONS by ,st RNA TK,,,p0L Or S "17,1rycrp'n ( 110( C our w,edding mutations ith complete conlidence from 'our elegant selection ...N.% hich includes announcements and all the, correct wedding aceessories. Okir wedding,gift to yotr,.. a Keepake copy of your Invitatiorr processed in luxurious go+d-..-- Come in andreiwire your free Br-idai Gift Register, britt #ignatItnai— West Street , 524-8331 A daughter of -Alfred and' lda (Thompson) Smale, she was born February -5, 1889 in Ashfield Township. She moved to, Goderich about 190.. She wasa member of Knox Presbyterian Cpurch. She ,was married September 11, 1910 in Windsor to Malcolm (Mac) MacDonald who predeceased • her. January 1Q, 1968. She is 'survived by two daughters, Mrs. Harold (Lucille) Durst, Brabenton, .Florida , and Mrs., Ken (Dorothy) Allin, Goderich; one son, Norman, Goderich; two sisters, Msrs. Victoria Kuelpw, Detroit, Michigan, and Mrs.- Myrtle Fleming, 'Florida; and' 'one brother, William 'George Smale, Detroit, Michigan. - A pdate funeral service was held" Monday, April 19 at Stiles Funeral Home with Rev. G. L. Royal officiating. " Benmiller L1901 and 86, Of Foresters' Lodge of Benmiller held a card party on Saturday;April 1,0.. The following were the Winners: high lady, Marj Young'. low lady, Bernice Moore; high man, John Westbrook; loW man, 'Tom Moore. ' The draw winner was Isabel Gardner. WILLIAMS' CEMETERY MEMORIALS And InscriptiCins Stratford - ()Mario . • Representative 215 Wellington St. S., Goderich 'Phone; 524-6272 or 524-7345 1.• • • springmain save again The more you buy, the more you save, on all Call us before you stock up on your Spring lubricant requirements - then take advantage of our special discounts on top-quality Texaco lubricants. TEXACO Farm Lubricants VIC,WALDN FUELS - 148 MAITLAND RD. S., GODERICH PHONE 524-8812 call us today and save! 1.• • „ t ' 114 .,4*4 144 .1 $1‘iN4\144 L AL62 )1N 14e'a Pq VA 0 41,,q 4..11. A A A dit rts-titi•Arkr.4 Ae,tA 4 ; , .• , „ •,, 4 . s9. -!•$'14-h ts-44,trata rtaim.::gt5.-ZEItetePlel ..„ • ”" These seven youngsters were' confirmed at services held at St. Gorge's Anglican Church- on Sunday. Back row: Bishop Appleyard (Bishop of 'Georgian Bay) and Mark Riley, John Scaman and Rev. Garwood Russell. Front: Cathy Rieck, Dianne Mack, Patti Hills, Nancy Needham and Alio;e Bradley. (Photo -by Bob Legg) St. Helens ,•'" Miss Rosalene Phut' ps, bride -elect was guest of hOnor ,on • Saturday evening at a Comtnunity Shower in ,the St Helens Hall. • Mrs. Ken Grewar, Nanc_and Bradley of Montreal spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey,. Webb. , Mr. ----and Mrs. John _Cameron ..„.....„ were Saturday 'isitors with Mrs: introduced James Doiglas at Mitc'hell. County medical secretaries learn'art Of candle 'making • The April meeting of The Huron County • Medical Secretaries Association was held, ,in' the cafeteria {jhe Clin'toro • Hospital. with-- a • very good attendance. The Mean bership fees for. 1971 were collected. ••••• Mrs', Pauiiiie, McMichael - Mrs. Andrew 'Mowatt Mrs. Frank McQuillin. and Mrs: Don Cameron attended the Nurses' Graduation at Stratford Saturday. They also 'attended their class reunion on the weekend.' • MO tables enjoyed the final, Shoot, _ Party on Thursday evening.' Pie„ and 'coffee- " were enjoyed, at the conclusion. Mr, Dan Rose of Emo was .a Sunday visitor. with Mr, and '‘,Irs. Harvey. Webb. SUNDAY SERVICES • 4 rtt, .11 ••: family that prays together . . stays together • • • UNITED HOLINESS CHURCH 62 Cambria Street North •SOI\IpAY, APRIL 25th 9:50 SUNDAY SCHOOL. _11-.00 a.m. -WORSHIP SERV10E 7:00 - EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Prayer Service - Wednesday 7:30 p.m. `A WELCOME AWAITS YOU" Pastor: REV. 0. H. LEE PHONE 5246887 WESLEY MEMORIAL .CHURCH T HE E'REE METHODIST CHURCH Park Street at Victoria H: Ross Nicholls,Pastor Sunday School 10 a.m. Worship HOU! 1 la.m. Evening Service 7 p.m. WELCOME CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET "A FELLOWSHIP CHURCH" •' CALA.' US IF YOU NEED A RIDE! ` 524,9565 , 10:00 a.m. - .UNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m.- IvIC)R1\11.NG WORSHIP, Regular Evening Service - 7:30 p.m. Bible Study Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. Guest Speaker: REUBEN BRUBACKER Knox Presbyterian Church • THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A„ Minister • WILLIAM CAMERON, Director of Preise SUNDAY, 'APRIL 25th 110;00am. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. - DIVINE WORSHIP. Sermon: "THE PRESBYTERIAN ELDER" (Nursery and Junior COngregation) 0RDINA7ION OF ELDERS 7:30 p.m.- Young People's Society. Enter to Worsnip • Depart to Serve who demonstrated the art of Taking candles. , • A , delicious lunch yvas served b3-7•theC4ton A letter of thanks hasbeen sent to Mr. Englestat for the use • of the hospital. • - The_next meeting to be. held..af The Goderich PsyehiatlYie • Hospitl. SUNDAY MASSES S. lo,Sepli's, Kingsbridge 8 a.ni, 84, 11 a.m. Augustine 11 a.m. St. Mary's, Lucknow 4:30 "a.m. I—BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) MONTREAL STREET near The Square A WEL(OME TQ ALL - 1 School For All. 10:00 a.m. - Adult Bible Class and Church 1000 a.m. - Adult Bibte Class and Church School kSuperyised Nuisery) FAREWELL Minister: Rev. Arthur Maybury, Bethel .Pentecostal Tabernacle. Affiliated with the Pentco#11 Assemblies of Canada 0 CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOOSTS. REV. R. CLARK, Pastor , • 'SUNDAY, APRIL 25th 10:0Q am. - SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11:(76aML MORNING WORSHIP. 7:06 pm. --- EVANGELSTIC SERVICE raesday 8:00 p.m. Bible Study and prayer„ „ Friday 8:00 p.m. YoUng peope'*s Service YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THESE SERVICES • ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH SECOND SUNDAY AFTER EASTER - APRIL, 25, 171 Holy Communion at 8:30 am. Rector's Sunday School Class at 9:45 a.m. Morning Pr-yrVar Serrrfon St 11 a.m. Sunday School andNurSery at 11 Jam. • Organist -Choirmaster: Mr. Paul, C Baker: RUSSELL, FR.RE.C;GGU O!,.L .R..AR:M.'AE :L Rector: V Victoria Street .United Church HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP REV. 'LEONARD WARR 10:00 am: 1 Bible School For All GraSiT 11:00 am: -:-Worship Srvice. With Representativepf Alcoholic Drug Concerns Mr, Rick McKenzie (Nursery and Junior Connregation) BENMILLER UNITED CHURCH 1:30 p.m. - Worship Service and Bible School. ° - CO1\'1,ING! VICTORIA STREET ANNIVERSARY SUKIDAY - MAY 2 - REV. ANNE GRAHAM, D.D. North Street .United Church' REV. ROBERT... RAYMONT SUNDAY, APRIL 25th 9:45 a.m. - Grades four ,and up. 10:55 a.m. - Babies to Grade 3. 11:00 a.m. --MOPING WORSHIP. Guest: TheGODERICH LAKETOWNBAND underthe di-ection of, Bandmaster Charles Kalbfleish Special W.E-L.C-0-114-E Supervised Nursery Ms. Eleanor Hetherington, A.T.CM. Organist "ani Choir Director • Phone J,urch Office and Stutily -5244631 hurch - S4'651 4 ,•9